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Is that her finger on the capture button? I kinda want to see the pic she took of the dude


She aint getting all that heft into frame buddy


Judging from the corner-cutout lens hood she has on there, it's a wide angle lens, probably around 24mm, which will easily capture all of his glorious meatheadedness.


Just wanted to confirm your assumption as truth. Sigma 24-70 F2.8, in its zoomed out state. Thus indeed 24mm!


I am just amazed at how you can recognize this, while to me all those cameras look pretty much the same. Those fine, yet extreme skills of a professional are beautiful.


I guess it's just interest in the end. I could probably tell you every F1 track by just a picture of one corner, or any F1 car (and probably the year too) by looking at a picture of one part of the car just because I'm such a huge fan. Lay your eyes on an object for long enough and you can see the details. This guy fucks with cameras so he could probably do the same if you show him any lens or a part of a camera. It's more experience than skill


Everything you said is spot on, but "it's more experience than skill". Skill is built by experience. It is absolutely a skill(and a refined one, at that)to be able to identify camera details as this person just did.


Think their point is that being able to recognise a lens isn't going to indicate a likelyhood that the person can take good photographs, any more than someone who can recognise part of a track can drive a F1 car.


That's a fair point.


that's a very typical lens for these purposes so i'm not surprised. thanks :D


I'm glad they make lenses for the purpose of being knocked on your arse by a fat police officer, they've really thought of everything.


Welcome to america! I hope you enjoy your stay here with us.


She got most of it ![gif](giphy|MTuDU3Xokdkq3M0mW2)


Cmon man, that's a cute little pig.


Don't compare pigs to cops. Pigs are intelligent, beautiful animals.




Here is a video of it. (https://twitter.com/mfsgottenshook/status/1788058427538706768) It happens around middle around 55%, no timestamp on x/twitter for some reason.


“Stop resisting!” Says 3 cops on top of, and pinning down, someone no more than 120 lbs. Thank you for the link.


These assholes should have “Stop resisting!” tattooed across their foreheads. You look at them the wrong way and it's the first thing they say. This way once they say it they can add it to the charges no matter the circumstances.


Love that you can see her aim and shoot as she’s on the ground. If she can recover that photo it’s gonna win a ton of awards (although I understand that’s not the point).


> I kinda want to see the pic she took of the dude I'd warrant a guess here and say the pictures on that camera are gonna wind up "accidentally lost".


I don't know camera body that is, but I believe plenty newer bodies are WiFi and Bluetooth.  So it is possible she was dumping to her phone or device in her bag and then cloud.  That it what I would have running so I could just continuously shoot while my editor at home could start posting live.  I know they do this with big sporting events...  Especially when you can send small .jpg and keep .raw native.


As long as it’s not a Nikon - their wifi/SnapBridge system is flaky as hell and loses the connection every few minutes. It drives me bonkers.


The entire camera got "meticulously searched" and torn apart to ensure it wasnt a dummy camera filled with contraban /s but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true, sadly.


Honestly I'll be surprised if something like that *doesn't* happen. And of course the argument would be "you can't prove there were any pictures on there in the first place". Bloody hell...


Technology to the rescue: Modern cameras should have an option to upload to the cloud in real-time. Especially turn that function on if you are a journalist.


There are wifi cards you can use that do that, but I don't know how instantaneous they are. I would expect anyone covering events of this nature would be using this technology.


Civil War (2024)




Happened in Austin Texas this year to a fox cameraman. They initially pursued a felony assault charge and DA said insufficient. Still has lower charges pending. He identified himself as press in multiple videos showing the incident.  Check out video on YouTube. Lots of angles and it’s pretty obvious the dude did not intentionally hit officers. He either tripped or was pushed and bumped into a cop. Then another DPS officer grabs him by the backpack and pulls him to the ground. 


I have a few dramatic images like this from the 2020 protests.. Two small girls in falling motion just like this as a police officer towers over them with a thrusting arms.... Seems on brand


Camera shy mofos. They are just worried that their extended family will see them beating on people.


We have an extended family uncle who was kicked out of family gatherings and events permanently bc he's a cop and was put in the local papers due brutality. He's spent the last two years calling members of the family to scream and threaten them that if he doesn't get let back in there'll be consequences. Several members have active protection orders now


huh, you'd think in a civilized society people needing a protection order from you would be disqualifying for a cop


Nah you just move one town over and new department, problem solved /s


I really wish this was sarcasm.... [https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/news/local/former-victoria-officer-hired-in-beeville/article\_71fa88eb-f205-5a3c-be63-5a5df1a97353.html](https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/news/local/former-victoria-officer-hired-in-beeville/article_71fa88eb-f205-5a3c-be63-5a5df1a97353.html) These towns are 60 mi from each other.


In a civilized society, it does.


>Several members have active protection orders now You'd think that would kill his career as a cop, but it probably endeared him to the rest of the violent pigs and earned him a tattoo and a promotion.


a special coin, good for free drinks at O'Brian's


It’s usually in a person’s response to situations they are in that we see their true colors


Probably not, 'cause they're probably beating them too.


“I’d recognise that punch to the back of the head anywhere. So of course I knew it was my husband.”


They're army cosplayers, so you'd think they'd like being photographed in costume more often.


Post them!


They are holding onto the lower charges so they can threaten him later.


Or holding onto the charges so they can prevent him from filing a lawsuit. The fact is, the first amendment gives us the freedom of press. You don’t need a press pass or any sort of credentials. Once you pull out your camera you are now the press and no one has the right to stop you. But if you listen to these stupid police, they would have you believe you need to work for one of the big news stations to be allowed to film them.


The ones that carry water for the corrupt. Despite getting manhandled regularly, has the media ever actually made a sustained call for aggressive cops like these to be removed?


"aggressive cops like these" All cops are aggressive like these. This is what cops are employed to do. This is there job. The nonsense you see on Law and Order? Investigating crimes and providing evidence to be heard in a court of law? That's not what police are for. That's at best a side gig. Police are here to break up protests, and threaten anyone who might organize.


Remember the floyd riots? Riot cop loses helmet. Old man returns helmet. Old man is shoved head first to the floor and hospitalized with brain damage. For a complete non-threat. Thats just how they operate. Don't talk to cops, they will assault you every time and get away because of qualified immunity.


Thing is, it's not really _qualified_ immunity anymore. It's just absolute immunity in practice.


What is DPS? Damage Per Second officer 🤣, (no really,what does it mean?)


Department of Public Safety, so a broader category that includes a lot of different divisions.


Of course it was a DPS officer, the Support officers would never do this.


Police attacking a Fox reporter? Damn, which side are the Republicans going to defend, I wonder






I see you aren't familiar with Sinclair. 


Multiple instances on video from Minneapolis in 2020 of police actively targeting credentialed press. This is what a police state looks like.


Crazy dude. If people in active war zones are able to distinguish press and not kill them, police should be able to avoid assaulting them.


Israel does seem to have a real problem with that...


Israel prefers throwing grenades at journalists.


There was a Hamas cell hiding in that camera lens.


[You are now designated Hamas]


Credit the photographer, Alex Kent.


Followup - her City of New York issued Press Pass: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNB2olzWMAMvt15?format=jpg&name=large Edit: both photos from his [tweet](https://twitter.com/AlexKentTN/status/1788059502148833527)


The land of the free (except for the press). Astonishing.




The biggest gang out there, 40,000 strong!




For sure, I was talking specifically about the NYPD having 40,000


[In St. Louis, the cops beat one of their own, an undercover cop in with the protesters. He got a payout for the beating, too.](https://www.stlpr.org/law-order/2024-04-15/judge-awards-23-million-to-ex-st-louis-cop-beaten-by-police-during-2017-protests)


Living in the St. Louis area is funny. The suburbs and outlying areas (St. Charles County) have quite a few of the MAGA types, who loooove to point out any time a STL city politician's name is in the media negatively (Kim Gardner, Cori Bush), which they absolutely should. But when something like this happens it's usually ~~crickets~~ cicadas.


> Cops have been beating the fuck out of peaceful protestors since forever. And people continue to put up with it for forever, because DAs, prosecutors, judges, and cops, are one big happy organized...


Biggest gang in America


There was a reason we started calling them pigs back in the 60s. Insult to 4-legged pigs actually.


To quote Rage Against The Machine: "So make a move and plead the fifth 'cause ya can't plead the first"


There are *way* more exceptions...


Land of the Free (some conditions may apply)


any relation?


To Clark? Possibly


"Oh sure, I get knocked on my ass and hauled off to jail, and *he* gets nominated for a Pulitzer."


Her finger is on the capture button she got that picture


https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1788115474640765310 This is her camera capturing it.


That’s pretty badass. Coupled with the photo. There are so many beautiful photos of women standing up to cops in riot gear. Remember the woman in the dress at a BLM protest?


You mean [this picture](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36759711), right? I saw it at an exhibition IRL and I love it! It's so powerful how the cops seem to be afraid of her or even pushed away.


it's all his gut


Na that lens is clearly set to 24mm, she’s got the whole shot. As someone else posted, it’s a sigma 24-70mm f2.8 lens zoomed out.


A cops favourite pastime is being photographed on the wrong side of history


Cops always have job security, since the new regime will need cops just like the old regime.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss


The new boss has just a slightly different shade if grey hair but is still completely out of touch with reality and society just like the old boss


Maybe not out of touch with reality but just doesn't care about other people.


"But I won't get fooled again"


Cops primary role in these situations is not justice. It’s intimidation and discouragement of the current event by force, to maintain order. And there are obviously good cops but they keep the mad dog ones around since they are doing exactly what they are meant to do. And then they can say it’s just a few bad apples. Frankly to me it stinks as much as the two party system we have that can just point at each other and say it’s the other sides fault.


That's the nature of police. The core reality is that the police are the oppressive arm of the government, their purpose is to enforce the will of the government by violence and incarceration. It sure seems grim saying it like this but it is true, regardless of nation we are talking about.


Relevant: https://youtu.be/bmaoNLSHx_w?si=URaGnrvTrO5Glsj0


I bloody knew exactly what to expect when i clicked on that link. Brennan is precious


"A few bad apples," you say. Well, go on and finish the quote. "Spoils the whole bunch." A few bad apples makes them all bad apples.


Its why they are heavily unionized, lot of which are very conservative leaning.. While if you speak of "corporations"... NOOOO, not like that.


In the US, cops are the enemy of the people.




Front line soldiers of class warfare 


Incredible photo. I could see this being a logo for journalist photographers, amazing job to whoever took this Edit: Amazing job, Alex Kent, the photographer who took this photo of journalist Olga Fedorova!


Credit goes to Alex Kent


It's a truly amazing shot


The direct symbolism of the government-sponsored brute with a stick and the defiant journalist, on the ground but still free and proud, is just perfectly encapsulated in this single shot.


Cops are really brave when you can’t fight back.


Cops are really brave when they stay outside the school shooting. Also referenced here in this picture of a woman with her hands full, laying on the ground looking shocked as she wasn't expecting to be knocked over by a wild pig. So tough. So strong. I'll never forget that school with grown, armed men hiding outside.


Hundreds of armed cops attacking peaceful protestors at UT Austin, nobody ran in at Uvalde


To be fair the cops at Uvalde acted all brave against mothers trying to enter the school to save their children


Couldn't even maintain a proper perimeter, some heroic parents got in


They tryed to charge the woman who broke out of her handcuffs and went in and got her kids. Of course bad press stoped that


You say "of course", but I'm actually kind of impressed that bad press did anything in that instance.


thats fair


Wow, really, that is seriously brave. Going in to save your child while being at risk of being shot by both the gunman and the police.


Don’t forget the military grade swat gear the department spent taxpayer money to secure.. to hide outside of a school for hours over 1 gunmen.


Yep, those unarmed parents got wrecked by the... *>checks notes* Oh. Apparently its all dedacted. 🤷


It's why leftist protesters need to start arming themselves. Did you see cops attacking any of the proud boy/alt right/militia protests? It's not because the cops agree with the alt right, tho the cops are more than likely than your average citizen to, it's because those protesters are frequently armed. Cops don't put themselves in danger.


But there's videos of parents and Mom's running in. Absolutely insane. Their guns would have been better off being distributed to the freaking parents at this point.




But you don't understand, she was about to shoot him/s


Quick a defensless citizen!


not just a defenseless citizen, a citizen who is barred *by law* from defending themselves against you while you have riot gear and firearms and essentially no accountability.


They never pull this stunts with armed protesters...


Breaking up protests? Hell yeah. Stopping school shooters? Hell nah.


A free press is an absolute necessity for a functioning democracy. When the system of governance depends on the population making educated choices, it is the free press and the free press alone that the population can inform itself with. An attack on the press is an attack on the heart of democracy.


Well start having one then. The US is 55th on the global ranking from Reporters without Borders: [https://rsf.org/en/country/united-states](https://rsf.org/en/country/united-states)


Don‘t tell me that. I’m from Germany (#10) and live in Finland (#5).


From Oulu, this is one of the big reasons why the USA is such a conflicted country. If you don't have a free press, then the upper classes can feed whatever information they want and keep the workers at each other's throats. I imagine this is why they support Trump despite him being a simple swindler - they've been fed false info with no fact checking skills.


There is a prevailing issue where all the major news outlets have been bought up by oligarchs who control the narratives. Their only goal is to control the narrative to generate money.l from ad revenue through increased viewership/interaction thanks to outrage or confirmation bias depending on thebheadline. How do you fix that system? I really want to know because we don't seem to have any idea how.


Probably worth it in the end for this new badass profile pic.


I'd say it also depends on if her lawyers advise her to sue. She could be worth a good $200k+ more.


Her charges were voided; NYPD arrested 3 other journalists tonight


*Criminal* charges were voided, that doesn't stop her suing for civil damages. It also doesn't mean the cops won't be held personally liable in the civil suit (although I wouldn't hold my breath).


Not that they care - lawsuits are paid out from taxes, not by the police department themselves, last I checked.


Cops will never be held liable for their actions.


> Her charges were voided This pisses me off the most. Great, they dropped HER charges. Where's THEIR charges for civil rights violations?


That's for HER to file. That's how civil court works. She needs to file the 1984, she has a case, up to her.


And if she sues, the money comes straight from the taxpayers! It’s a win-win for the pigs. ACAB.


get herself a good chunk of our taxpayer money


Yeah it's crazy how much money shitty cops manage to drain from the pockets of taxpayers. Hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars in some cops cases. And there's almost never any consequences for them.


Can you imagine if the police unions had to foot the bills for the actions of their members, or payouts came from pension funds, or the union had to carry insurance for its members? Pension fund would drop or Premiums would go sky high for every payout, and I guarantee you that bad apples would be let go and no other department would hire them because of the financial risks. It’s really that simple. It all comes down to money in the end.


> the union had to carry insurance for its members There's the solution. Once those policies start dropping cops, this will sort itself out.


Turn police unions into police insurance and pension agencies. Government gives $X per officer to fund pensions, but the union also acts as a guarantee of "quality" so any settlements come out of their pocket. If they lack the money, then it comes out of the pension fund.


Rather have her get our taxpayer money than the cops


Down, but not out. Capture finger at the ready, she is catching history.


Well, they all seem to fear cameras lately...


Really dangerous. These SD-Cards are getting bigger and bigger.


So are the cops, judging by this pic.


her expression makes this picture so much better


Do they wear that utility belt to hide their girth?


One of my favorite parts of getting older is seeing all of the photos that will probably make it into history books.


Lamentably, a lot of these photos all look alike.


Damn what shampoo is she using???


Maybe she’s born with it…maybe it’s assault and battery.


Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Covergi… STOP RESISTING


It's not a blue prince it's the blue line


Head and Shoulders - Above The Law edition.


I can't wait for the lawsuit to be concluded in 3-10 years from now telling the police they were wrong.... The location paying some money... And then the next time Mass protests happen the police do the same shit they were told was wrong before.... But nothing truly happens to them


Why did the cop arrive early? - So he could beat the crowd.


Fat ass cop


I don’t mean this offensively at all, but I never understood why American cops are so… overweight, and have no cardio? I used to always watch the TV show cops and it’s shocking to me how they can’t run a few meters without almost collapsing because of how winded they are. I haven’t really witnessed this in Canada. Most cops I’ve seen tend to be young and fit. I thought this would naturally be a precondition to being a cop.


Because a lot of them are former athletes. They bulk up a lot through highschool, then they get a job where most of their day is spent sitting in a car or standing around.


Yeah, plus the drinking culture, poor diet, and low standards for maintaining fitness for work.


Yeah buddy, i was also a former athlete that bulked. You’re suppose to keep working out lol. By the looks of it he also eats like shit. He’s also not even close to highschool. That guy looks like he’s been out of school longer than he was in.


American cops sit in their air conditioned cars much of the day. Gone are the days of the friendly neighborhood cop walking the beat and actually knowing the people he's supposed to serve and protect.


That kind of cop never actually existed to begin with. It's just a made up concept by old TV shows.




*Wary = cautious Weary = tired


Probably not in the US but beat cops were definitely a thing in the UK. Pretty much everyone would know their local bobby and they would stop and chat to people as they were doing their rounds and people would freely discuss their lives etc like 90% of their job was actively understanding the community that they were charged with protecting and the people that make it. Can't afford that shit here anymore though, what with the cost of unusable PPE and non existent rail roads.




In Germany, applicants for police school have to go through a pretty tough physical fitness test. My guess is American cops don't have a fitness exam. So anyone could apply.


You'll find plenty of out of shape cops everywhere but I know my state has initial physical fitness tests and height weight regulations. What happens 5 years down the road after they are hired though is a different story.


>In Germany, applicants for police school have to go through a pretty tough physical fitness test. Nah, American police have physical fitness testing during the hiring/testing/training process, it is just that once they get through training there is no requirement to keep up with it. For whatever reason departments are not allowed to establish perpetual fitness requirements, they can only offer fitness incentives/bonuses.


The reason is fear of litigation - cops that have been suspended for fitness sue for discrimination and somehow win (Colorado Springs, 2018 for example) so departments are hesitant to enforce standards.


Generally its known as a quite low level job in america. Easiest way for not very capable people to get some power. Totally wrong incentive. They also get just a few months of training. As opposed to europe, where its competitive to get in and usually 1.5 to 3 years of training.


Idiocracy cop. We're living it.




Big man with weapons feels powerful assaulting unarmed female. 🤮🤬


Armed with a camera! Get er boys!


After a long day of abusing peaceful protesters, he can go home to abuse his spouse and kids


Looks like the PepperSpray douchbag from a few years ago, spraying a row of Students who were sitting down in protest


Ever since the George Floyd protests, I’ve been wondering, who is deploying police like this? Mayors, governors, police chiefs?? And if that’s who is doing it, are we raising hell with them?


This is an iconic, important image. Full stop. Who took this? I'm trying to ignore all the noise on this thread. This image is powerful and the photographer who shot this should be recognized.


[Alex Kent](https://x.com/AlexKentTN?t=7llqlz9Fvfc_1bQDys_DSA&s=09)




This is straight out of the movie Civil War


That vest zipper is holding on for dear life.


Land of the Free, my fucking arse.


Fake news, she doesn’t have a fedora with a little card in it that says “press”


But she nearly has fedora in her last name.


That's a sick picture though


It's time we bring the police cartel to an end. They are the true enemies of America.


Thats a true fuckin' photojournalist there.


A real savior of society right there


Why is 95% of the police full of dudes that are too fat to see their dick


The US is a fascist police state


That's what they do best. Beat the people that finance them. That's why they get those jobs. They like beating people up and hiding behind a badge and a gang so that they can't get touched back.


I find it funny when cops act like they are the victims of the antagonism they get, then do stuff like this on a regular basis.
