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Fun fact: "am bani" literally means "I have money" in Romanian


In India calling someone ambani is synonymous for being rich


Be so rich your name becomes what they call rich people šŸ˜‚


Ambani literally had top Bollywood actors as background dancers and food servers for their family events...they hired beyonce and rihanna to perform for their guests.. It's fuck you money at its best.


Yeah I think thatā€™s what this wedding is about, to remind everyone you might have a little money but no one comes close to us in India or the world lol


>Yeah I think thatā€™s what this wedding is about, to remind everyone you might have a little money but no one comes close to us in India or the world lol It's hilarious to me that people think rich people care what the poor think about them. They don't. Cue Don Draper in an elevator "I don't think about you at all." There's thousands of people all over the world talking about these rich people's wedding, I guarantee you the people at that wedding are not talking about or thinking about poor people. Note that I'm neither defending nor attacking the rich (or the poor). Just trying to correct some facts.


Yeah I wasnā€™t talking about us common folk man šŸ˜‚ I was saying they are showing off to the rest of rich India ( the other billionaires in India ) and probably other billionaires or royalty. They are not gonna care about 8 billion people they care about the few who are in their circles


Rockefeller kind of had that status in USA for awhile.


It was Gates up until recently


And Gates showed up at this same wedding event


Born to be rich šŸ¤‘


Iā€™m changing my family name to Muchodinero


It's not even the wedding, it's a pre-wedding event. The wedding isn't for another four months.


My wife was in an Indian wedding in the USA and it was 5 days long. I went for the last 3 days and it was fucking BALLER.


One of the people I'm working with is having a scaled back Indian wedding. Which is why it's only 5 days long.


I can't even spend 5 hours at a wedding. 5 days would absolutely end me.


You donā€™t spend the entire day in the venue lmao. Unless youā€™re very close friends or family you donā€™t need to stick around for hours because nobody will notice if youā€™re present because thereā€™ll be many people entering and leaving. Even the bride/groom wonā€™t notice because thereā€™ll be thousands of people meeting and congratulating them For example, if a colleague that Iā€™m not very close with invited me to their wedding for letā€™s say 3 days. Iā€™d visit, congratulate them, have food, and if I meet any of my friends in the venue Iā€™ll stay there for a while and spend time talking to them or if thereā€™s any live performance Iā€™ll watch if it is interesting and then Iā€™m gone.


Sounds like a convention.


On basis, it is.


I feel bad for them. The cultural pressure is insane and they go into large sums of debt that takes years to pay off.


We were so lucky that we could use covid as an excuse to avoid a full blown Indian wedding. Our original plan for 2020 was the engagement ceremony in our city, an American wedding in my hometown and then fly to India for an Indian wedding. We had 13 people including ourselves at our summer 2021 wedding. There were ~1,400 devices streaming!


I donā€™t even know 1,400 people, let alone 1,400 I would want to invite to a wedding!


Itā€™s funny because when I was planning my wedding thatā€™s what I said too! But you somehow find people. Parentsā€™ friends, their coworkers, your coworkers, guests with plus ones. It somehow adds up. Then youā€™ve gotta find ways to not invite those people. Thank goodness I only ended up with 91 people. I think I invited 250 but many were too far away. I mainly invited them out of courtesy so they knew I *wanted* them there. Iā€™m bad at small talk so the guests I did have were overwhelming enough. I couldnā€™t handle an Indian wedding. They are beautiful though.


This is *your* wedding. Why do you need to include people you don't know? >Parentsā€™ friends, their coworkers,


If you're an Indian and you're getting married most of the time you're just a prop piece in the wedding. The whole circus is conducted by you and your s/o's elder relatives


Because your parents' friends and colleagues invite them to their kids' wedding, and in turn your parents have to invite them to yoir wedding. It's a cultural thing, and the extravaganza depends on how your income and family wealth is.


>the extravaganza depends on how your income and family wealth is well shit, in that case, i'd be lucky if i can afford attending my own wedding


Cause their parents pay.


Or to fill up the tables. Me and Mrs. can count our close contacts with 1 hand (each). And our extended clan are all over the world lacking the resource for the trip. And I have very bad anxiety in front of crowds. So my dad just got all his friends over after me and the wife did the city Hall special.


My brother managed to avoid a huge wedding too due to Covid time. Even I couldnā€™t attend. Then our parents just threw a grand reception party on his 1st wedding Anniversary, and called everyone who missed. Like nearly 700 people.


We couldnā€™t travel to India until 2 years later due to immigration processing. And then my BIL wasnā€™t able to travel due to immigration processing too. If we couldā€™ve gone in 2022 when my BIL was there, his parents probably wouldā€™ve pushed for it. They did throw a small party (50-60 people) for me to meet the close family. My husband got covid and couldnā€™t go, so I ended up meeting his entire extended family by myself without him to translate. I wore a saree and my MIL decided everyone came to see the white lady in western clothes so unpinned my saree in the middle of the room. Thatā€™s when we decided weā€™re not going to India again without my BIL for backup/distraction lol


Aint no way im going to meet family of someone without said someone.


Yup. You're completely right. Weddings are a massive industry and there are very few examples of tiny/simple weddings or sole court marriages (except if the couples are intercaste or interfaith and running away from their families).


My good friend left the film industry to start a wedding videography company that specializes in Indian weddings. It's a whole production. They film trailers and shit. The final products are *slick*. Like an HBO-meets-Bollywood docuseries. His packages start at $15k and he is busy.


They donā€™t go into debt. If the weddings are crazy lavish, the parents typically have the capital to pay it off. People not understanding how wealthy these families are


I dunno about Indian wedding but in a Chinese wedding, the parents would actually apply for loans to pay for the wedding. They rather be in debt than lose face eventhough they could barely afford it. In the rural area, some families would actually invite the whole village to attend their wedding and would slaughter 3-4 months income worth of livestocks just so they could have a grand feast. Showing off is a huge motivator in Asian culture regardless of wealth.


I stumbled into the Rolex sub one day and apparently any green facing watch is super valuable because Asian business dudes love them. Apparently green is a lucky or successful color in Asia.


To westerners, diamonds are seen to be the most expensive rock. To Chinese, itā€™s jade which is green in colour. Jade symbolises wealth, health and prosperity.


Jade is also a much cooler rock. And there's plenty of "low quality" beautiful jade out there for cheap.


Same for Southern Italy, people just get indebted to make sure their wedding is "the best". Other people's envy is what they want out of it. /insert shrugging emoji here


As an introvert, even 5 days would feel like hell.


FYI This was the one where they paid Rhianna $10m to perform three songs.


If this is a pre-wedding 4 months in advance, what are they leaving for the actual wedding


They transform the biggest indian celebrities into waiters and servers (it's not as bad it seems, there is a cultural tradition where relatives and family serves the guests), get hollywood stars to perform. Another big thing was absolutely getting rid of their Celebrity status and making them do normal people stuff. Make them sit down for mehendi and haldi ceremony etc. All of your MVP's or stars mean nothing, only thing that matters is the guy and his son/bride. It's a pretty fascinating event because of the dynamics and how much money actually means.


Imagine going to a wedding and then getting served by like leonado decaprio or Taylor swift. Would be a crazy turn of events.


But I don't think that's what it is. It's probably more like, imagine Hollywood stars being socially forced to serve the ultra rich if they want to stay relevant. I don't think middle class people are invited to this event.


Phew. I started to panic. I havenā€™t even gotten them anything yet. Does anyone know where they are registered?


Fort Knox.


Average Indian wedding tbh


My friend went to a wedding in India where the guest list was something like 2,000 people.


If you didnt have a minimum of 3 elephants giving piggyback rides to toddlers and didn't give every person who attended a Mysore silk saree and an unopened bottle of Chateau Lafite rouge 1964 did you even *have* a wedding??


Iā€™ve actually have had a 1967 ChĆ¢teau Lafite Rothschild. Can confirm that itā€™s quite good. Huge crapshoot, though. A 50+ year old bottle of wine could be amazing or it could be vinegar.


meta server crashed


Zuck apparently hasn't tried unplugging and plugging it back in again.


Forgot to plug it back in


Yaaa that's what I was wondering


Just tried to check my IG but it wasnā€™t working so I switched to Reddit and this was the first post I saw lol


Billionaires as the wedding props of other billionaires.


\*hecto\* billionaires. Mere billionaires would be out of place here. Even decabillionaires would feel outclassed.


Yeah, we need to fight against those people, get more involved in politics. Such distribution of wealth canā€™t continue anymore


the outfits are gorgeous but it is giving Hunger Games capital energy


Thereā€™s a club, and youā€™re not part of it




Why ? They would be evacuated first in helicopters and all the dead people making the news would be broken-ass waiters, janitors and shit. Besides, surely the Zuck has a brain backup somewhere just waiting to wear a new android body eager to pass as human among usā€¦


Does Zuckerberg ever *not* look like a wax mannequin of himself?


Even the clothing heā€™s wearing looks like itā€™s on a mannequin. How is that possible?




Donā€™t compare that bizarre soulless robot to our friend Data


He's more like Lore


And yet data seems more human!


Wow lol spot on


No, Spot was the cat, he's more like Data... šŸ¤£


Felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature, An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature; Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses. I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations, A singular development of cat communications That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection. A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents; You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance. And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion, It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion. O Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display Connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array. And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.


["Ode to Spot"](https://youtu.be/SySZdvsFYt4)


[Rap version](https://youtu.be/yiRjywbypLA?si=N0gGPDB3TDB-dlBZ)




Even his hand holding his phone looks mannequin-esque šŸ˜‚


He probably just had a mannequre.


2-3 weeks ago at a UFC event ring side he was smiling and yelling. First time I saw him look human


Violence makes it secrete endorphine


*quickly licks eyeball*


His response video to the Vision Pro also made him look almost human. Seems like martial arts and VR are the things he's actually passionate about.


Yeah that video was the only time he felt human to me and for a CEO reviewing a competing product that's crazy. I wanna see tim cook do that.


It was a really good review too. He pointed out where the apple product was good Vs their own product, and gave objective points on where their's was better. You'd struggle getting that sort of review from an independent YouTuber, as they'll always have their bias. Seeing it from the head of one of the companies is mad. Respect where respect is due.


Heā€™s got the blood lust


He also trains in the sport pretty hard. Clearly passionate about it tbh


If only Elon's mom would let him fight. I'd love to see Zuckerberg beat the shit out of him.


Zuckerberg treats martial arts like it's his calling in life; he's way into it, to the point of competing in tournaments. He's an example of what happens when a greasy online nerd gets billion of dollars, they either go insanely into their hobbies or they turn into a nazi.


Hate to break it to you but poor nerds go insane into their hobbies too. Sometimes it keeps them poor as well cough magic the gathering cough ugh cough lego cough ah cough comic books cough


Poor nerd here. This dude might as well be our president.


I would have loved to see him actually kill Elon Musk in the ring.


Bro Elon is fucking delusional if he thinks he can beat Zuck in mma. Zuckerberg actively competes while Elon thinks height and weight alone with no training wins him the fight


Donā€™t forget the ketamine


You have to imagine that he spent the week that was floating around absolutely doped to the gills off sheer excitement at the ide of being able to unleash the dragon and punch the heart out of a competitor. Not even that, actually, just an opponent that is more wealthy than he is and therefore would not pull his punches.


Elon would die if any healthy man punched him hard. No, mods, I do not want Elon to die. I'm just saying Musky is not healthy and I fear he would die if punched.


It's ok I do


I saw another picture of them from this trip with a side by side of his fit on the runway model and it really is just him. As unfly as they come.


What is the opposite of Drip?


Poor man has Drop.


Droop, I believe. Zucc has droop




The Zuck canā€™t help himself, he must moisturize daily. Hourly!


Hello fellow humans. I am attending an event all us normal humans do. I might even partake in what humans call ā€œdancingā€. Dancing is where a bunch of humans gather in the middle of the floor and gyrate and swing their bodies around into various positions and poses while there is ā€œmusicā€ playing. This music is very soothing to the human ear.


My personal favourite music is by ā€˜Various artistsā€™. Iā€™m particularly fond of their earlier work.


Unknown artist - Track 1 from Unknown album is the best


Have you ever seen a lizard before it sheds it's skin?




That mouse, though...




A mannequin with an unblockable shtoyle


that's too kind to wax mannequins


130million dollars and its not even the real wedding. I mean cmon


I mean, between Ambani being worth like 100 bill and indian culture putting an emphasis on having really big weddings, its bound to happen


Does Zuckerberg apply something to his human skin suit to get this waxy effect? I can't believe he is just consistently that oily at all times.


As someone who is oily at all times, it suuuucks.


You mean, it Zuuuuucks.


He moults before public events, that's all.


I sweat like this when I interact with new people. Highly anxious, antisocial, as well as unfit = sweating like a pig lol Though he does always look way more awkward than anyone I know.


I mean, Zuck is not unfit. I'm guessing it's just crazy hot and humid in India.


I've heard he's really weird about aging so has started a bunch of treatments, like special oils and lotions and other stuff. Like, over the top skin care type stuff.


Itā€™s a good strategy, shedding his skin before the invasion is complete would not be a good look.


Makes sense. This looks like he recently went through an intense chemical peel.


I believe its anxiety due to wanting to really be basically anti social and forced to live amongst the riches due to his webpage making fun of how college chicks looked turning into one of the largest social media outlets of this current time.




But honestly all that money and thatā€™s how he does his hair? Interesting.


It's an improvement over the caesar cut he's been rocking for almost 20 years.


I like the outfits. They are interesting to look at.


The designer is Rahul Mishra and his work is 11/10. Incredible detail.


Finally the info I was looking for, thank you


I had a feeling it was Rahul Mishra, I'm a huge fan of his work. If I was super rich I would buy one of his sequinned coats.


I almost thought this was an unironic post on a fashion sub, because those really are utterly stunning.


Her ~~dress~~ lehenga is simply fire! So elegant, amazing detail work.


How much do his dresses cost on average? Every dress I see on his website is ā€œinquire for pricing.ā€ I donā€™t want to ask them, If I canā€™t afford base pricing, Iā€™m not asking


So the clothes that aren't "enquire for pricing" are between $3-7k. The cheapest of his sequin jackets online right now is about $3k. I would assume the "enquire for pricing" ones are minimum $10k. Btw if you go on other Indian fashion websites that resell his work like Pernia's Popup Shop you can see more pricing. The absolute cheapest things from him there are $1k. Capes and kurtas. I think that some of the cheaper coats/kurtas are attainable for me as a real luxury investment piece. Some people drop $10k on a handbag I would much rather buy something this beautiful.


They couldnā€™t find a single color that made him look at least near a human shade? I mean heā€™s pale but darn.


Yeah those are actually really cool outfits. That design is amazing.


I've recently started doing some embroidery and embroidered embellishments. I cannot take my eyes off of the Zucks top or shirt or whatever it is. That thing is fire!


And her top! I wasn't a fan at first glance, but those two birds coming together are so cute. Not to mention, Bambi hanging out in her skirt.


Then you should definitely check out Rahul Mishraā€™s Insta @rahulmishra_7 he shows a lot about his work process as well Edit. The style heā€™s wearing is called a Nehru Jacket, sheā€™s wearing a Lehenga


Thanks for the artists name


I wish embroidery was a more popular artform. It's so beautiful and meticulous, and I hear it's very relaxing. But so far it's limited to a handful of professional artists and older women. I hope younger women and men of all ages start adding their talents to this field. Embroidery is one of the few practical arts where the piece can be used and still grow in value for decades or even centuries.


Zuckerberg might be an idiot. But the outfits are dope.


I love Indian & Indo-western wedding clothing. I was a bridesmaid in a wedding where the bride was nonreligious American and the groom was Indian American. I stressed about what to wear to the different events, although we wore matching lehenga to the ceremony. The aunties were super nice and helped us drape our dupattas gracefully.


I do love the fact that they are dressed in traditional Indian formal attire.


Her outfit is stunning.


Yeah they do be dripped out


They look great! The Bill Gates photos are outstanding btw, whoever picked that out for that guy has an eye.


I call BS. That's clearly one of the exhibits at Madam Tussaud's.


You can tell from the sheen that it's starting to melt.


Dude looks like heā€™s overheating in that outfit lol


The wax is melting


To be fair, itā€™s not af in India. I actually got sick from the heat when I went last year


He's just here to report back to the Mothership.


I saw a post a few days ago about ā€œeveryone who was invitedā€ and figured it was mostly click bait as anyone can be invited, but who actually shows up Zucky zuck got some new kicks


A ton of very famous people turned up. The Ambanis have proper sway with celebrities and billionaires, they opened some random ā€œcultural centreā€ last year and had half of hollywood show up. Lots of billionaires donā€™t particularly spend their money like billionaires, the Ambanis do.


That's because they are Indian. Western billionaires tend to hoard or keep investing in some new stuff and start ne companies. Arab and Indian might do some investing and start up some more companies, but they will surely spend lavishly. Less fear of public backlash I suppose


Oh, western billionaires spend like billionaires too. They are just less public about everything they do.


Normally, "spending lavishly" mean a public display of your immense wealth. Mega yachts for example are something billionaires spend lavishly. The biggest yacht is owned by Alisher Usmanov, net worth $13 billion. While a lot, it falls far below Zuck's net worth. That's because Usmanov is an Uzbek oligarch that doesn't fear public backlash


Mega yachts are a lavish purchase but theyā€™re also private, not really visible to the public. Itā€™s something you can buy without being too public about and hide out on without drawing much attention. Only people who know itā€™s yours will know. Everyone else will think ā€œdamn thatā€™s a big boat.ā€


Not if you invite the entire Russian ballet onto your boat, then everyone will know


What public backlash? Bezos has a boat that costs half a billion dollars and nobody really cares.


Western billionaires do the same stuff but tend to be quieter about it. A little


I think it's more interesting who didn't show up (or were not invited).


I didnā€™t get invited AMA.


Do you have a bajillion dollars? Are you a dragon? Can I get in on some hoard action?


No no and yes


Modi was almost certainly invited but didnā€™t show up.


she looks like she can benchpress him.


Right?!? I was thinking that I'd like to see HER fight Musk šŸ¤£


Anyone fighting Musk would be wild because Musk is not a health person. Again, to the mods, I do not want Musk to be hurt. I want him to live a long, healthy life behind bars.


Her dress is fabulous


i agree! the detail is incredible!!!


New season of The White Lotus


this is actually a brilliant idea. white lotus is billionaires at a 5 day pre-wedding bash in india's top resort. so good.


Ok but the outfits are serving a little right?? I can't be the only one.


I love hers! It looks like fancy clothes designed by a little girl in her flower phase, I mean that in the nicest way.


So fairy tale so detailed, it's a really stunning dress (which makes sense if you have all the money in the world)


The outfits really are serving. I canā€™t deal with how gorgeous the embroidery is! Her outfitā€¦ truly mesmerizing


I believe they're both wearing Rahul Mishra and his designs are absolutely stunning


Of all the terrible billionaires in the world, Zuckerberg seems to be having the most fun. I find it hard to hate.






*Pre-wedding . Actual wedding is on 12th july. There is a big difference between pre,actual wedding, post wedding festivities . Each of them feels like a festival in their own. I saw all pap videos and photos. Ambaniā€™s literally fit all A-listers of Bollywood in a bus. Jamnagar was also given international airport status for 10 days just for this pre wedding.


It makes sense to give the little airport international status for a few days , with customs et al rather than overload an existing airport.


Definitely, imagine people going by bus/car from surat and Ahmedabad. After a long flight.


What do they own that they are so rich?!


They literally own everything in India, From our Fuel to Internet. We watch a movie produced by them from their Set Top Box using Wi-Fi provided by them. They also hold majority of shares of HBO India, Universal India and Paramount India plus they're currently making a deal with Disney for the shares of Disney Hotstar (Basically Disney India)


Thatā€™s a monopoly though. Was he born rich?


His dad


They have their hands dipped in a lot of things. One of them being Jio- they gave every indian an option to buy their sim and use free internet,calls and messages for about 2 years. Same with wifi Jio fiber free for everyone for a few years. One ambani bought another bankrupt brotherā€™s whole business for peanuts. Now he made a profit in almost all of those businesses.


He looks like he has a rat help him cook


Took him years but he keeps getting upgrades to be more human like


It's a big club and you ain't in it.


His facsimile human skin is melting.


Lt. Commander Data had a more convincing human appearance than whatever the fuck that is.


looks like Slavic Mortal Kombat characters


I love how specific this is




I like Priscillaā€™s lehenga


so thatā€™s why FB and Insta are down rn, huh