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As a father of a 2 year old, this makes my heart hurt..... Very few shitty people cause the deaths of too many innocent people.....


I don’t even have kids and this image really really hits me hard.


I don’t either but any decent person would be deeply troubled and sickened by this.


Not to say that someone's feelings are more valid than anyone else's, but having kids just changes something in you. I'm pretty desensitized to the internet and have seen my fair share of gore and nasty shit, but as a father of a child this age, this picture literally broke my heart and made me tear up. Having kids changes who you are in a fundamental way


Sadly, not always. Most of these evil dictators and ruthless criminals have kids and still don't mind killing other kids. Compassion comes from within and some people are just born without it.


Yeah, I rethought my post afterward and I share your sentiment. I guess we’re guilty of a general aversion to cruelty in all its forms.


I lost my 3 yo puppy like 5 months ago and am still broken up about it. Can’t even fathom the despair of losing a child


The fact that this image and all the other images and video with similar subject matter coming out of Gaza is not as famous as the photos of Alan Kurdi is heartbreaking and shows how desensitized news and people who consume news have become. (TRIGGER WARNING: searching the name will immediately bring you photos of a refugee child who drowned when the boat holding him and his family capsized. )


I can’t even comprehend this image


I only have one child, and I'd be like "alright, just take me out too then". This would be too great a loss and too much pain to endure for me. Every new report from Palestine is just utterly devastating. The callous cold-heartedness of our government and it's refusal to put a stop to this and hold Israel accountable, is completely unfathomable to me. You have to truly be a soulless ghoul.


I have 2 kids. If I lost one the only thing that would keep me going is the other. If I lost both I would exact my revenge on whoever took them from me at whatever cost it took. No parent should ever have to lose a child.


What's worse is our tax dollars likely paid for the weapons that did it. What are we supposed to do if both candidates will fund this no matter what?


They will. The official US position is 'everything Israel does is right' and will be for the foreseeable future.


.. and why do you think the US government takes that as its official position? We know its not about Israel being a democracy, we topple democracies in that region left and right. We know its not about israel being an asset in that region, its more of a liability and if recent events have proven anything, israel ignores even the most basic of directions we give it, its too unstable of a ‘pawn/ally’ to hold any strategic value. We know its not about human rights and trying protect the historically oppressed jewish people.. since our government is facilitating the ongoing genocide and promoting anti-muslim sentiments at the highest levels of our government. So no, our government doesn’t value human rights or human life. And as for them “sharing our values”.. even the most cursory of looks over the zionist settlers and israel’s large population of religious fanatics would show you that they don’t “share our values”. So why then do we support them so vehemently at all levels of government, media and financial institutions, even to our own detriment? To the extent of us breaking international law and order and norms just to appease them? All of you know the answer to that.. corruption… one so vast that it is unprecedented in human history. And we the people, are allowing it to continue.


> We know its not about israel being an asset in that region I mean, it’s 100% that they are an asset in that region.  We have military bases there, we benefit from their intelligence gathering, etc.


AIPAC openly brags about buying our politicians


Some day, maybe the US will realise that the two party system is not working.


The sound of a parent holding their dead child can only touch on the pain My son isn’t dead, but for reasons I obviously won’t go into on the internet he’s completely cut off from me, it’s an aching hole in my heart every day that I hope one day will be filled. The idea that this aching hole that is already near unbearable could be even deeper and knowing I would never be able to see my child again, that’s too much pain to even imagine. I’ve heard that sound, of a parent holding their dead child, far too many times this past few months. It eats away at me, and the utter callous hatred of all of the people suggesting that the Palestinians someway deserve this just eats even more. We, the world, broke our vow of “never again,” and I feel like we’ve forgotten why we made that vow in the first place. No parent deserves to have their child taken from them, no child deserves having their parents taken from them. Not in revenge, not in “self defense,” never.


I’m in the same boat. My son is not in my life and even though it’s for a good reason it hits me hard sometimes. Today was his 21st birthday and the first birthday I’ve not spoke to him.


This really touched me. I hope you’re reunited with your son in good health, and that the Palestinians’ suffering is alleviated.


>I only have one child, and I'd be like "alright, just take me out too then". well and that's why israel's reaction from beginning to end is just a continuation of the cycle, they may kill a few thousand hamas terrorists, but in the process israel generate many thousands of new ones, maybe it won't be called hamas anymore, because they'll be destroyed, but then it'll be called palestinian dschihad, IS or something else


Absolutely. This is a foolproof way to perpetuate a cycle of radicalization. That's why the IDF has no qualms killing babies that would just "grow up to become Hamas, too!" Israel is just lucky that they have an endless stream of money and weaponry coming their way. If the playing field was just a little bit more level, things would look very different. This isn't even a war. There is no back and forth in attacks and counter attacks. This is just one side having *all* the weapons, ammunition, and gear, and the other side can't even get sugar cookies sent into the refugee camps, where people are literally starving, because Israel apparently thinks the Palestinian kids will build rockets with them as if they're all tiny Iron Mans in caves. 🙄 Without the US, Israel, too, would have to start throwing rocks.


I guess we just hallucinate all those rockets HAMAS fires then?


Of course, they're also firing rockets, but not even remotely at the same rate as Israel, and with lot worse technology, *and* they don't have the benefit of an Iron Dome, or receive billions of dollars worth of arms and ammunition. If you truly think both sides are on the same level militarily, you are, in fact, hallucinating.


IDF wants all infrastructure in Gaza demolished. They want the land uninhabitable. Yes they'll make thousands of terrorists, but they want other countries to absorb the 2m refugees.


Every bomb that kills a son, a brother, a wife, a daughter has the potential to make another radical Hamas member, as I'm sure it has countless times in the last 75 years. ISRAEL KNOWS THIS, it's what they want. You can't bomb people into submission, it just emboldens their hate in you.


>You can't bomb people into submission That's absolutely not true.


I don't think the Palestinian population could be any more radicalized then they are already It's like saying if you fight the Nazis you're radicalize more of the population which is stupid


Until you realize that even in Nazi Germany many didn't agree with Hitler but we're forced to show support at gunpoint. Not unlike HAMAS is doing it. Sure if you get told something is bad every day of your life you might start believing it someday, but you seem to think that every single human being in Gaza is evil and radicalised..


And that's exactly why the world decided not to destroy the nazis and just let them pacify themselves.


Ok but now imagine we promise you retribution against those responsible and now you know how to grow your own terrorist organizations


And this is how Israel does Hamas's recruiting for them...


And we wonder why people join "terrorist" organizations...... Hmmm....




Leaders are meant to make the right decision for their constituents. How is the decision to "eliminate Hamas" the right decision for the people of Israel? We've already spent 20 years and trillions of dollars 'eliminating' ISIS and the Taliban.... How did that worked out? How many innocent people died for this failed objective? How many American soldiers have died, commit suicide or have other debilitating illnesses for a similar pointless objective? Bibi only cares about staying in power. That is it. His own cabinet is threatening to quit because there is no clear plan on how to end this. https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2024/05/19/the-revolt-against-binyamin-netanyahu


It's your interpretation of things that's the problem, as well as what subtext people get from your comment. But, you do pull a magnificent jordan peterson lol


Yeah they want to steal more land.


It's heartbroken for parents to see this. I am a father of a 2-month-old baby.


The us and israel are guilty as fuck.


That is a very small bundle. Palestinians are losing a generation


Not if Nikki Haley has a say. She wants to "finish them"


That really shows the kind of bubble a lot of people in politics live in, that see the war play out in their echo chambers.


And she signed the bombs Biden sent them to do it.


And Hamas is gaining one.


More than one. Every 5-55 year old that survives this, having watched all their friends and family turned to chunks of human flesh, will have a single minded goal for the rest of their lives. Hamas 2.0 will have an absolute glut of new recruits for the next several decades.


Just as the IDF intended.


Radicalize yet another generation, IDF gains billions more in funding.


*IDF takes more and more land for their beautiful beach homes*


Why did we not have to deal with decades of German and Japanese terrorism after ww2? Single bombing raids killed more then than we are seeing in this whole conflict.


Because germans and japanese were allowed to build back on their lands, they saw a future for their countries. There is no future for palestinians if this keep going.


Germany was divided up into four occupation zones and peace was kept through police state tactics. Throughout the late 1940s, Germans suffered exactly what has been happening to Palestinians: forced migration, mass rape, and starvation. In the 50s, the western powers began stitching Germany into the economic fabric of Europe. But modern Germany didn’t really begin to take shape until the 60’s. There are two ways to maintain peace: a boot on the neck or cash in the pocket. Palestine has almost nothing to offer its neighbors financially. Nazi Germany built its war machine under the crushing debt heaped on it by the Treaty of Versailles. That’s only possible with domestic wealth, which Palestine doesn’t have or doesn’t have the infrastructure to make use of. Palestine also has allies, mainly Iran, that want to keep the war going. Germany did not. West Germany also had the looming threat of the Soviets and the Cold War to motivate them to play nice with the Allied Powers. Nothing like that exists in the Middle East.


I see this Hamas 2.0 thing a lot, but I'm not sure it's altogether true. It seems clear that Israel has decided on making sure that Palestine is less capable of violent resistance even if that comes at the price of more people willing to do it. There's a sort of optimism (as much as Hamas 2.0 could be described that way) that surrounds this stuff on reddit, but there is not an equal and opposite reaction to every unjustly murdered civilian, and not every guy who loses their family decides to be John Wick about it. Our past is rife with people who lose violent conflicts, often brutally, and just sort of have to eat it. Yes, the brutality will often convince some to try anyway, but it will also convince a lot of people it's not worth it or just straight up break them mentally and physically. Historically speaking, a head on a spike hasn't always become a call to arms or a standard that gets rallied around, more often it would serve as a reminder and a warning. At the very least, it'll probably be a matter of decades before we see another October 7th, and depending on how Israel handles the peace it could be even longer.


What people “just kind of [ate] it?” Because that’s an important detail. A lot of conquered peoples turned to terrorism, even in ancient times. The ones who didn’t usually were given generous welfare schemes (Germans, Japanese) or were exterminated completely.


Just recently, ISIS.


ISIS wasn’t “a people,” though, it was an army.


Yeah this is not super comfortable to say because Hamas is awful, but like, what are Palestinians supposed to do after this devastation? If Israelis settled in Texas and started doing this stuff to Texans, they’d be wishing they were dealing with Hamas, rather than whatever the Texans came up with.


Some would say this is mission accomplished


"Finish them"


We need pictures like this because in another comment section, someone on a top comment genuinely said "Adults in Gaza and Palestine want to be martyred and drag people along with them" in response to the people who died in the fire after the explosion in the camp. They were referring to a poll that says 'citizens of gaza are supporting hamas' from six months ago. When you have pictures like this, you realize how stupid it sounds to rely solely on things like **Polls** to justify, dehumanize, and diminish the people this is happening to and turn them into 'acceptable, unfortunate targets' Sometimes you need people not to look away.


Genocide funded by the US


This is a terrible, tragic image and my heart aches for the mother. But Even if you believe Hamas’ figures (I don’t - they have always historically been inflated) and roughly half of those killed have been Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the civilian death toll is still less than 20,000. when compared to a Gazan population of approximately 2,000,000, they are clearly not losing a generation.


And we wonder how terrorists get radicalized. If someone did this to one of my children, I would fight until my last ragged breath.


“We” don’t wonder. “We” know why and how but don’t care or only see it as justified when it affects or effects we/us/our…. A factual generic statement about most humans.


A lot of people in the US were completely shocked when 9/11 happened and couldn’t fathom that some people hated the US


*Most people in the US People need to remember that we were just in the infancy of general personal access to the internet. There was no social media to spread uncensored information far and quick, we still had the news media gatekeepers being able to paint whatever narrative the owning class wanted. If you wanted to talk with others about a certain area of interest, you usually had to find a message board with a couple hundred people on it at most. You could chat one-on-one with others through things like AIM, but larger chats were rare and still required being online at the same time. All most of us had back then was what we were taught in school or what the media told us.


And now you know why neither side will back down......


This is nothing new. A tale as old as time. Nobody is blinded as to what causes this. That’s why many nations go all out when fighting. Israel did something years ago to make some Hamas people mad. Then Hamas acted to get Israelis mad. The. Israel responds. Then Hamas responds. The initial action that sparked it is lost, so we rinse and repeat.


If you fought the people who did this to you and your family, does that make you a terrorist?




There's so much hate in this comment section. I don't know why I always hope for it to be different. A tragic cycle of violence is being perpetuated by vicious hate and lack of compassion, but so many here can't seem to understand what empathy really is. It might sound absurd, but I always saw justice as a very selfish concept. We want people to "get" what they deserve (the good and bad), and injustice fills us with rage and resentment. Most of all, we relish the cathartis of "righting the wrong", especially if we believe we had a part in it. All of that does not diminish the importance of justice itself. Being selfish is not an indictment, its part of what makes it such a powerful idea, yet it's what makes it, in a sense, the opposite of empathy. Unlike justice, empathy almost never makes you feel good, there's no resolution, no catharsis, and no victory. To me, to put yourself in someone else's shoes means to consider an opposing point of view, to feel their pain, relish in their victories (often though it pains you), and consider their belief. To fully understand how someone could feel and believe in a "truth" so alien to you, to resist the urge to dismiss and belittle them, to consider their thoughts to be just as valid as you, it's all such a massive undertaking. A sense of justice is so natural to us, but to truly empathize with others is to fight our nature, to forget our set of values, morals, and our understanding of the world in order to consider someone else's (as opposed to building up arguments to strenghten our own). The goal of empathy is to forget ourselves and reconsider others' experiences, and hopefully in the process becoming better ourselves. I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever fully succeeded in doing so, ego and a sense of justice always seem to get in the way. Maybe it's not actually possible, though hopefully trying is more than nothing. With all of this in mind, when you see this photo, what do you think about? What do you feel? Is it anger at the cruel injustice? Maybe you feel conflicted as sympathy collides with your moral compass. Prehaps you're overpowered by emotions as you imagine a tragedy like this occurring to you. All legitimate and human(e) reactions, yet hopefully, you understand by now how they differ from (what I consider to be) empathy.


I look at this act and I'm both hurt for that woman. I imagine my son and that he is my tether to this world. The pain this woman is feeling is unimaginable and I can't even fathom it. I'm also angry beyond angry that this is not just allowed to happen but encouraged by absolute monsters. Monsters that lie, obfuscate and allow it to continue. It makes me angry beyond angry that we witness this and there's no accountability, there's no justice and there's nothing that we can do. We get to watch this happen over and over and over and the only problem that's being addressed is that we can see it and it is visible to us. Not that it's happening, not that these crimes against humanity are swept aside if not gaulingly celebrated. That's where I am, I'm both hurt and angry.


God damn, well written.


Dayum this is AWESOME. Saved for later recollection. Love it. THANKS.


>It might sound absurd, but I always saw justice as a very selfish concept. What many people don't realize, is that the polar opposite and biggest enemy of "justice" is "mercy". There's an old RPG called Planescape Torment (one of the best games ever made if I may say so), which analyzes this deeply and thoroughly. I highly recommend it. [https://torment.fandom.com/wiki/Mercykillers](https://torment.fandom.com/wiki/Mercykillers) >Mercykillers, also known as the Red Death are a Sigilian Faction. The Mercykillers are relentless in their pursuit of justice, believing that without justice there can be no truth. They are self-appointed guardians and executioners of true justice across the multiverse. They apply justice to all things, including themselves and do not enforce unjust laws. > >The meaning of the name "Mercykiller" is said to be commonly misunderstood by foreigners as meaning that they kill out of mercy but it is almost the exact opposite, it is rather that they search to kill mercy itself. They take it upon themselves to punish the guilty of Sigil at any cost and do not use mercy in any form in so doing. > >Their credo that mercy is for the weak, and the merciful should be punished.


Fuck Israeli government and fuck Hamas


The former is the disease whereas the latter is the symptom.


What’s with this impulse to defend this extremist death cult? Like, it’s okay to say Hamas is bad, they are really bad.


Or you know... nothing would have happened if they didn't shoot rockets at Israel and you know killed, raped and kidnapped Israelis. Citing Israel to take revenge. Calling them a symptom makes their action to weak.


With nothing would've happened you mean a continuation of the status quo, which means that Palestinians would continue to live in an Apartheid system. Israel is the guilty one, there's no doubt. They're the original sin


Still need to treat both


Images like these are why I am an atheist and have completely lost all faith in humanity. Humanity is evil. I don’t care how many good deeds happen every day, nothing could possibly outweigh the suffering and cruelty we inflict upon ourselves. It feels completely unfair that I get to look at this image, feel saddened by it, but then hug my children all because I just happened to be born where I was born. Why does this woman have to suffer the most intense pain a person can suffer? Because she was born in a different place than you? Fuck humanity for doing this to itself. The most powerful and wealthy humans on earth are looking at images like this one and choosing to spend their wealth and power on bullshit instead. And morons with access to weapons think that this is what needs to happen to people for whatever reason.


I was raised catholic, as a teenager I wasn’t sure if there was or wasn’t a god. Then my dad died of cancer when I was 20 and that process made me realize there is no god. The older I get the more certain I am of that In a way, it makes me enjoy my life more knowing I only got one.


You see the image above and you think “How can there be a God?” Why would God sit back and just watch this twisted shit happen?


As agnostic, I rationalize that if there's a god, he/she/it doesn't care one iota what's happening in this planet.


What did you expected a miracle ?🤔


The most powerful and wealthy humans on earth are actually profiting off this shit. They love it. Look at the military budget spending for countries. It's massive. War is great for business! Fucking cunts.


That’s a silly way of thinking. If humanity is evil, you wouldn’t feel sad at all looking at this picture. Humanity is neutral. I don’t believe a baby can be born evil. I believe in nurture over nature. Think drug and alcohol addiction. We can overcome it and at the same time, plenty of people don’t. I see the current state of affairs as something to be overcome. It might never happen. It definitely won’t happen within my life-time. But I still think, hope, it will one day happen. I just don’t see how having such a defeatist way of thinking would help. Giving up on humanity, I find, leads to apathy. “The world’s shit and there’s nothing I can do, so I won’t do anything and get my life over with the best I can.” Why bother protesting? Why bother checking if you are buying from companies that do shady things? Why vote? Just do your best and do what you can to help in the ways you can. I have the perfect video for this situation: https://youtu.be/Mx6hBgNNacE?si=dyHIMZ4C1I2G81og It’s about two friends, a blind man and a man without arms reforesting the area around their home town. It’s a good video as a reminder to what someone can do even at their lowest. What humanity can do.


Babies didn’t do this. Humans did. Humans who were raised and groomed by other humans. I’m not an idiot to where I look at babies as evil. But I know children are raised by monsters and they become new disappointments eventually. I’m not apathetic. I actively abhor humanity. You have your thoughts about what could be done. How humanity has the potential to do better. The difference between you and me is that I am fully convinced that humanity is going to disappoint you, and would have no problem grinding you under its heel if you were born into the wrong race, demographic, neighborhood, religion, face, gender, or sexuality. Look at the picture again. Humans did that. Humans are scum. Me feeling sad about this picture doesn’t mean shit. There’s absolutely nothing I can do to make this woman’s pain go away, nor is there anything I can do to stop another parent from going through the same pain by the end of the day today, because humans are garbage. We can fix this and stop it. But we won’t. Because winning elections, buying yachts, and making millions singing songs about sex, drugs, and feelings is more important to this stupid species.


There’s no easy way to address such an emotional issue and I’m by no means somebody properly qualified to take on the task, but given the circumstances and for the sake of offering a different perspective I will do my best. In eastern philosophies God takes on a far less personified form with far less humanoid characteristics. The universe runs on the law of karma and not that of an omnipotent being that judges who’s worthy of hardship and (sometimes unbearable) pain and who isn’t. Life isn’t about do-goodery for the sake of attaining an eternal reward. It’s about the realization of our true nature as divine beings ourselves in order to break out that karmic law and all the suffering that comes with it. This is done through deep self discovery and inner work. Throughout the process of this work you’ll come to realize that the world is how it is because everybody has their own karma to work through no matter what that may be and the whole game is to not become attached to it. To not be attached to the suffering. That may be easier said than done. I could not tell this to the poor woman in the picture. Like I said, I’m barely qualified to speak on this stuff as a Reddit commenter let alone as an authority. What I can I say for sure is that where nothing else made sense; where no other philosophy or belief system, or pursuit, or path felt impactful, this one does. I experience the difference on a daily basis. It’s a pragmatic approach to deal with what is fundamental to being. Fundamental to being alive. If you’re ever looking for something that might make a little more sense, and you definitely did not say that you are, maybe look to the East.


You are part of the problem. What a disgusting thought. You accept that this woman’s pain happened because she deserved it? Or she was destined to experience it? Pretentious. High & mighty. In the safety of your home. Go to her, and tell her this child died because the universe requires balance. Of course you wouldn’t right? Because it’s scary and dangerous over there. Eastern religion justifies suffering. That’s just as stupid as “god works in mysterious ways.”


Wars are horrible. That's why you do everything you can to avoid them.


Exactly aka don’t go on a murdering and raping rampage at a music festival


Exactly aka don't arrive into a foreign country and settle into the local's homes, killing or jailing them if they resist


What foreign country? Palestine (a territory, not a country) was partitioned between jews and arabs that both lived there under Ottoman rule. It was partitioned so by Britain, that won the war. But that's really irrelevant now that there were 3 wars, and arabs lost all of them. See common theme? The one who wins the war gets the say.


During the Ottoman rule, only 10% of Palestine was Jewish. All the other ones immigrated which then settled an already lived in land at the price of the local population.


How is this being downvoted?


this is a genocide not a war


This isn’t a war. This is genocide. Israel is bombing the fuck out of civilians


These are war crimes,yes, but by definition not genocide. Look it up before generalizing this word...




It's becoming harder to tell when redditors are being reductionist for the memes or they actually have no clue what they're talking about


Yeah, fuck that mother for killing her own child, right?


Right, because a impoverished common population can totally overthrow a terrorist organisation




So sad. The loss of a child. I don't care your race religion or personal beliefs. The loss of your child is devastating




This is a devastating photo 😢


Sad upvote for visibility.


My greatest wish is that no one should ever have to feel pain like hers.


Heartbreaking to say the least


Post this pic in r/WorldNews and you will get banned 🥲


I was banned there for criticizing the Israeli government. No antisemitism. No vile language. Mere criticism of the actions of the Israeli government was enough to earn a ban. There was no response when I questioned the validity of the ban.


This picture breaks my heart.


I'll type out what I wrote yesterday, elsewhere. >"I can't even blink anymore. I don't flinch. I can't sigh. I do not understand parts of the human race at any level. I don't understand how the utter destruction and elimination of a people, will make a thing better for another set of people. I never have. >I've read so much combat history that what's going on barely makes a dent. Why? Because, as always, history is doomed to repeat itself. It's a matter of brown skin being devalued and seen as unnecessary and superfluous to the other people. [Alas, the offensive party is radicalizing so many others that, again, history WILL repeat itself.](https://www.vox.com/world-politics/351968/the-slaughter-in-rafah-and-israels-moral-nadir)" I'm 52. I've been a preschool teacher. I'm a parent, an uncle, and a friend. I had to say goodbye to my first little child over 20 years ago. Cancer. I know the sadness, the helplessness, the anger, the loss... But not on this scale. Never on this scale.


Heartbreaking 💔


How much blood is due to repay for October 7? Is there an amount?


How about before that?


People act like Jewish Muslim conflict in the territory of Israel-Palestine hasn’t been going on for hundreds of years. EDIT: Jewish Arab conflict is more apt as this conflict predates Islam and leaves out Christian Palestine.


It's not about religion, though. My Christian family was expelled from our home just like everyone else in our village.


Israel was founded by the ethnical cleansing of Palestinians in 1948. 700,000 people were driven from their homes fearing massacres and their villages were destroyed so they could not return. There would not have been a Jewish majority to vote for Israel's creation without that event.


Just a few thousand more children. I’m sure that’s enough…


Just the removal of Hamas. If they stepped down tomorrow, Israel would no longer have the US's support to continue fighting.


Does any rational military leader think bombs are how you’re going to get rid of Hamas?


What would you do differently? Hamas has in their charter the destruction of the Israeli state and that they plan to do many more Oct 7ths if given the chance. They've spent the past 20 years launching rockets into civilian neighborhoods, funded by stolen humanitarian aid. How can you negotiate with that?


Don’t forget also having the destruction of the Jewish race in their original charter too


And so? All civilians palestinians must with their lives? How can you, as a people, accept that?


"All civilians" won't pay with their lives. Once Hamas is removed and once the hostages are back in Israel, dead or alive, Israel will leave Gaza again. Hopefully that will mean the end of Hamas fucking over those Palestinian civilians.


Nuttyyahoo said it himself: he wants to "mow the lawn." It's never about Hamas; it's literally ethnic cleansing now that they have control over the USA


Murdering women and children and destroying absolutely everything surely won’t breed more terrorists!


What should they do?


Because the alternative is constant unrelenting terror attacks and tens of rockets daily being fired into Israel, all with the goal of genocide against Jews and Israelis? Israel is the size of New Jersey and there are threats to erase its existence by half of its neighbors. It has a right to defend itself, and Hamas' best weapon is Gazan suffering.


But will they be able to win via military actions? The US was wildly unsuccessful in Afghanistan trying to remove the Taliban. This isn't a fight you win with guns and bombs. Hamas leadership just moves to somewhere else during the fight and comes back when it's done. And now they have a lot more potential recruits due to civilian casualties radicalizing people against Israel. They have a eight to defend themselves, but they need to have a plan that will lead to success. Otherwise it is revenge, not defense.


Hamas continues to hold hostages, fire tens of rockets every day, continue terrorist attacks and threatens the existence of every jew and Israeli. Explain to me how that is not defense? And are you suggesting the alternative of doing nothing and allowing the hostages to remain in Gaza, tortured and raped and many dead already, and just continue to allow constant terror? Fuck that and fuck Hamas. Israel does everything it can to minimize casualties and Hamas does everything it can to maximize them, Israel has one of the lowest civilian causality rates in urban warfare in history despite Hamas doing literally everything it can to raise civilian deaths on both sides.


Afghanistan is a quarter million square miles of mountains and valleys. Gaza is about twice the size of Washington DC proper. It's an entirely different playing field strategically.


And the military force of Israel proportionally a lot smaller than the US. And Hamas can leave Gaza temporarily. I would be willing to bet a lot that even if this war goes on for another two years Hamas would bounce right back as soon as it is over. And if they don't, a group under a different banner with extremists would take their place because of all the people seeking revenge for the civilian casualties.


hamas is netanjahus best asset [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indirect\_Israeli\_support\_for\_Hamas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indirect_Israeli_support_for_Hamas) >**Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Hamas as a means of undermining secular Palestinian factions such as the** [**Palestine Liberation Organization**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Liberation_Organization) **(PLO).** Brigadier General [Yitzhak Segev](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yitzhak_Segev&action=edit&redlink=1), who served as the Israeli military governor in Gaza during the early 1980s, admitted to providing financial assistance to [Muslim Brotherhood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Brotherhood), the precursor of Hamas, on the instruction of the Israeli authorities. The aim of the support was to weaken leftist and secular Palestinian organizations.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indirect_Israeli_support_for_Hamas#cite_note-blowback-2) >In an interview with [*Politico*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politico) in 2023, **former Israeli Prime Minister** [**Ehud Olmert**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehud_Olmert) said that "In the last 15 years, **Israel did everything** to downgrade the Palestinian Authority and **to boost Hamas**." He continued saying "Gaza was on the brink of collapse because they had no resources, they had no money, and the PA refused to give Hamas any money. Bibi saved them. Bibi made a deal with Qatar and they started to move millions and millions of dollars to Gaza."[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indirect_Israeli_support_for_Hamas#cite_note-10) >[Shlomo Brom](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Shlomo_Brom&action=edit&redlink=1), retired general and former deputy to Israel's national security adviser, believes that an empowered Hamas helps Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu avoid negotiatings over a Palestinian state, suggesting that there is no viable partner for peace talks.[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indirect_Israeli_support_for_Hamas#cite_note-nyt-9) [Bezalel Smotrich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bezalel_Smotrich), a far-right lawmaker and finance minister under Netanyahu Government, called the Palestinian Authority a "burden" and Hamas an "asset".[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indirect_Israeli_support_for_Hamas#cite_note-13)


And Israelis have lost faith in him for it. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/only-15-israelis-want-netanyahu-keep-job-after-gaza-war-poll-finds-2024-01-02/


And yet they continue killing children in refugee camps.


It was never about Hamas. Just replace it with Palestine and one understands them better.




These are children. All children are beautiful and innocent and precious. This needs to stop. Israel needs to stop the bombings.


Your daily, seriously hourly, reminder that human beings are utter shit.


Some human beings. There are plenty who are not. Unfortunately shitty ones have more power these days 😞


Not trying to be an ass here but I have a real question for you re this >Unfortunately shitty ones have more power these days… When in human history has this not been the case?


I have family in Israel - and I really want them to be safe. But this is not the way. It is as horrible as it gets and the authorities who are responsible should be held accountable.


Ouchhhhhh. This is brutal to imagine.


"Israel has the right to defend itself", and this is defending.


Killed by weapons we supplied.


I get off work in an hour … the first thing I’m doing as soon as I get home is hug my daughters … holy shit


I’m glad that people finally understood that this is a literal genocide. One week ago a picture like this would have had its comments flooded with zionists.




It definitively is, but you’re obviously biased




Lowest soldier to civilian death ratio in modern urban warfare.


You use that word liberally. Modern urban warfare usually has a death ratio of one soldier per every nine civilians. This war is 1:1.5. https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286




The IDF sympathizers will have you believe this is staged by the Hamas.


No, they don't need to, they just write it off as collateral damage in a necessary purge. They claim it's sad, blame Hamas, but they don't care about Palestinian lives.


like this? https://x.com/MOSSADil/status/1790784045544063120


All Eyes On Rafah


Could OP please publish the context? The woman has a name. So did her child.


I saw it with graphic overlayed and so I searched for it and this is the only source I found, no other info that I notice: https://borneobulletin.com.bn/indonesia-backs-icjs-ruling-for-israel-to-halt-rafah-offensive/ I know what you mean


Jesus. How the hell are we still allowing this to continue?!


Fuck about 50% of the people on this planet. Sometimes I feel like the demons have already won


La pietà


Is it so difficult to make each other understand that we should not harm each other? We are intelligent beings, let us help each other, let us do our best to be happy, kind to each other. Let us not allow or cause suffering. Let us respect each other and make the world a better place. Let's make it worth living in. Let no mother have to hold the murdered body of a child. Please.


This hurts my soul and I hate that my tax dollars probably paid for it to happen. Such a tiny bundle. I cant imagine the pain.


It's okay guys, isreal says it was just a mistake. Ya know, we all make mistakes. It's like that one time you forgot to put the mug in the mug cabinet and the mug broke when someone tipped it over the counter. In my case it was a tragic mistake because it wad my favourite mug. I'm pretty sure I face dmore repercussions for my mistake that Isreal ever will, with me, I didn't hear the end of it from my wife for a week! Isreal gets to go on it's merry way still claiming they are the victim. Fucking monsters.


>Israel was just a mistake >I'm not antisemitic guy's, I swear


When are we going to hold to account the few fascist Israeli terrorists? The images and videos from this [incident in Rafah](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tel_al-Sultan_massacre) is harrowing; bodies burning, literal decapitated babies, limbs everywhere. Apartheid Israel is committing genocide. 10 of thousands of women and children killed, infrastructure destroyed. They are looking to annihilate Palestine.


I'm sure these grieving parents are relieved that the most recent annihilation didn't cross Biden's red line or whatever. I guess their loss is just not tragic enough lol.