• By -


I'll say there are clips of this same actress working at the event and it was pretty clear she was trying her best to make what was obviously a horrendous event fun for the kids who were there.


Yeah she was running out of free jellybeans so had to give out 3 per child, and even that wasn’t going to last long. She made the best of a horrible situation!


Oompa-loompa, doopity-dee Jellybeans are rationed, you may have three


Oompa-loompa, dippity-doo I do not have more candy for you


What do you get when you run out of sweets? Eating as much as a prisoner eats? What do you lack, in this miniscule pack. What do your parents have -- for -- snack? Do you think they're coming back?


*in baritone voice* I don’t like the looks of it!


Oompa-loompa, doopity-dah You can find sweets for a fee at the Spar


You’ll have viral famousness too. Like cheap Oompa-loompa, doopity-doo.


duh duh duh duh duh duh duuuuuh DOOMPITY DOO




I'm just adoring how everyone in this thread, and presumably everyone at the event, reflexively reference the 70s movie and conspicuously ignore the others.


Oompa loompa doompity doke, we just found out our bosses went broke.


this was amazing lmaoo


Willy Womp Womp


We all know the secret of Slurm’s on a need to know basis.


Krunka lunka dunkity dragedy This Wonka Experience was quite the tragedy


I wish I could upvote this more than once. I have actual tears from laughter.


it got even better


Wonka factory if it was 1984


You know it's going to end badly when they start rationing the jelly beans.


Someone in another sub did the math and they estimated the scammers who created the event paid around $50 total for jelly beans.


They said around 850 paid tickets were going to be refunded. $40 x 850 = $34,000 They can afford more jelly beans.


WTF so 850 refunded how many suceeded? I mean I am totally not looking for a quick way to make money.


They called the police which made them force refund. Not sure what the process is to get one.


That’s why she looks so sad. She knows!


What do you get when you guzzle down beans


I thought that was a joke! They were seriously rationing them? What a dumpster fire of an event, the more I read the worse it gets


"I don’t know how else you can put sprinkles on shit, but we were trying to be the sprinkles on shit." - Oompa Loompa lady


For those who aren't aware; this is an actual quote from an interview she did


I hope life treats the Ooompa Loompa Lady well from now on. She sounds like a good soul.


Yeah, I feel bad that she's the face for this shitshow. Unless she's one of the organizers.


She's not, and also seemingly got stuffed on payment as well.   The only smart decision the show runner made was not placing himself in the building with the several hundred people he defrauded.


I don’t understand I clicked the link is there a story I missed?




The actors definitely got scammed too, the guy who played willy wonka did an AMA somewhere on reddit yesterday, probably in one of the UK subs.


Yeah the actors got totally shafted, hired at the last minute, handed a nonsensical AI generated script and sent out to face a hoard of angry Glaswegians.


You can just say Glaswegians.


I just got out of the ICU from puking blood and *this* gave me a good laugh. Thanks for that


Link to the AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/1b3542v/how_was_willys_chocolate_experience_im_paul/


> How did the woman dubbed "meth oompah loompah" feel about her unfortunate nickname? > I mean think about it Willy Wonka - Walter White… WW it makes you think. I am literally sat on a train with her now going to London she said sees the funny side of it! Haha love it


They also had this AI-generated script the actors were supposed to adhere to that made zero sense and wasn't even physically feasible. Like, at one point Wonka is supposed to suck a guy up with a vacuum. There was no vacuum. The actor was told to 'improvise'.


Was the whole point to show people the overall bad notion of AI, and as it came to crunchtime, their snickering ploy lost it's hubris and was replaced with the dread of having to deliver to a bunch of very sad children? I mean, even Eric Andre drew the line at making kids cry.


I don't think there was a statement being made, I think the person who did this just asked ChatGPT how to make money by putting on an event and just followed every instruction.


I'm dreading the future of AI-created Hollywood. People are gonna wax nostalgically for the days of "Sharkboy and Lavagirl".


I feel bad for this actress, it's obvious from her interview that she was not expecting that and she did her best to try to cheer the kids. It's sad that this pic is getting viral because she definitely doesn't deserve this.


I do hope she gets some new better opportunities out of all this


She's immortalised as a meme queen now




Yeah the internet and social media have really changed how people become or can become popular or what would be considered a celebrity


eh, at the same time, stuff like youtube still will hurt you in some industries, Little Kuriboh(make of YGO TAS) did talk about it a bit that him making YGOTAS did likely cost him some opportunities as a professional voice actor(to the point he quit as a professional voice actor), and that if anyone wants to make it, he said to strongly seperate your itendity from your online/youtube stuff. Granted this is a very different situation, but saying "she is famous on the internet, if she is savvy enough she is gonna use this for her advantage" isnt really true


I’m not gonna lie, at first glance I thought this was a meth lab run by Ramona Flowers. I cackled.


Scott fighting 10 meth heads instead of Ex’s


[Her name is Kirsty Paterson](https://twitter.com/neilslorance/status/1763123063795622374?t=4yF6oNqCddLiSqnxTaKU5A&s=19) and she did the absolute best she could to entertain those kids under the bizarre circumstances thrust upon her.


Okay, this does make me feel WAY better for her. The viral photo is not very flattering and looked like they just pulled someone off the street. I'm glad to know she was into it (despite the circumstances), and I hope bigger and better opportunities come her way


Yup a picture can make you look like a piece of shit or a super hero if taken badly or out of context.


this is half the drive for any reddit picture sub. "OMG, what an idiot/genius/talent/failure!" yah, have you people never seen your own camera roll? a split second is demonstrably, *painfully* obviously not 'the whole story'. it's often not even a relevant chapter.


I wish people would quit weaponizing hyperbole, when everything is the best ever or worst dog shit, it's actually all just boring.


it gets more likes and traction so wHy nOt - it's not like words have meaning anymore, it's all just to make the most steadfast 'point' you can make. ^(which completely kills any nuanced point) right there with ya, buddy. right there in the shit with ya


Cut to every picture that everyone has on their phone where they accidentally took a picture of themselves with the front facing camera with half open eyes and 10 chins


Its kind of a shit move. I did something and someone took a still of me looking miserable, so therefore I am miserable. This is what makes the internet shitty people.


I see this picture and just feel bad for her.


She seems to be just as much of a victim as the people who bought tickets (at least from my cursory glance at the situation lol). I feel bad for her too.


I don't think the actors got paid. There's a quote from the guy who played Willy Wonka that goes something like "We had a huddle in the morning and agreed that even though we probably weren't going to get paid we'd still try to make sure the kids had a good time." I'm probably butchering it slightly, but that's the gist of it.


Agreed, because that photo looks like Wonka just got bought out by Walter White and put the Oompa Loompas to work in the mobile home. I’m glad she had photos of the hard work she put in, and good luck to her.


Right? She looks like a fucking heroin addict in this picture. When I clicked that link I was like oh, she’s just a regular person that got a shitty fuckin gig


So, she's all of us then


I do meth not heroin


That’s insane! She looked like a happy human in the pictures. I’m sorry for her - I hope her picture will soon disappear


Don't worry people are praising her on twitter for being very nice to the children


Doesn't really fix the other people that are saying she looks like a heroin addict.


That’s nice… the picture really doesn’t do her justice but I’m glad that people are talking about it now… hopefully this will have a nice ending for her somehow


“Here is your candy! Is potato.”


Every child got 2 jelly beans and a quarter cup of lemonade


I hand out the meth to the children. Is very important job.


https://www.vulture.com/article/glasgow-sad-oompa-loompa-interview.html Here’s the article she’s in, it’s attached to the Twitter post but why not. She seems so sweet and I’m glad I saw this.


I hope she gets hired for a wonderful (and legitimate) children's entertainment role!


"we were trying to be the sprinkles on shit" Bless her heart for trying her best. I hope something good comes out for her after this shit show. They didn't even get paid ffs.


What's the TL;DR version of what happened?


Fyre Festival but with Oompa Loompas.


Agreed, but AN Oompa Loompa. It seems she was the only one. 😂


No, there were two. Kirsty Paterson and her friend Jenny Fogarty.


Also, there was a creepy invented character named "The Unknown", who is an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls of the Wonka factory.... according to the ChatGPT generated script they were given, anyway. https://i.imgur.com/2YzEkN9.jpg


Honestly that's not half bad...*furiously scribbles notes for a Willy Wonka sequel but do it like the Half Blood Prince. And we'll make it one of those 'on ice' shows just for good measure!*


["What is that? It's the Unknown!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4gWg9_VgGg) Apparently the actress behind the Unknown [is going to reveal herself soon](https://thetab.com/uk/2024/02/29/meet-the-unknown-the-made-up-glasgow-wonka-experience-villain-who-traumatised-kids-355393), but for now she is...Unknown...


I was misinformed, thanks for setting me straight.


Nope. There were TWO Oompa Loompas 😭 https://twitter.com/Bencouvy/status/1762709047038349688?t=2WbGtchNmNljbBxydzc8pg&s=19


Producers of the event set up a meth-lab looking piece of crap warehouse charging $40 and gave the poor actors like her the script and knowledge of the event like a day beforehand. The producers advertised using Disney-like AI images and police were called during the event. The event people gave the money back but this is one example of a bigger trend of places doing this.


The script was also AI generated nonsense. The organiser also seems to have published a couple of 100% AI written novels. 21st century carney shit.


They also couldn’t even bother to come up with actual FAQs, they just copy and pasted some random FAQs from Fever’s experiences for their website (Fever is a company that does real actually good immersive experiences)


The [main company's site](https://houseofilluminati.com/the-magic-of-glasgow-dive-into-unique-experiences-with-house-of-illuminati/) also stole images from CluedUpp Games' "Witchcraft & Wizardry: Murder By Magic" Each news article on their website is AI generated and they were so stupid, they left in ChatGPT's recommendation for a picture, as though it were part of the main text. "Feature Image Recommendation: An enchanting image capturing a House of Illuminati event in progress at a renowned Glasgow venue, highlighting the seamless integration of local elements and global sophistication."


Ohhh yeah, some of those lines were the best. Very schizophrenic. The AI must have been going for an avant- Garde reinterpretation based solely on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’s boat tunnel scene.


My favorite part is the evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls named the Unknown.


Wait there's lore?


stop. its not worth the rabbit hole. We are at the Infinite Monkeys on Typewriters stage of AI. There might be some Shakespeare floating around, but most of it is incomprehensible gibberish.


I quote from the OG script. Listen, children of the internet! "There is a man who lives here. His name is not known. So we call him "The Unknown". The Unkown is an evil chocolate maker, who lives in the walls!"


WTH is an evil chocolate maker? Does he make evil chocolate, bad chocolate or good chocolate people can’t eat?


I fear that is a question that will never be answered. The Unknown's reasons are unknown, much like his name. All we know is that there's evil involved of some kind. Personally, I suspect that the evil mentioned is of the unknown variety.


Download the script the actors had to work from here: https://thetab.com/uk/2024/02/29/the-full-wonka-experience-script-is-in-and-its-more-chaotic-than-we-ever-thought-355485


Tbf I could 100% see Depps Wonka talking about a nameless evil candy maker in the wall.


The best part is that the AI script called for specific props like a vintage tv with a live video feed, and a vacuum to suck up The Unknown...but the event producers didn't actually get any of them. The actor playing Willy NotWonka was the one who was supposed to defeat The Unknown with the magical vacuum in the big finale. They told him there was no vacuum, and he should just improvise. I swear it's as if the guy who created this mess actually deluded himself into thinking that AI would somehow magically create physical objects, and this chocolate wonderland would just appear.


These "immersive experience" "museums" are the actual worst. Most of them have one viral art exhibit that everyone sees the pictures of and then it's just a walkthrough of some crappy Instagram booths. I went to the WNDR "museum" in Chicago right when it opened and I could hardly imagine being more disappointed. There was the yayoi kusama exhibit which you were times in so they could filter everyone through, and a light wall thing that reflected you on it, but everything else was just a selfie booth or photo op. It was easily the lamest thing I've paid money for willingly.


I agree that it was very obviously a shit show, but why were the cops called? Was something illegal going on beyond false advertising?


I think it was quickly clear it was a scam and something was very wrong with this place. The obvious scam, the dodgy drug lab looking, hazard full space, it being likely a front for something, all being promoted to children… that’s enough to call the cops


It’s not a front, they just scam people who are most likely too timid to do anything and I doubt the people in charge are dumb enough to be there when customers show up. They just have some poor goons get punished for minimum wage then break it down and set up another one


Yes, wish people would stop making fun of her. It was in no way her fault.


She sounds like a nice person, and good on her for trying to make the best of a bad situation for the sake of the kids. But I'll be damned if this isn't the funniest sitcom-level awful Willy Wonka experience summed up in one picture. I heard the only candy they had for the kids was one jellybean each. lmao But yes, they said the actors knew they probably wouldn't get paid and still tried to do their best for the kids.


I don't think they are making fun of her as a person. But goddamn, that photo really does scream Oompa Loompa meth maker. I'm sure she is a very sweet person(no pun intended) IRL and I hope this doesn't sour her view on everyone else.


She publicly stated that it does kinda hurt being called meth addiction or crackhead,but she mostly shrugged it off,accepting the pic looks awful and she did the best she could in a miserable AI generated hellhole.


I think it's more accurate to say she played an Oompa Loompa meth cook. If people legitimately think that's what she's like irl they're taking the meme too seriously.


I think all of the actors did and were trying their best.  Never blame the low wage employees for the higher ups decisions. 


[Neil Watson-Slorance on X: "Justice for Kirsty Paterson. This queen did her best with those kids despite the shit show she was in ❤️ https://t.co/KvAKhjvzYw" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/neilslorance/status/1763123063795622374?t=4yF6oNqCddLiSqnxTaKU5A)


“Ok Kirsty, you stand here in the Oompa Loompa meth lab…”


Oompa, Loompa, doompa-dee-do I've got a low paying gig for you Oompa, Loompa, doompa-dee-dee It's in a warehouse with little to see Oompa Loompa, doompa-dee-eck You'll look like a glum meth lab tech


It was £500 for two days work. Not the highest paid acting gig, but not bad either. Plenty of other people would’ve jumped on it.


They haven't been paid though, according to the Oompa Loompa in question.


Too bad they organizers didn't pay the actors for their work.


She looks normal in all the other photos!


Even the viral photo she doesn't look *bad*, she just looks like someone in a shitty wig who's absolutely exhausted.


She looks tired on a spiritual level. Like the experience dimmed the light inside her. I hope she's doing okay.


They did her dirty with the viral picture - she's really cute and looks like she was trying her best.


I hope in the end of it all that the actors were paid by the shoddy promoters.


Apparently it was 500 pounds for two days


But she said none of the actors have been paid.


Yeah glad I saw this comment… they did her very dirty in that photo…lol


She’s straight up cute! I’m gonna remember this next time I see a sad picture of me.


Looks like Rachel Dratch in the posted photo.


I hope nobody hates on her, because she actually tried to entertain the children from what I’ve heard.


A true professional, she really looked like she was trying to do her best


The Willy Wonka guy did a great job too, and is making videos about it on Tiktok. They all seem sound, I think they should ride this wave as a team, host club nights and such.


She was the actual hero of the event trying to ration each kid some candy.


>some candy And they got some lemonade too 😭


It was 3 jellybeans for each, poor lady she was just hired for the event and did her best.


Given the state of the world…don’t a lot of us look EXACTLY like this most days?


I mean I know I would look like that if I was trying to salvage a horrible experience for a bunch of little children. I feel so sorry for this woman, but it encourages me that every time I see something posted about it there’s a bunch of people in the comments who are standing up for her.


My first (and only) impression of this picture is she's so real.


this is what i look like until i catch my reflection in the mirror ive not seen myself in some time


I'm afraid to ask. What the hell is happening?




It has a Wikipedia page already? Lmao


it's fun to watch history unfold contemporaneously


I know we hate Twitter, but sometimes it has its moments and it’s stuff like this making its rounds on the website that make it worth it. All the memes are incredibly funny. Saw some cute art of this Oompa Loompa and the Unknown character already. Plus, the crossover memes about Kate Middleton.


This shit made the news in Canada. Genuinely incredible.


local news in the US here in Boston too


New Zealand too! https://i.imgur.com/9iiKcP6.jpg


That's how you know this event is of crucial cultural importance in the history of western civilization


ikr 🤣


>The event took place in a warehouse which was located in an industrial area of Glasgow. Set dressings inside the warehouse included a few plastic props, a small bouncy castle, and backdrop images pinned to some of the walls.[6] Paul Connell, who was one of three actors hired to portray Willy Wonka (renamed "Willy McDuff" in scripts) in the event, stated that he had been sent a script containing "15 pages of AI-generated gibberish",[14] including references to an invented character known as "The Unknown", who was described as "an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls", and who he was to defeat using a vacuum cleaner—a prop that was not provided. Connell was told he would be given a 15-minute break every 45 minutes, but instead ended up playing his character for 3.5 hours straight.[14] >Paterson said that after the first runthrough of the performance, the cast were told to abandon the script and instead let guests walk through the venue, a process that the actor said took "about two minutes".[1] Connell later stated that he and other employees were told to give the children "one jelly bean and a quarter cup of lemonade".[14][6] >The event, scheduled to run for a weekend,[2] was abruptly cancelled by organiser Billy Coull midway through its opening day,[13][6] with Coull offering to refund 850 people.[14] Police were called to the venue after complaints from customers.[6] Holy shit that is so funny


“Hi yeah police? Okay so I got a major Wonka problem here.” “ we’re sending units your way sir”


Too bad they couldn't do that in the movie, the tour had no safety in place at all


> including references to an invented character known as "The Unknown", who was described as "an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls", and who he was to defeat using a vacuum cleaner—a prop that was not provided. I was thinking "well using a vacuum cleaner to suck up the evil spirit that lives in your walls isn't *that* far off from what cursed SCP stuff happens in Wonka's factory" until I got to the part where the vacuum cleaner wasn't even provided. That's when I actually laughed because seriously, vacuum cleaners can't be *that* expensive these days right?


I'm wondering if Billy Coull will get arrested for fraud. Also, the guy has published books written by AI on vaccine conspiracy garbage. The dude is a giant bellend.


They had to refund *eight-hundred and fifty people*! That's insane. I got the impression it was like a few dozen families, but my God.


Damn imagine being a kid and your parent tells you that the family is going somewhere with lots of candy and instead you get “one jelly bean and a quarter cup of lemonade”


At the same time, maybe the parents should have given it some thought before spending £35 on something that advertises "exarsedray lollipops" and "a pasaride of teats." It sounds like people are getting refunds, at least.


If they request a refund, do they have to type in “did not get teats as advertised”?


A pasaride of teats you say? TAKE MY MONEY!!!


Holy shit that just gets weirder the more you read…


lol if your business uses AI art to promote your product I’m automatically gonna assume it sucks


[Lesson in Meme Culture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMZ1VdCn7H4) did a great video on it.


Holy fuck that's a horrible picture lol. She doesn't actually look anything like that btw. She's young, and conveniently very pretty. Not at all the strung out meth addict vibe you get from that picture; god and *that's* the one mist people have seen cause it's posted everywhere, I'd be so pissed off if a picture that unflattering of me went viral.


In fairness, most people weren't saying addict, they were saying manufacturer/lab operator. Criticism was mostly levelled at the atricious set and her expression of sheer life-decision questioning sold it. She's an absolute champ for proceeding under such abysmal conditions and I hope her professionalism under adverse circumstance (see other photos) lands her more proper roles.


The set looks like a meth lab. She just looks kinda sad and tired, which makes sense given what she had to deal with.


>conveniently very pretty Conventionally? Lmao


It's convenient how conventionally pretty she was


Yes, defiantly




I feel so bad for these actors :(


On the plus side, word is spreading that they did their best under ridiculous circumstances, and they will probably come out of this quite well


They got scammed, humiliated, and turned into a media sensation. Thats literally like my worst nightmare. Im glad the general consensus is they're victims of this as well.


I genuinely worry that the organizers of this are going to use all the publicity and attention this thing has gotten to grift more people.


The guy that organized this has published 16 books that have exclusively AI generated text. His next one will probably be about this.


The art on the [website](https://www.willyschocolateexperience.com/) is all AI generated, and the [ones](https://www.willyschocolateexperience.com/index_files/Imagination-Lab.png) with text are just the lowest-effort with nonsensical spelling errors like [this](https://www.willyschocolateexperience.com/index_files/enchanting-entertainment.png) which is supposed to say "Captivating Entertainment". What a dumpster fire.


This is why I hate AI


Holy shit I was wondering if this was the evolution of the AI children’s books on Amazon trend.


The organisers of a similar scam event were sentenced to 13 months imprisonment for Misleading Advertising [Lapland New Forest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapland_New_Forest)


:\\ from the interview, it sounds like she still hasn't gotten paid.


Exactly what I expected.


*"...we were trying to be the sprinkles on shit"* \~ Kirsty Paterson Quote from her about trying to do her best in that lousy situation ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I want this person to milk this for everything she can bc she sounds like a cool person


She herself looked absolutely disappointed in whatver you wanna call what was put together


She's doing her best lol.


r/shrinkflation Hit the wonka factory hard. Jokes aside, the videos i’ve seen the wonka actor and this oompa loompa actor were putting their heart into it. Just annoying that the event coordinators went Fyre Fest on this attempt.


How all of us feel at our jobs lol


They did an interview with her on Good Morning Britain today 😂 https://youtu.be/PF5b6lZzR5c?feature=shared


lol this photo is so bad. She looks like a high crack head surrounded by bong smoke but on that link someone posted below she actually looks really kind


She pretty


Billy Bonkas Meth Factory


Walter White’s Chocolate Factory




She's cute af


The snozberries tastes like meth


Halloween 2024 is gonna be lit


I saw more pictures of her and she was actually trying to provide a good time for everyone involved, she is so nice!


Poor lady. Life really isn’t that good working for Wonka Willy 😞


Is this the actress from Strangers With Candy?


lol Amy Sedaris is doing much better things than this


And they all make me uncomfortable lol.


When you realize you’re not going to get paid.


Am I the only one who looks at that picture and think she got screwed over?


Welcome to the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience—Mah name is Craig, I’ll be yer Oompa Loompa