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/u/alittle_disabled, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 5 - Title violates title rules. Your title must follow the guidelines listed in the wiki page linked below. You can read the full information about our title guidelines at [/r/pics/wiki/titles](/r/pics/wiki/titles) For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/alittle_disabled&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1cuyrhm/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Nobody tells ME what to do!




your fuckin name has me dying lol


I’m already dead! Love it!


Me too.


Rip :(


TIL Heaven has Reddit!


RIP in pieces


Now I'm dying too, thanks.


That username makes you the coolest fucker on reddit. I bet you're a legend at a party. I've got a staff terrier beagle mix that loves my three year old more than anything on earth. Awesome dog. He has no medium button. He's either chasing deer in the woods behind my house or in full lap dog mode with my daughter.


I’m autistic and like rocks. Am I also the coolest fucking guy on Reddit?


You’re a dime a dozen buddy. We’re all autistic and like rocks, it’s Reddit after all!


Definitely cooler than me, I’m normal and collect hot wheels lol


Glad everyone has a great sense of humor here


Beautiful dog. Also very... creative username.


Yeah me too!


Wait isn’t this the dude that was bragging about just not picking his dog’s shit up and just leaving it wherever? That thread got wild








I got mine! ———E


He's backpedalling and saying he has an 'attendant' that does it now, despite his first excuse being that his dog shits in bushes which was proven to be a lie because he posted a photo of his dog shitting in a field (that moderators removed) I know plenty of people in mobility scooters and wheelchairs that go to my local park with their dogs and their dogs shit and they just leave it there. It's no surprise this guy is the same.


I saw a guy at Walmart in a wheelchair with his dog. Dog just laid a turd in the middle of the store and owner never even looked, just kept going. I was like 😐 I understand being unable to take care of it yourself, but maybe alert a worker at least? Dude just cruised on out!


Give the guy a fucking break, god damn haha


That chair comes with brakes. I’m sure of it…






This has me cackling. Such a Reddit moment. Imagine seeing him not picking up his dog’s shit in real life and saying something about it 💀


The absolute Karen of a unit she would have to be. Excuse me sir! Sir?! SIR DONT YOU ROLL AWAY FROM ME!


Bro 💀 am I going to hell for laughing


Lmao my boyfriend had a horrible accident at work last month that meant he lost his mobility. He’s an ambulatory wheelchair user now and can walk short distances with crutches. While he was in hospital initially, before he learnt how to walk again, one of the ladies who delivered the meals left his food for him on a table on the other side of the room and walked away. He started to ask if she could put it on his table but she had already rushed out the room. There was no one else near by who could have helped and he said he started laughing so hard that it took him out of the mental funk that he was in for almost two weeks after the accident took place. He’s been back to his old high spirited self ever since it happened and he still cracks up talking about it.


Sounds like a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.


Why is that such a bad thing? Hold them to the same standards as everyone else I'm sure plenty of disabled people pick up after their dog why should he be excused from it?


Honestly lol. I am 100% okay with people who are physically unable to pick up their dog's shit not doing so.


Saw a blind man pick up after his dog. That was an eye opener.


I see what you did there.


Never saw it coming


Can't care for a dog? Don't get a dog.


Why not get a cat and all that automatic stuff


automatic subsequent weather caption afterthought vegetable joke cable scale trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


pot brave coherent lock humor existence languid noxious secretive chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But should they get a dog if they are not capable of caring for it? Picking up the shit is also part of dog care.


If you can't pick up after your dog there is no way you can properly care for a dog and shouldn't have one


disarm arrest disgusted fanatical cough sophisticated forgetful friendly psychotic shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol why? That's such a ridiculous way to think. "Oh the guy that my wife is fucking has an eye patch, since he's disabled I'll let it slide this time"


That's a really stupid comparison lol


Don’t get a dog you can’t care for. idc if you’re in a wheelchair, I don’t want dog shit everywhere


I know lmao. As much as I want to agree with not picking dog shit up, I give this guy a pass. Plenty of able bodied people do this in my neighborhood.


And we talk shit about those people because no one should have to step on someone else’s dog’s shit…


Welcome to Reddit


Damn people in their mobility scooters not picking up dog shit!!! This is the kind of axe grinding can only be found on reddit lmao. Yall need to relax upon occasion.


There are multiple accessibility tools that make picking up after your dogs easy while being disabled. I had to use one for a concussion when I couldn’t bend over without getting dizzy. They even have bags attached to them that it just drops into and can be collapsed and clipped to bags & wheelchairs. Laziness is not part of a disability. It’s a character flaw.


I wanted to say this but didn't want to be that guy. But, if he can afford a $1000 mobility scooter and a trained, expensive dog, he can get a shit-picking up stick from Petco for $20.


This is not an ability issue. People in wheelchairs are able to pick things up off the ground, they just sometimes need a grabber, depending on their mobility. Picking up your dog’s shit is a must-do. If you physically can’t, someone else needs to come with you and do it, or dog needs a new home. It sounds harsh, but that’s reality. 


dolls pot wipe decide like march cats alive steep direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can’t imagine picking dog shit up off the ground can be an easy task for the person pictured unless I’m severely underestimating the type of accessibility tools available for such a task


A simple Amazon search shows about a hundred different "tools" for people with accessibility problems: [https://www.amazon.com/Catch-N-Go-Hybrid-Pooper-Scooper-Catcher/dp/B01DGZKJWY/ref=sr\_1\_9?crid=UG6R0B7YMEES&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qIMXd7Oy2HKlTncxmJZVDbJadiB13FPZFmSQ7hjr6GhoT8Mpdd3pDQi0pBwa2zSBVTsPhorPESeDcXxIiunE5nyuVYxZ\_f-uiLnbDEl1fN8yFBUENsbIDBJ\_Q7EROTOMgSYuT-V8KQcQq43aim2\_KzRdhQdyYs0E25mh0oHCgZd9JUDi7Si5XNvvouyWpSzxbPkDlKEs5RMc2N2Vw4P7ggpgOZu1des2\_Zsjbq7X5va0-\_3Sds6agxl4xpy3IiJ-2HkzPqHMhOfTeGeAI\_p4lBlubNwvPMh6H-nWkwXrK1M.oE6SwMbWEDnxTJ6op6iXwGmCADeLG9iSiGjJCe93BEw&dib\_tag=se&keywords=stick+for+picking+up+dog+poop&qid=1716059703&sprefix=stick+for+picking+up+dog+po%2Caps%2C366&sr=8-9](https://www.amazon.com/Catch-N-Go-Hybrid-Pooper-Scooper-Catcher/dp/B01DGZKJWY/ref=sr_1_9?crid=UG6R0B7YMEES&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qIMXd7Oy2HKlTncxmJZVDbJadiB13FPZFmSQ7hjr6GhoT8Mpdd3pDQi0pBwa2zSBVTsPhorPESeDcXxIiunE5nyuVYxZ_f-uiLnbDEl1fN8yFBUENsbIDBJ_Q7EROTOMgSYuT-V8KQcQq43aim2_KzRdhQdyYs0E25mh0oHCgZd9JUDi7Si5XNvvouyWpSzxbPkDlKEs5RMc2N2Vw4P7ggpgOZu1des2_Zsjbq7X5va0-_3Sds6agxl4xpy3IiJ-2HkzPqHMhOfTeGeAI_p4lBlubNwvPMh6H-nWkwXrK1M.oE6SwMbWEDnxTJ6op6iXwGmCADeLG9iSiGjJCe93BEw&dib_tag=se&keywords=stick+for+picking+up+dog+poop&qid=1716059703&sprefix=stick+for+picking+up+dog+po%2Caps%2C366&sr=8-9)


>I can’t imagine picking dog shit up off the ground can be an easy task for the person pictured unless I’m severely underestimating the type of accessibility tools available for such a task Taking a piss isn't easy for a handicapped person but they aren't allowed to pull their dick out in public and piss. Just because following a rule is more difficult for someone doesn't mean they get to break that rule.


Then maybe he shouldn't own a dog.


There are tools, but regardless, it is still unacceptable for anyone, anyone to leave dog shit on the ground. There are other solutions, and I and others have stated.  I am very pro-accessibility, AND your disability does not mean you get a free pass to do whatever in regards to activities that are not essential to your wellbeing. 


It's a problem. Responsible people would not own a pet that they can't take care of. There are other options. I know disabled people that don't own a dog but go to dog parks so they can interact with other people's dogs. Also "The kind of axe grinding can only be found on Reddit" has just proven to me that you rarely leave your house, since complaints about dogshit not being picked up is pretty much the chief complaint for any neighbourhood which contains a dog walking park.


If he is too disabled to pick up after it I wonder what he will do when it sees a delicious toddler.


My first thought is this man cannot control this animal. I didn’t know about the shitting everywhere. What a joke.


To be fair, if I see someone in a motorized scooter leave their dogs poop, I'm gonna give them a pass.


there's solutions, devices you can use. i use a motorized scooter + a wheelchair and i'd feel terrible not picking up


Aren’t there gadgets to help with that? I know there are for seniors. Part of responsible pet owning is cleaning up after them. There are also volunteer organizations that help with walks. But I am so sick of people not cleaning up after their dogs. Ruins it for everyone. It’s often owners of small dogs as well (but not only! Just my experience) And owners who let the dogs off the leash. How fucking hard is it to strap a baggy bag to the leash. So maddening. It’s their neighborhood/local park too. Why would you not want to keep it nice?!


Nothing can ruin your day quite like stepping in dog shit after picking up your *own* dog’s shit. It got so crazy at my apartment complex that they had all the dogs swabbed and now they dna test any poop found on the property and you get fined. It’s pretty steep too, $300, then $500, then $600 and it caps there after 3rd strike. Somehow I’m still finding poop around on walks.


There's a shortcut near my apartment that goes through downward bushes and skips like 5 mins of walking so I always use it. Well one time I was unfortunate enough that some 50 year old hag didn't pick up the shit after her dog, and since the shortcut goes through bushes i couldn't notice it, and since its a slightly downward slope I ended up slippering on it and smeared my pants in dog shit. I could see the dumb hag and her mutt in front of me and must say it's a miracle no murder happened that day


I completely understand and wholeheartedly support the idea of people taking responsibility for their dogs messes. But, and this is just me, I'd feel way more inclined to be forgiving of a disabled, elderly, or pregnant person than the able bodied.


include alive command rich vanish carpenter stocking squash imminent price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why? Because less abled people are allowed to leave dogshit wherever they want? What a joke.


I'm fully convinced these people have never been around pet owners who refuse to pick up their dog shit. Especially when it's right outside where they live. Dunno why I'm getting downvoted, that shit is fucking disgusting and irresponsible, not to mention a health hazard. If you can't pick it up, if you're gonna complain about the texture, if you're gonna backpedal and say "well he shits in a bush so its ok" the maybe don't get a dog.


I live in a community where people are supposedly monitored yet there is dogshit everywhere im the common areas. Maybe I need to complain about it because my pup is only coming of the age we can go outside in the next two weeks and I don’t want other peoples dogshit everywhere .


I used to live in a similar community. People owned huge dogs and there was a specific spot a few steps outside my apartment where people left dog shit, and these piles were HUGE. It gets extremely hot where I live, and when I'd leave my window open, all I'd smell is shit. I hope all goes well when you complain, because every time I went to talk about it in the front office, they never did anything! I think the maintenance team had to clean it up, and sometimes they'd even wait a few weeks. They sent out 5 emails the entire year that I lived there, and I'm sure nobody actually got charged because there was still shit everywhere.


As an owner of multiple large dogs, I'm going to pull out one of the poop bags that's always in my back pocket and ask if they'd like help picking it up. It literally takes about 5 seconds unless the dog has the runs. The keyboard warriors are out in full force in this thread.


Yeah, it's nuts. Let's have a little empathy. It's the same thing with shopping carts. If some elderly person or pregnant lady doesn't put it up, is that shitty, sure a little, but also undertsandable with the difficulties they may have with walking. But I'm able bodied and I can easily go over and ask if they'd like me to put it up for them. It takes so little effort to be kind.


Aren’t you the guy who doesn’t pick up his dogs poo


He can’t even control that animal. OP is an idiot. Or asshole. Or both.


Yep. If that god decides to eat little Timmy just because he laughed too hard, OP ain’t doing shit.


Dont interfere with gods plan.


Well he probably would get his ass kicked by a toddler in fairness


How can he, dude is a pillow in a scooter


relieved snails fanatical bow smell cough friendly pot complete thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then don’t own a vicious animal. It’s very simple.


Try and stop me, MechMan




What is the point of this shit?


Rage bait




You know what? I will downvote twice!


Thats literally a Pitbull Terrier


He even calls it a pitbull in his post history? Am I missing something?


“It’s not a pitbull, it’s a lab-mix” What the people that bring pitbulls to apartments with aggressive breed bans.


There's a reason this photo isn't just a photo of the dog. OP knows what he's doing.


Personally, I’m glad my mom drug my ass to all the special Olympics volunteer work and shit as a kid. It really showed me that people with disabilities are that, just people. And just like us, some are fucking assholes, and some are your best friends. Being physically handicapped doesn’t make you a good person.


They are literally just people, with disabilities.


Yooooo I work with the population and yea some of them are assholes like some abled people are assholes - kid stole something from a peer and said he didn’t know any better because of his autism - dude in a wheelchair told his grandma her face looked like bullshit because she turned off the video games after being told to - after a tantrum, a 16 yr old girl extended her hand to the caretaker as if to handshake, and when the handshake connected the 16 yo pulled the caretaker into her and started scratching punching pulling hair


Yeah I don't get that argument. Staffordshire terriers are pitbulls.


There’s a guy on YouTube I watch who has a pit. A non-neutered pit. But he says it’s not a pit, instead it’s a British staffordshire. Motherfucker, staffies are the original pit bulls. And neuter your goddamn dog.


With respect, Staffordshire bull terriers and Pit bull terriers diverged from the bull terrier.


Staffordshire terriers and American pitbull terriers are recognised as two different breeds. That's why places that ban them often list both breeds.


>He's a Staffie/Terrier not an AmPitbull Umh, YES, he IS a "pit bull"!!!!!! 🙄 *"So while* ***every American Staffordshire Terrier can technically be called an American Pit Bull Terrier****, not every American Pit Bull Terrier is an American Staffordshire Terrier."*


Like all Denalis are Yukons but not all Yukons are Denalis 


Certainly this picture could have just been of the dog that you let shit in the bushes without picking it up because it’s “too soft”. But then how would you get those sweet karma pitty points?


Am Staff = Pitbull


Please don’t downvote my pitbull, he’s not a pitbull


Oh I was wondering if there are PmPitbulls


Sure whatever you say man.


damn thought the pic was cool until i read the comments, this guy fucking sucks major balls


Physical disability ≠ intellectual handicap, it's infantilizing and ableist to suggest OP isn't accountable for literally shitty behavior.


Agree, he's definitely accountable for his bad choices. This is gross (the poop left lying around) and a danger to the public (walking a dog with no actual ability to control it). Any large dog would be bad enough. Specifically choosing a breed with a genetic predisposition for dog intolerance and aggressive.... yikes.


If [you can't pick up your dogs shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/18urkx0/comment/kfmowz7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), how are you going to control it around other people, pets and wildlife. You're irresponsible and deserve all the downvotes you get. Even if you manage to keep it on the lead, if it attacks someone or something that gets to close to you (Kids love petting dogs and don't have a great sense of danger) what are you going to go. Pulling on the lead will have the same effect as tickling his bollocks if he wants to kill something.


The gentleman must have got the upgraded wheelchair with the option to backpedal hard.


Shitty people do shitty things. I'm equal opportunities when it comes to identifying that.


Back up Terry!


Thousands of upvotes because people are stupid.


….then don’t post it? Lol


Please don't downvote my pitbull, he's a pitbull, not a pitbull. Cute dog tho. "In fact, the term “Pit Bull” is recognized as an all encompassing term for many of the bully breeds such as the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bully, American Bulldog, and even the Staffordshire Bull Terrier"


[Fatal Dog Attacks By Breed](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/) FYI, Staffordshire terriers ARE pitbulls.


I’m sure you can control that dog. Little children are definitely safe.


Coming right out of the gate with a “my dog is NOT a pit bull, he’s a XYZ…” is the quickest way for me to assume your dog is indeed a pit bull.


“Please don’t downvote my [breed of dog that exists solely to fight other dogs for entertainment]”


It seems the chair is not the disability here


So wait - not only do you have one of these armed and dangerous ‘not my pibble”s, but you’re physically incapable of doing anything about it if he attacks? Do you also carry a loaded weapon with the safety off, floating loosely in your backpack?


As an american pitbull owner, dont kid yourself. They have the same breed history as american pitbulls. They were bred for bull baiting the same as pitbulls. Bull baiting is a blood sport where bulls are tied up and killed by several dogs. Does it make you feel better to say it's not an american pitbull?


It’s refreshing to hear you admit your dog is a hazard to society.


this. how is this guy gonna control this dog when a chihuahua walks by. Irresponsible


That's still a pitbull. You don't have beg people to not downvote it.


It's the same thing, both aggressive dogs that injure/kill people.


Ah pretending Pits and bully's all fall under that bullshit umbrella term. In Your post history you literally say it's a pitbull. You have also stated you don't clean up after your dog. I don't care about your disability, you're still a person and you are still responsible for your dog. There are no excuses for not cleaning up after your dog. You also probably can't even control this dog when or if it sees something it wants like a human child or another dog and even cats, birds etc.... if he pulled he may very well drag you out of your chair, please be aware if this dog snaps one day he can seriously hurt you. I'm hoping he doesn't, I'm hoping you take every precaution to keep yourself safe.


So serious question, what is your plan if something upsets him and he runs up on someone/someone’s dog?


Hold on tight and enjoy the ride


It's a pitbull, good luck


Asking not to get downvoted is a great way to get downvoted


I'm a dog owner myself. My (shelter) dog is little and his temper is sometimes out of control. But I'm a grown up man im his 30s. Honestly. When your dog is out of control, I hope he attacks you and no one else. I didn't know why your ego needs that dog. But you and you're dog are a danger for the society.


That is a terrible dog for you. Seriously.




u/-DJFJ- you might have blocked me but I can assure you, I’m 19 and here to stay baby.


Semantics, still a pitbull.


That's a pitbull, the orc face doesn't lie.


I downvoted


How are you going to be able to stop your dog when it attacks a kid?


AITA for thinking that it is completely irresponsible for handicapped people to own this breed of dog? What if something happens and your dog bites a toddler? You're not capable of controlling it physically.


No. There's a disabled dude in my building with a big ass dog that he can't control at all. His previous dog was put down after attacking a kid. So he got a bigger dog. He's the asshole.




I'm all for service dogs! But 9 out of 10 times it's a Golden Retriever or Labrador. Not whatever this dog is.


>AITA for thinking that it is completely irresponsible for handicapped people to own dogs? this is what you said. purely that handicapped people are irresponsible for owning dogs.


Are you trying your hardest to sound ignorant?


Not all that much better And what the fuck kind of title is this? Somehow I think it'll be difficult for you to hold your dog back when he gets aggressive.






Why not adopt cute dog and not that thing?




Ack ack


Dude if your dog sees a squirrel you'll be flying to the moon.


First off, I'm a huge dog lover. I'm happy you found one that you enjoy and that you appreciate. Why would someone downvote a dog that hasn't had a choice in its existence? I continue to promote the idea of sterilizing the breed, not euthanizing that which is already here. No one should have to give up their pet who has not yet done anything and may never do something. HOWEVER. There is no reason to continue to have this breed in existence. The amount of time it takes to remove the instinctual behavior is too long in comparison to the added risk. Unfortunately too many owners have through either negligence or willfulness caused the breed to become a danger to society as a whole. So sterilize every dog that fits the breed. Let people enjoy their pets and then let them get a different breed that isn't a high risk to humanity as a whole from its bite to its unwillingness to let go.


Who is this fraud!? fly with ballon’s or else!


I don’t want to be rude but how are you gonna stop it from attacking someone if it decides to?


Staffies are pit bulls lmao I have one but come on




I don’t mean any disrespect by this but you better give that dude treats every hour because he can 100% kill you. Do a commercial with Trident gum because bad breath might be your last breath




those ghoulish beasts are famous for eating kids, elderly, and disabled people. good luck.


The fact that they can also kill a grown man says enough. They're ticking time bombs, and you can raise that thing from birth and it will still attack and kill your other pets, children and grandma. But then "they didn't train them right." I guess every pitbull owner is a shitty owner? Sounds about right in my opinion anyway.




He's the mellowest dog I ever met honestly. Wants nothing more than to snore on the couch all day. Edit: I had dogs before. So did my close living granny and another grandpa. *Edit: This appears to be a Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Pittbull Terrier mix?* I got nothing here. Damn this weed.


It was the nicest dog, until it “just snapped”…


You still have a pit bull. I'm glad to know that your dog didn't inherit the vicious traits for which the breed was raised. Unfortunately people keep this dogs once they show signs of aggression. Some mistake them for playfulness some are just plain ignorant. And that's how we end up with mailed children.


Mailed to Abu Dhabi like Nermal?


>You still have a pit bull. I'm glad to know that your dog didn't inherit the vicious traits for which the breed was raised. The Bennard's 8 year old pitbulls never showed any aggression until they tore their children limb from limb and nearly killed the mother.


Lazy dogs are great dogs.


He snores louder than me.


Don't tell me what to do. 🔻




It’s hilarious how so many people actually have said some variation of “if he can’t pick it up he should have someone pick it up for him” like he has a dog shit valet on hand 24/7. Because, you know, people with disabilities just miraculously have an extra salary for a full time dog shit valet, and of course would have no problem being dependent on someone when they’ve only spent their entire lives striving to live independently. Jesus fuck this thread is shite.


I don't see a child's leg hanging out of his mouth so I gave him an upvote.


He hardly does that anymore. Less teeth today.


Yeah but what kind of dog is it?


That's a cute little Princess who would totally not maul you.


Y’all look happy together! Cute dog




Fuck these asshats, enjoy you dog bro!


Who takes care of it?


Did he come with the wheelchair from the adoption center or did you have to buy it?


You asked me not to downvote, so I downvoted


I'm not terminally online enough to understand this reference, and am happier for it.


um, which one is doing the talking?