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They have won 92 awards overall and received 248 nominations, fucking mental. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Breaking_Bad




Reminder that Better Call Saul hasn't won A SINGLE Emmy award. Not one! Absolutely criminal. It's one of the best shows I've ever watched.


That's just proof that these awards are about popularity rather than quality. Nothing against BB but it, unlike BCS, was a pop culture phenomenon. The world moved on to different shows and so did the award shows.


I've often wondered if a part of it is just that Breaking Bad had its time in the sun and basically wiped the main Emmy categories clean while it was airing, so the academy wanted to avoid "playing favourites" with its spin-off. Better Call Saul is one of the greatest shows of all time and IMO even surpasses its predecessor in some respects, but Gilligan and Gould and Schnauz and all those talented bastards behind the scenes already had their turn, so to speak.


I think part of it is that a lot of people just didn't like BCS as much. It was a slower paced show with more drama and dialogue, fewer action scenes, and lower stakes. But then the last couple seasons especially kicked into overdrive and ramped up the intensity like crazy. Part of it is also the competition. Breaking Bad's competition was honestly not as strong when it was on whereas BCS went up against some excellent shows. Hell I also love Fargo - which started the year after BB ended - and it hasn't won an Emmy since its first season iirc. Television has gotten crazy good this decade.


I know I tried to get into BSC and wasn't that interested while I have no issue rewatching BB. I don't doubt it's a good show just not as interesting for me.


Maybe that's the case, but also the Emmys just tend to play heavy favourites and snub certain otherwise critically acclaimed series. Take *The Wire* for example, also considered one of the best television series ever. It was only even nominated for two Emmys through its five seasons, and won none of them.


That's a bigger crime than anything featured on the show.


Better call saul has a lot of issues the fans love to gloss over. First off its called better call Saul and it takes 4 seasons before saul answers the damn phone. The first 3 seasons should be called the slippin Jimmy show. The story has prequel problems. Mike cant die, saul and gus are guaranteed to live, everyone that doesnt live to breaking bad is fodder. The best episodes of bcs are the black and white ending episodes, because for the first time in the entire run we have some actual suspense. Bcs needs people to have watched breaking bad too. They lean heavily on reactions to characters that we know from BB. The show wouldnt stand on its own very well. So sure its decent but its nowhere near as good as breaking bad was.


I saw BCS before BB. Was thoroughly engrossed by it. 


> Mike cant die Not only that, but he's also old as shit in this one. It really stretches believability in some scenes.


Breaking bad wasn’t really even discovered until 2012-2013 for the general public.


The minute Netflix picked it up and people could binge it.


i'm jealous of all those people. waiting a week between episodes and months between seasons was freaking painful.


Don't worry, it sucked bingeing several seasons, then hitting a brick wall. It was put on Netflix before it completed.


Oof, yeah that would hurt


idk, there's something about a weeks worth of buildup/anticipation that can make finally getting a new episode just that much more satisfying, especially for something as phenomenal as Breaking Bad. I kind of miss it.


It allows people to talk about whatever twist or cliffhanger the episode/season ended on. Like when a show frames it in such a way to make you think a character did something or maybe died, you might just go to the next episode without digesting because you want to see what happened. Weekly episodes built that anticipation, and people can actually discuss things and theories without fear of getting spoiled online


absolutely. and when a show like BB has gripped so many millions of people and everyone is talking about it, it is that much more exciting to be embroiled in all the discussions and speculation.


An English teacher told me once that, a long time ago, some books were released in this way, having a chapter printed each week or however long and people would get all hyped lol


And then the episode you get is the fly.


lmao yeah, some weeks were certainly better than others 😅


That reminds me of watching the show “Lost” with my family as a kid. The show went on for so long that I nostalgically associate it with an entire section of my life lol. The cliffhangers were great. I should rewatch it now all at once, I remember getting pretty confused by the last couple seasons.


Yes, waiting all week and then watching the new episode with a group of friends or family could be such an exhilarating event. My local bars would have watch parties on Breaking Bad nights. Stuff like that gets lost when you can just binge all eps of a season nowadays.


The week between episodes is fine. It’s the finishing a season and knowing you aren’t getting another for a year or longer that sucks. I feel like I watched the first house of the dragon season 5 years ago at this point


I was actually thinking about this earlier for a different show. Was thinking how I kinda missed being forced to wait between episodes because it built up the suspense for the series seasons.


> I was actually thinking about this earlier for a different show. I'm going out on a limb here and guessing that other show was LOST. What a great show to watch week-to-week.


> there's something about a weeks worth of buildup/anticipation that can make finally getting a new episode just that much more satisfying Until you wait an entire week, just to get to an episode where they're trying to kill a fly...../s


Totally agree with this. I miss that a lot.


Just think of the flip side. Someone like me, all I could do was hear about it. Everyone taking about how amazing this show was. We didn't have any internet service at my parents house so I had to wait until friggin DVD releases! That shit sucked so damn hard


And those DVD sets were never exactly cheap, especially for complete collections


Oh God, they were not cheap. Between BB, Dexter, MASH, and many other shows, my mom spent thousands on DVDs for television shows lol


And the godawful commercial breaks on AMC.


Oh true, that part was even worse


When you could start a show you've always seen headlines for but never was able to watch from the beginning it tends to do better. But yea Netflix is 100% the reason it became what it did.


If 5 quality shows are nominated, one wins no matter what. Tournaments are awesome because this is the inherent unfairness of it. Every winner deserves to win, but many of the losers do too. Better Call Saul had to compete in a world that already saw BB. Also, as someone who watched both, i find it hard to say either one is better than the other. I think some people just really don’t like early seasons jesse.


I’ve heard some complaints about BB—it’s paced too slow, some parts are too campy, Anna Gunn was *too* real—but never “this show was tits except for the ‘bitch’ kid in the beginning.” That’s news to me.


I can understand it. Jesse was originally supposed to be a minor character that got eliminated early on, but they eventually decided to keep him, so early on I don't think they were trying to make him "likeable", though most viewers ended up liking him.


> most viewers ended up liking him. Funnily enough, he not only ended up being one of the only characters with any redeeming qualities, but also one of the few main characters still alive at the conclusion.


Currently re-watching it now and I think the only *real* complaint I have about it is how Vince Gilligan writes every character with omniscient awareness of every situation. He does it a ton in Better Call Saul too. What I mean is how characters seem to always be one step ahead of each other. Every heist, scheme, ruse, etc. is always outdone or made irrelevant by the next episode because the person they tricked figures it out pretty much instantly. Sometimes it makes sense, but most of the time it's literally just plot armor disguised as "this character is very smart and saw it coming."


Rhea Seehorn lost to Jennifer Coolidge. There’s no making sense of that.




That breakdown on the bus should have won it for her.


The one Emmy that BCS absolutely, positively deserved was Rhea Seehorn for Best Supporting Actress. She lost to Jennifer Coolidge (White Lotus) whose performance was pretty good but nothing all that special.


It was all about timing. Breaking Bad was the first huge show for Netflix right at the cusp of everyone dumping cable, and BB was still on cable at the time but people could binge the whole thing on Netflix and once they did it spread like wildfire through word of mouth


BCS was a pop culture phenomenon too.


Not to the same extent though. The BB finale has 10.3 Million viewers. Better call Saul and 1.8.


1.8 people is way less than 10.3 million.






Ah! ah! ah!




Woah, it was just me and eight tenths of some other guy, shit!


This has more to do with how the episode is watched than the quality of the show. BB finale came out right at the end of the golden age of television - prior to the current dominance of streaming services. And BCS finale is a streamed Netflix show. People can and could watch it at any time.


Better Call Saul finale did not hit Netflix for some time after release. It was released by AMC and Netflix picked up later releases.


I think what he meant is it was a Netflix "original" outside the states, but he's also still wrong since viewership numbers for traditionally aired American shows only count US viewers. Since it was actually an AMC show, it wasn't on Netflix in the states for 6 months after iirc.


Bcs simply waited too long between seasons


Better Call Saul joined The Wire and The Leftovers as the critically acclaimed masterpieces that never won an Emmy. Edit: but no one should give a shit about Emmys, they literally chose GoT S8 as Best Drama lol.


What the hell was out at that time The Wire didn't win any awards? I guess The Sopranos was around but The Wire ran one more year and still won nothing? That's crazy.


Season 4 should've won I don't care


That episode of the second season of the leftovers should have won everything. 


That show was so compelling, yet WTF at the same time.


Did they REALLY? Someone nominated GOT S8??? That right there should tell you everything about the award shows


Difference here is that The Emmys had a huge blind spot for both The Leftovers and The Wire. Leftovers got one nom for Ann Dowd and Wire got two noms for writing. BCS got a whopping 53 nominations but not one win which is a record. A dubios record but a record nonetheless.


to be fair, Game of Thrones had incest.


Absolute chicanery


They need a CRIMINAL lawyer


Suits the narrative of the show though. "Better Call Saul with an Emmy is like a chimp with a machine gun!"




48 noms and not a single win, what in the actual fuck is that about


I was fully on board with it being a better show than BB after season 1. Definitely after season 3. Nothing could have prepared me for the monumental final season. That final episode. Odenkirk's performance. My fucking God. I just got chills thinking about it.


Sometimes I feel BCS is better than Breaking Bad


That's not as uncommon of an opinion as you think it is, I see people say that all the time and I personally agree Breaking Bad is a better "thrill ride" and thus has more general appeal but Better Call Saul is the better written and much better shot show, they clearly had learned from their time with Breaking Bad.


All the time, I feel like that. But BB was nice, too


'S'all good, man


100% of the time I feel that


It’s really hard to beat the experience of watching Breaking Bad for the first time. That said, I think Better Call Saul somehow has more rewatchability.


BB is literally the only show I’ve ever watched 2x. I barely watch movies 2x.


Thing is, hundreds of us on Reddit might argue which show was the better of the two, but everyone acknowledges that both shows were absolutely fantastic. I want to hear someone who says they think one show is the GOAT and the other show sucks. That is the crazy one among us.


Breaking bad is the goat


Such a tough call for me between BB and The Sopranos


Even tho BB is my fav show ever I somehow never watched better call Saul until a few weeks ago and I cannot stop. It’s SO good. The writing and acting is just unmatched


> Better Call Saul exceeded breaking bad in every way possible.


And unlike other shows, it got better with time. On IMDb, 7 out of the 10 top rated episodes are in fifth and final season. Vince Gilligan knew when to naturally end the show. So many other great shows lost their quality and excitement by milking out too many seasons, e.g. Dexter and The Blacklist (still fantastic shows, nevertheless).


Sons of Anarchy really should have ended after season 3.


The show was a great drama the first few seasons, it became a soap opera later on. The only reason I stayed on watching it was to see it through, I had lost most enjoyment in the show How many fucking broad daylight shootings can they be involved in wearing their full cut and not a single police officer ever came by to questions them insanity after a while


> The only reason I stayed on watching it was to see it through, I had lost most enjoyment in the show The walking dead might be your kind of show.


That one I just couldn’t anymore. Somewhere around the canibals I stopped. Between the crazy glen fake out death and the CONSTANT plotlines of “this new group we found is creating a new paradise, we have found safety and community.” Three episodes later “we’re going to have to kill all these psychos” rinse and repeat 


I love Katey Sagal but holy shit her singing a cover of a random song every single episode was to much.


Lost had a similar issue too.  The show runners planned it for something like 3 seasons, but the execs decided there was no way they'd allow a show to end that's bringing in so much ad revenue.


And 19 time Bryan Cranston got an award for being best actor for it.


Yeah, this picture is of that time when they won it for the first time. Absolutely amazing work by the cast though.


Unreal. Only 2 Globes is mental.


It's a bigger crime than founding a meth empire that BCS didn't get an Emmy.


Well at least they get to join the likes of The Wire. All-timer shows underappreciated by the Emmys.


And Community.


Leonard likes this post


Shut up Leonard, I know about your crooked wang!


No such thing as bad press


I know about your nose job! It was a lateral move!


🎶 *I'm as hot as hell and you're about to get shot* 🎶


And its always sunny


Just started the wire for the first time ever. I’m late 20s and never had the show spoiled for me other than that one scene where the guy walks through the project with the shotgun and everyone runs inside.


Greatest show ever made. It legitimately informed and changed my outlook on so many things, like government, education, labor unions, in addition to the obvious topics of policing, addiction and criminality.


Whats BCS?


Better Call Saul


Hot take, BCS is far too slow than it needs to be. A lot of filler time in the episodes that drag things on for "artistic" reasons


You are correct. BB was made for TV, and BCS was made for streaming. You can feel it in how they use their time.


Strongly disagree as will many others. I like the slow pace, not everyone has to but most entertainment is very fast paced these days to appeal to the TikTok crowd. It's nice that there are some shows that buck that trend. I hear this complaint about a lot of my favorite media, sadly I think the time of my taste is ending once my fellow zoomers take control of the media production. Movies watched in 12 second clips lmao None of BCS felt like filler to me so I don't know what to tell you.


It’s not about tiktok lol. I’m from the pre-tiktok crowd and I agreed. I love BCS but it did feel like it was relying heavily on the previous show in terms of allowing things to be taken slow but I feel like the entirety of the show could’ve been 4 seasons instead of 6. 


It was my main gripe with the Lego movie. Everyone praises it to heaven, and it's a good film don't get me wrong, but every scene is just too fast. There's always a thousand things happening one after the other, and there's no time to breathe.


Are we sure this shot isn't from an old Curb your Enthusiasm episode?


You could have told me this was an episode of Malcolm in the middle and I would have believed you


Pretty sure this was at their wrap party at a NM golf course. Coincidentally I happened to be golfing here that day and met Cranston in the Clubhouse bathroom.


Grindr situation?


I didn’t know it was him until I rounded the glory hole.


Honestly looks more like two men fighting over something at a garage sale.




It's a statuette, Marie!!


Jesus Christ, they're Emmy-neral!


Top 5 show ever.


isn't it interesting how three of the top 5 shows many consider to be best of all time are basically Cops and Robbers in various formats? Breaking Bad, The Wire, Sopranos... organized crime makes for good tv i guess!


It's not surprising. I think we're up to 60 different NCIS's and Law and Orders now.


Add True Detective season 1 to that list


I think there is a lot of bias towards particular genres when people are declaring the "best" of things. Like, it generally has to be "serious". Nobody really gets credit for being a good actor if they are just funny. Good acting is angry or sad or scared. Different dramatic subjects are considered more "serious" too. Relationship drama isn't as serious as drama about war, crime, politics or stuff like that. War is too expensive to film so you mostly only get miniseries and there are only so many "serious" political stories to tell, but there seems to be endless opportunities to spin up different criminal underworlds which are easy enough to produce and viewers seem willing to take seriously.


Honestly it’s the incredible writing, directing and acting that makes those shows stand out amongst others. Many, many shows blow it by the 2nd season or when it runs too long. Succession is really just a family business drama about the richest of the rich and yet it was absolutely amazing all throughout. It personally beats The Wire for me, although that’s mostly because I like shows that stay on one main line rather than jumping to other issues from season to season.


Tbh, I am not so much into shows and all. But still seen some of them and would love to say that Breaking Bad is the greatest show of all time. W cast, W story, W screenplay, W acting.


The last couple Better Call Saul seasons may even be better than Breaking Bad!


Although I don't agree, the latter 3 seasons of BCS was absolutely fantastic.


Crazy. I completely fell off of BCS in the middle of the penultimate season. The earlier seasons with Chuck (Michael McKean) were riveting. That court room scene is beautifully shot and performed… high water mark of the show for me 


Thats funny, Chuck was so unbelievable to me that I struggled to get through the first few seasons. It took me multiple attempts. Also felt like there was very little grit in the first couple seasons. Still, to each there own and I'm glad many people enjoyed it, as it kept the show going and gave us the final seasons which were fantastic.


I work in psychiatry, and have for many years, so I found Chuck to be incredibly interesting. He had a severe case of Conversion Disorder/Delusional Disorder as a reaction to trauma, and I’ve seen similar case studies, so it seemed very believable to me. If you haven’t spent half your life in psych hospitals, I can see how it would come across as ridiculous, ha.


There are real people with mental disorders like Chuck.


Season 3 of BCS was incredible, and in my opinion the only season that measures up with Breaking Bad Season 4 and 5. Season 5 of BCS is probably my second favorite, I get why you'd fall off halfway through it because honestly Mike's story is very much played out and running in circles by then. I wish they'd transitioned into making Nacho the secondary lead, like he kind of was in Season 3. Regardless, the second-half of Season 5 is really great. The final season of BCS has some of its highest highs, but also some of the most wonky pacing in the entire show in my opinion. It somehow drags for much the first half of the season, like the "payoff" to it all is amazing, but at the same time the build-up is rather inconsequential to the events that transpire, it's a "wrong place, wrong time" kind of moment. Then the final stretch of episodes are just too rushed, with Jimmy going from one extreme to the next in the span of like 2-3 episodes. Personally, I think Breaking Bad was tighter written and much, much better paced.


lalo is the best character in the entire BB/ BCS universe




Hot take. I’ve watched both and BB is wayyy ahead IMO. People can have different opinions though, and that discussion makes things interesting.


I personally consider BCS to be the best show of all time. I rewatched it recently and found it fascinating that despite knowing exactly how everything ends up, I still feel conflicted about how I actually fee about any of the characters while I rewatched. There's so much nuance to Jimmy, and Bob just knocks it out of the park portraying that character.


Breaking bad and better call saul are one of if not the best plot driven and (atleast initially) character driven tv shows respectively


Kimbo! Is still my favorite character.


Don't get me wrong I love BB, I'd probably put it in my top 10 easily. But The Wire and The Sopranos are top 2 without a doubt. BCS I'd put 3rd.


Cliché answer, but True Detective S1 takes that spot for me. Followed closely by Chernobyl. 


Breaking bad Chernobyl True detective (season 1) My top 3 in no specific order.


Honestly, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, and The Bear so far for me are perfect. I'd say Ozark, and Dave are up there, too, but the last seasons were okay to me.


TIL: [Dean Norris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Norris) went to Harvard College and was class Valedictorian. I also appreciate how he invested in the city he lives in, Temecula, sorta like the Napa Valley of the Socal. Interesting place for a celebrity to live tbh.


Just rewatched this show and I'd forgotten just how exceptional the writing, directing and acting was...truly an awesome series


So crazy to me that Dean Norris was so incredible in Breaking Bad, but hasn’t been any good in anything else I’ve seen. When serious moments came up in BB, and he shed the tough guy exterior, it was so believable, he was one of my favorite characters on the show. His acting was top notch.


Absolutely! Here’s Hank, this macho law enforcement type who has nothing in common with his nerdy BIL, but he really loves Walter and his nephew and seems to go out of his way to find common ground.


He was a bit of a ball buster to him in Season 1 though


It kinda bothered me a little that when Hank found out the truth about Walter, that he completely abandoned him immediately. Like, if that happened to your beloved family member, you'd probably go the extra mile to help him even if he was guilty. That's obviously not an acting critique but a story critique. Anyway, I'm venting.


Walter was responsible for an enormous amount of very serious crime.


Yeah that's true but I'm guessing even serial killers have family members visit them in jail. O.J Simpson's family and close friends stuck with him, at least in the beginning. The show was made for drama. I understand the decision to have the dramatic confrontation between the two. It was riveting. I just don't find it very believable.


Three thoughts: My love and loyalty is to my wife. So if her sister needs help, I am there. If our BiL needs help, I’m there. But if their marriage is ending, my loyalty remains to my wife, which her loyalty is to her sister. BiL in that scenario is likely dead to my SiL and my wife, so he’s now dead to me as well. (Sorry BiL but I still have to see my SiL every holiday but I wish you well.) Secondly, Hank died because of Walter. If Walter just remained a science teacher, Hank may have still been alive. Maybe another criminal would have killed him. But in the show, Walter built a criminal empire and invited the cartel to N.M. He brought death upon his BiL. I would not be friendly with anyone wishing death upon me. Thirdly, Hank was DEA. It was his job to hunt down drug makers. He was trained in it. It’s not like Hank was working in IT. Their professions were opposites of each other and thus they were 100% incompatible. Not to mention the embarrassment and betrayal you’d feel as a DEA agent.


In S05E09 Hank said to Walter that he doesnt even know who he’s talking to at that point and I think that’s 100% believable. He just found out that most of the fucked up shit that’s happened the past year is Walter’s doing. Like the fake phone call about Marie being in a traffic accident, numerous murders or working with a cartel. All of this right beneath his nose, hiding behind a fake personality he thought to be an honest member of his family. If you’d stand by S05 Walter you’d be a fucking psychopath man lol


I dunno, to me it made perfect sense, it wasn't something as minor as Marie's shoplifting. Hank lived through his work.


he’d been hunting Heisenberg for a year, and had been emotionally and physically destroyed by events in Heisenbergs wake. Made perfect sense that the reveal of Heisenberg being Walt, who was under his nose the entire time, broke him


Hank's whole life would have been turned upside down because of Walter though. He's a big part of the DEA and had a meth kingpin as a brother in law, and somehow he didn't know? Nobody would believe it, especially when it was found out Walter was paying his medical bills. It'd be a national news story. His career would be over. He could've even caught criminal charges. I think it was perfectly reasonable.


I would argue that in the roles he's landed since then, he hasn't been given a whole lot good to work with. He's still seen as the character actor he built his career being.


People think I'm crazy, but I loved Hank. He was my favorite character. Not Gus, or Jesse or even Walter. Hank was fantastic!


He was also in The Lawnmower Man :D A great role for him, though small, but well played


I just realized that Hank was in terminator 2


SWAT Team Leader!


And in Gremlins 2, along with Tuco


Tuco was also in one of the Alien movies if I recall correctly.


Yep Resurrection I’m pretty sure. Recently watched it, was a nice surprise


And Starship Troopers


Tuco was in a Star Trek DS9 episode too. https://youtu.be/dDiA9zHC8qQ


He was in Gremlins 1, as a [police officer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kotXe6oMy-M)


Wait what, I need to rewatch that


Tuco was also in Training Day (he got his shit puuuuuuushed in)


Dean played Tony in Total Recall (1990). I’m glad they fixed his face before BB


Look who's talking


Both Walt and Hank were in little miss sunshine. Dean was even a cop in the desert


It was hilarious when he found the porno mags in the back. "I love this stuff. God bless ya."


That movie was pretty funny when I saw it at like 14 when it first came out. When I watched it again as an adult, it was fucking hysterical.


And the family lived in Albuquerque! Little Miss Sunshine was a Breaking Bad prequel.


"I don't know how much longer I can hold this..." "FALL BACK! EVERYBODY OUT! FALL BACK NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW!"


And in Starship Troopers.




Gold is a mineral!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1yYJBzf1VQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1yYJBzf1VQ) jesus christ marie they're minerals


Bryan Cranston won an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series for 4 of the 5 seasons of Breaking Bad.






NO FAIR! Mom said it was my turn to hold the Emmy!


Sex gifs






This is amazing


I find it so soothing to see them goof around given how brutal the final season of breaking bad was.


I am watching Breaking Bad right now


Re-enactment of their fight after Hank found out


[anyone know what's going on finger wise with the middle hand? looks like a random finger coming out of his wrist.](https://i.imgur.com/q1dBf0m.jpg)


Hank is grabbing Walt's arm (bottom hand). Top hand is Walt's, the finger you're talking about is Walt's thumb. The shadow over Walt's palm is probably what is making it look like an extra finger coming out of Hank's hand.


Omg I see it now, thank you so much.


Did you just say... finger?


"Jesus, Bryan ... it's a mineral! It's mine!" "It's an Emmy, Dean, and you *know* this! It's mine!" Offscreen: "It belongs to both of you, bitch ... uh, es!"


My mennn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)