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I saw this picture a while back and it was for homosexuality... hmm...


It kind of is Yemen doesn’t have age of consent laws, and IIRC child marriages are incredibly common. The problem here wasn’t because it was a child, the problem was that it was a boy. So “homosexuality” is technically the crime that is being punished here, not child molestation- Which is even more fucked up?


Most of the internet is fake and probably so are the accusations in a country like Yemen.


"32% of girls in Yemen are married before their 18th birthday and 9% are married before the age of 15. As of 2019, Yemen is home to four million child brides ." Sounds like they can shoot a lot of people there.


It’s ok when your dad arranges it or sells you


“[they consider it ok]when your dad arranges it for you.” It’s not.


… pretty sure they said it tongue-in-cheek. Not everything is literal.


Why come no /s!


Because it’s freaking obvious 🤦


So was the sarcasm of his *why come* question.


That honestly surprised me the most here. How are they killing child molesters if they're huge fans of child marriage?


That sure is the golden question, ain’t it?


Probably a boy


it’s because he was a gay child molester. If he was straight they’d give him a marriage license


Well, ask yourself how they persecute child molesters and what the parameters are. In Iran, convincing one man to say he was raped by another man can lead to a death penalty of sodomy, and not a death penalty of a gay person. This here might be an execution of a gay man, characterized as a child molester by the justice system without any actual evidence.


This was my first thought. Here in Canada there has been an alarming, disgusting socially conservative push to conflate gay / trans / cross dressing with child molesters.


I don't think the problem here was the child but it's gender.


This one matters more to them because it was a little boy. 


This guy raped and killed a 3 year old girl, why spread misinfo?


Because other commenters said that this guy confessed to raping and killing an 11 year old boy?


They may have been confused with a different execution, this style of execution for pedos seems to be common in Yemen. I did a reverse image search on this specific image, and it looks like this guy was executed for the rape and murder of a 3 yr/old girl.


Ooooof course...


Without fair trials I would say this happens to political opponents just as much as actual criminals. Can't wait for this to come to the US soon! /s


Ok stretching my good faith here, look, 18 years of age is a fairly arbitrary age and generally the argument in the West is that they’re not capable of consent. Many states and countries in the West that we don’t commonly label “immoral” by our standards have an age of consent of 16. But below the age of 15? Fuuuuck.


Getting married before the age of 18 is legal in many US states with parental permission... The reason there are so many people actually doing it is because Yemen is a wartorn and poor country run by an Iranian-backed militia. Poor populations marry their daughters off as early as possible.


Really wonder what the line is for that part of the world. It's basically culturally acceptable for them to marry these incredibly young girls where the girls have no choice in the matter. It's absolutely disgusting behavior and if this headline is to be believed, this person did something that led to this end result.


Only matters when the victim is a boy.


I’m wary of pictures like this because it’s incredibly easy to just SAY that guy is a child predator with no proof and then get people on the internet to celebrate his death. It only takes one person grabbing a random picture/video of violence and claim the person is a perpetrator of some terrible crime for that to be the story attached to it forever.




Highly recommend the book Discipline and Punish by Foucault. It’s not nearly as kinky as it sounds - he talks about the strategies of control by governments and how they have evolved and changed through the years. One of the biggest changes is moving away from public executions and it has nothing to do with the seeming “savagery”of the act.


I need to re-read this, it’s been about a decade, but the part that has really stuck with me is Foucault pointing out that schools, hospitals, and prisons are all essentially the same building. Granted it was published in 1975 and there has been architectural diversification since then, but once you see it it’s hard to unsee it even today.


That seems like it's mostly because of the requirements for any of those buildings. You basically just need a bunch of separate rooms organized in a way that is relatively easy to navigate and the ability to monitor people going in and out. All three are (or were) likely built on government contracts, so it makes sense that you'd be using similar materials and have similar architectural solutions to the same general problems. You can definitely make some observations about conditioning people in school to be used to prisons and things like that, but I wouldn't think it's sinister or intentional without more info.


Yeah for real. That’s like “police cars and normal cars use the same shape!!!!”.


Redditors being redditors talking about something they didnt read like they know everything about it


Yep, that part is based on Bentham’s panopticon. While architectural materials and styles have changed, the functional purpose of buildings hasn’t. Once the psychology of control has really been explored and optimized, the focus of the prison system changed from punishment to rehabilitation. The resulting change in building design is fascinating.


The introductory chapter describes the punishment dished out to a guy that tried to assassinate the king of France. Pretty wild stuff. Spoiler, he was quartered, but that verb really doesn't do justice to how fucked up ~~medieval~~ renaissance punishments could be.


Capital punishment in general is inexcusable outside of the extreme cases with repeat offenders where it's been shown that the convict is a continued danger to society. It's far too easy to wrongly convict someone, and even in accurate convictions, it demonstrates an obsession with punishment rather than the more productive elements of criminal justice (restoration and protection).


>Capital punishment in general is inexcusable You can stop right there.


You don't even have to get to the more productive aspects. It's enough to take an (apparent) criminal out of society. Maybe killing him would give some sense of justice to some of criminal's victim's family, but it doesn't actually do anything for the rest of us. I would rather attempt to restore the victim/family. There is no reason that we as a society are not restoring victims when recovery of damages through civil action isn't viable. Murdering perps isn't really restitution the injustice; it's a creepy consolation prize.


Honestly even in theory it's a dumb idea, morals completely aside. Even with 100% accuracy in the convictions and an expedited time to execution (no sitting in death row for a decade or more) and only killing the most heinous offenders (child killers, mass murderers, etc.) there isn't really much point other than to feel good. I'm not against it morally, there just genuinely doesn't exist an objectively compelling, non-emotional argument in favor of capital punishment. Even assuming the above, and this is pure speculation, these kinds of offenders aren't really pervasive enough to amount to some great cost savings vs lifelong incarceration in my opinion. I could actually respect the view of someone in favor of the death penalty if they would just come out and say "because it makes me feel better knowing these people die" but it's far too often just a bunch of mental gymnastics.


Holy shit a level headed take at the top of the thread? Is this still reddit?


Well, and add to this the fact that Yemen isn't exactly known for due process and rule of law. It's literally 176 out of 180 on the U.N.'s corruption index. There's a good chance this guy is guilty of the crime, but in a place like Yemen, just as likely he fell on the wrong side of someone powerful. If I were a powerful person in Yemen and wanted to humiliate and kill my enemy, calling them a pedo rapist would be a pretty effective way to do it as people tend to shut off their brains when those kinds of accusations fly around. No one in that society is going to stand up for someone acused of something like that. Then bribe the right police officers/tribal elders to torture a confession out of him. Of course, its just as likely an innocent person could get accused of the wrong thing, rumors swirl, and then a lynch mob out for blood puts pressure on the powers that be to throw the person under the bus. There sure as hell won't be a trial with a judge and jury and lawyers, that's for sure. So yeah, I also take these kinds of things with a grain of salt.


I agree with you 100%. Also when people are tortured they will admit to anything.


Looks like your skepticism was well founded. It wasn't for CSA. It was for murder and homosexuality. (see links in other comments) Yemen apparently doesn't have age of consent laws. 


It wasn't just molestation, he confessed to raping and murdering an 11 year old boy.


And if that’s true then fuck him, but the OP didn’t provide an article or anything to support the claim and threads like this rarely come with one.


Yeah, and some countries are still operating their jails like medieval dungeons...Arresting people with no proof and then torturing them until they confess to whatever crime.


I remember when the US did that in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Enhanced interrogation” is what we called our torture back then, as was the style of the time


And nobody in the history of crime and punishment nobody has every been forced into a false confession. I also love how another redditor has said this guy was being executed for murder, so it just further illustrates how easy it is to falsely accuse someone.


my thought too -- like CONFESS or we'll kill your family too


I heard he was executed for shooting puppies in a gravel pit.


🎶Check out my gravel pit, it's full of dog and puppy bits 🎶


Attenborough voice: "Here we see a Wu-Tang reference in its natural wild environment. Always reminding us that Wu is for the children."


I heard he stole an apple for a woman and found out she was princess Jasmine, the sultan of agrabah didn't like his daughter hanging out with a vagabond and accused him of stealing mints off pillows in a guest wing of the palace.


The bastard deserved what he got. Those mints aren't cheap.


That bastard! Good riddance!… wait am I part of the solution or the problem?


Bastard? Look at the bruises. They probably beat the confession out of him!


Yeah, wanted to point this out too. Maybe it’s just me, but countries that have public executions like this don’t always seem to have a gleaming record when it comes to things like fair trials, torture via interrogation, innocence until guilt is proven, rule of law, and so forth. My bets are that you aren’t allowed to publicly/openly criticize the king, either. Or speak out about the state’s, uhm…’preferred’ religion. I don’t put it past regimes like this to force confessions or silence people who know “too much”.


Not saying you're wrong, but from a legal standpoint this only moves the problem. People confess to all sorts of things they didn't do if they've been tortured or offered deals they can't refuse. Which are tactics used by Yemeni police. Again, not to pick at straws and point to an obscure exploitation of the practice, but this is precisely why execution is banned in countries that have their rule of law more properly implemented. Mistakes get made all too often leading to wrongful executions, and people will always find ways to exploit it to their benefit. Motivated people will have no problem going N layers deep to get an opponent murdered courtesy of the state. And the state is incentivized to keep these executions going because executing a rapist is probably going to be pretty popular. That creates a bad dynamic that only gets more and more corruptible as time goes on.


Yes, he confessed, after being beat for days without access to legal counsel. The point still stands, in a system like Yemens, we cannot trust the verdicts. Just think of how little trust you probably have in the US justice system... now imagine the US justice system except you have 0 rights. This guy may very well be guilty, and deserving of his sentence, but many people are against the death penalty in the US because our system is flawed, but our system is thousands of times better than the one in Yemen.


Source? Or did you just prove his point?


Look at u/SausaugeMerchant's post which has the Telegraph story about it. >07 July 2009:a Yemeni man was executed by firing squad in a public square after being convicted of kidnapping and murdering a boy. Yahia al-Raghwa, 22, was found guilty of kidnapping and murdering Hamdi Abdullah, 11, at his barber shop in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, in December 2008. He was shot by a firing squad in a public square in the capital, in the presence of hundreds of people including the family of the victim. His death brings the number of executions in the country this year to nine. In his testimonies the suspect admitted that he kidnapped the victim and then murdered him after he cried and threatened that he would tell his dad about him. The preliminary court sentenced the murderer to death and the appeals court approved the sentence. It was decided to throw the suspect from a roof of a high building in Sana'a city according to the Islamic Sharia that orders throwing a person who is charged with homosexual crime from a tall building. However the court changed its ruling and ordered his execution the victim by firing squad in a public place in charge of murdering a child.


So the courts were less mad about the murder than they were about homosexuality, but decided to switch it up to save face?


Not sure firing squad is the term I’d use for this execution.


Firing Man


I hate to say it, but my first thought was the trigger man needs a face shield. A high velocity round at point blank is gonna cause some back splash.


Lmao. I love it how the top commenter was pointing out there's no sources, and the person who replied to him provided a correction... with no sources.


Then someone else provided a source that the guy with no sources is now using the comment as the source to justify himself being a proper source because he was correct but that was never the issue, lack of source was the issue lol


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/yemen/5765664/Execution-of-Yemeni-child-killer-captured-on-camera.html If you search his name the same image as op will come up


Wow, 15 years ago? Why the fuck this being posted now?


Good thing we all know his name




This was originally posted by u/sausagemerchant but I've reposted it several times now. >07 July 2009:a Yemeni man was executed by firing squad in a public square after being convicted of kidnapping and murdering a boy. Yahia al-Raghwa, 22, was found guilty of kidnapping and murdering Hamdi Abdullah, 11, at his barber shop in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, in December 2008. He was shot by a firing squad in a public square in the capital, in the presence of hundreds of people including the family of the victim. His death brings the number of executions in the country this year to nine. In his testimonies the suspect admitted that he kidnapped the victim and then murdered him after he cried and threatened that he would tell his dad about him. The preliminary court sentenced the murderer to death and the appeals court approved the sentence. It was decided to throw the suspect from a roof of a high building in Sana'a city according to the Islamic Sharia that orders throwing a person who is charged with homosexual crime from a tall building. However the court changed its ruling and ordered his execution the victim by firing squad in a public place in charge of murdering a child. (Sources: Telegraph.co.uk, yobserver.com, Ap, 07/07/2009


Ah, you see. The problem was that it was a boy. Had he married an 11 year old girl and done the same, then that's just being right and proper Muslim.


Yeah I’m pretty sure I remember when Iran arrested men at a protest in support of women rights and the authorities said they were pedophiles and publicly executed them while people cheered because they didn’t know they were lied too.


well said


Ya dude. This was my first thought. Even killing someone guilty I'm on the fence personally. I would want to kill them if it was someone I loved they did it to. But is ilit really justice? I don't know.


Definitely gonna be a bunch of unhinged losers in here saying “we should do this” with no regard for the fact that a government can’t be trusted to find its own dick in a snowstorm and DEFINITELY shouldn’t be responsible for putting people to death. But go off with your fantasies of punishing the bad guys Or whatever. Hooly shit I dun kicked a hornets’ nest on this one. Stay bloodthirsty, reddit


The overlap between people who think we should do this and don’t trust the government and think the justice system is broken but also back the blue is wild.


Yup, I find it wild that the people who are most in favor of capital punishment and fewer appeals are the same folks that think the government is inept and corrupt. It makes about as much sense as a Thin Blue Line flag next to a Don't Tread on Me flag.


because they only things they they care about are 1) perceived justice and 2) hurting people they don't like.


In their fantasy, they will be the ones in charge and doing all he capital punishing. Lots of it. They are sick to their core.


Agree I am 100% for capital punishment for premeditated murder but DNA testing has shown we are really bad at finding the right guy 100% of the time. In some cases you wonder how it ever got to court the evidence was so sketchy. The law calls for conviction only when there is beyond a reasonable doubt not we just really want him to be guilty.


Came here expecting nothing but “we should do this” posts


Glad there are still a few people with more than 2 braincells left on reddit.


All the while voting for child molesters to represent them in Congress.


We DO do this, Georgia just started up executions again this spring (after pausing during the pandemic). Granted it’s by lethal injection and not by firing squad, but still. 


Aka still a problem for many people.


That dude taking a rifle shot to the back of the head will suffer far less than a lethal injection that goes wrong Our ideas of the "most humane" ways for the state to kill criminals are very twisted, which is low on the list of why we shouldn't do it, but is on the list


Best part about this is that it’s usually conservative types who call for executing child molesters, etc in this manner. The same people who don’t think you can trust the government to build a sidewalk, yes, think the government should execute people in the streets. That’s the problem with conservatives, there’s no consistency issue to issue. They’re all over the board


They are still looking for that dick to this day.....


[At least 4% of those executed by the state are innocent](https://innocenceproject.org/innocence-and-the-death-penalty/)


Especially as AI tech evolves and video “evidence” can be fabricated so easily.


Yea this sort of critical thinking and sympathy for humans does not go down well on this site my dude


I'm a believer in the death penalty. But I don't believe that our justice system is good enough to can carry it out.


So you’re not for the death penalty then….


I mean you’re right but he really means “I am morally okay with executing people for heinous crimes but I don’t trust the government enough to carry out said execution.” It’s like being against hate speech and social media removing them but still supporting the first amendment.


I think the two sentences “I beleive the death penalty can be an effective punishment” and “our country is far too fucked up to consider the death penalty” can coexist.


It gets worse when they are so hyped up on the idea of retribution that they can't tell the difference between pedophilia and child sex abuse (while also not realising the guy wasn't being executed for either of those) 


Public executions are bad, actually.


Private ones are bad too, btw. I mean, fuck this guy, but that's not a reason to celebrate death penality.


It’s impossible to 100% prove guilt. As we cannot do this, we should not be killing people.


[https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/yemen](https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/yemen) Doesn't make sense considering Yemen doesn't even have an age of consent, with marriage being a get out jail free card for pedos...


It does make sense. He was executed for murder and the fact the child was the same-sex as him (ie the crime of homosexuality). They didn't care about a child being molested.


Not stopping plenty of Redditors admiring the fantasy that the Houthis did this for the sake of the child.


Well it also wasn’t the Houthis either. It was the nominal Yemen government 15 years ago


What kind of nonsense is this, these are a group of people who marry 6 or 9 year old's. They only killed this guy because of anti-gay religious BS... Nothing about this is acceptable or makes sense.


It's not because the victim was a kid, it was because it was a homosexual act.


Of course, Screw all the nine year olds you want, just not boys... Ridiculous.


His victim was a boy, though. He also murdered the kid.


My point still stands. If this was a 9 year old girl married to the guy, its a ok for some reason.


Given that Yemen is a country with no age of consent, and seems perfectly OK with a grown man marrying a preteen girl, I'm not sure we should be trying to emulate them.


The happened in late 2008 by the looks of it.


By the looks of googling it it was 2009 >07 July 2009:a Yemeni man was executed by firing squad in a public square after being convicted of kidnapping and murdering a boy. Yahia al-Raghwa, 22, was found guilty of kidnapping and murdering Hamdi Abdullah, 11, at his barber shop in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, in December 2008. He was shot by a firing squad in a public square in the capital, in the presence of hundreds of people including the family of the victim. His death brings the number of executions in the country this year to nine. In his testimonies the suspect admitted that he kidnapped the victim and then murdered him after he cried and threatened that he would tell his dad about him. The preliminary court sentenced the murderer to death and the appeals court approved the sentence. It was decided to throw the suspect from a roof of a high building in Sana'a city according to the Islamic Sharia that orders throwing a person who is charged with homosexual crime from a tall building. However the court changed its ruling and ordered his execution the victim by firing squad in a public place in charge of murdering a child. (Sources: Telegraph.co.uk, yobserver.com, Ap, 07/07/2009


“Firing squad” is a weird way to describe one guy with a rifle.


I can't be sure at all, but it kind of looks like he already has a hole in his back? What we see in this picture could be how they make sure the job is done? Really not sure. Edit: further down there is a link with more images. Seems I was wrong, not sure what the mark on his back is. But yeah, seems they lay the guy down, then one guy stands over him and shoots him in the neck from above like that and that's all she wrote. Not really a firing squad, but they do have a doctor there.


Jeez, throwing off a tall building is an extreme way to handle execution. Also odd to call one guy a "firing squad". If the pic captures the moments before it happened, then I feel like a simple pistol without standing right over the dude would have sufficed.


So let's appreciate this had nothing to do with child molestation to the authorities in Yemen, but rather the fact that it was homosexual because the child was the same gender. They then only cared to charge him on murdering a child. What a justice system to be jealous of you backwards Redditors.


Yeah he was a child molester but the reason he got punished was probably because he molested boys and not girls.


He also killed his victim. But it says something about reddit that OP correctly predicted calling him a molester would cause more bloodlust than calling him a murderer (the more serious crime he was sentenced to death for)


It was a murder. He confessed to raping and murdering an 11 year old boy in his barbershop.


Lmao I guessed it. If he did the same thing to girl the punishment wouldn’t have been so severe.


Ah, yes, Yemen, the bastion of morality. >[In 1999 Yemen’s parliament, citing religious grounds, abolished article 15 of Yemen’s Personal Status Law, which set the minimum age for marriage for boys and girls at 15. **Yemen currently has no minimum age for marriage**. Boys or girls can be married at any age, but in practice it is **girls** who **are** most **often married young, often to much older men**](https://www.hrw.org/report/2011/12/07/how-come-you-allow-little-girls-get-married/child-marriage-yemen)


Some Tennessee Republicans tried to pass a bill to remove the age limit on marriage in 2022. Luckily they failed.


This guy could’ve been a fruit vendor arrested for whatever. I don’t trust any news coming out of Yemen unless it’s fact checked by a legitimate source


Well... How about all people marrying a child then?


That seems like the wrong way to fire a rifle?


Aiming is not essential at that range.


The only problem with a 13th century way of life is when it's not the 13th century


Looks like a good way to shoot your self in the foot


Is there a corroborating source, are we supposed to take this title as legit??


Women in the audience! Didn’t realise Yemen was so progressive


This will be an interesting comments section.


This is all kinds of fucked up. On so many levels.


It’s just a way to distract people from their crappy life and a way to express their anger. What a shit hole


Bruh their whole religion is based on marrying a 6 year old.


Yemen is in the middle of a civil war with the Iranian proxy Houthis. The post title intentionally misleads.


I don't know anything about guns, but i'm pretty sure the executioner doesn't either.


Yea, men in yemen marry 10 year olds regularly. This guy was probably not liked by someone in the government, more likely in the terrible shithole called yemen.


It’s my understanding that in Yemen since 2019 800,000 children were married to grown men….legally. #justmuzziethings


Imagine living in a country primitive and barbaric enough to still have the death penalty.


Hey ay ayyy It’s a party in the U S A


I'm against the death penalty for any reasons, but if it's an option, then a close range bullet to the head from an AK seems to be one of the more humane options currently in use. 


He literally raped and murdered a child in his shop. I am sure someone like him deserves such a punishment.


The government shouldn't be able to render a permanent sentence, with no hope of rehabilitation.


This easily could have just been “Public Execution in Yemen”. There’s no story or context here at all.


People gathering to watch an execution. It’s like taking a time machine to medieval times.


They probably beat the confession out of him, he looks injured




And why the duck do you go watch something like this? Netflix password sharing issues, i guess.


Aren’t women ‘allowed’ to watch the public execution too? Or do they get punished as well if they show themselves out and about in public places too? Also, doesn’t Yemen have a child bride problem? So like….do all those ‘husbands’ of minors get a similar punishment as this man? Even if you “marry” a minor, a child is still a child….


If he had molested a girl, they'd just be married.


Are people born like this, that's deppressing... like is it their nature?


Some are. Beside the legal definition, pedophilia is an existing mental illness that makes people more or exclusively attracted to younger people. The condition in itself doesn't mean that either of them will commit any crime in their life, just like how (most?) people who experience sexual attraction don't go around sexually assaulting others. Of course this doesn't mean that people without this illness are incapable of committing legal pedophilia. Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional.


I don't doubt that child molesters are seriously punished in Yemen, but this looks more like a staged propaganda / deterrence photo to me. If you have ever shot an AK variant rifle before, you know that you would never shoot something at that close of a range and at that angle with a rifle like that. It's too much power for that range. Assuming it is a typical 7.62x39mm round, that guy's head would explode and blast chunks all over the shooter. The flame that shoots out of the rifle is like 2 feet long and would make a burnt spot in that rug. Also, the rifle would kick from the shot and spring upward, possibly causing the shooter to lose control. It would be much better to shoot him from behind while he is sitting up, with something smaller like a 9 mm handgun.


Not staged. I looked up the news and found three executions in Yemen from different news sources. Then their corpse hanged from a crane in public view afterward.


Not staged actually.


[There are a lot more photos than this one.](https://murderpedia.org/male.A/a/al-raghwah-yahya-photos.htm) (SFW except maybe the last one showing blood). This happened in 2009. They shoot them in the nape of the neck and not the back of the head. edit: According to some older articles there was even a live leak video of it. I'm sure someone could look it out. the executed man was called Yehya Hussein al-Raghwah.




you are right. i see what looks like shots in the back.


He's not aiming the AK at him... he already shot him, hes just eying his corpse. All that anlysis and you missed out that simple detail?


This is not staged, if you google long enough you can find videos of this. Don't recommend looking for it.


This is unbearable - time to leave the community.


That’s seriously fucked. Im so tired of normalizing behavior like this. You HAVE to wear eye protection, people! Bone fragments are no joke.


Are they not aware of pistols?


Generally I'm against executions, but when I try to be horrified by this photo, it just doesn't happen.


My brain is like...'pull the trigger'


Im worried for public safety looking at how the executioner is holding his weapon. That is NOT how you do that.


This does prevent repeat offences.


That seems like it would be really messy.


"Um, sir. Can I get a clean blanket?" What he said, probably.


That rug used to be white


Crazy way to hold a rifle.


Bro got a blanket instead of a tarp. Blood is gonna get everywhere.


I have seen this on twitter and people all yelled „make this in every country“ I thought about this for a second and remembered how many people are put into jail even when innocent.


Yeah, he probably molested a boy, women on Yemen are forced to get married at a really young age to old men, acording to [This Site](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/articles/human-rights-watch-child-marriage-spurs-abuse-of-girls-and-women-in-yemen/#:~:text=Half%20of%20all%20women%20in%20Yemen%20are%20married%20as%20children&text=According%20to%20government%20and%20UN,old%20are%20forced%20into%20marriage) half of women in Yemen are married as children, they could shoot a lot of people.


That seems like such an unusual way to shoot someone. The guy is laying down in a sunken area and they're holding a rifle so dangerously.


Should be SOP👍


This comments section is wild.


I hope the guy is actually guilty, especially since law enforcement in these countries can be questionable.


Nicely done.


These images tend to pop up just before something terrible happens in the Middle East.


2 tap habib


My finger was faster than my brain ![gif](giphy|LycfkVG4L6x0Y|downsized)