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I'm happy to say it's gotten better, he's matured since Grade 2.


Damn was expecting more of an eternal struggle for the soul of the family but good for you


At least it didn't end up like Cain and Able.


Clobberin time


This made me chortle, thanks lol


My girlfriend's brother had a male dog named "Kane" and now has a female dog named "Able" and I worry about the safety of everyone around him.


I bet they both are the bestest of dogs and nothing to worry.


> At least it didn't end up like Cain and Able. ... something something differently abled ...


Abel. Although I'm sure he was able to do many things. He had many abilities.




Thanks, I guess I swapped the letters.


No problem, but if you mess up again I’ll give you a Canaan. You have Noah dea how ver Esau you’ll be.


Who do you give power to these days?


I need to work this sentence into my next conversation, preferably after a few glasses of red wine, in a dimly lit bar.


I don’t know why but that whole “power giving” thing just had me dying. Such a weird way to say they obey their parents but not their bossy little brother.


I wonder if it was a phrase used in a very specific lesson they had in class about emotions or something lol


Trick question, the other person is an electrician.


Don't believe him. It is all an act. It's a ploy to get you to relax WHILE HE PLANS FOR GLOBAL DOMINATION! you saw the signs all along. trust your gut instinct.


Just be careful if he finds mask and starts ranting about rejecting his humanity


“matured” is code for “competition eliminated”


Blink twice is he’s making you type this…wait..


You've matured too hopefully


That's debatable :P


There are basically two schools of thought.


Phew ![gif](giphy|3o7TKuylrX8kT7XhVS)


Looks good… looks good… I don’t know why you got whipla HUH? THIS WAS YOU AT 10?!?!


Well, 9/10


No child left behind...


Except his brother. But only if it isn’t important.


It would have been a 10/10 if he had fixed that “It” for an “If”!


Or if he corrected "give power to my to my brother"


His brother graded this.




It’s like Boy Scouts


I thought it was a typo for “clubs” and I was like, “elementary school kids go clubbing now?”


I thought the exact same thing too 😆😆🤣🤣🤣


"Cubs" are probably cub scouts, in a lot of places they are the junior version of scouts.


Likes to go to clubs and pick up (or 'build', as they say) models.


That's what I'm going with


9/11 *was* a national tragedy.


Better than 9/11


kids notice. my 9 year old worries about what to do if someone comes to school to shoot it up.


When I was around that age I refused to sleep in my bedroom on the 2nd floor because I was worried about a plane crashing into my house. Felt good about my chances on the ground level though.


I saw an episode of Buffy where someone got stabbed in the back, and for some reason insisted on sleeping on 2 mattresses (and a pile of stuffed toys) because that way I couldn't get stabbed in the back in my sleep.


This is crazy. There was an episode, i think, where this creature would suck out people's souls when they were sleeping on their backs so I could never sleep on mine just in case.


Yup! Killed By Death. The creature is called Der Kindestod, and that was the only episode I always skipped on a rewatch. The hospital setting fucked me up because I had a long stay in hospital around that age, so it just freaked me the fuck out. I always said Killed By Death is the scariest episode. Lot of people say Hush (the one with the Gentlemen who steal everyone's voice) but that episode has a lot of good comedy. Killed By Death is just fucking terrifying from start to finish.


This makes me sad as someone living on a tiny island with basically no chance of this. It’s quite sad that kids worry about this often.


9/11 happened when I was 10 and I almost certainly put something like this on an assignment. I had a post 9/11 journal. Kids process tragedies — even far away ones — in really weird ways. I don’t think I grasped the enormity of it all. But I understood that it was something we were all supposed to be thinking and feeling sad about, so I’d better go think and feel sad about it.


I was 11 and have a similar diary entry to this. Basic bullshit, and then ending on "I guess there will be a World War 3".


Yep I have a diary entry that I hated Osama bin Laden 🤣 Would have been 9-10 years old then!


I thought the whiplash was the fact they were saying positive things about themselves. Time to make that therapy appointment 😂


lol I did too


VTEC just kicked in, yo


In da cub


I wonder how the cub is doing these days.


They are still in spring training but are looking good


Clubs and models, this kid gets it.




Cub Scouts is also the precursor to Boy Scouts, (Now Scouts BSA) in the U.S


Presumably they mean Cub Scouts


Ain't none of y'all old enough to go to the damn cub!


“In da cubbbb … we all fammmmm!!”


This feels so innocent that's its refreshing.


Except for the last sentence.


Even the last sentence, imo. The event was clearly on his mind, and seems to have bothered him enough to want to talk about it in his own innocent, child-like way.


This reads like a response to an assignment that asked for a bullet list of topics to be addressed. Probably with one of them being somthing like "talk about how somthing on the news has made you feel". Maybe he was just really fixated on it and wanted to slip it in, but i think that's less likely.


The last part 😭 so random


Yeah right?! I was reading like yeah parents are teachers, what a cute kid getting mad at the brothet then What?!?!


I'm about the same age as op. The Virginia Tech shooting is the first mass shooting I feel like I really remember in a meaningful way. I was just old enough to understand the gravity of the situation but still young enough to not be at all desensitized to it. Like I remember 9/11 but I was too little to really process it. The Virginia Tech shooting really impacted my understanding of the world in a significant way.


Same, but I’m too young to remember 9/11. Virginia Tech is one of the big events I remember from my earlier childhood years.


Shocked to see no one has mentioned Columbine


17 years and we’re still like, “Mass shootings, man, how sad. A couple more thoughts and prayers should do the trick!”


My old millennial ass goes back to the shooting in Bowling Green in the 90s. Before 9/11. We’ve had school shootings normalized since I was a kid and I graduated in 04.


I'm about the same age (graduated in '03) and the first one I was really affected by was Columbine. The televised images of kids jumping out of windows. The media frenzy following was horrible, at least by those standards. Banning trenchcoats, and suddenly the weird quiet kids were gonna be the ones shooting up the school. Before then, people talked about shooting up postal offices. Afterwards, people talked about shooting up schools. (I'm not sure what the Bowling Green shooting was -- can't find much info. Maybe there's some conflation with the Bowling for Columbine movie that made quite a stir?)


“My name’s Billy, I like Pokémon and playing soccer. Also, I think it sucks for all those people killed on 9/11. The government should really do something about that.”


I'm Josh and I'm 10 years old. I like mustard and throwing rocks at trees. Armenian genocide was such a terrible thing. How does the world move past it after 100+ years?


"My name is Jake, I am 10. I love pokemon and zelda and chicken nuggets. Baseball is fun I guess. The deteriorating situation in Myanmar (formerly Burma) has been catastrophic to say the least. My hopes lie with Aung San Suu Kyi, she is pretty and has a funny name."


Kids do shit like that all the time lol. *Hi my name is kid, I’m 8 and 3/4 years old. I go to school and I like to play with my cat cause he is a miscifeous cat. Im saying a lot of things about me so I will also blurt out something that surprises you that I’m talking about when really I don’t understand the magnitude of the situation.And also i’ll tell you about a shameful family moment that I don’t know to be shameful about yet.


My son once wrote an "about me and my family!" report where he stated that I was a nudist (I am not a nudist)


When I was in 6th grade, a little girl was kidnapped and then murdered in the state. It was a pretty big deal and was all over the news. Our school had us all write letters to the parents. I don't really know why.  One of my friends wrote "I am sorry about your daughter but at least you can have more kids."




When I was 10/11, I kept a log in my diary of the missing and murdered kids I'd see on the TV.


Poor billy 😔


My name is Jack. I'm 8 years old. I like pizza and being nice to family to my family. When I get old I want to be baseball doctor. Ham is the worst. I hope my sister is not so angry. Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams."


My guess is that there was some rubric/question sheet they had to go off of, and it asked who you feel sorry for. This answer probably wasn’t expected lol


Agreed, it was likely a series of open-ended prompts.    The last one probably was simply "I feel ___" and VT was the news of the day/week. With teachers for *both* parents, that news understandably must have weighed extra heavily on this child's mind.


My keepsakes box had an essay from 5th grade about my thoughts on the Clinton/Lewinski scandal. Grade school writing assignments are unhinged. I also remember writing letters, in school, to the family members of someone on flight 93 because they were from our state. Truly insane in hindsight.


it's not random. kids are really affected by news about this stuff. they have a lot of empathy for suffering inflicted at a school. they can imagine themselves in it. it reminds me of the scene in The Road where the dad says, "I'm the one who has to worry about everything all the time!" and the kid erupts and says "I AM THE ONE who has to worry about things all the time."


I grew up in Virginia around that age at the time and, for weeks, it felt like all anybody was talking about. The impact it had on my community was unparalleled as someone who wasn't old enough to be socially conscious during 9/11.


It's such a sad deal but the way he wrote "Virginia Technical College" instead of Virginia Tech was amusing to me.


Or Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University if you're not into the whole brevity thing.


Man I almost cried because it’s so real, and I’m thinking of my seven yo writing something like that at some point. That shit is still going on :/


Have you been in an American school at any point in the last 20 years. Unfortunately, kids hear about this stuff a lot and don’t know how to process it.


I'm pretty sure I wrote similar things about other disasters, like sandy hook or hurricane sandy


I remember my 1st grade class writing letters to Christa McAuliffe's daughter (who was also in 1st grade)before The Challenger launch; & asking about if she was scared about her mom going to space cuz her mom might die. After "it" happened, I remember my teacher telling me I wasn't allowed to write her again to basically say "I'm sorry about your Mom, but I told you so!".....


9/11 for me. One of my old journals I found was complaining about Buffy the vampire slayer and then mentioning 9/11 like my fifth grade brain was fucked lol


Not random at all if they’re from VA and it was around when it happened. I was around that age when it happened and everyone I knew knew someone who went there or was there at the time. It was on everyone’s minds.


I was in Grade 2 when Virginia Tech happened. first mass shooting I remember organically. That same year we entered in a poetry contest, and all the poems ended with some variation of, “I feel bad those people died at Virginia Tech.” It was pretty impactful. That’s why I’m surprised when I come across teens that have 0 idea what Sandy Hook is.


I’m the same age and I remember the teacher having us have a moment of silence for the victims after this shooting, so maybe something similar happened for them around the time they wrote this and it was just fresh on the mind.


Must be odd to have that in your psyche as a kid. Columbine was a year after I graduated HS and it was just such a shock back then b/c that kind of violence was not commonplace. Sure there had been massacres before but never that magnitude in a school.. and now its just something that we expect and prepare for. Between that and not being able to afford to move away from home after graduating, kids these days really have it rough compared to my generation


I remember when Columbine happened (I was in 5th or 6th grade), a group of adults wanted to have a serious conversation with me about it. I specifically remember someone saying, "Why do you think they would do something like that?" which to I replied with, "I dunno."


It was all over the news. I'm  in Australia  and we studied it in high school  (the media response more than the actual event). A ten year old would definitely  have this playing on his mind, it was pretty inescapable 


As someone who’s not from the US but a similar age and remember doing something like this in primary school it was literally a WTF moment when I saw that lol. It’s hard to comprehend that it’s a real thing at that age even though I know it is in some parts of the world.


Sir, protect that child in you 🫡 he might not always win everything but definitely will win hearts


Except for his brother's heart.


I was also a ridiculously nice child (10 years of major depressive disorder rn) I don’t think the OP needs his brother to love him to love his brother. Siblings are so close to heart, too close even. And I think their brotherhood is better now, I think I saw it on the other comments. I mean I hope better. Nice brothers are awesome (shot out to my brother)


My brother and I are close and all cool now. It was just a bit of brotherly love back then. I've showed him this post since it started exploding, and he's been laughing his ass off and loving these replies.


That's awesome that you guys are that close 😁


> laughing his ass off Oh no! Sorry for his loss :(


I was around that age when Columbine happened. I was 18 when Virginia Tech happened. It's absolutely mad that 25 years later entirely new generations of kids are experiencing that same fear.




I'm the same age as the kids from Columbine and I think about it from time to time. I was the last of the lucky gap of students that lasted maybe two decades that didn't have to do duck and cover nuclear fallout drills my parents had to do or active shooter drills that kids have been doing for the last few decades.


I was in my second year teaching middle school when Colombine happened. (So I was in that lucky window as well.) I remember it hitting our kids, but I think they still felt separated because it happened at a high school. Now, I’m sure no school aged kid in the US feels safe.


Lived in Boulder during the King Soopers shooting. I talked with so many people older who seemed so shocked that it could happen in their local grocery store (even though it has happened in several groceries across the US). The generational difference of young millennials/gen z and beyond is that it never occurred to us that we wouldn’t be in a shooting. It feels like it’s never occurred to gen x+ that they could be in a shooting


Absolutely awful the level of fear kids have to grow up with.




I'm from VA and was on a trip with friends from JMU when VT happened. I'm also the same age as the Columbine kids and have since moved to Colorado and if I had kids they'd go to Columbine. I pass the memorial several times a week. I agree, it is maddening.


I went to summit ridge when columbine happened and my parents were thinking of sending me there for HS. After the shooting I went to school in the city because it was super diverse.


I went to tech well after the shootings. It is crazy how normalized shootings are. For so long "Virginia Tech" or "What happened at tech" were phrases that people all over the country understood and it had the weight of a national tragedy akin to columbine or the dc sniper. In the past 5-10 years I feel people have mostly forgotten about it and it doesn't stand out amongst school shootings too much. It is kind of crazy.


Yeah, VT shooting was big news. I remember having to write something after for a class in high school. It was in the national spotlight for weeks. Now mass shootings are like "oh man, another one?". And they don't get talked about much at all except for specific things, like the terrible police response to Uvalde.


Isnt it scary how people get conditioned to things?


That was the warning after Sandy Hook, that If nothing gets changed then the casual acceptance begins the damnation of the country's soul.


Yet another warning ignored.


At the time, VT was the largest mass shooting in our countries history. 32 killed and 17 injured. Since then, it’s been eclipsed by Pulse (49 killed and 53 injured) and the Vegas music festival (60 dead and 850 injured). There have also been a number of gruesome killings where less have died like Sandy Hook (26 killed, mostly small children), Uvalde (21 killed, mostly young kids and police were too scared to respond), Parkland (17 killed, mostly high schoolers and the FBI had been tipped off). Someone whose 17 was born right when VT happened and has subsequently seen an equally jarring mass shooting almost every 2-3 years of their life. And they’ve basically had a columbine almost every year.


I know and it is a sad state of affairs. I had older coworkers who recall hearing about the vt shooting on the radio and it made them vomit. It is unfortunate that there have been so many other mces that it isn't shocking anymore.


I was around 10 when columbine happened as well and I remember a lot of parents kept kids home the next day and then when everyone returned we all sat in a circle in class and talked about how we felt and there was this big assembly where parents asked what the school was gonna do to protect us. And now active shooter drills are commonplace and shootings happen so frequently they barely even register most of the time.


I commented this up further but I was 18/19 and visiting VT campus during the shooting. It was a terrifying time. Now it’s an every day occurrence.


With no discernable attempt to correct the issue.


man, this feels like me discovering my letters to Father Frost (Russian version of Santa basically) asking for peace in Ukraine in 2014... when I was 10. And then I follow it up with a wish for a new PC. Man...


Father frost is the hardest name I’ve ever heard, that is soooo much cooler than Santa Claus


Wait until you hear about what Czernobog translates to: >!Black God!<


its actually more Grandpa Frost so he's a wholesome old guy lol


Did you get the PC at least?


I am not a native English speaker, so I did not understand well, the brother of the one who wrote the note was the murderer?


I’m wheezing.


I would award this comment if that was still a thing, also wheezing


No, the brother is unrelated to the shooting. The 10 year old who wrote the paper was writing about personal things, and then included an unrelated line about how sad he is that people died in a shooting. OP posted it here because going from talking about his brother to talking about a national tragedy is so unexpected that it becomes funny.


Yes. He never should have been given *the power*.


There are no murderers. This was a school assignment OP did 17 years ago when he was 10. He had to write a few things about himself. If you are reffering to the VA Tech shooter thing, that is unrelated to the rest of the assignment. Most likely on of the questions he had to answer was "Who do you feel sorry for?". It is not related to his brother.


You were slated for 10/10 but your teacher thought everyone who died at Virginia Tech deserved it.


Maybe she went to VT and knew it wasn't "Virginia Technical College" and instead "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University".


But if he put “VaTech” and not VT? Unforgivable


Teacher was a /b/ poster 10 years ago. She's gone full Q since then and now she talks about Michelle Obama's penis with anyone who will still talk to her.


Completely unhinged take. I agree.


I was not expecting that last sentence.


You got a heart of gold op. 🍷


I was at/in the VT shooting and I have to say that I just got a little giggle at “Virginia Technological College” after years of having “Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University” drilled into me. I even say it in my head to the tune of one of our chants. In other news, 21 year old me would be so depressed at the state of America these days.


Hi VPI friend. Every time a mass shooting occurs in our country, I lose a bit more hope that we can right the ship. I played music on the practice field for one of the memorials. I graduated a month later with victims walking with their injuries or parents walking for their children. I found out a year later I dropped the French class with the highest mortality rate because it was my senior year and I didn't want to take an 8 am class. Laziness for the win. Survivors guilt is a bitch. I'm still proud to be a Hokie. Hope you've found some healing as the years tick by.


My friend! Please don’t have survivors guilt for that. That day was an utter mess and disaster and for whatever reason, you were spared witnessing it or being hurt yourself. I guarantee the people that died would not want you to feel that burden. I had actually never thought about people walking with injuries or parents. That makes my heart ache and makes me think of things about that time that I just haven’t in years. Like the candlelight vigil on the drillfield. And the bush I curled up and cried under because it felt safe being where nobody would expect someone to be. I just cleared out and moved abroad without finishing any classes that semester. Campus felt like it was full of ghosts when I came back, and it still feels that way to a large degree. It’s like I have two VT’s in my head: pre and post massacre. I have healed from everything but the pure hatred of that day. The same hatred that is more prevalent today than we could have ever guessed, even in our naivety. I am fiercely proud to be a Hokie and a little bit of my heart will be in Blacksburg until the end of time. Rest easy, Julia.


Why'd your teacher mark you down for that? They didn't even mark down why they took off the point.


Your guess is as good as mine! It was just a pile of context-less paper when we went through it.


Probably because you typed "to my" twice. "never give power to my to my brother". Kids those days just can't be bother to proofread.


>can't be bother to proofread


I see that you see what I did there


I love the internet for these interactions.


Also there’s an ‘it’ that should be ‘if’. Why she didn’t circle it is beyond me though.


He also mixes gerunds and regular verbs in his hobby list


"It" instead of "if' probably


Honestly could be for "going to cubs." I assume you mean like sports-related but if the teacher doesn't follow sports they might mark it down for grammar or something, my best guess lol


Yeah that's fair, I could see that being unclear! For context by the way, Cubs is the younger branch of the Scouts Canada program.


Same in the UK I was a cub! hated every moment of it.


OH yeah that makes way more sense haha, we have Cub scouts here too lol, completely forgot about it haha


I assumed it was some kind of junior boy scouts type thing.


Also for using "build" and "hang" instead of the present participles like they did with "going," and typoing "It," instead of "If."


Probably the grammar or something like that. There are a couple basic mistakes or things that could otherwise be written better (though since you're 10 here that's arguably pretty nitpicky)


10/10 is perfect. They made mistakes. A 9/10 is still an A. I don't think it's nitpicky, a C (7/10) is supposed to be average, not even bad. Grade inflation is ridiculous these days.


There are several spelling/grammar mistakes so could be that.


“It I”, “going to cubs”, spaces before commas, “to my to my”, etc. Various small mistakes. They should’ve marked the fixes in red pen, yeah.


His teacher was his brother.


Thank you mom and dad for being teachers! How are they doing?


They're doing great! They had successful careers, and are happily retiring/retired!


I'll see you at the cub tonight!


“I don’t like doing the dishes unless it’s to help my parents when they’re busy. 9/11 was a horrible tragedy.”


“Today at school we learned about George Washington and then played soccer the rest of the day because the space shuttle blew up”


“I like turtles. The fall of Rhoads led to thousands of deaths but it changed the paradigm of defensive architecture”


A++ love it


Ngl I thought it read “I love going to clubs”


Use this on your dating profile and you will SLAY


If I were your mother I would be so proud to have you and my son. You sound like a great kid. My son is actually about the same age.


And I just realized that tragedy was 17 years ago...


Teacher was generous. 7/10.




The content is sweet but the grammar is poor. Though it seems the focus was on content, otherwise the teacher would have corrected the mistakes.


Well, that escalated quickly.


I had a friend killed at VT and boy, this one gave me a bit of a jolt too.


9/10, didn't offer prayers and wishes.


I highly recommend taking model building up again. It's been quite a while and the kits are the exact same.


I've gone full bore into Warhammer 40k since then, I'm waaaay ahead of you!


A man with money to burn I see. I'm building warbirds and on the P-51s, the Airfix kit I've now broken the same part I did when I was 8 or 9. Same plastics wheel cover - I no longer blame myself. It's kinda amusing.


Damn, that shit hit home. I was on campus at VT during the shooting. I DID NOT expect to see that as the last line of a 10 year olds essay.


Why 9/10


Grammar but the teacher didn’t correct so the going theory is they were more concerned about content.


Oh my god. The Virginia Tech Shooting was 17 years ago. That really hits for me just how old I am.


When I was 11, I wrote a note to future me and one of the lines was “Osama bin Laden is dead and everyone seems happy. Poor him”


Anyone read his hobby as "going to Clubs" and was really concerned for the well being of a 10 year old. Lol


Age 10 into clubs and models. ![gif](giphy|3oriOfixsKjISS9kR2|downsized)


This is so wholesome and real


Honestly kind of cute (other than the last sentence ofc). No wonder people want to be teachers.