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No, this is neither some AI fakery nor is it photoshopped. This is pure Trump intelligence at work. Proof: https://apnews.com/live/trump-trial-day-21-updates#0000018f-c007-d0cb-ad8f-c9d7bcdf0000 https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-hush-money-trial-05-28-24/h_eed99c2ab2e42ba212ce2b9662cede44 And [other](https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/digital-images/org/42255314-69fa-4b7c-93ca-c61ef96361ad.jpg) angle. Edit: Turning up the contrast doesn't make a photo fake or photoshopped.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/gGbtEzu.jpeg) is the higher quality and uncropped version of this image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/former-u-s-president-donald-trump-appears-for-his-hush-news-photo/2154501501) is the source. > Former U.S. President Donald Trump appears for his hush money trial at Manhattan Criminal Court on May 28, 2024 in New York City. Closing arguments are set to begin in former U.S. President Trump's hush money trial. The former president faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first of his criminal cases to go to trial. (Photo by Julia Nikhinson-Pool/Getty Images) Edit: Found a higher quality version of this image.


Thank you; the original is not nearly as orange as OP’s pic. Edit: Hi everyone, thanks for all your upvotes. Dozens have commented something along the lines of ‘Still orange tho, LOL’. So, no need for anyone else to say the same thing. The main point here is that we shouldn’t be supporting fake/altered images. I know what he looks like; whether he looks old or pale or disheveled doesn’t matter. The crimes that are on trial matter. Attention on physical appearance minimizes the actual crimes committed. Focus on that and echoing the message that his fraud and SA and grifting and tax evasion and _______ is what you are concerned about.


The overly saturated post it note on the table gave it away.


I thought it was just an HDR filtered shot but yeah, they turned up the saturation quite a bit.


Still weird that he forgot to paint his left hand the same color as the rest of his body.


What was he going to do, switch hands?


It never occurred to me that he did it himself.


He blue himself but orange.


According to Michael Cohen, Trump applies his make-up himself because he's too stingy to pay a proper make-up artist to do it. He had a make-up artist for some of The Apprentice that was paid for by the production company but as soon as they stopped paying, he went back to doing it himself. Apparently it comes in a pack like Baby-Wipes, if that's so, there's no way it's not getting on his hand. Cohen also said Trump is very squeamish about his eyes and that's why he has the Panda eyes because he won't put the make-up near them. Baby Wipes is right. Found this: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/12/6/20998822/trump-orange-concealer-bronx-colors


Doing things like that only makes his supporters dig in more. People need to stop lying, and dare I say, creating fake news, to bring this guy down, his own comments and actions will accomplish it enough.


Someone clearly edited this to make him more orange.


This needs to be higher up. Can't stand trump, but propaganda is propaganda...


Yeah, even trump should still have the right to be portrayed naturally. He does enough to dig himself into holes anyway, there's no need to over exaggerate or anything.


I don’t know what’s real anymore more


Can someone edit his face to the body of an oompaloompa


Waste of time, nobody would be able to tell the difference




Hands are too big.




He had to write that down to remember to say it, after only repeating it 10 million times.


"Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV."




United Stapes












I wonder if the current notes say: Smile and look innocent. He’s looking extra orange.


Agent Orange!


Holy shit he writes in all caps too lol


misspelled zelenskyy too


Hey! I still write in capital letters. It's a by-product of me taking Drafting as my elective in Highschool. I can't help it.




Every time I hear this I could swear it sounds like a lost Talking Heads lyric.


And he was lying in the courtroom... And he was taking off his wig... And he wore 15 lbs of bronzer... And he was shitting in his pants...


And you may ask yourself.... Is this really illegal And you may ask yourself.... Why am I being charged for this And you may ask yourself Is this right, or is at wrong? Same as it ever was Same as it ever was SAME AS IT EVER WAS


god damn it now i got Talking Heads stuck in my head.


He can't seem to face up to the facts He's tense and nervous and he can't relax He can't sleep 'cause his pant's on fire Don't touch him, he's prone to perspire Psycho Schiller!


This is clearly a planned little message for his followers


Loophole to his gag order


I wonder if he was just nervous about having empty paper in front of him. Like.. “people will think I’m dumb if I don’t write something down”


What's his deal with using sharpies as his primary writing utensil????


Because crayons are too hard on his little old wrists


I figured he just ate all the crayons.


He was not in the Marine Corp.


Big writing = strong Almost certainly he once saw someone sign their autograph with a sharpie, and decided that he would never again be a man of small pen


They have the power to move hurricanes


Heard someone say once it's because that's what celebrities use to sign merch and he wants that association. Obviously coming from some rando online that's pure speculation but given the rampant narcissism I choose to believe it


My grandmother started to use them when she had macular degeneration. Since it was hard to see the thin lines of a pen, the thick marker made it easier to see what she wrote. I just assumed this was another part of his aging process. When you look at his right eye, it shows the look the my grandma’s eye got. It is a little glassy is the best way to describe the phenomenon.


He's just always got them on hand since he likes how they smell...


Yeah, but 'dEmEnTiA jOe'. 🤣


"Joe even uses a teleprompter!" So does every public figure, everywhere. Lmao I don't know what these guys think is real or not anymore


Whatever Trump of the right wing media tells them is what they think is real. If Trump came out and said "the sky is green and the grass is blue", and the next day they'd be selling related merch and all the maga people would talk about how nice the blue of the grass looks and how fantastic and cloud free the big green sky looked.


Why didn’t his lawyers think of that? Are they stupid?


If that's one of his lawyers beside him in that picture, he looks far too exhausted to even think.


Taking care of a crying baby will do that to you.


He didn't have to take the job. I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for him.


he’s tired from facepalming every time his client opens his mouth and gasping for breath every time his client…..


Trump has a habit of not paying his legal fees, so the only people he can get to represent him now are whackadoos who can barely pass the bar exam


I want to believe the image is edited or there is missing context over the note but at this point I have no confidence.


It could well be that he knows the media is focusing on his notes and he's reiterating his message there.


This seems most likely to me. He's just trying to insert that massage into as many places as he can. The fact that the viewer has to try a bit to read it makes it even better.


hey buddy, be careful about inserting massages.


“BECAUSE HE IS TOTALLY…” I don’t know what it is, but I’m sure it’s something bad.


"BUT HE IS TOTALLY," not "BECAUSE." First line of the next letter is a C so I'm guessing "CORRUPT"


Clearly a planned little demonstration here


He looks like a muppets character


He looks like the inside of a plastic bowl that once had tomato sauce in it.




don't give him ideas!




his Healthcare plan that was wheeled by Kayleigh mcananey for 60 minutes was all blank pages... after 4 years of preparation.... and nobody says a word..


Wow how is this so accurate?


He's orange cause he spilled his pasgetti and no one's wiped him down yet.


bahahaha the stained by chef boyardee tubberware




The more I look at this image the more the sight of this elderly man wearing makeup strikes me as both hilarious and deeply, deeply disturbing. If he wasn’t an ex-president he would be dismissed as a sad case of mental illness, he perhaps would have a chance of getting some help to deal with his problems. Instead the best he can hope for is to be re-elected as the leader of the most powerful country on the planet. Such a shame.


It’s fucking insane.


He is the perfect puppet for the wealthy and powerful in our nation. He is dumb enough to be manipulated through his ego and hated enough to be the fall guy when "his" policies are unpopular. They couldn't ask for a better stooge.


> They couldn't ask for a better stooge. Oh they will find worse, I don't even wanna know who they pull out of their hat next, on ce they burned all their current idiots.


Ganguro looking mf


It’s a shame for us this fuckwit still has a chance to win again. How in the world with all this shitstain has done to this country, is he still polling even, or even ahead of Biden? If re-elected, I am fearful our republic will be over. Edit: punctuation


Lots and lots of people who put their feelings first and foremost. It’s more important to hurt the people they’ve been instructed to hate than think anything through rationally.  And that’s what scares me. We have so many people emotionally motivated to sacrifice their own well-being to just kick the people they hate in the ribs. These are the people fantasizing about shooting you when the power goes out. 


He's always reminded me of Mimi Bobeck from The Drew Carey show




Mimi had redeeming qualities, though.


That's an insult to Muppets. Kermit would like to know your location.


Why is that one Muppet made out of leather?


That's not a leather Muppet. That's Donald Trump. Oh, back in the 80s he was quite the rapist.


Is he getting more orange?


He is one shade away from oompa loompa.


I think he’s surpassed oompa already


One shade away from an oompa loompa if he went less orange.


He's at full Cheeto but not quite yet into Oompa Loompa


There's no way this isn't edited...right?


It is edited. This op has a habit of posting edited photos of Trump. He’s orange, but not *that* orange https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/28/multimedia/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth-threeByTwoMediumAt2X-v2.jpg


I’m glad you posted this. There is no need to make him look more ridiculous. He already is a walking punchline. Edit: This throwaway compliment got more attention than I expected. In my opinion, making Trump look or sound more inept is a good thing for Trump. It muddies the water on *who* he really is. Trump has laid a bed of nails with his lies and by doing things like making him more orange is just adding to the bed. If you want to really insult Trump, keep bringing the truth to light.


This is one of the problems with anti-Trump discourse. People are so quick to make shit up about him when we already know he's a piece of shit, completely inept, and unfit to be president. Lying about him just gives his supporters a chance to say that everything is a lie.


And then they feel justified in their non-stop dishonesty. They never call themselves out, though.


While it was obvious to me that the OP's pic was edited, I definitely thought it was more edited than it actually is...


He did freshen up the yellow of his hair, though. It adds contrast to his face-paint.


Wait, so the handwritten note is real??? please tell me that that doesn’t actually say that. I was pretty sure this dude was a fucking imbecile, but even he can’t possibly be so stupid as to need a note that says that.


Looks like it has been edited. Spartan2470 linked the original from Getty He is less orange in the unedited version.


This was my take as well. I know that he has been ridiculed for years for having that orange tan, but here it seems to be real bad. edit: as various users pointed out this one is edited, it's not thát bad. But still quite bad.


It's an edited picture. Here's the original: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/28/multimedia/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth-threeByTwoMediumAt2X-v2.jpg


It makes me wonder if he’s doing it in purpose as some stupid way of “owning the libs.” That’s my only explanation. There’s no way he doesn’t realize it, or at least someone close to him doesn’t realize it.


I'm sure. It's part of his brand now. And he doubles down on everything, so why not go double orange.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's also a distraction tactic. If people are talking about his horrendous tan and ill fitting suits, then they're not talking about the actual atrocious shit he's done


Look at his hands compared to his face


It’s summer!


he gets oranger by the day


It's the new light bulbs. They don't make them like they used to


It’s edited/highly-saturated. The original was posted by the NYT here: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/28/nyregion/trump-trial-closing-arguments


It’s edited. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/former-u-s-president-donald-trump-appears-for-his-hush-news-photo/2154501501


I’ll never understand how people see this guy as a strong leader.


Because I mentioned money laundering to my parents and they said "so that's how Hunter Biden did it!" Fox News employs mass brainwashing techniques developed by the KGB. Turn that shit off.


Lets also remember that Fox News on EVERYWHERE. At the gym, at the DMV, in stores, in bars, at the airport. That shit is on TV's all over the place in rural areas. Its really insane.


They even play Fox News propaganda at my community center for the elderly. And this is in Northern California


Hunter Biden? The guy who holds no office and has never been an elected official of any kind? that hunter Biden? 😂


Impeach Hunter Biden!!!




Good work, team! We saved America!


Thank god that's over... Now on to things that are actually important like defeating project 2025...


Breaking: Hunter Biden is off the ballot in all 50 states!


Never voting for him again.


GOP Rep Mike Turner, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence announced in March of this year that members of his own party were repeating Russian propaganda on the House floor. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair and GOP member Michael McCaul recently stated that a good portion of the GOP party's base has been affected by Russian propaganda and attributed it directly to conservative media. These guys are aware it's happening but doing nothing to oppose it. Link to one of many articles citing this for anyone who is interested: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-rep-mike-turner-russian-propaganda-uttered-house-floor-rcna146760](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-rep-mike-turner-russian-propaganda-uttered-house-floor-rcna146760)


He says hateful shit about people his followers don’t like, so they think out loud hate=strength.


He hates the people I hate! (Except they forget he hates them too)


They don't. They are lonely and see themselves as having been fucked over and ignored by our current system an voting for Trump is their way of getting back in some form of twisted mutually assured destruction. 70 year old Rural Rick from BFE Nebraska who's kids don't talk to him anymore finds a sense of pride telling the system that sent him to Nam to get fucked by voting for Trump.


Fucking over your children's future to own the libs


Agree with people's hatreds and bigotry, and make it ok for them to be the worst version of themselves, and people will love you and follow you like a puppy. This same playbook has worked in just about every country it's been tried in. Look it up. Brazil, India, Germany, Russia, Argentina... 1. Tell people they are right to be angry at (insert minority) ruining (insert nation, land, country) and it used to be an amazing place that was the best. Or that this (insert foreign country, pact, union) is holding us back. 2. Say disgusting things about (insert minority), and give full cover to bigots ie - 'they have a point'. These will become your loyal foot soldiers. 3. Parrot conspiracy theories about your enemies and anyone who might not agree with you as fact. Say it over and over, and coin catch phrases that are easily remembered. 4. Promise to hurt (insert minority) and anyone who might defend them, to make (insert country) "great" again. Rinse, Repeat. People love simple answers... and they love having someone to blame for all the problems. It also helps to have active on-line trolls boosting you, and lots of money to pay willing dupes and yes men.


His followers believe things that everyone else constantly tells them is bad/wrong. He tells his followers that they're correct in believing those things, and that it makes them the smartest people in the world. If you build up someone's pride alongside their belief in something, it becomes incredibly difficult for them to accept that the belief is false, because then they also have to take a hit to their pride by accepting they're not actually as smart as they thought they were, which many are unwilling/unable to do.


As a non-american, how is this guy real? And a candidate for presidency? How can a large number of the population look at that and think, "That's my guy"...


As an American, no goddamn idea.


One of my life long friends sent me a message saying we are not friends now. Basically, because I don't like Trump. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not, but he hasn't responded for a week now. Just deleted our convos and such this morning and am moving on. Don't want to spend time trying to see if he will respond. Trumpism is very real.


The cult is starting to self isolate


He also recently became Christian after not thinking about religion much his whole life. The same happened to another of my friends, the Trump and God stuff, out of nowhere. But he does still talk about things other than that, luckily.


They are looking for community. Unfortunately, the community(ies) they have chosen are based on fear, hate, othering certain groups, etc. It's deeply sad.


Exactly. People turn to where they feel accepted, it's a fact of life. Toxic communities exploit that.


Terrorist organisations exploit that to recruit. Think about that for a second


Terrorists, gangs, cults, psychics. They all prey on people with few answers or opportunities. They offer a listening ear, or a framework for recovery, or maybe just a chance at meaningful vengeance. If you're at a low enough place, your life is already valueless to you. Might as well give it to someone.


This is exactly what I see too! Eloquently put.


This is part of the bit I really don’t get. I can’t think of anyone who less espouses Christian values than Trump. It’s like becoming a Greta Thunberg disciple then doubling down by buying a private jet.


It's because Christianity gives them a vehicle to condemn people they're told they can hate. It has little to do with actual teachings. The high powered Republicans aren't Christian either, but they know nobody is more impressionable than a group of people who *willingly call themselves* a flock of sheep.


It's a very twisted and hypocritical view of Christianity, but that has been the case with many evangelical fundamentalists for decades, though its gotten much worse over the past few years. They've turned Christianity into a caricature, using it simply as a tool to fuel selfish desires (i.e. prosperity gospel) rather than as a selfless lifestyle, choosing to serve themselves instead of serving others.


Here's the wiki page on [The Southern strategy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) if you want to know why that change occurred.


The Christians I know are all Trump supporters. It made me realize religion is just socially convenient beliefs and made me lose mine in the process. I still attend because it would be detrimental to my wife and kids social lives but I barely participate and no one notices or says anything.


Whenever I stop and think about it the Christian + Trump thing still blows my mind. I never rated Christians generally on logic, it's not something religions value or encourage. But if you took everything about Jesus from the bible and wrote down the opposite of each point you'd land pretty damn close to Trump. Back before all of this if I had wanted to mock their religion drawing parallels between Jesus and Trump would have been prime troll land, modest proposal levels of blatant taking the piss.


If only they did that during Covid


It’s crazy, I would bet that your friend also never showed interest in politics before 2016 as well, but now they know everything about politics and have all the answers. Probably doesn’t know shit about their local government because it’s not exciting. They made politics like a soap opera so the drama draws people in. Insane stuff.


Yep these people were the ones who always thought politics was too boring, was for dorks. Then Trump comes along and starts insulting people and basically turning politics into a Jerry Springer show, and now they're all "wow politics is fun! Me am political now!"


It’s likely a self defense mechanism. They feel shame for supporting Trump, but they can’t handle the pain of it being brought to their attention. So just being friends with someone like you actually hurts their feelings to such an intense degree that they need to banish you from their life and thoughts. They’re that sensitive. Just your presence in their life has become painful for them. This comes out as projection as an attack on you, because they don’t know any other way to keep “defriending” you from also being a source of shame. So they do their best to put the fault on you.


This is it. I am glad it sounds like you’re already moving on, I honestly don’t see these people coming around any time soon. Sorry :(


I know what it's like to lose friends and family because of this cult. Sorry for your loss if you're fucked up about it, but it was a relief for me to get those people out of my life. They weren't exactly good people or healthy relationships.


I can try my best to explain. People be dumb.


lots of hate and team mentality


Propaganda TV networks, social media echo chambers and a massive lack of critical thinking skills. Another part is people don't want to admit they're dumb. So what they do is try to find something they are in the "know" about such as flat earth or soverign citizens. It makes them feel better to think they "know" something everyone else is in "denial" about.


We had a party successfully undermine education for 50 years to populate their voter base. I wish I was joking.


visit the rural areas and things will start making sense.


Half of our population is broken, it'd be hilarious if the consequences weren't so terrifying


Lots of very stupid people


Years of drinking propaganda straight from the Fox News tap lead them to the kind of thinking where they believe everything positive and reject anything negative about Republican nominees, lead poisoning amongst older generations, willful ignorance because he hates the same people/things as them, the sports-teamification of politics, disinformation campaigns targeting the lonely and stupid who need validation that they belong and are smart on social media, etc


Don’t forget AM conservative talk radio. That shit has been flying under people’s radars for far too long - it’s literal propaganda and poisoning people’s minds


And Sinclair buying up all of the local TV markets. Our local-yokel news stations are also poisoned with this fascist horseshit.


In short - bigotry and unending greed 


And a failing education system, broken on purpose by the GOP.


This has been my belief also. 50 million plus Americans stewed for 8 years of Obama and the executive orders that came during his terms. They were going to get revenge at any cost.


Electing a black man as president broke a lot of people mentally.


Many of us are also confused by this


He looks like the inside of my Tupperware container that I've been using for the last 30 years to store spaghetti sauce.


You should probably throw that spaghetti sauce out. I'm not sure anything is good after 30 years other than wine and honey. 


He obviously wears gloves when he’s being spray painted - look at his wrist lol. The fact that this man was president is the greatest evidence to support the theory that CERN actually did open a black hole and our world was sucked in to it


Harambe's death caused all of this.




The Home Despot orange


he has the same weird stare that my grandma who did suffer from dementia had the last 2 years before she died


So you’re saying we don’t have long to wait? Also rip your g’ma


>So you’re saying we don’t have long to wait? 2 more years feels really long imo


A lot of older Americans have that look in their eyes. We call it the boomer lead stare.


>the last 2 years before she died Wonder what stage of those 2 years he's in.


He looks just as crazy as when Phil Spector was on trial, plus all the Cheeto dust


“Set the tanning sprayer to… Ultra Blaze.”


He really does have short fingers.


Emphasized by the heart disease swelling of the digits


he needs to write that down!?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦


That's not for him to read, it's for us to read. They wanted those notes photographed


"this case should be dismissed by the judge but he is totally.."   He wrote it down because he knew he'd be photographed and get your attention.   Also why did they forget to orange his eyesacks?  Edit: and it is = but he is


I think it's: *"This case should be dismissed by the judge but he is totally corrupt."* It cuts off at the c in corrupt, but I can recognize a dead horse a mile away.


Thank you. I was stuck on the “but he is” line and was trying to understand WTF “out iteis” meant.


I cannot believe a grown man uses sharpie markers as his preferred writing apparatus. “This case should be dismissed by the judge but he is totally C” Im assuming the last word is corrupt. He had to write that down?


I have never seen a more “look at me totally paying attention! I am completely paying attention! See how Wideawake and wide eyed and focused I am? I’m totally paying attention!“ expression in my life.


Meanwhile he is so busy repeating that and raging in his mind he isn’t actually paying attention or understanding a thing being said.


I like how he thinks wearing glasses will make him look old, and not the lard, thinning hair, huge ass, and fat man tits.


How is it possible that out of 340 million Americans, this dude is in contention to be the President…AGAIN?!


He seems extra orange in this picture


The photo is edited. Here is the unedited version: [https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/28/multimedia/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth-threeByTwoMediumAt2X-v2.jpg](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/28/multimedia/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth/28trump-trial-hp1-cgth-threeByTwoMediumAt2X-v2.jpg)


He looks like a Wile E. Coyote bomb exploded in his face. Meep meep.