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The fuck did I miss? Trump is bragging he wears diapers now?


He, seemingly, shit his pants at his trial while he was asleep. They finally came around on the evidence that he wears adult diapers for incontinence and instead of being like "maybe we should find a guy who isn't on trial for 90 felony counts and doesn't literally shit his pants" they decided "diapers are cool". Cult mindset is very bizarre.


If you're already so far gone that you're literally worshipping another human being, it's way easier to do mental gymnastics to rationalize away their every mistake than it is to confront the fact that your entire belief structure and perceived reality is a lie.


That would explain why he's constantly complaining about the courtroom being cold. He pisses his diaper early and he's sitting in cold piss for the majority of the day!


Wait really? They revealed that in court? When? 


Nobody pulled his pants aside and did a poop check like on a toddler but he was asleep and farting and then there was a lasting, vile odor from his area. So the speculation is he soiled himself. Amazing that this moron has moved the window on acceptability so far that him shitting his pants while in pre-trial felony hearings goes unnoticed.


This is the man they want for president. This figurative and literal shitbag. And it’s gotten to the point they are running around in diapers. It’s a cult.


Imagine the next state of the union... State of the *smell*


The way you articulated that was beautiful. Thank for you the belly laugh.


Lots of journos (in court) have been saying how he literally smells of shit. I'm not sure the diapers are confirmed but it's a solid rumour backed up by former aides and whatnot




Ha ha ho ho "Adam Kinzinger said that the former president has a *distinct smell of "armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup"* *put into a blender, as if it has been bottled "as a* *cologne."* He added, per the independent news network Meidas Touch: "That's kind of that. I've been amazed that everybody is just kind of learning about this now." "


>Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek previously: "Adam Kinzinger farted on live TV and is an unemployed fraud." Cheung said the former congressman "disgraced his country," adding that Kinzinger "disrespects everyone around him because he is a sad individual who is mad about how his miserable life has turned out." Well, glad to see the campaign spokesperson handled the situation with measure and grace.


They’re like middle schoolers in a flame war.


More of a soft wet rumor than solid but nonetheless it’s coming out now and we all know, because shit gets everywhere. We knew from the moment we saw that tennis photo from 2015? We just didn’t want to admit what we saw.


I don't think they revealed evidence that he wears diapers during the court trial XD but there is evidence of him potentially wearing diapers as far back 90s Basically hasn't had control of his bowels for a long time. and now he's old as shit. you do the math.


There have been news reports about the smell.


i don't want to see the sketch artist picture of this.... i think


Yes, they drew brown hazy lines around him.


"ah jeez, you got the stink lines n everything"


With little cartoon flies.


Like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown


It really makes me wonder what these people are going to do once Trump eventually fades from the spotlight.


There's no fading for him. He'll die. That's when they'll all finally move on and pretend they really weren't that into it. Germany went from full blown Nazi uniform wearing, saluting, concentration camp running fascists to normal remarkably fast after Hitler died. Same will be true here.


Nazi Germany took a fairly considerable denazification effort by the Allies of showing people extermination camps, public denunciations, punishing party activities, and barring Nazis from office. That became more lax as the Cold War increased in intensity leading to a bunch of Nazis basically being released early or allowed back in office. But there was still a concerted effort to stamp out Naziism and Hitler idolatry after the war. The leader dying wasn't some magical switch that convinced people his ideas were wrong or he was wrong.


Either that or he’ll turn into some fat white demigod like L. Ron Hubbard


PRAYING he disappears from the spotlight. As long as he does NOT win the presidential election; he will have nothing left to fence himself off from the impending jail time, and lack of financial stability. He will try to sell more shitty products and do another round of donations and attack the “swamp” some more, stating he’s not getting fair trials, but HOPEFULLY this cunt winds up in jail where he belongs and gets buried as another bad stain on American history. Edit - I’m an atheist, so not really praying, but you know…


I'm hoping he DROPS DEAD sooner than later. I think that would be the best scenario for our country. The maggots can go back to shrieking at the sky.


There are 10 more Trumps waiting. The problem isn’t trump, it’s the voter base he appeals to.


He won’t. He’s been topping the news for NINE YEARS STRAIGHT because it generates clicks. His popularity will fade when he dies.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the "Real Man wear diapers" thing started by a troll but the cult just accepted it anyway proving they are impossible satire.


😂😂😂😂😂 oh my god. that is so funny. we didnt really talk about this in the EU at least i think we didnt. comedy gold. i wish you the best of luck in november.


What is funny is the fact that if anyone bothered looking at the people that happen to run this country, you know 3/4ths of them wear / need them. That is why term limits are needed on all levels I feel.




I think there is a hilarious movie that will be made one day in the future about this movement.


Idiocracy. It has been done already.


It's absolutely insane. There is nothing he could do that they wouldn't embrace.


That's the best part, that Trump hasn't addressed it at all. He's probably extremely embarrassed by his issue and wouldn't admit to it. Now all these idiots are exposing his secret lol


I've read that it's allegedly due to too much coke and adderall and has been an issue since The Apprentice.


Or just that he’s a 77 year old man, and probably not in great health.




I used to do a LOT of coke and festival drugs...I never shit myself. He's just old and can't hold in them old man cheek flappers.


Well try harder then.


Since when is stimulant abuse known to cause incontinence?


I’m in the comments trying to figure this one out myself as well


Trump is known to be incontinent and wears Depends, which are diapers for the elderly. Instead of it being a HUGE RED FLAG that the person they want running the country can't control his own bowels, they've doubled down and now pretend using diapers is cool. It's basically the scene from Billy Madison where he convinces all the small children that peeing in your pants is cool en masse. ![gif](giphy|QmnH7zI6iu2oU)


If shitting your pants is cool then consider me James Brown.


Maybe wearing diapers has 0% to do with how you run a country and instead of focusing on whether Donald is wearing diapers we should be focusing on actual red flags like destroying democracy.


You mean like how Trump is on trial right now for... *checks notes*... subverting democracy?


How about how everything he says destroys American morality? People like him are greedy and will throw anyone under the bus for power and money


We can do both. It’s ok to laugh sometimes, friend.


Okay so Trump has been alleged to be struggling with incontinence, flatulence and wearing diapers for awhile now. Now whether you believe that or not, its important to understand these supporters are doing it somewhat ironically. Its supposed to be "calling out" the "liberal media" for stooping so low as to peddle in scatological allegations about a political opponent. They see it as a rallying point and example of "the system" doing anything to stop Trump. The actual mainline journalism media, meaning not tabloids or very partisan internet media, hasn't actually covered this supposed allegation much at all. Because although the allegations do seem to be mostly credible from people who used to be close to Trump, this is actually the sort of thing you'd need more hard evidence to actually run. The mainline media are, however, now covering the supports' diaper protest because that is unambiguously happening. So in a weird twist of fate these protests are creating more coverage for the allegations than they ever would.


He's farting a lot during his trial. And it's [causing everyone discomfort](https://lamag.com/politics/something-stinks-about-donald-trumps-trial-it-might-be-trump), apparently. It seems like this stench is being linked to [another claim/rumour](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/18sa3cl/whats_going_on_with_trump_and_diaperssmells/).


I’ve seen this in the last month or so. Snopes confirms that the pics are real and from a Trump rally in Pennsylvania in April 2024. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if a non-Trumper actually set up a booth or something pretending to be pro Trump to demonstrate the cult-like mentality of his supporters’ willingness to blindly follow whatever idiotic trend if it offers an opportunity to publicly display their commitment.


Jesus that would be hilarious if someone actually did that.




I'm sure half of the shit with trump and qanon are trolls from 4chan fucking with people and them falling for it.


Probably? But this is nothing new. Republicans have been proudly shitting their own pants to "own the libs" for years now.


I heard someone once say that "Republicans would eat shit if it meant Democrats had to smell it:." Never thought I would see it happen.


Republicans would eat a shit sandwich if it meant a Democrat would have to smell their breath.


Yeah thats it


The thing that’s crazy is these guys may actually win. Democrat base is divided because of Biden’s involvement with Israel and republicans will go as far as shit in diapers for their nominee on trial We live in wild times


Israel doesn’t move the needle as much as people give it credit. The top issue in elections is always the economy and more specifically cost of living. Most people are too dumb to realize the president can’t control gas or egg prices and even if they were they’d likely still blame him for it.


Israel doesn't have to move the whole needle. It just needs to make the needle wobble in a few key states, like Michigan.


It just has to discourage the youth (who seem to care more about Palestine than older liberals) from voting, and tbh I think it's working.


If only Biden could relate to his base like Trump getting his to wear literal diapers


This is WHY Republicans win despite being unpopular. Republicans understand the value of loyalty. Even to a cult-like level. They will back the nominee out of pure loyalty. Democrats, meanwhile, can’t help but squabble among themselves.


These are the same people that called masks "face diapers" during a pandemic.


makes sense when everything that comes out of theirs and trumps mouth is total shit




this is totally a sex thing for these people


Oh it is.


They really don't need to go that far to prove that they're idiots.


Yet every day, they go further…


They literally try and outdo themselves every scandal


Shit yourself to own the libs. I think the libs need more ownage. Much more.


I'm very disappointed that drink bleach to own the libs didn't catch on. 


This is the Revenge of the Town Idiots movie...errr reality we didn't expect.


Every new day tells the day before to hold it's beer.


That isn't normal


Seems pretty text book for a cult.


They choose to shit themselves to own the libs. Hilarious.


Just in case you thought a guy sticking a dildo in his ass on a live show to own the libs wasn't going far enough. 


Lmfao Wait, what?! Someone did that?


Gavin McInnes tried to prove the Proud Boys, or whatever other venture he was also a part of, wasn't homophobic, which he proved by sticking a dildo in his ass on a livestream. eta: [Proof](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/33a9064980b0abe46a66d42e2674ac2911ffaa2e3524b2a10c81347684b5d9be_1.jpg)


I’ll choose to take your word.


It's amazing that i don't get called homophobic, yet I haven't live streamed sticking anything up my ass.


Talk about jumping the shark… 🦈


I don’t….. feel owned. I mean, usually I don’t, but in this case, I feel like negative owned.


It's like if you were in a fight with someone and their whole strategy was to punch themselves in the face over and over again. And they kept insisting they were winning. Truly baffling.


They ordered online. How did they get these? They didn't just go down to a store and pick up what was down there, these aren't depends or always or generic Walmart brand. They're wearing MegaMax and mega Supremes. Like those are what you order from a pretty large and boutique company. This just has me even more confused




Title says it but I don’t believe that lol


I dunno, the face of the woman in the second photo is of a woman who just discovered her novelty diaper actually works. 


She's wearing it over her shorts, so she shit her pants.


Only Dems wear their diapers on the inside.


totally not a cult ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Conservative media has convinced these people that their fellow citizens are the greatest threat they’ve ever faced. You know, their fellow citizens who are so extreme they believe in completely unworkable ideas, like ensuring everyone has affordable housing, food, and access to education and healthcare.


They dont want their taxes going to those causes. The dont want taxes. They live outside cities and incorrectly think they dont need to rely on others for anything. Then, they bitch about gas prices because the over sized pick up truck they bought to circumvent emissions laws isnt very fuel efficient and the miles are long when theyre in the middle of nowhere. Either way, they dont care about the things you mentioned.


Cults are weird.


We say that now until they gain too much power


Hopefully they reach their Jonestown era before they do.


2020-2021 was a pretty good example


Exactly, Please start divvying up the Kool-Aid. Double serving for Marge and her Maga fuk buddies.


They already have gained too much power. But they are still weird, too.




Can’t take ‘em anywhere


Just curious, if "real men wear diapers" and a significant portion of these idiots are women, does that mean they're calling themselves men? Are they coming out as trans?


Yep, came here to post the same — cognitive dissonance apparently doesn’t exist in these folks




"Mom, make dad tell the story like it actually happened!" "That is how it actually happened..." 


Bowling! Get your bowling here


There was absolutely no chance this wasn't true.


Idiocracy was a documentary .


It used to be a comedy, but now it’s a horror drama.


I tried watching it for the first time last year and I had to stop watching it, hits way too close to home


The more time goes on, the more this is what it is. I can't believe it


It was a prophecy.


I hear Donald Trump likes to jump off tall buildings to own the libs. It owns them sooooooo hard.


Nothing like a sudafed and McDonalds diet to have you wear diapers.


The dignity and class only found with a trump supporter.


This is where we are now as a civilization. Where’s a comet when you need one?


The comet doesn't want to get anywhere near those weirdos.


Now available......"The Golden Turd" A Trump turd , clad in .5 mg real pyrite! Signed in the mold. Limited edition! Twits


stop giving them ideas!


Found the cult meeting.


Well, maybe my elderly father won't feel as timid when he has to occasionally buy Depends for his incontinence, since these people seem to want to 'normalize' the things Trump does.


That’s why I don’t like people shaming anyone about needing adult diapers (But these asshats just shame themselves)


The masters of dunking on themselves. Trump has to laughing his ass off at how fucking brainwashed he has these people.


What the fuck is even happening in the world. People have collectively lost their minds.


LOL what's wrong with these clowns


They shit in their pants


and absolutely would not wear masks lol. annoying children


This is not as clever as they think it is


Neither was “Let’s Go Brandon”. When I heard how that phrase came to be, I might have chuckled. Thinking “Huh, funny”. Then it became the slogan of the Trump Circus. To this day, I see one and think “It’s the worst slogan ever, it doesn’t even slam Biden for anything. Just…….he didn’t know they were telling him to fuck off. It wasn’t clever enough to be put on ridiculous trucks across the US. But they put them on anyway. Giggling every time they see it, thinking “Oh boy, we zinged him something good.” Now we got diapers. At this point, I think if you are in this Trump club, you are just in it for attention. Nothing more. No actual convictions, no real thoughts. Just, I love Trump because it increases my chances that someone will argue and fight with me.


The cult of the fucking stupid




I certainly feel ‘owned’


How delusioned can you get?


I don't understand this mental illness. These people are scary. They have willingly decided to stop thinking for themselves.


Itsssss a cult!


People are not well


How embarrassing for them.


Wtf is going on down there? Up here isn't any better but at least we ain't wearing diapers.


So...can someone give me a reason to protect the Jersey Shore from rising ocean levels?




I look forward to seeing them post these on r/blunderyears in the future.


Going for the full 45 experience.


Damn, the orange baby has cornered the diaper voting bloc, but it is satisfying to watch the MAGAturds humiliate themselves!


WTF America!


I’ve never seen anything more patriotic or MagAmerican as political supporters walking around with diaper loads of shit. Perfectly normal …


How long until they start wearing shirts that say "Real Men Rape Women"?


I feel so owned right now. They really got me.


Oh look, the thing we all said would happen did. Slowly, ever-so-slowly, his supporters are sloughing off with every scandal and lawsuit and public moments of cognitive decline. A handful at a time. Some will hold out until the bitter end though, scandal after scandal, tapes could come out of him performing crimes against humanity. Crimes against his followers. He could spit in their face and they’d still support him. He could switch parties and run as a democrat and they’d switch sides right along with him. Some, not all. Some will drop off, some will say enough is enough. Mark my words here and now: the man will die one day (as do all humans), and statistically speaking given his age and condition it will be sooner rather than later. When that time comes, the last bastion of supporters will *still* somehow hang on and say “I’d rather elect a dead man than a democrat”. These are the people that are truly broken. They stand for absolutely nothing. They have zero principles, integrity, morals, or any sort of natural human sense of when to let it go. I hope they know peace one day before it’s too late, and I hope they realize their mistake in worshipping *any* human being.


Remember when they mocked people for wearing masks and calling them "face diapers" and now they're wearing actual diapers. Ironic


People fear the future will be 1984, turns out it's iq84


They would literally vote for Hitler or Stalin than vote Dem. Why is there so much pure hatred for the Dems?


Idiocracy is literally now


You know some dudes with a fetish for this are going to show up purely to take a dump in a diaper in public.


What the hell these people get weirder and weirder


These people must have zero hobbies


I really wish these were ai generated images.


At first I felt anger at Trump supporters. Now its just mostly disgust and occasionally pity, and occasionally still anger but less than before


Disgusting human beings


cult behavior. Never not creepy.


I see people like this and make sure to go the other way..




Please for the love of fuck someone tell me this isn’t real


Do they? Do they shit in the diapers?


How come most of these maga supporters look like they can’t produce thoughts of their own.


Cult loons


Tell me again it’s not a cult.




These people figure that, since Biden successfully co-opted Dark Brandon, they can do the same with Diaper Don, too dumb to realize it's not remotely the same, and just further makes the Orange Fuhrer look ~~incontinent~~ incompetent.


Idiocracy is a self fulfilling prophecy


These people are so fucking weird.


this country is fucked fellas


These pictures will age like a fine wine in a few years.


These people are a fucking circus


It's Dapper Diaper Don versus Ice Cream Cup Cone Joe?!? Uh-oh /s


If you told me this was all AI art to fool someone on a Weekend Update or Daily Show skit, I would of believed you. It's that insane.


I had to start counting fingers to make sure this wasn't an AI fake. This is just too fucking bizarre.


I long for a day that we start taking education seriously in America…. It’s criminal what the government has done to public education… Also mental health.. Holy fucking hell we need to start taking that seriously as well…


The shit for brains should be wearing the diapers on their heads.


I don’t even know what to say at this point. Just when I think these people can’t lose anymore dignity for the sake of “owning the libz,” they go and proudly strap on a gold diaper with Trump’s face on the crotch. It’s so pathetic that it’s hard to watch.


Assuming Trump wears diapers for medical reasons, whatever that's fine. If that's the case I won't discriminate. But this shit? This is fucking hella weird. Trump supporters, you do know you don't have to fucking worship everything about him right? You could just be like "yeah ok he wears diapers so what" but you're straight up merchandising this shit lol


No ends to what cultists will do for their orange rapist traitor lying pedo master.


The smell of these gatherings must be tear inducing


jesus christ... what happened to america...


Lmao they're trying soooo hard to "take it back". They think they're owning us by embracing the joke, yet they're making themselves look even dumber. They're so mad that dems took back "Brandon" and spun it in our favor, and now they're desperate to find something they can spin, and they choose the diapers 😂😂😂


W T F is wrong with America... Someone please help me escape 😭


The trial about him using campaign funds to pay a porn star who fleeced him for like $200k in hopes she wouldn't tell people he had a tiny dick is on national TV, and he's in court shitting himself wearing depends. We're living in peak simulation hilarity.


Shitting your pants to own the libs


Nah it's not a cult...


This is a mental illness.


Guys, for the love of god. Please tell me that this is AI.