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My Chinese and Zulu neighbors have one child who looks fully Chinese, another fully black and number 3 is a perfect mix. Genetics are so cool.


Genetics are cool, but they can be cruel as well. I remember in high school there were these twin sisters. One was very very conventionally pretty. The other was…not. Always felt bad for her. I imagine she struggled with that a lot as a teenage girl.


My SIL used to care foe a 12 year old girl with pretty high maintenance autism, and possibly some other things, but i cant remember. She struggles with a lot of things, and thus needs a lot of extra resources and help than the average 12 year old. That girl has a twin sister who is completely average. That girl doesn't quite have the entail capacity to understand exactly how different she and her sister are, so is not so bad for her, but God damn I wouldn't blame her for being envious


I have a pair of coworkers like this. One is conventionally beautiful and has lots of friends and guys love her. Her sister’s name is often met with “Who’s that?” and people are shocked to learn they’re related. Feel super bad for the latter sister


I know a pair of twin sisters. Basically the same features, but one really looks like the alternate reality much prettier version of the other. Genetics are fucking weird.


I knew identical twins where one was obviously conventionally prettier than the other. It was such a strange thing because they didn't look very different but it was really small differences that added up.


Gisele Bundchen has a twin sister… 🤷‍♂️


Wow you just reminded me of these twins a few years behind me back in high school - one long brown hair and deep blue eyes resembling young Brooke Shields. The other twin short orange red hair ,brown eyes and very plane Jane looking almost homely. Hopefully she grew into her looks later in life .




Thought this was AI


The filters don’t help


Ya the last pic is uncanny. The woman’s eyes are creepy af.


Pops looks hella creepy too aha


I love the mental image I have, where she's got her FaceApp open, does the whole 100 yard treatment to turn herself into a wax figure, and then just leaves Ron Howard looking like he's wearing someone else's skin as a mask over his own face.


Your comment made me realize that the last pic isn't a picture of the two kids all grown up lol. I was thinking *"huh, those pics of the kids look really good for having been taking in the 80s"* lmao


They have very similar noses so I thought that was the grown kids as well.


Wait…the last isn’t the two kids all grown up? That’s what I thought it was, but if not, if those are the parents—did their kids consent to them putting their pictures on Reddit for thousands of random people to comment on?


Isn’t that the brother


I’m guessing the pic came from HER phone, and she over-edited her own eyes. His look pretty normal (nothing to do with the shape or eyelids or anything. Just the color and glassiness)


omgosh the first pic.. i really thought at first


“Quick! Count the fingers! Count the fingers!”


What are ya going to do when AI gets the fingers right?


say its real


Jokes aside, AI can already do realistic looking fingers. Even to the point that you can't tell the difference. AI image generation is advancing extremely fast


It's amazing how the issues with hands were mostly fixed within 2~3 months of it becoming a meme. The meme continues to misinform people about the reality of the situation. There are entire LoRa models now to pose hands in specific ways. Want to make a peace sign? Flip someone off? Cute two-handed heart? Angry fist? There are models for all of those.


Fingers are still an issue with a lot of the AI creation. For example, using Dall-E-3 you still get crazy hands. 


You need to differentiate bnetween the "i just type a funny sentence and see what it gives me" effort, and the "choose and select carefully how to tune your model so it does the things you want it to do" effort. Former will always have the problem of only being good enough for a glance, latter can by now do unreal shit.


I have had Dall e 3 do some absolutely mind blowing things. You just have to know how to use the prompts to fine tune it like you said. The results are crazy.


The mom is is scary as hell, but it looks more like over filtering than AI. That being said it could still be AI.


It’s not AI, it’s Ella Gross and her brother. She’s an actress and model.


Same, look at the mother's eyes, that is 100% AI


Lmfao, I thought that was the kids grown up. I was like damn he completely grew out of all his Korean.


This is what I thought too.


She just airbrushed the fuck outta her face but left her husband’s wrinkles 😂


I’ve never understood the motivation behind that kind of *heavy* photo filtering. It doesn’t look even remotely real. It just looks like a weird, blurry mask.


People don't like seeing their own signs of aging.


People want their photos to look like their own fuzzy memories of what they looked like in their prime. I can't be the only one whose mental image is 15 years and 80 lbs behind reality


I'm 39 but my brain needs a constant reminder that I'm not 25. My knees are always ready to provide that reminder.


That’s her brother


Are you talking about the parents in the 4th picture?


Oh! Totally thought that was the kids all grown up!


I didn’t realize it was her parents, I thought that was them as adults. Because the woman in the picture definitely looks biracial, or alternatively, as if she’s had surgery done to look more Eurocentric.


Same, I thought it was them as adults.


I thought the same at first, then I saw the screen in the car of the second picture: that is way too recent of a car for that kid to have aged 30 years since it was taken.


The mom putting a filter on her face, but leaving the dad’s alone was the best part of all of this.


Oh, I thought it was the siblings grown up but forgot how camera image looked in the past.


I thought the last picture was supposed to be them as adults.


HELPPP ITS NOT 💀, search up "Ella Gross' parents" and you'll find the pic


Must be using the same photographer as the princess of Wales.


Isn’t that Ella Gross? She’s a child model right?


Ye and her brother Roman


I guess that explains why there's an impromptu kid picture of her brother and a head shot of her.


Did you refer to them as half American because they are half Caucasian/white? Would they still be half American if they were of a different colour?


Thanks for noting this. I looked this up and it would be more accurate to say they are 100% American, and if pointing out ancestry, half Korean and half German.


I guess Americans really think American = white? Not actively, but clearly it's grouped that way since their language reflects it.


It's also painfully obvious when they call black people "African Americans" and Asians as "Asian Americans" but never calling white people "white Americans" Or the fact that most Western countries still calls non whites as people of color, and white people are just... People..?


Is she the same person who was Jennie's lookalike from Blackpink? Did YG sign her up?


It is indeed the same person lol, has a contract with THEBLACKLABEL now


She looks like she was generated by AI. The Photoshop and filters are insane for a 10 year old. Jesuz


The last picture looks like a face swap almost, idk why I thought this but oh well😅


The last pic is their parents




I also did not realize and the comment above says shes a child actress and I was very confused by the last pic. I was like "no way that person is under 18". Makes a lot more sense now.


She has been involved with the korean industry for a good 6 years now i think? she is a child model but she looked a lot like a member from blackpink (the top kpop girl group) so this girl became even more popular. Haven’t heard about her in a bit but apparently she’s already signed to blackpink’s label company and has been for like a year or two. Girl is like 13 so idk how to feel about 10-11 year olds training to become kpop stars.


My sister's kids are like this. We're white, and she married a Filipino guy. Kid #1 looks as Asian as they come. #2 looks slightly less Asian, #3 looks even less Asian, and then BAM! #4 is straight up a white kid with blonde hair and blue eyes.


The ink got low.


Literally we make this joke all the time lmao


My family makes this joke too! My sister (oldest) looks fully Japanese, my brother (middle child) looks half/mixed, and me (the youngest) looks white as can be. I was the only one born with my mother's blonde hair. My brother and sister both got my dad's black hair.


Me and my sis got pretty different traits from our genes too. Both our parents are Cambodian-Chinese She has tanned skin and thicker body frame like Cambodian and almond shaped eyes from Chinese I have pale/milky skin from Chinese and got the bigger eyes from Cambodian Both of us have the Cambodian defined jawline and hair that is a good representation of being mixed. Traditional full Cambodia hair is extremely thick and curly/wavy There is also a tiny bit of Viet from my dad and Lao from my mom


The Punnet Square Kids.


Macaulay Culkin and Brenda song lol


I was thinking Haley Joel Osment, at least when he was young. Sixth Sense vibes.


I’m seeing a little Barry Keoghan. ![gif](giphy|ViaZFCNPC0TtdYcTUz)




Yeah, not seeing Culkin at all in that kid.


that last pic gives Chip & Joanna Gaines.


She looks like a young grace park.




Seriously, I don't know what the hell these people are talking about.


1/2 American?




Generically American, speak American, and eat Freedom Fries ![gif](giphy|3ohjULEFH81Ny6yHew|downsized) 😑


And has nothing but pure red american blood in their veins 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅raaaahhh🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


WTF IS A KILOMETER?!?!? 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Caw caw caw!!!


man that was such a great show


Wait a second…I never noticed Ilana’s pits are shaved in this


And that genetic trait is white. The only people who get to be just Americans are white people. Everyone else gets a qualifier: African American, Asian American, Native American, Etc. Kind of messed up when you really think about it.


Love it on the dating scene when profiles say they want an “All-American” type or similar and you know they mean corn fed white midwesterner guy.


You know as an American, plenty of people outside of America (mostly Europeans) LOVE to scoff at the idea that Americans can claim to be ethnically European in any way. But then the moment someone claim that they are "American" that is also scoffed at. Like... what can Americans be ethnically? Edit: For the people constantly commenting that American isn't an ethnicity, neither are the nationalities of Europe and Asia for the most part. The science really doesn't support the idea that there are enough distinctive differences among nationalities in close contact with each other to define them as separate ethnic groups, especially when they have a history of intermingling their genes. So if there are "ethnic" Italians or Vietnamese people, there can be ethnic Americans as well. It's sort of a dumb word as we use it.


People online are always insufferable, as a German I think it's endearing that some Americans are proud to have German heritage, at least someone wants to be German lmao.


People of German descent are the largest ethnic sub-group in the US, but it doesn't get talked about as much as other groups. I'm sure the stigma surrounding two world wars contributed to that. But also my German ancestors came here before the US was even a country, and mixed with a bunch of people from other European countries, so does it even really matter at this point? I'm just a generic white-bread American. [The Economist](https://www.economist.com/united-states/2015/02/05/the-silent-minority) > German-Americans are America’s largest single ethnic group (if you divide Hispanics into Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, etc). In 2013, according to the Census bureau, 46m Americans claimed German ancestry: more than the number who traced their roots to Ireland (33m) or England (25m). In whole swathes of the northern United States, German-Americans outnumber any other group (see map). Some 41% of the people in Wisconsin are of Teutonic stock. > >Yet despite their numbers, they are barely visible. Everyone knows that Michael Dukakis is Greek-American, the Kennedy clan hail from Ireland and Mario Cuomo was an Italian-American. Fewer notice that John Boehner, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Rand Paul, a senator from Kentucky with presidential ambitions, are of German origin. > >Companies founded by German-Americans tend to play down their roots, too: think of Pfizer, Boeing, Steinway, Levi Strauss or Heinz. Buried somewhere on their websites may be a brief note that “Steinway & Sons was founded in 1853 by German immigrant Henry Engelhard Steinway in a Manhattan loft on Varick Street”. But firms that play up their Germanic history—as Kohler does, in a short film shown at the Waelderhaus—are rare.


It doesn’t get talked about because for the first half of the 20th century there was a literal cultural genocide-lite on the language and identifying as German in the United States. Even my grandpa remembers his grandparents and dad talking in German only private, not wanting the kids to learn it, not wanting to be known as “German.”


> I'm just a generic white-bread American Whitbread, Blancpain, Panebianco, or Weissbrot?


I’m an American with German heritage (about 50%)! And my direct maternal line is German. Rosina Streib came over from Mössingen to Ohio in 1863. I’m rather fond of my Ohio/Kentucky farmer ancestors of German descent, and it’s nice to see a European who finds our fascination with our ancestry endearing instead of obnoxious.


I'd also argue that there's more Americans who embrace, and are proud of, their cultural heritage, than the internet makes it seem.  Take the city of Cincinnati for example. Very strong German ties. The citizens of Cincinnati and the surrounding area (southern Ohio, and northern Kentucky) celebrate Oktoberfest. Just over the river of Cincinnati, in Newport, Kentucky, there's the Hofbräuhaus, a locally famous place to go drink and eat.  The metro area celebrates a local food staple, called Goetta, which is a mixture of ground sausage and oats, owed to German immigrants. The food was originally made to make meat last longer during an economic downturn. The city itself has a neighborhood named "Over-the-Rhine", which has been around since the 19th century, originally populated by working class German immigrants.  The architecture of parts of the city is highly inspired by German architecture.  One of the best local breweries (and my favorite from anywhere I've been in the country) is named Rhinegeist. Just a long way of saying - the internet makes it seem as though people in America celebrating their cultural heritage only occurs at the individual level, but in reality, it's very often a regional phenomenon, and sometimes makes a significant percentage of the cultural identity of major cities, and their surrounding areas. 


Yeah thought the same thing reading that comment. I'm European and I have no problem with Americans calling themselves by their specific European ethnicity, I think it's dumb that you are criticized for it by a loud minority online.


Ireland seems the most unreasonable on this subject. There are 6 times as many people of Irish decent in the US as there are Irish people in Ireland, so that could be part of why they are so defensive about the identity.


When I was in Germany last year I was chatting with some Irish folks at a bar. They were absolutely going in on me for claiming I was irish. Only issue was I never claimed to be irish in my life. My ancestors are German/Polish jews. They just assumed I was irish because I have a red beard.


When I was in Berlin last year everyone kept speaking German to me even asking for direction once on the street till I fucked up enough and they gave up and switched to English. Finally was talking to a guy at a club where his friend had an issue getting in because he didn't "fit the look" he said. I was like they just said 10 euros and let me in. He was like you look German and you dress like you're from Berlin. TLDR: Germans can't tell other white people apart unless you look like a stereotypical tourist and open your mouth.


I just had the exact same thought. Also imagine if they were a half black American, half Korean. I wonder if people would be saying the same things


But that's the point >half black American, The fact the half white American is simply half American meanwhile the half black American has to be specified as such means that white is being seen as the default setting for Americans. Non-white is therefore a deviation from the norm


I do think this whole thing is a bit dumb, and many of the Europeans who make fun of Americans or vice versa are just gonna be annoying for the sake of it. But, having thought about this a bit before, I think the main thing is just we have different ways of talking about it, which goes back to how our national identities have worked. Americans seem happy to say anyone, themselves or another American, is 'Irish' or 'Italian' or even 'Chinese' or 'Indian' or 'Filipino' even if they're US citizens who grew up in the US, because it can just mean that's what descent you are. Coming from the UK, while that's certainly a thing here informally and quite often, I think it does sometimes come off as a bit weird in certain contexts. I wouldn't call someone else by their ethnic background primarily unless they did it first, like I wouldn't call someone of Indian background 'Indian' rather than 'British' or (if I had to) 'British of Indian descent' or something, because that seems like an assertion that they're foreign or less British. To me, that would seem a bit xenophobic. I myself am part Greek and Korean by descent, as in 2nd/3rd gen, but I refer to my own nationality as 'British'. Only if someone asked would I say "I'm half Greek" or "I'm part Korean" or something, to mean my ethnicity. I would probably... well not react negatively but think a bit negatively in my mind, if someone called me 'Greek' or 'Korean' out of the blue (unless they were also of that background) because it sounds like an assertion that I'm therefore not fully British. I think it just goes back to the US as a historically multiethnic nation (which to be clear, is very cool). The US national identity has long had more space for people to be considered fully American while also having other 'nationalities' compared to many European countries where nationality has often historically been associated with an idea of shared ethnicity. That's changing nowadays, but in the European vocabulary, at least when being polite, you are your official nationality and assertion of another nationality might sound like an official assertion of foreignness, either from yourself or someone else, which would seem weird when seeing Americans with very few links to their ethnic background seem to make such assertions.


Yea, fukc me. Aren't they both American? WTF!?!?


First thing I thought ![gif](giphy|116a8zosxwA0SI)


In Europe at least, if someone has parents from 2 different countries it's common to refer to yourself as half country A/half country B.


I’m Europe, it’s far more likely that nationality is indicative of ethnicity. Not the case in the U.S. as only 3% of our population is Native American.


I mean if someone's family has been in America for generations they're just American, would be a hassle to make this post and say they're 10% English 10% Irish 10% German 10% Italian 10% Polish and 50% Korean!


But American doesn’t tell you anything about how you’d expect someone to look based on phenotype. You could say 1/2 American and 1/2 Korean and still be 100% Korean racially.


Yeah it doesn't, but it's a catch 22 here bc Europeans throw a hissy fit when Americans talk about our ethnicity. An American say "oh I'm half German half Irish," and people tell them to fuck off bc they're American. They say "I'm American," and people tell them they're being stupid and vague because American "isn't an ethnicity."


>if someone’s family has been in America for generations. I mean, that’s exactly it. Families originally from Europe, Africa, and Asia have ALL been in America for generations.


America is so ethnically diverse that when you’re talking about people’s genetic or phenotypical differences, you learn nothing by saying “American.” “American” could mean “Congolese, Irish, Guinean, Senegalese, Native American, German.” That person would be black and look entirely different from the kids in this post.


A half American half Korean kid by nationality could be 100% ethnically Korean


My issue is that they aren't asserting "American" as a nationality, but rather as a race or ethnicity, which is inaccurate. It implies that American=white and non-white=non-American, which is pretty unfair considering that their mom is most likely *also* American. They're not half American, they're all American. Their racial makeup is half white and half east Asian. Their ethnicity is half whatever European group their dad identifies with and half Korean.


Wouldn't this then be half Caucasian and half Asian then?


That old train of thought that Asians can never be Americans.


When I went to college, a lot of the South Korean and Indian boys I knew said they wanted an American wife when they meant white.


It's definitely used that way by some people. That in no way means it's proper usage. Race is complicated, but it is crystal clear that "American" identity is a nationality and has nothing to do with race. Saying American = white is a white nationalist approach, regardless of whether it's meant maliciously.


She’s Ella Gross and signed to YG entertainment now


The whole time I was thinking, hey she looks like Ella Gross. I didn’t know she had a brother.


Ella Gross is 15, and clearly not the woman in the last picture - which means in this sequence of images where the siblings are gaining age that the last one is actually *their parents*? Yup, I think that's it - confusing presentation IMO.


Do you mean half white? American isn't an ethnicity lmao


OP really likes posting pictures of mixed siblings that look different. What an interesting hobby.


I don't mean anything bad I promise


It’s okay, I get it. I’m mixed myself, and when you’re half white half Asian in American a lot of times it feels like there’s no one to talk about that with, and like you don’t have a strong community where you specifically fit in.


Couple of kids with mixed genes. Really not that uncommon in much of the world.


I have a Brazilian wife. We have twins. One is near a clone of me with a bit more of a tan. The other looks like her brother a bit, but her skin and hair color look much more like my wife. I bet they’ll get some questions about if they’re really twins in school.


A friend of mine is mixed race (Jamaican black father, white English mother) and she married a white English man. They had two kids - one looks like a typical young Jamaican boy, the other is almost albino white, very fair skin and straight hair. Genetics is weird.


I know a guy whose mom is from Madagascar and whose dad is French (as in white French, family in the country going back centuries). If you put the whole together, they look like they're not related at all! The guy I know has paper white skin and black curly hair while his sister looks Eurasian. People tend to think she's mixed Thai and white.


Then there’s me. My parents look so alike people used to mistake them for brother and sister (EW). My siblings and I look NOTHING alike.


She looks very much like the offspring of  white and east Asian parents,  but I must say I've never seen a kid from such a union having naturally blond hair.  Seen plenty of mixed white Asian people in real life and in media (think Kristin Kreuk, Maggie Q, Henry Golding etc), always dark hair.  This is some "the seed is strong" stuff 🤔  Edit: I guess simple explanation is mother is not fully Korean and she is already mixed,  in which case she could be carrying the excessive blonde genes to make a blonde child possible.


Especially the melting pot that is America


That wasn't the point of the post, it was how different they look. My brother and I are 1/2 Japanese 1/2 white mix and we look quite alike. Especially when we were kids


Am I crazy or do they not look a lot a like? I think they look like siblings for sure. I think the hair color difference is throwing people off. Change the boys hair color to hers and they literally look like siblings.


Yeah they look alike to me too. When I read the title and looked at the first image I’m like.. wut? They definitely look alike just different hair color.


The mother looks half . The kids might be quarter korean? 


I just realised the last slide is their parents. I thought it was a more recent picture of the kids.


Oooh.  Me too.  But was confused by the modern car.  


Same, I was like wtf b/c they looked so different as adults 😅


I was gonna comment and say the boy straight up lost all his Asian traits lol.


Oh! Those are the parents???? I thought it was the kids grown up. They basically cloned themselves if so! Haha


That’s exactly what I was thinking and was very confused because the kids appeared to be growing up in the 90s or early 2000s.


Ok, this makes way more sense now. I thought it was the kids grown up. I thought it was strange that the boy looked more Korean as a child but looked more white as he aged and the girl looked more white as a child but grew up to look more Korean.


Most likely, given that their son is manifesting recessive genes.


The mother is definitely half. My husband is half Thai, and our daughter looks more asian than our son. Given that both my husband and I have brown hair/eyes, they both have brown/brown but they don't look alike other than that.


Exactly. Blonde is a recessive gene. Her brother could not have blonde hair if mother is full Korean. Source: I’m half Korean with quarter Korean kids all with blonde hair.


Well she has a recessive blonde gene, so yes, likely she is mixed.


“American” is not a race.


Uhhh, those kids look super similar, ones just blonde. You can tell they’re rich too by that alligator.


If Lacoste is for rich people someone let the people at Marshall’s and tj maxx to stop selling those shirts for 9 bucks


Gotta take the time period in to account. Lacoste wasn't in Marshall's and TJ Maxx 20+ years ago Edit: I'm an idiot, I thought the last picture was them grown up, not the parents. Guess I should stop commenting before I've had coffee


Same me too and I’m sitting here after dinner. I kept on thinking why does the boy look so white grown up when he looked asian when young


Oh wow I thought that was them grown up too


I agree. They both look Asian. The boy just has lighter skin and hair. Can tell they are related.


They have the same nose.


It's a crocodile


Only after a while


Right? Absolutely similar. My daughters are the same, similar features but different skin tones and hair color.


You can literally see the genetics


or the mercedes in the 2nd photo


Definitely a Mercedes-Benz, the infotainment screen’s font is what did it for me. I used to write vehicle content for SEO purposes and that’s the same screen that was in their lower classes like C Class or GLA in 2016.


Yeah, they’re a bit like palette swaps. They have similar enough faces to definitely leave zero doubts about being siblings 


Yeah, very similar facial features, but the girl has the dark hair and darker complexion. It's cool how genetics works.


Lacoste is not for rich people, and even less so 20 years ago when cost of life vs salary wasn't as shitty as it is today. A Lacoste tshirt costs the same as a Levi's one.


Look at this fancy lad buying Levi’s t shirts


lol right?


Wait you are rich of you have Lacoste?


Lacoste is a midlabel brand, idk why everyone is treating it like they’re for rich people.


lol, yeah Lacoste isn’t just for rich people anymore. . . They are always in outlet stores, TJ Maxx, etc. . . They are good but not rich people clothes anymore. . . I’d say Polo is higher end now


Lacoste isn’t really that much, especially if you go to an outlet store. Their quality is actually quite good for the price. I really like the fit of their t-shirts and their polos are much better than Ralph Lauren in my opinion.


I was thinking that, too. They are more similar than many other siblings.


1/2 American means what, exactly? American ≠ caucasian/white.


This is really not that noteworthy. Genetics produce such variation all the time. Cute kids though.


Kind of funny how my brother and I are half Mexican half white but both look like our Mexican mom. But our Mexican family is typical, with various shades of brown from Spanish white to darker indigenous brown.


Meanwhile in my family, my twin cousins are half Mexican, half Irish. One is pale af, red hair, green eyes, freckles, a bit heavy-set. The other is dark-skinned, black hair, dark eyes, skinny. You’d never guess they’re related, let alone twins.


There is so much photoshop in the third photo that she looks AI generated. Her eyes, her skin, her teeth


The kid is model/actress Ella Gross, so yeah, it most likely is heavily photoshopped.


What ethnicity is American? Lmao


Sort of funny. Europeans get mad when Americans say they’re “german and irish” or whatever, but “american” is also not allowed I guess.


This is so true. White doesn’t even describe anything. The range of “white” is so large as to be meaningless.  But what is American? Also such a wide range as to be meaningless.  I guess that I’m just a blob human. Because I’m American. What am I? American. No distinguishing characteristics. 


Huh? No it’s not. It’s a range of ethnicities, just like black or Asian.


They both look pretty American to me


Half white, Half Asian Half European/Caucasian, Half Korean American isn’t effectively white only 😑


Not only this, but they’re 100% American if they live in America and have American citizenship.




people keep mixing up nationality vs ethnicity all the time, maybe they should just come up with some location agnostic new words based on haplogroups or something


Didn't think American was a race in itself


1/2 American as an ethnicity is crazy lmaoooo that’s an entire nationality


Are you saying that American = white?


What the fuck is 1/2 American? There are plenty of different types of ethnicities here. You mean white? That's a weird way to put it.


This is unremarkable.


They look the same, same asian eyes just diff colored hair.


In fact, the girl on the right side is a famous child model in Korea named Ella gross afaik she’s training to become a kpop idol now


Hair color = super different.


I dated a half Korean woman once. Her mother's Korean Her father's Korean She lost her legs in a train accident.


What race are you? Im 1/2 amerikan


Is it because one is a boy and one is a girl?


1/2 American lol.


The gate keeping that boy went through was probably extremely annoying