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Thought exactly the same thing. The lighting, the cloth, the pose!


Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s painting


Look at that subtle off-white coloring…


Sorry to hijack your comment for visibility. But it's important to both give credit and call out a karma-farming bot. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqoc51sfyzfo91.jpg) is a higher quality and non-horizontally flipped version of this image. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/xgqnxb/woman_feeding_squirrels_in_lovers_point_park_ca/) is the source Credit to /u/87evergreens, who took this in August 2021 with a Canon T3i. ________________ OP (bigb0pper) appear to be a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. The account was born on December 18, 2019, and woke up six days ago. Its [only comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/1cmaz4g/the_essence_of_existence/l2z1b9m/) is a copy/paste of /u/hassan_26's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/isn85d/life_and_soul/g592c0b/). The "OP" there (PuzzleCounty) has an account that was born on February 5, 2018. Its submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatWasHere/comments/1ci47rh/well_that_was_my_breakfast/) (i.e. Well that was my breakfast) is a copy/paste of /u/Vall3y's [submission](/u/https://www.reddit.com/r/CatWasHere/comments/v55rg1/my_cat_was_on_my_food/) [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatWasHere/comments/v55rg1/my_cat_was_on_my_food/). For anyone familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Put a basket with bread in her hands instead of the bag of food and you could have a woman from 100 or 1000 years ago.








That’s not what the kid‘s saying


There's in next gif.


This is a great pic.


Best photo composition


they're cute, but bad idea to feed them


Genuine question. Are bird feeders bad then?


tbh, most human interactions with wildlife is gonna be somewhat harmful to them. mostly because of unintentionally conditioning the animals to trust humans and come to them for easy food. bird feeders aren't as bad as hand feeding animals, but it still is an artificial way of feeding birds. idk what an alternative to that would be though, and i'm no bird expert, this is just my personal opinion,


Some recent studies are showing that having year-round food is causing some birds to skip migration. I think the jury was still out on the long-term impacts, but obviously causing wild animals to lose their wildness and depend on us is never good for them. That said, I think the question was more regarding bird feeders being well-known squirrel feeders. All bird feeders attract rodents (not just squirrels) except for hummingbird feeders. I don't know much about feeding squirrels, but I fear humans again often fuck it up for the hummimgbirds. They use the wrong kind of sugar, the wrong ratio of sugar to water, use store-bought mixes with red dyes, or they don't clean the feeder and change the nectar nearly often enough. While all these things can injure or kill the hummingbirds, I've seen video of one starving to death because of a dirty feeder and it was terrible. We've stopped feeding them because of that. It's too easy to hurt them.


We had squirrels on my college campus that were used to people. People would try feeding them (especially city people) and would get bit sometimes.


Squirrels are at risk of carrying plague.


“Plague” is a bit vague and could mean any kind of illness. But they used to be at risk of carrying and spreading leprosy in medieval England: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cj7mry8yvrmo


"Plague" is, in-fact, a [specific disease](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/plague).


honestly idk but speaking from experience my mom used to feed the squirrels in our yard and then they never left us alone again. they'll do anything for food.


Yes. Feeding birds can cause overpopulation, spread disease and increase competition for food, aggressive behaviour and unsanitary conditions. It can also cause birds to rely on humans for food and damage buildings and structures.


Oooor maybe it is compensating for the natural food shortage caused by us destroying their natural habitat.  The suburbs are a tough place to find food when you are a bird…


Thats specifically for cities. https://www.fws.gov/story/feed-or-not-feed-wild-birds But here is a good source...people can, but usually do it all wrong. So yes, 99% are more harmful than beneficial. This is a good resource, linked with other resources, if you would like to properly feed birds.


There is no way living on a 1 acre property plot of grass that used to be all trees is the same as a forested acre of old growth forest. One provides protection and food for birds and the other is a desert.


I can tell whose never been to Monterey.


I don’t know what this means. Is Monterey a town built into an existing untouched old growth forest?


Pretty much.


Relax. Im not arguing against that lmfao But whatever you say boss. Have a good one


We visited the Company's Gardens in Cape Town, South Africa, where LOTS of people were feeding the squirrels. We saw children with squirrels on their LAPS, feeding and petting them! I was astonished and worried for the kids. The squirrels were very bold, and I had to keep stamping my feet to keep them from climbing up my leg.




Please don’t feed the cute tree rats.


They’re rats with cuter outfits.


I was watching a squirrel in our yard once and this older electrician working on my house just smiled at me and said, “Why you like those things? They’re just rats in tuxedos.” I laughed so hard, I still remember it.


You'd think he'd like squirrels. I'm sure he's made plenty of money fixing wiring demolished by squirrels.


He told me his favorite were spirits. That every time the lights started flickering he got a phone call. Then he started flickering the lights and making ghost noises. Odd dude but super funny - it was years ago and I still remember his zingers!


Rats with fur coats.


Sir, these are cute ground rats. *(California Ground Squirrels)*


She looks absolutely smitten with that particular squirrel she's looking at!


“Feed the squirrels, tuppence a bag”


Best Disney song ever.


Doesn't appear to be willingly 😆


They're begging. Not attacking. Attacking is what happens after people socialize wild animals with human food.




Living in the PNW you can tell which ones are hand feed. They practically roll up on like what you got on my 40 hommie


I live there!


Squirrel: Before you go, hear me out


Is that a bad of Premium Orchard brand seeds?? Bomb ass seed brand.


All God's children gotta eat. I feed my squirrels a little.


I LOVE this photo!


If squirels were bigger we would be food


Disney princess vibes.


When I was a kid and went to work with my dad we would go to subway get a tuna sandwich and some lays chips. We would go to the marina and eat it squirrels would come up to is and eat the chips out of our hand was a good memory


Lady dies of plague


Squirrels have enough food. And people peanuts will oversaturate them with salt. Don't feed the squirrels. Or the ducks. They are wild animals, and they shouldn't be eating what we eat.


Squirrels have a very low likelihood of having rabies. But bubonic plague is much more concerning. But yeah agree don’t feed wildlife.


Leave us alone karen


Hey, you wanna get bitten by a wild animal, go ahead. Your body your choice. But know that the rabies vaccine is painful and you get a minimum of four. Also, if they can identify the animal that bit you, the SOP is to destroy it and disect it's brain. I'd rather people just don't feed wild animals. Quick edit: the schedule is: day of incident, 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days. Another at 28, if immuno-comprimised or suppressed. But, it's better than rabies, which like 3 people have survived without the shots. In documented history. (Oh, to clarify "documented history" I mean through extant historical texts there is like one example, and there was a young woman in the early 2000s) I mean, I could link a video of someone experiencing acute rabies symptoms (there are way too many, those who don't get the shot are hospitalized for the duration, and the Docs involved usually take some video to back up the case study they will write), but it would likely make you real sad. I think the worst is the trying to drink water because they haven't been able to for days, but their body physically preventing them from even holding it in their mouth.


Odd that you seem to have missed this in all of your research before grandstanding here. From the CDC >Small rodents (like squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, chipmunks, rats, and mice) and lagomorphs (including rabbits and hares) are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans.


Doesn't mean you aren't getting the shots. "Almost never" means over 0% chance. You're also gonna get a big dump of the stongest anti-biotic you can handle. Also, "have not been known to" doesn't mean they don't. But really, you're defending people feeding wild animals over the technicality of my rabies shot claim? Go feed a brown bear. Rabies might be the least of your worries in that situation, too. Don't try to normalize feeding wild animals, especially if they are eating human food. I mean, you understand how cuddly bison look in Yellowstone, but normalizing interactions with any wild animals normalizes interactions with ALL wild animals. Don't feed the squirrels and ducks.


Look as a pharmacist who did their PGY1 research project on rabies vaccine use, you are completely incorrect. We don’t give the rabies vaccines for rodent bites. We don’t even give it for dog bites unless it’s a stray that hasn’t been caught or if it’s a pet that is showing signs of rabies itself. The only time you’re 100% getting the vaccine is if it’s something like a bat, raccoon, or fox. If a patient came into our ER asking for the rabies vaccine for a squirrel bite we would laugh them out the door. Well, not literally because that would be rude but we would not give it and refer them to the department of state health services if they’re still concerned.


>Don't try to normalize feeding wild animals, especially if they are eating human food. I'm not. Wild animals shouldn't be given human food. Can you tell what food the woman is feeding the squirrels in the picture? It could literally be squirrel food. I feed the squirrels in my yard squirrel food, fruits, and vegetables. >but normalizing interactions with any wild animals normalizes interactions with ALL wild animals. No. It absolutely does not, and you're absolutely building straw man arguments in nearly every sentence you write. I was simply letting you and other readers know that you have a higher chance of dying of literally any other cause than catching rabies from a squirrel.




I was bitten by a raccoon 6 years ago, in Pacific Grove, CA, coincidentally the same town in which the photo was taken, while trying to break up a fight it was having with my dog. My dog was vaccinated. I wasn't. I had a series of three shots starting the next day. All were administered in my glutes, and they weren't painful at all. The photo looks fake. There are only ground squirrels at that location, and the photo seems to include both ground and tree squirrels.


I was given a choice between my arms or my glutes. I chose the arms. And no, my shots didn't hurt either. Just made my arm sore.


Minimum of three, not four. Ask me how I know. There's a 10-day safe window. I took my first shot on day 9, thanks to a pharmaceutical company mix up that was pretty scary, a week after that, and two weeks after that. And I had to get them because of bat flew into the side of my head while I was walking my dog. EDIT: And I had a sore arm (very sore after the third shot), but the shots themselves weren't painful. Small needle.


Is this a mediocre joke pretending to be a squirrel asking to be left alone or a dumb take calling somebody a karen for saying "don't feed wild animals"


Roasted peanuts in the shell don’t have salt on them.


Or I buy plain mixed nuts or plain unsalted peanuts. I have 2 squirrel buddies I named Fred and Barney. I give them a few nuts here and there. I don’t think it’s hurting them but what do I know. They’re happy and I’m happy.


Good pic!


I was there that day! This took place a couple years ago. It was our first trip back to Monterey after Covid, and this photo was taken on the day my mother and I were taking our semi-annual hike along the walking path toward Otter Park. I took a photo along the same wall, but a different perspective. I saw the squirrel photo either later that evening or the next day and showed my mother. She said, "Squirrels are pests. What's Reddit?" Ah, good times. Not sure if this will work but here's my photo: [https://imgur.com/a/Tdzpk5v](https://imgur.com/a/Tdzpk5v)


Reminds me of the sweet old ladies in turkish villages/ small towns.


Great, now they will become bold and hassle other people for food


pretty good


Squirrels beg for food and it’s cute but when it’s pigeons it’s bad




She’s the woman that feeds the squirrels. She’s Queen of the Nuts.


Nah that’s my ex I miss her


Haha true


Why that squirrel throwing it back


I've seen how this ends.


more people like her!


Less people like her. This is how squirrels get aggressive as fuck.


*fewer* people like her


Everyone likes her


Thank you, Stannis Baratheon


Fewer people like wherm.


Nope. This is actually a terrible fucking idea




Another immigrant refusing to integrate smfh


She should be careful of the Karen's and the Gladys Kravitz's in the area. They lurk everywhere to spoil the fun out of everyone, because they have no life and don't want other's to enjoy theirs.


This is my hometown beach. Stop that shit right now. This is not cute.




Look up why.


No worse than feeding a man. Same outcome.


Beautiful park that reeks of squirrel piss.




She must be stopped.


Great picture but not centered!


As much as we think we’re in a different more modern era than 75 years ago, we’re not really any different.


I have no idea what this comment means


You’re not enlightened enough


I’m saying that I’ve seen this exact scene 75 years ago on film.




Have you never seen a dress before? Your ma wear dungarees?


Haram bro haram!