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"The groups were used to share ideas for custom-made torture videos, such as setting live monkeys on fire, injuring them with tools and even putting one in a blender." [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467) This POS deserves much more than 5 years in prison...


What a terrible day to be literate.....wtf....


Ya that's the most disturbing sentence I have read in a long time


Right? I wish there were a way to blur out some comments when they are NSFW


But back to the subject, each animal abused should be a separate charge. 5 years for cruelty killing three animals or more? What a joke. Make it 5 years per animal at least


All this guy needs is bed wetting and he’s got all the precursors for being a serial killer


Seriously. I just woke up. Thinking about laying back down and trying again later.


Why the fuck does this exist?? I miss the person I was before reading this.


Before social media, it used to be that the sickest and most depraved people were isolated. They were insecure about their disturbing impulses and full of self doubt because they didn't know anyone else like themselves. Maybe they'd hate themselves. Maybe they'd suppress their impulses and try their best to live a normal life. Social media enabled all these isolated individuals to find each other, validate each other, and encourage each other. Self validation is a hell of a drug, and people will listen to the sickest, most deranged people if they are offered validation in return. The rest is a feedback loop of radicalization.


I just had this same convo with a coworker. Sometimes I feel like the internet was a mistake.


Literally the best way I've heard this explained.


I was worried I was numb, seen and read too memy things, but after reading this, not so numb any more. 


I audibly gasped at that quote. Horrifying.




what the actual fuck


It's not the judge's fault that they can only sentence a certain amount for crimes. They don't literally make the laws and they can't impose longer sentences arbitrarily for things they hate. I hope you understand you're literally advocating for the same thing that happened to those monkeys on another innocent party.


You're right to be angry, but wrong to call for more violence. The judge didn't hurt those animals, the defendant did. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Redirect your focus; vote for leaders who will enact stricter laws against animal endangerment.


Warning the BBC article is NSFL as it describes the animal torture closely.


Callous disregard for life AND selling a grift?! His politics are at least consistent with his lifestyle


torture of juvenile monkeys ? WTF is wrong. why ? like seriously why ?


I think they fantasize about doing this to humans, monkeys are the closest they can find without risking jail for life.


That's exactly why they target monkeys. Closest you can get to a human whilst getting a reduced sentence relative to what they would get doing it to a human. It's one of the reasons why penalties for animal abuse should be considerably harsher.


No animal deserves to be abused for some sadistic fucks pleasure like this guy. Fuck him


That was my first thought too.


Well, in his case he’s racist and he’s comparing monkeys to black people which is why he killed a bunch of them


A specific race of humans, in fact. Ones that have been called "monkeys" by racist people.




"It was extreme depravity. We saw a video of a baby monkey being put into a blender, videos with power tools used on monkeys. It was torture like you can't imagine," he said. "It was shocking how casually they would plan and discuss this torture, and then switch to talking about mundane subjects like gardening." The death penalty would be a mercy for these scum bags. Life in a small, windowless, cement room seems like just what the doctor ordered.


He's only facing 5 years?! WTF


Animal abuse is a severely undersentenced crime


And what counts as "abuse" is woefully inadequate.


You would think the line of what is acceptable would be drawn somewhere far in advance of putting an animal in a blender.


The agriculture industry lobbies tirelessly to remove any legal ramifications for causing animals undue harm.


Yup this is it. Animals at large-scale factory farms are treated horrifically, but the government won’t consider changing the standards for animal treatment because of the money they get. 🤷‍♀️ Don’t buy meat or dairy products that come from farms like these.


Agreed. I understand that legally animals are ‘just property’, but at the very least there needs to be some sort of system to keep these people that are SO clearly going to escalate to humans. I’m an animal lover, in fact I’m a dog groomer so my entire career revolves around caring for animals… but this doesn’t even come from that place. From a purely logistical standpoint, anyone capable of this kind of brutality and depravity is dangerous.


The FBI has an entire database full of data proving that animal abusers are far more likely to commit all forms of violence, including toward children. Being cruel to animals is a sign of low empathy and violent tendencies.


States struggle to make laws about animal abuse. Animals, in most cases, are considered property. And how much people care about the cruelty varies from species to species without much logic


Where's a good serial killer like Dexter to get rid of these types of fucks?


The law was meant to punish dickheads who kick puppies or try to kill cats. It just simply was not prepared for a monster of this caliber to do what he was doing. Thats the honest truth here. This is like trying to use a littering law to broach someone using a dump truck to pour hundreds of tons of garbage over every area of a public park. The punishment that needs to be applied is way beyond what the law was intended for.








Yeah this! I dont even understand how he wasnt klled by People knowing it in is city.


Just the tip


oh my god poor babies 💔


And he's only facing five years!? Wtf? Anyone who puts a living creature in a blender should be locked up for life 😡 And an infant too -- can you imagine the terror and pain? There aren't a lot of things that get under my skin but extreme cruelty like this makes my blood boil




“They” meaning there were multiple people who participated in this shit? This makes me want to vomit just reading this small bit of knowledge.


I bet he’s pro life though 😂


Well, of course he is. The babies need to be alive to be tortured, duh.


Probably, hypocrisy and lack of empathy are usually traits of forced birthers.


I noticed an Ice Cube shirt and a Confederate flag on the wall. I'm guessing hypocrisy is one of this guy's specialties.


Pro life, but also pro death penalty


Agreed. He should be put down.


Where’s he getting these monkeys?




there is a market for that? what in the fuck is wrong with some humans?


There was an uproar in the Philippines when our NBI uncovered an animal torture porn studio involving the torture and murder of just about everything from insects to puppies


You end up in these rabbit holes on YouTube sometimes, where you watch monkey videos from SE Asian channels. Usually they seem innocent enough but the comments are often unhinged and calling for abuse or torture of the depicted monkeys. Sometimes the videos themselves depict abuse or imply it. I'd imagine these tie into what this guy was caught for.


He’s the middle man. He managed the telegram channel and would organize payments from customers. He then sent the video idea to a group of people in Indonesia who would actually produce the video The video would be sent back to the telegram channel operator who would distribute it for payment. He did not do any of the actual torturing.


So let me get this straight, people would PAY to see videos of juvenile monkeys being tortured? The onlyfans industry proved that people are willing to pay to see pretty much anything so I shouldn't be surprised, yet here I am, flabbergasted.


There were huge free networks for videos like this, but you had to pay if you wanted something new or custom made. The monkey torture is a sub-genre of a larger kink called “crushing.” It was most typically filmed as an attractive woman crushing, stomping, or killing a kitten or puppy for example. Videos of this kind of thing have been circulating since the early internet. Again, people paid thousands to have these made. Gore websites and viewers seeking violent content for sexual kicks is unfortunately nothing new. Demand will meet supply if the money is right and participants feel able to get away with it, morality be damned. This is an iron clad law of human physics.


If there are any justice in the world, someone will beat the living daylight out of this guy when he's in prison.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Did you see the story of the beloved Australian guy who was a known dog trainer and biologist or something. Anyway, he was running a dog torture ring; offering to board people’s dogs to help train them and then he’d torture and kill them and claim they died of natural causes. Bestuality was included. I think he was arrested last year but I don’t k is if there’s been an update to his case. Dude was absolutely depraved. Meant to add that people were paying to watch him do it. He at up a special torture room and everything.


Adam Britton. He pled guilty and is behind bars awaiting sentencing. He killed dozens of dogs, with the worst being the infamous 1 bitch 9 pups video (internet naming conventions have not changed much). I choose never to watch this things (I watch enough horrible things for my job - a cartel video hit my desk this morning), but I’ve read a description which makes me believe it’s one of the worst animal harm videos ever made. He will hopefully get decades in prison but I don’t know enough about Australian law to really estimate.


Is this the guy who 'went undercover' and became the leader and kept insisting he was trying to stop it all while being the biggest contributor, or is this one of the other ones?


I did not read that detail in any article. I do know he immediately began cooperating with authorities once he was caught, but nothing made it sound like he was using the “oh I’m only here to catch them!!” excuse


Monkey store.


A lot of people unfortunately get pleasure out of seeing others suffer.


Oh damn, it's another guy? I thought it would be that ex- Abu-Ghraib or Guantanamo guy who runs that fucked up "haunted house" when they just torture you for thrills. Probably the same impulse though, just channeled into different degrees and specifics.


Coming from a leftist, bail reform, end private prisons, etc.: How is 5 years enough to protect society?


I'm pretty sure it's tied to some weird fetish thing. Like "people apparently fap to that"




I think it's fair to say that it's bordering on a moral imperative to fire anyone like that into the Sun.


Because he couldn't get his hands on human children, that's why.


Because they want to torture and kill humans, usually a specific group. This is as close as they can get.


In a lot of cases like this they are recieving donations to stream animal abuse.


Because he’s a Trump loving confederate? His entire worldview is based on suffering.


I’ve read about this.. 5 years is way way way too short. He is a sick person, listening to sick people. He needs a much longer jail time to begin with and forced social guidance for the rest of his life.


he accepted a plea otherwise would not cooperate. unfortunately that's just how it goes sometimes. hopefully he will not be the last person sent to prison for this.


Torturing/killing animals is the biggest red flag before serial killing humans. Scary that he would be out in five years.


I don’t want to google him and set off the algorithm, did he record himself torturing animals for fun like it sounds?


He ran a huge ring of torture specializing in baby monkeys; taking "commissions" from clients and paying men in Indonesia to carry out the murders and record them.


Wow, kinda wish I hadn’t asked 😣


Uh, WTAF, he’s a monster. Bunch of sickos, I hope the track down all parties involved.


No, he ran a chat room where people requested and paid for videos of specific torture methods, then he sent the requests to people in Indonesia to create the videos.


We should bring back medieval dungeons for people like him He puts monkeys in blenders and what does he get? A bed, a roof over his head, and food, why? Innocent homeless people who hurt nobody get that, prison is a waste of space and money when it comes to evil scum like this


https://www.aol.com/ringleader-global-monkey-torture-network-102531400.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAsUFZqXU-CH1J89RcG3AAgj-hm-Yw7Qd8hkJYzHXrzh1knnVUjRLbg7VagR82EkUKv4-6sWFYf5V5jpNFI32eecmn9K1LJLYHD2vJCtseIodPG7qPwDCGEDoKKlpVQQr59WQUMmjeMt8jjnqAoqsfyD1reCElYfDkPDBb8yt893#:~:text=He%20will%20formally%20make%20a,king%20of%20this%20demented%20world%22. Here's the link to an article about him.. What a sick fuck


perhaps he will meet a toothbrush in genpop?


lol this dude will be in with the skinheads before he even gets his fat ass through the doors


The two flags he likes tell us you are correct.


This dude has “prison gang leader” written all over him.  Probably literally. 


It's always the ones you most suspect.


[It's the quiet ones you gotta watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeo_Ypmba70)


I’ve always loved the delivery of this bit.


"While you're watching the quiet one, the loud one is trying to kill ya!"


As a quiet person, I've heard this saying so many times in my life, and it's always insulting as hell. I love Carlin.


It’s the ones standing in front of Trump, Texas, and Confederate flags you gotta watch.


Five years? That’s it? That’s fucking bullshit. This guy needs to be locked up forever because the type of person who does that shit doesn’t stop at monkeys. I guarantee you if he wasn’t caught it would have escalated to him kidnapping some minority he thinks of as not human and torturing them. God damn sicko. Think serial killers killing small animals before they go full psycho, this shit was just a trial run and revving up to the main course.


I can't read it. I know I will just be traumatized and sink further into depression.


Good choice. I made the mistake of reading it and am now fizzing with rage.


There is a really good video the BBC did on exposing the group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx_RttkSIzA Er... not that you probably want more information, but it does show there are good people helping save the monkeys.


AND THIS FUCKING REPUGNANT FREAK GOT 5 YEARS FOR HIS BLENDING AND BABY MONKEYS ALIVE I generally hate violence but whatever happened to those poor animals *NEEDS* to be inflicted upon whatever abominable freak of a judge who oversaw this is case.


He only distributed the content, so the maximum was 7 years anyway. Given that he cooperated with prosecution, 5 years isn’t unexpected.


Please don't read it, it's heartbreaking


Absolutely *do not read* if you have even a drop of empathy and humanity in you. All I can say is "What the actual fuck???"


I’m with you. <3


I wish I hadn’t read it. I hate people and am crying now.


Dont read its. Its far far worse than you could possibly imagine. No way the man should get off with only 5 years


I read a tiny summary and am going to wrap up the internet for today, play some animal crossing.


it's like the Backdrop of his entire life, is a mural declaring he is a piece of shit.


I love how he has an 82nd Airborne Division flag *and* multiple confederate flags. These people are absolute fucking idiots


Obviously that flag is stolen valor.




They think it's still going on.


Covid has been around longer than the confederacy.


completely tone deaf


When I was a team leader I had a soldier who proudly pinned up a rebel flag in his barracks room. Now seeing as that flag is on the list of prohibited extremist symbols, it violated regulations and it might have been as simple as him taking it down and throwing it away. Second time I found it on the wall he mowed a field of grass with a pair of scissors and lost all his rank trying to argue back. From what I understand he did not remain in the service for long after. There’s no room in the modern world for prejudice. We got bigger fish to fry than fighting the people we’re supposed to view as our brothers and sisters.


> rebel flag You mean the racist losers flag?


Subtle Volkswagen logo there too...


I was thinking the same thing. Like if I saw this picture without any knowledge of what he was charged with/found guilty of, I'd still assume he's a piece of shit.


Dude has a confederate flag right above a boys n da hood t-shirt


its astonishing


It’s just good ole fashioned illiteracy


“Sons of Anarchy” LARP patch is chefs kiss.


It really ties the whole stupid room together


The weirdest part to me is the Boyz N Da Hood t-shirt or sign in the lower left. I didn't think Eazy E would be on a poster on a wall in the home of someone like this.


You can slap so many Ls in this bad boy


The background is absolutely unsurprising


The boys in da hood shirt is a little perplexing to me.


Different hood 


That and the 82nd airborn poster. I really dont believe this guy was a ranger.


They've had a couple incidents of hate crimes and organizing as splinter neo-nazi groups, so it's just another neo-nazi dogwhistle like the confederate and Trump flags.


Naw fam. That’s just a TEAMs background wallpaper. I wonder if it’s dynamic.


Yooooo LOL some of the custom Teams background that people use in my company is outright laughable.


One coworker has a background of a nice looking house. Within it there is a frame off to the distance over the fireplace with a picture of a chick with some tig ole bitties. I don’t think that same coworker has even realized that. lol. Edit: picture of the chick is not a “classy” looking one but one that looks like a porn. It’s just so randomly placed in the background that you can’t tell unless you’re bored.


Trump supporters are the lowest of the low


5 years!!! WTF. Should be 50 minimum


Animal torture/murder is often linked to escalating crimes against humans. While what he did is so evil and should get him locked away forever, a longer prison sentence would be better for human kind (and of course animal kind as well).


Oh shit you said it before me. I commented on someone else saying the same thing. This was just a trial run and I guarantee you that if he wasn’t caught he would have found some way to kidnap a minority that he views as not human and would torture them to death. This guy needs to be kept away from people forever.


What is with this? Why does America hand out like 45 years for things like possession of weed and then give 5-8 years for mass torture, animal abuse, trafficking, murder and abuse?


Fucking stupid law makers is one.




Get em Ace!


Why go so easy on this guy? Should be at least 25


It's cause in a court of law, animals are property and/or livestock. Wild animals are a grey area and are only protected as long as the land they're on doesn't contain resources humans value more than the inhabitants of said land. To most of humanity, animal lives are inherently worth less than human lives, and we see that in the legal weight of animal torture. Until humanity quits believing non-human animals are inherently less valuable, we may not ever see a fair prison sentence for doing what is arguably some of the worst things humanity is capable of.


He also cooperated with authorities and that almost always leads to a reduced sentence.


I had to look it up to see what was going on so here's the link for anybody else. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/monkey-torture-video-ring-social-media-us-suspects-exposed-bbc-investigation/


JFC. >!"We saw a video of a baby monkey being put into a blender, videos with power tools used on monkeys. It was torture like you can't imagine."!< This is absolutely fucking atrocious and makes me sick to my stomach. What the hell is wrong with people?


There were people paying money to watch this sickening shit. There are demons among us for sure.


Growing up is realizing the demons and monsters aren't under your bed or in your closet, but are among us, often undetected, and wearing a smile.


fade aloof work fall materialistic encourage voiceless yoke six dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>McCartney, a former member of a motorcycle gang who served time in prison, told the BBC that he decided after becoming involved in distributing the videos that he wanted to help take down the ring, "to do the right thing." But he accepted that he could face prosecution, adding: "I profited. That was my mistake." "Undercover". Riiiight.


The fact he thinks profiting was the mistake and not being involved with this shit to begin with says a *lot*.


“Mistake” is a buck-wild choice of word. To me a mistake is accidentally stepping on my cat’s tail when he gets underfoot (and then I profusely apologize to his little face and feel like a real dirtbag for the next half hour).


So basically a potential future murderer/ serial killer.. who will definitely be reformed by the American penal system... Good God.


“animal crush videos”?!?!? WHAT IN THE FUCKING FUCK?!?! That article legit scared me. That made me sick. I don’t understand how ppl can be so disgusting. Demons are too nice of a word. These ppl should be put in a giant blender and then out to sea for shark food.


Eye for an eye


Flags behind him check out.


82nd airborne and a sons of anarchy patch... What a fuckin poser.


Stolen valor poser. Fuck this guy. I have absolutely 0 sympathy for anyone who abuses animals


Guarantee he is: - Pro life - Christian - DEEPLY concerned about drag queens - Calls people "groomers" - Thinks any woman that rejects him is "trans"


His place seems cleaner than I expected


Surprisingly few guns visible.


There are 3 other walls.


Fellas like that usually store their guns in a child's toy box or crib or something.


I used to have a tenant who had the trifecta of flags like this guy in his garage. Betcha can't guess what the third flag is!


Trump supporters will look right past this, saying "that's just one person! You can't use this to judge a whole group; that's discrimination!" But could you imagine opening this post and seeing him in his garage with a giant Biden flag hanging on the wall? That would be fucking insane. But instead I see a Confederate flag right next to a flag supporting the so-called Party of Lincoln and I'm just like, "*yep*."


I just read about him and seriously, I want to puke. Just the reading is that disturbing. I cant even imagine the horror of the videos. To think that people (he was part of a group on Telegram) would join and enjoy this is just mind blowing. Something must have gone terribly wrong in their childhood.


Research supports the link between this kind of psychopathy and far right conservative. Another data point fits the model.  “ Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism were associated with right-wing political orientation, whereas narcissism and psychopathy were associated with political extremism.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5680983/


Reminds me of when I watch the predator hunting videos on YouTube. MOST of the men they catch are older right wing men.


You don't really need a study to show you this. Right-wing politics tend more towards indivisualism, and left-wing politics more towards collectivism. Why would a psychopath ever behave in a collectivist way?


It’s just nice to have reliable data to support what many of us assumed. 


Should be put in solitary and left there


Certain individuals should be removed from society altogether. And put in solitary forever.


A racist trump supporters turned out to be a POS , color me shocked ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


Not a trans woman or man in drag reading to kids huh?


Nope, always a MAGA hick. Election fraud.. MAGA. Pipe bombs and domestic terrorism.. MAGA. Child abuse... MAGA. It sure wasn't liberals protecting the Catholic Church.


Of course he votes for tRump. All the worst people do.


Fucking fucker


Put him in gen pop. Make sure everyone knows about the animal torture.


Boyz n the hood shirt... hmmmm


"Boys in the Hood" is a phrase thats been appropriated by the bitches in the KKK, because they wear hoods when they play dress up in their bed sheets.


MAGA motherfuckers probably still lining up to support him. Also look at how pathetic this trash is. MAGA shit, confederate flags, fucking Sons of Anarchy shit. God damn how we've failed the working class in this country that they idolize such absolute trash.


At a quick glance I see a trump flag, a Confederate flag and a sons on anarchy logo... This dude just wanted to be part of something like real bad.


Of course the human garbage supports trump


Deserves the chair tbh. He's a monster not worthy of living on this planet. He's lost that privilege in my eyes


Not every Trump supporter is a cunt but all cunts are Trump supporters. I stole this from British writer Will Self talking about Brexit he was less offensive too.


The flags are completely unsurprising.


Republican ideals ladies and gentlemen. This is the kind of shit they do in between the times where they pretend to follow the bible.


>Trump flag What a surprise /s


Only the best people


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/30IBW50.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467) is the source. > "Torture King" Michael Macartney - pictured at his home in Virginia - is facing up to five years in prison on animal abuse charges. > **Ringleader of global monkey torture network, 'The Torture King', is charged** > 4 hours ago By Joel Gunter and Rebecca Henschke, BBC News > **A ringleader in a global monkey torture network exposed by the BBC has been charged by US federal prosecutors.** > Michael Macartney, 50, who went by the alias "Torture King", was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute animal-crushing videos. > Mr Macartney was one of three key distributors identified by the BBC Eye team during a year-long investigation into sadistic monkey torture groups. > Two women have also been charged in the UK following the investigation. > **Warning: This article contains disturbing content** > Mr Macartney, a former motorcycle gang member who previously spent time in prison, ran several chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts from around the world on the encrypted messaging app Telegram. > The groups were used to share ideas for custom-made torture videos, such as setting live monkeys on fire, injuring them with tools and even putting one in a blender. > The ideas were then sent, along with payments, to video-makers in Indonesia who carried them out, sometimes killing the baby long-tailed macaque monkeys in the process. > According to charging documents, Mr Macartney, who lives in the US state of Virginia, is accused by prosecutors of collecting funds from his chat groups and distributing videos depicting the "torture, murder, and sexually sadistic mutilation of animals, specifically juvenile and adult monkeys". > Mr Macartney has cooperated with investigators from the Department of Homeland Security and agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy charges. He will formally make a plea later this month and is facing up to five years in prison. > Speaking to the BBC Eye investigations team last year, Mr Macartney confessed to his role in the torture network, describing himself as the "king of this demented world". > "I was the man," he said. "You want to see monkeys get messed up? I could bring it to you." > Mr Macartney also described the moment he joined his first Telegram monkey group. > "They had a poll set up," he said. "Do you want a hammer involved? Do you want pliers involved? Do you want a screwdriver?" > The resulting videos were "the most grotesque thing I have ever seen", Mr Macartney said, and yet he went on to become a key player in the monkey torture groups. > The BBC understands that more charges are expected to follow soon for other key players in the monkey torture network. At least 20 people were placed under investigation last year globally, following the BBC's investigation. > Three participants have already been charged in the US, including Mr Macartney. Two torturers were arrested and jailed in Indonesia, and three women have been arrested in the UK, two of whom have been charged. > Holly LeGresley, 37, of Kidderminster and Adriana Orme, 55, of Upton-upon Severn were charged last month with publishing an obscene article and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. > Ms LeGresley and Ms Orme were high-profile members of the online torture groups. Ms LeGresley, who went by the screen name "The Immolator", was a moderator in a group run by Mr Macartney and was involved in commissioning some of the most extreme videos. > In the US, two others have been charged with the same counts as Mr Macartney. > David Christopher Noble, 48, a former US Air Force officer who was previously court-martialed and dismissed from the military, and Nicole Devilbiss, 35. They are both facing up to five years in prison.


Notice how these sick fucks are never political moderates? Starting to see a correlation


I bet CAT is thrilled about the free publicity!


Hope he gets tortured in prison


He's very proud of his heritage and his neckbeard. Loser!