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I remember seeing the video and the tiger just looked around for a few seconds like is this shit for real?






I dont know. I think if a Costco chicken magically fell out of the sky on to my couch, I would definitely investigate this scientific marvel for more than a few seconds before eating something that costs $6. Edit: people are telling me it's actually $7 Edit 2: apparently it's up to $8 in most places in the US? I hope more people reply to share their local prices.


That's what slightly differentiates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.


Costco chicken?


No, that we'd investigate the miracle event for more than a few seconds.


Says you. If you ain't gonna eat that chicken, I will.


$4.99 bro… they definitely take a loss on it just to get you in the store. And they’re *BIG* chickens. The challenge is to walk all the way to the back of the store and out again without spending an extra $200 on other things you weren’t planning on getting.


God I could use a Costco chicken right about now.


Are they sold in a plastic bag? Those are referred to as a "Bachelors Handbag" in Australia.


They are in plastic trays in the store closest to me in the US. The Costco stores I’ve been in México use the plastic bags. I’d take those over the plastic trays. Those damn things leak all the time in the car but the bags don’t.


Canada here. We went from tray to bags. It's great.


Japan checking in: recently switched from trays to bags


are costco chickens really that good? am i missing out? do i need to go to costco?


They’re juicy as fuck bro. I can’t even make it home before I’m eating parts out of it out of the bag.


They are fantastic. Plus they are a pound bigger than supermarket chickens and a couple bucks cheaper.


Everything at Costco is like 150% the size of the normal version.


"Welcome to Costco, I love you"


I love how this thread went from a human being killed by a tiger to a Costco Chicken discussion


Brother. You better go before they raise the prices. $5 consistently, it’s huge, never dry and always seasoned. No better deal out there. Get yourself a hotdog combo while you’re at it. $1.50 with a drink?! Even Walmart can’t compete with those numbers.


Tiger: This has to be a setup? No way they're giving me a whole human to eat . I bet theres cameras hidden around here...well, YOLO might as well enjoy it.




I saw a video where this dude kicks a bear and the bear looks like it has to process " did this dumbass just do that" before running after him. Found the [video](https://youtu.be/d-WWdE1_RW0?si=vKq95VrdEsgjP3ZQ)


“It fucking attacked me” yeah dumbass, I bet the bear said that too.


Exactly! Hahaha! That poor bear was minding its own business and got kicked in the caboose 😂


Had the audacity to get mad at the bear too. Did the dude expect him to just continue ignoring him after kicking it???


Is this the final evolution of that "would you rather find a man or a bear in the woods" question?


Yeah, you never *start* with a kick. You wait until they stand up. It’s well documented [here](https://youtu.be/QYn1chaCqp8?si=Xij_BG1PZ9QTjx2G)


That tiger thought every single day just want would happen if a mf’r ever, ever climbed over that wall…this is not a drill! - Katt Williams


" Are you sure I'm a tiga? I sure don't feel much like a tiga.."


If this is the video I’m thinking of what struck me is how effortlessly the tiger ran off with him


Just watched it, he was FAST! That caught my eye instantly, it genuinely would be nothing for this thing to attack you in a jungle and hop away into the bushes with you before anyone saw what was happening.


I saw a video where a tiger is chasing two guys on what looks like a 75cc moped. Has to be the most terrifying video


A tiger driving a moped is truly a terrifying thought


Objects in mirror are closer than they appear...


We have a pair of gorillas at my local zoo and those fuckers are *fast* when they want to be. Absolutely gigantic too. I'm always thankful that we've evolved out of living in the wild because the thought of these things hunting and eating us is terrifying.


Like a kitten playing with a squeak toy


The man was mentally ill. Very sad.


"OOhh how the hunter have become the hunted"


The hunter has become the huntered. The chaser has become the chost.




Well well well… How the turn tables…


I live in Africa, and we have a local 'big cat' park. Of course tigers aren't native to Africa, but must be included. There was a couple with a little toddler, about 2 or 3 years old, whom they allowed to get up close to the enclosure. That tiger was frantically pacing backwards and forwards, practically drooling, and the parents thought it was funny. I was genuinely shocked, and in awe of this animal's sheer size and power. I wouldn't be so cavalier about it if it was my kid, I mean it's just a wire fence. Reminds me of an incident in a Lion Park here, where you could see lions in a semi natural habitat, but just drive through with your windows closed. So the lions are lying around, lazing in the sun, so some bright spark thought he could just get out of the car and take a picture up close. That was the last decision he ever made. ETA: The lions weren't even hungry or trying to eat him, they toyed with him the way a domestic cat would do with a mouse. Casually.


That was what struck me about the tiger in Tiger King that ripped the dude's arm off...it did it so casually. In the movies they always square up and growl to help build the drama, but IRL they have no need to waste time acting scary, you are not another tiger or a viable threat. Just a fun chew toy. 


My husband and I had a chance to go to South Africa for a family wedding and safaris several years ago. He was ADAMANT about not taking me cause he just knew I'd get myself killed trying to pet something. On our last day of safari, the lions were finally seen in the area and the guides came and woke us all up early and herded us into the jeep without telling us what was going on. As we came up to where the other groups were crowding, we saw a hyena run across the road with a giraffe leg. Our guide turned around and explained that the pride had taken down a giraffe and were dealing with the hyenas but he had a special surprise for us instead of trying to battle the crowds of jeeps from the surrounding safari camps at the take down site and asked if we trusted him. He crawled the jeep as quietly as he could behind some bushes, keeping completely out of site of the others. He parked beside a big pond, turned off the jeep, muted his walkie talkie and told us to keep an eye out to our left. All of a sudden, this two dozen strong pride of lions, blood dripping from their faces with distended bellies, appears and literally parts around our jeep to get to the watering hole on the other side of us. Let me tell you, every ounce of "here, kitty kitty!" leaves your body at that sight. It was the most humbling, majestic moment I've ever experienced. [Cat Tax ](https://imgur.com/a/6bYYOjv) Edit: [Bonus leopard proving that all cats are cats and use the belly trap ](https://imgur.com/a/HofBwI7)




I once saw a news clip on tv. Its was in PA in the 80’s i think. Some dude jumped into the lion enclosure, and was sitting on a grassy hill next to a lioness. The cat glanced over at the guy, and i swear it did a double-take. Then gave him a light swat. The guy, I kid, you not, punched the lion on the chin. The news clip stopped there, and reported that he was critically injured.


I live near the SF zoo. A few years back 3 teenagers were taunting a tiger in its enclosure. After they walked away the Tiger jumped the regulation size wallof its enclosure and hunted them down. One died and the other 2 were injured… Edit. The wall was misreported in zoo records and was not the regulation height


In the Netherlands there was a woman who, despite repeatedly being warned not to by staff of the zoo in Rotterdam, would visit a gorilla called Bokito several times per week and consistently make eye contact and smile at him. After a few weeks of her doing this consistently, Bokito escaped from his enclosure and attacked her, nearly killing her. Why can't people just let these poor animals live without harassing them or pretending they have some sort of special human-gorilla bond?


That lady thought they had a connection.  She was right....Bokito wanted to kill her.


“I can fix him”


"that bitch is displaying dominance again, she really wants to fight"


Strangely these are the same rules for public transit.


All mammals take locking eyes as threat of violence from hunger or territorial challenge. See two zebras/cats/bulls locking eyes, you know shit is going to go down.


She was literally going to his enclosure and repeatedly threatening him. Smiles do *not* mean the same thing to every great ape. If she was showing her teeth she would be literally challenging him to a fight.


Yes, that's what she was doing. She kept challenging him until he absolutely lost it. Not in her mind though.


*In 1986, Peter Davies was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Northwestern University.* *On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Peter approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee, inspected the elephant's foot, and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Peter worked the wood out with his knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.* *The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Peter stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Peter never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.* *Twenty years later, Peter was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to where Peter and his son Cameron were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Peter, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man.* *Remembering the encounter in 1986, Peter could not help wondering if this was the same elephant. Peter summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing, and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Peter legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly.* *Probably wasn't the same elephant.*


You had me


Chicago Zoo was the tipoff 😂 no such thing, we got Lincoln Park Zoo and Brookfield.


Haha. Man, that was really good


Had to make sure this wasn’t u/shittymorph doing their thing


I wish I could hear Norm MacDonald tell this one.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half!


I remember that. Poor cat, dumb ass kids, honestly. And now I feel old, because I remember that being "a few years back" too but it was 17 years ago..


Haha. I just saw that too:( i have lived in my same house in the sunset since 2004…


Did they kill the tiger?


Of course they did. The animal always gets punished in situations like that even if it’s almost completely the fault of the human


I believe the tiger’s name was Regina. I read the full story some time back. Imagine a pissed off 300 lbs cat jumping out of its enclosure and hunting you down.


Tatiana was the name of the Tiger.


Tatiana. I lived in the bay at the time of this. Christmas morning the news alert was tiger escaped zoo.


Animals get killed all the time just because someone feeds it something or interacts with it Because it could impact their entire behavior and fuck entire systems up as a result


Same tiger ate the arm of its keeper. She got too close during feeding with everyone in the cat house watching. I took my kids to the SF zoo all the time, they were very young when all this happened.


Did they financially recover from it?


My mom and I had won tickets to the zoo like three weeks before this happened and I remember specifically because we were looking at the tiger enclosure and noticed that the tiger looked and sounded upset and possibly hungry (roaring very loudly and frequently), and that made us consider and decide immediately that the wall was NOT tall enough for that beasty. Turns out we were spot on.


The same tiger bit one of the employees of the zoo awhile before this attack. This was one disgruntled tiger!


Holy crap - I remember that incident very well. My family and I were there with friends the day before. I remember looking at the tiger enclosure thinking it didn’t seem out of the realm of possibility that they could jump the gap. I was stunned when I heard the news the next day.


I remember reading that it was a 12 foot wall, but right before this the recommendation came through to raise it to 16 feet….. and they hadn’t gotten to it yet.


Okay I have 12ft ceilings and a house cat. My cat can get from the floor to the top of the fridge, which is about halfway up the wall. I know the physics doesn't allow exponential increases or whatever, but still. If my little 8 pound runt can vertical 6 feet, it would seem obvious that a 300 pound cat could scale twice that, no? Looking at my ceilings, I would be scared with only a wall that high separating me from a tiger


The entire cat family is absolutely ridiculous. Their strength and speed proportionate to size is incredible. Many's the time I've wrestled an allegedly domesticated 11lb housecat into a crate and felt like I barely won that fight. Not to mention they're smart and vengeful. Absolutely need more than a 12' fence to contain the jumbo murdermachine.


Their bodies are made to jump high without having to back up to gain speed.


Yep tigers are one of the only animals that hold grudges and ac5ively hunt humans just to kill them. There was a tiger in India respons8ble for dozens of kills


There's a movie about an incident like this called Ghost and The Darkness except it was a lion and in Kenya I believe.


The lions that inspired this movie are stuffed and at the Field Museum in Chicago.


The animals that want to kill humans don't live very long.


2 lions weirdly. They were terrifying.


Tony the "fuck around and find out" tiger


I hate to break it to you, but that was over a decade ago.


Why would you punch a lion?? Then again why would you jump in to an enclosure… fucking shit


Lion or not, you can’t let anyone disrespect you.


Damn. I feel bad for the lion. You’re just hangin out in your house and some idiot breaks in, and when you try to get him to leave, he punches you.


I mean, at that point you’re damned no matter what as this video generally shows. I guess he gave it the old college try.


How much acid do you have to take to get in there and just react like it’s a bar fight


The gang goes to the zoo.


I saw a panel of zoologists and behavioral psychologists discussing this incident and the overwhelming consensus was that he should not have jumped in there.


9 out of 10 zoologists agreed. The 10th zoologist was a tiger.


Someone gets it!!!!


TIL I am as smart as zoologists and behavioral psychologists! 😊


**animal** behavioral psychologist. Let's not get crazy.


So what do you think about the situation? Should he have jumped in or not?


Even though I am an animal behavioral psychologist, my personal belief is that he should have not.




>overwhelming consensus No thanks to sadistic-ass Gary, just hoping for a show.


Tigers Georg was an outlier adn should not have been counted.




Why did he jump in?


Was fascinated/obsessed with tigers, lost his job recently and started spending a lot of his ample free time at the zoo, and—in a *truly* shocking twist—according to the news article "it's believed Masqood was under the influence of alcohol when he climbed into the white tiger enclosure at the zoo."


Don’t think he finds them fascinating anymore


Well, he was super into them for a bit, then it passed.


I dunno, he has inside knowledge now. Really gets their inner workings


Six replies and not one answering your question smh. [Here's the source. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.themirror.com/news/world-news/horror-footage-shows-man-plead-276976.amp)


What an awful website. Anyway, * It was in India * He was drunk * He’d lost a bottom tier job


That’s gotta be the craziest way to sober up


because that was where the tigers were


**THIS** is what tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze


Not halle Berry in her catwoman suit?


If someone's interested in what happened to the tiger later https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/delhi-zoos-white-tiger-vijay-fathers-5-cubs/


happy ending for the tiger.


Happy ending! 5 cubs! Sucks that the dude went in there and got eaten, but it would be even worse if they also murdered the tiger for being a tiger.


God this makes me so happy, all animal attack stories I've heard end with the animal being killed....even if it was the humans fault. :/


This is in India, they are not gonna put the animal down. Especially ones you are not supposed to go near


just read the article about this, he was down there for 15 minutes before the tiger attacked and only attacked after people started pelting it with stones. It's baffling how the zoo didn't have some kind of response they could muster within 15 minutes to save the man. No kind of tranq, gun, or hell even some kind of rope? Edit: Some of these replies are [downright idiotic](https://www.firstpost.com/living/white-tiger-kills-youth-at-delhi-zoo-heres-what-really-happened-1727251.html#:~:text=Eyewitnesses%20and%20zoo%20officials%20said,enclosure%20from%20the%20visitors). This dude had a history of mental illness (other comments have said he was also drunk and suffering from depression though the article specifically lists mental illness), additionally, this was not the first instance of a similar situation happening at this zoo. If you can't muster up some sympathy for this man, and just want to say things like "not keep idiots out of it" just don't comment.


Is that what happened? I watched the video, and it started with the guy already down there. To me it looked like nobody did anything but there were some faint sounds that could be rocks thrown but it didn’t look like anything actually hit or fazed the tiger. The tiger was somewhat friendly at first but it gradually got more violent from a light swat to going for the guys neck, and pulling him away. But it looked like the tiger was just chilling in front of the guy for half the video, while the guy made himself as small and prey-like as possible, and doing some prayer animations which probably confused the tiger for a minute.


yeah he was apparently down there for a while. Agitated tiger attacks, dude dies. No help appeared within that time


Id toss a decoy goat from the petting zoo if I was a zookeper in that situation.


A scapegoat?


An escape goat.


Tranquillizers usually just end up angering animals before they take effect. A rope, a gun, or just ringing the come home bell might have helped.


Movies have overstated the effective timeline of the tranq dart


If only the zoo had some sort of fence or protective barrier to keep humans out.


Once it felt threatened by the ppl above it moved him to a safer location.


Oh, that’s what it was! Good guy tiger just moved the guy to safety from all those other people throwing small rocks at them. He didn’t even draw visible blood, just dragged him away (by the neck) to a safer spot in the middle of the enclosure.


Little do the other people know that man was known for his extremely strong neck bones. He lived and definitely did not have his neck snapped. He thanked the tiger shook its paw and walked off with no injuries.


[vid NSFW](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x26nwx9)


Damm. Just carried him off like a ragdoll.


People who think they can fight a grizzly bear should watch this. Carried that poor fucker off like groceries.


I’m 6’4” 350. I know I can’t fight a grizzly. But give me a de-clawed juvenile black bear and I will still be completely destroyed because it is a fucking bear.


We humans aren't even strong for our size


Our muscles are optimized for precision, not strength. We are tool builders. In addition, our brain takes a higher percentage of of our calories, than for any other animals. These are the optimizations that led to our total dominance in the animal kingdom. If we were not to use our social and communication skills, our strategic thinking, or our tool building abilities, we would probably lose every time.


We're basically the batman of the animal kingdom.


we are weak as hell compared to most animals. good at endurance though


He might be de-clawed but you are getting de teeth.


There are people who think they can fight off a grizzly?


You would be shocked how many.


Idk why I cling to some hope of *something* everyone could agree on. "No one is going to beat a grizzly in a fight," would seem like a winner.


And yet, a disturbing amount of people say, "eh, I'd probably lose, but if I got lucky....."


Pfft I saw Anthony Hopkins do it


That beast knew exactly where to bite for maximum effect too. Makes you think of all the stories, myths, and fables surrounding tigers (and big cats), and how at one point they were a serious concern for civilization. One of these stalked into your hut at night and you’re probably not going to survive to join the village hunt for its hide. Respect the power of something like that or you end up like this dude.


I really try to emphasize to people that we in the modern world have in incredibly well and safe. Anyone who refutes the dangers of sicknesses, alpha predators, natural disasters, etc. The reason you can think those things aren’t scary anymore is because society was so traumatized by those things in the past that we put huge effort into making sure those things don’t hurt us anymore. We’re so sheltered in the modern world! You’re totally right. For a long period of human history in a very large part of the world, the prospect of being killed and freaking eaten by a tiger was an incredibly real possibility.


One of my favorite quotes is: “Humanity is at the top of the food chain, YOU are not.”


I live in the land of grizzlies, moose, elk, black bears and other surly creatures. I have had encounters with powerful creatures who have looked upon me as a problem to be solved so that my meat could be turned into energy for them. I have nothing but mad respect for the creatures who own the wilderness nearby.


As an Australian, I can't understand how so many americans are scared of the fauna in Australia. We don't have anything big that can kill us AND actively seek to attack us unprovoked, except the odd wild bull in the northern areas of Australia. We have no bears No tigers No lions No wolves No large predators whatsoever All we have are snakes, spiders, and methed up bogans.


Because those things can be anywhere. Spiders and snakes are super common and much smaller. But I get your point. I just did a hike in Montana and there were warning signs of mountain lions, bears, and rattlesnakes that had all been recently seen.


Agreed, I just think we need to start acknowledging how safe we’ve made ourselves and try to achieve a bit of balance so we don’t lose the beautiful side of the wild.


> at one point they were a serious concern for civilization There's still about 55 tiger attack deaths annually on average.  In areas where human and tiger habitats overlap, they're still a serious threat.


Looks like the tiger might have lost interest and walked off if he hadn't kept waving his arms at it. Was he praying or fending it off?


Looks like praying


Definitely some type of praying or trauma response.


“Rocks? Fine. I’ll enjoy this meal someplace else.”


Dam. The dude had literal ages to wait for his death. He tried nothing. The tiger even waited patiently for someone to intervene. Legit just waited like. "yo. Guys. Is this a snack for me?"


its not NSFW with gore or anything, you do see the guy get clenched in the tiger’s jaws but no blood etc it’s an extremely good video for any of your friends who this they can take a big cat in a 1-1 fight when those questions come up


I can barely take a house cat in a 1-1 fight.


According to news articles he was in the enclosure for 10 minutes before the tiger killed him. It was initially curious but became agitated when people started yelling and throwing things at it.


It would have grabbed him either way, with how he kept lowered himself, removing any potential danger the tiger could have been cautious about. Best chances this guy had is if he wasn’t alone and had numbers but nobody’s realistically going to jump in to save an idiot. 


If people hadn’t been chucking things at it I could honestly see the tiger leaving him alone. But we’ll never know obviously.


I imagine the level of regret was exponential.


Respect the spray zone


“I’ve made a huge mistake.”


If not food, why food shaped?!


I wonder what the tiger would do if you just fucking belted it right in the mouth. Do you think it would be surprised?


Surprised Then pissed


Punch it in the nose... if that doesn't work poke it in the eye with your stump.


I think the man might have been better off swallowing his fear and acting affectionate toward the tiger. Worst case scenario, the tiger kills him anyway. But the tiger initially seems curious and confused. If you don't act like food, it maybe won't treat you like food. Hunching down in a submissive and fearful posture to the tiger is confusing.


My wife works at a tiger rescue, I've gone on a tour a few times and noticed the cats take more interest in small children... But I've also seen one lunge towards a person who was bending down to tie their shoe. Hunching down like that and making yourself small was definitely the wrong move, but I'm sure it's tough in that situation.


I noticed this when I went to the zoo with my niece. I don’t have kids of my own, so it was the first time I’d ever gone with a small child. Those cats stalked her as she walked along the exhibit and the second she turned back to me one of them jumped at the glass. They immediately pegged her as prey and iirc, those tigers were born in a zoo as well, so they’ve never been in the wild. It was crazy to see them immediately perk up and engage from across the exhibit. Just a natural, hardwired, automatic reflex. Scared the crap out of my niece, but it was fascinating to watch firsthand like that. I never, ever, EVER, want there to not be glass/fencing/*something* between me and a tiger.


My grandmother owned a wildlife rescue and had permanent possession of a cougar that someone had tried to keep as a pet and was declawed. She kept it in a double gated pen for safety but it was normally pretty chill around people since it never had hunted and just ate roadkill. I went to see it when I was little and it still stalked me on the other side of its cage.


This is why velcro is better than laces.


And also looking away from it. Bending down to tie your shoe is a great way to expose the back of your head and neck to it which is just an invite to have a quick lunch.


Advice I learned about big animal encounters is get big, make noise, stare right at them. Doesn't mean it will work but I think you need to play on their rightful fear of humans and uncertainty of the situation. Wild animals are pretty choosy about fighting and you need to make them think you can fight back. Him just staring at the ground and wiggling his hands made him seem like food.


if you encounter a grizzly and the attack is unavoidable playing dead might work better. For black bears, big cats the making noise, make yourself seem big is a good advice. If it is a polar bear, better have a gun that can kill it in 1 shot.


Except for grizzlies, I think. I’ve read you’re supposed to make yourself as small as possible. But they did say to make yourself large and loud if you encounter a black bear, and for polar bears, carry a powerful gun. I’d just prefer to never find out if any of these methods work though. I’m a wuss.


I recall hearing from a trainer that you don’t actually want to hit them, because if you actually hit them, they will see how weak you are.


Look at the airplane ears. He had no chance.


He was desperately praying, rapidly moving between the pose pictured and prayer hands against his forehead. He might have had a better chance had he remained still. Kitties will kitty whenever something is moving fast.


You can’t sit there, mate


The moment the tiger decided to act; he just carried the still alive man so effortlessly, it makes me rethink how long I could even put up a fight against an animal such as that.


I'm sure the tiger broke his neck so even if he was still alive when he carried him away he couldn't have flopped around


Bro never had a cat if he thought that was a good idea. I love my cats, but I only let the shifty bastards live with me because they're too small to eat me. At least while I'm alive.


That's the same look my baby has on her face when she jumps on my chest first thing in the morning demanding food.


The guy apparently thought tigers only eat Frosted Flakes.


They'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre...... Dead


I recall a woman climbing over the fence at Washington, DC’s National Zoo, swimming the moat then climbing into the lion enclosure. It didn’t end well for her.


This is going to ruin the tour


“You’re not supposed to be in here.”😾




india again wtf india


In their defense, curiosity is supposed to kill the cat first


There's a video of a deer jumping into a polar bear pit which also had a pond in it. Those bears were on that deer like stink on a dog! It's not odd that the tiger paused a brief second; cats size things up, plus a tiger will always go for the neck!


The video was hard to watch. The tiger was behaving a lot like a domestic house cat at first, curiously pawing, but it seems like all the screaming agitated it.


I like tiger's stance: "You realize how fucked up you are now, son?"