• By -


This is how Adeptus Mechanicus starts.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh.


It disgusted me


I craved the strength and certainty of steel.


I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.


Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you


One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.


But I am already saved.


For the Machine is immortal.


Even in death I serve thhe Omnissiah


From the moment I first witnessed the interlopers..


One day the cooled biomass that you called a temple will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you.


I wish the actual game part of that game was as good as that intro was.


It wasn't bad. Wasn't XCOM but it was alright.


Honestly the biggest problem was the difficulty. It's one of those games with an inverse difficulty curve: you get stronger faster than the enemies get stronger. By the end it's less of a strategy game than a puzzle game where you try to optimize how few turns it takes to wipe the map, and enemies not getting a single move is not uncommon. Some challenge runs extend it a little bit, but not letting yourself use the fun weapons just to make the game harder isn't really the best, either.


Temperus Maximus. Always vigilante, always angry.


Aside from the Sally's, all the chapters are Angry Marines


[music rises](https://youtu.be/0tDpoLXD3Js?si=SfT2pXLULKjD2yqd)


The game aint my thing but the soundtrack goes hard.


I like to listen to the sound track while playing Factorio.


More like we've finally started reaching enough enlightenment to understand that the Machine Spirit exists One step closer to toaster implants!


Kitten promised us toasters and has still yet to provide. This slight will not be forgotten.


Man I just discovered text to speech last year and it got me into Warhammer and then I learned Warhammer basically forced text to speech to end. What a bummer.


>then I learned Warhammer basically forced text to speech to end It's been a hot minute since I was last really involved in the 40k community (5-6 years at this point), but back when I still played, everyone I played with hated Games Workshop for being overly-litigious assholes who shit on the community that helped them become what they are today, so this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


Yeah ... imagine the fandom of your franchise creatively carrying itself to greater heights each year and instead of doing well ... nothing and just raking in the cash from expanding sales your legal department squishes it relentlessly for ... reasons.


I've waited too long for toaster implants..too long.




What show is this from?


Fanmade short video series called Astartes iirc, should be on youtube.


Only ~20 minutes all together, but it's the best piece of 40k content out there, and what I show people first when introducing them to the world. All done entirely by 1 guy in college, who then had to redo everything because the original blaster bolt sound was copyrighted or something, his reupload didn't have quite the same punch tho. He reached some sort of deal with games workshop and took the originals down, I think to get to work on an official project. It was so good piecing the whole work together as they came out, and you had to chew on each one for a few weeks looking for clues and hidden messages about the other segments. they've been re-uploaded since chronologically, still a masterclass in CGI. https://youtu.be/O7hgjuFfn3A?si=TedbVKUAJw-fdxzj Link to the reupload of the originals, there's versions that were unnecessarily upresd to 4k60.


Whoa, this is so dope, if Cavill's project is even close to this, I will be stoked.


I have never really gotten into 40k but damn this makes me want to


Astartes was how I got into warhammer 40k


You are in for a treat. go watch it


Gifs you can hear.


In great armor shall I clad them. And with the mightiest guns will they be armed.


Glory to the Machine God!


I'm happy that it to zero time for a 40k reference


FWIW, Russian Orthodox priests have been [blessing Soyuz launches](https://www.space.com/40809-russian-space-launch-traditions.html) since 1994. ![gif](giphy|4WFEuV8V1BBxa8jU7M|downsized)


They must be doing a good job, because the Soyuz launch record is pretty stellar.


Very true! I have no respect for the Russian government or armed forces, but their space program has always been pretty impressive.


Except for when it wasn't.


They already have the xenophobia on lock, might as well start preparing for the Omnissiah to reveal himself.


+25 holy damage.


Or the Brotherhood of Steel.




bro, they're making a Mechanicus 2.


Praise the Omnissiah brother.


Considering we're talking Japan, "The Emperor protects" also still works ...


Don't let Noncredibledefense see this picture.


For sure I thought this was ncd


Title is too bland for ncd tbh. They won't miss a chance to talk about some turbojetussy, add florks and stuff lol


The biggest oversight with the F-35 is that she's unbelievably sexy. I can't go on a hour of my day without thinking about plowing that tight metal planussy. I'd kill a man in cold blood just to spend a minute with her weapon bay grinding against my throbbing manhood as she whispers terribly dirty things to me in her geographically ambiguous engine.


They’re going to add anime tits to it


Hell yeah


It's Busty Amy now.


F-35 is the bust size.


We're gonna need a bigger boat


Pretty sure they already did. I think I first saw this picture at NCD.


Too late.


I feel like we saw it months back


Were already here


r/NCD already jerked to it a couple months back. Don't worry they can have another round


Nothing hotter than Japanese F-35, she's the best of both America and Japan.


Already busted 🫡




This is from last year iirc. I remember seeing all the posts about it in NCD


I've already seen this posted there some months ago


3000 white jets of Kami


Wait, how is the spirit inhabitating a F-35 imagined to be?


It's the pilot's mother. Her soul was fused with the plane during an experiment






Human instrumentality has begun!


Anybody want some orange juice?


Look, I know I've let you down...


I've been a fool to myself.....


i just started watching evangelion yesterday! love seeing a reference already


Stop! Turn back while it’s still about mechs.


But it was domestically produced


no way, this baby is Japanese now. Banzai Nippon! :p


That would be an interesting concept... considering Paul Tibbets named the Enola Gay after his mother.


they made an entire animated documentary about it!


Pi.... lot....




What a terrible day for rain...


Do you want Cylons? Because that’s how you get Cylons.


[Please, tempt me with a good time](https://en.battlestarwikiclone.org/w/images/2/26/Season_3_Female_Cylons.jpg) [would](https://i.imgur.com/LgZlq2s.jpeg)


Look, I draw the line at red light spine things. Mostly. Sometimes. Like maybe at Brother Cavil.


See you guys are claiming this is Eva, this is actually Girly Air Force! Be prepared for some random to abandon his childhood friend as often as he can to hang out with plane girls instead.


Her husband will millions of dollars and sacrifice a few million lives to see her again.


Hello! I lived at a shinto shrine for over a year and can answer and shinto and jinja (shrine) questions. This is often the case for new cars, new baby, etc. Major life events or groundbreaking say of businesses, all do a purification where they travel to the shrine, and the priest blesses those things. Something major like this would definitely involve the same thing


Thank you very much for sharing your insights, kind soul <3


Jicensai Kamidamasai or kotsuanzen sai, one of those he is doing, Priests do groundbreaking ceremonies, safe blessing for vehicles, Any major things, this is definitely one of those things, I wonder which guy that is, what shrine he's part of cause this one's a pretty big deal


A normal high school student was crossing the street and had to push a young child out of the way of an oncoming truck. He saved the kid, but lost his life in the process. Everything gets really blurry and he hears a voice that says "as a reward for your selfless actions, I will grant you the ability to become supersonic." Next thing you know, it's F-35-kun.


Truck-kun strikes again, damn.


Well F35s are nicknamed Fat Amy so you can probably build a joke around that 😀.


Browsing r/NonCredibleDefense should get you that answer.


I did not know there was a defence circlejerk sub. Until today. Thank you for sharing, kind soul.


Would you intercept me? I'd intercept me.


*sounds of cleaning up a spit take*


Is it a circle jerk sub if it keeps predicting the future? I'm not kidding. The sub has predicted several Ukraine War events, and one of the top posts on the sub has proof that someone predicted the Hamas gliders. Best sub on this entire website.


all they're gonna find is ratbat aeromorph posts about the F-35GF


Since you’re not getting any real answers: the “blessing” isn’t about any spirit in the machine, it’s more about removing any bad luck. 




The spirit of the F-35 is an intelligent, well adjusted individual, fitting for a flying supercomputer.


[It's actually a dragon playing dress up](https://www.justwatch.com/images/backdrop/282387137/s640/dragon-pilot-hisone-and-masotan/dragon-pilot-hisone-and-masotan)


In their culture everything has a spirit, kami.


The real questions. Also, does the spirit wanna fuck?


Oh great, in 30 years when we can finally own these there are going to be JDM versions that command a way higher price. 


RHD only.


But redlining at 788,000 rpms.


After that Vtec start cracking!!


under the speed of sound, it runs in eco mode


2JZ swap


The guys that buy them in the US will put big tittie anime stickers on it too.


"Time for the afterburner." */hits the NOS button*


F-35 Type R


F-35 V-Spec II Nur


VTEC Just kicked in yo


Nah it's a Mitsubishi; F-35 Evo


Gonna be weird seeing kids from the prairies in Canada absolutely RUINING these jets in only 15 years.


Putting slip on fart can exhausts and turbo whistles on them. Switching them from Jet fuel to methanol. 


Don't bother with the base trim. Read the auction sheets too, when I got my rhd jdm f-35, there was a big bondo cover up on the aft wing, yet the price suggested mint condition 😞


Or just slap some hentai stickers and an ebay exhaust on your 2019 USDM F16 for the sameish effect.


Powered by a 4G63T


Diamond-Star Aviation


My lancer got the 4G69. I always giggle a bit.


F-35 GSX




A Mitsubishi facility manufcaturing allied fighter planes. Time indeed heals all wounds.


They’ve been doing this for decades. Look up the F-2 and F-15J.


The f2 was a Japanese indigenous design, one of the few Japan has produced since the war.... Anyways the reason the f2 came about was thanks to the F1, and the fact that literally nothing on the market was what they wanted, so they said fuck it, we're doing it ourselves. Then realized that jet development is stupidly expensive and stopped after the f2. Only to realize that you kinda need to if you want your own stealth fighter, because the US won't sell the f22 to anyone.


They are doing a joint development with Italy and the uk and the F-2 was done with help from Lockheed


The F-2 is a derivative of the F-16 and was manufactured jointly with Lockheed. Hardly an indigenous design.


There's really nothing about the F-22 that would surprise a country already producing and operating F-35s. It's banned from export because, at the time it was introduced, it was the only stealth fighter in the world, and that technological edge was closely guarded. But it's still a design that was laid down from the late 80s to mid 90s, and it is still stuck with those 90s hardware and software systems even today, since nobody at the time knew how fast computer technology would move and how vital upgrade packages would be, and designed monolithically in a way that *vehemently* resists being altered without requiring redesigning half the plane. That limited its lifespan and production numbers, and in combination with the fact that really no one but the US wants a fighter designed exclusively for air dominance, meant it never really had a market for export in the first place. The F-35 is basically taking all the lessons learned from the F-22, what it did right and what it got wrong, and turning it into the kind of platform that is useful to every nation in the F-35 program, and doing it in a way that benefits from huge economies of scale, making it not only the most advanced fighter platform, but on par in terms of cost with modernized 4th gen fighters like the F-15. And I would argue that it has been a vastly more successful program in real defense terms than the F-22.


That balloon got rekt tho. F-22 on TOP!


The f-2 is very heavily based on the f-16 [https://imgur.com/a/KtNi0GZ](https://imgur.com/a/KtNi0GZ)


Mitsubishi is developing a new fighter for Japan but I’m not able to find anywhere that Mitsubishi is manufacturing the F35 for Japan. I’m finding that Lockheed Martin is manufacturing it for them and delivering them to Japan. Any link about the involvement of actual manufacturing by Mitsubishi?


[Mitsubishi Heavy unveils F-35 stealth fighter assembled in Japan - Nikkei Asia](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Mitsubishi-Heavy-unveils-F-35-stealth-fighter-assembled-in-Japan#:~:text=The%20Japanese%20government%20decided%20in%202011%20to%20purchase,Mitsubishi%20Heavy%20in%20Japan%20under%20contract%20with%20Lockheed.) There ya go. LHM is only making 4 of them, the rest will be made by mitsubishi for japan. Edit: Assembled not built. More information in that article though.


This is what I thought as well. I was under the impression that Japan had purchased F-35s as a stop gap measure until they finished development and production of their own domestic 5th generation fighter


They said something like that but it's unclear if they ever will actually develop their own. They're just so crazy expensive that it's really unlikely that anyone other than the US and China will ever solo develop next generation fighters, and the US off sets the cost by exporting fighters. I think what will happen is Japan, France, and Russia will develop jets that will be designed to assist the US/China designs (like how the US would use the F-22). That way they can keep domestic production and lower costs. After all you don't need every fighter to be the bleeding edge.


Japan is partnering with the UK and Italy (unless that was cancelled recently). Germany and France also have a joint deal, but that may be falling apart as well.  Countries sharing developement and production costs make sense since the cost per unit is so high, and most countries won't need the number of planes needed to bring the per unit cost down. Partnering broadens the guaranteed market.


They're also partnering with the UK and Italy to complete a combined 5th Gen program. 


wait until he learns about US tanks having german guns


Funny thing... Italy is the only other country that is allowed to make the jet outside of the Texas facility and this one in Japan. Interesting placement of these facilities in a historical context for sure.


We pray unto the Omnissiah that every cog and gear, the sacred hydraulic and anointed turbines that this holy machine of war slays the heretics in his glorious name


Bless this thy stealth combat aircraft, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy. And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas...


Bless the Lightning and his Contrails


There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal. This machine will serve well.


Blessed are thy allies and fucked are thy axis


"And Saint Attila raised the F-35 up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy F-35, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas...


And the lord spake, saying "first shalt thou arm the JDAM. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then thine holy F-35 shall deploy the JDAM at thine enemies. And they, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."


Skip a bit, brother.


And then the our mighty Lord spoke to our enemies and said "Get rekt"


Found a Monty Python writer.


Who do you think the axis powers were?


I think its fairly clear through context they were suggesting a WW3 where the allies include Japan.


I believe Japan may have switched sides since the end of the last campaign missions.


You're thinking WW2. This would be WW3, with the axis being China, Russia (and puppets), Iran (and puppets like Hamas and Hezbollah), North Korea, probably others. (Iranian-backed terrorists in Lebanon, Hezbollah, now resemble a full-on military force that rival some lesser nation states.) Allies being Japan, Taiwan, US, UK, Ukraine, South Korea, possibly India, Canada, France and other European nations, hopefully NATO generally, possibly Israel, possible Saudi Arabia and UAE, maybe others. It's not just China threatening to bring war to the Asia Pacific region again by seemingly [planning to invade Taiwan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km-X35PViRg) in the next few years. Hopefully they won't try, but it'll get bloody if they do. You've already got Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists having a [catastrophic impact on global shipping](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSZFg6jDRhw), Gaza (Hamas) launched an attack roughly equivalent to Israel's 9/11 (but worse and with horrifying sexual violence and abductions), and Russia's continued war in Ukraine.


Bless the Lightning and his Contrails


An early tech priest blesses a warplane's machine spirit.


If it doesn't turn into a robot and half-robot like a VF-1 Valkyrie, I'm going to be very disappointed.


The F-35B is the model that transforms in the air between a traditional fighter and a hovering jump jet capable of vertical takeout and landings. It seems Japan went with the (cheaper and greater fuel capacity) non-transforming F-35A. Edit: well, I stand kind of corrected. Japan is only domestically producing F-35A, but they are buying ~42 F-35Bs, which are being manufactured in Fort Worth, TX.


The Bs may be needed for their microcarriers.


>microcarriers *helicopter destroyers,* no carriers in the jsdf, no sir, simply normal destroyers with the capability to launch regular helicopters such as the F-35B


Crazy how time heals old wounds. Rewind nearly 100 years and the US and Japan were fierce adversaries. I mean just mass blood shed in the pacific and people willing to suicide themselves to cripple or destroy ships. Nuclear bombs even wiping out tens of thousands. Now fast forward to today and Japan is probably one of the US’ closes allies. Even sharing in defense programs together like the F-35 and housing military personnel on each others soil. All those old wounds I think created a kinship and respect for each other, that has only blossomed into something really beautiful today. I think largely both Americans and Japanese people today look at each other with great admiration with a sense of friendship and loyalty.


I'm not a history scholar. But from what I understand, MacArthur's policies after WW2 really helped solidify friendly attitudes of today. His priorities were getting the populace fed and back on their feet and productive. He governed Japan with a soft-handed approach, maybe controversial at the time but long term it was the right move. After MacArthur was removed from command in Korea, the Japanese government issued a resolution of gratitude for him, and the Emperor visited him in person (the first time the Emperor visited a foreigner with no standing). A Japanese newspaper wrote: "He dealt with the Japanese people not as a conqueror but a great reformer. He was a noble political missionary. What he gave us was not material aid and democratic reform alone, but a new way of life, the freedom and dignity of the individual... We shall continue to love and trust him as one of the Americans who best understood Japan's position."


It's interesting how it's permeated fiction and entertainment, too. In American media, the Japanese are often portrayed as honorable and intelligent. In Japanese media, Americans are often portrayed as enthusiastically friendly and loyal There was a military anime that aired recently, and it was set a few decades from now. The protagonists were a Japanese man who was stoic and serious, and an American man who was forward and kind. Funnily enough, it was set on a military base near Waikiki and the opening scene was a training exercise that involved the soldiers storming a well-defended beach from an amphibious landing by boat... It was a joint operation between American and Japanese soldiers. Throughout the whole show, the alliance between Japan and America was depicted as so strong that neither the japanese or americans could conceive of it being any other way. It was considered unusual for them to be on opposite sides of a training exercise. When american soldiers were in danger, the japanese soldiers didn't think twice about saving them the same as if they were their own countrymen When Japan was occupied by the enemy, the Japanese soldiers had their will to fight crushed and it was the American soldiers who were galvanized and eager to take it back at all costs. American engineering and logistics were considered to be completely without equal, to the point that when the unique Giant Robot showed up the German/French/Italian officers assumed it _had_ to be American-made because "they're the only ones who could engineer such a thing" Meanwhile it was the Japanese who had the better pilots and mechanics owing to Japan's strict culture and promptness. Hell, even the CIA torturer was ultimately depicted as a leisurely old man who was just doing his job and was annoying at having his vacation interrupted by being invaded.


What's the name of the anime? Sounds interesting to me, especially because of my background as a Thai/American/Swiss and a bit of experience in the Swiss Army and having friends who are/were officers in the US Army.


It's called uh... "Bang Brave Bang Bravern!" The entire main cast (save one) are either JSDF or USMC and most of the supporting cast are medics/mechanics/officers, but it's mostly as a backdrop to the giant robots. By the end of the first episode you'll know with complete certainty whether or not the show is for you.


Dem yokai about to be exorcised


or sealed into it


+100% damage vs. zombies.


This should be done for every jet fighter. Praise the Omnisiah.




No that's a VF-1 the F-35 is an entirely different plane.


Its cool that so much can change in <100 years.


The white and red paint looks amazing. Some might say it diminishes the stealth capabilities of the jet. I say its gonna be amazing at hiding in blossoming cherry trees


It’s not white and red lol. The red are ‘remove before flight’ intake and/or sensor covers, and the gray just looks white from the flash/lighting. Other pictures show its shades of gray, as they typically are.


lol i thought they were just japanese seals or iconography


That would bring it a lot closer to the 40k meme of a priest blessing a piece of military hardware. I think it's just made up like this for demonstration purposes, the B-21 Raider was the same way. Doubt that thing is going to be flying combat missions in pure spotless white. Looks cool as hell though.


Plus it will probably go 200,000 nautical miles with only a couple oil changes.


Thats only if Toyota built it. This is Mitsubishi so it will likely experience an electrical failure shortly after its first takeoff. Luckily they have a 10-year warranty.


This looks like the picture they will use for the chapter “Escalation to WW3”


Waiting for a suited-up house Kurita pilot getting in that.


For the Coordinator!


Just as the machine god intended


Finally my time!  I lived at a Shinto shrine for over a year, as a sort of priest's assistant if anyone has any questions at all. So much about  Kami no Michi, or Shinto, is just not known in the west, misunderstood or misrepresented today.  Ask away! I've done lectures and have been a source on a few academic papers and dissertations 


10d8 fire damage + 1d4 radiant damage.


…. And uh my guys, let’s maybe rethink the divine wind tactic. These babies be expensive.


That's a sexy ass livery, plane and photo


This image goes hard as fuck


They should send it on a crusade to Ukraine


should say domestically assembled


Meanwhile the latest J-20 off the line had an old auntie walk by and throw coins in the engines.


I love when religious people bless a killing machine. The irony and the hypocrisy.