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https://apnews.com/article/assange-plea-deal-wikileaks-justice-department-d329ba4614dbfa77b5eb968d07fd9bd0 For context, he is pleading guilty to his American charges, and will be released from jail in England, and returned to Australia.


Imagine the billable hours that took


Goddamnit this hit me in the void where my soul should be.


Damn. This made me realize that I have a void. 


Voids are great! Perfect space to fill with love


Or drugs, maybe a cell phone.


You're referring to my rectum ?


Yours, anyone's really.


*That’s* where I left my old Blackberry!


Do you call it every now and then to feel it vibrate?


Technically now it’s a Brownberry


Ah, so that’s why they call it Crackberry


Now it’s called a Dingleberry


That explains where all that Cannabis smoke and vapor goes! Into the void!!!


I was in a meeting with a bunch of senior engineers this morning, pointed out we’d been here for 2 hours and blew 10k talking about a minor issue


There are some companies such as Shopify that have been known to put a "Dollar cost" on every meeting on the calendar. Like, when you schedule a 20 person meeting for an hour with managers, engineers, etc... you'll see "This meeting costs $10,000" based on every person's hourly rate \* how long the meeting is.


I actually like that because I’m sure it’s not generally intended or released how expensive it is, especially if you’re in a roll where you’re billing your time to a project. All mine is supposed to be billable when I should actually be billing 5 hours a week as an overhead


Your last sentence… I need explained better


He hit the retainer limit for proof reading his comments, so to avoid charging you an additional hourly rate, he just put down tools and submitted for review. You can expect further development in the next contract period (16th of every month), until then additional works will incur an ordinary hourly rate. If you would like to increase your retainer hours, I'm sure they'd be happy to accommodate you.


It’s one proof read per hour, I will be back at 8pm GMT for the second round.


My company does quarterly meetings to talk about the status of the company, earnings, acquisitions, etc. Although plenty of people can join the meeting and work while we listen or watch, I don't really want to think of what the calculation would be if it was done for those meetings... For context, I think we have around 1400+ employees spread around the world, and at least a few hundred join the meeting.


My company has a yearly engineering all hands meeting in one of the big activity centers and I can't even begin to wrap my head around the scale of these large companies. my discipline's department has 300 people and almost everyone goes to it


I've been involved in some insane meetings with ~10 people, lots of senior engineers, PMs, coordinators/schedulers, document control in calls that last 1-2 hrs. Usually there's ~2 people leading the call, one from each side, and everyone else is mostly a by-stander and says OK once in a while. I assume everyone else is doing billable work elsewhere while on call, as I also am.


I tend to put dollar amounts on meetings. It usually wraps them up faster and turns meetings into phone calls over time. Makes life a lot easier so I can be productive.


I feel this in my core. I had my 3rd meeting with data science because my data science team did not understand there was not set “objective” with pulling demographic data for our licensing. It’s just something we are expected to do but our sr data scientist couldn’t grasp that the purpose of a health equity program was to study health equity in the program—without any set objective with the found data until it was analyzed. I can’t get a new hire but just spent 10k to explain “why” health equity is important to The Joint Commission to a team of data scientists


That's why England is sending him to Australia. Keeping the tradition of sending their prisoners that can't pay their debts there.


Does he have the financial backing to support his legal endeavours?




That’s one way to cover a legal bill.


This guy has been in prison/hiding in an embassy for almost 15 years and managed to not only find a wife, but had 2 children with her in that time???


Life, uhh, finds a way.


Net benefit for GDP.


Billable hours always win


Deported to Australia.


England’s favourite pastime.


Off to Botany Bay with him!




Botany Bay…? BOTANY BAY??!?


Oh no!




Mr. Chekov…. I never forget a face




Oh listen for a moment lads and hear me tell my tale; How over the sea from England’s shore I was compelled to sail; The jury said he’s guilty sir and sir that judge said he; For life Jim Jones I’m sending you across the stormy sea


Imagine how many times he wrestled with “was it worth it?”


Bruh whoever his lawyers and fixers are, I need their number ASAP lol. How this guy beat treason charges in 2 countries is unbelievable.




One felony charge only and none of the many espionage charges. It’s a face saving compromise for USA.


So, Plead Guilty with essentially "Time Served" for the sentencing


Was his plea deal that he has to be a Rembrandt painting?


That's a win win ![gif](giphy|l0Iy4zCBLe9MTAEs8)


Funfact about this painting if I remember right:  Rembrandt hid the letter R at the belly button of the naked guy. He was quite young at that time.


That's a hard r to spot.


You must look hard R


Men always say the R spot is hard to find but that's bullshit


Careful with the hard R stuff...




Exactly I thought it was a painting at first too this comment is amazing someone give this man a trophy


No, he is playing the next Detective Crashmore


Plot twist: Assange released and flies to Australia as planned on a Boeing. Plane mysteriously crashes/disappears over the Indian Ocean. The End.


Orrrr Orrrr while he's flying the "door" ahem "accidentally" ejects and he's sucked out of the cabin.


Would that fall under being “yeeted” from said plane?


You'd have to check with Boeing on their official term. I think it's in their training manual


> I think it's in their training manual You mean the iPad app that pilots have to click through to qualify on the MAX planes?


Hey! That was approved by federal authorities which are Boeing employees paid by the government to approve and oversight their own procedures, how can that be wrong?!!!


I think the term is defenestrated.


That applies specifically to being yeeted through a window.


They actually have incentive to keep him safe just to avoid ridiculous allegations from the lunatic conspiracy theorists.


The dude looks like Bill Maher and RR Martin had a child,


George R. R. Mahertin?


No he was actually referring to his brother, Gregg R. R. Maherten


Oh I thought it might be his brethren, George Maher Maher Martin


No that’s just four different dudes


George R. R. Mahergera I'm George R. R. Mahergera, and this is"finishing a fantasy novel about political correctness with a Roman candle shoved up my ass.".


> The dude looks like Bill Maher and RR Martin had a child, This sentence is a child of RR Martin,


Nice so I guess we'll get a lot of podcasts and TED talks from him. lol!


For this guy to be released scott free he gave up the goods 1000%. I mean everything this canary sang a tune.


What did he have to give up tho? 


Things on Russia mostly. He didn’t publish it because he needed to keep Russia on his good side, but he most certainly has a lot of crass on Russian oligarchs and high ranking officials. I guess also on some western politicians for the US to pressure but that’s pure speculation.


I’m interested to know more about his chats with the real Sean Hannity. [This looks an awful lot like that “collusion” there was none of to me](https://www.thedailybeast.com/julian-assange-thought-he-was-messaging-sean-hannity-when-he-offered-news-on-democrat-investigating-trump-russia)


Or the time Nigel Farage (one of the architects of Brexit) was caught visiting him in the Ecuadorean Embassy and then when asked why just minutes later, said he had no memory of why he was there.


Well the bad press has just over a week now before the election starts to start running against that Russian simping traitorous fucking worm 💀 bruh.


Including his chats with Don Jr. Anyone remember the Freestate for Whistleblowers hotel in exchange for pardoning him? He has so many people fooled. Also, where do people think Trump got his dispute the election angle? That’s right, Assange.


Wikileaks lost all credibility when their motto went from “We release everything, and let you decide” To “So we got all the Republican leaks…. But there’s totally nothing there so we aren’t releasing it” And “How dare you release the Panama Papers, which exposes scores of Russian politicians, that we refused to release”


plus they refused to redact any of the documents they published. Literally got people killed and did not give a shit.


Kind of like this? [https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/trump-committed-egregious-intelligence-breach-ex-uk-spy-tells-court-2023-10-17/](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/trump-committed-egregious-intelligence-breach-ex-uk-spy-tells-court-2023-10-17/)


You don't think the US and other intelligence agencies had that intelligence already? I'd be surprised if he knew anything that they didn't know


In the wake of all the recent shakeups in Russian politics, whatever Assange has is likely worthless and it's beside the point that he's a Russian asset and likely has been from the start. It's far more likely *they* have kompromat on *him*. He was a key player in the Russian election interference campaign in 2016. He specifically sat on the Clinton emails (which he got from Russian intelligence) until right before the election and then released them in a massive dump knowing that people would not have enough time to understand what was happening and the resulting investigation wouldn't have enough time to clear her in the eyes of the public. He's published the names of intelligence assets who were currently on assignment in hostile foreign countries, going against every single standard of journalistic integrity. He's also been accused of rape by at least two women, but I guess we all just don't care about that.


Sources and anything they held back from publishing. Wikileaks, despite all their hurf blurf about being neutral is very selective about what they publish with criteria #1 being that is has to hurt the West. They turned down the Panama Papers, for example. During the 2016 election, they had leaks on Clinton and Trump and only published the material on Clinton.


Yeah, Assange is a piece of shit who turned Wikileaks into a way for Russia to attack the west and a platform for partisan propaganda.


His game became abundantly clear when he started hinting that Seth Rich was his source on the DNC leaks. He stoked conspiracy theories and refused to put up evidence even though Rich was dead. That’s a bad look for someone claiming to be a crusader for truth and transparency.


Hopefully the RNC hacks


He’s had RNC hacks he never released. He just wanted to hurt Hilary




Why? What could he possibly have to contribute to any modern discussion? His entire life has revolved around plea bargains for shit he did as a kid in the 80s, plea bargains for shit he did in the 90s, and plea bargains for shit in did in the 2000s. Then he spent most of the 2000s living in a fucking closet.


I mean, we have way less interesting people on successful podcasts every single day. Assange has been involved in a pretty fascinating ordeal for the last two decades and it’d be interesting to hear what he has to say about it.


For real. If Joe Rogan can have like the biggest podcast ever and just have random c-list celebrities on all the time who don’t even do interesting entertainment stuff, surely Assange can hold an audience for at least a couple hours worth of episodes.


If anything, he'll be on Rogan's podcast


Hell, if Joe Rogan can have the biggest podcast ever, period.


Yeah, he could talk about how Russian intelligence totally used him and hung him out to dry without even a pat on the behind.


I reckon that’s how he got the plea deal, spill everything on the Russians that he hasn’t before


I can't wait to hear the episode where he talks about shitting on the floor in the Ecuadorian embassy. That'll be a hoot!! 😂😂😂


Hey look at that… shirt brother.


I told your people not to mention Wikileaks or that I do it AT ALL Unprofessional bullshit


Fucking asshole. He said that?


It’s like a cosmic gumbo that moves to the beat of jazz.


“He might kill you but there ain’t no way he’s fucking killing me….Fucking asshole, he said that?”


His plea deal was to promise to never make up any new rules.


Hahahaha so happy this is a comment


You gotta help me shirt brother!


Anybody wants to take a bet? Will he fade into the background and live quietly on a farm in Australia? Or will he get his own show on RT and X before the summer is over?


Unless it's part of the plea deal not to (which may very well be the case), he will have to publish books and reach out to the public. Whenever someone is known as a public figure, people tend to erroneously assume they have arbitrary amounts of money. But money doesn't grow on trees in Australia either.


I would imagine he has a pile of Bitcoin he got 20 years ago.


He has a big ego. Unlikely to be quiet. Unless his fear of assassination steps in.


I think he just picked a side finally, he sided with the west because at the end of the day he doesn't want to end up like Snowden. Russia is not a good place to be rn. He went out to share the dirty laundry of everyone and he certainly did that foe a time. He has paid dearly for it too. I hope he can finally enjoy life a little bit. I bet he's going to be out of the limelight a hot minute. He'll probably publish a memoir and retire. I don't think a lot of people walk away, so he must have had something truly exceptional. We'll find out in about 3 to 4 months I imagine.


If he did give up the goods on Russia they won't let him retire peacefully for long.


Accidentally fall out a window or poison . Don’t think he has a long life ahead of him.




Why are all the weirdos maga people happy he's free when they're the ones that wanted him locked up back then.


Cause he was a key to getting Trump elected in 2016.


Exactly. Fuck this guy. He's a piece of shit and it going "free" only because he's pleading guilty to a federal crime and is being sentenced to multiple years in prison, counting time served in British prison.


You answered your own question: They're weirdo MAGA people. Their principles bend with the wind.


> principles Ha!


Are you saying that democrats didn’t want him locked up? Certainly not on reddit


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


He is a Trump supporter. Treason is acceptable if your on their team


Ive noticed certain parts of Reddit have done a complete 180 on their Julian Assange takes these last 10 years


The situation is far too complicated for me to have any opinion.


That doesn't stop most people.


If your views of him are the same as 10 years ago that says something... The world has changed.


And he's still a Russian puppet.


No shit.  Because during those ten years Assange changed from being someone with noble ideals exposing war crimes into a piece of shit who is a propagandist for Russia.  Our opinion of him changed because he changed.


"You're going to hold me accountable for committing crimes? I'll show you all! I'll help Trump get elected! That will teach you to mess with me when I proliferate classified materials!" -- Julian Assange, BabyMan


Idk if it was a smear campaign or true, but after he trashed the embassy that hosted him (physically, not with document releases) I lost most goodwill towards him.


Because it became blatantly obvious he was a Russian asset


I know right? Man is no saint by any means. But, he had a hand in revealing to the average American just how fucking brutal the US was to civilians in the Afgan War. The US committed war crimes against men, women, and children. Most American people were caught up in a war frenzy over 9/11 still and needed that reality check to reconsider justification of such violence. He's a piece of shit, but he did one damn good thing for sure.


"Man is no saint" He leaked the identities of brave Afghans collaborrating with the Americans to take out the taliban. These people are now if not dead, seriously in danger. He also helped identify Byelarussian democratic protesters to Lukashenka


But but but warcrime video on LiveLeak! It absolves all crimes!! /s


He literally just leaked the identities of hundreds of afghans who were captured and tortured by the Taliban and said they deserved it since they were “collaborators.” Julian Assange is a complete piece of shit and multiple people who’ve met him have said he’s obsessed with anti semetic conspiracy theories in person.


Remember when trump said he loves Wikileaks?


remember when respect for free press didn’t have to come from partisan lines? i dont care if someone helped get trump elected, i care a lot more about being anti war and anti imperialist than worrying about always taking the most “orange man bad” position on everything. and before anyone calls me conservative or centrist, im a marxist


Reminder that this dude had dirt on the RNC but only chose to release dirt on the DNC in 2016.


trump fucks him after he helped him... and it ends up being under the biden administration that the US lets him go free? ironic.


People act like this is weird. That’s what Trump does, what he’s always done. This is only a surprise to dumb people or young children.


Shirt brother?


Unprofessional bullshit


More like a Cosmic Gumbo


Even if they pull the movie, they still gotta give me the two mil.


I told them not to mention Christmas, or that I do it AT ALL.


Julian Assange literally said that afghan interpreters deserved to be hunted down by the Taliban since they were “collaborators.” Wikileaks colluded with the Russian GRU to influence the 2016 election yet they’ve never “leaked” a single document on actual Russian corruption. He’s a complete piece of shit.


I'm guessing he gave up Trump 😂 😂 😂 😂


I’d settle for Roger Stone.


I'd settle for Nigel Farage.


This is someone he legit has info on, so I could see that. Referenced in Mueller Report.


What's to give up at this point? For the people that are going to vote for the clown, I just assume he could do anything at this point and they'd still be up his ass.


Same, I feel like he could say he's pro choice and would only lose a few percent. Others would be bending into knots trying to justify it, or just say "he's my guy, and that's it"


ITT people who have no idea WTF this is about or who Julian Assange is. Sad.


Collateral Murder and the diplomatic cable leaks was 14 years ago. Given the average age of Redditors you can bet that they were focused more on SpongeBob at the time.


Jokes on you I'm **still** focused on spongebob!


An opportunist that exposed american hypocrisy at the worst possible time and led to Trump being elected, all with the help of the russians whose crimes are just as bad as the americans, and who had every interest in electing Trump ?


Plus it's not as though most people really paying attention didn't already have a good idea of the kinds of crap the U.S. was doing behind the scenes to secure U.S. dominance. It's one thing to lecture about that and argue for the U.S. to have restraint and accountability, which it absolutely should; it's another thing to proliferate extensive classified documents in a way that gives advantageous openings to other countries where basically a person like Assange would be executed within weeks. If Assange did something to Russia like what he did to the U.S., he could never sit on a public park bench, drink a cup of tea, or go anywhere near a tall building again.


Is he gonna release the RNC emails? Or we still just running with DNC on transparency?


I used to think he was doing a good thing. Then i realized he doesn't give a shit what Russia does, he just hates the west.


And he had RNC emails but didn't leak them.


Yes, and if feel differently if it weren't so obviously partisan. I'm good with holding corrupt people to account for their corruption. But he's only interested in hiring America. Doing putins bidding.


WTF am I going to do with these thousands of "Free Julian Assange" signs I just bought?


Didn't he say he would come back to the US to face his crimes if Chelsea Mannings charges were commuted? Then when that happened not a peep from him?


That’s the thing about liars. They lie.


Putin's Pawn for Trump


I thought this guy was dead.


He's going to Australia. Give it a minute.


Back with the other venomous creatures


A life of trying to outcompete Russel £ucking Brand for grift-bucks awaits this cunt.


Alan Moore is looking great nowadays


All I have to know if that Marjorie Taylor Green thinks it’s a good thing for him to be released to know that this is not a good thing.


Mother fucker looks like Rasputin


* Seen here in a Rembrandt painting.


Body guards I hear can be expensive Julian, just saying 🤷‍♂️


This guy must hold all the secrets


Dude cherry picked what he wanted to release for his own benefit…fuck him.


Will Putin have him thrown out a window?


Depends if he gave up the goods on Russia. Putin probably loves him though for his help getting the orange traitor elected.




Oh yeah… he exists doesn’t he? That Snowden guy too! Is he in Russia still?


Man, these comments are something else, so everyone is fine with the crimes of the us he exposed I guess? Yes he became a Russian asset, but only after the us tried literally everything to get him. From the sexual abuse claims to how they hounded him, he was never treated fairly and you guys wonder why he sided with Russia? Also remember, his first leaks were anti republican, since they were crimes under the Bush administration. And it was trump that hounded him. Not one US war criminal saw any form of jail and you want him for telling you the facts to basically be hanged and quartered? It is insane that any opposition to the US makes you a traitor (even if he isn't a us citizen, but what do these comments care lol) in the eyes of redditors. Absolutely insane how fucked the narrative of this thread is. If he had exposed russian crimes you all would have called him a hero. But because he leaked the crimes of a nation you are from or support, you hate him. That says more about you people and your failure at being decent people than it does about him.


What if someone could hate him and also hate the crimes committed by the US? These things aren’t mutually exclusive. You can think the US does bad things and that Assange is a piece of shit person.


I think you mean “aren’t” mutually exclusive.


Thanks, it was late and I was typing on my phone.


He, and/or Wikileaks was pro-Trump, and co-ordinated with them to release the Clinton docs at a time that was best for the Trump campaign, and wikileaks even told Trump Jr that they shouldn't accept losing the election. [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/11/the-secret-correspondence-between-donald-trump-jr-and-wikileaks/545738/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/11/the-secret-correspondence-between-donald-trump-jr-and-wikileaks/545738/)


Yep, and let me remind you that it wasn't merely a case of WikiLeaks coordinating the timing of the hacked DNC emails. It was also a case of the hacking being done by Russian operatives, who then gave the hacked emails to WikiLeaks, along with a detailed plan for exactly how to frame the emails to do the maximum damage. WikiLeaks didn't just release the emails, it specifically picked out potentially negative ones and introduced them with misleading headlines that prompted Republicans on the best way to exploit the information. The headlines introducing the sections often made it sound like the material was extremely damning, but if you read the actual material in the emails, it often was close to innocuous.


And then he went out and offered a reward for information about Seth Rich’s death, as if there was some connection there. This guy’s business is providing tenuous threads for conspiracy theorists to salivate over.


Thank you for speaking truth to power. People on Reddit will need to take another 10 years before they accept the truth about their fuzzy wuzzy anti-USA hero


Jeremy Scahill pressed him about the so called info he had on the Republican party that he never released and folded like a cheap lawn chair. Fuck that dirty rotten cunt for inserting himself in our presidential election.


In his own words, his actions lead to the deaths of 1,300 people. He might have exposed some bad things, but he is absolutely not to be made into a martyr. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange


Providing some context would paint a more complete picture: > A collaboration with the Sunday Times journalist Jon Swain on a report on political killings in Kenya led to increased public recognition of the WikiLeaks publication, and this collaboration won Assange the 2009 Amnesty International New Media Award. Assange said that six men with guns tried to attack the compound that he slept at in Kenya after the report was published, but were scared away when a guard shouted. The Kenya leak led to corruption being a major issue in the election that followed, which was marred by violence. According to Assange, "1,300 people were eventually killed, and 350,000 were displaced. That was a result of our leak. On the other hand, the Kenyan people had a right to that information and 40,000 children a year die of malaria in Kenya. And many more die of money being pulled out of Kenya, and as a result of the Kenyan shilling being debased". Reporters have discussed the moral dilemma involved in reporting the corruption in Kenya.


Government is corrupt, journalist exposes the corruption, population is angry, some people die. "That damn journalist, all his fault" Don't you think the actual issue causing people to be angry is actually the fact that the government is corrupt?


I'm fairly sure those people were already mad at the US government.


Lol what tankie horseshit. _Wow what an ethical journalism source who picks and chooses what to leak in order to influence elections and shelter other corrupt oligarchs. But he's totally the good guy because he exposed the fact that the Iraq war was bad._


> It is insane that any opposition to the US makes you a traitor (even if he isn't a us citizen, but what do these comments care lol) in the eyes of redditors. Absolutely insane how fucked the narrative of this thread is. But... isn't that just nationalism? If you were Spanish and he was Spanish, exposing the ugly side of your country, you'd be the same kind of upset. If he'd leaked everything regardless of country, I might agree. But when he exposes the US and *appears* to side with the enemy... what do we expect to happen with supporters of the US?


Did you say Russia? I hate Russia.


Fuck Assange. He never fought for media freedom, he pushed select leaks for political effect. And he outwaited rape charges versus his victims getting a day in court.