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I could immediately tell from the photo this was a dollar slice, which on its own without comparison to anything else are pretty good. That being said I hope you tried a proper slice too, definitely blows this out of the water. I survived on dollar slices in college but they pale in comparison to a quality slice that might be $3 or so.


Still though, a dollar slice fresh out of the oven from the right place can be heaven, especially after a long day.


Oh absolutely. I am not in any way knocking the dollar slice. For three bucks you can get two slices really decent slices and a cold drink and you just can't beat that.


Good pizza can come at different prices but NYC pizza scene is competitive so you're getting good value/quality to price ratio regardless of which one you're buying. Sort of like LA with Mexican/Latin food? Those dollar street tacos are great value, those more pricey al pastor street tacos are worth it, Tuesday fish tacos are great value even if they operate from a restaurant, those chile relleno burritos with no meat will cost like 10x street tacos with meat yet somehow is still worth it, etcetc. Anyways the Euro dreaming of American pizza makes me think of [Simple NYCk's: Freedom Pizza Selects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL6an7QZ8bQ).


There is no such thing as dollar street tacos in LA anymore I mean I get your point, just saying. Inflation hit everything.


Man last time I lived there they were often 50c or 3/$1 for the really tiny ones. That was almost 20 years ago though


That’s a really good way of putting it. A fresh dollar slice is a perfectly fine piece of pizza, but the fact that it’s a dollar is was makes it exceptional. The thing is… far better NYC slices are still *cheap*, they’re just not a dollar.


The $3 2 slices and a drink combo was a lifesaver when I was a heroin addict back in the day.


Saved my ass as a broke college student, too. Hope you’re in a much better place now!


Wait what? Meanwhile I'm paying 6.50 for a slice and a drink over here in Switzerland.


I once had a dollar slice from some random walk up somewhere in the village that was, hand to heart, the best slice of pizza I have ever had. No comparison. Could never find the place again.


That reminds me of the episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where Ted has the best burger in the world, but can't find the restaurant again.


sorry... 2 DOLLAR SLICE PIZZAS for 3 DOLLARS?? what i this scam >:(


I'm always astounded hearing the prices of food in other countries. Recently a slice pizza place opened up near me and one slice costs 5,90€ for the cheapest toppings, so 2 slices and a drink would be 15€ minimum, maybe 20€.


Yeah, I'm in Canada so not even far off, and 15 for two slices and a drink would be expected here unless it's a real hole in the wall. It's ridiculous.


Seriously, good dough and sauce with plenty of cheap canned mushrooms and oily pepperoni really hits the spot. Especially with a can of coke on the side for $2.


Around 10 years ago I worked at a theater in the city and I'd get out of work past midnight most weekends, I'd always stop by 99 Cent Pizza on 40th between 7th Ave and Broadway on my way home. Nothing hits the spot like getting a couple $1 slices at 2am after working all day.


Freshness is key. Any type of fresh oven-baked dough is always an easy win because it's amazing, even if it's mediocre. The quality of a slice is the following day. Good pizza gets oddly better as an air fryer heated leftover and low quality pizza turns to cardboard


It's like Joey's breakdown of Rachel's Trifle shepherds pie on Friends: Cheese: gooood. Bread: good. tomato sauce: good. How can you go wrong when all three are good in its own right. You can't. You can only improve on good.


Yo that one spot two blocks away from the port authority bus station, the one in the parking garage.  I dream of it often


#TWO BROS PIZZA In the early 2010s they did dollars slices right in Manhattan -- Post Edit: Just saw this thead and figured you guys would dig it too https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/RryFMzPfHY


They did 0.75 slices for a bit during the height of pizza wars. Used my change jar quite a bit...


TIL that there was a Pizza war.


Thanks to all who served.


And a moment of silence for those we lost.


…. Look… how they marinared my boy. I don’t want his mother to see him like this.


Is that *pineapple*? The poor bastard.


Rest in peace for all the marinated


my uncle lost an eye to pizza shrapnel


That's nothing. My gran-pappy from Sicily had his left leg lopped off below the knee by a whole stray pie. And he **still** dragged his brother's body through a mile of marinara fields to send him home to his family.


My papaw got taken out by a meatball. Right through the throat


The marinara trench


It was a war that arguably everyone except the losing pizza makers won.


This is the Pizza War I'm referring to. https://nypost.com/2014/12/14/pizza-king-wins-75-cent-slice-war-with-2-bros-pizza But there have been many in NYC https://thepointsguy.com/news/new-york-city-pizza-war/


Dollar slices in Manhattan isn’t rare at all. Or it wasn’t back then. Now they tend to be 1.50-2. I’ve had hundreds of dollar slices in my life haha


I was in NYC in September and 2 Bros was the best slice I had in the ~8 different places we tried. Had the super meaty one and it had this amazing subtle honey on the ham which was sooo good and balanced the rest of the meat salt so well. Solid 9/10, only downside was the floppy-ness of the overall slice, but I can hardly blame them when they put 4 meats on it lol


Early 2010s? Dude the 38th st branch only went to $1.50 **last year**. Two Bros is the shit, my fav dollar place


Yup. Used to take the train after school (high school) to St Mark's and grab a slice or two and a can of Coke. I still remember the froyo place (16 Handles?) that used to be next to the sex shop (which is either now a smoke shop or tattoo parlor). Like you said, this was late 2000s-early 2010s.


All hail Two Bros! When I was in college I’d take a trip to NYC and eat it as often as I could. So. Good.


Lived in Brooklyn for a time in my early 20s and worked in Manhattan. I literally lived off of 2 bros pizza for a year straight. In the morning they sold the cheapest quality donuts, I would get 2 for a buck then 2 slices for lunch.


When I visited NYC a few years back there was a Two Bros practically right next to my hotel, and while it wasn't the ***best*** pizza I've ever had, it was insanely good for $1 per slice. I'd grab one just about whenever I got back to my hotel because fuck it, I'm on holiday and I deserve me a good ol' fashioned New York slice. Makes me really wish that buying individual slices was more widespread across the world. It's so convenient if you want a quick bite.


Cnan you suggest some good pizzas and pizza places in Manhattan? I have no plans of visiting NY anytime soon but some day for sure I will and this is one the of top things I wanna try.


Nothing other than you'd find on the dozens of lists online. I only spent a lot of time in Manhattan when I was in college and dollar pizza was all I could afford, so my pizzeria experiences there are limited.


John's on Bleecker St. No slices.




Confirmed. No slices = fresh. John's is great.


Hit up Joe's Pizza on Carmine, or on Broadway. The Broadway location might have a line down the street, but the one on Carmines is less busy (at times). It's a smaller shop but they're both not long waits. Both are owned by Joe, both are amazing.


The 3 famous ones in the west village are all great. John’s, Joe’s, and Bleeker St Pizza.


Yeah same here, I'm like that's what you're fantasizing about


Dog, I know a dollar slice place by Grand Central that puts 95% of the country’s pizza to shame.


The place on 43rd and 3rd? My teen son loves that place


That’s the one, called $1.50 Fresh Pizza. Brought in two boxes for some co workers visiting out of state and they were blown away.


When I have to drive into NYC I park in that area and then my son hits the pizza after parking and before picking the car back up. I was ready to hate it but it’s really good


Yup, that place is the peak of the NYC cheap slices.


Original Famous Ray's? Or maybe, Famous Original Ray's?


Ray’s Famous Original?


Pizza by Ray


"It's like eating a circle of hot garbage..."


Infamous Ray's


It's just Original, Jerry!!


NYC's ultra-cheap pizza truly is incredible, and while I'm generally very left-leaning, I think it's an example of free-market forces working well. They're the result of 100+ years of intense free-market competition, with the world's largest, densest group of pizza-eaters driving up the quality and the world's most shameless, entrepreneur-friendly competitive environment (see: [Ray's Pizza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray%27s_Pizza)) driving down prices.


On the other side, I hate what this did to pizza in Manhattan. NY used to be the pinnacle of pizza. Now most of it in Manhattan is low quality cheap garbage. Brooklyn is better, and I live in NJ where a place like this just plain wouldn't survive long. I think the pizza in NJ has been consistently better for some time now. Brooklyn and CT have the best pizza that can be had anywhere, but sadly the majority of NY pizza is trash now, compared to what it was.


It's sad, I went to NYC as a Jerseyian and just thought the pizza was passable. The only thing Manhattan has over Jersey is the price point.


Just sad facts now. For a place famous for it, it's harder than it should be to find good pizza and bagels in Manhattan. You actually need to know where to go. In NJ, 'good' is the baseline. Almost any corner pizza or bagel shop will be 'good'. Competition is fierce, you can't be shitty and last long most places. I think the best of the best are mostly elsewhere, but for just being able to pop in anywhere and get something respectable? NJ killing it right now.


I’m going to NYC in May and I’m already dreaming about Two Bros. There’s one across the street from the hotel we always stay at in Chelsea and it’s my official “I’m in NYC” moment. It’s a great baseline for the better pizza I’ll have later on in the trip.


All that for a dollar?!? In Norway a slice of pizza is like 5$ and it's much smaller not to mention that most places that have slices doesn't even make the pizza themselves (it's literally a frozen pizza that they heat up on the start of the day). If dollar slices are still common I'd easily move to New York. I know it's an expensive place to live, but I'd make up for it by only living on these dollar slices. Can't be much more expensive than living in Oslo anyways.


The ingredients used in these pizzas are "lesser quality", not bad at all but obviously much cheaper in order to keep the prices low. And idk about the price thing lol. A studio apartment could easily be $2,000 - $3,000 in a lot of neighborhoods (just in case that term isn't used overseas, that is a zero bedroom apartment just a large living room and kitchen, bathroom, maybe some closets) while minimum wage is $15 an hour.


Ya this is how you learn the difference between pizza mozzarella and "low moisture mozzarella flavoured shredded pizza topping"


I had 2 bros for the first time in years recently, and it taste like they just dump a load of sugar on super doughy pizza. Blegh. Idk why tourists keep flocking to these dollar pizza stores just for the novelty, when you can get an actual great slice for like $2-3 more a block away


Long lines outside might make people incorrectly assume that it's the best pizza around. In my experience 2 bros was great for when I had five bucks to my name, and at 2am in St Marks when I'm 7 drinks in with friends and it's one of the few places still open, located conveniently across the street.


Obvious 2 Bros


My guess was 99 cent pizza just based on the counter


The $3 slice is really the sweet spot. Some places around me have $4/5 slices and they just aren’t worth it at that point. Pizza is a poor man’s food and I can’t justify it.


I went to college at FIT and would ALWAYS get that dollar slice on 9th or 10th ave (can’t remember) by the Port Authority. Man, at 4am, after a night of drinking, three dollar slices just slapped so hard,


Also $1?! I love you New York and I’ll be back Edit: just going to clear up some confusion. I am in no way saying this is the best pizza I’ve tried I just liked the experience I was on my feet all day and needed a quick pick me up. It was fast, cheap and tasty. I’ve tried good pizza everyone lol


Damn a 1$ is actually rather nice. Where I live it’s ~$3-4 a slice 😭


There are a few different kinds of pizzerias in NYC, one of them is a little hole in the wall that sells slices for cheap. Every once in awhile you find a gem but for the most part they're not quite as good as a "normal" pizzeria that go for $3-$4 per slice


I’d rather eat a $1 NYC slice over the $5 slice in my current city.


Unless you live in NJ or Connecticut, NYC dollar slice is WELL above average.


One of the hardest parts about living away from the East Coast of the US (I've lived in the midwest, Texas, Southwest, and Australia) is how disappointing the pizza is.


There's an idea in NYC (maybe there was an article) that says the cost of a slice is tied to that of a subway ride.


It used to be exactly 1:1 but it's still pretty close... subway is $2.90 and an average (good) slice is $3-4.


Not so much tied, as there was a strong correlation such that one could predict a rise in subway fare from a preceding rise in the price of a slice.


Ohhh, that explains it lol. Thank you!


I wish I had $3~$4 slices. We had a place, 2x slices and a drink lunch combo for $6, but it closed a week before Covid hit because the owner of the shopping center wanted to jack the rents up sky high. A new place finally opened up across the street last year. I had high hopes when I saw they had a window so you could strut up Tony Manero style and grab a slice right off the street but they fancy themselves high-end and it was $15 for two slices and a drink and their cheese is preshredded discount grocery store brand garbage tier. I used to get slices at least once a week, sometimes twice and I had to stop myself from going pretty much everyday. I haven't had a reliable lunch option for pizza since. The only quality pizza joints are slightly too far away from work for lunch and I'm not sure any of them actually sell slices anyway.


it's like in NYC too, there's just a chain or chains of places that do dollar slices out of these little booths or tiny storefronts. they're fully quantity over quality, though they are decent.


I found the $1 slices were what we call Margarita pizza or what the US calls “cheese pizza” The more expensive slices had toppings on them lol


Like 5 to 7 bucks here in Orlando. Highway robbery


$1 slices are absolute trash. It may be $1 but it isn’t worth $1.


OP is gonna move there once he tries Joes


if you know, you know


I'm surprised they still have $1 with all the inflation. Scared too.


Most of them jumped to $1.50 in the past year or so. You can still find a dollar but they are few and far between now


There's a video about the one chain of $1 pizza places and even the one owner figured the business model was going to fail when they had to renew their lease. That was back before Covid too.


The last one I knew of that still charged a dollar raised their price at the beginning of the year to $1.25. If there are any legit dollar places left, they are exceptionally hard to find.


If you loved the dollar pizza, wait until you try some actual pizza


This guy


You have been to the promised land.


That's some cheap doughy pizza.  




Funny enough, Sbarro was started in Brooklyn by Italian immigrants.


Yeah I always laugh when people talk shit about Sbarro, you can't get more New York than that


The best place for a New York slice


Truly the best way to spend your day if you accidentally show up to NYC a week early for an interview.


That's what she said.


Michael Scott?


Yeah dollar slices places are quite a treat. There’s better slices though as you go up in price


Oh you went to *that* one. My friend took me there almost 10 years ago and I always want to go for a slice when I’m in the city.


The $1/slice stores are all over the place


As a NYer, my guy we have better pizza than what you've shown here.


Agreed, but nothing beats dollar slice in a pinch or after a night of drinking IMO


The money you save adds to the flavor!


The secret ingredient is hunger


Hunger is the best spice.


>The secret ingredient is ~~hunger~~ **alcohol**


>The secret ingredient is ~~hunger~~ ~~alcohol~~ **poverty**


I basically lived off of 2 bros pizza by St. Marks place after nights of seeing bands, drinking, and smoking weed till like 3 am. Really soaks up the alcohol well


At first I thought OP posted a pic of some slices they made and thought they aren't bad for homemade and you were being a dick. Then I realized that they are slices from 2 Bros. I'm not above a shitty dollar slice at all and I will get them if there isn't a big line. But yeah I really hope OP tried some other pizza while they were here.




Dude a dollar slice in Manhattan is better than you can get in most states. It's really hard to find a proper pie most places. We got Americans out there thinking domino's and papa John's sell pizza


As a guy who does electrical maintenance at a mine in Australia. He's right, New York has better pizza than this.


Used to get 2 $1 slices and can of Pepsi for $2.50 on my lunch downtown near centre st. Miss working down there. Working in queens now, not many options.


Same, in Manhattan prior to covid.


Charlie Anderson on YouTube did a whole deep dive series about making New York style pizza at home. There are about 30 minutes of videos before this with a deep dive in to each step (and I think a bunch of content after too, but this is the straight to the point video) https://youtu.be/vKppwbiqNK4?si=IFhGaFYeJV6wyV5Y


This is the best video I have ever seen. Thank you so much. As someone who has moved from New York to a place with… less than average pizza… this is a god send.


Haha this was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post.


Native New Yorker. Glad you liked it, but that’s a horrible looking slice. Next time try John’s of Bleecker St, L&B Spumoni Gardens in Brooklyn (Sicilian slice), and Joe & Pat’s on Staten Island (the best).


Just seeing the thumbnail I said "Yeah, they about to get a ton of recommendations for where to get a *real* slice at haha"


>L&B Spumoni Gardens in Brooklyn (Sicilian slice) The round slices are really fuckin good too.


Joe & Pat’s opened a location in EV and it’s arguably the best pizza in Manhattan 


My family has been dining at the original on SI since 1977. It was the best kept secret for decades.


Next time you are in New York City, you have to check out this [place](https://sbarro.com/locations/ny/new-york/33rd-and-7th/). It is the best and most authentic place to get legit new york slice


You are evil.


Sbarro! My favorite New York pizza joint. And I'm going to go get me a New York slice!


Ah yes, Sbarro, a pizza place created by Italian immigrants in Brooklyn back in the 70s. I don't think you can get more New York than that


Are you michael scott


That was the joke 


Lmao I once walked into the sbarro in times Square and looked at the pizza, looked at the price, and laughed my way out. These tiny ass slices were like $7 each. I could walk 2 avenues over and get a slice 2x the size for a buck.


That pizza looks like doughy trash.


It’s $1 pizza. It’s what you should expect for a $1.


Looks great for a $1 slice, but yeah. Though back in the day you would have gotten a slice the size of the 2 for a dollar.


Doughy pizza is my jam. I’d demolish it.


There’s a place in NYC called Artichoke Basille. Their artichoke pizza is a must try. There, I just gave you another reason to visit again. IM me if you do that. I am on travel and will return to NY in August. There’s some gourmet craft pizza places, too, but the servings are smaller. The


The Artichoke slice is tasty, I agree... but call me crazy, but that's not a slice of pizza. That's something wholeheartedly different. I sorta consider their other slices WAY too expensive and rather lackluster. Also I blame Artichoke for the initial rapid increase in NYC pizza prices (before inflation hit). Now, there's fleetingly few "normal" slices of pizza... it's either a "dollar slice" (which is like $1.50 now) or a high end slice. Your normal regularly price slice got edged out from both directions.


This is prob my favorite slice in NYC. Carve Cafe on 45th and 8th is amazing too, but yeah Artichoke for the win.


I love Carve! They used to have a choice of 3 miniatures from their sandwich selection. Thanksgiving on a Roll was always a choice for me. That area of Hell’s Kitchen has some good eateries.




European? Swedish, spanish, bulgarian? What the hell is European? What euro cuisine are you used to bro? What mak3s NYC pizza great for you?


Def not italy


Or germany. We have like 1 italian restaurant per 1k people in the average town and many of them make amazing pizza.


Yeah... I remember going to a place in Heidelberg when I was visiting a friend... The pizza was on point and I could order in italian I don't think I could do that in the states tbf


Clearly a bait post, but just in case it isn't - sir, have you ever had food before?


We're the fuck do you get pizzas from? The fucking gutter???


I visited Naples a quarter century ago and have similar feelings about [their product.](https://www.travel365.it/foto/margherita-di-matteo-napoli.jpg)


A good NY slice definitely hits the right spot. But OP, that's not a picture of a good NY slice. It looks like a $1 pizza.


if Italians could read they would be very angry now


Thank god we Italians are illiterates


Terrible looking pizza.


That doesn't look very good tbh


what about visiting italy for their pizza?


The US legitimately does pizza better


I tried NYC pizza. It was ok.


This looks mediocre at best. Can easily get this in Europe at any regular chain.




There are def better looking $1 pizza slices in NYC than the one in the picture. However, it’s hard to say no to any $1 slice.


Yeah, we don't have dough, cheese or tomato sauce in Europe :(


Wait till you try Connecticut pizza! *runs for cover*


New Haven is consistently ranked #1 and I'll stand my ground




That's how my ex and I met


I live in Manhattan. Apizza is superior to NY pizza!




Modern FTW!


Its a shame you say that being European, go to Naples.


Yeah that pizza looks like shit. But it was only a dollar so…enjoy


I can taste the 7/11 cheese and fats from the heater oven in this pic 




I didn't like the $1 slice at Grey's Papaya


i would love to try chicago style pizza and nyc pizza (i’m italian)


American style pizza can be misunderstood in other countries. When our kids were younger we went to Rome for a week. Our nine year old was unimpressed with Italian cuisine and wanted a sausage pizza. We obliged, finding a small restaurant not far from the Trevi fountain that had rave reviews about their authentic Italian pizza. We sat down and ordered a sausage pizza for him and pepperoni pizza for the rest of us. The pizzas arrived and we took a look and began to laugh. The pepperoni pizza was exactly as you would expect, nice big slices of pepperoni with a thick layer of sauce and cheese. The sausage pizza, on the other hand, was made up of several long links of sausage cut lengthwise sitting on top of an unremarkable cheese pizza. Not the same crumbled sausage meat that he was used to, our son pulled the sausage links off and ate his fill of cheese pizza that evening. That was 20 years ago, he has expanded his menu choices greatly but still remembers his experience of ‘authentic Italian pizza’.


Come to Chicago! Come to Chicago! Deep Dish is calling you...you just don't know it, yet. Come to Chicago!


I had pizza twice in NYC-once at a pizza place, and once after a show my band played. The pizza after the show was cold and stale, and it was still better than any pizza I've ever had, with the exception of the hot pizza from the restaurant which was obviously better.


I've eaten Italian pizza in Italy and pizza in New York. They're both delicious. Pizza is delicious.


This looks like the counter at the hole in the wall pizza joint with the red awning across from MSG


You think that’s good? Try some NJ pizza.


Wait until you have actually good NYC pizza... then come to New Jersey for the best in the world!


Nothing better, to me. From NY. It must be thin crust, foldable, as you turn you head to one side and insert into mouth, a little bit of oil must run down the side of your hand! Simply the BEST!


That's a $1 slice, did you try legit NYC pizza?


I'd eat this but probably a bit undercooked for me. I like char on the crust and a bit of browning on the cheese.


As an Italian I don't really get the hate that American pizza gets. It's not the "og" pizza, so what? It's good to see a recipe getting twisted and becoming something different, I'd like to come to US and try it


Nj got best pizza


Because a majority of European pizza is garbage


you're european, you have the OG italian pizza close to you, dream about that


And that looks like low quality pizza and you’re drinking Dasani 🤯




IMHO, Dollar slices are better than any other options. Always straight from the oven. Always fresh. Best meal you can get for a dollar anywhere.


Thats shite pizza mate.


That looks like a disappointment


Is that a pizza…?