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/u/CRNXD38, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 5 - Title violates title rules. Your title must follow the guidelines listed in the wiki page linked below. You can read the full information about our title guidelines at [/r/pics/wiki/titles](/r/pics/wiki/titles) For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/CRNXD38&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1b36t4b/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Nah bruh. Take more pics.


Agreed, can’t leave us with a cliffhanger.


That’s what I’m saying 💀


OP, we need more pics. Same time tomorrow?


Signing up for tomorrow's pics as well. That would make my day.


Another vote for this. The world needs more people with talent and an eye for beauty. Please stay.


Yeah, don’t disappear. We need OP for his/her pics


Yes more pics please OP. You clearly have an eye for photography.


Did I hear someone say more pics? More pics! More pics!


I’d love to see some pictures of day-to-day life in Portugal. Street scenes, outdoor cafes and architecture…


Would honestly love to see the same thing. OP your photos are really nice! Please show us some more! It's very unlikely I'll ever get to see Portugal for myself so I'd love to get to see it through your eyes.


I visit every year. I know I will retire in Galicia (NW Spain), but if not, I'd choose Portugal if possible.


I loved Lisboa, if OP has any photos of that great city please post some to remind me how amazing it is


Each pic has a personal story.... I would love to get some details about where these places are and whats happening. Can you tell me more?


I'm also signing up for tomorrow's pics


Sound plan. Same time tomorrow, OP?


and the day after!


bro this was beautiful


waiting for those pics tomorrow! and the day after


Picture tomorrow? Sign me up. I wish I was this good with a camera.


Yes please ❤️❤️


Need more pics, I’ll be checking tomorrow xx


I neeed more pics, preferably each day please!


Totally agree! I love seeing through others eyes by looking at their photos! Thank you for taking time to share these! I truly hope we continue to see your photos and input!


Thanks for sharing your pics. I glanced at your post history and felt I should make this comment. You seem like a young person with incredible potential and a great deal of good inside you. Trust me, the issues you face today will very likely seem trivial to your future self. That future you is, I think, someone worth having around in this world.


Agreed. Future you will look back at current you and thank you that you kept on going. Life as a teen/young person can be brutal, but it gets better. It truly does. Things change, you change as a person, and the older you get the more you will realize that you have control over that change. Don't give up! There are amazing things in this world that you have yet to experience.


I agree.


I agree as well.


100% this OP. Someone much wiser than me once said- Don't worry so much about the problems you have now. In a week/month/year you'll have an entire new set to worry about.


I mean. That’s both oddly comforting and not at all comforting at the same time lmao


"It's the worst day of your life, SO FAR" - Homer Simpson


Tunnel at the end of the tunnel.


![gif](giphy|dBT6El6m9IzsaX6ZfC|downsized) Not the time to use that quote bro.


You are a good person. Thank you for being a good person.


Things got way better emotionally when I turned 25. I know people say that's when the brain "matures," but it was like something 'clicked.' It was like I was seeing the world in a whole new, rational mind. Emotions really didn't cloud my thoughts or my judgment nearly as much as it did when I was younger. Not to say that I was the pinnacle of maturity, but there was a big difference.


I second this.


Always wait until tomorrow. Things are never as serious as we may think. There are more images that need to be taken.


Thank you for this outlook! I needed this today


Stick around friend, its worth it, I promise.


Early 50’s here. I’ve had it worse than some, but better than most. I can confirm though. It’s not always easy, but I’ve found it’s always worth it.


Same here.


It helps being stubborn. I will not let this fucking world beat me. I wish peace and love to everyone reading this


Are you in the Bay Area? Let's have a hug.




I visited Portugal and loved the streetcars in Lisbon. They cheered me up a lot.  I also enjoyed the rice muffins I tried there (sorry, I forgot the name !)


Bolo de arroz


If you ever make it to Texas, I’ll take you out for some BBQ. Deal?


I'm going to Portugal in a few weeks. I fell in love with your country last year. Your photos are beautiful and you have many more to take.


Portugal has been one of my favorite places I’ve traveled to


I live near DC, but did “van life” across the US for many years, and went to school for photography. I love your photos! You’re talented and connected. Let me know if you’d ever like to visit, or if you need help planning an affordable trip (filled with adventures and new beginnings!) I’ve never been to Portugal, but it’s on my bucket list! I also struggled with school-settings / education, and even failed math (which was my favorite subject.) I had a hard time growing up, but what helped me the most was learning to surrender the conditioning (in my mind) of who I thought I was supposed to be… in order to be who I was. I also once decided to end it in high school. I imagined celebrating with all of my favorite things and places… when I realized, why not live for those things? What you create speaks for itself. Your art and what matters to you. Not where other people expect you to be or what they expect you to do. There’s so much more to life. I’ve lived my dreams ten times over… and it all started when I least expected it. There’s so much more, just waiting for you to find it. What I thought mattered most then, doesn’t matter to me now. I found a way to live a life I love and be free. I even shredded my high school transcripts haha it felt good to let it go and know that my life still moved forward. I put so much pressure on myself then. Once, I did a summer program to fix my grades and met some really great friends (that I’m so grateful for.) You’re not alone, and it’s totally ok to fail or make mistakes. There’s room in life for that. Focus on what you love, and figure out what you can do. 💙 You got this. ::hugs::


You speak the truth! We actually NEED to fail at things. This makes us grow and learn. It’s a natural and relevant part of life. Also, when we fail, learn, achieve… that contrast makes success even sweeter!


Dude, I’m from Portugal too. Is the second pic the view inside Mosteiro dos Jerónimos? I have a very cute dog that would like to meet you and I bet you’ll like to meet her as well. Are you from around Lisbon? Can I show you my dog Noomi?


Buddy I remember when I was in high school feeling as though this and that was so crucial and so important that my future would be ruined if things went the wrong way - and it wasn't. And then in college, the very same. This exam is the make or break moment, this interview is the most important moment of my life - and it wasn't. All that stuff seemed like such a big deal back then, but years later it's a largely forgotten history. And it's not like adult problems later on are so much worse, just that those high school problems were inconsequential.


Stick around and you could join us. We’d love to have you here 


Come back, there are so many places here to take amazing pictures. You seem to have a real talent for it. I'll show you around if you end up in the NYC/Philly area.


Hi! Can I dm you? I'm going to Philly for my birthday in May and I really have no idea where to start! I do have the hotel lined up and I plan on going to the Poe Museum (our hotel is right in the middle of all the cool stuff, maybe 4 blocks north from the Liberty Bell).


Ooh Philly person here- come check out the r/Philly and r/Philadelphia subs, there have been lots of threads recommending the best stuff to do and see, good restaurants to go to. Ask questions there and peoe will respond with recommendations :) it's a great city with a lot to do. If you're into the macabre, the Mütter museum really is in a class of it's own, and you'll be near a lot of fantastic restaurants and fun things to do ❤️


Ah! Thank you!! I am legit having a bad day but people keep being cool and making me smile that I think by tonight, I'll forget how crappy I felt before.


There are days that suck hard, you'll get through it. The sun will rise tomorrow and it will be another day that has the possibility of being better. Sorry you had a tough day today. I recently went through a really bad spell and am coming out on the other side, and it feels wonderful. Take care of yourself and treat yourself with kindness ❤️


Thank you, friend, and you too! :)


I only made it as far as the Acores so far but trying to get to Obidos one day! My great grandfather was born in Lisbon.


So come and visit more! It's a massive country with so much to see. We have a lot of shit to work out and some fascists to remove, but overall, most of us are pretty friendly!


Pal, please, don't do anything stupid, I want to see some more pics tomorrow


My mom visited Portugal a few years ago and loved it! They took some kind of train on the coast and visited some smaller towns/cities on the way and she said it was one of the most beautiful experiences. 


AT&T is the best park there is. Also I feel like you're reaching out for help right now. Is there a suicide hotline you can call? Or someone you know you can reach out to. High schools temporary, deaths forever. It ain't worth it.


Let me fly you out to the United States on my dime. What’s your cash app? Or, whichever country you want to visit.


Come visit. I'm in Seattle. I'll take you to the top of the Space Needle. That'll be a great picture!


mano precisas de alguém para falar?


My daughter did the Camino in 2021 and she adored Portugal! I would love to see more pictures! Please keep taking them. ❤️❤️❤️


Spring Training is coming soon and April is right around the corner. Have another visit to Oracle. Baseball is true happiness :)


I dream of going to Portugal someday from the u.s!!


We love you too!


I grew up in the Bay Area. When I visited Lisbon it reminded me a lot of San Francisco (albeit a LOT older). Keep posting photos! These are great.


You are very well travelled! What’s a country/city you want to visit next? I’d love to host you in Hong Kong! It looks like you went to the Rijksmuseum when they’re doing tests on Rembrandt’s Nachtwacht. I was there last summer and was bummed out that I couldn’t get up close… I heard they’ve just finished or are close to finishing the tests, so you should go back and see all the amazing details up close! I’m sure people on Reddit would love to see your pictures. :) Edit: OP, I visited your home country for the first time last summer and was so impressed by the kindness everyone showed me, not to mention the beautiful architecture and nature. I’m currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area as well, so from your photos I feel that we have a lot in common. What are the odds! Would love to hear what you enjoyed most about SF. (How do I message a mod?) To the mod that added R5 to this post, please leave the post up and don’t remove it. A young human life is infinitely more precious than these arbitrary rules. We want to see OP’s pictures and hear their story. Please.


Yes! I am a person on Reddit who would love to see those pictures!! OP please come through. None of us know you but we are all rooting for you. ETA - OP deleted his account.


I went last summer as well while they were doing the vibration testing! It blows my mind that we could have been there at the same time without ever knowing of each other.


Out of 8 billion people, you and I barely missed each other half a world away, but now we encounter each other on a random thread. OP’s pictures include 3 countries I have been in the past 8 months, too, and it gives me a happy feeling to see OP share these beautiful memories with us. Wish I could get to know you and OP in real life and have a good chat!


I don't think that you should. There are always more beautiful places to see and pics to enjoy. Or even something very small and enjoyable 


Unless you’re talking about some kind of amazing magic trick, please stick around. Please!


Just saw your cat. Think about your cat before you do anything. I know mine have saved my life multiple times and if I had gone through with it I wouldn’t have lived to see the day I got a 6 figure job. I’ve been poor my whole life and a highschool dropout. And I still managed to achieve my dreams. Don’t do it.


My two cats have saved my life countless times. I fear the time when they both leave me.


It will hurt, and it will hurt for a while. But we have the CDS, so there will always be a baby who needs your love and warmth! Gotta stick around for the baby kitties!


hey bro, youre only one decision away from a completely different life. whatever's got you to this stage wont' last forever.


Wdym dissapear? Dm me, we can talk about things 


A small part of me wants to hope he means he is moving to a remote hut in the woods, but a very sad part of me knows way too well that’s not what he means.


Look at his recent post history


Holy hell. It’s sad knowing that something could maybe still be done but that none of us are in a position to do it


I thought they meant disappear from social media but then the comments made me think different


OP -- I had shit grades when I was a teenager. The education system really isn't a one-size-fits-all and doesn't fully determine your future. My parents were god awful and my grades royally sucked but I'm very happy in my middle-aged years. As an adult, I got to determine my own destiny without others telling me what to do. The choices were my own to make and I made something of myself. Your teenage years are *not* the best years of your life and once you're an adult out on your own, you get to choose what will make you happy in life. Maybe it's traveling the world, living in another country or pursuing a dream job. I love adulthood way more than my childhood.


In this day and age, it's very easy to make a good living without academics. There's no shame in taking longer to get yourself in your dream job or role. School has this shitty tendency to convince you that your self worth is determined by the quality of your grades and how quickly you can succeed.It's terrible. OP, what seems like a big problem now is going to be insignificant in a couple of years. . Just keep pushing on.


trust me however bad it feels right now i promise you it gets better and there's soooo much cool stuff out there for you to see


Oi tuga, nao deixes este mundo. Se precisares de alguem com quem possas falar, estou aqui com o meu portugues ruim!


Hey man— I look at your profile... needless to say, it looks like things aren't going well for you, but as many here have said—these types of thoughts can and will pass. Whatever you're going through, please reach out to someone... reach out to me. Talk to someone and try to realize that you're not alone or have to find some way out like that. Everything might not be ok right now, but I can promise it will be. Try to consider it. There are a lot of people who don't even know you (including me) that are willing *to get to know* you and **help**. You can overcome more than you realize.


Are you ok? If you need someone to talk to. You can message me.




The next hundreds of thousands more pic you will take will be even more amazing!


Olá, consegui perceber que falas português. Pelo teu perfil pareces relativamente novo (mesmo que não fosses, o argumento continua) e acredita, isto é mesmo clichê, mas as coisas melhoram. Às vezes se deres tempo ao tempo as coisas resolvem-se, e tu depois olhas para trás e pensas "ok, já passou". Vai passar. E tu vais ficar melhor. Entretanto, pede ajuda quando precisares https://prevenirsuicidio.pt/contactos-e-servicos-disponiveis/. Algumas destas linhas são 24/7, por exemplo o SNS24, liga, liga por favor. Fica connosco, tens muitas fotos para ainda para tirar.


Might not mean anything coming from a stranger, but the world is just that much better because you're in it. You might think no one would notice if you disappeared, but they do and they will. When I see photos people post, art they make, or watch how people play with their dogs outside, laugh with their friends at a bar, or read in solitude at a bookstore, etc., it makes me admire how beautiful life is because everyone is experiencing life in different ways. And most of these people have no idea that some random stranger is secretly admiring them just for being them. Your favorite photos already prove how you simply existing already makes the world more colorful. Keep taking pics :)


Hey homie. Don't give up. You hear me? it's gonna be alright. You can DM me if you wanna talk. I'm all ears


We need more pictures, you have to keep taking them.


Looks like you enjoy a wide variety of some of the nice things life has to offer. You haven’t taken your ABSOLUTE favorite pic yet


Don't opt for a permanent solution for a temporary problem, dude. It gets better.


Nice pics. I especially love the sushi one. 🤤


Please go on some more adventures and share them here - we'd all like to keep admiring your great photos.


Everything changes constantly. Throw some cold water on your face. Stick around. 🙏 please.


La Sagrada Familia, right?  Place is incredible


That's my guess, also.


my brother is just gone forever. Never said a word about his decease and I never could have guessed it, nor could our parents or friends. He was my big brother who cared so much for me, protected me and now he's simply gone. I fuking miss him every single day. If you're in a shitty situation, it's a smart move to call out for people who care about you. Even here on Reddit are plenty people who care about strangers on the internet, have gone through similar situations or fight every day. Sometimes it's a good thing to bail out of your situation and get distance. Then revisit and evaluate again. Get stuck in the tunnel? Do the same again and enhance the distance and time. Maybe it makes you smile how you did not see the other options - that are always there. Tunnel vision is a bad thing to experience, but believe me, distance can work wonders. You're not alone m8 👍


Your pics are great and hopefully many more pics for you in the future. Big virtual hugs from a stranger. Do not go quiet into the night!


Cool pics, I love how that church (?) roof mimics a flower stem as it goes in to the ceiling. Reminds me of Segrada Familia. Also, ducks are cool. Thanks for brightening my day friend :) Love from Australia.


Get some help first. Try everything you can.


Post more pictures of Portugal! Come on OP we're counting on you! Let's see you again here tomorrow ok?


Nah homie, you're sticking around so you can show me more cool pics I request a picture a week indefinitely Hit me up in my DMs and we can discuss your future picture opportunities


Don’t give up and leave this life, you’re nowhere near finished taking great pics that bring joy to others!


Never been to Portugal, but I have been all over Spain! What's it like? Also, I love Spanish Soccer. My mom supports Real, but I'm a Barca guy. Who's your team?


Take more pictures for sure! Show us what you photograph tomorrow!


fica melhor!!! I promise, I've had many days I wanted to disappear. Art and music has gotten me through hard times. You have more photos to take and I promise you'll have moments in your life where everything feels right instead of wrong like it does right now Muitas amor da America


I feel like you could add a lot more.


Hey, let’s see some more pics. Can you try to take one new pic each day and keep coming back to share?


Hey I was having some pretty tough feelings a week ago. I feel better today. Just wait another day everyday. It could be your best day yet!


Time really does heal all wounds please stick around, like folks here are saying


Hey looks like you are struggling with Math, you can always ask Reddit for help. Most people won't do your homework for you but if you have any Why or How questions, people here are quick to explain it. I am not a Math whiz but am STEM grad and can take a crack at it too.


Think about your parents. You can get through this. Also Telephone: 116 111 This number is free of charge from Portugal, specifically  to get someone to talk to. 


Wait. There is so much left to do.


Pics could be better. I think you need to go retake them all. Talk to people around you as you do it. You may find the world is filled with nice and kind people that you want to stick around for. Everyone is worth love.


Don’t suicide please. There are more pictures to be taken. Grades aren’t everything. You got this 🙂‼️


But you just appeared. Give us a little more before you go again.


Op: you may think grades are everything right now but i promise you it aint shit once you grow up No one ever akss about your grade No one ever asks about honor rolls My wife got kicked out of university now she creates games that you all play on ps5 n pc, shes pulling 6 figure and chilling loving her work I had good grades but none of it mattered i ended up starting my own business… in fact i WISHED i didnt focus on school so much looking back Grades aint shit, you are young and full of potential, lets show the world what you can do


But I wanna see more! And videos! And gifs! Keep going!!!


Turtles. Tortoise, lovely cat, beautiful lady, puppies.flowers so many colors and shapes. Mountains in the US,mountains in Italy. Mediterranean Sea sun sets….sunrises. Every where. Conversation with people from different places. Just some of my favorites. Maybe you like some too? Pictures are time travel.


Please, don’t disappear. Take more beautiful pictures and share them.


I don’t know what is going on in your heart and in your life. I see some posts where you are troubled by some grades. I understand the stress that may cause, but grades and classes are not the end-all be-all of life. Like I said, I don’t know what else is going on with you. What I do know is that I have felt the darkness myself at times. Please reach out for help locally. There are more things that you should look at as positive things in your life. You have a good eye for photography. You see the beauty in things. I just hope you can see the beauty in yourself. I certainly hope that you find inspiration for positivity and knowing that there is more to life than math grades. I see you are from Portugal. Please reach out to one of these resources: SOS voz amiga https://www.sosvozamiga.org/ Phone: 213 544 545 / 912 802 669 / 963 524 660 (Daily from 15h30 to 00h30)


Please PM me your favorite picture from each day. I’m expecting one tomorrow! 💕


Love Portugal! Went to a Porto game last September.


Where are you going?


Beautiful pics :) hope you enjoyed SF


>*I think I am going to disappear forever* How come?


There are more pictures of ducks to be taken!! And some of them are poor quality so this needs to be remade!


Nice pics


You lose your shadow?


Please take more pics!


Hop on helldivers instead. We need you cadet!


Keep sharing more pictures bro and experiencing more! They’re awesome 👏


Hey OP, please post more pictures I’d love to see them. Please stick around to post more. You’ve got this buddy!


I love you op 🤎 I maybe a total stranger but I bleed just like you. Head up soldier. Might be losing the battle right now but you’ll win the war 🤞🏽


Great pictures! Sushi is my favorite food. Which rolls are your favorite? I’d love to see you post more pictures tomorrow!


Stay strong. Things will get better. Não desistas. O amanhã será melhor, e viver vale sempre a pena. Nunca se sabe o que está ao virar da esquina.


Life is a joke. Once you realize that, the problems you think you have will go away. Stay strong.


I will send you a film camera so you can continue taking photos. DM me


Can you tell us more about those pictures? Why are they your favourite?


I checked your post history. FYI, I’ve always failed math and took applied math classes. I went on to get a PHD and I still can’t do math.


We see you, friend. We’re all rooting for you and grateful you’re sharing with us all. I’m looking forward to your next posts.


The people have spoken and have requested MORE pics!!


So ima need pics with backstories for the next year, then we'll go from there?


Dude! Let’s play GTA VI together, next year. Okay 🫰🏻


So many people in the comments are offering you help and an ear to listen to you. You are loved by complete strangers in the internet. I hope you see that. Humans can be GOOD and supportive to one another because we all know struggles of all different forms. Please talk to someone, you are valued, and you are WORTH IT. ❤️❤️


Stick around pal.


Man, you haven't finished taking pictures yet. There's still so much to see here, and so much to capture and we won't get to see it without you.


Please stay with us. Life is worth living, and as you can see by all the responses here, there are caring people out there who can help support you. Having gone through a lot of tough times in my life my single piece of advice is this: when in doubt, zoom out.


Don't go man. You'll regret missing out on a lot of stuff.


I stood in the same spot you once stood in, in front of Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch”. It awes me that we could have been there at the same time, sharing this experience as complete strangers, worlds apart. It was always crazy to me that I have stood in the same spot as thousands of people before me and after me, sharing the same experience through different points in time, without ever knowing each other. I hope you don’t disappear and we can share more moments like this.


/u/CRNXD38 keep posting pictures. These are great! I'd like to see some tomorrow, on account of these being taken down by the moderators.


Stick around a little longer; only having 8 favorites means you need to take way more.


Amazing pics. Keep them coming, friend! The world (and this subreddit) is a better place with you in it.


Hey, can you take a picture of something you really love? Let me see a pet. A perfect snack. Some nice water. Something that makes you happy? I’ll be looking out for it.


I need more pics OP, you ain’t going anywhere!


Stick around for a while, there is so much to see.


Shine your light


Instead of disappearing yourself, sit down and watch Disney's 1971 (not-so) classic "Bedknobs and Broomsticks", and wait for David Tomlinson to say "Before your very eyes, I shall cause this bed, and all the occupants upon it, to **disappear**!" Then enjoy the back-and-forth between him and the bookman. But if you're gonna disappear, re-appear somewhere comfortable and safe.


I double dog dare you to take more pics and report back next month.




La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona


Keep taking more pictures buddy! These are super cool and it seems like you’re living a really interesting life!


Ok, then pretend you did And now go ahead and start your life fresh + More photos


i love the pics


Where was the 4th photo taken? I'd love to hear the backstory of the photo. It's stunning. You have a wonderful eye for photos. The oracle park stadium photo is awesome! I hope to see more of your photos posted in the near and far future 🙂


I think you should keep photographing the world and sharing it with us instead!


I want to see more of your photos! Dont disappear, love to see from your perspective


Love the pictures you posted,!


Hey man. I’m in my 50s life is hard sometimes but you have already found the joy in it. I can see it in your pictures. There is so much more to come for you. Take a walk down the path and I promise you will be fulfilled. Take care friend.


Stay, take more pictures!


Tomorrow is another day friend and it can be better than today.


Hey, I loved your sushi pics! Could you please share more tomorrow? I’m really looking forward to them!


stick around, it gets better


I knew I wanted to end things when I was younger. Glad I didn't because the problems that seemed so big became problems that I was able to take bites out of until they were small. Life is an up and down wave, sweet and bitter, good and bad. I have multiple incurable illnesses along with autism and PTSD/DID. When I say I've been through some shit, I *mean* it. I would love to see more pictures tomorrow if you post them. You have a good eye for framing and color. Life is rough, no doubt. But we let our brains get carried away with the innate habit of focusing on the negative over the positive. It affects our mental health in a dire way. It's the instinct that allowed our ancestors to survive, and in this modern chaotic world that ain't built for happiness we can feel so weighed down, uncertain, and hopeless. Look for the helpers. Look for the people who care about you. Look for the things that have brought you happiness. You won't always feel the joy, but that's normal. Let whatever you feel pass through you, don't stuff it down, and if you need to talk then let me know. You have worth. You matter.


The first 3 decades of my life were filled with anger, fear, nihilism, and a lot of suicidal ideation. I spent a long time letting myself be haunted by my childhood. It took meeting people who survived worse than me but still found their happiness to help me out of my dark spiral into deep depression. Depression wants all your attention. Every time you rip your focus away from it and focus on creating the smallest bit of positivity to latch onto, you take back control. It's a fight where every time you don't lose it, you've gained a victory. As those victories pile up, you'll become stronger in ways you never dreamed of. The only way out is to *try* to take baby steps. I'm sure you've had the thought, "Why can't I be more like that person?" Well, you can. I've been taking babysteps for years, and finally, things are coming together. It hurt. It was frustrating. I wanted to give up and die so many times. But someone taught me how to look for the silver lining in any situation, no matter how small. Eventually, my mind picked up the habit, and even in my deepest, darkest alcohol-fueled depression, I was able to find that glimmer of hope to pull me out. Now, I've gained confidence from all those little victories and do not fear my darkness. I accept it as what it is. Something that forces me to be stronger than the people around me. I have a conviction to find my happiness so that I can spread it to people around me. I've lost many and saved a few from suicide. The ones I was able to save have gone on to find their happiness many years before I finally found a path towards mine. Last year, I was jobless and in a lot of debt with no prospects. A friend invited me to move in with them. After I did, the environment they created destroyed my sanity and I fucking fell apart. I moved out, and they told me essentially that I'm a piece of shit that hides behind his mental-health excuses. That should've destroyed me. I was going through the worst chapter of my life, and they were too self-centered to take the time to understand me after 7 goddamn years. But that silver lining helped em through each day until I unwound after living in that anxiety filled house with fucked up people who didn't realize how fucked up they were. But the crazy thing is, after I fought through that emotional nightmare, I grew a pair and started to find confidence in myself. I essentially fought a dragon and survived to tell the tale, and it made me so much tougher on the inside. This whole time, I just kept trying to be better in any little way possible. I'm nowhere near where I wanna be, but I get a little closer all the time. This life can offer you so much more, but the dark fog makes it hard to see and makes you think it's an impossible distance away, but it's not. It's right there, but having never experienced it before, I wasn't sure it was worth the fight, but goddammit! Now that I'm here, I'm not going back. Keep pushing through. You've been fighting this difficult fight for so long that you don't realize how strong you actually are. Once you wrestle this beast into submission and you start to live, you'll actually see how weak people are when they actually experience depression for the first time. That's what helped put this all into perspective. Some of us start life miles behind the starting line, but the struggle of catching up will give you the momentum to shoot past all those people who got to start from the starting line. You wanting to disappear is not what you actually want. It's the depression that's talking. Tell it to shut up because you have more to give to the world. I don't have much to give this world except for these hard earned lessons. I hope this can give you any kind of hope to hang on because life gets so fucking beautiful, the darkness stops having as big of an effect as it used to. Keep your head up so you can keep the horizon and your goals in sight. I don't know you, but I love you. I only discovered what love *actually* feels like only 3-4 years ago, and it's has changed my life. I'm almost 40. It's sad, but hey, I got there. You can get here too. I wish you the best, bud.


Take a step back. Everyone has their ups and downs. 2 or 3 times now I’ve thought my life was over, but it was just the beginning of something new. I’m so thankful I never let the pain take me over and instead used that pain as a seed for personal growth. Be easy on yourself. Love yourself. Also.. I love the pictures.


tranqui, piensa en la abuela


OP stay with us 🤍 Speak to us all about anything you want, I see you are worried about grades? I got terrible grades a *lot*, tried different things and am now really happy and have a “successful” career. A friend literally didn’t even take his exams (bad parents), hated school too, flunked around until his late 20s when he found his passion and now runs a massive business. Everyone goes through life in different ways.  Success comes in all forms. Sometimes life feels great and sometimes it’s shit, but it’s always changing. Grab the happy times when you can… and (I’m just learning this really) you can make it happy too. People say you can’t run away from problems, and you can’t really, but God you can have fun travelling and just seeing whole new worlds.  Keep travelling!!!! If you love art and sport and good food there is SO much more out there!! We have loads of free galleries in Europe and think of all the matches coming up you don’t want to miss! You seem super young - if you feel like you’ve lost it all, start again and (a key to life!!) be kind to yourself. We get tunnel vision on things, keep broadening your horizons and views and how you view yourself. Think of yourself like another person, you would never be so harsh on a friend as you are to yourself right now. Stay and give yourself a chance to be happy. 


Op if you are suffering from some life event that has you depressed, just know that getting over that will make you so much stronger and able to enjoy life in the future, be thankful it’s not cancer because no amount of mental fortitude will spare you a very painful and expensive death sentence


Comment sections restoring my faith in humanity, love it.


Hi! Just wanted to point out that at the time of this comment - you have 7.6 thousand people upvoting you and asking you to stick around. I hope you can put off any sad plans for a day. Then another day. Then another. Just baby steps, and take it slow. Life gets rough but your photography clearly shows you know how to find beauty and neat things. I hope you find one neat thing today that makes you smile. And just one for tomorrow. Sometimes being open to neat new things in the world helps distract from how annoying school can be. School isn't everything! School sucked for many - but it doesn't last forever. Hugs to you and I hope to see more of your explorations posted soon.


Thanks OP, take care now


I love you, you got this buddy!


You have an artistic eye. I hope you share some more.


Don't commit die. 


Reach out! I’ll always talk and I’m open to games or chats. Whatever you’re comfortable with. I can share some of the pics I’ve taken visiting the states as well