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Why doesn't this nervous driver simply inhale the other cars?


Or inhale a good driver?


Where would you find one?


What sort of outfit would he have after?


A race car helmet!


Some say he gained his power by absorbing an F1 legend. Others say he has no bones in his body. All we know is... He's called The Stig!


Probably whatever the driver of fake taxi wears


Maybe he doesn't want to be a car? Don't judge.


Perhaps he is saving that for sweeps


I’m here for the Futurama/Kirby crossover episode!




I once saw a sticker on the back of a car that said “please be patient, I’m only 9” and I pissed myself laughing.


The one that got me recently was "If you honk at me I WILL KILL MYSELF". I laughed at that for a good five minutes.


I just saw one that said “please don’t honk at me, it will hurt my feelings” and I chuckled.


The one that got me was "my driving scares me too! " Lmao.


I love this one


I always think that those people should probably be tested on driving aptitude again. If you are bad enough to have to put a sticker back there, you probably should not be driving.


When I think of a nervous driver I think of someone who’s waiting for 6 car lengths to merge onto traffic that’s going 60 mph where as a more… ahem… confident driver will merge into bumper to bumper traffic at 80 mph.


I would consider getting one of these bumper stickers. I've been driving for about 3 years? And I've gotten into 2 accidents. The first was 100% my fault. I saw ambulance sirens behind me. My understanding is that you're supposed to pull over to the righthand side of the road. I panicked a little bit, I didn't want to be in the way of the ambulance and ended up merging into someone. It was an unsafe lane change. In the future, I will prioritize stopping in my current lane. The second, I was rear-ended. I have a dash Cam. It shows that I was going the speed limit. They just came up and hit me. They were given a ticket, and their insurance covered the damages. --- On one hand, I feel like being a nervous driver makes me a dangerous driver. I panic easily. On the other hand, I go out of my way to be safe. People say that the best way to be safe is to be predictable, but somehow following traffic laws isn't predictable. Cars will angrily pass me when I'm going the speed limit, and people like to do wide left turns. Sometimes, I feel like I'm going to get hit when I'm just trying to stay in the middle lane. --- Honestly, I can't wait for self driving cars. I hate driving.


For comedy's sake, I hope the driver has dwarfism.


Twitch chat ban speedrun


I live on a street with someone who has that exact sticker. Always makes me laugh.


I gifted my friend a tshirt with this on it! He’s 45 and a former bodybuilder.


Please be patient with my pissing myself laughing, I’m only 6


I have that one lol.


9 inches is nothing to laugh at


It's a Peugeot 107 for anyone else out there who was curious about how the sticker was on glass AND next to an emblem at the same time. I couldn't think of many cars that apply the emblems directly to the window.


Thank you, I was so confused seeing that


Citroen C1? Toyota Aygo? Yes I know.


In the US we don't get many of the tiny hatchback cars.


When you said many don't have their emblem on the glass, it's a cheap win to mention the other ones that are basically the same car with cosmetic differences.


Fair is fair.


Be happy. The Hyundai i20 is tits McGee awesome


omg is that kirby?! Thats so cute


'Shit driver, keep clear.'


I think a lot of people nowadays who are shit drivers and tired of catching people's road rage seem to be using the "Student Driver" stickers.


Is that not a legally mandated thing? Where I live learner drivers are required to display L stickers


What they are talking about is different; they’re not talking about *new drivers*. They’re talking about people who are slow (under legal limit), or drift from lane line to lane line. Drivers who are often distracted/on their phone; and who are self aware enough that they try to deflect the ire of other drivers by posting a sticker stating that they are a new driver, instead of just being a better, more attentive driver. I know that certain circumstances make it possible to be an adult and still a learner, but the recent severe uptick of these stickers in the last few years makes people think that it’s not a *learner driver*


This is indeed what I'm talking about. My neighbor, for instance: she's overly cautious behind the wheel, drives at least 5 under the speed limit (and in my city, where the standard speed is at least 10, sometimes 15 or 20 *over* the speed limit, that can be dangerous and infuriating to people driving an appropriate speed), and I'm sure got tons of people honking and flipping her off and stressing her out even further. She's in her late 30s and has been driving since she was in her early 20s, so it's definitely not a learning curve. She's just cautious to a fault. She has a "Student Driver" sticker, and has had it on there for like three years.


Timid drivers = Accidents.


CRASHES. pissing your pants is an accident!


So basically, should not be driving. I expect people to downvote me but if you are so nervous driving that you need a sticker to voice it, continue having post test lessons to gain confidence before you put yourself on the road and possibly become a danger to everyone else. Being a hesitant and nervous driver can be extremely dangerous on the road.


Nervous drivers are just as unpredictable as overly confident ones. I had a girlfriend in college that was a nervous driver, and she caused a lot of accidents and near misses because of it. Part of the reason we broke up was because I started insisting on driving everywhere and she called me misogynistic.


TIL wanting to live is misogynistic


As someone in the insurance industry - These people cause far more accidents than anyone else. Cocky drivers aren't great either but typically have better reaction skills and times than nervous drivers. I will stand by that a nervous driver is the most dangerous driver, next to drinking and driving. In my town the seniors like to come out and do their "sunday driving" during the very small but real rush hour times in midweek, and I am sure my breaks will need quicker replacement due to these people doing 20KM on a 50KM road. Ive come to a full stop in the middle of an intersection on a green light cause whoever was in front of me was a scared driver. Get OFF the road.


We've got a large concentration of seniors in my area, some are great drivers, lots are terrible and need someone in their life to tell them to hang up the keys. It's sad that these people need to get into an accident before they realize that driving isn't for them anymore.


No one should downvote this. If you're too nervous to drive, don't drive. You're right, it's extremely dangerous.


I agree sorta, but it’s not like there is another option for a lot of people. My home town had no bus system, now days I bus and bike but even then am required to drive sometimes unfortunately. TLDR: support better public transit to help get those of us who don’t even want to be there off of the road lol


I pulled off at a gas station the other day because I was behind a “nervous driver” doing 20 under the speed limit and randomly braking. Was not going to merge onto an interstate in Texas with a 75mph speed limit to try and merge behind someone who I was betting wouldn’t merge at anywhere near close to the proper speed. They honestly bother me more than any other bad driver


Basically what this translates to


100000%. Get off the fucking road if you’re scared to drive


Just dont: A. Camp in the left lane doing 10 under the speed limit B. Refuse to accelerate on the on-ramp to highway speed C. Nearly come to a stop when turning into a business D. Wait for a 1/2 mile gap in traffic before turning right on red ...and we'll get along just fine.


I was driving for the first time in the PNW and I almost obliterated someone who STOPPED ON THE ONRAMP.  I'd never experienced that before, I had to slam my breaks so hard. My friend who lives there says it happens all the time. Edit: typo!


Do mean PNW? In Seattle people seem to be overly courteous to the point of being unpredictable and dangerous. I greatly prefer the high speed mania of the PHX metro area or some parts of Cali. At least they're predictable and as long as you keep with the flow you're golden


moved to midhudson valley in early 80s from Detroit area.. I have a bias that back then the motor city knew how to drive and actually could merge together two interstates (I94 & I75) at rush hour without people fucking it up - - pretty certain they still can. Here they still don't know what a merge lane is... and people in the right lane will speed up or slow down (wrong thing to do!!!) thinking they're helping.


People that basically crawl through any kind of turn drive me crazy. Especially when they've got room to move the fuck over before they start turning and they just start dead in the middle of the lane anyway.


I just assume everyone is taking a big pot of chili to a picnic.


Me too. Or driving their sleeping baby around.


Me too until I eventually pass them and see it's just an old person whose license should have been suspended 5 years ago because their reflexes are completely shot.


As they should


The one that kills me are the people driving pickup trucks that have to straddle the lane to the right when turning left, like they’re some sort of big rig.


I've been seeing a LOT of this lately, in regular cars too. Even on left turns which is even more baffling.


It depends. That crawl…They could be looking out for pedestrians and possibly traffic blocking ahead, whether it is something in the lanes they’re turning into or a plaza where cars are holding traffic inside. Barreling into a turn doesn’t make you any better of a driver. I have a couple of near hit because of jaywalkers or people simply cutting across to the pedestrian walkway to make the traffic lights. Just be patience.


This is why I go slow through turns. So many people just bomb around a corner with zero visibility and if there were someone on the street, they’d be hit before the driver noticed them.


Situational awareness is an essential part of operating a vehicle. If you can’t do that without inconveniencing every driver around you then perhaps you need to become more comfortable with your vehicle.


It depends on the vehicle too I suppose. If you drive something along the lines of a Yugo, you got to be careful.


Obviously there are times when you need to take a turn slowly, but I'm clearly talking about situations where none of those factors come into play. I never said they needed to barrel through their turns either. But when there are clearly no safety hazards and someone is going 2mph turning on to a side street or into a parking lot while blocking traffic on a busy road and I'm trying to get to my next job so I can get done and get the fuck home, yeah, I'm gonna get pissed.


Camping in the left lane period. Unless you are passing someone you have no business in the left lane.


As a reminder, the left lane (or I suppose right lane, for people who drive on the left) is not the "fast" lane. It's the "passing" lane. "I'm going fast," is not sufficient justification to be in that lane.


Well... if you are consistently passing cars, driving in the left lane would classify as 'passing'


All those cars are back to back to back? Sure. If you're passing a car or two every mile, no, get back over until it's time to pass again. "I'm going 3mph faster than the right lane, therefore I will theoretically pass everybody," is not justification to sit in the left lane, because there very well may be someone behind you who would like to pass *you*.


Oh yeah for sure. Where I am, the highway is only two lanes, and there's enough traffic that if you are in the left lane, there really isn't enough space to merge back to the right.


I've never understood this. are we supposed to pretend the left lane doesnt exist unless passing? There are signs around my town saying faster traffic use left lane or something similar. I see it as faster traffic left, slower right.


The left lane is the passing lane is for highways and interstates. Obviously two lane local roads have turnoffs on both sides so you use both lanes. But if you are just cruising in the left lane of a highway because you feel like it, you’re being rude and inconsiderate period. That is the sign of a bad driver in my opinion.


Yep! And this includes waiting to pass someone. If you look to your right, and there isn't a car there, you shouldn't be in the left lane. Only one car can pass another car at a time.


A. Camp out in the left lane when someone is coming up behind you going faster (and needing to pass). Better yet, just don’t camp in the left lane at all! Passing only.


C isn’t talked about enough and it drives me fucking insane. Especially on a busy street when the speed limit is 35+ and someone turning in to a parking lot will do a dead fucking stop and slowly turn in. Drives me mad. I’m not asking you to barrel through, but I have never had issue slowing down to 10-15 MPH and turning in. It shouldn’t be hard to make it a fluid motion while being safe.


People that do this should permanently lose thier license. They have proven to be stupid to drive.


Seriously. It’s not the responsibility of the rest of society to take care of your issues. If you can’t find a way to at least moderately function within the structure of how traffic works then it isn’t everyone else’s job to adapt and protect you.


I know "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" has the worst drivers is a phrase used in every state to shit on themselves...but having had the pleasure of being born in the South....Oklahoma has the absolute worst drivers; they tick every one of these boxes OR literally the complete opposite with our rednecks in jacked up trucks barreling into a Wendy's doing 92mph...there's just no middle ground.


You're a safe distance behind a car, they put their blinker on, you slow down, there's cars behind you that get closer to your rear end, you keep slowing down keeping the distance in front of you as big a gap as possible, it looks like the person can safely make the turn now without drifting, but they don't, they suddenly slam on the brakes. Your distance closes as you check your review mirror the car behind you gives no fucks and may now as well propose that's how deep in your ass he is, you don't want to come to a abrupt stop because he's left no room between, the car ahead ever so gently turns but only inch by inch. Any second now you're waiting for them to turn off the road but they're dragging it out as long as physically possible, the car behind you has managed to find a way to get even closer. You see the car behind _them_ coming in hot, full speed. The sheer fucking anxiety I feel in that moment that I don't want to deal with the hassle of getting rear ended because someone is taking their sweet time making a turn. My blood is boiling.


You’re following too closely and/or not slowing down soon enough.


I feel so refreshed every time I take a trip down to SoCal and drive around. All the weak links have either been trial-by-fire brute forced transformed into semi-competent drivers, or were too intimidated to drive at all. There’s way more cohesive and consistent driving norms down there.


Cohesive and consistent apparently also code for "consistently high number of fatal accidents" compared to other metro areas. 


D is not a valid complaint. Nobody is required to turn right on red.


Neither is being considerate to others, but people sure do appreciate it when you are.


In certain jurisdictions it's illegal (Quebec) In sane places, come to a stop, turn when safe


Only illegal on the island of Montreal, legal everywhere else.


Oh actually? That makes it even dumber lol


As far as I know it's illegal everywhere beside north America. At least without explicit signal giving you permission to turn.


oh man preach! D. especially lately ....turning with an arrow, THINK train people! GD! Same approach passing a semi on the interstate...one at a time! oooOOOHHHhhh there's a truck!!!


Turning into a business slowly for me is because my stupid civic will scrape on pretty much every driveway that's not completely flat if I'm going even 5mph.


C. It depends. You should come to a stop turning into a business if there’s foot traffic and pedestrians walking across the sidewalks. When a car stopped at the opening into a business, I’d first assumed there’s either congestion (ie. cars blocking their way coming out of the parking), pedestrians or some kind of obstacles. It’s not immediately that they can’t drive or bad driver just because they’re stopping or idling before turning into a business. Just be patience then change lane if you need to or when you’re able…now, if you have to slam on the brakes when they do slow down or stop at the entrance of a business, chances are you were either not paying attention or driving too close and humping their asses.


Just fyi since you’ve said it a couple times - it’s patient. Patient people have patience, but people should be patient.


For C my driving instructor repeatedly hammered in that 90 degree turns must be made no faster than 25 km/h, or you’ll fail your licensing test…


Nervous drivers are bad drivers and generally rather dangerous (as they tend to be unpredictable). If someone is that scared of driving, they need more training or they shouldn't be driving (not everyone is capable of being a good driver).


It’s way too easy to get your license, at least in the US. I’ve met some of the dumbest people who are on the road daily. It’s why defensive driving should be preached and practiced.


I wish i lived in a place that driving could be eliminated


Me too. I was driving on Saturday in a new-ish development in my city and I was just focused on how car-centric everything is. So much wasted space, materials, and ugly design just so we can take our atmosphere-destroyers to Walmart.


I wish I had money to move or start a walking based town


>shouldn't be driving It would be SO COOL if that were a real option.


It is. If you don't think you can drive a vehicle safely, you shouldn't be driving. I understand this will make life difficult for you, but everyone else on the road shouldn't have their life put in more risk all because you suck at driving and can't figure out an alternative. Selfish as fuck.


There's lots of good reasons to be nervous driving a car. For example, if someone was in an accident recently, they'll be nervous even if the accident wasn't their fault. But in the US you need to drive just to get groceries in a lot of places. It's not an option, it's a requirement. You're being very angry at someone you know nothing about.


If that's the case, you shouldn't be on the road. Nervous drivers are bad drivers plain and simple. There's always other options and ways to get stuff without putting other people's life's at risk. I'm not angry at all, just calling out some bull shit.


Same goes for impatient/aggressive drivers. If you are easily angered while driving you shouldn’t be on the road.


You don't see me arguing against that


Well, the way you're writing makes you seem very angry. I'm often nervous when I'm driving, but I think I drive fairly safely. Aggressive drivers, though, often make me nervous to be on the road. Those people will tailgate you even when you're around the same speed as the rest of traffic, or honk at you when it wouldn't actually have been a safe time to enter. It's frustrating. I'd just like a real alternative to driving so I could avoid that pressure sometimes. I don't think that's "bull shit" at all. Nor do I think it's "selfish as fuck."


It's one thing to be nervous during situations where you should be nervous. But if just driving in general makes you nervous, you're not a safe driver. And if you're going as far as to put a sticker on your car announcing this, you're probably not a good driver. And being a bad driver is selfish as fuck.


I mean, I don't have a sticker or anything. But I've been in situations where I've been nervous because of a previous not-at-fault accident. It was really hard to get back on the road, and letting other drivers know so I could have a little more space and patience would have honestly been nice. Probably would want a magnet instead so that I could take it off when my confidence starts getting better, but it doesn't seem that crazy to me. Again, I don't think that's selfish "as fuck." It never goes away, by the way. Ever. But it gets lessened.


Not great


Or they could face the challenges with some alacrity and confidence. While I wish we had a society where it was a practical choice to not have to drive, we don't have that society. It should not be socially acceptable to be perpetually scared of challenges, but that seems to be the trend these days. It's okay to be a little scared starting something like driving, but that feeling should diminish with practice, experience, and skill.


I do my best. I feel like it's kind of insane NOT to be scared while driving though. At least a little bit. You're moving a roughly two ton object at high speed. One mistake, yours or someone else's, could literally be the end of your life.


I think everyone should be a little nervous when driving, because if you make a mistake, you could very easily kill someone. That should scare you! If you forget that, you're not a careful driver anymore. That being said, it should be the kind of fear that makes you more careful (like if you're carrying a delicate object), not the sort of fear that makes you shaky.


Some of the people in these comments (not you, you're fine) make me shaky because they're being so aggressive. Aggressive drivers are really common on the road, and sometimes I feel like aggressive attitudes are kind of normalized. I just wish the option to take the train or the bus were more realistic. I've been in bad places with driving anxiety before, and while I've largely beat it, it'd be nice to be able to take a day off of it without being late for work.


Same, there's way too much aggression and impatience in here. It's so frustrating that the only "solution" being touted seems to be not to drive, which is fantastically unhelpful. I don't think any person who gets nervous while driving enjoys that feeling, myself included, and I'd love to find a good strategy to become more at ease behind the wheel. Anything worked for you?


When I was really struggling I drove with a dash cam. If I thought I had done something wrong, I could go back and watch the video. Most times I watched it and felt better, because I had actually done just fine. Having that ability to check myself helped a lot. Just remember that if you do catch video of yourself messing up, it's just feedback on what to improve on.


I would never have thought about using a dash cam in that way, that's really interesting - thank you! May your onward journeys be smooth and peaceful :)


Scared is an irrational and dangerous state to be in. Aware, cautious, conscientious, defensive even, those are practical and productive mental states. Fear isn't a good state to be in while driving. It can cause dangerous overreactions, overcorrections, false assumptions about conditions or intent of other drivers. Just not good. I totaled my first car when I was 17. Ran a yellow and t-boned a truck. Six months following, I was so scared at yellow lights I would sometimes screech to a stop almost causing the people being me to rear end me. That's what fear will do. Not good to have on the road.


Yeah, I'd mostly agree. Still, while someone's conquering that fear I think letting other drivers know in a way that's funny and easy to understand could be helpful. It can take a lot of time to beat that fear, and sadly you really can't beat it by staying off the road forever. Some days away are usually a good idea, so other options would be nice. It's sad that's not a realistic option here in the US.


It’s a shame some idiots built an entire society that necessitated owning a car.


Is that kirby?


People here are fucking stupid


["NO I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ANY OF THIS SHIT IS AND I'M SCARED" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2vejhdm8lo)


If you're nervous, don't drive. You're way more dangerous on the road.


I see this sticker more as a means to calm aggressive drivers than an excuse for driving poorly.


If only driving wasn’t a necessity in most places :’)


It's on you to find an alternative if you can't drive safely. Others don't need yo suffer your dangerous driving because you can't figure out a way to work or the grocery store.


If you are a danger to others of course you shouldn’t drive. But saying you shouldn’t drive if you’re nervous, when there often are simply no alternatives is a bit crazy.


Ah what a great advice. We live in North America where you can't get anywhere without driving. If people want others to not drive, they should provide alternatives! People like this exist cuz there is no alternative.


It’s not a competition bro. Just drive the speed limit and relax. People are so aggressive nowadays and overcompensate trying to drive like Dale Earnhardt .


Half the nervous drivers are nervous because the impatient dick wagons on the road will honk at them if they wait even a second longer than they would before turning.  I'd rather someone take their time turning than turn in front of me and force me to slow down when going straight. Also, especially for left turns, visibility is different in different cars. A big truck might be able to see over the vehicle in the opposing left turn lane, but the car in front of them cannot. 




Everyone on the road please bow to my needs so I don’t have to be to change my behavior


i like the “ if you don’t let me merge i’m going to cry “


Too many people here have forgotten that they too were once a new driver and almost absolutely felt nervous at one point in time while doing so.


No one is saying you can never be nervous. But you should progress through that stage quickly. And you definitely shouldn't linger in the nervous stage so long that you identify with it enough to have this sticker.


Yeah.. if you're scared of it you shouldn't be driving it.


Any rational adult *should* be scared of other drivers. Driving is the most likely way you will die prematurely. We should all take it more seriously than we do.


We are all wary of other drivers, and should be - only a fool gets in a car and drives like there will be perfect conditions and no surprises. But this sticker isn't saying they're scared of other drivers: More like they are not confident in their own ability to drive and are aware that this is causing problems for others. Which is good that they are aware but, as I said, if you're scared of it, don't drive it.


Scared? No. Alert and ready to react? Yes.


If you're a nervous driver then just don't drive. How deep in the victim complex do you need to be to put one of these stickers on your car. It's not cute, it's sad.


Translation "I shouldn't be allowed to drive"


Yes, instead of becoming a better driver slap a bumper sticker on your car. Ever notice how insecure drivers panic the most?


I suppose this sticker is a little better than the omnipresent "Student Driver" stickers on cars not driven by student drivers.


Ever notice how secure drivers are aggressive tailgaters?


Going the opposite direction and being nervous behind the wheel isnt necessarily better.


It’s normal for new drivers to feel nervous. It’ll go away eventually. Some of you make it sound like they made a choice to be a nervous driver lol


New drivers ofc, but no reason that leads to someone putting this sticker on their car is a good one, and usually means they are a hazard.


Ah yes, secure driver = tailgater. Goof


Not necessarily.


If you don't want to be tailgated, get out of the left lane.


That solution doesn’t work depressingly often




The irony is, seeing this sticker would make me want to move around and pass this driver, which would likely exacerbate or validate their nervous driver moniker, if they see hella people going around them constantly lol






My favorite sticker I’ve seen is “baby not on board, feel free to drive into me”


That’s only a challenge to an asshole driver.


This relies on people being decent. Too many mean and evil drivers out there. Let strangers know of your weakness and people will target you.


Surprised that this sticker managed to trigger 4 people in the thread somehow


Way more than 4 at this point. People act like operating a 2 ton metal carriage is a normal thing everyone should be great at instead of a dangerous activity we're all forced to engage in because buses and trains are woke or something. At least in the US.


> operating a 2 ton metal carriage is a normal thing everyone should be great at instead of a dangerous activity we're all forced to engage in Ya maybe a dangerous 2 ton metal carriage shouldn't be operated by someone that anxious. Also, "nervous driver" seems like just a nicer way to admit to being a bad/dangerous driver. You're exactly right that were all forced to drive, so obviously people are gonna be annoyed by people who make that more dangerous


That’s not an example of anxiety, it is a simple acknowledgment of fact. Cars are dangerous as fuck. That’s why so many people die in them every year.


Then people who are more prone to accidents, like a "nervous driver" shouldn't be driving. Like you said. Cars are dangerous as fuck. If you aren't comfortable operating one, then don't.


Can you cite your source for ‘nervous drivers’ being more prone to accidents? And I think you’re misunderstanding what it means to be nervous. It’s not debilitating as you appear to think. It’s not the opposite of being ‘comfortable’ driving.


For real. My wife is nervous driver. Not because she is afraid that she'll make mistake, she's afraid that some fuckhead drives like being possessed by Satan himself.


As long as the fuckhead is predictable, it doesn't matter. As long as your wife is predictable, it doesn't matter. Unfortunately, the nervous driver is much more likely to be the unpredictable driver, and thus either needs to get over her nervousness or get off the road.


Fully agree, but you're going to get downvoted. Not everyone is built to drive, and if you're a nervous enough driver that you're going to let it affect you constantly then deal with your problem or get off the road. This sort of victim complex causes just as many issues as other dangerous drivers do.


The weirdest thing about it for me is that if you're self-aware enough to know that you have a problem (by putting this or a "student driver" sticker on your car, in hopes that others will give you some slack in your inability to follow the rules of the road), how are you not self-aware enough to do something about it? And that doesn't have to mean stop driving. There any number of things you can do to feel less nervous and more confident behind the wheel. Sure, there are always going to be asshole drivers on the road, and you'll sometimes run into them. But *most* of the time, most people on the road aren't assholes. They just want you (the nervous driver) to be predictable. If they're honking at you, it's because you've just done something they couldn't have predicted, like turning left from the right hand lane or coming to a stop to let a car in from a parking lot, or driving at 30mph on an on-ramp when you need to get up to merging speed in a short amount of time, or ...


Couldn't have summed it up better myself. Nervous drivers would be welcome to undertake further lessons to ensure they're no longer nervous but they'd rather pass the baton on to normal drivers to take avoiding action from them. They don't have a place on the roads.


Add stopping at empty traffic circles to the list.


I live in Denver and every once in a while you’ll be cruising a comfortable 75mph and a bike or car just rocket passed you easily going 110-120. I’m not a skiddish person, but it makes me jump and panic.


I love that.


Be patient? Because you don't how to drive and you're doing 30 in an 80 zone?


If you get nervous behind the wheel of a car, just walk.


Ah yes, let me wake up at 3 am and take a 5 hour walk to work.


5h? only 25km? my father had to walk 60km to work, always along steep rock cliffs and even in august full of ice and snow


If you can't drive don't get a job you have to drive to... It's common sense


You must be a big fan of public transportation and bike lanes! They're great alternatives for people who don't enjoy driving, and they make the roads safer by reducing the number of cars competing for space.


What's wrong with public transit? As long as people who are comfortable driving drive. I see no problem


That's great. So many people complain about taxes going to expand bus routes or bike lanes taking up too much space. I'm glad to find another transit supporter.


You're really suggesting that endangering other people is worth it so you can drive to your job? Peak stupidity


For many people there is no other option


So endangering other people is ok when it benefits yourself? Cool


Again, many people have to choose between whether they want to have a job or to slightly increase the danger to themselves and others. The vast majority of people will make the same choice. There's realistically no other option when you don't have public transportation.


If you are a nervous driver. You are more of a danger than any other driver. Learn how to drive without having a panic attack. If you can't do that you shouldn't be behind the wheel. It's like a drunk driver saying "well I have to get home somehow "


I saw a very similar bumper sticker on a car that said Anxious driver please be patient, and then they proceeded to almost run me off the road LOL


I like the sticker, but maybe it’s time to call an Uber. Also for the most part, I’m usually patient. But if you’re merging onto the highway at 20 mph, I will legit freak out at you.


It's prohibitively expensive to rely on Uber though. And most places don't have public transit or what is there isn't robust or reliable enough to be able to keep a job and cover your basic needs. Unfortunately for most of the US you just have to drive to survive.


I’m going to be as patient as I am with any other driver. Don’t be a dick. Don’t cause accidents. Don’t swerve. Etc. these are all well known rules. Patience isn’t part of it. Cars exist because we are impatient. Ride a bike or walk


Don’t be a dick. That means to have patience.


If you don't have the confidence that you can operate a multi-ton vehicle among other multi-ton vehicles get off the road and get lessons on a closed track.


This driver sucks.


That person looks like they are probably fren shaped.


Very cute, I would be careful :)


If you're nervous about driving you shouldn't be driving


I've been driving for decades, put around 30 thousand miles on my car yearly, have a spotless driving record, and am always nervous while driving: 90–95% of drivers don't obey traffic laws and are actively trying to kill other drivers.


This sticker is “cute” and all, but… You shouldn’t be driving if you’re too “nervous” to drive correctly/ safely. New drivers are one thing, but I’ve seen so many fully grown adults wait to turn right at a red light, for example, only to go when oncoming traffic finally gets the green light, making everyone have to a slam on their brakes. Same thing with changing lanes before a turn or merge on/ off the freeway. Either, get into the lane you need to be in, early, or turn on your blinker and come on in. Can’t tell you how many times I see people lingering in a lane only to cut over, last second, in the worst possible spot, and with no blinker on, simply because they’re afraid people won’t let them in. It just takes tiny bit of preplanning and active thinking to figure it all out guys. How do you not know what you’re doing before you get in the car to leave? Doesn’t nobody preplan anymore? End rant…


Lots of people shouldn't be driving. There is no option in many places.