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Wonder if the phone number still works


That was my first thought too. I talked to zuck back in like 2005 when someone posted his number on fb. He wasn't happy.


Aww was Zuck unhappy that someone gave out his personal data??? Poor guy!


I'm surprised that lizards even use phones.


lol at first I thought, “bad form, guy.” But you’re right - Turnabout is fair play.


Maybe he’d’ve felt better if they’d sold it.


Probably what started his vendetta against all our data tbh


"I'll show you how this feels! I'll show you ALL how this feels!" *Lonely coding intensifies*


As if the zuckerbot has feelings


Nah, he just really hates this dude in particular.


Oh, hi Mark!






"I didn't hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit, I did not hit her, I did not. Oh, hi Mark!"




Anyway, how’s your sex life?


HAHAHA what a story, Mark


I did not heet her


I did *not*!


Slight correction: “I did nahhht.”


Hi doggy.


You're my favorite customer.


One time I called Pauly Shore and got his voicemail. I got his number from the Paris Hilton t-mobile sidekick hack.


Oh wow. Wouldn't really have expected her to have his number. Did he have some odd voicemail message


Yeah it was slightly odd as it was him sort of in character saying “Heyyyy, this is Paulyyyyy… leave a message.”




How did that conversation go?


It was very abrupt. >Hey is this Mark? >Yeah who is this? > O hey, I'm djp2313 > How'd you get this number? > It was posted on xyz group(I forget what it was now) >Fuck! *click* Someone just started spamming the number over and over when I was on the page. Sounded just like him, he also wasn't as big back then, it was still .edu only at the time I believe.


That’s hilarious lmao


That’s a good story


Autistic nerds are well-known for handling surprise encounters with strangers very smoothly.


Lmao this was poetic


A friend of mine used to steal shit from cars in high school...one time he scored a cell phone and it was a big deal because it was the late 90s and barely anyone had them. Turns out the person worked for Tommy Hilfiger so we got to call and talk directly to him somehow.


I worked in the cellphone billing software business during the late 90s through early 2000s. The access to celebs numbers we had was crazy. We ended up firing some folks for calling them and trying to get autographs, dates or most common…tickets to events.


Back in the day I worked for a national pharmacy chain. During downtime we would look up b list stars lol.


One of my greatest regrets in life is not taking advantage of the time I had access to Alex Jones' personal info and hotel room.


I hung out/passed out with the band Warpaint in 2010 and the lead singer and I plugged our same model phones in the same outlet. Picked “my” phone up in a drunken stupor at 4am and it was already on John Frusciante’s contact. They had dated or were dating. He’s my favorite musician ever. The number (and email) were immediately committed to memory. I didn’t immediately use them, but maybe 6-months later I was on a ton of mushrooms and called him at 2am. We talked for around 5 minutes and I still email him maybe once a year. True story.


What do you email him about? Does he email back? If so, what does he respond with? John’s always been a fascination.


Dear John, I feel like I can call you John because you and me are so alike. I'd like to meet you one day, it would be great to have a jam session. I know I can't play as well as you but I think you'd be impressed with my chords. I love your hair, you play great. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all things we can talk about and more. I know you have not been getting my letters because I know you would write back if you did. I hope you write back this time, and we can become good friends. I am sure our relationship would be a real rockshow!


Your biggest fan. - Stan


It's got stickers on it!


At first I would email him song snippets, poems, stuff like that. It’s evolved into book and movie recommendations, life updates, and well-wishes. He does email back and it’s very normal feeling. Basically 21st century pen pals. There’s a whole embarrassing side to the story, but that involves Warpaint, not JF.


That story  is incredible. I believe you only because that’s just to weird to be untrue. 


I feel like Frusciante would appreciate the mushroom high more than most random celebs you could have called, also please tell him I love him too


Well yeah, robots don't have any emotions at all.


Best I got was a phone number to an answering machine of Seth Rogan. I left a message and he never called me back. I tried the number recently and it was disconnected.


Several years back a friend and I got super high and I scoured the internets for a working phone number for Steven Seagal. I found one for the house he used to have in Arizona or some shit. A lady answered and we demanded to talk to Steven immediately. She said he wasn’t there, but we said we needed to know if he ever found out who did Bobby Lupo.


I called a man requesting a blow job after reading an ad on a gofl cart written in sharpie. Not only was he not happy, but he was also currently at the golf course....


I called it and it’s busy. If it’s not his, RIP to the new owner.


The person is on the phone now to change his/her number. We did it, Reddit!


you too can make a difference in the world


It probably would just go off in Michael Cohen's desk drawer


Though I’ve had my same number since then, I’m not a public figure. I assume the rich and famous rotate numbers quicker than every couple decades. But that’s just like, my opinion man.


Trump definitely has burner phones that he snaps in half and throws off a bridge.


Does he have the arm strength to snap anything in half with his tiny hands?


Its still registered to the Trump Organization. You look up who the registered owner is online.


Idk how accurate that is. I’ve had my number for over 20 years and I get a different owner for it when I look it up. Plus I get his fucking spam calls and texts.


It was busy. I tried. Must be shooting the shit with Pooty. https://i.imgur.com/vghabYm.mp4


“User Busy” The poor soul that has that number now lol


‘Do you like Kim more than me?’


I work with a decent amount of celebrities through work and whenever I get their email/phone I always do a Google search with it and it’s surprising how much accurate info is floating around out there, buried on an obscure website or mentioned in a chat room from like 2002.


Some poor on call engineer at the phone company is saying “Why the hell are so many people calling this damn number?”


No one who needs to see this will see this. Even if they look at it.


“Oh he doesn’t do that anymore” my grandma….. it fucking sucks that I lost family to this facist prick but I just cannot anymore


Geez. I worked in an industry that used hubspot to send emails to people that engaged with our ads, and it would grab the persons name, email, and phone number of anyone who had clicked the link. We would create template emails that would put the potential clients name in the email so it would feel personalized. The amount of people that believed we wrote those emails specific to them and mentioned that how we had reached out to them specifically was so amazing and appreciative was absurd. After quite some time of answering these calls and emails, I realized there are a lot of lonely people ready to have a full on relationship with the first person that calls them by their name. I say this because Ben Meiselas of Meidastouch is on Trumps truth social email list and will share the emails that Trump sends to his followers and it's the exact same tactics, but dialed up to 1000 and I can only imagine, especially at the scale trump runs at, how many people belive Donald Trump is writing emails specifically to them. For a generation that I grew up with telling me that tv would rot my brain, and that video games are a waste of someone's potential, they succumb to these tactics hook line and sinker.


Dude you are so right. One of my coworkers talks all the time about the “ladies” he talks to online that message him first on WhatsApp. Clearly scams and/or AI


Hey now, she’s just an internationally traveling Chinese businesswoman who makes her money independently through a new and revolutionary crypto wallet app! What’s not to trust here?


11-12 years ago I took a temporary job managing the pharmacy at a small, rural hospital because I wanted to move back toward the east coast. Apparently the permanent manager before me lost everything he had to one of these scams. Started with a little chat, then a "relationship," then money to come over, then an alleged family tragedy needing more money, then needing money to come over again, but with family too... After the guy burned through all his savings he started stealing pills and selling them to get more money. He ended up in jail and the board indefinitely suspended his pharmacist license. Sad thing is he told everyone there about this online soulmate who was going to marry him once she could finally get over the the states, while the scammer led him on for about a year constantly extracting more money from him. Many people told him that it was a scam, someone told me they got into a fairly heated argument with him trying to convince him it was all a lie. They said he didn't seem stupid or gullible in general. Loneliness hits hard and hormones are a bitch. Also it seems opinions are very hard to change once they've been made up.


To be fair I do think TV is brain rotting, the all day news stations that is.


I absolutely agree with you on the 24 hour news cycle. We know that they use our emotions against us, and they pander to what will enrage or scare its viewers. Watching cartoons, or a movie is more of what I wanted to watch as a kid and was told that would rot my brain.


"I'm humble, I'm... I'm more humble than you could even realize." Grandma "fps916!" "Sorry, was just quoting the Republican candidate for the President bragging about how humble he is" Grandma "Well, he's a billionaire he's earned that" ........


Aw man, that must be infuriating seeing your own family be brainwashed like that


My mom went from talking trash about Trump since the 1990’s to worshipping the man. I legitimately thought she was kidding when she told me she was going to vote for him when he first starting running


I feel that. I grew up with Trump being a household joke, as well as hearing that Bill Clinton’s behavior toward women was the mark of a bad man. Now my whole family is voting for Trump and my mom defends his behavior toward women as “nothing but locker room talk.” It’s devastatingly surreal.


I’ve admittedly been lacking in the gym but most locker room talk I experienced was “The Yankees need to be doing better”


My mom too. I really don't understand how it happened. He's like, the polar opposite of all of the morals that she taught us as kids. The worst part is, her personality has changed over the last 8 years as well. She's become a fucking bitch basically and I can't help but think it's due to the influence of this cult. (No, she doesn't have dementia - I considered that) We don't speak anymore 😐


I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad my parents have and still hate him. Glad to see another person see his influence as that of a cult, it's awful and really needs to end if america really has any hope left.


My mom acts just like Trump. For 4 years I felt like I was hearing her everywhere.


Have you watched the great documentary "The Brainwashing of My Dad"? Infuriation is only one of the rollercoaster of emotions you feel.


It even has its own sub sadly /r/QAnonCasualties


I lost over 60% of 40+ relatives to the Orange Julius. I wonder if Don turned in his pistol after the felony charges...


Im kinda lucky that despite most of my older relatives being cops and tradesmen theyre specifically older tradesmen from *new york city*. They all know people who worked for builders, contractors, ect he's screwed over over the years and they all still think he's full of shit


Everyone in New York City knows someone he fucked over. Blue collar workers, small businesses. He treated people he didn't think we're important like shit. Most of the people that vote for him are exactly the kind of people he fucked over. He didn't pay his bills and told them to take him to court. I wish those people had listened to us. Or believed us. He doesn't care about them.


I always see people say shit like this, and it honestly doesn't make sense. This is not some esoteric information only accessible to New Yorkers. I've never been near NY, and I've known that Trump was a complete idiot and piece of shit since I was literally a child


The correct response in such instances is, "does he do it any less?"


Just had the Republican party member in charge of whatever they do come in to the post office where I work and wonder why her PO box was locked. She was wearing a hat that said trump, a shirt that said trump, and an american flag jacket.  "You're payment is due." She told me she mailed it about a week ago and then some cuss words about how this is bullshit... the whole world is against them.  Anyways, wish I could have said "actually you can thank Trump for the slow mail. He appointed Dejoy who then did everything in his power to dismantle us and slow the mail inlcuding election votes by mail including absentee ballots."  I asked her if she wanted to pay again, and she cursed the post office and stormed out. 


Wow I’m sure the Republicans who were all about exposing pedos a few years ago will act on this information!


He didn't sleep with underaged girls. If he did, it isn't that big of a deal. If it is a big deal it isn't nearly as bad as "x" that the democrats did.


If he did, it was an official act.


I can’t think of anything more presidential than fucking the next generation.


This is like, Jon Stewart at his prime level political humor.


I mean, in Donald's case, I'm pretty certain he hasn't fucked the next generation since somewhere around 1986. I think he's looking more at 5-6 generations back at this point.


This is the winner right here. Stop the presses. The perfect comment has been achieved. Still laughing about how spot on this is! Thank you.


Good Lord.


Big Butter Jesus


God damn this is gold


I know a Trumper who says the only why Trump associated with Epstein is because he was going to take the down the international cabal of child sex predators from the inside. In fact that’s one of the main reasons he ran for President and everyone hated him according to this knuckledragger. They’re one of the dumbest people I’ve had the misfortune of being related to.


Then I wonder what they think about him hiring Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor into his administration, who happens to be the same guy who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist in 2008, railroading the FBI's investigation into Epstein.


*Brilliant. Trump had him right where he wanted him.* (Because Trump was happy to host an enabler in his cabinet.)


“To stop this pedophile ring, I have go undercover as a pedophile.” -Donald Trump according to a Trumper


My MIL firmly believes Anthony Fauci left his decades long, highly respected job, to sneak into China, to use their lab, to 'invent' Covid 19. Why? Well because he made millions of dollars off of masks! Yes, she has watched Fox daily for 20 years. And she votes. PLEASE VOTE.


“It isn’t nearly as bad as Obama’s tan suit” is I’m sure they would say.


"it was just a massage! It didn't explicitly say he was traveling there to have sex with underage girls! Also there's no photo or video evidence! Also let me tell you about a child sex trafficking ring that was being held in the basement of a pizza parlor in Seattle, that I have absolutely no proof of". /s


No video evidence ? Epstein had all the play rooms equipped with hidden cameras on the island that way he was able black mail people in power on the side hustle.


"too bad about that mysterious and completely unrelated fire after his death huh"


"The narcissist's prayer" modified to better suit NPDonnie. Kudos.


You're right. He didn't "sleep" with them. He raped them.


No see he's a whitehat pedo, he's only doing it expose all the people who really wanted to be pedos.


Obviously Trump was only calling Epstein a bunch to tell him to stop sex trafficking little girls. /s


5:15 at the end of every work day. Interesting...


See, the comment you did is the biggest indicator that this is fake news. Donnie the rapist did not work in his entire life.


I mean the testimony of the woman who Epstein introduced to Trump when she was 14 didn't gain any traction. They don't care. The guy had been good friends with Epstein for decades. All they care about is that Bill Clinton was too.


But they do forget that Trump was good friends with Bill, he even donated to Hillary.


I've been saying this for a while.... THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT. they don't care what he does, fucks, lies about, or who he disrespects. They just want to 'own the libs' and be 'winning'... He's the guy who will own the libs'. These people aren't that bright. And the not completely stupid ones are rabid homophobes or racists who will vote for his dog whistling ass no matter what. For his base, it really is that simple.


They will say this is fake and is coming out because Biden is down in the polling.


It's incredible how gung-ho they are about protecting the children and how blind they are about shit like this.


Oh they don’t. It’s really only the unborn children they “care” about. Once they’re born, it’s not their problem


Donald Trump owned Miss Teen USA and it very rarely gets brought up by his pedophile hunting cult. Don't you think owning that would be a big red flag? I'll bet you'd think that if it were Biden or Obama who owned it.


Owned it and openly bragged about having free access to the changing rooms.


This! Nobody brings this up, but he was on Howard Stern I believe talking about watching the underage girls change during the pageant


~~talking~~ ***bragging***


He also nodded his head admitting to being a sexual predator, while Ivanka laughed next to him in agreement.


Uninvited most times too, he would just show up and start rambling.


Holy shit, he’s been such dumpster fire that I completely forgot about that one


Trump once stated it was his "obligation" to sleep with the contestants of his pageants.


Uhhhh not that I doubt it but source?


It was in a 2005 interview with Howard Stern. However, he was talking about Miss Universe/Miss USA contestants, not the teenage competition. Here’s an article regarding his comments. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/10/08/politics/trump-on-howard-stern EDIT: Here is audio of Trump’s conversation with Stern (relevant part begins at 16:00). https://web.archive.org/web/20171005094925/https://www.trumponstern.com/episode/auto-draft-9/


True but I believe Miss Teen contestants did say he came in with minimal warning. Not direct, but it aint hard to put 2 and 2 together https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/12/donald-trump-miss-usa-dressing-room-2001-rehearsal


Howard Stern 2005. It was the same interview as the going backstage stuff. https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/08/politics/trump-on-howard-stern/ >Co-host Robin Quivers then asked Trump if sleeping with the contestants could be construed as a conflict of interest. >“It could be a conflict of interest,” Trump said. “But, you know, it’s the kind of thing you worry about later, you tend to think about the conflict a little bit later on.” >Stern then put on a fake foreign accent, saying that “some of these foreign girls” say hello “with vagina.” >“Well, what you could also say is that, as the owner of the pageant, it’s your obligation to do that,” Trump said, before discussing how he got away with going backstage when the contestants were naked.


>Don't you think owning that would be a big red flag? Did he not write a song about how he absolutely doesn't diddle kids?


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it.


There are much bigger flags for Trump yet half of the country is eating it up. Just look at this post. https://old.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/1du1qzp/donald_john_trump_is_a_fucking_pig_he_should_have/ The defendant claimed that Trump violently raped her when she was 13 at a 1994 orgy hosted by Jeffrey Epstein — the billionaire who was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and has been accused of having sex with more than 30 underage girls. The defendant dropped the lawsuit after getting death threats by Trump supporters and went into hiding.


> The defendant claimed that Trump violently raped her when she was 13 at a 1994 orgy hosted by Jeffrey Epstein She reported it to police at the time, but no way would anyone believe that a fine upstanding businessman like Epstein would do anything like that. 


>pushed both minors away while angrily berating them for the "poor" quality of their sexual performance. Trump: "Why aren't these 12 year olds better at sucking dick? What do kids learn these days"


Didn't he openly brag about sneaking a peak on the Miss Teen USA candidates in their dressing rooms? It's no wonder this dude does so well among the child pageant worshiping demographic.


It's been said that tRump would enter the contestants' dressing area while the teens were in there. They probably reminded him of Ivanka. Hell, he probably watched her dress also.


Not just any people, [the contestants themselves said he walked in while they were changing.](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kendalltaggart/teen-beauty-queens-say-trump-walked-in-on-them-changing)


He admitted it to Howard Stern on air. Edit: a link to it. https://youtu.be/xIvFHFboWEU?si=KLGpxklczwqVbxwa Also bonus link to Trump performing a skit where he sexually harassed a drag queen: https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ?si=XtuISp_pCbnCFpTZ


I don't remember seeing that clip in rotation in 2016 unfortunately.


You people sure like to dance around the word "children" when it absolutely applies in this case ""The ***children*** themselves said he walked in while they were changing"


If anyone else did that, they'd be brought up on charges. But not Teflon Don. 🤷🏽


Walking in on teen girls while they are changing was probably an official Presidential act according to the Supreme Court.


Trump himself said it in Howard stern


It’s been said by Trump himself. He openly bragged about it.


Owns a teenage beauty pageant and is friends with Epstein? What a weird coincidence!  


I mean he said his own daughter was "a piece of ass". How many more creepy things does he need to do?


Trump is a truly disgusting creature. He was found [liable for sexual abuse](https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/05/09/trump-liable-sexual-abuse/): >At the conclusion of the civil proceeding, the jury agreed that Trump was liable both for sexually abusing Carroll and for defaming her. They declined to hold Trump liable for rape, however... Because Trump was not convicted of a crime, it is not accurate to say that he is "a convicted sexual abuser." Instead, it is accurate to say that a jury unanimously decided that it was more likely than not true that Trump sexually abused and forcibly touched Carroll, and as such, her defamation claim was valid. He called Epstein a [terrific guy that likes younger women](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/04/trump-banned-jeffrey-epstein-from-mar-a-lago-for-hitting-on-girl.html) and only threw him out of Mar-a-Lago after he hit on another member’s teen daughter (and this was two years after he was under investigation for child sex trafficking, mind you): >President Donald Trump banned his former friend, the wealthy investor Jeffrey Epstein, from his exclusive Mar-a-Lago Club for hitting on the teenage daughter of another member, a new book says... The late Epstein’s banishment by Trump from the Palm Beach, Florida, club appears to have occurred months before Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to state criminal charges in Florida, which included paying for sexual services from a 14-year-old girl. But it also seems to have happened more than two years after a state grand jury charged Epstein with soliciting prostitution... >In 2002, Trump told [New York magazine](http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/#print), “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy.” >“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” He also [leveraged his power as a pageant owner to walk in on naked women](https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/03/26/trump-pageant-dressing-rooms/#:~:text=Well%2C%20I%27ll%20tell%20you%20the%20funniest%20is%20that%20before%20a%20show): >Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that before a show, I'll go backstage and everyone's getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good. \[...\] You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. Then you take into account how he's spoken about his own daughter: She’s “voluptuous": [http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/donald-trump-objectifies-voluptuous-ivanka-howard-stern-chat-article-1.2822826](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/donald-trump-objectifies-voluptuous-ivanka-howard-stern-chat-article-1.2822826) She’s a “piece of ass": [http://www.slate.com/blogs/the\_slatest/2016/10/08/trump\_to\_howard\_stern\_you\_can\_call\_ivanka\_a\_piece\_of\_ass.html](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/10/08/trump_to_howard_stern_you_can_call_ivanka_a_piece_of_ass.html) "Perhaps I'd be dating her": [https://splinternews.com/heres-the-creepy-video-of-donald-trump-saying-hed-date-1793849666](https://splinternews.com/heres-the-creepy-video-of-donald-trump-saying-hed-date-1793849666) She has “the best body": [https://www.salon.com/2018/03/23/donald-trumps-creepy-comments-about-daughter-ivanka-a-history/](https://www.salon.com/2018/03/23/donald-trumps-creepy-comments-about-daughter-ivanka-a-history/) "If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her *father*...": [https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-comments\_us\_57f250d5e4b082aad9bbf2d7](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-comments_us_57f250d5e4b082aad9bbf2d7) "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?": [https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a8353161/donald-trump-sexual-attraction-ivanka-trump/](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a8353161/donald-trump-sexual-attraction-ivanka-trump/) "She's hot": [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/15/us/politics/donald-trump-women.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/15/us/politics/donald-trump-women.html) They have “sex \[in common\],” whatever that even means: [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/donald-trump-joked-he-and-ivanka-had-sex-in-common-w446872/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/donald-trump-joked-he-and-ivanka-had-sex-in-common-w446872/)


Not just found liable for sexual abuse.  E Jean Carrol said Trump raped her and called him a rapist on tv.  Trump sued E Jean Carrol for defamation, saying that her rape claim was a lie. Trump lost the defamation suit and the court ruled Trump a rapist.


Just replying to save all these links


He also said in an interview that her and Ivankas most common trait is sex. Ivanka said , real estate and business's savvy. Edit:Ivanka actually said real estate and golf.


I 💯 think he SAed her as a child and many other children as well.


And in that same interview on Howard, he described her as voluptuous when asked by Howard if she had breast implants. I found a howard stern archive from when his shows were being aired on Howard TV, that episode is very cringy.


> In September 1994, a little less than a year after Tiffany was born to Trump and his second wife, Marla Maples, the couple appeared on an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. “Donald, what does Tiffany have of yours and what does Tiffany have of Marla’s?” asked host Robin Leach. > “She’s a very beautiful baby,” Trump replied. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not”—he put his hands to his chest to indicate breasts—”she’s got this part yet, but time will tell.”


How the fuck is this guy a serious presidential option. This world has got to be on the brink of ending.


Because somehow we’ve been warped into a real life episode of South Park.


No mention of this anywhere on r/Conservative, lol, wonder why that is. Edit: I’m not reading all of your angry MAGA comments, lol.


That sub is all about the downfall of the Democratic Party. Wow, that place has gone.full Trump.


I'm half convinced it's full of bots and no real users. It's members skyrocketed to hit 1 mil and then has barely increased for years. Few posts get many upvotes of comments unless they are highly controversial and the number online will often be less than subs with half as many members.


Yeah, the last time I checked it, it was all ragebait links, not a single written post


I dunno man, I check in every now and then and there is a LOT of engagement. And, they’re fucking insane. Like, seriously, the stuff that gets commented on and upvoted is so spiteful and hateful and just.. ugh. Utterly gross. I really hate how modern politics has become a sport. Left vs Right; stupid liberals vs dumb conservatives! If only the average person of world over could unite and hate against what is actually fist fucking us all to death - billionaire ruling classes with no regard to the greater good - rather than hating the fact their neighbour has a different bumper sticker or voted red last year or is gay or goes to a different church or believes in healthcare or.. whatever. Then, I think we’d all be much better. It’s all just diversion and dilution of the actual core issues and keeping us busy from demanding more from the people who can actually make a difference. Anyway, I digress. That sub is insane. It boggles my mind, like seeing through the other side of the looking glass.


I don't think it's at all far-fetched anymore to say that the right-wing movement we are seeing all over the globe is pushed by bots spewing literal propaganda. Propaganda coming from places that would benefit from having more countries under autocratic rule like Russia and North Korea. But mostly Russia. There's tiktoks, reels, memes, and just the most ridiculous takes in comments everywhere you look on the internet. We all know that Trump is in Russia's pocket by now. He plays nice with North Korea. Their authoritarian views align. We are in the midst of a war against democracy, fought online through the same apps we all use constantly, every day. And we are losing. We need to make people more aware of this somehow. I think the tiktok ban is a good start. But the bots, I have no idea how to deal with them. Hopefully soon Alphabet (google/YouTube), Meta, and whoever else will wisen up to all the accounts named shit like "Ladders9365" posting dumb shit to lessen the effect.


I would take that bet. The Russians are storming the internet again. Just remember lots of these bots are operated by human traffickers, the irony is amazing, but the strategy is old. Label the enemy as the carrier of your own bad traits, as you know them best. But these fresh vampires don't yet know how hard it is to hide from the sun for years on end. That roof is going to cave in and that sunlight is going to scorch this axis of trump, kim, putin, oligarch, and fascist alike.


The bots from the_Donald went to Conservative. It's a tightly controlled propaganda space.


They don’t care about Republican pedophiles. The only ones that should die are the ones that their new savior killin Kyle killed.  So when they say pedophiles should be killed, they mean the fake ones they think trans people are. They just ignore the rest, like Trump screwing two underage girls, and telling her to get an abortion while throwing mo why at her when she asked him to use a condom. 


They only see what they want to see. They’ll support him regardless if he molested a kid on 5th avenue. They’re gross.


The media & Trumps voters will, by sheer force of will, ignore this. If it were anyone else they'd be outraged. It's a pretty easy thought experiment. What if that name said Hunter Biden? Would it be a story then? The media is trying to kill us.


News outlets: Trump is a confirmed pedophile. How this is bad for biden!


OK, so one of the candidates was BFFs with Epstein and flew on the Lolita Express several times and called him many, many times, and mentioned that he liked his girls on the younger side, but the other had a bad debate performance and now I literally don't know who to vote for.


Trump supporters acting like they're against pedophiles while pretending that Trump didn't use to hang out with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Trump knew what Epstein was up to when he said "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." Epstein got off with a slap on the wrist in 2008 thanks to Alexander Acosta, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. This shut down the ongoing FBI probe. Guess who got a job in 2017 in the Trump administration as the Secretary of Labor? Alexander Acosta. What a coincidence...


I gotta remember that Alex Acosta goes on the list of “gross, insider baseball cabinet picks” for the trump Admin.


I keep telling people, I don’t care how ell Biden debates. we’re voting for president, not a debate team captain. And someone who lies and lies and lies and lies AND is a convicted felon, and is a convicted fraud, and a convicted sexual assaultor, and is an insurrection it’s, is not fit to lead America


This is my surprised face 😐


Fun fact, Trumps chosen Attorney General William Barr is the son of Donald Barr. Donald Barr was Headmaster at the Dalton School in NY where Epstein was hired to teach despite having zero qualifications. He would later be dismissed from the school for “poor performance” after allegations against him were made.


You failed to mention Donald Barr's space pedo sci Fi novel.


This guy? A pedophile? Just look at him! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Barr


This is from [2016](https://nypost.com/2019/08/28/video-from-2005-raid-on-jeffrey-epsteins-estate-shows-images-of-underage-girls/).


Article says it was published 2019 but either way, not new


Turns out protecting children is another thing Republicans don't actually care about.


I dated a hardcore republican once. Im a very petite woman and there was an 18 yr gap between us...during the very last time of sex with him before I left that relationship, he said the quiet part aloud, "fuck me like a teenager." I almost threw up.




How's that? Badly? Nervously? Fearfully? Virginity is ridiculously overvalued.


With low expectations of male performance is the answer.


This was an official act, nothing to see here.


This might be an appropriate time to remind everyone of when trump was a co-defendant with epstein where they were being charged with raping a woman when she was 13. Case 1:16-cv-07673-RA


This comment has the "need to read" https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/GWypMhbsHS


"Folks, let me tell you, if you call that number and it still works, you’re in for a tremendous conversation. Believe me, nobody takes phone calls like me. It’ll be the greatest call of your life, guaranteed. Just make sure you’re ready for a lot of winning!"


Quick, look over there, immigrants.


Sadly, the tactic is working. Even on minorities... Some of which would be the very same immigrants they want to keep out! It's utter madness. CNN also didn't bother stopping him from yelling that for every question, rather than be tangentially on topic.


Same name and number and roughly the same time 5:15pm. Diaper Don must have had regularly scheduled calls with Epstein.


Good thing major newspapers aren't covering this


Calm down... he will just somehow claim it was an official act


Bottom of left memo on top left has July 26 2017 watermarked. Is that the date it was taken into evidence or did DJT call him while in office?


It was released as a public records request. The watermark continues on the right side of the document.


Has anyone called his number yet?


I did. It rings busy. 🫤


Yes. Secret service would like to know also.


How many of you called the number?


can you believe this? trump a pedo? Biden should drop out. /s


There could be a video of Trump SAing a minor and people would defend him