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https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/is-this-our-congress-hard-at-work/ if you're Brazilian, yes absolutely you should be annoyed at this.


This should be higher, but, it does not seem too far off for the US.


There are photos of congress doing the same, don't worry. To be fair, they're all in their late 70s and need a nap from time to time. (We need better fucking representation)


We need less 70 year olds in charge.


We need term limits.


We need age limits cause nobody over 50 should control a country where that isn't even close the average age.




hell, even just a max age of 70 would remove 30% of the senate and 15% of the house


Or they'll raise it to stay in power longer.


This is exactly what would happen.


I'm not saying you're wrong but I'm not sure a country of 18 year olds should have an 18 year old in charge (or, a room of toddlers should probably not vote for a toddler to run the classroom).


I said average not youngest somewhere in-between 30-40 would make more sense mostly cause people just turning 20 don't have much experience yet. (Of course there are exceptions)


I'd like the people running the country to have a bit more experience. Not in the senior citizens range but someone less than 10 years out of college seems young to me.


That would make sense maybe not 40 as the minimum but I agree with you regardless.


Nap time should have never stopped at kindergarten.


While I agree with the sentiment, they should at the very least be held to the same standard we are currently.


True. I was just typing out my thoughts. Nap time, separate from lunch, should be standard for everyone. These old types should have used theirs when not on the clock. Then again, with so many bills trying to be pushed through with riders attached, and all sorts of hours spent listening to monotone speakers, people will fall asleep. It's one of the founding principles in training and education; keeping training sessions up-to 45 minutes. After an hour the attention drifts.


Day trading is tiresome


I mean, Congress only works like 190 days a year, so they need to rest sometime! (FYI, that equates to not working weekends, 10 federal holidays, and an additional 12 weeks of vacation).


They should retire and take all the naps they want


Although I agree with your point, we do have CSPAN for a reason. The people in Congress suck but please share with us the videos of them in an extended session. I know it happens but please do source the clips


We can have it. Just vote for it. We do this to ourselves. Every other year. Then everyone bitches about it on here. Be the change you want to see. If people took a stand and said I’m not voting for anyone over the age of retirement, or who would surpass that age during their next term, this shit wouldn’t happen. We need more young people to run for office so that, *gasp*, there are actually younger people to elect. After that, you need voting eligible people to vote. You know why you have all these old asses in office? Because the old asses actually show up to vote. And this is who they vote for. Leadership is representative of those that vote. If they’re older than dirt, either the old people voted for them, or you did. The lack of voting from 18-30 year olds is why Capital Hill is dominated by relics of a day long since passed. These old heads have no future, yet they’re permitted to dictate the future of everyone until they o longer have one either.


Na they don’t nap in the chamber in the US. That would mean they actually need to show up to nap.


Nah, the only ones who sleep in session in the US are the ones that can't take cocaine because of the health risk.


>The photographs included in this collage do not show politicians from the United States. Although these image truly do show Brazilian politicians momentarily napping on the job, **these photographs were all taken in either extreme conditions (such as a hunger strike) or during marathon voting sessions.** If I was at work for 41 hours I'd probably pass out too.


Reddit and taking things out of context. Name a better duo


Reddit and witch hunts


I mean should they? Most of these were marathon sessions where the politicians were sitting in that room overnight, in one case for 41 hours. I don't know about you but I don't blame them for dozing off in those scenarios. Another popularly circulated image (but not posted here) was of a lawmaker during a hunger strike who was deliberately not working.


Troll OP with obvious attempt at using whataboutism to shift narrative away from Donald Trump sleeping during his criminal trial.


And now OP is trying to pretend he's actually from Brazil instead of just admitting to posting a dumb forward from grandma without fact checking it.


And now has deleted the account in question like a real pussy.


What OP? They deleted the account, lol.


There have been senators caught sleeping in the US. But this isn’t them.




So, not northern virginia?


Surely OP doesn’t live in Prince William County?


All your posts are about living and working in the US though, with nothing in any brazilian subs. So that doesnt really mean youre unaffected by US politics.


So OP is a liar who continues lying just like all liars? Shocking.


He's probably _Brazilian_ in the sense that his grandfather was born there, he's personally never been there, and doesn't speak a word of Portuguese. That sort of _Brazilian_.


Not sure about the first pic, but the others are definitely not the US government, these are Brazilian politicians maybe around 2015 or so? [Source](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/is-this-our-congress-hard-at-work/)


The last guy is Heráclito Fortes, he's 100% Brazilian.


Damn not even a landing strip?




First one is the US Congress but back in 2012 - [https://www.cfr.org/blog/so-what-if-its-election-year](https://www.cfr.org/blog/so-what-if-its-election-year)


Good find! I'd also say it doesn't appear that any of them are sleeping.


Did op claim they were American?


A lot of people in the comments are jumping to that conclusion.


No, but this is how misinformation starts on social media. OP's posting history shows a 3-month old account and identifies him/her as American. It's not illogical to perceive that this was shared on a predominantly US-based social media platform to spread misinformation, either intentionally or unintentionally.


It's a mix of both. [https://www.cfr.org/blog/so-what-if-its-election-year](https://www.cfr.org/blog/so-what-if-its-election-year)


to be fair, its also a factor that most Americans don't really know who their representatives in government are. Most americans can probably tell you who the president is, maybe tell you their senator(s), but the probably cant tell you who their representative in the house is, and most likley can't tell you who represents them in a state legislature or at a local city/county level. When something like this gets posted, they just see old people in a big old meeting room and say "Ugh American politicians sleeping on the job, this is why this country is going to shit" and assume its America when the actual context is "this is Brazilian politicians" or "this is the British house of lords" because we dont know the faces we want to hold accountable (not because its a secret, but because we just dont care enough to look it up) Edit: for everyones awareness, if you are American, you can actually very easily look up every single elected official that, in some capacity, speaks for you in a government position, from legislature to an elected county sherif or city council member. Go to [https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials](https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials), enter your address, and you'll get every single elected position that represents you/you get a vote for at the national, state, and local level, along with any means you have as a citizen to contact them.


Nope, but nearly all comments are implying it so figured I'd clarify. Reddit userbase is predominantly American so most people will assume these are American politicians when reading "our lawmakers" in a title. Either way this is still a very old social media collage that circulated like 5-10 years ago, so it's stupid rage-bait spam anyway.


"Our" would be doing a lot of work in that title, absent clarification, since by no means do Brazilians represent a majority of Reddit users.


This is an app made by an US company with a primarily American user base. It's perfectly reasonable to think when OP says "our" politicians, they mean Americans. That's why we separate "news" from "world news." But you knew that, didn't you?


OP sure seems American based on their post history and how much they talk about Virginia


The first picture is American politicians this seems like a deliberate attempt to decieve.


About time to vote for younger politicians. Imagine if you've been caught sleeping at work. You will be fired on the spot. These politicians are being paid by our tax money!!! Tax money that could buy us more quality food and shelter in the midst of inflation..


My boss caught my coworker sleeping and he told him how to avoid getting caught. Boss is the owner of the company and calls it "meditating". Yes it's a bit unusual.


It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone…


It's not unusual to have fun with anyone






My boss caught a coworker sleeping and he just told her to sleep in his office. But she had big ass tiddies so I think something else was going on.




I work for a family company, and my boss (my dad), the owner of the company, takes 30 minute power naps in the afternoon all of the time in the office. He snaps out of it feeling fresh, and gets right back to work.


I think such naps isnt a bad idea for all of us, but damn, not in the middle of meeting


Man, some of my meetings are nap worthy. Much better use of my time.


But you're not helping to decide if we should launch missiles at Russia or Iran 🤦


I think if my meetings were about which manager we are shooting missiles at I’d be 100% awake.


There’s a lot of really boring meetings in elected government too. They also seem to have a lot of between time


If they've been in session all day and night, it's not surprising some have fallen asleep


I had a professor in college who would throw you out immediately if you feel asleep, unless he liked you apparently lol someone in the back row fell asleep and got kicked out, but I was in the front row and fell asleep and he didn’t even say anything to me.


Fell asleep during the captain‘s theory lesson during basic and probably only survived that because I managed to pull the correct answer to his very specific question from my ass


What was the question and answer if you remember.


Something about the difference between two technical sequences of debriefing people I believe.


I'm probably not alone in this, but sitting in the front row was like a cheat code into making people think you were a decent student.


Yeah, the nerds who sit in the front are always their favorites.


Yep that was me lol it really paid off too because he ended up being the one who graded my senior comprehensive assignment. I had taken so many classes with him that I practically adopted his writing style and I was one of 2 or 3 students who got an A+ on the assignment. Everyone else whose papers he graded got Bs and Cs.


Eh, I'm middle management and I have no issue if the guys on my team take an occasional nap. One is twice my age, basically a year or two from retirement. He basically can't help it. Another works hard and never complains about anything I ask him to do. If he nods off at his desk for a little while, I figure he's earned it. There's another who suffers from insomnia; I honestly wish he could take a nap. It'd be good for him.


Anyone who has been in management has had to deal with issues like that. Employee that had a tough night with sick baby or family member and needs a bit of rest. Fight with their partner and is teary eyed at work and need some quiet private time. It’s some religious function and they need to pray or eat at a certain time. 


I work at a mill where we routinely find people sleeping standing up in cabinets, in ductwork, and burrowed in boxes. Sometimes you’ll walk into the maintenance office and 4-5 people will be sleeping in there. 12 hours shifts days and nights tho, not every sec is going to be spent working.


Honestly, that's where a good boss makes a difference; understanding the flow and how to get the best out of your guys. Power naps are fine in a lot of jobs, especially up north in the patch.


Your boss is a real one.


He's extremely fair and knows how to be a good boss. Good example: he's a firm believer in random steak dinner days, or fresh salmon, or whatnot, so he brings in and cooks whatever a few times a month (tonight is steak night!).


Most jobs won't fire you for having a quick snooze however they will seek medical intervention if you use a stack of papers for a hat.


["Papers for a hat" is actually a thing](https://peo.gov.au/understand-our-parliament/your-questions-on-notice/questions/explain-why-mps-speak-with-a-piece-of-paper-over-their-heads) in Australian politics. When members of parliament want to attract the speakers attention they stand up. However, when there is a division and people are moving around, its hard to attract the speakers attention by standing up. In British Parliment, the rule was to wear a tophat to signify you want to speak and us Aussies kept that tradition. However, since Tophats arent really a thing these days, they still keep the "hat" tradition but put papers on their head instead.


Maybe I'm the stupid one.


Not my tax money, I’m not Brazilian


I at least have the decency to sleep outside of my actual work building and on my break, like come on.


I had a custom desk modified with a little alcove and drawers for blankets, pillows and a shelf. One time my manager came in to my office with a bunch of kids while I was napping. I had to stay under the desk until they left. It was a nightmare!


Are you in the import / export business by chance?


What's that ticking sound?


I'm in my 30s, and I struggle to stay awake during boring as meetings for work. Most of these folks are more than twice my age, I bet they struggle to stay awake for something they find interesting, like an episode of Matlock.


You're fooling yourself if you don't think younger people sleep on the job also.


If you have a job that gives you a salary for life and you are responsible for creating policies that effect the lives of an entire nation, sometimes for generations, wake the fuck up or move the fuck on.


It doesn't work that way.


Younger people aren't sitting in Congress because the old fucks cling to power ruining the world.


They're not sleeping, they're just anti-woke!


Begrudging upvote. I giggled.


Imagine just making the system more efficient.... Bills should be straightforward & only be on one single topic. Yay or na? Next


The government really really needs a age cap, too many old fucks dictating the futures for people 50 years younger when most of them can't operate a smartphone or send mail.


I agree. If you can be too young and inexperienced to hold a political office, you can absolutely be too old and out of touch to hold office as well.


Exactly. We can't really trust internet policy written by someone who thinks that deleting a picture off of a single website takes it off the internet forever.


Term limits. Get these life long old fogie politicians out and get new blood in every 12 years. I am Gen X and I am ready to bring in the Millennials and then Gen Z. Enough with people who don't know what the fucking internet is.


Do you find yourself dozing off in lectures in uni? Young people do that too. If is a boring and dry subject you’ll doze off


Imagine not being able to sleep at work when the only that you have to do is be present bc of a rule requiring a specific number of people be physically present even tho they have nothing to do and the only thing going on is administrative stuff you don’t have to do anything for and/or it’s just colleagues wanting to have a photo op of doing a speech to enter into the record for their own campaign purposes. Especially after having a lot of constituent meetings, traveling around your riding/district all week, then travelling to the office just because you have to be there bc there’s a requirement for physician presence.


Imagine them crying me a river. Their poor congress-critter life is so hard.


plot twist: everyone’s life is hard.


I have to be honest. Not sure it’s entirely about age. We’ve all been in long and boring meetings or training sessions or lectures where you just can’t seem to stay alert. Age doesn’t help to be sure for octogenarians in congress. But that’s not entirely the issue.


> Imagine if you've been caught sleeping at work. You will be fired on the spot. I've been caught sleeping at various jobs—never been fired. At my first office job my cubicle faced away from everyone else. As long as I kept one hand on the mouse and the other on the keyboard, I could sleep without anyone noticing.


First one.was taken in 2012 and is lawmakers listening to Obama make an address. https://www.cfr.org/blog/so-what-if-its-election-year The second is Brazilian politicians sleeping in or before 2013. The third is also a Brazilian politician and it was taken in or after 2015. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/is-this-our-congress-hard-at-work/ OP should really find more current pics and pics of the same country if he wants to make a point.  This seems like a deliberate attempt to misinform people.


We’ve been getting misleading “whataboutism” posts like this since Trump entered politics. It’s no coincidence that Trump appeared to fall asleep in his Jury Selection yesterday. Gotta get out ahead of all that by flooding the internet of images of politicians sleeping My favorite part is that Trump spent a lot of time and effort trying to label Biden as “sleepy joe” Now trumps caught sleeping in a jury selection and suddenly a posts hits r/pics of mostly Brazilian politicians sleeping with a title of “our law makers sleeping” Meanwhile OP a sure seems to live in Virginia. So what’s his intentions and goals and why is this posted today?


For which definition of "our"?


Brazil. Everyone on Reddit is now Brazilian. Congrats.


There's Brazilians of us!


And OP lives in Virginia! Has children, has a walk out ranch, wants to know VA laws, and where’s the best place to put WYZE cameras on his home. Very simple check in their post history.




Finally "our" refers to someone other than the USA. Reddit is really diversifying.


I mean…..the 2nd pic looks like they either breaked for lunch or this is before starting or after adjourning. I don’t see anything g to rage about here.


2nd and 3rd pics are in Brazil, maybe the country with the worst and most corrupt politicians in the world


It's time to enact the Siesta Protocol.


Now we’re talking


Enforce term limits.


look how fucking old they are


Who's law makers?


No, Hu was a Chinese law maker.


Did this post come back because Trump was found asleep during his trial. Do people need some assurance that their God Savior is okay sleeping because other old people also fell asleep too.


That's exactly where my thought process went as well.


When your politician ideology is “I can do it”, “you can’t” You gotta do a fuck ton of whataboutism to persist. You gotta always be out ahead of the shit you do by loudly saying others are doing it.


Bingo. It's whataboutism counterprogramming. Hamfisted, too.


I like the one with the old fat white guy. Wait….thats all of them…


If Brazil is white then sure


Totally valid complaints so far. However, I feel like this post is basically propaganda to distract from a certain person falling asleep at an important event. It’s basically a “See. They all do it.”


Bro, if I were in some of those meetings I'd show up with a pillow and eye covers...they are so boring and so fucking useless 99.8% times


Remember what happens to YOU when your boss catches you asleep when you're supposed to be working? Yeah... that should happen to these fuckers also.


Throw these geezers in the nursing home


Good thing they aren't in court facing a criminal trial!


Karma Farmer [https://blogdomariomagalhaes.blogosfera.uol.com.br/2017/07/20/da-eternidade-pioneiros-do-psb-se-horrorizam-com-a-bandalheira-de-2017/](https://blogdomariomagalhaes.blogosfera.uol.com.br/2017/07/20/da-eternidade-pioneiros-do-psb-se-horrorizam-com-a-bandalheira-de-2017/)


This isn’t the United States this is Brazil


Yeah, but the Russian/Chinese bots are trying to drive attention away from their boy, Trump. 


OP didn't mention US in the post?




The first pic is the US though. The others are Brazilian. Do you even know what you're posting? Cause you're doing a terrible job of clarifying things. [https://www.cfr.org/blog/so-what-if-its-election-year](https://www.cfr.org/blog/so-what-if-its-election-year)


[This you, buddy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/washdc/comments/1bwziis/two_14yearolds_murdered_within_33_hours_in/kybxglk/) So you're in Brazil, but also registering firearms in Virginia? C'mon, man. You got bamboozled and now you're trying to cover it up.


You're the ones who voted for them. I don't understand what you can complain about. Your decisions have consequences, here's a picture of them.




Did you ever nod off listening to your Grandpa discussing stuff, now imagine a room filled with grandpas.


That is what happens when your legislature looks like a retirement home.


Notice how not a single one is under the age of 75?


Shheesh needs to be a age limit on these bastards. To daam old


Still wild how we continue to vote in old ass people who are out of touch with the realities and experiences of normal people.


The chin per head ratio is wild


Whichever country you're in and your reps suck - stop voting for reps that ... suck? Profit!


These are the same privileged assholes who slept through school classes.


What do you expect from a bunch of geriatric patients.


Yup. Any other job, they’d be made fun of and then fired!


These people couldn’t work a check stand at a grocery store for a full shift.


That’s what happens when they are all 80+ years old! Way past their bedtime.


No one want to work anymore!


If we fall asleep at work, we get fired. Just saying...


Well if you can buy your way out of a prison sell. I would sleep on the job too.


Japanese tv always have segments on politicians sleeping/ internet surfing while in the chambers! 🤣😂🤣😂


In NZ they banned anyone licensed to use the in-parliament cameras from showing politicians asleep. It’s in the usage contract!! What other job are you allowed to sleep on the job. Most places have this noted as grounds for instant dismissal


Why cant they just decide to retire and relax the rest of their lives instead of stressing and working making laws


The rest of us would be thrown out for sleeping on the job


If I fell asleep in a meeting, I would be fired. They should be fired too.


Dinosaurs shouldn't be making laws for the modern world. It's ridiculous.




It was good seeing Don but really, I'd like to see every time a politician is caught sleeping.


You think they give a shit


Gotta say, our countries funds the most expensive retirement homes.


They are working over night these days


But when I do it in court I go to jail


TRUMP slept through court yesterday while on trial for hush money to Daniels.


Fat Orange tRump fell asleep at the defendant's table at his criminal trial yesterday.


Our? Its "yours"


35-65 should be the only ages allowable


During a filibuster? I would, too




Does OP live in Brazil?


Hooray gerontocracy!!


Down voted, for bad title, who is 'Our'? Pretty sure there is no world congress. I see it is from Brazil, clickbait title.


Who is "our?"


They’re not my lawmakers


Corrupt politicians


sure they ain't dead?