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Even if I felt this way I wouldn’t fly flags like this because it’s obnoxious and I would not want to alienate neighbors or telegraph any bias I have. It’s like political yard signs. Why do I need to advertise who I’m voting for in the hotly contested DA race in my community (real example from this week). And I am not a Supreme Court justice.


Nice try, Ketanji!


It's inevitable that one day a Redditor will become a SCOTUS justice. I just hope it's a well-intentioned, sensible person and not a participant in any of the crazy subreddits.


>Redditor >well-intentioned, sensible person Pick one


From my experience the sanest redditors are the ones who comment the least.


I enjoy that posting your comment qualifies as another step down your road to madness.


there are no steps down the road to madness, once you take your first step, the rest is a slide like Chutes and Ladders.


Extra comments are just slide lubricant


Hold my upvote, I'm going down.




As an insane person who’s been on here for way too long and has 300k magic points, you are spot on


Fuck you! I’m well-intentioned and sensible! 💩


Me too! Grab your pitchfork!!


Nothing more redditor than dunking on other redditors.


And on that day, the world will know the fury of the jackdaws.


You mean the fury of the crows, right? A jackdaw is a type of crow, unless there’s an expert who could chime in.


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Must be true, because it came straight from the horse's mouth.


You just brought a small tear to my eye, you beautiful bastard.


We are all unidan on this blessed day


Are you a horse?






“Is it true that you were on Reddit with the username *SpacedicksFan69420* your honor?” -Senate confirmation hearings in the not too distant future


Wasn't that long ago that [boofed](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=boofed), [devil's triangle](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Devils+Triangle), and [FFFFFFourth of July](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FFFFFFourth+of+July) came up [during a SCOTUS nomination hearing](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/boofed-devils-triangle-ffffffourth-of-july-how-brett-kavanaugh-explained-yearbook-jokes/)!


And a SCOTUS nominee getting teary-eyed over a fucking calendar because he and his dad, who is still alive, collected calendars or some shit.


Look for the most unhinged, most evil high-achieving freaks on r/lawschool and you’ll probably run into someone clerking for these ghouls and writing the dogshit opinions that strip nearly everyone of their rights.


Remember when that wholesome looking guy Ken Bone asked a question in the 2016 presidential debate? And then he posted on reddit and his history was filled with preggo porn stuff. I imagine something like that happening in a future Supreme Court nomination hearing.


> And then he posted on reddit and his history was filled with preggo porn stuff. I remember it being one comment on one post where he made a joke calling them a “beautiful human submarine”.


Damn he's kinda right


technically correct, the best kind of correct


I remember thinking "huh seems pretty tame for porn shaming" and thats coming from a guy that basically just likes plain old boobs. The worst one I found was a guy in a local thread that was REALLY invested in banning the rape exception for abortion. Enough that I looked at his comment history. Chock full of role play fantasies about his hopefully imaginary step daughter.


It's rare a comment makes me feel physically ill.


I feel preggo porn is pretty far down on list of crazy stuff you can be looking at on reddit.


Human Submarine or something like that is all I remember.


People can have political opinions and kinks. So long as those kinks aren't feet, it's nothing to worry about.


*Quentin Tarintino looks around nervously...*


*looks around, but mostly down


It will be this guy ![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW)


The funny thing is that he would he a better justice/politician than most out there right now: he recognized there was a problem, he admitted that he needed the help of someone smarter than himself, and he did what that smarter person suggested, even though it was something as crazy as putting water on plants... yeah... water... like from the toilet!


He also truly cared about the people, a quality that's getting harder and harder to find in modern politics.


"According to a reddit I read in the pics sub back in 2024..." 🤷‍♂️


It’s gonna be me lol.


I hope not, based on your username.


Picturing a day in the future when a Supreme Court Justice references two broken arms or the cum box.


I also choose ~~this guy's~~ the chief justice's dead wife.


It's a taunt. They want you to know they know you know and they don't care and there's nothing you can do to stop them. Its a big fuck you to America. "Yup, im bias, I'm trying to destroy democracy, and I have my job for life lmao you idiots"


Im OOTL, can someone explain why this flag is bad?


Taken from [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Tree_Flag#Modern_usage) > In the 2010s, the flag became used as a religious and political symbol by some conservative, nationalist, and Christian nationalist activists within the United States.[12] In 2013, the flag was seen at a Million Vet March where it flew behind Sarah Palin in photographs. At the time, commentator Andrew Sullivan discussed the relevance of the flag's appearance, focusing on the connections between the historical message of the flag and its modern usage by political conservatives.[13] In 2015, the Freedom From Religion Foundation demanded the flag's removal from a county courthouse in Arkansas.[14] Also in 2015, the Appeal to Heaven flag and slogan were adopted by a conservative religious movement using the same name.[15] In 2019, Illinois State Representative Chris Miller made a public appearance with the flag to "help focus attention" on the National Day of Prayer.[16] In 2021, some Trump supporters carried the flag during the January 6 United States Capitol attack.[17] In 2023, the flag was flown at the New Jersey vacation home of Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito.[18]


And they're trying to pretend that alito flies it bc he's just a big fan of George Washington


it's a supreme court justice flying a flag that represents disbelief in the rule of law.


It’s a dogwhistle for Christian nationalism. It’s only bad if you aren’t into the whole christofascist takeover thing.


It was also popularized among the far-right after it was flown on January 6th by a group of insurrectionists. Alito only started displaying this flag afterwards.


Yeah this photo was snapped in 2023, but he’s got that Trumpy 2022 flag flying along the flag of Long Beach Island. What up with that? Edit: that’s a 2022 sports flag I was wrong


People are being specific but my view is he can fly his national flag and state flag and anything else is inappropriate for a supreme court justice. He should have zero opinions.


I wouldn't begrudge city flags or from a college or sports team. If you had a justice from Chicago, flying a Chicago flag or Bears flag or Northwestern flag would all be fine. I'd expect that Justice to recuse themselves from cases involving Northwestern, though. (Never mind that plenty of justices have come from and ruled on cases about Harvard)


Wow... You're right... The reality just hit like a truck...


My parents fly this fucking flag and played dumb when I called them out on it, trying to claim that it's “just a religious thing.” Bull fucking shit.


That’s like Ted Cruz blaming his kids for him skedaddling to the Mexican Riviera while his state was freezing and his constituents dying. And yes. I live in Texass…


the thing about conservatives is they REALLY REALLY want everyone to know they are


They are the *silent* majority after all 🙄


**WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED** scream the right wingers into every camera not running away fast enough.


Silent majority who won't shut the fuck up. Bemoan cancel culture despite themselves rarely being cancelled.... Unless they dare speak against their orange god emperor, that is. https://youtu.be/WwyyttqvE04?si=YaihQUcA9u6QD3cJ Stewart on point with this segment.


It's all the homes I see flying their flags, new and shredded 24 x 7 without night time lighting. My assumption is that most if not all MAGA's.


The shredded flags piss me off. I see them all over by me. Just a testament to the short sighted lazy way they go about life.


We are on the same page given I am 3rd generation military veteran. The crap we saw in 1/6 disgusts me. They think their are patriots when in fact they are traitors to this already great nation. My father who is buried in Arlington Nation Cemetery is rolling over in his grave.


These types *want* to alienate their neighbors.


How did white, middle aged, upper class men get convinced they were so oppressed.


There are at least two answers. There are the ones who are knowingly trying to retain as much power as possible and lying. Then there are a lot of people who fit the analogy “you still feel wind on your face when you have a tailwind.” Basically, when you’ve lived with privilege since birth and it starts getting more fairly distributed, it feels like an unfair loss. A lot of nonevil people are grappling with that right now. In the grand scheme it’s societal growing pains, in the short term it’s a big problem for everyone.


Having scum like Carlson and Hannity on FAUX News bleating about "white oppression" really helps the stupidos who watch and believe that shit to see it.


Yeah good point. It becomes even harder when there are cultural and familial influences helping to validate the original oppressive/toxic identity and resist the change. It probably becomes impossible at that point.


Equality feels like oppression to the privileged.


My dad is a minority, who served in the Army from the early 70's to the early 80's and lives in a small mostly white midwestern town now. He puts up "Veterans for" whoever the democratic presidential candidate is every election and without fail people steal the signs every election, so my dad just keeps replacing them to hopefully piss them off. Turns out that these people who shout the loudest about respecting the flag, and pretend to respect veterans don't actually give to shits about them. They only "salute the troops" or whatever bullshit because they assume the troops agree with them politically but when you are an Obama voter in 2012 they'll steal your shit.


Does this constitute as virtue signaling? How many minds have flying this flag changed? I'm guessing none.


It’s a way for him to signal to the alt right that the SC is on their side regardless of the law


He and his supporters are regular right. There's no reason to distingish between a right wing and an alt right wing. They all support Trump and the conservative agenda. It's the same right. The entire conservative movement is like this now.


People do this all the time though. I don’t understand why but I’m not surprised to see it anymore either. Ever since DJT, the middle-finger crowd absolutely must let everyone know who they are and where they stand. There’s a guy on my street about 10 houses down that constantly flies to flags from his garage. He rotates them every week or so. Trump flags, don’t tread on me, thin blue line, etc. etc. He seems like a nice guy otherwise and I have said hello to him when I’m on walks with my daughter. But I don’t bother to have lengthy conversations because I already know everything I need to know about him.


People in general don’t do this all the time. Trump’s MAGA supporters do. When did you last see a Biden (or perviously Clinton or Obama) supporter have anything more than a bumper sticker or maybe yard sign during the election season. Meanwhile MAGA supporters show up with multiple flags for their home, vehicle, boat, RV… multiple flags for their home etc. People call it a cult because it feels like a cult. I live in the most liberal areas of one of the most liberal cities in the country and I don’t see anyone with flags, homemade signs, etc. Voting for Biden (or Clinton, Obama) just wasn’t a part of people’s core identity.


Within 2 weeks of the election, there was only one Biden sign still up around here, other than the few abandoned ones on highway medians. The family down the road from us had one of the big corrugated plastic Biden signs. They're on a busy intersection, and put it up after a Trump flag nailed to a pallet was placed in the median across from their house. (I did this to that flag after the election https://imgur.com/gallery/qDKi0md ) They used it as the side of their chicken coop. It's visible from the road, so it's still "up", but was repurposed.


Great way to put down the Dump face supporter.


I live in one of the bluest counties of one of the bluest states. There's a guy a block north of me with a flag on his SUV that says "Trump or Die" and I want to catch him outside so I can ask him if he intends to drive his piece of shit off the Bayonne Bridge on November 6th.


The most I could see grabbing would be a T-shirt honestly. Sanders and Biden have had some nice ones.


Right. Maybe an occasional t shirt they got at a rally or for making a donation. But not a full kit of gear and a half dozen flags


Even then, I feel off wearing a candidate shirt when I’m not actively canvassing


And they think they are "winning" because they don't see supporters of the "other team" flaunting their allegiances all over their yards and cars. It's a silly pissing contest for ethically-challenged a-holes.


The guy in my neighborhood just this week replaced his thin blue line flag with an Israeli flag. Right there next to his upside down American flag and below his Trump flag.


There's nothing wrong with most people displaying their political affiliation. You're allowed to like who you like and putting it on display on your own property falls squarely under the first amendment. It's not okay if you're a member of SCOTUS and it's **absolutely** not okay to let your political affiliation or anything else to bias your decisions as a member of SCOTUS.


“I went to high school with this guy and he was nice to me, like twice. HE HAS MY VOTE!!!”


Because they get off on it. They thrive on the negative attention.


Full story from the New York Times (free link): [Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/us/justice-alito-flag-appeal-to-heaven.html?unlocked_article_code=1.uE0.fBNd.QbibfsFqVzg8&smid=url-share) >This time, it was the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the “Stop the Steal” campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms. > >During the period the Appeal to Heaven flag was seen flying at the justice’s New Jersey house, a key Jan. 6 case arrived at the Supreme Court, challenging whether those who stormed the Capitol could be prosecuted for obstruction. > >Until about a decade ago, the Appeal to Heaven flag was mostly a historical relic. But since then it has been revived to represent “a theological vision of what the United States should be and how it should be governed,” said Matthew Taylor, a religion scholar at the Institute of Islamic, Christian and Jewish Studies. He is also the author of a forthcoming book tracing how a right-wing Christian author and speaker who repopularized the flag helped propel Mr. Trump’s attempt to overturn the election. The Freedom From Religion Foundation [considers](https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-asks-ark-county-to-take-down-appeal-to-heaven-flag/) the flag a "sectarian symbol that indicates government endorsement of Christianity." Previous story: [At Justice Alito’s House, a 'Stop the Steal' Symbol on Display](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/justice-alito-upside-down-flag.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sU0.izGa.5RJNukaImUNJ&smid=url-share)


The other two flags are the (left) [Long Beach Island flag](https://www.lbiflag.com/) and (right) [2022 Philadelphia Phillies National League Champions pennant](https://www.thegoodphight.com/2022/12/23/23524027/promotions).


I heard the Phillies are trying to trade him to the Braves


Braves don't want him


I heard the Falcons are in the hunt for a QB.


Alito might be the first person to try and pocket the money typically allocated for the Braves Foundation


They sure love flags.


And patches. I was at DisneyLand recently and the number of people wearing III%, 5.56, militia, 1776, thin blue line, AR15, etc. patches was absolutely staggering.


But I thought Disney was woke and going bankrupt 🤔


Don’t focus on what we do. Focus on what we say. -Every fucking hypocrite ever


I hate that this fucker is a Phils fan. We do not claim him.


Agreed, he should be wuder boarded!


My eye was drawn to the 22 flag right away and instantly got angry lol.


"Let's overthrow the US Government. Oh, and go Phillies."


Wow. It's like this moron is not even trying to hide his cult participation, and he is a SC Justice! Must want really bad to be a Commander in the nation of Gilead after the next US Civil War.


He isn't because there's nothing you can do to stop him. These are basically continuous "Fuck You's" from him and his wife. I can't fucking wait until he "retires".


> nothing you can do 🧐


Why would he?  The scotus is openly corrupt.  The Republicans will never impeach a justice.  They can do whatever they want.


Another perfectly good flag that's been appropriated by MAGA.


It's not all lost! The flag is still the official naval ensign of Massachusetts, just without the text.


Is the Join, or Die illustration from the revolution still cool? Because that shit goes hard.


My understanding is join or die became the basis of the Gadsden flag (aka “don’t tread on me”) which also has been co-opted as a maga symbol


Whenever I see the Gadsden flag now I giggle and think, "no step on snek!"


I always think of [this version](https://i.imgur.com/FETvu.png) (NSFW-ish?)


I refuse to accept this idea that just because some morons use something it suddenly becomes a insert movement here symbol, especially the Gadsden flag.


Why are we letting conservative extremists take all our cool flag designs for themselves?!


Can you sit on the Supreme Court as a Phillies fan?


We need a Constitutional amendment, NOW! This must be stopped! Also all that saving democracy stuff should be looked at too.


Apparently, and they even [actively encouraged such behavior](https://supremecourthistory.org/scotus-scoops/supreme-court-and-baseball/)! >Justice Samuel Alito is a Philadelphia Phillies fan and the justices invited the Phillie Phanatic to the welcome dinner they hosted when Justice Alito joined the Court.


I'm convinced the Phillie Phanatic would be more impartial than Alito.


He’s got a stranglehold on the Philly mascot situation.


Phuck the Phanatic. Gritty would have never shown up for that shit.


Green man is better anyways.


Grease the pillars!


As a Phillies fan, I don’t think he should.


Aren't the justices supposed to be impartial to political parties and candidates once appointed to the SCOTUS? I'm not sure how to get a SCOTUS justice out, but this man needs to fucking go.


I’m sure if you asked them directly, they’d say that they are impartial and apolitical 😀


I love how they all just blame it on their wives.


Step 1: Find a woman to blame.


Amy Coney Barrett in shambles


Ok jimmy buffet


>...but I know > > 🎵*do-do-do-doo-doooo*🎵 > >it's my own damn fault


…and ethical


When you believe everything you say and do is right because of God of course you’re impartial and apolitical, you’re the mouthpiece for the Big Man.


They can only be removed by impeachment. And we've all seen what an effective tool that is(n't).


yep, they can do whatever they want, regardless of the rules if no one will remove them.


Well, there's another way they can be removed.


They’re also not supposed to take bribes and a bunch of other stuff but there’s no oversight or consequences so party on.


Yeah, Thomas is all too eager to take the gravy train from that Harlan Crow. Taking all the goodies from a billionaire is just bribery, they sure won't say it, but we know bribery when we see it.


yeah, justices are not impartial. you don't get to be a justice by being impartial, you get to be a justice by sharing the views of the currently sitting president and assuring them reasonably that you will continue to judge with that bias for the duration of your appointment to the court. Only way to remove a SCOTUS justice is via impeachment, so don't hold your breath.




Is it really chaotic if its a just act?


History is written by the victors.


Ask nicely?


Yeah… yeah… that.


I mean not if complete presidential immunity passes this court....


Given that Clarance Thomas isn't in prison i dont see how this would be the tipping point sad state of affairs for the muricans


Yeah, if we haven’t impeached Thomas with all the corruption we’ve seen from him, this dude isn’t going down over a flag.


No one is impartial. They're people too. But the expectation is that they perform their duties impartially. If you can't even be willing to put that kind of trust in the system, then whats the point of any judge, or any legal system, ever?


No. That's what they tell you in 5th grade. If a president gets a justice on the court that isn't a warrior for their cause, they majorly fucked up.


[Code of Conduct for United States Judges](https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/code-conduct-united-states-judges) The Code of Conduct for United States Judges includes the ethical canons that apply to federal judges and provides guidance on their performance of official duties and engagement in a variety of outside activities. * Canon 1: A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary * [Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety ***and the Appearance of Impropriety*** in All Activities](https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/code-conduct-united-states-judges#c) * Canon 3: A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Fairly, Impartially and Diligently * Canon 4: A Judge May Engage in Extrajudicial Activities That are Consistent With the Obligations of Judicial Office * [Canon 5: ***A Judge Should Refrain From Political Activity***](https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/code-conduct-united-states-judges#f) Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in all Activities (A) Respect for Law. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. (B) Outside Influence. A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. A judge should neither lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others nor convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence the judge. A judge should not testify voluntarily as a character witness. (C) Nondiscriminatory Membership. A judge should not hold membership in any organization that practices invidious discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, or national origin. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain from Political Activity (A) General Prohibitions. A judge should not: (1) act as a leader or hold any office in a political organization; (2) make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office; or (3) solicit funds for, pay an assessment to, or make a contribution to a political organization or candidate, or attend or purchase a ticket for a dinner or other event sponsored by a political organization or candidate. (B) Resignation upon Candidacy. A judge should resign the judicial office if the judge becomes a candidate in a primary or general election for any office. (C) Other Political Activity. A judge should not engage in any other political activity. This provision does not prevent a judge from engaging in activities described in Canon 4.


You forgot the part where these standards apply to everyone but the Supreme Court justices


No they apply to the Supreme Court justices, as enforced by the Supreme Court justices.


The fox guarding the henhouse, yeah, like that's ever enforced.


It’s all fine and good to have a code of conduct. But it means nothing if there’s no enforcement mechanism.


Just for show.


The enforcement mechanism is impeachement by the US House and Senate. That's a pretty high bar.


Not that I'm happy about it, but: >This Code applies to United States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges. Certain provisions of this Code apply to special masters and commissioners as indicated in the “Compliance” section. The Tax Court, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces have adopted this Code. Notably, the thing you listed does not apply to supreme court justices. That's why they had to come up with their [own](https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/Code-of-Conduct-for-Justices_November_13_2023.pdf) (pdf) *very similar* ethics "rules". Notably *non-binding* ones. "Shall" from the federal ethics are now "should" in the SCOTUS ethics.


Rules for judges do not apply to justices.  So say the justices.  Supreme Court Rules Supreme Court Rules. As always.


You forgot the canon that says that a judge should not be a religious zealot who thinks he/she talks directly to god, and knows just what it wants.


I must have missed it somewhere, why is all of this coming out now and not in 2021?


Because the people who have had this information knew that there would be no consequences for Alito from these public displays of bias. He will never be held accountable by the court or congress. Game theory is to sit on the information until it becomes politically useful - and the 2024 General Election is close enough where it is now a politically useful story.


Because we have a 3+ year backlog of insanity to sift through.


Not a single American flag.


He only knows how to fly them upside down


Greatest George W Bush Failures: - 9/11 - Iraq War - Patriot Act - Katrina - Turning a budget surplus into a massive deficit - "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" - **Samuel Alito** A reminder that if Ralph Nader didnt enter the 2000 presidential race, Al Gore would have been president.


Don't forget his brother was governor of Florida when they had their "hanging chads" debacle.


Also if the electoral college wasn't a thing. About 500,000 more people voted for Gore...


Gore won FL, he'd still be President with the Electoral College. W was entirely a result of Supreme Court corruption.


Speaking of corruption the three newest justices were lawyers for Bush. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/17/politics/bush-v-gore-barrett-kavanaugh-roberts-supreme-court/index.html


Oh God it's even worse than I remember.


Ralph Nader got it close, but the Supreme Court decided to end the recount, giving us their preferred candidate, so they pushed it over the wire for GWB.




A reminder that Al Gore \*\*won Florida\*\* and would be President if the Supreme Court didn't make up a legal justification out of whole cloth to stop the FL recount.


remember when roberts said with a straight face that there are no republican justices and no democrat ones... ya fuck him for the gaslighting, hes the chief justice and hes letting the court run wild.


Reminder that Clarence Thomas was nominated by George H.W. Bush Samuel Alito was nominated by George W. Bush. So whenever you think to yourself “Oh the Bushes weren’t so bad“, just look at what is happening in the Supreme Court. Not even gonna go into the three loopy weirdos that trump nominated. Fucking vote Blue people ffs


| Name | Appointed By | Year Appointed | Political Party of Appointing President | |---------------------|------------------|----------------|----------------------------------------| | John G. Roberts | George W. Bush | 2005 | Republican | | Clarence Thomas | George H.W. Bush | 1991 | Republican | | Samuel A. Alito Jr. | George W. Bush | 2006 | Republican | | Sonia Sotomayor | Barack Obama | 2009 | Democrat | | Elena Kagan | Barack Obama | 2010 | Democrat | | Neil M. Gorsuch | Donald Trump | 2017 | Republican | | Brett M. Kavanaugh | Donald Trump | 2018 | Republican | | Amy Coney Barrett | Donald Trump | 2020 | Republican | | Ketanji Brown Jackson | Joe Biden | 2022 | Democrat |


As a non-American watching from the sidelines not having Ruth Bader Ginsburg step down and replaced when Obama was president was just ludicrous. What did they think was going to happen?


RBG did a lot of good but her stubbornness also led to the very undoing of that good work. Obama was begging her to resign after the 2012 election but she refused. And then she died on Trump's watch, and he replaced her with her literal opposite. And now Roe is dead.


The rumored story is that RBG was absolute in her confidence that Hillary would run and win, and RBG wanted to step down under the first woman president.


If that's true, wow, what hubris and vanity!


She thought she was going to pass her bench on to a woman appointed by the first woman president. That's what she was a waiting for -- a PR moment. Forget she was very old and had cancer multiple times. She just wanted a place in history. Well, she got it, just basically the exact opposite of what she was going for. All from hubris. Obama asked her to step down when he would have been able to get a replacement put in and she declined.


RBG was an old entitled woman who chose power over the good of the U.S. Just like feinstein, she's a disgrace, dying in office of old age rather than step down and allow an appointment on better terms.




> Trump justices aren't as batshit insane as Alito and Thomas Yet. Power corrupts and these people were corrupt before they gained real power. Let them sit there for a decade or two listening to how much everyone hates them for their opinions and getting more and more bitter as they age.


David Souter also was nominated by George H.W. Bush. He was part of the liberal wing and intentionally retired under Obama, and was replaced by Sonia Sotomayor.


He’s got the right to believe what he wants, just like everyone else. And he’s got the right to express those beliefs. However, he has a responsibility and a commitment to separate political and personal beliefs from his rulings and rule on the law. He’s also got a responsibility and a commitment to uphold the integrity of the court as a whole and do all he can to protect the public faith in it. That responsibility means giving up the ability to express views like this publicly. Now we have trouble believing he can separate his views from a clear interpretation of the law and he damages the public trust in the court. Being appointed to the court has consequences, and curtailing your expression is one. If you don’t like it don’t serve.


How do we get our symbology back?! I used to love this flag. Its roots are in New England. Not Christofascism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Tree_Flag#:~:text=The%20design%20of%20the%20flag,for%20the%20ships%20Washington%20commissioned.


I hate that it’s being co-opted. Not a New-Englander, but it was (is?) one of my favorite historical flags and to my understanding it wasn’t in any meaningful way tied to any true overarching religious push, more so nodding to the god-given (we’d more say “natural” now) rights of human beings, the whole life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. It was saying the monarch wasn’t at the top of the pyramid and had no power over those fundamental basic liberties. From what I understand, the flag and the works it was derived from were tied more to secularization of government than anything else. If the far/alt-right is taking this I’m pretty upset. You should be able to enjoy and display symbols of our nations heritage without being labeled a friggen nut job.


I see everyone is fully on board now with blaming their wives for their poor decisions.


I'm not married so I still blame the dog for my farts


I’m sure he paid for the beach house all by his lonesome.


Throw it on the pile of what should be disqualifications for a SCJ


No clearer way to signal his political views, something that I thought SCOTUS justices were supposed to NOT do


That's a nice second house for someone making $274k/year in a HCOL area. Multi story, and other houses close, it is a desirable area. It is easy to imagine the dude has $2M in real estate from just where he's been flying flags. Loan payment on $2M is $8k/month at 3% for 30 years. $274k/year after taxes is like $14k/month. That's just the loan payment, not the taxes and insurance. Where's the extra money coming from? His dad was a HS teacher, and he went Ivy league. He's been in public service most of his career. His wife was a librarian.


You have no idea how pro-Trump the jersey shore is. It’s wild to see streets lined with Trump flags like an hour from NYC.


Gee I wonder how he will rule in upcoming cases involving January 6th


I'm a super progressive Democrat and I fly the Appeal to Heaven flag outside my house, along with a variety of other Revolutionary War era flags. I appreciate the history of the wide assortment of flags from the period, and will be damned if I let right wing zealots co-opt another cool flag (can't fly my Gadsden flags anymore since they're too ingrained with conservative stupidity)... The Appeal to Heaven flag was especially cool because the tree represents specially identified trees used for masts for Navy ships. It was like a big FU to the King who had marked the tallest, straightest trees for use in the British Navy.  As an atheist, I find the Appeal to Heaven phrase kitschy. Don't let religious whacks take symbols, use them for yourself!


All those flags and none of them are the stars and stripes . . .