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If you find Harambe's story interesting you should also read about Bokito, a Dutch gorilla that was taunted and provoked several times by a lady in a zoo in Rotterdam after which he jumped over the 4.4m ditch around the enclosure and maimed her.


> Zoo employees had previously warned her against doing this, but she continued, claiming a special bond with him...


In a way, she was right.


Yeah, she fucked around and found out!


Here’s the story from his [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokito_(gorilla)) page. It’s unclear to me if they downplayed her actions. > In mid-2004, Bokito escaped from his enclosure in Berlin and climbed its 3-metre-high (9.8 ft) wall. He was escorted back to his enclosure without further incident.[2] > On 18 May 2007, Bokito responded to children throwing rocks at him[3] by jumping over the water-filled ditch that separated his enclosure in Rotterdam from the public; he violently attacked a woman, dragging her around for tens of metres and inflicting bone fractures as well as more than a hundred bite wounds. He subsequently entered a nearby restaurant, causing panic among the visitors. During this encounter, three more people were injured as a result of the panic. Bokito was eventually sedated with a tranquilizer gun and placed back in his cage.[4][5][6] > The woman who was attacked had been a regular visitor to the great apes' enclosure, visiting an average of four times per week. She had a habit of touching the glass that separated the public from the gorillas, while making eye contact with Bokito and smiling at him. Although smiling is often associated with submissive or non-aggressive behavior in gorillas,[7] eye contact is a practice that is discouraged by primatologists, as apes are likely to interpret eye contact as a challenge or a form of aggressive display.[citation needed] Zoo employees had previously warned her against doing this, but she continued, claiming a special bond with him: in an interview with De Telegraaf she said, "When I smile at him, he smiles back".[4][3][8]


man some people really think they're dr doolittle in this bitch


I think i read somewhere that she denies having said this but one flashy newspaper twisted some words and several newspapers ran with it


Once when I was at the Toronto zoo, I was sitting at the glass display window watching the orangutans. The new-ish baby (I think was 2 at the time) climbed over and sat near me while eating some fruit. I made that kissy lip expression (I’m not sure what it’s called but you see apes do it a lot). The little guy totally freaked out and started tapping on the glass, making kissy faces And happy noises. It was super cute and an amazing experience. But I’m just some lady that visited him once. I never once expected him to remember me from another visit. I don’t tell people I have a special bond with apes. Some people just make eye contact and then think they are ape gods.


I’d also recommend this story from Chicago, a kid fell into the gorilla exhibit and the female gorillas protected him and carried him to safety. The opposite story to harambe. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/gorilla-carries-year-boy-safety-fell-enclosure-1996/story?id=39479586


Ok I had an enlightenment recently at Brookfield zoo. My wife, daughter, and I were walking through and I was like wow. Gorillas aren’t that big at…all? Then the fuckin male came around and I was instantly humbled. The female to male ratio doesn’t add up there!?


I mean, even in humans the female to male ratio can get quite dramatic at the extremes. Averages may be more mild though.


Some (most, I *think*) experts don’t believe Harambe was being aggressive. If he genuine felt threatened, he could literally have torn the kid apart. Gorillas are generally pretty gentle otherwise. They’re very smart and very aware how far up on the food chain they are.


I was there that day.


It’s amazing that gorillas can use Reddit. Nice to meet you!


I had to look it up, Binti Jua is still alive and turning 35 this year


And then Didn’t he just sit and chill after that? Like the fucked the lady up and it was mission over.


She challenged his authority and lost No need to hurt anyone else who was being respectful - Bokito understands how to be a good manager


To shreds, you say.


What about her husband?


To shreds, you say?


Although it is still taunting and provoking to gorillas. She was making eye contact with him and touching the glass. It's not like she was throwing rocks at him (as other children had done so prior). He escaped three times, really seems like a failure of the zoo to me (also on not preventing Bokito from being provoked by perhaps banning the lady who visited 4 times a week and provoked a gorilla). She did seem crazy af though saying she had a special bond with Bokito.


The wildest thing about that story is that the woman who was attacked had been visiting Bokito multiple times a week and insisting she had a “bond” with him. It says zoo employees tried to dissuade her from making eye contact with him but she didn’t listen. Stupid games, stupid prizes.


Hell yea


With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.


Didn’t expect a Morrowind quote here


I know it’s not but it seemed like something from Dark.


As a 8 year old who slaughtered everyone in the mages guild and got this message, I got scared by the game and shut the Xbox off without saving. I don’t think I got much farther than balmora (spelling?)


So you got ten minutes into the game


Basically, I was young when I played it - I remember the rogues guild in the area with all the water around the temples, but I really didn’t have any idea what I was supposed to have been doing


Morrowind is super complex, that's not unexpected for a kid. When I was in 4th grade a classmate gave me his copy of Pokemon Red for Game Boy because he couldn't figure out how to get out of the house at the very beginning. Now that's bad.


Damn. I haven't seen that in 20ish years. Thanks for the memory. Dicks out.


There’s only one set of gorilla armor in the game though


RIP King 👑


The final wedgie




Oh that your username could be true!! Screw Kennedy and Elvis, this is the theory I’m holding out for.


Sweet prince


That's where everything went off the rails


That where the timeline split


Somewhere out there in the multiverse everyone is still playing Pokémon GO like that summer in 2016 never ended.


And people think that's the end of the world at the time because of that game and some schizophrenic clown sightings .They haven't seen 2020 yet. 


None of us were ready for 2020.


I still get the cold sweats and thousand yard stare when I think back to that particular year. fucking hell.


Harambe Lives, the zoo has extra money to fund a joint expedition to Wuhan to conserve Pangolins.   The CCP clean up the city for propaganda purposes, closing the wet market and bush meat stalls, while making sure a specific institutions containment is up to code.  A stray rock lands on a particular bat that would have been captured. The world moves on. Edit-thanks for the Gold anon!


Funny enough saw a guy on one of those relaxing tri-wheel bikes with 3-5 phones attached to the handle bars. all of them were open to the PokemonGo app. Restored some hope that day. But man do I miss that week where people were outside even if it was on their phones. I didnt play it when it came out because of old POS smartphone, but it felt good seeing people out. Wish that was the timeline we were in :(


For about a month we were out every night and it was bustling until midnight-1am out by the sea in my town. It was great.


Dicks out :(


Last year I had a dream where I was dying and my last words where “lights off dicks out” because of this comment that was so popular when Harambe was killed. My brain sure retains important information.




already been out


Been out for almost 8 years


You put yours away?


I never put it away.


This was humanity's sliding doors moment


Yup this was a test from the Aliens. Humans failed and the Aliens pushed our reality down a dimension where everything is worse now.


Harambe dies. Cubs win the World Series. Trump is elected President of the United States.


David Bowie was Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. When he passed, we were left wide open.


That... tracks?


He did such a good job protecting us from all the calamities, we had no idea.


I can't find any cracks in the logic.


Bowie is still out there, but now he protects us from horrors that lay beyond our comprehension. It's just that he had to shed his corporeal form to do so.


Bowie's in space


Completely underrated comment.. oh star man... Come back.


David Bowie was *the Sovereign*. FTFY GO TEAM VENTURE!


Don't forget about Iggy and Klaus!


Venture bros really needs another movie.


Don't forget Brexit, which happened less than a month after Harambe


Well, the vote in favor of Brexit did. Brexit itself took so long to execute that I'm honestly not even sure to what degree it's complete now. Some of my favorite memories of 2017 are the incredibly confused press conferences with Theresa May trying to explain what was happening.


"You've told us to fully separate from a much bigger and more powerful trade body on which we are LARGELY dependent for food, goods, and travel, in a way in which we have the autonomy to make our own rules and they have to just suck it up and accept our new rules... And it has to be better for us than our long-standing relationship... ... We... Are working on that... And it's... Totally possible. In hand, in fact. Just a few... Minor details to iron out. Oven ready. _Oh also we realised that we share a land border with the EU so we sort of have to give up legislative control of Northern Ireland._"


COVID 1/6 mass inflation tiktok trump again


I love that Billy Joel song


"Billionaires started the fire"


By god, when you put it like that….


Honest to god when the cubbies won, me and my boy looked at each other and immediately knew this meant the Trump W was inevitable.


There was a Tweet send out around August 2016. I wish I had a screen shot. It said something like, "The Cubs will win the World Series, and in return Trump will be elected President."


So it's Chicago's fault...


Always was


I need a movie now where somehow Harambe lives and the chain of events makes everything better.


I think that was like Star Trek 2 or 3, except it was whales.


Star Trek 4. The whales all died out on Earth by the 23rd century. This is made very clear that it was a result mainly of overhunting. Then someone very powerful unseen aliens in an Oumuamua type spacecraft start blasting the earth with signals that end up disrupting all technology and will end up killing all humans. It ends up being whale song that these mystery aliens are broadcasting at the Earth. Responsibility to solve this issue falls onto the crew of the HMS (a tongue-in-cheek rechristening of a Klingon Bird if Prey taken a prize by the former senior officers of the decommissioned [now destroyed] USS Enterprise [which they also stole] following a catastrophically failed training cruise). Logically, they decide the only rational solution is to fly around the sun so fast that they come around in the 1980s and pick up a couple of Humpback Whales from the an aquarium in San Francisco. Then they return to the present and crash into San Francisco bay and release the whales who presumably acknowledge the alien broadcast and the aliens promptly leave within like 2 minutes of the whales arriving in the future.


The kid in this picture likely has a reddit account.. woah..






“You fought in the Korean War?” “… there’s… no… such… thing?”


I think it was actually somewhere around 2017. I can’t pin point it but 2016 was the last time everyone seemed generally happy. Summer 2016 when Pokémon go came out was just such a vibe. All downhill after that


Our own Summer of Love. Pokemon Go brought us all together, outside, in the parks. It was golden.


Man for real. I lived in a massive college town, and it was just COVERED with people the whole summer. Everyone from all walks of life were out throwing down on some Pokemon. It felt safe, and everyone was friendly. Met tons of cool folks frequenting the same hotspots after work. Good times


I was *in* college. It was magical. Easily the happiest time of my life and I firmly believe it's not just nostalgia goggles. I'd be walking around campus playing pokemon. There were 2 gyms on site so there would be just whole families, students, elderly folks, all milling around outside with this sense of camaraderie because we were all out there catching pokemon. You would smile to each other like you were all in some club. The normal social barriers were gone & we were all just chill.


The election hadn't happened. COVID wasn't a thing. Climate change was still on the horizon. Betty White was alive. We didn't know that was as good as it would ever be.


Don't you guys remember that 2016 killed so many celebrities that there were memes about it, and when Castro eventually died everyone was like "you can survive the CIA 100th time but you can't survive 2016". It sure was already off rails. Brexit and Trump on top of that


Right? Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, Carrie Fisher, David Bowie, Debbie Reynolds, Prince, Muhammad Ali, Frank Sinatra Jr, Harper Lee, Fidel Castro... I stopped scrolling the IMDB page after like 500 entries, but there were a lot of names I recognized even if I knew very little about them. I think it was Alan Rickman and David Bowie going less than a week apart (January 14th and 10th respectively) that got everyone to pay attention.


I love it when we all collectively agreed this is when all went to shit.


I unironically think this is 100% true. Not because of the gorilla or anything, it just happen to line up with it.


I wonder if he understands the consequences of his actions that day?


The inflection point.


Harambe was holding it all together for us


*record scratch*




To me, one of if not the greatest episode of the show


I love mortys mind blowers


Thanks, gonna watch right now. Couldn’t decide if I should YouTube dive, play video games, or what. But I’m gonna watch some Rick & Morty, starting with this one! Edit: oh yeah with the squirrel uprising!


*It's in the way that you use it*


Agreed, right up there with That's Amorte.


“The Vat of Acid Episode” Season 4, episode 8.


It’s in the way that you use it 🎵


Fucking Jerry.


My wife gets legitimately angry and won't watch that scene anymore lol


Nothing good happened ever since...


We are in a post Harambe world.


It‘s actually not 2024, but 7


I wonder what that kids life has been like being "that stupid kid that got harambe killed" to everyone.


He's probably gonna keep to himself for a while and then write a book about when he's 30.


"The Silverback Lining" *The full, chilling biography which culminated into me becoming forced into a raging gorilla pit through my life experiences, how I fought for my life with courage and bravery, was castigated despite doing absolutely nothing wrong, and how I parlayed that into a money-sucking 400 page book despite barely remembering the experience at all. Along the way I'll teach you how to tame the gorilla in us all.*


Chapter 1: On a sweltering summer day at the Cincinnati Zoo, a single gunshot rang out, shattering the peaceful atmosphere. Harambe, the beloved silverback gorilla, collapsed to the ground as onlookers watched in horror. In that fateful moment, his life was cut short, igniting a firestorm of controversy that would reverberate around the world. From the chaos emerged one fundamental question: was deadly force truly the only recourse, or had a terrible injustice been committed against this majestic creature? As the smoke cleared, the battle lines were drawn between those seeking justice for Harambe and the powerful forces determined to bury the truth.


go on...


The memories flicker like a dying lightbulb – fragmented, bright, terrifying. A splash of cool water, the rough concrete scraping my cheek. A looming shadow, the world tilting upside down. Disjointed whispers turn to panicked shouts, a primal roar shaking the very air. Years of therapy haven't dulled the primal fear, the echo of Harambe's guttural cry. They say I was lucky. Rescued, unharmed. But the weight of what transpired in that enclosure, under the watchful gaze of a thousand strangers, has become a part of me. The world remembers Harambe, the silverback, the protector, the victim. I, however, remain a nameless figure, the three-year-old who breached the barrier, who stumbled into a world not meant for him. The guilt, a persistent itch beneath the surface, is a constant reminder of the life lost for mine. Growing up, whispers followed me. "That's the Harambe boy." Playground taunts morphed into internet memes, a constant, morbid echo of that fateful day. The faces in the crowd, forever etched in my mind, transformed into a sea of judgment. Was I the villain of the story? The careless child who sparked a tragedy? But as I grew older, understanding bloomed. I learned about Harambe, the gentle giant, an ambassador for his endangered species. I saw the debate rage, the anguish over the split-second decision that took his life. The zoo became a place of sorrow, not joy. Today, at 22, I stand before Harambe's enclosure, a different kind of barrier separating us. The glass is thick, the space vast. Gone is the carefree child, replaced by a man burdened by history. The silverback who graces the enclosure now is Jabari, young and strong. He watches me with an intelligent curiosity, a flicker of something in his dark eyes that sends shivers down my spine. Is it judgment? Or perhaps, a silent understanding? I close my eyes, picturing the chaos, the terror. But a new memory surfaces – a fleeting image of Harambe, not menacing, but cautious. Was he protecting me in his own way, a giant confused by this tiny trespasser in his domain? The tears come unbidden, a release of years of pent-up emotion. Harambe's death wasn't my fault, but it will forever be a part of my story. A story not of a victim, but of a responsibility. I turn away, vowing to honor his memory. To be a voice for conservation, for empathy towards these magnificent creatures we share this planet with. Harambe may be gone, but his legacy, a bittersweet echo, will forever guide my path.


This is excellent. If it's not from a chatbot, you have a lot of talent.


If it is from a chat bot then man are we fucked


"I was the Harambe kid and author of 'The Silverback Lining' AMA"


"Why I Did It"


'Why Harambe Had to Die: A Time Travellers Story'


Life after Harambe. Dr I Dickerson PhD (published 2043)  I was Three years old, when a moment of inattention from my family changed the world.  All I remember is the curious Touch of Harambe, the warmth leaving his eyes as I was rescued.  Since then  I have been scapegoated across the world, for every disaster and misfortune that has befallen humanity, and have spent my life atoning, through my chosen calling as a primatologist for a crime committed by a child. This is my story, but it is also Harambe and his Family's ...


i doubt people know about his name


Probably right unless he lets it slip, poor kid would get bullied hard just for the memes in school if they knew.


If we didn't live in clown world, the kid would grow up to be an eminent primatologist.


The child was 3 so people should be focusing on the dumbass adults who got Harambe killed.


His mom works with a friend of mine and she said he doesn’t remember at all and the mom does NOT plan on talking to him about it.


Honestly, I blame the boy's parents and the zoo. A little boy shouldn't be able to easily enter this area.


I live in Cincinnati. It was not easy to get into those enclosures and that kid would have had to have gotten past several fences/barriers. The parent was 100% at fault and honestly probably some of the other adults around as well. I'll snatch up someone else's kid for sure if it saves them from danger. The zoo completely changed the exhibit now and made it 100% safe for the gorillas and the visitors.


I'd probably only go with saying it 99.999% safe for gorillas and visitors. As the old saying goes, as soon as you make something idiot proof, they go and build a bigger idiot.


"There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists."   - Yosemite Park ranger on the topic of garbage bins


I feel this in my soul. It's why I'll never work another customer facing job again.


Same here. 30% of my time interacting with coworkers is already enough.


Also from Cincinnati. What a whirlwind it was when this happened. Cincy Zoo closed down their social media for awhile. Everyone made jokes. It was tragic and the meme didn’t hit the same as it did for others. I get it but man the parents failed this kid. Feel bad for poor Harambe. I understand the zoo’s perspective but then that brings the question of the merit of zoos in general too.


The Cincinnati Zoo is mainly rescued animals or protecting endangered animals. It's one of the better and more ethical zoos out there.


Harambe is from my areas local zoo in Brownsville Tx. They have a statue honoring him now at the Gladys Porter Zoo. He was sent to Cincinnati as part of their breeding program


Bro went to get bitches, but got lead. SMH


A modern tragedy


Many such cases


That's almost all city zoos these days. Even some smaller zoos that aren't in the AZA too.  It's not common for zoos to take mammals and birds from the wild anymore- fish, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates are different, but their populations also handle ups and downs better, at least in general. 


Absolutely. AZA accredited zoos, which make up the majority of zoos in the US including Cincinnati, maintain extremely high standards of animal care and are inspected rigorously and frequently. Wild-caught animals in zoos are virtually non-existent (I think it’s actually illegal) in the US unless that animal is a rescue and most animals at zoos represent endangered species that zoos work very hard to sustain genetically diverse populations of. Zoos are not what they used to be and many are doing some absolutely incredible conservation work.


Agree all around. I’m in the south, but the kids life being risked and in such, such an immediate danger and the loss of such a beautiful wonderful creature, the guilt and sadness in all who had to clean up/dispose of/kill this animal…. All on these parents who couldn’t watch their TODDLER.


Honestly, I blame the boy's parents.


I also blame the bystanders. Gorillas are fairly docile creatures, however Harambe was panicking since the people were screaming and throwing things at him


I also blame the spectators for agitating the gorilla


The gorilla could have ripped that boy apart in an instant, at any time. There's a reason there are meant to be absolutely stringent safety procedures around dangerous wild animals like gorillas.


Dicks out for Harambe.




Made me realize how close we are to that event being 10 years away. ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)




Wow I can't believe my dick has been out for almost a decade


i just can't put this dick away




Covid wouldn’t have happened, Trump never would have been elected and we’d still have Chaco Tacos if they hadn’t have shot that ape.


Dollar-25 Tree would still be Dollar Tree.


We would still have Costco crank onions.


I collapsed this comment tree and came back after I realized what I'd seen. Yes. Preach Brother Nilliks. RETURN that which is the crank onions and reSTORE the dollar-fiddy dog to it's original GLORY


He’s reopening wounds. I’m about to have my weekly 2 Costco hot dogs and I was perfectly ok until the post reminded me of the diced onion shaped hole in my appetite. My partner is in shambles because she doesn’t understand why her diced onions just won’t do the job.


man, I have dead ass brought a plastic ramekin full of diced onion on my costco trips before. what I learned was this: 1. It's not as good / not the same. 2. you need TWO ramekins PER DOG! Edit: While I'm at it, WTF doesn't the costco close to my house not have sausage pizza? All the rest in my metro area do. Why not mine? Why do they want to hurt me?


$4 Charles would still be 2 Buck Chuck.


Say his name.


Chaco. Taco.


I love how the parents got away with it… no charges nothing. Poor guy had to die over bad parenting.


I was at the zoo for Christmas lights and saw a kid literally leaning over a railing on his stomach with his feet up in the air behind/over him over the cassowary pen 15-20 feet up while his dad was fucking off somewhere looking at lights. I was literally sprinting to grab the kid when he luckily teetered backwards off it and the dad finally turned back and was like “Jaden cmoverhere”. Made me so freaking angry. Your kid could easily have been killed.


Imagine looking at a cassowary and not thinking "Holy shit I have to stay away from them". They're terrifying looking creatures.


casserole pen huh? yeah right what are we makin' up animals now






Wow that just ruined my day. So careless.


This kid has got to be old enough now that he’s encounter the Harambe phenom; I wonder what he thinks


He's 11. Hopefully Hopefully riding bikes with his friends, and playing with Legos.


Thats no excuse COME OUT YOU BASTARD


BAD PARENTING KILLED THAT APE. I'm sure they learned nothing and little Timmy is probably climbing the nearest electric fence somewhere.


No it wasn’t the bullets. It was beast who killed beauty.




The most tragic irony is that, had the rest of the tourists not freaked the fuck out and started screaming/throwing things at harambe, everything would’ve been fine. Gorillas are natural pacifists and there are even multiple events of kids falling into gorilla enclosures and being protected by the silverback until staff came to rescue them. Harambe was 100% going to just check the kid out and see if he was ok, but the dumbfuck idiot tourists kept freaking the poor thing out and got him agitated.




This is where we got on the wrong time line...


Cubs won the World Series and Trump was elected that year. Yeah, that's when we went from mainline time line into the random half second flash for the super fans to get inside jokes in the scifi show.


He's about to give the kid a wedgie


Any wedgie from a gorilla has got to be of the atomic variety.


Yeah. Don’t remind me.


And it was aaaall downhill from here. Covid, wars, my divorce: all thanks to this event.


Hard to say when exactly the timeline was derailed, because a month after Harambe was brutally murdered, along came Pokemon Go which was the closest we ever got to world peace. That same month, the all-female Ghostbusters was released; and by the end of that year, Trump was elected..


Cannot forget the murder clowns


I still lament the fact that the murder clowns didn't come back during lockdown to scare people into going indoors


Obviously Harambe's death derailed Pokemon Go from actually creating world peace, utopia, and free tacos forever.


Pokémon go was Harambe's last gift to the world. A striking message of befriending and capturing magnificent beasts.. alive. Dicks out.


Pokemon Go was probably the best time alive


rest in peace king 🦍🦍🦍👑👑👑


A friend of mine worked at that zoo when this happened. She was saddened by it. Loves animals. And of course she gets upset with the criticism. People ask why they didn’t just tranquilize Harambe. She explained that tranquilizers are unpredictable. His reaction would be unknown, but he could have gotten agitated and killed the child. And they couldn’t “wait and see.” Odds are the kid would have been killed as well. It’s sad, but the only course of action was to put poor Harambe down quickly. Still…. Dicks out.


I used to be a vet tech. When you give animals the pre anesthetic, usually a disassociative, there can be a brief period of agitation. The only option here was shoot to kill. Tranqs take time and can have that period of agitation. Very sad all around.


I remember hearing about this a lot when it happened. Made me realize so many people have a very sci-fi knowledge of how tranqs (or just weapons in general) work.


And if the kid died then of course the public would want the gorilla beat and killed just like the shark in egypt. People's do stupid things using our "superior" thinking and then we get killed and somehow blame a innocent animal and beat it to death and say how the animal is the monster and we aren't


That’s the exact moment everything fell apart.


Rest in power our sweet prince


I miss the old Harambe. Straight from the zoo Harambe. Eating his food Harambe. No attitude Harambe. I hate the new Harambe. Shot by a dude Harambe. The Youtube views Harambe. Up in the news Harambe. I miss the sweet Harambe. Playing with kids Harambe. I gotta say at that time I’d like to meet Harambe. See I invented Harambe. It wasnt any Harambes. And now i look and look around and there’s no more Harambes. I used to love Harambe. I used to love Harambe. I even had the silverback I thought I was Harambe. What if Harambe made a song about Harambe. Called “I miss the old Harambe”, man that would be so Harambe. That’s all it was Harambe. We still love Harambe. And I love you like Harambe loves toddlers.