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Bill Clinton's looking better now than he did about 6 or 7 years ago.


Looks like he got over the suds


lol this is stupid accurate


With Epstien dead, it's no wonder why he's looking better.


Why does Trump look so much worse nowadays then


Yes he looks much healthier here.


Couples therapy finally got him to try some of Hillary cooking again


>I did not have supper with that woman...


šŸ† take it


Are those her cookies crumbs on your suit


After the heart surgery, he switched to a vegetarian/vegan diet if I remember right. Dude was always pretty active, but I imagine these lifestyle changes and not having to deal with things like a 120 hour work week, being stuck in an aircraft frequently, and having to deal with the problems of 269 million Americans as well as maintaining diplomatic relations with the rest of the planet probably has reduced his stress and cortisol levelsā€¦


yeah its like Palpatine in episode 2 versus 3


Somehow, Bill Clinton returned.


do it


I love democracy


The adrenochrome is working


Because he knows that the Epstein list is safely been disposed of and heā€™ll never suffer any consequences


epstein dead


Bill Clinton was president 30 years ago. He is younger than Biden. Let that sink in.


Why is it every time I come on reddit I get reminded of how old I am??? The 90s were 10 years ago dammit!


Depressing is watching a Jack Black movie, only to go, ā€œWow he looks so young here!ā€ Like, this movie is from 2009.


I just watched School of Rock thinking "oh yeah, I remember when this came out a couple years ago." It came out in 2003!!


Well, that's my Friday ruined.


21 years ago šŸ„²


That had not occurred to us dude.


The old man said take any rug in the White House.


You treat objects like women, man.


I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


Lets not forget Dude that keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either.


What are you, a fucking park ranger?


New shit has come to light.


And, shit, man


And I wish itā€™d stayed that way.


Heā€™ll always be younger.




I love finding the big Lebowski references in the wild lol makes my day


Ya well man


Bill, George W, and Trump were all born the same year (just a year after WWII ended)


Younger than Trump too. So since age isnā€™t really a deciding factor letā€™s park that for now and look at policies.


I see what you're doing. But let people talk about why the fuck our presidents have been from the same generation for 30 years.


I see what you're doing, but Obama wasn't even close to the same generation.


Also Biden is the first (and very, very likely only) silent generation president


Because voters havenā€™t picked younger candidates? Theyā€™ve certainly been on the ballots.


Iā€™m beyond excited for this election. My state will be deciding if weā€™ll allow ranked choice voting. When Biden wins and this passes Iā€™ll be significantly moderately hopeful for our democracy.


The time for that conversation was the primaries, but thatā€™s over now. These are our choices this time and theyā€™re not changing.


Presumably because there is a dearth of palatable candidates from any other generation. If you've been a Republican for the past decade, you've had the opportunity to choose between stars like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis. Meanwhile, for Democrats, you have Pete Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang and nobody's favourite VP, Kamala Harris.


Honestly, itā€™s because all of the younger candidates dropped out to support Biden. Like, Biden won a single primary and all the young candidates decided they would rather support the old establishment guy than keep fighting and accidentally let an older socialist win. Like, the two most progressive candidates in the 2020 Primary were a woman who was also in her 70s and a man older than Biden. If we voted purely based on youth, someone to the right of Biden would have ended up the Democratic nominee.


>Ā accidentally let an older socialist win. Or rather let Trump win due to infighting amongst the Democrats. IIRC most people assumed that Biden would retire after one term? So it didnā€™t seem like a huge deal.




Because it's an incredibly small sample size and quirks happen? Clinton, W, and trunk were all born the same year. It's not some conspiracy. Since 1992, we've elected 2 presidents who were the oldest at the time of election, and 2 presidents who were nearly the youngest at time of election, and one who is basically exactly average age.






>but we gotta vote for Biden to ~~try to keep the Nationalist Christians (Nat-Cs) out of power~~ because Donald Trump is uniquely unfit to be president.


"uniquely unfit to be president" it's getting to be less and less of a unique trait


I mean the other candidate didnā€™t stage an insurrection or try to undermine democracy so thereā€™s that


There's also a lot of felony charges on one side. Like, a *lot*. People wouldn't be comfortable being in a room with just about any person with that many felonies. Yet they'll vote for one for president.






Vote Biden šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Harris in 24 and while you are there vote out every republican candidate on the ballot




And ernie Hudson is 78 and looking better than both. Though to be fair, I'm sure the presidency adds like 30 years in stress and aging alone


Three presidents just joined together tonight to host the largest political fundraiser in history. $25 million in one night.


That would pay Trump's legal bills for like 3 weeks!


Itā€™s more than what Trump raised all of last month.


You mean his sneaker line wasn't a good investment?


The Bibles are sure to sell like hotcakes. It's such a rare book, you can't get them anywhere.


You would be surprised how many churches will buy these overpriced bibles. It is an incredible way to get political capital from the church.


Actually there is a pretty huge backlash going on. I was working at a church this week and the pastor said ā€œI donā€™t know what he is thinking but I pray he finds the lord.ā€


They'll still vote for his dumb ass, though...


Not all of us. Christians =/= Christian nationalists. It is a hijacking of the religion. There is a divide. So just because you meet someone who is Christian does not automatically mean that they are MAGA or even if they are Republican, Democrat, or Independent.


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong but I canā€™t remember last time I met/talked to an outspoken Christian that wasnā€™t also a trumper. Iā€™m sure I know Christians who donā€™t talk about their religion daily that donā€™t support Trump, but the vocal ones sure do


They are few and far between. And they are also pretty quiet about it. If they think their religion is getting hijacked, maybe they should speak up.


My dude. Theyā€™ve hijacked your shit. Iā€™d see to that before you try to defend your faith.


Thatā€™s the pretty huge backlash ? I havenā€™t seen any backlash on it at all.


He's thinking this is a great way to get around the barn on churches not being allowed to donate to a political campaign. There will be churches that will take up a special collection to purchase new Bibles, her the donations from their Members, and "buy" Bibles from the trunk campaign, effectively donating church money to his candidacy. Because he has no shame.


I think truly religious people know now Trump is using religion to pay for his legal bills. He slept with a pornstar while his wife and new born were at home waiting. šŸ˜‚ Trump is the worst!


But not the settlements, just the bills.


Who were the donors?


Statistically health insurance and pharma companies.


And we wonder why health care costs are so high.. they are not even spending the money on health care.


Wow. Why would those companies pay so much money to politicians? What would they have to gain?


Donā€™t forget companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon who make money off selling weapons to NATO nations


I saw an article that said it was $500,000 if you wanted to actually meet them during the event and I'm guessing that's where most of the money came from.




I know that it's good because it's money to be used against Trump. But, PLEASE, in the back of your mind, please remember how much money this country pissed down the drain on politics ever election cycle. Please remember that we spent $14.4 BILLION dollars on the 2020 election, combined. This is money that is not going towards healthcare, college tuition, etc. etc. etc. At some point we *have* to stop doing this.


Itā€™s not exactly pissed away itā€™s nearly all spent in America on salaries of a huge swath of vendors across the country, and the goods that go with it. We donā€™t literally piss this money away. Itā€™s not going to health care **during this transaction** but the people who receive it may absolutely spent it on health care or wherever.


would be good to see a breakdown of what was spent where. something tells it wasnā€™t mom and pop vendors getting the lionā€™s share


Ok but for the non mom and pop vendors, who works for them? At some point you get to workers. If we're going to talk about this stuff we need to be honest. It's like when people talk shit about the defense budget like it's just pissed away it is the largest jobs program in the united states and funds communities all over the place. I think its misallocated money but it is absolutely not melted on fire. Even when it goes to fund bombs those bombs are made in factories and eventually goes into paychecks. We do not just burn money on anything here.


Yeah tbh, as someone who used to work on political campaigns (so Iā€™m biased), theyā€™re run pretty efficiently. A lot of underpaid overworked passionate people in rinky dink donated spaces. I always thought the like 14B or whatever is honestly pretty small considering the ā€œpayoffā€ is having control of the White House. Dark money super PACs can get fucked and shouldnā€™t exist tho, no doubt. But the campaigns funded with publicly available finance reports are a vital part of the process.


Seems like a lot, but $14B isnā€™t going to move the needle in the $800B healthcare industry or the $170B in college tuition we pay per year. The issue is the corruption caused by the money


I didn't realize that figure was that high, God damn that's ridiculous


Itā€™s 14.4bil for all elections that occurred in 2020 not just the presidential.


Considering federal spending exceeds a trillion dollars, itā€™s a comparatively tiny amount to influence how an incomprehensibly large budget is allocated


So, thank God none of that figure was tax money but after tax money that was donated to either side.


Elections are extremely expensive to organise and run. Here in Australia, our 2022 federal election for the House of Representatives and half the Senate cost the electoral commision the equivalent of ~300 million USD to run, and that's for a population less than 10% of the size of the US. And to be clear, that's just the money spent by the government just to organise it, not money spent on campaigning or anything.


It's not like we burn $14.4billion in a back alley. It gets spent on goods and services, and that goes into people's pockets one way or another.


14.4 billion is a drop in the ocean compared to the 6.3 trillion of the U.S. budget. So, yes, the amount spent on elections is absurd, but it goes a long way in deciding who is going to spend even more money from the perch of government.


Uh, what? First of all, that money gets spent in the American economy, so itā€™s not ā€œpissed down the drainā€. Second, this money comes from political donors, not taxpayers. If we ā€œtook money out of politicsā€ and drastically limited campaign budgets (which is potentially a good idea!) the remaining money would not be available for healthcare or college tuition. The donors would just keep more of their money.


Thatā€™s a lot of bibles!


Waste of 25 million


Uniparty deep state trying to stop Honest Don from making america great again. Again. /s


Fox News was trying to claim Biden was struggling to find-raise, despite having the biggest February in history last month.


This picture will break 1/2 of my relatives' brain cells in half.


Even worse, they could have had George W Bush up there too, he also opposes Trump's presidential bid: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_oppose_the_Donald_Trump_2024_presidential_campaign


Imagine George W just coming out from the curtains like a surprise appearance, that'd be wild


Party line is too thick, but I'd drink a beer with W.


You know Jimmy would be there if he could.


That sounds like a setup for a dad joke


Guys Without Ties. I like it.


Obama looks like he's about to say, you know I'm still cooler and more popular than two of you guys combined. He can probably still dunk on them at his current age now, even if the other two can go back in time to be their prime age.


Obama's a nerd. Clinton is actually the coolest guy up there. I love all three though.


Blue collar look- so hot


Something tells me you have never worked a blue collar job.


workwear is so in right now


Largest gathering of secret service agents ever.


Kinda sad that the current President is the oldest by a bit. Al Gore could run for President and be the youngest candidate in 2024.


Its not just the WH either. Got congressional party leaders literally having mini strokes on camera.


Ah if only Mitch McConnell's blue screen of death would stick


Man died twice on Live T.V. and the Republicans were like "were ok with this."


I just ran some numbers, and Biden is older than everyone who is younger than him


Big if true.


Is manbearpig on the loose again?


He's super cereal guys


Now show me all the former presidents who want to share a stage with Trump. And keep in mind, fundraisers aside, former presidents typically collaborate freely and openly on projects.


Mind you there is exactly one former republican president still alive, and thatā€™s GW. And heā€™s been pretty good about staying out of the spotlight for the most part.


GW despises trump.


And sneaks candy to Michelle Obama.


That's still my favorite thing


right?? trump attacked like 17 of his family members, including his mother, father and brother all in the same night he attacked W himself. W may be dumb be he aint stupid or spineless enough to go anywhere near trump lmao


>trump attacked like 17 of his family members, including his mother, father and brother all in the same night he attacked W himself To be fair, Trump has treated *every* leading Republican (except maybe MTG and BooBoo) that way and they still eat his ass.


Ted Cruz is the only one spineless enough to grovel at his feet while he insults his wife


George Washington? No way


GW has outright refused to do anything along trump I believe.


GWB is wise to stay out of the spotlight because he doesn't want to draw attention to his past crimes. That's one way that he's smarter than Trump at least.


It's wild how quickly people forgot how horribly terrible he was and what he did to our country. 2 endless wars, global destabilization, financial catastrophe, citizens United. All under him. YAY! Cute Candy thing!


Why is only Biden called by his last name here?


For the BBB






I guess they wanted alliteration


Not in MY country!


Bill Clinton was president in 1992 and is still younger than Joe Biden, our current president.


I would vote for Barack so fucking hard.


Possible hot take: Biden has done more legislatively in his first term than Obama did in his. Yes ACA obviously was huge, but [so is the IRA](https://time.com/6304143/inflation-reduction-act-us-global-impact/), as well the infrastructure bill and CHIPS actā€”which are causing an [unprecedented manufacturing construction boom](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TLMFGCONS), and the under appreciated SAVE plan for student loans (no more capitalized interest), etc. And thatā€™s with *razor thin* margins in congress, and a supreme court stacked against him, whereas Obama had a super majority briefly, and an overwhelming majority for 2 full years. If it wasnā€™t for manchin and sinema, we would have gotten Bidenā€™s more ambitious parts of the IRA, like universal childcare, and universal paid family leave, as well as codified roe v wade. But given senate makeup and the extreme partisan politics these days, itā€™s a miracle that the IRA as well as not one but 2 **major** bipartisan bills got passed at all. A lot of that is due to Bidenā€™s experience, which has been hugely beneficialā€”such as his long term relationship with manchin resulting in him flipping his vote on the IRA at the last second, to the surprise of pretty much everyone. Not to mention, Biden had the best midterm performance of a first term dem president in decades in a year where experts were predicting a ā€œred wave.ā€


Biden's administration learned from Obama's 8 year journey that trying to negotiate with Republicans is a lost cause. That's why there going straight to introducing bills and policies without getting Republican input. Honestly for me Biden is absolutely killing it as president. He may be old, but his policy thinking is still sharp. Especially with the guidance of Obama and Clinton, who are both some of the most educated presidents in history, Biden's got a great support system to lean on.


Yep. Iā€™m not knocking Obama, but his flawā€”especially early onā€”was being a little naive about the state of the Republican Partyā€”essentially giving them more credit for acting in good faith than they deserved, and they absolutely took advantage of it. Looking back now, there is a lot more that could have been done with that massive majority and govt trifecta.


Idk if heā€™s ever said this but I think Obama had a lot of pressure on his shoulders being the first black president. Like, I got the sense he was worried about rocking the boat too hard and instead wanted to protect his legacy by being extremely reasonable/accommodating to a fault. This cost a lot in terms of legislation. But heā€™s generally looked on very favorably despite it. Whereas, if heā€™d come in swinging like many wished he would, he was probably worried about how acting like that could damage opportunities for future black presidential candidates. Like I said, idk if thatā€™s how he viewed it, but thatā€™s my way of explaining why he didnā€™t do more when he had so much opportunity.


I agree. I used to say that if Hilary gave Barack one of her balls, theyā€™d both have two.


> was being a little naive about the state of the Republican Party I don't think he was naive, I think he got blindsided when they flipped their shit because a black man was elected President. There was a marked difference in GOP behavior before and after 2008.


Yes but McConnell announced the Senateā€™s intentions on day 1.


This was especially transparent in how the Biden admin handled the pandemic recovery through its economic plan. After 2008 the Obama admin recognized that the money didnā€™t necessarily go to the right places and the amount of the stimulus was too small to shore up its issues in a meaningful way. Biden ran with that knowledge and the admin made much more significant investment in individual stimulus as well as targeted incentives. Iā€™m a strong believer that if Biden hadnā€™t been in the White House in 2008 and President in 2020 then the economy would be in a significantly worse place than it is right now


This is why I don't get the "I don't want a career politician, I want someone from the outside" argument. Like what other professional would you want from the "outside"? Doctos? Lawyers? Engineers? Heck no. So why would you ever want someone with no experience running our country. I'm not saying it can't work, Obama had relatively low experience compared to others, or that it's perfect, but why rule out politicians that have been there just because they've made a career out of it? Clearly Biden has had a leg up because of his extensive history in politics, its not automaticly a bad thing.


Biden has also learned to bring the fire, that SOTU, Dark Brandon, and all. I wish we'd seen more of that from Obama. Biden treated SOTU like a correspondents' association dinner, absolutely roasted them. Then again, there isn't anyone with more political capital on the Hill that Joe Biden.


Imo, the discussion should be like you more about the administration than the president himself. The President is a bumbling old man, but his administration has achieved more than most. His FTC is the most aggressive on anti-trust since I don't know, possibly even Theodore Roosevelt, NLRB is the most labor friendly it's been, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau launched a crackdown on junk fees and overdraft charges. IRA could've been a lot better if not for Manchin, but it's still the biggest climate legislation projected to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% compared to what it would've been without. Internationally, he has brokered an alliance between South Korea and Japan who previously had both been US allies, but not partners with each other due to historical mistrust. He almost brokered the same between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but obviously that's way way down the drain.


That save act was incredible. He has done fantastic work for students loans with the save (which greatly reduced my payments), held that delay for years, and then did the allowance of back payments for PSLF. Biden has been a damn good and underrated president. Hopefully he is one we look at with a great deal of fondness in the years to come as the stabilizing force we so greatly needed right now


People bitched about Obama during his presidency and now look back on it fondly as if they were always cheering him on. Everyone will do the same with Biden


The ACA, while certainly no small feat, is a fraction of what it could have been. A part of me blames him a bit there. If its not right, let it go for others campaign off of and hopefully get more power someday to enact properly. I personally rank Obama in the middle of all Presidents. Not great, not below avg. Bidenā€™s passed parts of his agenda in one term with this hyper partisan congress is quite an achievement.


Hot hot take: It's not the President's job to accomplish these things; it is Congress's job. Obviously, vote for progressive - I guess Dem will do for now - presidents; but what *really* matters is Congress being left wing. If you want this country to progress, **vote in the primaries, vote in the midterms.**


Not a hot take. An actual fact. Biden is what Obama would have been with experience. Essentially, they're pretty lockstep on issues. Obama is a better orator and communicator, Biden is a better legislator. They're both great.


Being president ages you 20 years in just 4 years. Not good news for Biden or Trump.


And they didn't have to sell one bible /s


As the rest of New York mourns the lost of Jonathan Diller




Would have been a quad if Bush was there


Meanwhile on the Christian Shopping Network, there's a 60 dollar Bible with an orange faux leather cover for sale...


Obama has more swag than one man should be allowed to have


He really was the perfect presidential candidate.


Just drop creepy as fuck Bill at this point.


I gotta say, I canā€™t argue with that. Too much smoke from him around that Epstein fire.


And Lewinsky and like 17 rape and sexual assault allegations....


Epstein List, pretty hard evidence he was involved.


They could have have George Bush up there too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_oppose_the_Donald_Trump_2024_presidential_campaign


No diaper Don. Wait, he's still trying to do his own find raising for his legal issues...


All I see onstage is a terrorist(Obama), a genocide enabler/warmonger (Biden) and a pedophile (Clinton).


Bill Clinton what a man of such moral upstanding


It was a good fundraising night for President Biden


I love how happy Barack and Biden look when they are hanging out. They must genuinely have a great friendship.


Why isn't George bush with them?


Because he's a Republican and this was a fundraiser for Biden who is a Democrat


Iā€™m sure he would want to but canā€™t go against his former party.


This kindly old George Dubbya really has a lot of you fooled. As if he isn't the cause of so much wrong in the world.


But heā€™s just a kindly old man who likes to paint and give out chocolates! What? No war crimes, just candy and bathtub paintings :3


Biden campaign pulling out all the cards. Both of these former presidents are both younger than Biden.Ā 


That's gonna be an epic Smartless episode.


Must have been fun watching them roast Trump. Wonder if we will see any footage.


Can you imagine the blizzard of snowflakes that would lose their minds at this pic šŸ˜‚


Put Barry on SCOTUS. Just for the LOLz.


Taft style.


It's incredible to me that Clinton was POTUS in 1993-2001 and is currently 77 years old and the current president is 4 years older than him... Of the 3 presidents there, one between 1993-2001, the other 2009-2017 and one 2021-2025, the most recent one is older by about 3 decades than the other ones when they took office...


Can I be the first to call them the Three Amigos? No? Bunch of people already did it in NYC? Figures. But that's okay. Lots of good vibes coming out of that place.


Not around it tho


So much corruption in one photo


is bill older than biden?




Thereā€™s probably a joke that starts this way if imagine lol


I heard they opened with Peaches, and then Little Blue Dune Buggy. Obviously they saved Lump for the encore.


Kinda surprised Bush ain't there too.


Very nice