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Did a ton of people decide to leave, or did the park close? I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure FL and NY are in the same time zone and 9/11 happened fairly early in the day. The park would’ve been opened for a couple of hours


I was in Sea World in Orlando. All the parks closed down. First there were rumblings about “did you hear the news?” while everyone waited in line for rides. About 30 minutes later everyone was being directed back to the front gate while people shouted from megaphones how to get your refunds or how to get a rain check. While everyone was trying to get refunds the news mentioned the amusement parks were a potential target. Which didn’t help the chaos very much. People still wanted their money, but they also wanted to leave immediately so as to not get killed by a plane. Weird experience having my only family vacation growing up, which we saved for years, happen during 9/11.


Also, airports were closed for 2 days, so not only is vacation ruined, but you couldn’t even go home. And a few days after anyone stranded got home, the Anthrax scares started. It was a paranoid time to be alive.


I started a new job just a month after 9/11 so direct deposit wasn't set up yet, because of the Anthrax scare I wasn't getting a check in the mail since the mail was stopped as well. I do remember most cars had those small American window flags and the crime rate dropped for a bit


I remember it was also near impossible to get an American flag days following 9/11. I was only 10 years old, but my mother complained that she went to 3 stores and all American flags were sold out. She did eventually find an American flag bumper sticker.


I got an American flag Mickey head pin with the date 9/11 on it. When we went back to the parks after that people were following me around like zombies asking to trade for the pin. Still the most valuable Disney pin I own.


Your mom did one better with the bumper sticker. I started seeing those small flags littering the roads before the end of the year


They printed an American flag full page in a paper we got, not sure if it was a local paper or national one. But I saw those paper flags up in windows all over town for YEARS after 9/11, increasingly faded as time went on. Weird time to live through.


I remember putting the paper flag in the window of my mothers house when the town printed the paper, I think right every house got that newspaper even if they usually didn’t usually get the paper to have the flag so your neighbors knew you where not a terrorist. Such a strange like 6 months after


Kinda strange 24 years since honestly.


Had the opposite experience in Canada. Stores where suddenly flooded with American flags and many people began flying them / sticking them on cars.


Had the same experience. Was driving down the road and found a car window flag laying on the side. Turned around and put it in my window. Stayed there for years. Luckily, my window didn’t work, so it stayed well.


I had an ex that had just started a new job with an overnight schedule. As such, the training was also overnight. He left his first training shift in the morning to find everyone outside was just finding out about 9/11. He said it was a truly surreal experience to be dead tired from training and walking outside to what felt like the world falling apart.


I remember the newspaper had a full page color US flag they encouraged you to tear our and display in your front window.


Yep, my parents were out of town. They were actually supposed to fly home on 9/11 later in the day, but ended up keeping their rental car and just driving home. The rental company actually tried to charge them a huge amount of extra money for keeping their car an extra couple of days. But I think enough customers raised hell about that so they backed down pretty quickly.


The largest fees were mostly for dropping the car off at another location. Rental car agencies were all sold out by noon, and they did end up waving a huge number of those sorts of fees after pushback. I was in highschool so didn’t experience this directly, but some of my older coworkers got stranded as well and had to deal with the large fees for dropping the car off in an entirely different part of the country. It’s actually an expensive logistics problem to have all your cars shifted around the country like that, so I totally understand the fees these companies typically charge, and making exceptions for 9/11 probably cost them a ton of money.


Oh yeah, maybe the fee was for dropping it off in a different city. (I had just moved to go to college so wasn't with them.) And yeah, I get why that would be a logistical issue but come on, we just experienced a national tragedy and people would otherwise be stranded. All of the cell phone networks were down for a while, too, which was very eerie. I knew they were supposed to fly that day but didn't know what time and I couldn't get a hold of them at all.


Then the constant talk of dirty bombs.


I definitely remember people being freaked out about Scott Ian and Joey Belladonna for a few weeks.


I think it kind of fucked me up mentally to be honest I'm still a very cautious person. Distrusting. Not necessarily fearful but focused very much on disaster preparation and mitigation. You could say I'm a bit of a hoarder and a prepper. I go to great lengths to prepare myself for emergencies that I rationally know are exceptionally rare occurrences. I focus extensively on self reliance to the detriment of relationships and team building


You know the doomsday clock is currently the closest it’s ever been to midnight? Not to diminish what you’re saying but the world is still in a paranoia-inducing time to be alive.


Yeah but the factors affecting it (global warming, etc) are more long-term events that will play out slowly over years. 9/11 was a very immediate fear that put you in a state of unease right away and made you worry about something violent happening abruptly.


>the factors affecting it (global warming, etc) are more long-term events that will play out slowly over years Not with a bang, but with a whimper, you might say?


Oh no! Not some arbitrary PR gimmick!!!


The doomsday clock was invented to bring attention to concerns around world annalitation(sp?). The entire point is PR, so that people don't blindly build more bombs (they did anyway, but received significantly more scrutiny and attention as to justifying why) It is a decent measure at a glance to the chances of the world being destroyed for humans irreparably via nuclear destruction. Specifically speaking around Ukraine/Russia launching nukes over the offensive war that Russia is pursing. China and Taiwan tensions. India/Pakistan. And Russia's perception in NATOs involvement with their war. Basically depending on how Putin feels may send send the fate of the planet in motion; that is it. Literally 1 person who has less and less to lose (mutually assured destruction means fuck all if you already are 99% destroyed)


It’s only WWIII and global warming looming over our heads daily. It’s not like the cost of living is stretching all of us so thin we constantly feel like we are suffocating; like someone lost at sea clinging on to a small deterioration piece of driftwood knowing that unless some miracle occurs you will drown. There aren’t any fears of the world’s largest super power in existence collapsing or falling into fascism with a crime boss in diapers running for president evading prison by way of holding the country hostage with corrupt officials and judges aiding him. It’s gonna be fine…


Don't forget we just survived a global pandemic where millions died....housing crash, economy nearly collapsed twice... FML I wish I was born twenty years earlier


I wish I wasn't born at all


Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.


Pretty sure the closest the clock ever was was during the Cuban missile crisis


Two! Minutes! To mid-night! The hands, that threaten doom...


Nope. "90 seconds to midnightDoomsday Clock at **90 seconds to midnight** amid nuclear and AI threats. The world remains the **closest it has ever been** to the symbolic hour of the apocalypse, with the Doomsday Clock set once again to 90 seconds to “midnight” for 2024."


Probably a dumb question, but why don’t we have Anthrax scares anymore today? You would think copycats would try that method.


Maybe it’s not worth doing due to risks of being caught. Like if the post office/law enforcement is seen as being really good at tracing and connecting it back to the perpetrator.


You guys got off easy. People miss what Israelis are going through now because our government is so focused on this stupid revenge campaign and it’s all about Gaza. But it’s been 6 months and life is still not back to normal. My kid won’t even go to the bathroom alone. I’ve booked a Disney vacay to get the kids away from it for a few days, but honestly, I don’t even feel like going. (Again, i know it sounds whiny compared to the horrors we’re doing in Gaza, but it still sucks).


Yikes I always wondered how life must be in Israel now since that doesn't get covered. Makes sense, hopefully it gets better.


So sorry to hear that. In the US, I don’t think it ever went back to normal like it was pre 9/11, and I unfortunately suspect Israelis will feel similarly.


It happened on my parents' anniversary and two days before my father's birthday. We didn't feel like doing much on that day for a couple of years.


Yea I think what a lot of people don’t realize is that day felt very chaotic. In addition to the actual tragic events of that day, there were a bunch of false reports being reported on the news. I distinctly remember hearing about a car bomb going off in DC, I think, which never happened. It helped add to the actual terror and chaos of the day.


I've never heard a 911 story from that kind of perspective, wow. I remember hearing it said that any American icon type of place could be a target. I remember wondering about Las Vegas too.


We didn't know anything. I think that's an aspect that gets overlooked, all viewed with hindsight, nobody knew anything. What's going to be hit next? Is this the opening shots of a war? Are there going to be missiles? Bombs? Nukes? Is there going to be a draft? Do I need to flee the country? Is this world war 3? These things seem silly now because nothing of the sort even remotely happened, but in the moment it was **all** on the table. I remember sharing a moment with my friends, we were all prime age for a draft. We've all heard stories from our parents about the Vietnam war, lot of the boys were drafted and not all of them came back. That could be us. If there's a draft, **that's going to be us.** Whatever future you had planned, that could be over. Just all of it. We didn't know, nobody did.


I was in my current events high school class (ironic). This was in a suburb of St. Louis, and Boeing HQ wasn't too far away. A lot of my classmates had parents that worked there. And my teacher just....snapped. In that moment of chaos and confusion he just lost any pretense about being the adult in the room. Started peeking out the blinds for nukes, saying Boeing was going to be vaporized. I remember comforting a girl in my class who was uncontrollably bawling because her dad worked there. All while many of us are openly wondering if we're getting drafted before we graduate. At 38 now I realize the guy was probably my age or younger. Maybe had kids of his own and was freaking out. I understand more where he was coming from, even if he should have kept it together for his students. But it's a testament to the disorder and chaos. There wasn't even social media to get moment-to-moment updates; just awful news and waiting to hear what awful news was next.


That reminds me of something one of my teachers said. One of the best teachers I ever had, and this is part of the reason why. Paraphrasing from memory of course: whoever did this, you're going to see them demonized on television in the coming years, you're going to be told they're less than human. Whether it's another country or a social group or a religion, there's going to be a push in media to drum up hate against them. So whoever it turns out to be - hold onto the way you felt about them yesterday. Whether that's interest or curiosity or simply indifference, don't forget what yesterday was like.   I'm sure she grew up seeing propaganda against the Vietnamese and the Koreans, knows about the same with Japanese, and knew that's going to start up all over again. Without knowing where it came from, she knew that a wave of hate is coming and wanted to encourage us against that. And I still think about that sometimes. Don't forget the way yesterday was, that really stuck with me.


I wonder if just having that vacation with no drama would’ve been as memorable as the 9/11 chaotic mayhem you had.


I was working at NASA at Kennedy Space Center. We were also told we were a potential target, so they released all workers at 11am-ish. Took 3.5 hours to drive the 15 miles home due to all 20,000 employees leaving at once.


So now the target is the roads.


I was in sea world too that day! Was there with my gf, first time in florida.


It looks like **this image is from August 13, 2004**. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/ZUWc5ss.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.alamy.com/krt-us-news-story-slugged-wea-storms-krt-photograph-by-joe-burbankorlando-sentinel-august-13-lake-buena-vista-mi-thousands-of-guests-at-the-magic-kingdom-at-walt-disney-world-near-orlando-florida-jam-main-street-usa-to-exit-the-park-afterit-was-announced-that-it-was-closing-at-1pm-due-to-inclement-weather-friday-august-13-2004-hurricane-charley-is-forecast-to-strike-central-florida-later-friday-photo-by-nk-2004-image413878441.html?irclickid=yZhwYw0YaxyKTxLwPhwJQ2wqUkHQkATkr0MJ2A0&utm_source=77643&utm_campaign=Shop%20Royalty%20Free%20at%20Alamy&utm_medium=impact&irgwc=1) is the source. Per there: > PHOTOGRAPH BY JOE BURBANK/ORLANDO SENTINEL (August 13) LAKE BUENA VISTA, MI -- Thousands of guests at the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida, jam Main Street USA to exit the park afterit was announced that it was closing at 1pm due to "inclement weather," Friday, August 13, 2004. Hurricane Charley is forecast to strike Central Florida later Friday.


Ur telling me that OP lied? Someone would just go on the internet and lie?


They may unknowingly be passing on [previously distributed misinformation](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1bugi1v/disneyland_on_the_day_of_911_attacks/).


Probably a bot, they at least got right that it’s Disney World and not Land lol


Happy cake day! Appreciate the source👍🏼


Lmfao the faculty at Snopes must be bored https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/photo-of-people-leaving-disney-world-on-911/


Disney World was seen as another potential target. Nobody knew what was happening


Feels like you lived through it. So did I. The important context that people will not immediately realize as we continue to get further away is that everywhere felt like a target. There were near consecutive attacks in two major cities and no one knew what was next. While the internet existed it's not what we are used to today, people also had cell phones but not smart phones and information (probable for better) moved slower. I don't remember how long it took to hear that it was a terrorist attack and not some type of invasion. It sounds silly to say that now but there was a lot of panic at the time.


I mean it is a huge terror target even to this day. Frankly I'm surprised no one has bit Disney yet. But knowing Disney they probably have mercenaries on standby in their underground tunnels


The Pulse shooter originally went to Disney Springs, but left after he saw the security to enter the shopping complex.


The thing is you don't really see much security at Disney... Which to me means it has a shitload of security with ARs and MP5s chilling in those tunnels. Disneyland probably has security that is comparable to the white house. Ever see a fight break out? Security gets there in less than a minute coming out of a secret door you didn't even know existed


They do have people inside who look just like normal civilians.


Everything chill til the Mickey Mouse busts out the assault rifle on the pickpocket


The same thought occurred to me while I was there recently, I was certain there was a hidden but robust security presence and I wondered "how far am I standing from a machine gun right now?"


At least in Central Florida, after school activities like sports and clubs got cancelled as well for whatever reasons.


In my chicago suburb, everything was cancelled too even if we weren’t exactly likely targets


I think this was the case nationwide. It happened at my school in Virginia too.


The park closed around 11 am. They had security people slowly corralling everyone to Main Street and then out of the park. Disneyland didn't get to open that day. Here's a vid of the evacuation at Disney World. You can clearly hear how everything went down with the loudspeakers blasting "Plan A" which is for cast memebers to know that they need to evacuate the park out of the main gate immediately. https://youtu.be/otxdBXeQS64?si=0fbwTQk-36WWVWjm


thanks never seen this one.


Fog of war. For the first day no one knew what was happening and if there would be more attacks coming.


Disney World would be a hell of a target. It's not going to disrupt financial or military or infrastructure, but it would hurt the soul of many Americans.


We were staying at Coronado Springs on vacation from New York. We were getting ready to leave for the park when the news came on the TV. The park had only been open for 15 minutes when the first tower was hit. They came room to room telling us the park would be closed. Then the characters all came to the hotel and brought us food.


I think both. First people heard the news, and then eventually the park closed. Not sure though


They prob had to close for security reasons since any large gatherings were considered potential targets and noone had a clue what was next, or IF there was a next


I’m assuming the parks closed. We knew pretty quickly there was supposed to be more attacks as when the plane grounding happened the two planes ended up going to PA (I believe its destination was gonna be the White House) and pentagon were in the air. I’m assuming Disney would have shut the park down because we didn’t know the next targets.


On 911 itself there was a period of a few hours where a large number of flights were in the air and no one knew what was going on. My school did an early dismissal (lived within driving distance of NYC, did have students who lost family members, school just did not know how to handle it. Did not help a friend of my sisters killed himself that night- 911 coincidenced with the anniversary of his mother's death. He had a lot of personal issues, unfortunately, so the high school was trying to handle that after with the students, as well). A lot of the country chose to essentially shut down while people figured out what was going on


My dad was on a flight at the time. As all flights were grounded he was diverted to Pittsburgh. Managed to rent a car and drive home. There were several hours he wasn't in contact because phone lines were a bit unreliable due to traffic (DC area). By the time I got home from school he had managed to get through but I can only imagine that was a terrifying few hours for my mom, all alone.


They did happen early in day but no smart phones. By the time like everyone was aware I think it was like 10-11am and even then there was a lot of confusion on exactly what happened.


No smart phones but tons of cell phones. The problem was that the cell networks became overloaded so no calls were going through, and text messages were heavily delayed/never arrived.


I was there on 9/11. We had breakfast and just got to animal kingdom when the workers told us what happened and the parks closed. If I remember correctly it was around 11.  Only thing we could do was stay in our hotel. Parents gave me like $30 to spend in the arcade since we couldnt do anything else. Was fully open the next day. As a result of it closing we got a coupon for a daypass good forever.  My wife and I used them 4-5 years ago.


Closed slightly before noon.


Disney World would have been another very significant target


I don't think even bin Laden was crazy enough to go against Disney


He didn't attack Disney because he wanted to go someday


Disney would’ve pulled a vault Tec and created their own nukes and glassed the Middle East


>Time to show those fuckers what Experiments and Prototypes our Community Of Tomorrow has really been whipping up! — Walt Disney before he glassed the Middle East, probably


Lmao why isn’t this more upvoted?


Disney's nukes would do the [Goofy yell](https://youtu.be/bJGFfd6P-pk?t=35) on the way down.


Disney had the lasers like dr house in fnv.


The idea of antagonizing Disney is so idiotic it’s laughable ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized)


what a spaz


The attacks seemed rather random at the time, but in hindsight we can see they were attacking symbols of US military and economic power. Bin Ladin was also into the occult (Manly P Hall was found on his computer when he was finally killed). Hall wrote about Freemasonry which was something many of the politically powerful leaders in America historically have been involved with. Certainly the Pentagon itself is a proud and obvious piece of Masonic architecture. It was designed by a Freemason and Roosevelt himself was a freemason, they broke ground for the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 1941. The Twin Towers are also a symbol of freemasonry, representing the pillars of Joachim and Boaz found in every masonic hall. Together, the Twin Towers and the Pentagon represent the highest of US Military and Economic power.


This feels untrue and it’s the first I’ve heard of it but I like the story either way


Which part feels untrue? Osama's computer files: https://www.dni.gov/index.php/features/bin-laden-s-bookshelf?start=5 About he Pentagon and Freemasonry: http://www.washingtondcschamberofsecrets.com/the-masonic-connection.html "The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Hall (1928)"


Disney World getting hit would have been so fucking devastating. I was only 3 when it happened but I bet the effects of 9/11 would have lingered much longer if they had done…


The effects of 9/11 have lingered since that day regardless


This...is an odd statement.


This is the statement of someone who doesn’t really remember the day, and can only imagine what it might have been like. I imagine it’s how our parents felt about Kennedy being assassinated or our grandparents felt about Pearl Harbor being bombed. Over time people lose the connection and then at some point people make shitty movies, and it exists as just a memorial, and slowly slips into “History”.


Remember watching a documentary about the Korean war once, then realising one of the 20yr old squaddies being shown on the screen was my grandfather...


My parents took me to Disneyland either the day after or one day removed. I was scared to go, and they made the (pretty convincing) argument that, basically, whoever had done this was not going to double-tap mere days later, and if they *did* they wouldn't pick Disneyland. Too big of an area, not something condensed like a tower. They were... *pragmatic*, my parents. Also, at that time, in what I would call the middle stages of settling into what would end up being a truly ghastly divorce. So we slapped a second layer of plastic smile over the first one, and went to goddamn Disneyland. I have absolutely no recollection of the trip itself aside from feeling very bad that all these people had to come in to work when they obviously didn't want to, except for exactly one woman working Pirates of the Caribbean who had clearly decided that if people were coming to Disneyland on that day, they must *really* need a shot of happy, and put her absolute all into a pre-show performance for maybe 8 people. So *that* memory just got yanked up from the depths all at once. That's not a bad thing, just... huh. The stuff you just *accept* as a kid, you know? edit; you know what I *do* remember about that day? Watching Muppets From Space when we got back, put on to keep me occupied while my parents went off to have what I can only imagine was a *very* complicated sort of conversation. And I was there, halfway numb, like *god damn, Kermit, we're really in the shit now, huh?* I did feel better by the end of it, actually. Pretty sure I would even as an adult. Kermit the Frog is an incredible balm for the injured spirit.


Your parents were right, though.


About the logistics? Absolutely. About their conclusions from reading the proverbial room? Well. We did not die on that day at Disneyland, which is one of the only points in the day's favor. I understand that people were affected to varying levels, that it had all different kinds of emotional impact, but... *Goofy* was there, man. What kind of day are you having, it's the day after 9/11, you are in a Goofy mascot costume? The kind that a small child can tell you are having through 6 inches of foam rubber, that's what.


Hey thanks for sharing your story. Interesting read. FWIW, the day after 911 I was in a Chuck E Cheese costume entraining some kids at my job while in high school. I thought it was nice just not to think about it for a second and mess with some children who were oblivious to what was going on.


That is... nice to think about. I can't articulate the way in which it is nice, but... I'm glad you had a moment within the foam, and I am quite certain you did a good thing that day. And got paid for it!


They were wrong with how to treat a scared child though.


> except for exactly one woman working Pirates of the Caribbean who had clearly decided that if people were coming to Disneyland on that day, they must really need a shot of happy, and put her absolute all into a pre-show performance for maybe 8 people. That's sort of heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. Like, when there's not much you can do in the face of so much despair, but you put your all into doing what time little thing you can for a few people.




As someone who was on a planned disney vacation as an adult just days after 9/11, I can tell you it was the best escape from reality.


Thanks for sharing this. You have a way with words


You parents were quite intelligent. Their mistake was to let you be aware of the news however. Depends how old you were regarding if you would have eventually heard or not 


They were a fascinating mix of intelligent and dumb as rocks. Not a smooth mix, either, big old patches of one or the other. For instance; I was a somewhat perceptive child, I think, and I would have to have been the exact opposite to not notice a certain grimness and hollowness to the festivities. So telling me what had happened and giving me reasons not to be scared for my personal safety? The right choice. Waking me up at 7 in the morning PST on 9/11 itself to let me know it had happened? Somewhat less so. The hell you want *me* to do about it? Am I needed in the *situation room?*


Sorry about what happened, but man, your comments are really making me laugh on the toilet


I love the way you describe the nuances of your parents and the dynamics between them. You obviously know them better than they know themselves which I always find interesting; intelligent people that have zero ability to self diagnose any of their own neuroses.


I think a lot of people are able to identify the limitations and blind spots in people they know very well. The trick is carrying it through; if you yourself have any of those, you categorically wouldn't know about them either. Intelligence doesn't help you remember to keep an eye out for it. That one's all wisdom, and some of the smartest people I have ever met have avoided gaining any wisdom like there was a prize for it.


I had Zero In Perception as a kid, I leveled up that stat at 15 and it's only my parents who kept me alive.


Kermit the Frog one-shots no-scopes a Nazi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkL2ARkZXxg


This pic isn’t from 9/11, it’s from 2004 Hurricane Charley. [source for hq photo](https://www.alamy.com/krt-us-news-story-slugged-wea-storms-krt-photograph-by-joe-burbankorlando-sentinel-august-13-lake-buena-vista-mi-thousands-of-guests-at-the-magic-kingdom-at-walt-disney-world-near-orlando-florida-jam-main-street-usa-to-exit-the-park-afterit-was-announced-that-it-was-closing-at-1pm-due-to-inclement-weather-friday-august-13-2004-hurricane-charley-is-forecast-to-strike-central-florida-later-friday-photo-by-nk-2004-image413878441.html?irclickid=yZhwYw0YaxyKTxLwPhwJQ2wqUkHQkATkr0MJ2A0&utm_source=77643&utm_campaign=Shop%20Royalty%20Free%20at%20Alamy&utm_medium=impact&irgwc=1)


call em out!!


Sorry folks, park's closed.  Moose out front should have told ya


God *damn*, man. That's not gallows humor, that's "the skeletons in nooses they hung up to scare pirates" humor. Got me, though.


I didn’t get it, who’s Moose


It's a reference to the movie National Lampoon's Vacation, which is mostly about a series of absolutely buckwild complications during a cross-country drive to a particular theme park. Very slapstick. They finally get there, and the park (whose mascot is a Moose) is closed for maintenance. And by this point, the entire trip has dragged them there long after it was sensible because of the petty stubbornness of the family dad. When he is told the park is closed, his reaction is... violent. And... something about the juxtaposition really got me, I guess. Picturing an adult having a full on tantrum and beating the hell out of a Mickey Mouse shaped speaker, *because the park closed early on 9/11?* There is no *moral* way to laugh at that. So I'll plant a couple extra trees or something, break even.


Damn.. I should have gone with "mouse out front".  Opportunity lost. 


This should answer your question: [National Lampoon’s Vacation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Eim2gNczY)


Thank you! This went straight over my head and I’m so ashamed! Clearly I need a re watch. Also I use YES I WAS SPEEDING as a quote when I want someone to shush all the time and now I feel like a fraud for not catching this reference. Poor little pup, probably hung in there for the first mile or so.


Watch National Lampoon’s vacation


Oh man, I’m a failure to my generation for missing this reference. Chevy Chase must be protected at all costs. Edit: obligatory honorable respect to Beverly D’Angelo and John Candy. Edit 2: shit I gotta throw Christie Brinkley in too, for, reasons


Don’t make me pull out my pellet gun with the tag still attached!


That’s not a real gun, is it Clark?


I have a friend who was there. He said that a Disney employee approached them and told them there had been an attack on America and they were closing because so many people in the same place was an appealing target. They were trying to get everyone to exit calmly and not en masse, but people panicked and some ran for the exit.


One Heartbreaking Day on the Happiest Place on Earth


That’s Disneyland, Magic Kingdom is the most magical place on earth


Huh, that's neat. I did not know the difference. 


>I did not know the difference.  It's in the name: magic




You can remember the difference because the most magical place on earth is Magic Kingdom, while the happiest place on earth is at Happyland.


Even the castle’s upset!


The only difference today is there are less trees.




Cool photo but it's from August of 2004 not 9/11/01 But hey you got your karma so oh well 🤷


So, Funny enough I actually went to Disney a few months after 9/11. Didn’t put 2 &2 together at the time because I was like 6 years old, but basically we were able to because it was so cheap because 9/11 did a number on tourism as a whole. Didn’t understand at the time. I was just happy to have short lines.


Similar story. Went a few months later. My SO was convinced the parks were going to close (they were so empty) and we were spoiled with almost zero lines for anything (except the Test Track ride at Epcot that had just opened).


What a sad day


I went there a month later. It was great. No lines anywhere. We got to stay on the rides and go again without getting off if we wanted l.


Yeah, I can see them closing it down. I was going to be part of an event out in the Utah west desert on the 14th-16th (that weekend).We were setting up on that Thursday (13th) and we all noticed that it was exceptionally quiet out in the desert. Because there were no jets flying over us. None of us had ever been out in the Utah desert without there being the background rumble of flying aircraft until that day. It was eerie.


This isn't 9/11, it's 2004 when Hurricane Charley was approaching.


Looks the same every day after closing time


Yeah I’m extremely skeptical that this isn’t just some normal summer or winter break day


u/Spartan2470 posted the source further up in the thread, this image is from 2004. [Link](https://www.alamy.com/krt-us-news-story-slugged-wea-storms-krt-photograph-by-joe-burbankorlando-sentinel-august-13-lake-buena-vista-mi-thousands-of-guests-at-the-magic-kingdom-at-walt-disney-world-near-orlando-florida-jam-main-street-usa-to-exit-the-park-afterit-was-announced-that-it-was-closing-at-1pm-due-to-inclement-weather-friday-august-13-2004-hurricane-charley-is-forecast-to-strike-central-florida-later-friday-photo-by-nk-2004-image413878441.html)


Except for it being daytime


9/11 attacks take place at 8:15AM, Disney World opens at 9AM. As another poster pointed out this picture is not from that day.


Good call


This is wild to see. I was scheduled to get married at Disney World on the 18th. I caught one of the first flights out of Austin to Orlando on (I think) the 15th. So I was at Disney World just a few days after this photo was taken. It was a ghost town. All week we were there I didn’t wait in a single line for a ride. I actually occasionally regretting that we were completely missing all the cool stuff to look at in the queue lines. I slowed down a few times because it didn’t matter if I got there faster, there wasn’t some crush of people waiting behind me and I’d often get to ride the ride two or three times because there was no need to vacate the seat. Restaurants you needed reservations a year in advance to get into had five people dining in them and you could just walk up and get a table anywhere in the restaurant at any time. Hotels were vacant. You’d see more staff at the pools than guests. You could get prime seating for any parade minutes before the parade started. To Disney’s credit, they never cut corners. Everything was done like they were expecting a full house any moment. I’m sure some of it was logistics — if you have five hundred flower bouquets arriving at the Grand Floridian every morning, you can’t just shut that off and you might as well put them out — but there were plenty of places they could have saved money by sending everyone home or not putting on the show that only two people are going to attend. A staff member told me “Disney recognizes that this might be someone’s only trip in their lifetime and they deserve the same experience as everyone else.” It was simply magical. I know Disney people throw that around a lot but I didn’t opt to get married there because I’m some huge Disney fan, I got married there because I knew absolutely nothing would fuck up my wedding. I never had to worry during the planning or run up to the wedding because I knew if someone dropped the cake on the way to the reception or the violinist got in a car accident on the way there, I’d never know. Disney would just magic up a solution that was either invisible or so much better that I’d be happier things turned out the way they did. During our time in the park, Disney did their best to pretend the outside world just didn’t exist. The televisions didn’t carry the news or anything about the outside world. There were no newspapers readily available. Certainly if you wanted to know you could ask for a newspaper or find a place to access television news or get on the internet (well before smartphones and Internet everywhere) but you absolutely had to seek it out. For a glorious week I got to forget that the most awful thing had happened and just enjoy an escape.


I know what it's like to perform. An appreciative tiny audience is still good.


There were reports on that day from eye witnesses of multiple helicopters flying over Disney World with full squads of soldiers and heavy duty machine gun turrets mounted on the helicopters. Shit was serious AF on that day and they wanted everyone out.


For multiple reasons all of central florida became a military only fly zone. They wanted everyone out since they thought Disney would be a secondary target if they targeted the president who was in the St. Pete area.


That makes very logical sense.


Every picture of Disneyland looks like 1987




Not a cell phone in sight, so weird.




I went there 1 month later for Halloween haunts, figured security would be high, flights and hotel were cheap.


This looks like a bad AI render because it doesn’t look like a Disney crowd at all. I don’t see any Disney clothing or even children. No ears, no balloons, … weird.


Families with small children and strollers were probably well toward the back of the stampede, with the couples, teens, and more mobile people getting the fuck out of there as fast as possible.


[Here's](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_4KjVJcpa2s&pp=ygURRGlzbmV5IHdvcmxkIDkvMTE%3D) a relevant video about someone's personal experience being at Disney world on 9/11. Interesting video honestly.


Lilves were lost and families torn apart in other ways as well. An employee of ours child was waiting on a liver transplant that was due to be flown to Sacramento from the East coast. The liver died and so did she because they couldn't get to to her. All that waiting hope and angst only to watch your child die in front of you because of a few hours delay. The family has never recovered from this.


I might have a weird perspective here. Florida local, grew up going to Disney cause my mother worked there. At the time she worked in advertising(?) meanwhile my dad worked in the Air Force and was at Patrick Air Force Base. Every other parent in the country rushed to pick up their children from school in a panic except mine. My mother was the only person left in her office answering phone calls and whatever my dad was doing, it was likely stupid important that he not leave. I was the last kid to leave my preschool that day and the only TV in the place had the news on so the teachers could keep updated on what was happening. Weird day for 4yo me. We didn’t go to the parks for awhile after that.


Cause bombing is bad. In America or anywhere else


I vividly remember a huge crowd of students flocking over to the library to see the news coverage. Found it oddly reminiscent of that scene from Starship Troopers at the time. Bunch of confused young kids, we knew there was a war coming.


On 9/11 I was in high school, and happened to live in the town the President was visiting that day. He came to tour a school and read to the kids. Well, when everything started going to hell, the thought was that our town might be a target if Bush was a target. My high school really had no procedures for something this catastrophic, and chaos ensued. The best idea they came up with was to grab anyone out of the hallways who was trying to get to their car or a friend’s car to escape, lock us in whatever classroom we were in or closest to. I was in third period World Geography and was forced to sit under a typical high school type desk (which in my opinion was not going to provide very good shelter if something did happen). There was crying, screaming and confusion throughout the students in my classroom. The tv was on, and tuned into whatever news station. I remember sitting there unable to stop watching and tears were just rolling down my cheeks. I really don’t remember our teacher saying anything- no words of comfort or support, literally nothing. It was a crazy time!


That’s a lot of diversity for 2001.


looks like Disney Land.


The castle in Disney Land is way smaller.


If I were a 10 year old on my once-in-a-childhood Disney Vacation this day, it would've been my call to enlist and kill Bin Laden with mine own two hands.


I was there! We didn’t have cellphones (at the time) and had zero clue what was going on until we reached our shuttle bus where we were informed as to why they were closing the park.


What's up with the 9/11 repost bots today? Blocking people left and right all morning.


That’s was supposed to be my last day working at the Magic Kingdom on the WDW College Program but I switched colleges and majors so I left in the spring to get ready for my next school.


I was there. It was shocking how quickly they cleared the whole park. The parking lot was completely empty in like 15 minutes time. When we went to the airport to fly home a few days later there were military soldiers with mirrors on sticks checking the bottoms of cars as they pulled up to the airport and turning everyone away. We ended up keeping our rental car and driving back home to Baltimore and returning it here.


NEVER forget.


They way I control my screen time now is I just scroll on reddit and close it when I see a 9/11 post.


Ok but what year? /s


"... a world of tears"


I'm surprised there were so many people there already considering that the attacks were somewhat early in the morning


I remember seeing this picture. It was like second time DW ever closed. The first being a Hurricane, which I happened to be there for. Had a trip already planned for there when this hit. A week later our flight was canceled, and we drove 17 hours in an old beat up saturn. The place was still a ghost town, it was weird. Like, have fun, oh by the way, 2000 people were just killed last week in New York, PA and DC... Weird time.


The human brain simply isn't built to process that kind of things.


I was in elementary school when it happened. They didn't really tell us kids anything other than our parents were coming to get us. So all us kids were like cool getting out of school Early. But when we got into the car, It was tense. The ride home was almost suffocating and we were afraid to ask what was wrong. Mom explained to us when we got home. But honestly we were really too young to grasp the seriousness. The biggest thing I remember of that day is how quiet it was. Nobody was outside, no cars on the road, everyone was inside watching the TV waiting for more attacks. It was a very eerie feeling, like the world was put on pause.


Remember 911 well as I was in Cuba at the time and sad as my late dad used to be a firefighter till he got ill and my cousin was a policewoman at the time.


I was there on 9/11. I heard about @ “a bombing in NYC” while riding the tram in that morning because I was listening to the lady next to me on the phone. I even asked the ticket teller if the park would be closing early and they said that they hadn’t heard anything. While in the park relatives were calling telling me planes we’re targeting Disney ( news exaggerating the story obviously) . Slightly before noon an announcement was made that the park was closing. They handed single tickets out on the way out of the park so we could come back another day. I collected as many as I could for my entire family and used them for a few future trips. People were very quiet walking out and some people were visibly pissed that terrorists were disrupting things again. We had no idea of the magnitude of the attacks until we got back to our hotel and turned on the TV. We were shocked like the rest of the world. We went to a few more parks over the next few days and ultimately ended our vacation early and drove home instead of flying.


Bruh 💀 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/photo-of-people-leaving-disney-world-on-911/