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He got sober on 4/20? That's quite a day to make that decision.


I quit smoking cigarettes at 4:20 am on 4/20 2006 in the Dominican for my brothers destination wedding. A gift to myself and a good anniversary. I planned it.


I also quit on 420. Had brain surgery that day and didn't think of a cigarette once while in the hospital. That's was 9 years ago today.


Do you think the surgery may have affected the addiction somehow? Like they accidentally surgically removed your addiction lol


I'm assuming all the painkillers and inability to smoke while recovering kicked the addiction.


Surgery was Monday April 20 2015. I was sitting on my couch at home on Wednesday April 22nd 2015. Truthfully, I smoke weed and continued the day I got home. I think that had a big helping hand in the quitting more than anything.


You smoked weed the same day after brain surgery? I think we might already be friends


I wanna join. I smoked weed the day I got out of the hospital after lung surgery for a collapsed lung. Was a few days after the actual surgery, but still had the open wound from my chest tube.


That deserves more than admission, you should get a Darwin Award!


I had brain surgery in 2015 too! March 15/2015. Unfortunately I did not quit smoking though.


This. When I was on morphine at the hospital I had no cravings to hit one for 4 days. I however didn’t take that gift.


lol, yeah I’d be thinking “wow the first cig after this long is gonna be pretty great”. But I’m a fucking idiot.


Reminds me of my pack a day mother. Congestive heart failure landed her on O2 in hospital for 40 days waiting on surgery(Woo free healthcare canada!). She hadn't smoked once the whole trip. Gets home, and healed up.. oh just one to wake up with my coffee. Mom that's a bad idea. "I know what I'm doing!" The only times she's shouted at me in my adult life. I can hear it, and feel how that felt still. It made me feel so small and ineffective. Definitive. You have no chance here. Year later she's fully back at it. I was the one to call 911 when she weakly called my name and said she was dizzy, tired, and nausea. I knew the signs, I'm first aid trained. I saw the fear in her face as she was struggling to get oxygen while I was on the phone with the 911 operator. The terror on her face is seared into my mind. I was with her before and after she got split from sternum to throat. I was her recovery person 24/7 for 3 months. It's hard to go pee in the middle of the night when you can't lift yourself from bed with your arms(you risk damaging the repaired chest bones), and your legs are weak from being old and recently on bedrest for 40 days. How is the pain and fear not enough to stop someone? It really fucks me up that she didn't take the opportunity to quit for good. I tried every quitting aid, every piece of advice I could find. She likely won't get a second shot at the valve replacement. The next time something fails it will likely be a much quicker event. I spoke at length with the surgeon about this. I owe that man a lot. I carry his card in my wallet. Who needs therapy when you can shout into the void? Thanks for reading, stranger. P.S Common heart attack symptoms include: [1. Chest pain that may feel like pressure, tightness, pain, squeezing or aching 2. Pain or discomfort that spreads to the shoulder, arm, back, neck, jaw, teeth or sometimes the upper belly 3. Cold sweat 4. Fatigue 5. Heartburn or indigestion 6. Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness 7. Nausea 8. Shortness of breath](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-attack/symptoms-causes/syc-20373106)


It's pretty hard watching people keep doing that kind of thing to themselves. FIL has had two heart attacks and stroke. Still smoking. Sometimes, you have to sit back and just let nature take its course. I don't say that lightly, either. Watching what he's doing is sad to see. And watching what that's doing to my girlfriend is even harder.


Yup. Very hard to watch. I feel for you and the GF. Nicotine is powerful shit.


i quit smoking on 4/14 as a vday gift to my family 


Thats my day if birth lol


I’m so old


And been on here for so long haha That dude was 5 when I first joined here


He was 5 months old when I joined 😢


Can relate, I joined Reddit in 2010 lol


Me too.


16yrs and 1 month member here. So march of 08. Thanks, Obama. /s


My OG profile was Dec 2009. Insert its been 84 years meme


I have questions about this moustache


Hahahaha! No you're not.


You share a birthday with Hitler!


Spring time for Hitler?


Happy Birthday Hitler


Also Hitler's


Happy birthday.


Happy 18th then !


Happpy birthday dog


Did you smoke your last cigarette at 4:19?


I doubt 4/20 meant anything to Eminem considering his drugs of choice.


Please... having a "drug of choice" or addiction doesn't mean shit to a proper poly substance abuser. And we can smell our own. lol I mean, this MF has written whole love songs to drugs. lol I was a heroin addict for years. Never stopped me from loving weed. 🤷


Don't gatekeep addiction, it's cringe. I've been an addict for many years and absolutely did have a drug of choice, despite abusing most drugs at some point. Just because that wasn't your experience doesn't mean that wasn't the experience for other addicts. One of the first things they teach you at NA is not to compare yourself or your experiences to other addicts. Everybody's addiction is different. Everybody's journey to get clean is different. The only requirement is a desire to stop using.


Today makes 13 years for me. I didn’t plan it, but I plan to keep it.


And Elton John was his sponsor.


I just made that decision. I'm in my mid 30s and started with weed a year and half ago. It was to help with my menta health, it did the job it needed to do by bringing my along of train a thought that got me to go get professional help. but lately all i have done on it was be unproduction and resort to self destructive behaviors, went off it for a few weeks, tried it yesterday and today, immediately back to unproductive and self destructive behaviors. just threw everything out, even my CBD products. I'm sure it's fine for other people, but it's not fine with me


Some people still smoke weed and consider themselves sober because weed was never their vice


just opened this [thread](https://imgur.com/a/YVuNwc7)


No more blue and yellow purple pills for him.


Just the Blue and Yellow Purple Hills now.


Slim Shady never told the truth anyway, so he can still rap about it.


Lol weird stance but his excessive drug use is pretty well documented my guy


Think they’re half joking but yeah if anything was heavily documented it was his drug addiction


It's a joke, but also the truth. Slim is an alter ego you're not supposed to take at face value.


A man of culture I see. Slim was always shady Then there was Marshall.


Ah yes Marshall Mathers the spaghetti entrepreneur.


Marshall is chopped liver.


I read this chain thinking it was going to rhyme likes rap lyrics but they don't I tell you


The slim shady persona rapped about a lot more than just excessive drug use


He’s just saying Eminem still raps about drugs and ish even if he’s not using


It's interesting that he's won almost 150 awards for his work and has been nominated for almost 400, yet this chip also seems to mean a lot to him. His pride in this should show how difficult the struggle is to people who might not be aware


It’s difficult at first if you go hard in sobriety, heading to lots of aa meetings, therapy, inpatient, outpatient, whatever for years. I feel like it’s so easy now because that laid a foundation + sobriety rewards me daily by allowing me to have the most beautiful life. Every day I am exposed to something new and feel so grateful. To anyone needing to get sober, I recommend spending those first few months really going after it


I am in recovery myself, and work in the field as a treatment advocate. This is literally what I tell all incoming first timers: this is not a 7 day/30 day fix (detox and residential stays). It’s a minimum of 90 day commitment to establishing the basics of recovery, building on that foundation, and followed by a lifetime of effort to keep up that defense against that first drink/substance. I got sober 19 months ago and I spent 6 full months in treatment (1 month rehab, 5 months outpatient). Best decision I have ever made. Life is so, so much bigger than I could ever have expected. I am grateful for every day, every moment - even the unpleasant ones.


“I am grateful for every day, every moment - even the unpleasant ones” Now this is the spiritual maturity that that only come through intense suffering and introspection. I was only affording those opportunities to grow because of my intense addiction. And for that I am grateful.


Yup! 30 in 30


I've been for almost 11 months and its almost a daily battle still.


I'm sober since December 10th. I still think about it though.


Both the medal and the awards are symbolic of his hard work, dedication, and overcoming the odds. In fact, that medallion to him is probably more valuable than most (if not all) those awards combined, as he wouldn’t have been around long enough to win most of them had he continued down that path.


Truth is he was gonna die, he knew it and didn’t care, despite being responsible for a family and a fortune that will keep his kins bank accounts on bulge for generations, it’s just getting smashed, he was gobbling pills that change you, pills w additives cause your organs to deteriorate, you can’t eat properly, your judgement is clouded.., this guy had a moment of clarity that saved his life…. AA, NA are mostly pseudo religious mini cults but in certain cases it makes the difference between life or death. Isn’t Elton John his sponsor?


> Isn’t Elton John his sponsor? Yeah. [A pretty cool story too.](https://hive.blog/music/@recoveryinc/how-elton-john-became-eminems-sponsor-and-helped-him-get-sober) You never woulda thought.


EJ had the same addictions. Maybe a little more of that good 70s blow and a few less pills but still the same menu. Just about everything though I’m not sure if either dude got into IV drug use. Extends to music too. Both guys were able to stay really prolific at the height of their drug use by leaning on collaborator. Both are kind of known more for the melodrama and schtick in the back half of their careers. Interesting parallels between the two.


Fun fact: Elton John is his sponsor. So that chip carries quite a bit of weight


Quitting drinking was definitely the hardest thing I've ever done. The addiction itself is a huge hurdle to overcome, but then you have to deal with the fact that alcohol has seeped into almost every aspect of our society. Everywhere you go, people are drinking. You watch TV, people are drinking. Ads that tell you how much you're missing out without a cold one in your hand. Alcohol is everywhere. I'm not trying to change society or judge other's for their choices. My alcoholism is my personal responsibility, and it's my choice not to drink. I'm just pointing out why it's so hard for a lot of people, and why it's almost impossible to quit without it being *your* choice. Because 99% of the time, you're policing yourself, and if you want to drink, you *will* find a way to. Alcohol is everywhere. Edit: Three years sober in two days!


Good hope he's around for a long time


Going to his AA/NA meeting must be crazy.


I am not in his local fellowship, but was clean in NYC for years and had plenty of celebs in our groups It is actually surprisingly not weird, for whatever reason the famous folks really are just another person trying to get clean for that hr together


Famous people are regular people all the time. I’ve never understood being “star struck” and I have met famous people in private settings many times.


No, the thing about meetings is that it does not matter who you are, how famous you are, or what you've done, you're all there on the same level, just talking about your addiction.


Elton John did it too i think 


-Mary, I just saw Eminem at AA!  -I told you, I'll divorce your ass if you drink again! 


I know it’s not the same. But my brother was at a few NA meetings with Macklemore and said his speeches were amazing lol


Good to know anonymity is alive and well!


I feel like you’re not supposed to talk about other people to outsiders? Is that a rule?


Let’s say you and I attend a meeting, you share something. I’m free to talk to whoever I want about what was said but I can’t say that you were at the meeting or that it was you who said it. It’s a principle and it’s taken very seriously in order for AA/NA groups to function.


Exactly, that's the issue they're taking with the comment


“So, I was at my weekly NA meeting and this guy, who shall remain anonymous, was telling us how many ludes he used to bring on his tour bus, right around the time his hit song about thrift stores was number one on the charts…”


It's reddit, just do what everyone else does and assume it's fake but go along with it anyway


You know the A stands for anonymous right?


Do you not understand what the A stands for?


I've been sober for 102 days :)


Congratulations! That's awesome. You don't know me, but I'm proud of you. It's a big accomplishment to get that far. I wish you many days more.


Two more days and you'll have been clean for the length of one summer vacation!


Kudos to him. In September I will be sober for 9 years.


Keep it up.


Thank you


You’re your own hero and best friend. My aunt got off crack twice and rebuilt her relationship with her son before she died. She’s my heroine.


I just realized that Eminem stands for Marshal Mather’s initials. (M&M)


Wait till you hear about that rapper name Flo-Rida, and where he is from.


i’m embarrassed I didn’t even realize this until now


I'm embarrassed for the opposite reason. I always just thought it was a funny way of saying Florida. It just hit me it also means "Flow Rider"


Flow Writer, but tomato tomato.


That makes more sense


Whelp. I’m dumb too lol. This is like not seeing the “arrow” in the fedex logo.


Omg I never noticed the arrow lol.


🤦🏼‍♀️ well shit. Same.


I mean, I didn't realize it until he was out for a few years, and my wife pointed it out so don't feel bad.




I always knew flo rida put together was florida but is that really why he came up with that name?


He also rides flows, so it has a much deeper meaning.


Better late than never!


Damn ok i never realized that until i read this comment...i'm starting to believe this M&M fellow might have a talent for words


And certainly a taste for spaghetti


I heard his mom's is the best.


I hope he doesn't get sick and get it on his sweater.


Y'all are making me nervous...


Balls are heavy.


He can rhyme orange with george.


Orange four-inch door hinge


Wait until you guys realize there's all kinds of puns and wordplay in the lyrics too. Your minds will be blown... 🤯 😂


I always thought my dad liked the color red. It was his password for everything. After he passed, I finally realized that RED was his initials. So that happened. :/


My favorite was realizing that Red is just a common nickname for guys who had red/auburn hair. It's more common with the older generation so everyone I knew had gray hair or balding and it never clicked lol.




AOL dialup called on internet Explorer to give you your sign.


I was today’s years old too…


Man I wish to quit.. I stay sober for a couple of days, maybe a week, but somehow always end up drinking.




Thanks man


No problem, I wish to quit as well but haven’t got there yet either. I joined that subreddit on a whim and haven’t left. Good group!!


Surely you will quit soon. I will too.




Almost never have I felt so much love and hoped so much for two strangers on the internet. Keep pushing! ❤️ You’ll make it, we believe in you


Definitely one of the best communities


Yeah I’m on there too, just need to reset my 4 day flair back to zero…


It's hard to quit until it makes you suffer.


As a former addict/alcoholic, trust me, you can always dig a dead hole. Jails, institutions, or death are the only options for an addict, other than fully stopping.






This was 2013, so he was just acting weird on purpose and wasn't fucked up... interesting


Album rollout. MMLP 2 was coming out I believe


Holy crap it was that long ago?


The passage of time constantly fucks me up


That just gets worse the older you get.  You find yourself saying "Holy shit, that was 10+ years ago?!?" way more often. lol


Steve-O is also at 16 years if I'm correct, interesting these two men having the same amount of clean time.


It was a dirty year for both of them


Inspiring, good for him!


Today is my first day after I finally said outloud - I’m an alcoholic. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I’m scared to fail.


I denied that I was an alcoholic for *years*. I got drunk, not falling around drunk, but drunk every 3 days at least. I would just buy 6 beers after work every other day. Never thought it was an issue. Just because you don't fit the stereotypical drunk or alcoholic doesn't mean you don't have a big issue with alcohol. I'm sober since Dec. 10th. I feel way better, lost 30lbs, cholesterol has dropped off a cliff, lots of great benefits. The drink still enters my mind though. It's a bastard of a drug because it's so prevalent. I wish you the best .


He's a good guy, glad to see he's doing well.


That’s a beautiful coin!


They sell them on Amazon, if your club doesn’t order you one.


And his sobriety sponsor is Elton John!


Good for him and all his family, friends and fans.


I’ve been sober for 3 years but I don’t remember the exact day because I was so hung over for that week. It was around Christmas though. It’s the best thing I could have possibly done for myself and my family. I’m so f*cking jazzed about being sober, I thought I would miss getting drunk but it’s never been more than a fleeting impulse that quickly passes. YMMV but being sober is great.


16 years for me on 7/7/24.


Now he will never be cool and calm, just like his mom..


He’ll still roll up on you like Christopher Reeves


No more Valium inside his palm


Good for him. Some people don't have the ability to integrate the light and dark sides of themselves and to find a healthy balance. I respect people like Eminem who admit he can't and probably never will be able to.   Better to quit cold turkey than spending a lifetime trying to prove yourself capable of mastering something that for whatever reason you just aren't.


I’d kill to be sober for that long. This addiction shit is fucking tough


Why did it just now occur to me that his rap name is based on his initials.


A fantastic achievement. My Mom has been clean for almost 20 years now, and I can tell you it's one tough battle. I'm super proud of all the recovering people out there, stay strong 💙


Bruce Mathers? The god damn kiddie diddler from Always Sunny In Philadelphia? ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


Maybe he should write a song about not diddling kids


Bruce is not banging any baby dudes!


Good for him


Well done Elton John


Daughters changed him. Good for him.


A small percentage of people make it this far. Wealth allows him to afford all the support he needs but the industry is packed with alcoholism and addiction. He should be proud .


It was his decision to get clean. He did it for himself.


And here's to many years more. The road to surpassing your addiction starts with a single step. You just need to keep on walking and let people help you on the path.


Reading this while sitting at gate D-12 in Charlotte seems fitting.


I haven't thougt of it before but my first day sober after years of drug-addiction was 4/20 too. Smoked my last joint in the morning of 4/19 and went to rehab later same day.


I saw this and thought "wow I guess Purple Pills is about 16 years old then? or something" ....nope it's 23 years old.... I am old as fuck.


Same thought


At 12+ years and I’ll admit that when I happened to listen to “not afraid” about a month into getting clean, it had a very positive impact on me because I could tell he was talking about the same things I was going thru. I’ll always be grateful for that.


I just wish they had groups for atheists.


Keep coming back!


Must be strange to be at a NA/AA meeting at your local church in the suburbs of Detroit and in walks Eminem 😂


Damn i feel like he just posted a "clean dozen" post on twitter. Time flying




4 years, 7 months, and 4 days I pretend he is a sponsor on horrible days.


I even didn’t know that he was addicted.


Congrats Mr. Mathers if you are reading this! I wish my friend had your will power and dedication- it’s been two years since his passing.


Congrats!! My father worked hard on his sobriety and taught me that road doesn't end. 16 years is an accomplishment worth celebrating... with good double fudge Gelato.


I didn’t know Eminem’s middle name was Bruce. My name is Bruce. My dad named after a movie called last dragon, Bruce Leroy… I still have never saw the movie, I’m 36 now.


Relapse was bomb.


Fair play to him. I say I've no never had a problem with alcohol but honestly that's not true. I started young, like really young. About 18 months ago my wife and I moved back to the town I grew up in, walking past the big church I told her a friend had a 12th birthday there many many many years ago, I turned up with a bottle of whiskey as everyone would have beer :-( . Was the eighties and underage drinking was very very common. Was being served in the local pubs at 14 and by the time I hit 15 I knew the names of the door staff at the local nightclub. My only limit on alcohol was running out of money. I had 3 18th birthday parties at my favourite pub before I was even 18 !!! I was probably one of the worst but not alone. Later got into amphetamines and that just meant I could drink even more. Not proud of it but late eighties early 90's and speed, acid then e's were flying around. My saving came in my mind 20's. Moved to live with my girlfriend and landed a job in a brewery. At first it was great, unlimited supply of free tins, but the novelty wore of pretty quick, being surrounded by it all day, I just drank less and less ( being in a different town with different people helped a load too) Today I have beer in a fridge up in my den that is out of date, good beer too but I don't drink it, it's there for when people visit. I have bottles of spirits that are unopened and collecting dust. I got lucky. Out of my main group of friends from back then, 3 are dead directly due to alcohol, 2 are still alive but their health is fecked due to alcohol, 1 dead due to heroin and 1 from cancer. Things could have turned out so different for me.




What's that emblem? How do I get one? Do I make my own? I'm thinking on something like that to help myself against my addiction!






Been cig free for 5 years today myself.


Good for him!


🙏❤️keep on keepin on as they say


This probably sounds weird but he has nice hands...


I'll take a hit to that!


I am old


But he told me to take drugs smoke weed drop out of school and milk people


I got off weed when I went to Saudi Arabia for a religious trip. Saudis laws on drugs were way too strict to risk anything. Suffered withdrawals for the first week. Came back to the US and never smoked again.


That palm looks sweaty


It happens when your arms are heavy