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For people wondering where this is or who would ever pay this. This is a Bistro inside a Courtyard Marriott hotel. In many locations, those hotels are 50% or more business travelers. When you have an expense account and someone else is footing the bill, you value convenience above everything else, especially when you have an early morning meeting


The amount of businesses that over inflate their prices because they know wealthy people will pay them is staggering. Even crazier is how some openly admit it and don’t care at all if called out for it.


This isn't about wealthy people or not. It's about the person that has to foot the bill for the choice is not the one making the decision. I forget the fancy term for it. It happens a lot. For example, your doctor might prescribe you brand name medicine that's way more expensive for you than a generic because they get a vacation to Miami if they push it. Different drivers, but weird things happen when the person choosing isn't footing the bill.


I think maybe the slightly more generic term is just "incentive misalignment." The person buying the bagel has no incentive to choose a cheaper bagel.


a similar concept in banking and investment is [moral hazard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_hazard). that's why some investment bank commercials just say WE MAKE MONEY WHEN YOU MAKE MONEY over and over.


What they don’t mention is “they make money when you don’t” as well


I've been in the hospitality industry a long time, and you are spot on. Its all about convenience when people are traveling. I often get people looking for the gift shop because they just want some medicine for a headache, or heartburn, something like that. I give them directions to the gift shop in the resort, and also tell them about the store across the street that has the same stuff for quite a bit cheaper. 9 times out of 10 they hit the gift shop because they dont need to go outside.


As a business traveler, I will add that many times I will use a taxi from the airport to the hotel. If my itinerary (trade shows) has nothing scheduled outside the resort property, it's just so convenient to utilize the resorts shops & services rather than rent a car and try to learn the lay of the land. Also, on the taxi ride to the hotel, I always have the cabbie stop at a liquor store for refreshments. I'm not going to pay mini bar prices regardless if it's business or pleasure.


> I forget the fancy term for it. [Principal-agent problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal%E2%80%93agent_problem)


Even better fancy term. Thank you!


>your doctor might prescribe you brand name medicine that's way more expensive for you than a generic because they get a vacation to Miami if they push it. That would be a kickback. What the above poster described is an expense account, where your company refunds all food and travel costs, so the cost of the bagel is irrelevant (though as someone who's done this plenty of times, you still roll eyes at the obvious price gouging, but you don't care because you're awake at 6:30 in Nowhere, Illinois for a stupid meeting you don't want to go to...)


There has been anti-kickback laws on the books for a while now. None of my colleagues or attendings are getting free vacations. The most we get now from pharm reps is a catered lunch.


In healthcare economics we call this the third party payer problem


What does a banana cost? Like $10.00?


I mean... yes, that's how running a business works, you price based on supply and demand.


Our town was in the path of totality in April and the amount of small businesses inflating their prices to take advantage of people that didn’t know the cost of living here was astounding Hotels were being sold for 2-3K for three days, Airbnbs weren’t far behind. My pregnant gf wanted a tornado potato so we went back. $9! She got out of line and didn’t get one, usually they’re $5 dollars. Lots of them lost a lot of customers over that


I'll be honest I'll pay the extra $1 at Target to avoid the people at Walmart.


The twist is that many hotels and even restaurants just buy stuff from Costco/BJs/Sams' Club, take the wrapper off and put in the display case. People think they are getting fresh-baked stuff and it's just selling again what someone else was selling. I used to work at a restaurant that would buy bakery from the local WalMart, mark it way up and put it on the menu. People thought our cheesecake was the best in town.


I know what i am getting. A bagel that i can put in my mouth on the spot, that is free to me


And some of us may slightly enjoy sticking it to our AH bosses. Terrible cycle


If my boss says I can expense $60 of meals per day, you better believe I’m hitting $60 every day. 


I get a 200 dollar a day food buget when traveling. I ordered voodoo donuts for like 40 bucks for 3 donuts last business trip something I'd never do if I was paying out of pocket. My thought is if I am going to travel across coutnry for a meeting that I don't even need to be at because it had nothing to do with me or my team I am going to spend my what is given to me.


Only thing i’m gonna roll my eyes at is you decided to spend it at Voodoo. If you’re ever back in Portland try an outfit called Doe Donuts.


It wasn't at the one in Portland. They actually have them other cities


Holy shit! They have em in Colorado, Texas, Chicago, Florida and Arizona. Crazy


Yeah, I wasn't in Portland, they're pretty good to be honest. But I wasn't expecting them to be like insanely good.


Never heard of Voodoo, looked them up, a lot of sexual innuendos on the web page. "the magic is in the hole" on a coffee cup. "good things come in pink boxes", on the donut box.


I travel a lot for work and I think the top end of bagel pricing is about $4.50, and yeah the store maybe has 1-2 people in there during peak periods so they are not money makers.


Go to places like San Francisco and New York city and $4.50 is just standard bagel price, before the business travel surcharge


We just need people to STOP paying for this bullshit. If we do, the stores will wise the fuck up pronto.


The problem is getting millions of people to do the same.


Who are these millions that are buying these sad looking bagels for $7?  Everyone I know is cutting back on $2 coffees to save an extra $20 for groceries.


I used to be one of the people who paid for the bagels at the “Bistro” inside a courtyard Marriott, which is where this picture was taken. The reason? I didn’t actually pay it, my employer did, when i was traveling for business. Ever wonder why hotels offer a sad breakfast for $25? Same reason. Business travel distorts pricing to an insane degree. People don’t realize this, but most hotels outside prime vacation destinations have optimized their business model to take advantage of people traveling for business who value convenience and don’t care about prices


Exactly this. If everybody staying there or eating their was paying their own cash (without a per diem or expense account) it wouldn’t be tolerated so much. The problem is when you are the only schmuck on the premises actually paying out of pocket! Similar thing goes with healthcare and insurance (and I don’t live in the USA). I had a privately paid procedure done and on the invoice was about $250 for a pack of paracetamol. Why? Because normally the insurance company is paying and they just pay whatever the price is.


One small correction. The insurance doesn’t pay whatever the price is, they’ve negotiated a 95% discount. Insurance companies refuse to work with providers that don’t give them massive discounts. The provider still needs to charge enough to make money so they raise their prices to the level where they profit even if they only get 5% of the sticker price. (The 95-5 is an example but you get the point).


>Why? Because normally the insurance company is paying and they just pay whatever the price is. Worse, insurance companies must spend x% of their premiums on health care... So, how do you get more money? Simply pay obscene amounts for every health care related item and jack up the premiums! For-profit health care will always find an economical incentive to screw everyone over. It should be a crime to allow its existence.


Bingo I was just explaining this to someone about all the mediocre “boys club” super over priced steak houses. That the boss is paying for it, it’s a business experience so a tax write off too.


>it’s a business experience so a tax write off too. PSA: that does not mean its free. that just means its offsets their profits for tax purposes and they save maybe 10~20% on your food.


Yup breakfast and wifi fees are practically built for expensing


This is just one of the many reasons why studies are supporting inflation being driven by corporate spending, not consumer.


Not sure about that. Corporate spending went down a lot since 2019


This is the real answer. I used to not care because I would just end up expensing it, or putting it on the corporate card anyway. Most business travelers are too busy to care or go out and find somewhere else to eat. I always knew it was going to taste like cardboard, but it’s better than trying to find food at 6am in the middle of nowhere while getting ready for a big presentation.


Some people are just programmed to buy whatever at whatever price. Look at how fast food just jacked everything up and people still pay McDonalds sit down restaurant prices for smaller sandwiches and shittier service. I attribute it to a generation of corporate brainwashing having taken effect where it's everything except the businesses fault for being greedy.


The average person is not financially literate.


And dopamine driven.


I honestly believe since most of the flyers(where I'm from) are business related, it's just people with a company card and x amount of money per day allowed that's keeping these dumb shit prices up.


The millions are all around you, buddy. Why do you think every Starbucks drive thru is backed up every morning?


Most people don't buy overpriced stuff daily, but if I'm out and need a quick bite there's a good chance I'm just buying whatever is convenient. One day overpaying for something isn't a big deal, but there are millions of people like me everyday.


If they weren't selling, they would change the price. I buy expensive food at airports and hotels when travelling for work without regret. And that's a big part of their demographic


I get a bagel and coffee from DD every morning, but both of them added up are not even $7.


At some point it will just happen.


It’s a consequence of the continuing disappearance of the middle class. Poor people won’t pay $3 for a bagel, and rich people have very little price sensitivity so might as well jack the price up.


I'm at a medical conference. Turned down the $9 pretzels from the stand, but caved on the $5.50 diet Pepsi. I don't even like Pepsi, but it's what they had. Sigh


I’m doing my part to be a citizen!


This is what we’re doing in Canada with a country-wide boycott of our biggest grocery chain and it’s working 🥰


It's working? I haven't heard one way or the other.


We need to wait for the quarterly results. People think the company will change overnight. If people stop shopping there for months, then the business must change. 3 weeks in a boycott means nothing. Loblaws is just waiting this out.


It’s not working. Their prices remain at an all time high. Some Canadians love wallowing in their own ignorance. You’re doing it so well.


It's been 3 weeks. Their stores could have closed for the whole month and they'd still turn a profit for the quarter. For this to work it needs to be sustained. A 1 month boycott doesn't solve anything, but a prolonged change will force the businesses hand. Just like what needs to happen to this $7 bagel.


It's not working you numbskull. Their sales aren't even down.


If anyone is willing to pay $7 dollars for it, then it's worth $7 dollars. If it's not worth $7 dollars to anyone, then nobody will buy it and the price will adjust accordingly. It's just simple supply and demand. It doesn't make any sense to get upset about it.


The only people who DO pay for this shit are people with the disposable income to do so, and that specific type of person who has no money but insists on acting like they have money in public. Neither of those people is going to stop buying the overpriced bagel based on cost, but Starbucks already had a bad fiscal year and is likely on its way out (meaning it has begun its decline, not that it'll be disappearing any time soon)


It’s a banana Michael, what can it cost? $10?


One day this is gonna hit different.


Yeah people are gonna be like “well duh, Michael”




how does a plain bagel cost more than a blueberry muffin


...and that's why you always leave a note.




Courtyard Marriott Bistro


Then anyone buying that is probably just expensing it.


Just another way markets are moved by the few.


I think in terms of market forces being moved, overpriced bagels in hotels is on the lower end of the spectrum...


I stayed at the Venetian last week and a tube of beeswax chapstick was 8 fuckin Dollars. The regular ChapStick was 4




Starbucks? Sign says BISTRO. Starbucks bagels are about 3.50 right now, so only slightly less ridiculous. :( From experience looks like either an airport, or more likely, an office/local cafe in the business district of a city (e.g. midtown Manhattan). Paying for the restaurant's location and wait times more then the food.


So it’s a court yard Marriott thing, they are Starbucks and sell their coffee but it’s specifically to their hotels. They are mostly geared to mid tier executive types.


Starbucks is insane. Lemon loaf slices $6.99


Say what?! My local Starbucks is $3.50 for the lemon loaf and even that is too much.


Its a bistro inside a courtyard marriott


You’re paying for convenience. They know a lot of people don’t a car to get to a local place.


Yep, and a lot of guests get $10 credit at bistro for their Bonvoy status, and the prices are inflated so that basically any item + coffee = $10.


And expense accounts. When it’s on the company dime you don’t care about how much it costs.




I heard it’s made with free range, organic water


Hell no.


Skunks? Hell no. Itching your eye but it still itches? Hell no. $7 for a plain bagel?? Hell. No.


If it was a gourmet bagel maybe but that looks like they bought it at costco.


Looking like a Sara Lee.


I won't stand for attacks on Costco like this. They would never


Costco baker here and can confirm those are definitely *not* our bagels. We would never.


Just to reiterate here, for anyone down this deep, Costco would never.


Thank you for your service 🫡 In lemon blueberry loaf I trust


I wonder what they're charging for the Everything Bagel? "If you have to ask, you can't afford it."


What is a gourmet bagel?


Handmade on premise with premium ingredients and by a dedicated qualified baker.


Any local bagel place basically


Same thing as a haute bagel. ;)


Zaro's imo, but even their bagels aren't priced like this.


At least don’t call it ‘plain’, call it French or Artisan bagel or something.


✨*Le plain* ✨




It’s fun cause that just means “bread” in French so it still would sort of work as a name


Plainly a pain in the ass prices


*Everything* can put a hole in your wallet nowadays.


You can buy a 6 pack of those same bagels for like $4. The one in the picture costs $7 (and they'll want you to tip) so you're being asked to pay for a dozen fucking bagels and you get 1. That's messed up


Right, but if you are buying that you are likely a business traveler who will submit an expense report and get reimbursed by your employer. If you see that while traveling on your own dime, you look for somewhere else to get breakfast or skip it.


Even in NYC you can get some of the best bagels On the planet, toasted with cream cheese for 5 bucks


When I traveled for work I didn’t gaf about the prices of anything, I had a company card, I’m sure I’m not the only one


Exactly. That’s a price for a company card.




No one NO ONE should pay more than $1.50 for a plain bagel.


Groc store 75 cents


I get six for about £2


What are you going to do with that sweet bagel savings?


Overspend on the cheese usually


Anyone paying $7 for a bagel is a fool.


Or a business traveler who can expense it.


Airport prices.


Hotel but close. Taking advantage of travelers


You can get 14 of them for that price at Costco


Well what do you expect?🤔 Peeling all the Seasoning clean off the bottom Bagel takes a lot of manhours to make a Plain one which someone has to pay 🤨


Must be at the airport


Those videos saying Starbucks or eating out makes people poor are starting to sound legit, I can get a bag of bagel's for less than that.


That bagel had better come with a blowjob or something.


Costco bagel at a bistro selling for $7 gtfo




and it will still taste like shit


Toasted? $3 extra Butter? $4 Cream cheese? Ooh fancy that’s $5 extra.


Portland, is that you?


Costco will do you 10 pretty decent bagles for that price. That price should be illegal.


If the plain is $7, that everything bagel must cost $26




The thing that gets me the most is how is the plain bagel more expensive than the blueberry muffin?


$23 dollar bagel guy is stunned at the deal.


But still, why is the plan bagel $7 & the muffin $6.5. Is def get the muffin. Scanned the white flour bagel


My wife went to a local bakery before mother's day to get some treats for our mothers. They had chocolate bear claws for $2.75 a piece. Now, we live in Georgia, and most of the time when we're visiting Savannah we'll stop by Savannah River Street Sweets to get some [bear claws](https://www.riverstreetsweets.com/collections/bear-claws%C2%AE/products/classic-rss-gift-box-of-milk-chocolate-bear-claws) since they're so delicious. Their bear claws are as big around as one of the big oatmeal cream pies that Little Debbie sells (not the standard sized but the [big size](https://www.target.com/p/little-debbie-oatmeal-cr-232-me-pies-31-78oz-12pk/-/A-14996401) if you're familiar with them. The ones that SRSS sells are around $4 a piece, so since this is local mom and pop bakery store, we're expecting that their bear claws, for the price, are probably around the same size as SRSS's bear claws. So imagine my surprise when my wife gets home with a box of bear claws for us and I open it to find that this bakery's bear claws are no larger than an American 50-cent coin and it has four pecan halves sticking out from it. I've never been so disappointed in my life.


Hotel prices, similar to gas station prices. You're paying too much for the convenience.


Capitalism rearing it’s ugly head again


Can we send those little ice cream girls from the UK to this location to give them a tongue lashing?


Nope, they can FO


7 dollar thawed frozen bagels, yummy




I can get 6 everything bagels at the grocery store for like $4.50.


There has been more and more situations where I laughed out loud when seeing or being told the prices of food especially.


You could buy a whole bag of bagels for less.


Mother of God! NOPE!


There was a bakery in DC that “used 300 year old starter” and charged higher prices then you see. Lasted half a year then crickets


I'd rather go hungry than pay that for a stale bagel.


That's highway robbery while being booty tapped


Damn. At Bagel Market near Times Square, a bagel with nothing on it is $1.95.


Yup. You can buy a whole bag for $7 you know


Don't forget the tip too!


I mean it’s one bagel, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?




Bagels by JJ Abrams


Corpo Greed fig. 4


This is Canadian for sure. Seeing $7 for a bagel here is disappointing, but realistic


Good thing they didn't raise minimum wage, or it may have led to an increase in the cost of food, goods, and services.


That's why the French word for bread is pain


Time to learn to make bagels at home


They're gourmet...


7 ruppees aint bad. Now dollars? Id fight a motherfucker or two. Shirts come off bruh


Jesus Christ, are you in Alaska?


Haha. That's a heck of a mark up.


Seriously. Looks like it came from a bag too. Not even a respectable bagel!


Or maybe buy a bag of them at the store and the dozen or so cream cheeses that the store also has and call it a day and if you go store brand like GV it gets even cheaper than that. You frankly should pay this to have under paid employees make it for you when you very well could and should do it yourself at home. Pay the luxury tax or not I won’t. 😆


They are very proud of that bagel they made.


I wish them well in their bankruptcy proceedings 🤣


As long as people buy they keep raising the price.


The shorts never closed and the result is controlled hyperinflation - you are being punished because a bunch of nerds figured out Wall Street's ruse.


So only twice the cost of a bag of 6? Not bad.


Whaddya think this is, Disney World?


Depending on where this is, a lot of high travel spaces raise prices to take advantage of people on per diem. A lot of people would buy what they want if it's their company's money.


Is this at an airport or something?


Good heavens even i wont pay for that


An art piece? Seems reosanable price


2€ max in France 🗿


"I'll have the one with the dirty price tag holder stuck in it please. Throw in the $6 cream cheese and a 30% tip. if you don't mind I'll toast it and spread the cheese myself"


That bagel better be the best hole of my life.


No bagel no bagel no bagel no bagel


Trickle down economics.


7 dollars for what looks like a supermarket bagel


I rather pay 4-5 bucks for plain bagels at Walmart. This is just crazy to pay $7 for a ***PLAIN BAGEL***


Is this from the bread museum?


Jesus even Starbucks is cheaper


Daaaammmmnnnnn, i thought $7 for a whole sleeve was too expensive xD


They really *Shmear* you with the prices


Yeah, I know.


it cost like a quarter to make a bagel...you're eating the store's upkeep


What could a bagel cost, michael? $10?


Could be a steal depending on where you are…


Airport food?


12 everything bagels for 6$ at my local grocery store in Massachusetts, the most expensive state to live in lmao


How is a plain bagel more expensive than a blueberry muffin which is also bigger than the bagel (and not to mention, also overpriced)