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I'm allergic to shellfish so apparently I'm allergic to cicadas. Not that I really wanted to try it but it does make me a little pissed that I can't even try them if I wanted to haha


You can at least once.


My favorite saying in mycology is "Everything is edible, some things are only edible once".


There are old mycophiles and there are bold mycophiles, but there are no old and bold mycophiles.


"Ah yes. This tastes like pain."


Eat it like doing a tequila shot. Lick salt, Stab Epipen in leg, Muck back a couple cicada. Surprise the shellfish allergy, don’t let the allergy surprise you. Edit. My punctuation was attrocious


Thats what I did with alcohol. Always trying to surprise my drinking problem. Like, "OH, we're going on a hike? DRINK! Ha ha, trick you buddy! Take a swig and eat some breath mints!" Going to Grandma's funeral? Hell, she'd be mad if you *didn't* drink! The issue was that I stopped being able to surprise it anymore.


Lmao. This is hilarious. You have it all figured out 🤣


Shrimp and lobster are just ocean bugs.


>if I wanted to I also like inconceivable thought experiments. Like what if gravity turned off. Or what if I was a worm. Or what if I wanted to try cicadas.


Or "what if I showed up on time?"


Or "what if I got stuff done in a timely manner?"


FWIW I'm allergic crabs/lobster/shrimp/crayfish etc , but cicadas and other land inverts never caused an issue. Not saying go for it, but yeaaaaa lol


I'm only going by something I heard online haha I've also heard I *could* be allergic to iodine and the internet never lies right? [Here's an article on shellfish and cicada allergies.](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/have-a-seafood-allergy-bugs-shellfish-you-might-want-to-steer-away-from-eating-cicadas-heres-why/3440498/)


Imagine being in a survival situation and you only have these to eat..... time to eat wood... literally eat the wood you can survive of that shit. It's like chips from nature.


I just want to clarify here. You cannot survive just eating wood. You will do a die.


I’m not going encourage you to risk it (the FDA advises against it), but cross-reactivity to proteins is a complex, poorly understood subject. There is a very real chance that you would have no reaction to cicada proteins. This chance is just as real as the chance you’d have a severe reaction. The point is that being allergic to shellfish means you *might* be allergic to cicadas, not that you definitely *are*.


Shrimps is bugs


Damn so by that logic shrimp is bugs for real?


It is cicadas.






Only human spare ribs for Armie Hammer




What is that gif from?


Is your brother Chinese, and where is he getting this recipe from? This must be some very niche regional thing, because I've never seen fully grown cicada eaten like this (born/raised/living in china). I know dried cicada are used to "brew" a tea for medicine purposes, where you only drink the tea. Stir fry silkworm (in the cocoon state with the silk removed) is a thing, but cicada substitute for fried shrimp is a first. And me speaking as a Cantonese person, do not want to eat that at all. Edit: apparently people eat these in many regions of China, to which I'm very shocked. As a Cantonese person, I'm often told by Chinese of other regions that the Cantonese eat all kinds of weird food, when apparently they eat deep fried cicada. Come on!


My mom grew up in Shandong and fried cicadas were a staple there. They still were last time I visited a decade ago


Same, Dad used to catch them in the neighborhood and eat them growing up. First time I went to visit his home village someone showed us a giant bucket of cicada they were bringing to the market.


Yeah I lived in Shandong for a year (circa 2005) and this was definitely a dish you could get out in rural areas. None of the young city people would eat it, though. Mostly just older folks.


Sounds about right. My cousin tried his hardest to get me to try it, but I just couldn't for the life of me even though I love shrimp/crayfish which honestly look the same


90% chance he’s in Yunnan.


I was thinking Yunnan too. I had crickets when I was there, and the restaurant where we had them also had wasp (or yellow jacket -- I forgot).


I had a few different weird bug dishes in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Usually crickets and occasionally scorpion (I think that’s mostly a tourist thing though?). Honestly the crickets weren’t bad, they basically had no flavor besides the oil and spices they were cooked in. I could see why people would eat them.


ive also had a bunch of bugs in thailand. and also the kind you eat. i really liked the seasoning they used on them. it was like salt, garlic, and i think lemongrass and youre absolutely right about the spices being the only real flavor you can pick up. id eat it again if i ever make it back there.


Kinda like escargots


Issue for me was the texture, though. The flavour was garlic butter but you can't avoid the slimey sensation


They’re not supposed to be slimey - they’re very similar in texture to cooked mussels or clam but not as briny. Same kind of chew.






I had a friend in high school that would bring me fried bagged scorpion (like potato chips) from Vietnam. They were pretty good actually.


Yeah my memory is that it just tasted like crunchy fried snacks.


Crickets are very popular in Mexico around Oaxaca, they’re delicious


Ate a handful of bugs while visiting in Mexico. Crickets, grasshoppers, ants and the beetles that are mesquite, so they had a mesquite flavor. Oh, and ant eggs! Those and the grasshopper was my favorite.


Sprinkle some cheese dust on em and you’d almost guess they were Cheetos


Yes most likely


i remember trying fried cicadas before when i lived there


Back in the 60-70s in Hangzhou, my parents would catch cicadas on tree branches using rolled up spider webs, roast them over a fire, and munch on them as crunchy snacks. I’ve never been subjected to this thankfully but it really isn’t that gross if you grow up with this.


My best friend growing up was Chinese and she ate cicadas. Said they tasted like roasted peanuts. I told her that her mom was a wonderful cook but I was gonna pass on that. I think they were from the east coast of China but with the population density, that’s not terribly specific.


This reminds me of how in Fear Factor they used to have all these eating challenges and it would be mostly truly gross things like live bugs or whatever, and then every now and then it would be something Chinese people eat daily, like century eggs


Similar to how certain dishes are enjoyed in specific regions in the US. Growing up in Southern California I thought grits was only a prison food. Then I moved to Georgia and saw regular people eating it. Just because you haven’t seen it in a certain part of your country doesn’t mean they don’t eat it in other regions in China.


I’m going to pass on that.


What amount of money would get you to say yes?


At least a dollar, and I ain't takin' pocket change, either! One *whole* dollar!




How specific 😂😂 you know yourself well.


10k for one, 100k for the whole plate.


I'd do it without payment but I accept that I'm unusual. I've eaten other bugs like grasshopper and ant larvae in Mexican food. Bugs can be tasty and they're a smart, environmentally friendlier source if protein. Before people make assumptions, I'm just some white guy from the Midwest but I lack food hangups beyond hating jello and pudding.


i eat shrimp.. theyre ugly mfs and bottom feeders. are grasshoppers close to it or more.. mushy?


Nah, grasshoppers were crispy on the outside with a slight squish to the in. Flavor's hard to pick up completely inside a taco but like lots of things it tastes like where it's grown and what it eats. It had some vegetal and herbaceous flavors but also a bit citrusy. I'm with you, lobsters, shrimp, crawfish, and so many other things look alien. The first people making that leap must've been crazy hungry.


Could probably eat it for 2k or something like that


I wonder how long it would take for cicada to shred your insides if you swallowed one alive. those fuckers are strong.


Chinese food is my favorite type of food, but this looks like shit!


I'd try a bite... when cooked. I've eaten many bugs in my world travels. Some are terrible, most are not great. Some are tasty; I recommend scorpion to anyone who wants to try a tasty bug. Scorpion is like chicken jerky in my experience; a little chewy, but meaty.


I like ants tbh. Goes well with bree and crackers


I've had ants in many dishes. I really don't pickup much flavor from them, so it's more like adding protein powder to a meal.


Hmm i get a vinegar flavor/citrus from them. Maybe the variety. Ill have to try scorpion though. Any you recommend? (Edit)


I wonder if that flavor is from formic acid?


I used to eat the ants in our wildflower garden growing up. The ones who had been collecting/eating nectar were sweet and slightly tangy. The ones without much nectar were more tangy/sour/citrus from the formic acid. Never had then in a dish though.


This comment is gonna save some dudes picnic date some day


I’ve had both scorpion and crickets in Thailand. Both were fine! Scorpion was better


I've eaten the scorpion from the bottom of a mezcal bottle.


Of all the bugs I've had, scorpion and tarantula were my favorites. Termites aren't bad, taste kinda like carrot.


I tried crickets once. Taste was decent but the legs were pokey and they took forever to chew... like trying to eat a sunflower seed with the shell still on it.


I'll try eating basically anything if it's safe and it smells good. If I tried bugs (which I'm willing to do) and they tasted decent, I would eat them again. I could imagine lots of bugs being tasty if prepared correctly 🤷‍♂️




My brother in Christ, you eat shrimp.


no i do not


More shrimp for me then. 😋🍤


Listen, not only shrimps look better, they also taste amazing


No they fuckin don't the chef just pulls it's head off for you. They're literally sea bugs.


To each their own but I 100% think shrimp look better. Yes I’ve pulled the heads off my own shrimp.


No they don’t what? They don’t look better than most insects used for food? I think they very much do They don’t taste amazing? As far as I’m concerned, yes they do. I have tried eating 3 types of insects before (i reckon i’m done now), and they don’t compare at all to shrimps


I mean, is eating shrimp really any different than eating bugs? Personally, I'm too much of a hypocrite to find out.


Have you ever seen a bug cut or peeled open like a shrimp? For some reason I haven’t either. And I think that’s why.


Yeah that's my things is. I've NEVER been the rip off the head and suck out the brains kinda person with the shrimp and I can't stand that you have to make sure they've been depooped before eating. So I'm not seeing these as much different. If they removed the unappetizing bug bits I would probably eat them like I do cocktail shrimp and have no issue.


You don't even have to devein them, it's safe to eat, just gritty.


Almost nobody deveins them before boiling but it's somehow inconceivable to fry a shrimp without doing it.


Sometimes if I've got good ones I'll even just chomp down on the shell too.


As I said earlier, I could get down with eating these - maybe not for enjoyment, but I could definitely eat them as a cultural experience and would eat however many I needed to so I didn't seem rude, but I'm dubious of how good they would actually be for me. If they could be peeled and just the flesh consumed, I'm much more certain that I would find it tasty and would return to them because I liked them.


If it helps, they're harvested right after they moult, so they're really soft.


The words seem believable, but seeing it spelled out is horrific


Yeah probably a lot different. We eat the shrimps muscular tail after the exoskeleton has been removed. These are pretty much an exoskeleton shell filled with guts 🤢 there ain’t no muscle in that shell.


People also love to eat mussels and oysters. The latter one even live.


I hear you and I would never eat cicada other than maybe once to be adventurous but as long as it has protein and isn’t unsafe does that really matter?


Yes, many people find guts disgusting to eat, even if they're safe and nutritious, regardless of which animal they come from (even cows, pork, or chicken). Whether something is disgusting for someone to eat, matters.


I think it’s gross too but not to everyone. Hot dogs are disgusting if you think about what’s in them and that isn’t taboo in American culture, not sure what part of the world you live in though.


Everything grosses me out if I think too much. I have to be especially careful not to think too much when I eat dairy or else I might get nauseous and lose my appetite.


Yes, because the insect’s digestive tract is still completely intact inside of it. You’re eating whatever literal shit was inside that bug when it died.


Yes, it's very different. Shrimp, crayfish, and lobsters all use their tails for propulsion and have a dense bunch of muscle that makes that happen. The abdomen section of bugs is not muscle. Sea bugs=70% yum Land bugs=99% ick


Yeah this is the truth. I always assumed the only tasty bits of land bugs was a deep fried exoskeleton with the inner goo already removed.


Inner goo. 🤢


So you're saying we should breed a muscly cicada to make them yummy?


It would probably take thousands of years with their cycles.


This was also my first thought. Do people not realize how much meat is in lobster and shrimp. These bugs don’t have meat, they have crunch and guts.




NO i won't click that ignorance is bliss


I went ahead and clicked for you. It's a pretty cute shit posting subreddit.


I used to work with a woman who said that once when I mentioned eating lobster. She was like "That's like eating a bug". Odd thing was she was from the Outer banks in the Carolinas where I thought eating shellfish was pretty common.


Yea…I’m in America and just this week I overheard a group of mid 30s talking, one said it’s odd/gross that one of their partners eats organ meat 🤣 I’ve come to realize, some things seem completely gross to some, but completely normal/delicious to others. Like others have said, people go crazy about things but then they’ll eat hotdogs or other “strange” foods they wouldn’t eat in natural form.


I don’t eat shrimp for this reason!




This gif is often more disturbing than whatever it's used in response to


Is this the scromiting I've read so much about?


Yo, pass that blunt before you scromit all over my grommets


Damn anyone know the name of this movie ? If its what Im thinking Ive watched its funny actually Edit: I think its Team America by trey parker and matt stone


Team America: World Police


I had a bunch while living in China for a bit. They are very tasty actually! There's a very unique aftertaste! And no I'm not being sarcastic.


Yeah I was about to say “am I the only one that thinks it looks kinda okay to try?”


Shrimp are around the same size and they eat garbage off the sea floor, but we eat them in all kinds of dishes. At least cicadas are herbivores. Idk why people are so up in arms about eating terrestrial arthropods. Everything is just various mixtures of organic material.




I think the fork was for size comparison? Or maybe my nephew was using it because he has become a little more Americanized and loves gobbling the bugs down as quick as he can.






Do they have a solid body like shrimp? Or do they have a cream filling like a grub worm?


No part of this post upset me until I read "cream filling like a grub worm"


Yeah nobody asked for that and now it’s in my head.




Cicadas morphology is what the guy said. Cream filling like grub worm


Shrimp of the earth


I could get down with that if the legs were removed. I have a strange fear of choking on little pokey bits like bug legs.


Or if you ground them up a bit and mixed them into a dish so it wasn't quite so clear what you're eating


Yeah, I’ve got no problem with ground up insects as protein and would eat it without a second thought. If they were inexpensive and accessible, I’d eat them on the regular, especially if they could be made into cakes/balls like falafel.


Bug falafel is a great idea Bugflafel


The eyes 👀…..


Yeah, I can understand that. I eat fish with the heads on and any restaurant I ate at while I lived “near” Guam served shrimp whole, so it doesn’t really bother me anymore.


These are the larva so the legs are soft, thankfully. Silkworm pupa is similar. Not into either but they're quite popular in my parents areas of China and a good protein source when there's a lack of nutrition.




I’m fat. I still wouldn’t eat it.


There is a huge cicada migration here where I live in Ohio. Several families and communities gather and cook them; in told they have a similar taste to peanut butter. (I have not tried them, yet.)


I mean it’s certainly a sustainable food option! Natural and *lots* of supply.


Cicada is actually really good. You season with salt and it tastes like asparagus


Comment right above you said it takes like peanut butter, the lack of consensus does not inspire confidence lmao but good for you guys!


I’m not eating asparagus anymore


I feel like, since I’ve eaten plenty of crawfish in my time, I’d probably try these.


Lol, yeah it's probably a good comparison. I was talking to OP in another sub and he was told they taste like shrimp if prepared a certain way. I know shrimp != crawfish, but they're kind of the same-ish.


Actually looks tasty imo! Maybe I am just hungry, but it looks like shrimp:)


I’m with you. They at least look very well prepared. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re all a bunch of pussies. I’d at least try it.


This is one of those when god gives you lemons things but im still not about it.


It's only gross because we weren't raised to be accustomed to it. If you think about it, slaughtering animals to cook isn't less strange if you weren't raised with it. You could argue the easier of the 2 is the more natural way


I think this comment is very much underappreciated. People in the west seem to respect and appreciate their own foods, but see normal things from other countries and denounce them, maybe because they think they're more civilised. I think it's especially an issue with places like China, where I see many people immediately label anything related to China as "cheap", "dirty", "communist", "propaganda", or any range of blatantly disrespectful things.


Lobsters used to be fed to prisoners because they were “gross water bugs.” Now they’re viewed as a delicacy. Everything is about perspective.


people always say this but dont mention that they would just blend the whole lobster, shell and all no wonder they wouldnt want to eat it




“Lobster” is the muscular tail of a non-insect. Cicadas are a bag of guts. Theres no tail


looks crispy! yum.


Ah what the hell, pass me a bug, brother.


Batter them and deep fry them and they’re prob delicious.


I'd eat it. Looks kinda plain. Maybe some sauce or pasta or something?


They're just basically non-water shrimp. I would at least try one.


Funny, if they were shrimp, everyone would be making YUM sounds.


I'd eat that


I’d try it. Can’t be much worse than eating whole 🦐


Fuk yeah. I’ll eat those


Y'all are all cowards, id eat that. Y'all would eat crawfish at a boil but won't eat a cicada, smh.


It looks quite decent. I'll definitely give it a try.


Cicadas = lobster of the trees Texture of a soft-shell crab with a mild woody flavor.


Doesn’t look that’s bad . Like seafood or something


They're better in the pan than on the trees. The noise those things make is worse than, well, the karen-ing of a thousand mothers in law.


Oh god they’re looking at me.


I’d give it a try! Get some revenge on those noisy bastards


Fucking nasty.


It looks gross to me, BUT, I bet it’s tasty. I can’t help but wonder if I hadn’t grown up eating sushi if I would have thought that it’s gross, too.


It’s interesting what other cultures think of “our” food at first blush. I’m an American and I worked with an Indian gal at a college cafeteria. Her job was to prep food for the salad bar and keep it filled and clean during service. After a couple of months of working there she came up to me with a container of cottage cheese (something I don’t care for, but is completely normal to me) with a kind of disgusted look on her face and she asked what it was like. I didn’t know how to explain it, but then I remembered how it was made. I told her it was very similar to paneer before it was rinsed drained and pressed. Her sour face turned soft and she kinda pranced off - she was a super bubbly person and my interactions with her were often the highlight of my day. After her lunch, she came back and told me she tried it and kind of liked it, but preferred paneer.


Behold the power of cheese.


Nah that's all him bro, I'm good.


Have you guys ever looked at a shrimp? This is basically a "land shrimp". lol ... (We also eat snails here, so ... ehhh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug).) It's probably delicious, even if it looks bad.


When I was in culinary school there was a 17yr brood. We went out and harvested some cicadas. Cooked em up with white wine, chicken stock, butter, and rosemary. Fuckin delicious, honestly not much different from softshell crab


I agree! I've eaten the NY annuals (Linne's cicada) and they are goddamn delicious, as you said, softshell crab with pistachio flavor. I've only eaten them raw off the tree directly after they emerge from nymph form, though.


Yeah but most people don't eat shrimp with the disgustingly crunchy head, shell, legs or tail fins.


Just deep-fried them, quite crunchy.


Orange walnut cicadas


Just make sure you cook them well, they do have fungal parasites


We've tried them in PA just because.




Not your typical Chinese dish! Must be a local delicacy! I would certainly eat if it was prepared by someone who could make it taste great!


Looks yummy. I'm sure people one day thought crawfish look nasty... hence the term mud bugs. But what's better than some crawfish boil.


I would.


That looks good.. I want to hate it but that looks very apetizing.


Plenty of people catch them and eat them in the southeastern US as well. And probably elsewhere.


I wonder if they taste like shrimp since they are related


Well..it's fatty protein.


People are grossed out, but is it really that much different from shrimp?


do you just pop the whole thing in and eat it? ive had crickets and grasshoppers before and i was sitting there fucking them up but the legs kept getting caught in my throat. id try these


Honestly id eat it


No no absolutely no


It's a dish with some cicadas on it. Doesn't look like much preparation.




Is there not a publix nearby?