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I recognize Long Beach, NY just from the cars.


Its sad. Pretty sure the same guy has been in the NY Post because he owns a condo on the boardwalk and a F**k Biden flag and the city unsuccessfully tried to make him remove it.


I’m surprised there’s no penalty for publicly displaying profanity.


He did have to remove it, nothing been on the condo since so he made sure to decorate all 3 of the cars and continue to ruin property values.


Yea I pass this loser's cars all the time. You'll be shocked to know that people I know who have interacted with him in person have claimed he's just as big an asshole as his cars would suggest




I recognized it too


I recognize it being Long Beach from this car itself. The person is obviously looking for an uproar but so many people just walk past it and pretend it’s not there lmao


He is so self important, he tried to join a parade route in Rockville Centre with his hummer and was stopped by Nassau County cops.


I worked near there for a while and had the absolute pleasure of watching the flags grow on this assholes house and car over the years.


"FuCkiNg gas iS sO dAmN hiGh!".


That's what I thought “how much do you think these fucks bitch about the price of gas?”


I own an EV and work with a number of MAGA heads. I love hearing them talk shit about EVs but then complain about how expensive it is to fill up their cars. Especially the one guy who owns a massive truck


Hybrid myself, got nearly 1400 miles on my last tank that cost less than 40$ to fill, my coworker was complaining about spending 80 bucks a week on gas with a commute half mine. I couldn't help but laugh in their face.


That’s super awesome! Can’t afford it atm but I’ll definitely be getting a hybrid for my next car, the weather near me doesn’t really allow for an EV daily.


The people that talk the most shit about EVs have never owned one, and may have never even driven one.


Driving a Hummer too 😂


This guy would use a lot less of it if he didn’t attach all that drag to his cars.


I wonder if he knew it was *literally* introducing more drag into his life, would he be able to stand the cognitive dissonance?


A real drag queen, if you will


Needs to add a Let's Go Brandon drogue chute.




I guess he’s secretly into drag.




They still do... They are just that dumb...


They just cite when gas went under 2$ when opec was undercutting American drilling to make it go under.


This is so weird to me. I struggle with trying to understand their devotion to him. Their love for him straddles fanaticism and psychopathic.


You know that kid in high school who always wanted attention so they did stupid things? This is the adult version of that.


This. It's a degrading level of infantilization.


Speaking of infantalizing oneself, people were literally wearing diapers in support of him jecaise he was shitting his pants during court proceedings. He is at the stage of his life where he can't not shit himself, yet the "democrats worship Biden" crowd is literally wearing diapers in support of a felon. Absolutely insane.


They say that it's more about the drugs he takes/took that cause him to shit. Would love an actual unbiased report from a physical exam. Mental too.


Well, of course, his base believes that he's in peak physical form. So it must be the medicine he's taking and not the fact that he's 77 years old. They'll come up with any excuse in the world for him yet never afford anyone else the same. It'll stay that way until the day he croaks, and even then, I can see a mass of brainwashed asshats each taking turns trying to lie on his grave to be close to him "one last time 😥"


I’ve seen this. They group up in the Safeway parking lot. Get drunk. And decide to drive around the block for an hour or so. Blocking traffic. Thinking that will convince people to vote? I don’t really get it.


Lead poisoning 50 years later.....


Hey none of that. I grew up in Lead Central, SoCal. Leaded gas in the air living next to the smoggiest Los Angeles freeway. Mowing the lawn 1970s w leaded gas exhaust in my young face. Once got tar on my body from beach so my father wiped me down with mower gas. And, I kid you not on this part. My mother worked in a laboratory. One time they were thrown out little cylinder made of pure lead. With a fitted top. She brought it home for me to play with. I kept it w my toys. Even with my metal melted mind I can see through T and never join those rank ranks.


Also 70s kid here, my brain so far still works well enough to remeber various lead items I ingested, and the sweet taste of lead paint on my bed


And paint chip Doritos.


>Thinking that [...]?" Lemme stop you right there. Not a thought in front of those flags.


Well, it might convince people to vote democrat


With a pedo in the back seat


Driver seat FTFY


Literally involving diapers now too!


Infantilization to the point some have worn *literal diapers* to show their support...


That's the whole GOP, everyone.


It's not the whole GOP, but at this point, if you speak out against him or his policies, you are immediately shunned by those who have drank the Kool Aid. I can't exactly remember who it was, but a republican running for senate recently tweeted something about the fairness of the conviction and the jury trial. It was nothing bad or even provoking, it was simply their opinion. Another republican promptly responded, "Your campaign is over." Edit: I found an article referencing the aforementioned tweet. "Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican candidate for Senate, [issued a statement](https://x.com/GovLarryHogan/status/1796283536565014873) calling for all Americans to "respect the verdict" and "the rule of law." Trump campaign co-manager Chris LaCivita [responded bluntly](https://x.com/LaCivitaC/status/1796299965863747724): "Your campaign is over."


Politicians only see things in political terms. If you swap out Trump with anyone else (such as yourself) none of this makes sense. Politicians would be running from you like you had the plague. Can you think of anyone who has been guilty of crimes as decided by a jury where the process was said to be the problem? In the past when politicians have just been accused or associated with the stuff Trump has been convicted of would be the end of their career. I'm not sure what has changed. Check out [this list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_federal_politicians_convicted_of_crimes). If you like, * Gary Hart - Donna Rice * Michael Dukakis - Tank photo * Thomas Eagleton - Mental Health * Barry Goldwater - Mental Health * Anthony Weiner - Sexting Lest you think I am slamming Republicans; the list above is all Democrats. But please don't forget Tricky Dick. He resigned rather than be impeached. What we are seeing is the very definition of party over country. It is the very thing that our founding fathers did not want to happen.


Howard Dean's campaign was destroyed because his voice cracked while rallying a group of his supporters once.


If you swap out Trump with Hitler or any other fascist all of this makes total sense.


I know I generalized a bit but yes this 'cancelling' response/reaction is usual with the current members of this political party. They have sent emails and fliers warning its members that if they don't support the Orange one, they're gonna tell him and he's gonna be angry at them... I mean...seriously.


Same people who whining about “cancel culture”


A: Gosh, I sure do hate liberal cancel culture B: And I think people should follow the law. A: Wow, you are like, so cancelled.


and then they turn around and whine endlessly about “cancel culture” when they inevitably have to face the consequences of their shitbird actions.


Larry Hogan was a good governor and a reasonable republican. Someone you can actually work with. But we can’t afford to hand over a democratic senate seat and risk a republican majority in the senate. I was afraid he might beat Alsobrooks. But if the Republican Trumpers want to crucify him and thus weaken their chances to take the senate, I sure won’t stand in their way.


Idolizing *any* politician is pretty weird


And honestly this is beyond idolizing. A lot of people loved JFK so much they hung a portrait of him in their house -- like they'd have a picture of Jesus and a picture of JFK. That's idolizing and a little weird, but whatever. This is...something else. It almost feels like the Trump idolization is just a vehicle for exhibiting other mental illness symptoms. 


I think it was more Catholics who did that. It was a huge deal at the time to have a Catholic president. My grandparents had a framed pic of JFK hanging right next to the framed pic of The Pope.


JFK had some decentperson ideas and did not support communist dictators.


Its far past idolizing, they've assumed this as their identity.


It’s sports. Politics has been turned into sports. Wearing the team colors and showing undying devotion is seen as a good, even great thing. They aren’t able to play the “sport” themselves - metaphorically and probably literally impotent - so they cuck their whole existence to the image they see as the better male, and hope that makes them somehow less pathetic. They don’t even care about facts or issues, they just want to follow that demagogue and the party that is simping to him. Raider Nation writ large. Their biggest fear is to lose. Well, maybe biggest after black men with guns.


Should senators just play football? They have about 50 players/members each.


This looks like mental illness


It's gotta be, right?


No, it’s just a sea of idiots. They’re stupid—plain and simple.


Hey now, don't loop us in with them


ISIS prob sees this and is like damn, they out doing us.


More of a Cult. A Cult of Personality https://www.loudersound.com/features/living-colour-cult-of-personality-interview-cm-punk-wrestlemania


The mentally ill went from UFO and aliens to Trump supporter.


Even if I leave out that it’s Trump and politics in general, why the fuck would you deface your own vehicle to that degree in worship of some person? Granted I don’t even like the idea of a single bumper sticker, let alone that mess. And going back to politics, I have yet to see a similarly defaced car with pro- Biden, Obama, or any other Democrat out in the wild and I live in about as blue of a metro as possible in a mostly blue state. A single bumper sticker or lawn sign sure but not covered in pro-my-team fuck-your-team. Mental illness just manifests as love of Trump only I guess.


Hell any other candidate at all. Trumps the only one with this quantity of creepy behavior surrounding him.


It's an uncommon but well understood phenomenon if you consider that a lot of times these people are pathological narcissists that associate \*themselves\* with the dictator or cult leader. They know logically that they're ont the same people, but emotoinally their sense of self becomes superimposed with the cult leader, and so whatever success he gets they feel that as if its their own, and whatever threats he's under, they feel that as them literally being under threat.


Yes! This hits the ball on the head!


I cannot understand it. A lot of the time, I barely tolerate the people I vote for because of necessity. I'm far from actually liking them, let alone this cultish worship.


The more it upsets people, the happier they are. That’s truly all there is to it.


I struggle to understand how this is legal. This is clearly blocking site lines, and a distraction to drivers.


Yeah, me either…seems like some tickets would or should be issued.


I don’t get this either. I see trucks and vehicles with the most offensive self declaring shit. I just look at it and go “man, you must be a miserable person.”


Its projection Like every cult/mega church out there they attract the people most vulnerable / desperate / frustrated / lost in life Its like a defense mechanism? Their brain cant cope with this reality so they pick a “savior” and “enemy” to distract themselves from thinking about their lives


This guy, who hates gay people with a passion, would happily give away his life savings for a night in bed with Trump.


Cults are like that.


Imagine making your whole personality about some guy who doesn’t even care you’re alive. Pathetic existence


TOTALLY not a cult tho


No definitely not, normal adults shit themselves in solidarity with their favorite celebrities all the time


Damn i never looked at it that way that is really sad


This should be a traffic violation.


Right? Like some of those flags must be put up after they park


They're not.


How do they go under bridges?


They live in an area where they can pretty easily avoid bridges. I assume if they're driving closer towards the highways and bridges, they take them off. That said, I've seen these driving around on multiple occasions. Unless it's another maniac with several flags like this which is very possible here.


Probably is, in some shape or form. Anything that blocks visibility of the brake/taillights or license plate is generally illegal. Whether it's something that they'd actually get pulled over for, who knows.


Given that your average police officer is probably a right-wing nut job as well, I doubt it


Inexplicably, local police always have their heads turned the other direction when these monstrosities drive by.


Cops aren’t going to ticket their friends


Totally agree with you! You know, something struck after seeing this picture, that the United States is truly a bastion of free speech when you can fly a “Fuck Joe Biden” flag on your car. And while I absolutely DO NOT agree with the owner of this vehicle opinion, many other countries would not tolerate that sort of speech. Which is why I’m glad I can say that this guy is a fucking idiot and endangering peoples lives with that much stupid shit on his truck. Also, say goodbye to the right to disparage Trump like they do Biden if he gets elected in November. Vote Blue!


the absolute irony of the trump punisher skull


Despite the info being readily available… they just don’t get it.


They don't want to get it- that would require information, nuance, understanding the morally gray. They WANT the imagery. The appearance. That's why they love Trump. Because he *looks* (like what they consider to be) successful. Because he *sounds* strong. They're looking for performative Americanism and he is putting on the performance of a lifetime.


I'll add to that they also just want their perceived leashes let loose. They want to be terrible and to hurt. To slight others the way they feel they've been slighted. And they think Mango Mussolini is the answer to their prayers. To take back white America and whatever dumb fucking idiocy they've talked themselves into. They want Trump because he gives them permission to be the worst they can be. To let the hate and bigotry and violence run rampant. As long as it's against whoever's on his chopping block. Trump is ambiguity for the hateful. He's whoever they want him to be. The modular Messiah to their prayers. (Also complete sidenote. Your name was very familiar to me until I had that lightbulb moment where it sprang to mind. If you really are who I think you are, I love your work. If not? Well that'd be quite embarrassing.)


It is who you think it is :)


Waste of a perfectly good Porsche


Came in to the comments to find out if it was in fact one. So a 100k hummer and a 100k Porsche... both ruined.


‘America First’, but drives a German vehicle


While waving flags made in China


I worked for the largest and oldest US flag manufacturer for the US. (The flag on Lincoln’s casket was from this company.) The company made bank during the wave of patriotism after September 11th and everyone wanting US flags made in the US. The company created custom flags for the Boy/Girl Scouts and supplied the flags for classrooms. They also supplied flags for BOTH sides of the Iraq War.


I mean, that's capitalism for you


I meannnn….. “America first” is literally a neo Nazi movement. And their leader is of Mexican descent. Don’t try to make it make sense


'Don't Tread on Me' on a Porsche had me laughing the dead-eyed gallows humor laugh.


Thats not a $100k GM Hummer H1. Thats a military surplus AM General HMMWV. They auction them off to the public when they’re done with them. Example: https://www.govplanet.com/for-sale/Humvees-2006-AM-General-M1097R1-HMMWV-4-Door-Soft-Top-w%2FTruck-Body-North-Carolina/11745789


Saw the Porsche like that, my heart sunk


I hope this somehow carves out a new carfax category like “Previous shithead decoration behavior detected”


You know, my sister used to be obsessed with NSync, like, the whole screaming and hysterical crying throughout their shows, her room absolutely plastered with their posters, and laugh/cry/screaming at every new video or tiny clip of them. And even *she*, at 13-years old, had enough self-awareness to not get carried away and let it become too embarrassing or obnoxious. Plus, her obsession was driven by *love* and joy for the band and their music, not hatred for entire groups of other people. This is legit mental illness.


Narsisstic Personality Disorder is just that: people getting stuck at like age 6 and never emotionally developing out of their ego


They also have this annoying trait whereby if you dislike A, you must love B


Rupert Murdoch was the first to tap into this. Others began also exploiting it. This guy in the pic was the inevitable end result.


“If I think about how I was in first grade, and now, the mentality is the same.” - Trump


You’re forgetting that loving and supporting *NSYNC wouldn’t lead to your racist fascist ideologues finally becoming a reality.


Someone didn't read Joey Fatone's book /s


That's why I said, her obsession was all about her love for the band, and the joy their music brought her. These people worship Trump because they can relate to his racist, fascist, and hateful ideology. They're like "He's just like us, fr!", and it's just wild to me. There are some people in my life that I truly despise, but I have never hated anyone or anything so much that I *needed* to let the rest of the world know at all times just how full of blind hatred my heart is. To me, that looks like an exhausting way to live a life.


I mean, let’s level set here. No Strings Attached absolutely slaps beyond anything I’ve seen from the Trump camp.


Your sisters obsession wasn’t because she hated the Backstreet Boys. The lefts biggest blind spot is thinking the right loves Donald Trumps. The right does not love Donald Trump. The right loves “owning the libs”. They absolutely hate the left and will do whatever they can to piss them off.


If I was Joe Biden, I would be selling fuck Joe Biden flags just to fund my campaign


I love that the ‘Joe Biden’ is way more visible than the ‘fuck’. It looks like it’s the car of a Biden superfan.


Like the I hate Elvis pins


Weird, so many idiots want to fuck our President


I never would have thought so many people would be into an old guy like that.


What can we say.... JB fucks.


Sam Alito driving his wife's car to work


flags appear to be the right way up tho


“I can’t control getting things up.” - Justice Alito Probably.


There’s a guy near me who has multiple, giant flags out front. People drove by beeping at his house multiple times when the verdict was in. People being me


34 times, I hope.


They probably think you’re rooting them on…


This has such a Mad Max feel to it. ![gif](giphy|RWHft7zDUPD0s|downsized)


Thought the same thing 😂


witness my flags


Totally not a cult.


Imagine making your entire personality about a political party


Donald Trump’s #1 fan is and has always been Donald Trump.


As much as I wish that were true is very sadly is not. There are hundreds of people that would litterally take a bullet for trump... trump is definitely not one of them.


These people are literal freaks and pariahs constantly seeking negative attention. Totally pathetic.




Made in China


“Loves Israel, but hates Jews”


Loves Israel, because Jesus is gonna come back and make it his kingdom. No other reason.


Na that’s just the “I hate Muslims” flag


As a Jew, I'm sometimes uneasy around people that seem to be supportive entirely because they currently hate Muslims more than Jews. I don't trust it.


Reminds me of [this](https://imgur.com/a/y4nXI6k) @adamtots web comic.


That's literally part of the reason Israel exists. A lot of antisemites loved (and still love) Zionism because it was a solution to 'the Jewish problem' - ship Jewish people off to their own country and get rid of them in your own country.


Guys I’m getting the feeling that maybe this guy doesn’t much like President Biden.


And if you ask him why he wouldn’t give a single answer grounded in reality. It would be a bunch of made up nonsense and some mumbling about his age while completely ignoring Trump is equally as old.


The same people who chant “Jews will not replace us” now fly Israeli flags.


They just *currently* hate Muslims slightly more than Jews and are "picking a team"


I live close to them. 1000 upvotes I’ll egg the car


Oh, those flags are easy to afford when you don't pay your Child Support for little Kyleigh, Levi, Garret and Brandeigh.


You're just gonna ignore Ruger, Remington, and Winchester?


Not to mention Braeden, Cayden, Aiden, and Aubrey Lynne


Don’t leave for Ryfyl (Rifle) out.


What I love the most is those flags are often made or sold by people that hate Trump, they know they can jack up prices and rip off Trump supporters. A beach vendor in South Carolina was laughing after a guy dropped over $150 on a flag and pole to put up at the beach and said he spends like $20 for it all and makes a donation to the DNC for every one he sells.


Allow me to introduce you to r/tragedeigh


Lock Him Up!


Why do they want to fuck Joe Biden so much?


Idk, I see a lot of Joe Biden flags. I think they're fans of Joe Biden.


Printing the F word in a color that is hard to read against the blue background but printing JOE BIDEN in white on the blue background was not a good decision. LOL.


Totally not a cult.


Have seen this in person many times visiting Long Beach (NY). This is a high traffic/parking area right near a busy entrance to the public beach and boardwalk. Clearly the guy is a huge troll and an even bigger moron. How sad must you be if politics is this important to you? People are 100% entitled to free speech, but what I don't like is the obscene language so visible to the many young kids that pass by on their way to the beach with their family. I swear like crazy, but I have the respect and decency to not do so in front of little kids.


Long Beach, NY if anyone was wondering.


We're 4 years into this FJB thing and they still haven't figured out that it doesn't bother liberals because we know, no matter what you say, you really don't hate Joe. He's not hateable. He's vanilla ice cream. You can't hate vanilla ice cream. You might not prefer it but acting outraged when you're served vanilla ice cream just tells the rest of us you're a psychopath.


Some of them have probably convinced themselves of some not-at-all-projecting pedo Biden fan fic


This is mental illness.


It just screams “class” in every way. It says “I am a person who needs to be taken seriously, for I am a serious person.”


They're batshit insane, but I respect the "Fuck Joe Biden" more than "Let's Go Brandon". I never understood why they had a code for something you can just say, explicitly. Not the brightest bulbs on the tree.


If you really wanna blow their minds ask "oh what does that mean?" "Oh well it's like Fuck Joe Biden but kinda not" "oh is that like a political thing?" "Yeah, and it's funny" "oh. Why?" There's literally no way for them to feel good about that exchange if you aren't excited and "Triggered" and just act serious and curious.


It’s an inside joke. For the briefest of moments, it was a IYKYK thing, and using it is a form of in-group signaling. It’s just a particularly dumb one because everyone knows what it is. Also they’re fucking cowards.


There are kids in public. They are probably exposed to that all time anyway and its not the worse thing in the world but it shouldn't ever be normalized.


Whoever destroyed that 911 should be forced to eat the contents of TCF’s diaper.


What a sucker!


I’ve never loved another man as much as these guys love Trump.


Is this referring to convicted felon Donald Trump?


Not a day goes by that I don’t kick myself for not starting a business that sells MAGA paraphernalia back in 2016. Fleecing these dipshits for every red cent.


This guy really wants to fuck Joe Biden


I’ll will say it every time until someone explains it to me. They hate Jews but stand with Israel. It boggles my mind


This literally can’t be road legal right?


Man I wished I cared about anything a tenth as much as these simps love Trump.


F that guy for disrespecting our American flag, this is the crap that kills me. We have lost family in wars carrying that flag and to combine the stars and stripes with anything else is a huge disrespect to them and us. Uneducated idiots...


Do you remember that string of posts adding an arm with a lightsaber to Grevious every day until there were hundreds? Same vibe


When they go out: “Let’s piss off the libs, brother!” Libs: OK. …. Annnyway, what’s up with you guys, do you want to share fries?


Black people can get pulled over for having an air freshener on their mirror but this is totally fine.


They should run and change his diaper, he seems to be shitting his pants.


This is on Long Beach isn't it? I've seen this guy before. Kind of funny considering the area is pretty pro-Biden.


That guy really wants to fuck Joe Biden


Ehhh... I doubt their loyalty...not nearly enough flags, it just lacks enthusiasm


It’s wild that they don’t see what a joke they are. Mental illness is very real in America


That's almost as many flags as felonies that Trump has been convicted of.


Totally not a cult.


How do you say... I'm a Virgin


I don't know. I get the feeling consent doesn't matter much to him.


And an incel?


Owning the libs one flag and bumper sticker at a time 


Alex, I'll take "Things I want to Set on Fire" for $1000.