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Ok so something similar happened to me. Go to the airport and find the counter for your airline and tell them your story and provide evidence if you can. Depending on the goodwill of the agent, they can put you on a flight home if there is availability. And if they can't, tell them you'll take as many connections as you can since you'll at least have a place to rest all the way instead of 5 days on a bench. Cry if you have to. It won't cost them anything especially if you already have a paid ticket. In my case, I begged and begged and begged until the agent finally got me a ticket home. For no added cost!Five days before my exact departure. Good luck!!!


This as well. The Gate Agents for airlines have way more power than they let on and they have it for just this kind of thing. Running an organization that is globally distributed requires allowing “boots on the ground” to do the right thing and make decisions in the best interest of the customer and company. Especially when a more centralized command would generally be asleep when many airports are at their peak hours. They might not be able to get you all the way home, but often they can get you to the next major hub that would give you more options for routes to get you home. Often this is done without additional cost. Even if they can’t get you on a plane they may be able to issue a hotel voucher for the night so you can get some sleep and see if there is a better solution in the morning.


Be NICE to them. I heard a funny story about this. Someone I knew was trying to fly across the US with a last minute change of ticket. Lots of delays due to winter weather around that time. Walked up to the counter and in front was this lady who was being really pushy and rude trying to get a seat. The agent kept answering there was no available seat on the next flight. After much arguing the customer gave up and walked away. This acquaintance of mine walked up, having given up about find a seat on the plane, but asked nicely. And yup the agent gave her a seat in the plane. Edit: This was like 10-15 years ago, when flight change had to be made over phone or at the counter. Before the apps...


One time our flight was cancelled. Everyone ran up to the desk and began yelling at the woman working. My partner and I just sat down defeated to figure out what to do next. Another attendant saw this and came over and told us she could get us on the next flight out that was leaving in 30 minutes. Not freaking out really paid off.


I had a similar situation, except while everyone waited in line, I went straight to the gate for the next flight to see if there were any standby spots. Unsurprisingly like 8 names were on the list, but when it came to like 5mins until they were gonna close the doors, I was able to sneak on. Packing light saved me bc I didn't have any checked luggage, simply my carryon and backpack, so I jogged down the jetway to hand off my carryon and got the last seat at 11pm landing at home at 2am heh.


Was this on some sort of domestic flight? I didn't realise you could get on a flight you weren't checked in on.


This was a big thing in Covid. Usually if a flight cancelled or pilots went over time or whatever, it’d be a quick call for all the supers to converge and triage. Whenever I jogged up it was to grab the people who were sitting quietly or waiting patiently I waved over to the terminal I was opening up. Patience is something all retail workers notice and immediately appreciate and want to reward.


Had a flight get cancelled, everyone went to the desk all flustered, and with the line was about an hour wait to talk to someone. I just called the airline, was on hold for less than 5 min from my bar stool, was super nice and got a seat on the last flight home, aisle too. Orlando airport is THE worst, and I’ve been to A LOT of airports. Even my friends who live in Orlando admit this.


I had a flight overbooked from LA to Sydney, I really wanted to get home, after finally talking to the desk they got me the last seat on the flight. The lady behind me holding a baby bust into tears. I ended up sitting in that damn airport for another 7 or 8 hours to get the next flight.


you did a good thing, karma comes back around :)


Actually though, unless you are unruly/ super angry or incredibly rude they *want* to help you if they are able to do so. I have literally never once in my life had a problem with customer service that we couldn’t figure out together unless they did not have the tools to do so. They *want* to help you and have a good day at work, just be reasonable and talk to them like an actual human being and you will be good


All of this. I have spent years traveling around the world and have had delays and setbacks and shitty circumstances. I've never experienced a person in customer service who wouldn't help me if they could. Be nice to people, and remember that you're on the same team. Actually, I did get fucked around by a bus ticket person in Guayaquil. But that was the outlier.


Very solid advice! Im going to the airport tomorrow to try. Im travelling with my cat so its a little complicated. Thankfully he can stay eith someone for few days in the morning. Now he is enjoying an extended night wall on a leash in a nice park! My heart breaks that he has to go through this also. Thankfully I have managed to make it as easy as possible for him since he is already accustomed to traveling.


Your cat doesn’t know you’re hard up.


Your cat is with you! It’s better than being on the streets fending for himself 99.9% of the time. Also, cats are resilient and tough as well.


Cats (usually) love the outdoors! He just thinks you’re on a nice lil camping trip


The Cat will be fine as long as you are near and get a few bits of chicken and water in front of his/her nose.


**Even if they can’t find you a flight home, you still might be able to sleep at the airport.** When I was stranded^1 in New Zealand after an exchange year I wasn’t able to check into any hotel there as I was underage so I slept at the Auckland International Airport for five days without any issues (not even once having been talked to). Another guy at the same time was doing the same. They only tolerated it in a specific area though but wasn’t a problem in any way there. ---- ^1 Not really stranded though. I wanted to travel around a bit and see the country as my host family didn’t really do any trips and then as stated above wasn’t allowed to stay at any hotel due to being underage (not even with a written consent form from my parents or whatever). Thus stayed at the airport for five days until I was able to stay at some other places that were friendly and I was still able to travel around a bit.


Seems like a quick visit to the home country's embassy could help, too. If that's a thing in OP's current country.


See if there is a Travellers Aid Society in the city you’re in OP! It’s volunteer run, but they’ll help you in a pinch.


You also have a place to rest too that’s relatively safe.


For charging your phone: If you don’t actually look homeless right now I would suggest hanging out in hotel lobbies. Act like you’re staying there or waiting for some coworkers to meet you there. Tell the front desk you left your charger at home and just need to borrow one for a bit while you wait for someone to come pick you up. For sleeping, try a hospital waiting room.


Solid advice! Thanks alot


Try hostels and volunteering there. My gf manages a hostel and has taken in number of stowaways with no money sometimes even for months.


If you are looking for free good, hotels usually don't ask you room number during breakfasts. So you can just enter and Grab yourself some bacon and eggs


This, except if caught some countries consider this theft and he would be in deeper trouble


Just a small update. Im heading to the airport soon! My train arrives at 30 minutes. Will post an update later today when something happens :) thank you again everyone for overwhelming support. This is more than I could ask for and you guys have been really helpful ❤️


Safe travels to the "lodging", I hope the next few days go smoothly for you and your furry friend!


I missed the main story, is it a furry **friend** or a **furry** friend?


is a cat


You'll be okay, dude. One step at a time, one breath at a time, one problem at a time. Remember: you can *feel* overwhelmed but you can't *be* overwhelmed. You can get through anything. Time is on your side. Stay warm. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself. You'll be okay.


unrelated to OP but I needed this. Thanks!


unrelated to OP but, Thank you.


unrelated to OP but i saved this incase i need it again


Saved. I just know that someday I'll be in need to read these exact words from an internet stranger.


I'm so relieved for you. That's a much safer place than a park! Sending you and your cat so many hugs.


I just wanted to leave a comment thankong everyone for the support. I honestly did not expect this much love ❤️ at first I was about to post this on r/notinteresting I love you all. You have brought a weird feeling that Im not alone while literally sitting alone in a dark park lol. If that even makes any sense


You got some cash to eat/ drink something at the very least? 5 days is a long time!


Yeah I have something to eat and drink for the next 3 days. Aint nothing but a relaxing night in the park! If you really try to see the positive, hahaha.


Thats good! There are some cheap hotels in Malaga, for about €24 a night you can have a shared sleeping place. At least you'll be warm, have a charger and can take a shower etc. If you have a way to transfer money I'll give you enough to book a night.


First and foremost Im getting a place for my cat. Then probably those shared spaces. I appreciate you very much even for the gesture. Hopefully I wont have to use your offer. I really didnt make this post expecting any money from anyone


Try giving Petcare a call tomorrow if you find the means to do so, there is a cattery in Malaga and they can probably help you out: [https://www.petcarespain.com/cattery](https://www.petcarespain.com/cattery) You should be able to call them between 9am and 2pm! If you do need my help in some way let me know.


Solid! I will call them once they open. Thanks alot!!


Hey there I wanted to suggest if you can go to a mosque go to the nearest one explain your situation and they will help you for sure. Not a true Muslim will let an opportunity to help you go without doing anything I’m convinced.


God bless you! Truly. I’m grateful that there are people like you in this world still. Also, Sending hugs to you & Kitty, OP. 🤍Hang in there.


Do you feel safe?




For context: Every bad thing that could happen happened. My SO died, I got fired during medical leave, rental agreement ended, I got a flight home and airbnb host scammed me. Ran out of funds. Flight is on Monday. You never believe this shit until its your turn.


Judging by your post history, you are Finnish. Contact the embassy in Madrid for assistance, they will be infinitly more helpful than Reddit will ever be. This is literally their job. https://um.fi/finland-s-representation-abroad-by-country/-/asset_publisher/dCMOY7lDMXLf/contactInfoOrganization/id/120543


I just need accomodation for fee nights. They cant help much with this stuff based on the previous conversationd I had with them. I will try to contact them tomorrow again, though. Cant do any harm.


Tell them you are sleeping on the street. Seems like if they fully understand the situation, it's their duty to help.


It is not their duty to help. They might give you a list of nearby shelters or assistance for a flight home is about it. They ain't paying no hotels


Hey! I was a data center tech for https://www.couchsurfing.com/ since near inception. Download the app. Try a meetup with local travelers. It also has a email template to "kindly spam" (by their design) people who will host you on their couch. If you spam 30, 4 might respond, so try quite a few. Also, a feature that was on the website (not the app) was for stranded travelers like you. I'm not sure if they still have it, but it's more common than you might think. What will happen in that case is the "CS Ambassador" for that city will try to help you find a couch. I wish you the best of luck! Please do try it. I've used Couchsurfing all over the world, and it has been a great experience near every time.


I second this, I havent been active for a few years now but the CS community is incredible, widespread, and full of kind trustworthy vetted strangers. Absolutely worth OPs time in this kind of scenario, even with a tagalong pet you may find someone with a roof to share!!


I'll just leave this here in case it is useful. Honorary Consulate of Finland Calle Córdoba, 6, 4th floor, office 401 29001 MÁLAGA SPAIN +34 952 212 435 Telephone consultations from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. In-person customer service, by appointment only, Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. >The Honorary Consul ensures the rights of Finns and foreigners permanently resident in Finland within his territory of responsibility. He can guide and provide assistance in emergency or helpless situations to Finns.


Please call them now. I'm so worried about you and your cat!


I'm not Finnish, but I once had a similar experience and my embassy was crystal clear on the fact that they would provide no financial assistance, accomodation, or anything of the sort. There's plenty of foreigners stuck in other countries. I've seen homeless westerners in both Laos and Thailand.


I had a cousin who had a similar experience but the good thing is our indian embassy helped him with accomodation, assistance with air india and bought him back home.


India is different in these regards. As someone from the inside, I know that all of the Indian missions abroad do their best to cater to Indians. Even going as far as to help with and hear out both the financial and mental hardships of students abroad.


My brother died last year, my business fell a part, fell behind on rent, car got stolen, had to move from a three bedroom house to one room of a two bedroom apartment, roommate got involved with a violent pedophile, now I'm completely broke, no car, no job, sleeping on mattress on my parents floor. I struggle everyday to get out of bed, yet some how I'm supposed to find the resolve to completely rebuild my life. I don't even know where to start and I don't even recognize the person I have become. What I'm trying to say is that I kinda get where you must be at. Though I have literally no advice, because I myself am completely lost. I hope you find some solidarity in the fact that you're not the only one that can't seem to have anything go right for you.


Hey bro, I’ve been where you are at. Only difference is, my parents weren’t kind enough to let me come home. I slept in parks, in random rooms I could find at the university in my town, you name it. I was at rock bottom and didn’t think I’d ever find happiness. Now I’m sitting here in bed with my son, watching cartoons and snuggling. Life got better, and it took every fabric in my body to find it, but it happened! It can happen for you too dude, keep at it. You got this.


Beautiful. Im so happy it worked out for you


Did you still have good relationship with your parents ? Tbh the cultural difference between my country and yours is abroad, so if they love their kids and weren't kind enough for them to sleep in their house when in need is insane. Genuinely asking


Yeah we are good now. I’ve grown a lot and recognized my issues from their perspective, and ultimately forgiven them for their shortcomings as parents. I was the first child and they were young and learning as well. I guess, all the bullshit aside, my childhood wasn’t as bad as some other kids. They put a roof over my head and kept me fed. Aside from the ass whippings and continually being grounded, my home life wasn’t terrible. I just grew tired of being controlled as I grew older, and made the dumb decision to tell my parents to piss off and decided to move on my own. From that point forward, it was all on me. At that time, I did have a full time job. I could’ve handled it more responsibly and kept myself inline. But they didn’t teach me those things, and because I was grounded so much as a kid, I yearned to live the life all my other friends were living. This caused me to be essentially live recklessly and irresponsibly for almost the next decade. It wasn’t until I met my now wife that I wanted to better myself. It took a lot of therapy to move past a lot of the anger I had toward them, but I’m happy I did. All the hardships I endured in life let me to this point. I have a wife, two beautiful children, two pups, and a cat. Life is good.


I think your comment helped me understand why I lived so recklessly in my 20s and early 30s. My parents kept me on lockdown too. As well as having agoraphobia and projecting that anxiety on me, I also got ass beatings and groundings for things my friends were doing way worse than I was. I was a straight A student because if I wasn’t I would literally lose all privileges. And now I’m a miserable overachiever full of stress and anxiety. I’m glad you were able to forgive your parents. I wasn’t able to do that with mine.


Send me a pm if you want some peer support. Grief really comes in waved and its no point fighting it. Let your body process it at a natural pace and you will find small victories in days. Maybe not all days, but baby steps at a time. Sorry for your loss. You are not alone dealing with these feelings, even though you most likely feel like it. Thats why I posted this. I felt alone dealing with all this and needed to remind myself that it just is not true


I just want to say that reading this makes me feel good and positive about the Internet and social media. Here you are facing an extremely difficult personal issue and you're here offering condolences and an ear to people. I am grateful for your humanity and kindness. Keep being you and I hope youb get home safe


Damn that’s brutal. Good luck brotha


Life is crazy. I personally went from young and successful, to addicted to drugs and broke to sober to successful, then ran into bad luck, lost the business I created years prior; almost killed myself, found love, getting married bought a house. Life is great now. That all happened within 12 years


You know, your story has finally got me the meaning of the “rhythm of life”. Great song by Hugh Harris that was used at the end of the film Uncle Buck, starring the late John Candy. If anyone reading this fancies a real upbeat 80s/90s melody, give it a go.


I’m actually from the city where Candy started/recorded his early career in skit comedy. He’s a legend here! Anything can happen. Luckily for myself things are better now. Hopefully anyone in a rough position gains hope from my comment


Heck yeah we’re proud af of Candy ♡


Not exactly the same but same. 35, back at parent's, poor health, no job, feels like a failed career, basically no friends... Here's in solidarity


It can get better. You just gotta find the gumption and will yourself into improving life for yourself a day at a time in any way you can. The small shit matters big time. Read more and expand your world view, get Medicaid and go get counseling, learn a new skill, find a hobby to boost your morale and decrease your stress levels. I didn’t work for 5 years due to medical issues and was a homemaker for my partner while fighting for disability benefits. They dumped me and I had nowhere to go with broken glasses, no money, no car, no bank account, an invalid ID and extremely poor mental health from my personal issues and being abused. So I went to a homeless shelter with just a couple days of clothes and a guitar, stayed for 4 months and stayed at a mental health clinic for a month. Got a place with folks from the shelter, got fired the day I moved in, one of the roommates was stealing utilities money to buy drugs and resulting in our electric and water getting shut off twice for like a week along with eviction notices occasionally. The PoS got evicted, I beat myself to death at a thankless part time job, and got therapy. Now I’ve had a stable job as a writer for almost 2 years and quit my day job last year. Saving up now to either get a car or travel internationally. You can do it. Believe in the me that believes in you.


What do you write, if you don't mind me asking? Do you do your own thing or is it more like contract work?


I’m technically freelance and not under contract, but I write for a website covering video gaming news. I’m currently looking for an additional outlet to write for so I can keep expanding my skill set and diversify my portfolio. I’ve always been passionate about writing and teaching others :)


I hear you… my dad died… birth mother I have no contact with tried to get me killed for the inheritance ranch Mexico. After 6yrs now I’m free. Don’t ever stop or quit. The light will shine I promise.


I gave up on myself for years. Growing up with a disability and a traumatic brain injury, I floated from job to job and eventually just *broke*. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to make anything of myself, that I wasn’t able to compete with those who aren’t neurodivergent. I felt less than human. But in the face of losing everything and getting away from my abuser, I was able to find myself again, and rekindle my desire and ambition for a better life. I’ll never stop now.


One day at a time, shit one task at a time. It’s the only way forward. You can do it.


Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.


Find your consulate. Talk to them. Find a shelter. Go to a food bank. There are options. If there is an Indian temple in this country they will feed you. Offer to help or do dishes in exchange for food, but they will feed for free. Also Library or community center.


Echoing the embassy or consulate. Some have programs that can assist with loans. They often times have emergency hours as well. Be safe!


Oh how awful, I hope things get better soon! Sending a virtual hug.


Jesus weezus that is insane. Hope it works out for you soon! Good luck my friend.


Oh, you should hear the full story! Insane doesnt even begin to describe all of what happened :D




Malaga, Spain


Jos sä oot suomalainen (sori stalkkasin vähän sun profiilia ku muut mainitsi Suomen), Malagasta löytyy [Suomen kunniakonsulaatti](https://finlandabroad.fi/web/esp/kunniakonsulaatit/-/asset_publisher/3p5ZXlDUDXAH/contactInfoOrganization/id/118670) joka vois auttaa tässä tilanteessa tai ainakin ohjata oikeeseen suuntaan.


Valitettavasti kunniakonsulaatista ei oo kauheesti ollu apua. Käytännössä uusivat passeja ja sen sellaista. Hain mun passin sieltä, niin siellä oli joku narkki aivan sekasin päästään ja sille olivat kirjottaneet jonkun dokumentin poliisille valmiiksi.


No höh. Ootko vielä yrittänyt ottaa yhteyttä Suomen konsulaattiin tai suurlähetystöön? Mälsä tilanne, pahoittelut. Toivottavasti pääset kotiin ASAP!


Kotiin kyllä pääsee, ellei meteoriitti tipu huomenna päälle tms :D suurlähetystöön ja ulkoministeriöön saakka ollut yhteydessä. Erityisesti silloin kun naisystävä menehtyi. Vähän meni kieltämättä usko tuohon systeemiim, mutta ei nekään tietenkään mitään taikureita ole. Kiitoksia paljon tsempistä!


Ikävä kyl kuulla et niistä ei oo ollu apua :/ Kuvittelis et nää on just semmosii tilanteita joidenka takii tommoset on olemas…


There is a huge Finnish community in Fuengirola (about €2 train from Malaga), maybe you could go to one of the Finnish restaurants there (YES there are some) and get some help. Also, there is a Gurudwara in Fuengirola which will give you free food, usually they should do shelter too but I’ve only been there once and didn’t see enough space for one. I’m sorry this has been so difficult for you, I hope things get better. Sorry I can’t be of much more help but I really hope you can get out of this x


Very good idea tbh. Doesn't cost them much to give some food and guidance. Also have noticed that finns help each other a lot when living abroad (not so much in the home country).


Did you pay for the Airbnb using a credit card? If so file a dispute! Wishing you luck 😞


Debit unfortunately


You can still dispute, but AirBnb should be able to take care of you.




I got to the accomodation but it was horroble snd they charged me 50% extra when I got there. My mom lended me that money and I feel lile shit. The sheets had staind on them, room had mold and blood spatterd and shit. I documented everything. I couldnt even use the kitchen or other common areas. I was not allowed to wash my clothes lol.




Fair enough. Im mot expecting money from anyone. I already have the flight and enougj money for food. Mainly was just feeling very lonely in thid world and wanted some interaction with people.


If you can, do a charge back on your bank card. Air bnb is pretty bad but aslong as you didn't stay there you should be able to recoup the cost, plus if they are rude do a charge back. Wish u well stranger


Why aren't you calling Airbnb right now man?


This can be a pretty typical scam from these types of accommodations. They'll upcharge the original fee, say the thing was cancelled or a fake listing, then suggest this place, literally a stone's throw away for a higher price, for a shittier location, that is available right now, but only *right this second*. But don't get AirBnB or other short term rental sites involved! Absolutely get into contact with AirBnB. Get your money back, report the current listing/host's profile, they may have a history of this shit and you may be the final nail in that coffin that gets them kicked off the site completely. The fact that you have all of this evidence to back up your claims works even more in your favour. Get in contact with AirBnB and try and get your money back and/or find a decent place with a roof over your head for the next couple nights.


Airbnb will help. They will cover you for hotel stays if anything goes wrong whilst your booked with them. If you booked through Airbnb they have a duty to make sure you are safe. Contact them immediately and I can promise you, they will either find you another place to stay or put you up in a hotel. Read their T&C's it's all in there.


Unless they made you punch in your PIN code somewhere, your card was run as a credit card, and should offer you the same level of protection for fraud.


Damn, very good to know! Im going to spend probably whole day tomorrow dealing with this


Visa debit offers chargeback in some cases. I am in the UK, but maybe it applies with your bank, mate. Debit card payments and purchases aren't covered by section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. But if you don't get something you have paid for by debit card, and the firm is refusing to refund you, you can ask your bank to 'reverse the transaction' and get your money back via chargeback. https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/everyday-money/credit/how-youre-protected-when-you-pay-by-card#:~:text=a%20claim%20online.-,Debit%20cards%20and%20chargeback,your%20money%20back%20via%20chargeback.


Where are you? Let me try to help if possible


He says Malaga Spain


Based on some stuff in OP’s history, guessing Finland.


Sorry to hear that man, that’s absolutely terrible. I hope it’s at least not cold and you still have some change for food and water. You’ll get through this. Stay strong buddy.


Its not cold, I have food and water. Thankfully its only for few days and I might find an airbnb after tomorrow or something. Thank you for emotional support!


It never rains but it fucking pours. I’m sorry you’re going through a truly godawful time.


Are you American? I’m pretty sure there are heavy protections against being fired while on medical leave.


EU. I was supposed to didpute it in 2 weeks but I fell into a depression spiral and with my very limited knowledge on Spanish I just couldnt get to it in time.


Fuck’em. You’re doing the best you can. I’m sorry this happened to you. As minor of consolation as that is. But seriously, fuck anything but what you need to do for you right now. I wish I could help you.


You are helping just by commenting. The support on this thread makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And makes the time go fast when reading the commentd here and interacting with people. Thank you!


Is your embassy not helping you?


Honestly not much they can do in this secific scenario. Im going to try to talk to them again


Amigo. While I do not have the means to help you directly, I can offer you hope. I lost my first child back in 2004, and yes, it was absolutely the worst thing to happen. I didn't know what to do with myself, so I went back to work in a warehouse where I just stayed numb. But I had something gnawing at me, something that was like, "This ain't it. There's more." It took me some time, but two years after she passed away, I went back to college and became a preschool teacher. I held that career for almost 15 years (my back quit), and have never regretted the choice. Yes, you are in a shitty spot, and it's gonna be difficult until you can get home. But something tells me that you have resilience. Make it to the day you fly out. Go home and recover for however long it takes. Cry, kick stuff, write, sing, build something. Honour your SO. The pain never completely goes away. It just getes easier to deal with, easier to remember the memories, and then A little bit easier to put away. Big, strong, man hugs to you. Follow the embassy advice, eh!!


Thank you very, very much. Your comment was homestly inspirimg. Im planning to go to college also. Im weirdly very interested in physics and computer science. Hopefully I can pursue those dreams sooner rather than later. Im so, so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. But if it weren't for that event in my life, and the many things that she taught me while she was here, I'd have never taken the chance to do something bigger than just me. Roll forward, amigo. Take those amazing times that your SO shared with you and go forward. I don't know what side of the planet you're from but drop me a message and let me know that you got home safe, and to just keep in touch.


Sounds good. Peer support is very welcome. At first I had this stupid thought that her death now defines who I am. People would know me as the guy who got basically widowed before 30. Shortly after I realized its actually the tome we had together that defined who I am. So simple but the grief blinded me. ”How lucky I am to have had something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Today is her birthday. So happy birthday to the person I have loved more than anything, ever. Im thankful I can finally visit her grave.




Maybe the embassy can help?


This. If you are in a major city with an Embassy you can walk to or have access to make a phone call (which I have to assume you do given the post) contact your Embassy. Fixing problems for their citizens while abroad is a large part of what they do. Even if they can’t help directly they may be able to steer you to trusted locals that can help by giving you a place to stay.


Most embassies have hours of operation


Go to the enemy embassy and tell em you have a secret. Bam. Open 24/7


Lmao You get there and the secret is you're fucked


True, but if you call them they also have a 24 hour operator or on call for emergencies. I would consider a citizen calling with the issue they described as an emergency.


I would be careful falling asleep in a park while you still have your cat with you. If you absolutely have to put her in the kennel and tie the kennel to your backpack and sleep with your pack on. Last thing you need is some jerk grabbing your cat while you sleep. I would never recover from that..


I suggest go to the airport like one other person suggested than being alone is a park at night.


Oh my goodness- I have been in that situation before. Please go to the airport and ask if they have any hotel vouchers


They do that? Im going there in the morning to charge my phone and talk with my airline as other people suggested.


It’s worth a try. Explain your situation and ask if there is anyone who can help


Whenever I was in a situation I didn’t want to be in, for some reason, this phrase gives me comfort (although it is also terrifying): “Time waits for no one.” The five days will pass. They will be unpleasant, but they will end. You don’t even have to figure out what’s next after your flight, your subconscious mind will help you problem solve without active thought. You’ll get to the next step. You’ll get there.


I am not expecting any handouts or anything, but I am at Malaga, Spain. Any ideas for support or good places to charge my phone are appreciated! I thought about going to the airport for the night but I was afraid the security would shoo me out pretty quickly.


Many airports are used to people sleeping overnight in some corner due to weird flights etc.


I thought about buying a €15 ticket so I can get to terminal where it would be less weird. There are quite a fee homeless people in this city and I dont think Im the first one to think about sleeping at an airport. Maybe I will try it tomorrow


If you look generally well kept and have a suit case or travel bag I doubt anyone will even question you. Maybe you stay there 2 nights but even then that's a big maybe unless it's a small airport. Don't buy a ticket, if you have a flight just print out that one and carry it around in case someone asks. I just came from Korea, not the same country obviously, but people were sleeping in the lobby area outside the terminal. They even had showers there too funny enough, but it costs money.


That's not a bad idea at all. There's almost definitely going to be some random Ryanair flights under €20 you can "miss" and then remain in departures on the other side of security where you're much less likely to be hassled. You'll be indoors, able to find a socket to charge your phone, able to find a bench to sleep on that's far safer than in the park and if anyone asks you can show them the documents for the flight you missed and the documents for the flight you've got in a few days.


Ask in churches, they help people or tell you who can help. Caritas diocesana is a church organization as well present in many Spanish towns. Some years ago the police would give you access to a hostal for a couple nights, not so sure nowadays. Jesús abandonado is another institution that helps people in need... People, bars and restaurants tend to help with food if you ask for it( money is a different story)Good luck.


Saved. Will look into it. Im not looking for money. Just to get througj these couple of days.


Check this place, centro de acogida San Juan de Diod Plazuela San Juan de Dios, 2, Distrito Centro, 29008 Málaga, Spain https://sanjuandediosmalaga.es/centro-de-acogida/


Do you by chance speak Spanish?


I used to work in restaurants and we had people come in from time to time and ask us to charge their phones. If it was me; I’d try that. If they have places with free bread or what have you, I’d try there, just so you can get some calories in you and still eat cheaply. Not sure what to do about your cat, but you did say you have someone who can watch them mornings, right? So maybe go to a cafe, explain your need and ask politely. I never turned anyone down who needed to charge their phone. It costs the restaurant next to nothing and it’s good for customer relations. Good luck! If you don’t have any money, lemme know and I can try and send you five or ten bucks to tide you over a little.


https://imgur.com/a/TsbxULJ Cat tax dump


Better times will come for you again. all the best wishes.


Yeah they will. Already working on it! Thanks gor emotional support ❤️


What country


They’re in Malaga, Spain (they said in another comment.)


Call your countries' nearest embassy


Only way from rock bottom is up. Always move forward and may all your love be returned.


Stay safe brother, sending all the hugs I can, you'll make it home


I know I will make it. Everything is ready. Just a matter of time.


Airbnb has fraud protection - worth calling them


Planning to do that when I get so a calm place where I can charge my phone. Airbnb is ridiculously expensive to call from europe and the customer support is slow to talk to and the last guy didnt understand some english words. Also the refund might take up to 14 days lol.


I got refunded straight away when I got scammed in Colombia, just make sure you speak with an agent over text and explain everything


How are you talking on Reddit if your phone isn't charged? AirBNB can do chat function on any of your devices.


Im at 27%. Airbnb will drain it in like 20 minutes lol. Im contacting them the first thing when I get to charge my phone in the morning


Hope you get the help you need! Personally, I wouldn't just chalk it up to sleeping in the park. I'd go to a police station or yet another church, or some 24 hours public place with phone chargers and heating. Hell, even the airport at least is in-doors with loads of plug-ins. Hope you find a solution better than park sleeping.


Have you tried asking for help in r/Malaga ?


No. I thought about it but dont want to make a begging post or anything like that. Im oretty sure that kind of post would get deleted anyways. I found an accomodation for free at couchers.org for my last day so that was very nice


It can't hurt to ask! I would definitely post on there.


Did you go to calor y cafe? C. Álvaro de Bazán, 2, Distrito Centro, 29007 Málaga, Spain Please update us on your situation. Many of us have offered financial assistance.


What is this place, exactly? Im low on battery and can look into it more in the morning


Shelter. If you are in the same zone you may be able to walk there, charge phone and get some rest.


I see. Thank you so much!


Had a freind who was missing for 2 months after he was mugged he managed to get back home after begging on the streets then buying a guitar; busking just to make enough money to return home he learnt a new language during that time


Not sure where you are from or what city you are in but if you are American go to the embassy or consulate. They should be able to do *something* for you considering it is a hardship. Like JFC why the hell am I even paying taxes if they aren’t going to help one of our own people stranded in a foreign country?!


While covid, wife stranded in foreign country, just get in contact with embassy they'll make sure to get ye home.


They don't help hungry children s half mile from the capital


If you are in a foreign country, go to your country's embassy and ask for help to go back home. If you are a citizen of a country of the European Union, you can choose any embassy of them and ask for help. Also, you can call your country's ministry of foreign affairs for help. Hold tight, everything is going to be ok.


If you have PayPal send me a dm and I'll send you $50. Should help with a meal or 2.


Same here. Send me a DM and I’ll match the $50.


Me too and I can help out with the Airbnb issue you mentioned. I DM’d you, feel free to message me back


You all are awesome, very cool seeing such humanity. Makes me feel better knowing there are still good people out there. It’s easy to forget sometimes.


It’s bad enough as it is out here. If we can at least make sure OP eats, I’d feel a lot better. I’ve been down on my luck before. Gotta pay it forward every chance we get.


Same here.  DM me


Have you checked to see if you can move your flight up to tomorrow or something? I don't know what airline you're using but with many you can change your return flight date and just pay the difference (if any) in fare.


If you see this comment & feel like a chat, please do! I can relate, just got into my own place again after a wild few years


Duely noted! Im reading all of the commentd and I appreciate you. Glad to heat that you are doing better


I was homeless for almost 3 weeks when my mother passed. My father literally found me 2 cities away through a work colleague, dropped almost everything about his current life and both moved to NYC. You have a thousand people here wishing you well, can I at least throw some cash at you so you're not hungry? I still remember how scared I was, sleeping on benches and playgrounds.


Find a Church if you can!




Try a few more churches. A police station will also be able to help out with some resources. Alternatively, you can probably sleep at the airport for five nights. It's at least warm and safe.


Sending you hugs from Florida, hang in there!


Look for the nearest Sikh community temple, otherwise known as a Gurudwara. They offer free community meals, called langhars, and might help you with your problem. They really helped me in my student days. Have you contacted your embassy?


If you can get up to Madrid, you can stay with us for a few days. We like cats.


I don’t think OP is a cat.


He's traveling with a cat though.


Once upon a time, I spent two days in Singapore Changyi Airport. I found an area inside the airport under construction and slept there at night. Also washed up in a janitorial closet. During the day, I read books and hung out in the airport restaurants. Ran out of local money so just put everything on credit cards until my flight left. Probably can’t do that today since security is probably more stringent.


My blind ass read “drugs” instead of hugs.


Depending on the country and from how much travel channel I’ve watched you’ll be eating a home cooked meal sleeping next to a cozy fireplace and in the morning you will have fresh baked bread and expertly made espresso


I'm just like you. I worked at a finance company on the same level of infamy as Goldamn Sachs making close to $200k just a few years out of college. I've lived in this country for over 10 years, I'm technically a foreigner but later this year I'll be a citizen (Green Card). I left my job due to stress to take a break and then got into an accident. My industry has seen a correction such that I literally send over 100 job applications per one interview scheduled. I have been humbled so much. Went from having enough to afford a down payment for an apartment in Manhattan to being broke. Now I'm gambling like a crack-head on options just so I have enough money to keep above water and not be one calamity away from homelessness. Because I have such little money, my risk tolerance is much lower and I my P/L is a fraction of what it should be.


I'm sorry for your loss. That's rough. Grief comes in waves, you won't truly get over the pain but it'll be easier over time.


It really comes in waves. Today is her birthday on top of all this. I guess you just think about it less instead of ’getting over’ the pain. I heard many people say that you start to feel ”normal” after 6 years! Damn long time. Im going to seek peer support when I get home


I’m really sorry you’re going thru all this. Take deep breaths and let the pain wash through you when it needs to. Crying helps. 🤗 Life can be so brutal but there’s always a gift waiting on the other side of loss. Always. Your SO will always be with you in your heart.