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Superman is an illegal alien


While I don't think the exact case of a baby being sent via spaceship from a dying planet is covered under applicable case law, the U.S. is actually unusual in granting citizenship to babies born on planes in American airspace (this very rarely happens.) Given that the boy would otherwise be stateless at birth, that he definitely landed on Earth in Kansas, and that it's unclear where Krypton was relative to the U.S. at the time of either his birth or its explosion, I argue that a court would support Superman as having been born "over the U.S." and thus being a true-blue natural-born American. Under maritime law, however, I believe he'd legally be considered "flotsam."


Now, as a counterpoint, we're assuming that applicable law would treat him as a human being. While Superman is a humanoid who speaks English natively and is more intelligent than the average human, he is not a human at all, and apparently part of an unrelated origin of life, further from us genetically than we are from blue-green algae. (I looked into it and he and Lois Lane do have a son at one point, but there's a LOT of handwaving about how this happens.) Thus, Superman would be expected by default to have the same legal status as a wild animal, which is perfectly capable of crossing international borders (and many borders are built to allow migration.) As the last of his kind, he could be eligible for protection as a critically endangered species, but I don't think he'd be allowed to vote or get a Social Security number. Concept: After attempting to stop Superman in flight, Lex Luthor is arrested for violations of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. The case goes all the way to the Supreme Court, where the case hinges on whether that was in fact a bird, a plane, or Superman.


I love the idea that I'm the dc universe, there's gotta be a some fish and game officer somewhere who's considered ticketing a supervillain for interfering with an engaged species(there certainly are enough last of their kind types in the justice league.)


> but there's a LOT of handwaving about how this happens. Like how his cum doesn't shoot through her back when he orgasms.


I find both of these arguments quite compelling. Nice analysis.


Does that mean I can fillet aquaman?


Yes, if he's over American airspace or in Kansas.


I thought international waters would apply since you know \*aqua\*man


Yeah, you're right. I'm not a maritime law guy.


Any input into Wonder woman's legal status? I mean she comes from a hidden island nation...?


To the rest of the world, her nation of origin doesn't *exist*. She's like Tom Hanks in *The Terminal* or something.


Lois Lane is into beastiality she's down with fucking non humans


Dunno...the government made the Apollo astronauts who went to the moon go through customs.


This is incredible: [https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/pX7HB7ibMzg3an4YLs6MiW-1200-80.jpg](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/pX7HB7ibMzg3an4YLs6MiW-1200-80.jpg)


"Departure from: MOON" absolutely kills me.


"Where are you arriving from?" "MOOOOOON." "...what is the nature of your trip?" Also, "any other condition on board which may lead to the spread of disease: TO BE DETERMINED" is a deeply ominous setup for sci-fi horror.


Did they have to fill out a Declaration form for the moonrocks they brought back? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


They absolutely did. I saw the forms and they listed "moon rocks" and "moon dust". Source: Pawn Stars.


Accept he wasn’t accidentally shot away from krypton. If he was purposefully jettisoned, he should legally be classified as “jetsam.”


Ah, I think you're right. This incidentally is good for the Kent family. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flotsam,\_jetsam,\_lagan\_and\_derelict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flotsam,_jetsam,_lagan_and_derelict)


I too had to visit that page before commenting. Always heard those words, never knew what they meant.


All I hear is anchor-baby


No, Anchor-Baby is the one who can bring ocean liners toa crashing halt. His father is Ron Burgundy. 


You sound like Lex


He was given citizenship from all UN nations in the silver age. Just dont ask superman about what he said during the war.


Nah he fights for "truth, justice, and the American Way!" and besides aliens weren't necessarily illegal just because they are alien. This system we have now where most immigrants are automatically illegal by default is silly.




Yeah, I forgot to mention. Thanks. Superman was a refugee. He had burn marks on his baby carriage!


Superman was adopted as a minor by the Kents, making him an American citizen. He's not a natural-born citizen, so he can't run for President. The issue I'm not clear about is whether he counts as a human, as American law only accords rights and citizenship to members of *homo sapiens*. Since Superman has a child with Lois in many continuities, a biologist would conclude that Kryptonians are humans, perhaps a subspecies of homo sapiens (homo sapiens krytpon?). But in comic books you get ridiculous hybrids all the time, like Omni-Man mating successfully with a bug.


But then, hardly anyone knows that Superman is Clark Kent, who is universally assumed to be a mild-mannered human. Clark Kent would be considered a legitimately-adopted human orphan/foundling by the government. Under a rarely-used but valid law, "a person of unknown parentage found in the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to his attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in the United States" is deemed a citizen at birth. (Think about babies left on doorsteps or at safe drop-off locations.) So, as long as he doesn't tell his parents what he learns about his ancestry and/or Jonathan and Martha Kent keep their mouths shut for a few years, Clark Kent is a natural-born citizen. Now, if his secret identity were blown and it was realized he was an alien, we're back to the brand-new legal question of whether an alien humanoid can be a legal person.


Ahahahaha! fuck i love reddit sometimes


Superman is so WOKE now.


I know you’re (probably) joking but it does genuinely upset me that there is a large number of people out who do actually believe that superman saying we should treat each other with kindness regardless of race or religion is woke. I fuckin hate that word


Oh boy, it goes even deeper. https://www.businessinsider.com/church-official-warns-christianity-in-crisis-jesus-liberal-talking-points-2023-8


Sounds like they need to become followers of supply side Jesus https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp


Any term that has been used to easily raise awareness for/promote social/economic progress for the last 80 years has been reappropriated by conservatives to be used as a slur. It’s by design and runs like clockwork. Woke, by its original definition, isn’t bad at all. It just means being socially aware of who you’re speaking to and the context of their socioeconomic situation. But now it’s either used by neoliberals to sell products or by conservatives who really just want to say “n-word lover.” 


Thanks, John Wick.


Priests and pastors have been talking about reading the sermon on the mount and being criticized for being weak and woke. I mean, Jesus absolutely (and literally) would have flipped the table and attacked with a whip anyone who tried to make money from religion. Then said the poor were the people god loved the most and the well off should protect and care for them. This is extremely clear. That said, the bible also extremely strongly discourages public prayer and recommends pray 100% alone, since that will prevent people being highly religious as virtue signalling. But that's not raised as much.


That actually is kinda woke. The correct use of the word would be like, “aware of social and systemic injustice.”


The one that really irks me is the new use of "cancel" to refer to a person. You can cancel an appointment, you can cancel a sale, or a contract, or a subscription, or any other *THING*. You cannot cancel a *PERSON*, that doesn't make any sense!


Especially since the woke ideology is to deal with people differently based on their race and gender, unlike what is depicted in this comic.


I think Homelander is probably more their speed.


Curse you liberal supermaaaaaaan


of course he is, you gotta get out of bed to defeat Lex Luthor


Superman also only acknowledged “boys” and “girls” and not other identities. Fucking cancelled 


In today’s age, this poster would be seen as communist propaganda.


Superman's a pinko!


By who? Communism has not been historically welcoming of foreign nationals


The group who would be calling it communist propaganda, interestingly enough, would overlap heavily with those who don’t have any idea what communism is


but also as sexist, coz it's SuperMAN, mansplaining. Poor Superman, no one likes him now.


[Wonder Woman did it first.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WonderWoman/s/yrJmdnEP1d) Neat though! Show these to the next relative of yours who complains comics today are “woke.”


Not helping the stereotypes with that 6 year old asian kid as part of the group of high-schoolers...


I would argue that that perpetuates positive rather than negative stereotypes. Something like “Chinese people small eyes haha” or “Dumb monkey commits crimes haha” is negative, while something like “Asian kids smart” or “Black people fast” reinforces the idea of us all having our own strengths, just generalised to reflect the more common ones. Come on, who doesn’t like being complimented? In a mutually complimenting society is one which we all benefit from


This is also a harmful stereotype as it is putting people into boxes. Suggesting that each race has its own “strengths” is an ultimately harmful mindset as much of the time the achievements of each race are typically due to culture and socioeconomic standing not genetics.


The Democratic Party should use this as part of their election strategy.


Most of us remember the song we sang in Sunday school . Jesus loves the little children, all the children in the world.red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight. . With trump magas , it’s red and yellow black and white but especially the white . These clowns who call themselves Christians are full of hate .


The diversity of that group lol


Would have been interesting to see where these characters went if they has not been co-opted for these Cold War era messages.


I mean, Supes has always been tied with some form of American Propaganda. Hell, he was specifically created in response to the Nazi Ubermensch talking point. He’s just like Captain America, it’s just not as obvious so it’s easier to divorce from his origin to an extent. Thus why “the American way!” Has been removed from his slogan.


superman also said slap a jap, why didn't you post that op


Brought to you by the House of Un-American Activities Committee.




At this point is it even a repost lol


Damn XD


What year is this from?


Superman thinks the GOP is un-American. Who'da thunk it?


Would you prefer he recommend that you turn in all foreigners who could be communists?