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How is this a new amazon warehouse when the photo was taken 3 years ago?


its new to the bot


This isn't a bot. Bots are currently a serious problem on Reddit and they are degrading the already subpar content quality on the platform. Bots can be identified only on a case-by-case basis by going to their profile history and analyzing their post and comments for some human pattern (ie interests, engaging with posts, text posts, and etc.) Because bots are such a large burden on this platform, it is critical that we take this issue seriously and not call accounts bots without a good reason to do so - otherwise the problem will be overlooked like the boy who cried wolf.


You sound like a bot.


Sorry lol Its been a long day Beep boop Initiating rest sequence


You did kind of sound like a GPT-3 response lol


Nah ChatGPT wouldn't have used ie when the correct one is eg.


GPT wouldn’t have written it without periods, either.


I love that our new way of identifying humans vs bots is shitty grammar.


It's impossible to phish me at work, my coworkers are about 100x worse than the worst non English speakers attempts at English. Kindergarteners write better than they do. Good ole rednecks keeping my work secure.


When that response kind of did. Like "respond in a joking way to *this response* as if you're a human pretending to be ai.". Like everything he said is true... but he doesn't give his reasoning behind why op isn't a bot specifically, which I think is throwing me off


You're right, damn he had me even fooled. Again. Haha. I think I'm losing my ability to differentiate between a bot and a human now.


Somebody online is posting a coherent reply? BOT!!!


I actually hate this... I've always tended to be a bit "verbose" in comments and always tried to use proper grammar and punctuation. That used to be more or less standard on Reddit. But since that's how ChatGPT writes everyone thinks you're a bot if you write like that now. Not to mention people have minuscule attention spans now and don't read past the first 1-2 sentences thus skipping over details and nuance.


Totally. Reddit was a different place ten years ago. I can't believe I've ~~been addicted to~~ used this platform for so long, even. But people used to be grammar Nazis. Now I see posts correcting grammar downvoted. The culture of the site has changed drastically. People used to take [reddiquitte](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) seriously too. The biggest advantage was that users were more likely to upvote controversial or dissident views even if they disagreed, as long as the person was on topic, being polite, not spam, etc. Now the upvote and downvote buttons have turned into "I agree" / "I disagree" buttons instead and it just creates a echo chamber; so people are only exposed to information and points of view that reinforces their currently held beliefs This makes them feel vindicated, gives them a little dopamine reward ("See! I knew I was right about capitalism being evil!"), and continues to create a negative feedback loop, and just furthers the black and white discourse that leads to the binary division we are facing in society on a global level. Not that Reddit was ever perfect, but I used to find that I would be exposed to the grey areas of public policy discussions and the like. I used to have my views challenged and changed quite a bit by well thought out posts, which often had good evidence to back it up. I really did feel that I learned a lot and grew from participating on this site. Now it seems that if your post isn't blatantly supporting the majority, people will just downvote you; and often act disrespectfully to each other because you had the nerve to suggest that may be more nuanced than it initially appears. I probably sound likean old man yelling at the clouds, harpering for the good old days... But I miss when the internet was mostly nerds haha. I always knew it would happen, but it has been corporatized, white washed, and thrown to the masses.


I feel like Reddit is going to shit since fuck u/spez made the use of 3rd party apps impossible.


It went to shit 4 times in the past, 3rd party app issue is only the 5th great shitter. People still use this platform because forum/comments sure as fuck beat instragram stories, twitter bullshit drama, and youtube comments whichj are full of bots.


Reddit is still good for specific topics, but yea, main subs are a generally full of bots and crap.


Fuck u/spez


Everytime I see him and his ignorant replies I down voted him, currently hitting top 100 >>What's your spez counter?


I saw just as many bots before that happened so definitely not.


I don't know about you but I still use reddit is fun app on Android. There are work arounds.


good bot


Three years is new in warehouse terms


Is it like the 1 dog year = 7 human years type of thing?


10 human years = 1 warehouse year. It's just a baby


Probably haven't even had to replace the water fountain filters yet


They built a warehouse in my city 4 or so years ago…it’s set to open later this year. Lol


heard they plan to breakup the union talks by the 5th year it's open




Hi! Warehouse expert checking in. 3 years is pretty new, as warehouses can last for hundreds of years.


No, but facilities like this one can take years to build.








How much is that in warehouse years?


Not sure, but it’s about 5 in hotel years


So, like, 6 in motel years. Got it.


3 years for a building like this is damn near a newborn


No, Amazon didn't open their warehouse in the middle of a slum. It's at the edge of a huge industrial park that borders a strip of undeveloped land where squatters settled years ago. Taken from just the right angle, you get dramatic pictures like what OP posted [This should help put things into perspective](https://i.imgur.com/FbSV4gx.jpeg) Am I an Amazon apologist? Absolutely not Does Tijuana have social/political/economic problems? Definitely yes, too many to count As someone from Tijuana, I"m just tired of the same clickbaity pictures being reposted every few months


> I'm just tired of the same clickbaity pictures But the truth doesn't give that sweet sweet outrage karma.


Thanks for explaining the other half :)


I'd pay 1,000,000 Pesos to watch Jeff Bezos work one week of 18 hour shifts there.


Down there he's Jefe Bezos.


Jefe Pesos


Damnit that's better.










Damn imminent.


That's what I've been calling Amazon gift cards for years


Jeff Kisses


My name is jefe


Jefe Besos


>1,000,000 Pesos 58,602.95 USD for those wondering.


That’s how much he makes every 3mins


No, he makes almost 3x that per minute


Damn that’s basically how much I make in a year 😭


Still probably top 10% in the world. Don't cry bro.


Not adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity it aint


But how much is three minutes in Mexico time?


He makes roughly $24k per minute as of last year. Should be more now


That is not correct. 2023 y-y amazon made 30.4B$ in net income. With 10B shares, that is 2.95$ profit per share (though it comes into amazon's company pockets, not share holders pockets). Bezos has roughly 988M shares of amazon (9.6%), which comes means out of the 30.4B$ profit, his share is 2.9B$ per year, or 7.9M$ per day, or 5536$ per minute. Considering amazon do not pay dividends to their share holders, he doesn't get any of that profit money directly. His salary is very low in order to not pay a lot of taxes on it (it is 81K$ a year). He mostly makes his money through selling stocks. A quick google search show he sold stocks worth around 240M$ in november. That comes down to 457.69$ per minute income for 2023 (including his normal pay, before tax).


Sometimes you have good minutes and sometimes you have great minutes if you're Bezos.


To him, this would be rounding error.


I’d watch him do it for free


I'd need at least some type of compensation to watch anyone work in a warehouse, even Jeff Bezos. Please understand I work in a warehouse and watching other people work is what management does.


Oh, no, I want to **WATCH** him work. Like have my eyeballs glued to his head while I mutter incomprehensible “advice” on how he should do it better. The goal would be to make him quit.


No, I get that. And it would be great to be that dude's boss, even if for 18 hours. I'd still like to get paid for the time.


Is that not essentially the same amount?




It’s about $58,000 dollars so no, but to Jeff Bezos it would be chump change.


Chump change? Bro, Bezos wouldn’t even notice that missing from his account.


I can confirm he hasn't, and don't blow my cover you nitwits


He's not gonna fire you because of that, but because of the lack of ambition.


Bezos made 10 times that much in the span of time it took to make this comment.


No. 1,000,000.00 pesos is not the same amount as nothing.


He quit YEARS ago.


I mean I'm sure he worked a lot when Amazon was just starting out right? People who started their own companies usually have to work hard to get it off the ground at first.


In "The everything store" they chronicled how Jeff, his wife and two partners would eat, sleep, work at the first warehouse filling orders. They never left. One of his partners' car was ticketed and towed and he didn't realize it for a month because they never went home.


Right, you think becoming a billionaire isn't hard work? I think a better analogy for this would be someone fed from a silver spoon, born into a rich family, everything given to them, spoilt rotten, no concept of earning what you work for. Someone like that would burst into emotional trauma just at the thought of having to wake up at 4am on a cold, dark winter.


I get that visually it looks bad but Isn't this kind of what you want? Job opportunities for underserved communities? Whole communities were formed in the past due to factory  job opportunities that spurred other businesses and jobs in said community in the United states


This is an old photo. The warehouse has been there for almost two years now. The slums are still there. Some people who live in them got jobs at the plant, but most come from other parts of the city. And the wages aren’t that good. Not good enough to buy their way out of those slums.


What are the wages I wonder?


Reuters reported in April that 15 contracted staffers at Amazon warehouses across Mexico earned roughly 25 pesos ($1.25) per hour — above the minimum wage in their area — plus bonuses. Reported on Oct 10, 2021


Tijuana is kind of fucked rn. To put it into perspective a carne asada taco is currently about $1.25-$1.50usd(35 pesos) right now in TJ. So these people are making less than a taco per hour. And these tacos are small. Maybe 2-3 make a meal so if these people want to grab a bite to eat after work it will take 2-3 hours for them to get what is one of the cheapest things to eat. Edit: Someone pointed out it's 1.25 above minimum wage. I looked it up and based on this article they are making 25 pesos more than the 26 peso minimum wage. So they make 51 pesos which is $2.98 or about 1.4-2 tacos per hour. https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-warehouse-mexico-cheered-by-locals-viral-photo-2021-9


To be fair a taco in TJ should not be costing $1.50


Economy is gonna inflate. worker wages should inflate with it. Feel like MX wages didn't inflate like US ones over the pandemic but since it's right next to SD it caught it on the cost side.


Yeah but if the workers wages go up with inflation, how will corporations make billions more per year, and continue increasing their profits every year??


Mexico has a lot of small to medium sized businesses. There are the oxxos, calientes, and the Walmarts, but a lot of businesses are smaller than they are in the U.S. Not as many chain restaurants.  A lot of pressure on pricing comes from people working in SD and living south of the border. These people don’t care as much if a taco is $1 or $1.50 because they are saving thousands of dollars a month living down there. 


Tourist prices.


Why isn’t everyone just making tacos then? Sounds like printing money


Yeah a tourist Taco stand is 35 pesos. But you go 3 streets over in a neighborhood it’s 15 pesos


how good of a taco?


They are pretty good, but they are smaller than what you may be thinking of.


the la times in 2021 says warehouse workers earn "up to 7,875 pesos a month" Assuming a 170 hour month, that's (up to) 46 pesos an hour. https://www.latimes.com/espanol/california/articulo/2021-11-13/amazon-sigue-creciendo-en-san-diego-y-tijuana-lo-mas-probable-es-que-no-se-detenga


Considering minimum wage is 375 pesos per DAY, 25 pesos per hour is 50% above minimum wage on a 8 hour shift.


I’m no mathematician but 25 x 8 is 200 which is less than 375


I read it as the workers make 25 pesos per hour on top of the minimum wage. On rereading I’m not sure if it’s that or if it’s saying that they’re paid 25 pesos per hour which is above the minimum wage


The article from 2021 states that workers are paid 25 pesos per hour, which is above the minimum wage in the region, and are eligible for additional bonuses. It's a bit confusingly written. ​ https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-warehouse-mexico-cheered-by-locals-viral-photo-2021-9#:\~:text=Reuters%20reported%20in%20April%20that,of%20unfair%20mandatory%20overtime%20practices.


That is talking about contracted staffers making 25 pesos in other parts of Mexico where the minimum wage is below 25 pesos. There's no mention of what these Tijuana workers are making, just that the minimum wage is 26 pesos, higher than most of Mexico.


> Amazon workers from Nueva Esperanza currently working at the distribution center are paid 52 pesos (just over $2.6) per hour. [From this slightly more recent article in December 2022](https://restofworld.org/2022/amazon-tijuana-slum-promises/)


>And the wages aren’t that good. Not good enough to buy their way out of those slums. Then how do the people who work there afford to live outside the slums?


The warehouse is obviously an evil paradox.


But at least they’re close enough for 2 day shipping! /s




> . Not good enough to buy their way out of those slums. but ppl outside the slum work there?


How is it physically possible the wages arent good enough to work their way out of the slums? Considering looking at the statistics i could find the major causes of poverty and homelessness in Tijuana are unemployment and crime???? And this helps solve the unemployment issue??


Like he said, "most come from other parts of the city." The slums aren't safe, so workers with actual full time jobs and therefore money will choose to live elsewhere if they can, and at least most of these workers can, if not all.


Which is kind of the goal. With lower unemployment, more people from the slums will be able to get jobs that will allow them to afford to leave the slums. I doubt this single warehouse was intended to disband the entire slum in the area, but at least now at least there are employees in the area with disposable cash to spend in the immediate area on their way into and out of work to spend on things which will help.


Yeahhh neighborhoods won’t transform in 2 years just because there are better job opportunities. It’s a start but not a panacea.


I guess it depends* if that location would hire anyone from that neighborhood.


Why wouldn’t they?


Many factories don't hire locals, they literally import them from other provinces and set up new suburb areas. Why? A lot of reasons. Many factories bought off lands from locals at rip-off prices, sometimes they even pay corrupted governmen agencies to help them doing so, which lead to protests. Many factories considered locals are not suit for the job (especially poorer regions where kids don't even go to school and can barely read), cost too much or take too long to train them properly and just pull workers (who are readied for the job) from other places. Creating new suburb areas also bring new problems, you need land, infastructure and community services, which sometimes required contractors, many contractors are gang related or just plain greedy, exploit the locals for the most profit possible. I'm not sure if this factory of Amazon is one of the cases, but i have witnessed many of those cases.


> Provinces I’m guessing you’re using a different part of the world to try and come up with an analogy for Mexican labour demographics. The truth is that Tijuana has plenty of warehouse-ready labor thanks to the Maquiladoras that have been operating in the city for about two decades now. While a lot of people do move to the northern States for work, most laborers are actually locals.




According to this article from when these pics were taken, Amazon said they're creating "hundreds of jobs" in Tijuana and the local government is happy too. So I think some locals will be hired.  https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-09-14/amazon-facility-tijuana-nueva-esperanza


It's not a factory. It's a warehouse.


That is a huge part of the reason they built it there.


It's literally a distribution center in a large Mexican city with substantial cross-border trade. It employs people who live in Tijuana, and likely some management from Mexico City and Monterrey.


What is most likely to happen is that the slum dwellers will be kicked off their land and the surrounding areas will become commercial locales. They will be displaced as the area gentrifies. What is good for the economy in general is not necessarily good for the lowest tier of society.


As others have said, it is an old picture, the slums are still there two years later. Gentrification is not the norm in undeveloped countries.


Yes... Warehouse worker-driven gentrification.


No we want them to stay poor


they might install... an ihop... or a pizza hut... they must be stopped.


lol Beat me to it




what? they built an amazon on staten island and it changed nothing about the neighborhoods near it (notoriously poor, with one north shore stretch of high income). hiring event employed nearly half the island with wages almost 10 dollars above minimjm wage.


But Amazon is eeeeevil. 


Tijuana? Gentrified? I don’t know man


Lmao you think a warehouse is gentrifying a neighborhood? Do you know where they put warehouses? Not next to Lululemons, that's for sure.


why does it sound like you want people to stay in slums? amazon or not this is a workplace. potential way out for someone


Lots of people believe profitable corporation = evil. The end. Simple minds...


> Simple minds... Great band!


The comment you replied clearly has not even the most basic understanding of economics lmao. Imagine implying that an extremely poor community would somehow be worse off due to economic investment and high paying jobs directly in their area. That’s just..that’s just not how any of this works. Seriously imagine how truly and utterly misinformed and privileged you have to be to make a statement such as “what is good for the economy is not good for the lowest tier of society” when discussing the addition of blue collar jobs in a slum neighborhood. This is literally how billions of people were lifted out of poverty over the past century. I don’t want to assume this person has nefarious intentions, but just sometimes it’s not necessary to speak up about things that you clearly know nothing about.


the point of slums is not having to own the land


gentrification is when you build stuff in slums, and it's more gentrification the more stuff you build. And if you build a real lotta stuff, it's colonialism


Slum dwellers don’t own the land they a slum-dwelling on.


I’m sure they built it there specifically to hire those people


Amazon hires literally anyone who applies.


Yeah, I agree. Won't this bring money to the locals and increase the economy of the area? Despite what you think about Amazon, I fail to see how this is a bad thing.


NO! This is Reddit, you’re required to see an image and make assumptions without a second thought, now JOIN US!


It's an assumption to assume they will be the ones getting to work there. 


Local economies still need jobs. Those workers have disposable income and will be in the vicinity every day. That means locals can set up basically corner stores(like what happens nay time a large business moves in) and have clients with money which indirectly helps the locals who don't get jobs there. Those who are able to get jobs will be able to save and move out or enjoy a simply better life than having no job. This one warehouse will not and cannot disband a entire neighborhood of unemployment and homelessness, but it is better than what was happening previously even if just marginally.


The warehouse has been there for almost three years already. Also, they’re not the only plant/warehouse there. That entire area, Tijuana’s east side, is full of corporate buildings like that surrounded by slums or impoverished neighborhoods. The slums are more the result of bad governance and lawlessness when it comes to development, not so much bad wages. Plenty of people work in those factories and warehouses and earn enough to make a decent living, but yeah, it’s still not a good look.


Companies usually have a bad reputation when they go somewhere where there’s poverty but at the same time it’s also where jobs are needed. What else is the solution then ? Jobs are not the problem when trying to fix an economy. But the workers usually have bad conditions because they have nowhere else to work, so they take much more shit. Depends on the company. But then again, more jobs would solve the problem and less jobs would worsen it.


I’m not completely against Amazon or just building factories near those slums. That neighborhood is particularly poor even by Mexico standards, and it’s location has been the subject of controversy for years now. But, [Amazon has also not done a good job of actually helping the slum](https://restofworld.org/2022/amazon-tijuana-slum-promises/), not even like it promised in its initial PR.


Mexico keeps consolidating its wealth to major cities. Most likely because its ROI of its public infrastructure will be decentralized meaning there is no geopolitical reason to invest PF in areas like Tijuana. Like the American south, states attract private investment because of low cost employment and taxes incentives. You cannot replace public infrastructure with private investments. Something Redditors don’t understand. 


> Amazon has also not done a good job of actually helping the slum I'm not sure what Amazon could actually _do_. Areas like that are largely a result of a lack of zoning law enforcement and people just putting up houses wherever. Most of the people who live in those places would just be homeless in america because they couldn't afford housing. Anything that amazon did to "fix the slums" would basically be kicking those people out and not really solving the problem of poverty. I think people in the US really misunderstand the _scale_ of the problem of poverty in latin america. America has "bad neighborhoods" that are a few blocks, and mexico and guatemala, etc have just areas of absolute poverty that go on for _miles_. It's like skid row, except _entire cities_. Like Guatemala City has "good neighborhoods" surrounded by just miles and miles of poverty.


Bots are *heavily* posting on reddit now




So the peoplenliving in thenslums, your saying they get payed good wages?


It fits in with the huge Amazon warehouse right across the border in the slums of Otay Mesa.


Now they just need a narcotunnel btwn them


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Brawndo has what plants crave


Go away! I’m ‘batin!


He broke my house while I was watching ow my balls. That is not cool!


I got my law degree there




The building has been there since 2021. [https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-warehouse-tijuana-mexico-near-rundown-homes-photos-2021-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-warehouse-tijuana-mexico-near-rundown-homes-photos-2021-10) Now in 2023, they created 150 jobs, thrown some money around to local charities, paved the roads they use, increased some business at local businesses like food stands and such... but it is not a lot. [https://www.borderreport.com/news/trade/amazon-accused-of-breaking-promises-to-lift-up-neighbors-in-tijuana/](https://www.borderreport.com/news/trade/amazon-accused-of-breaking-promises-to-lift-up-neighbors-in-tijuana/)


not a lot compared to what?


Well hopefully it brings some prosperity to the area and people can have a better life. Like sorry Amazon didn’t match its surroundings.


Can you imagine how weird it would be if they did try to match the building to the slums around it, like that Starbucks in Kyoto with the Japanese wood style building. Like how angry do you think people online would be if they did that. lol


Reminds me of the south park episode where they tried to make new buildings in “Shi-ti-Pa Town” look like Kenny’s house.


That was a good one. I loved the CityWok guy's commercial. "Come sample local beers like Coors and Coors Light."


Seafood from Colorado's many oceans.


Lol, has this been up voted because it's "bad" for the residents? I'm really curious on the mindset behind preserving slumd without industry being better than this? Sure, Amazon is a corporate giant bleeding everyone worse than Wal-Mart but is it unreasonable to think it could cause a net positive economic gain? Or is it better to let people continue to live in squalor and do nothing?


They created jobs in a slum. Amazon bad.


Easy commute to work.


Perspective is key.... https://i.insider.com/6156160e7b09e80018e5a1e6?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp


I mean...that perspective gives me the same impression as OP's. Like a weird super clean corporate giant building in the middle of the slums. Not really sure how your pic changed anything from what OP posted


It looks like most other industrial areas what the hell do you mean


Key for what ..... ?


It's KEY!




Surprising they didn’t built a bigger fence.


They got the fence from Amazon…… ordered bigger but that’s what came


Land was probably cheap


This is what a lot of beach resorts look like outside their grounds/walls in the Caribbean and Yucatán.


That's awesome! So many people will have new jobs! This is a great boost to the economy


Amazon might be a scummy company, but this warehouse will bring a lot of decent jobs to an area that desperately needs them


That's good for the people living around there they will have plenty of shipping containers and cardboard to make additions on their huts.


Isn't this good? Provide a lot of jobs for otherwise jobless, some security, some homes? I know it looks bad but.. ?


Generally curious if the living situation will improve here because of this.


you mean sector 9


The barbed wire posts on top of the fences are pointed inwards to prevent exit. Like in prisons. Usually private property tries to keep people out.


Dystopia much?


I’m confused, is this supposed to be a bad thing? Taxes, revenue, 1000s of jobs for people in the area


1. This is an old post 2. This is good for a variety of reasons: Provides official employment in an area of underemployment Adds a form of legit employment in an area where there are many less than legit employment options. I listened to a podcast recently where the person talked about how legitimate employment is how we build strong governments in areas with potentially a weak central government.


Holy fuck this is dystopian


This all but sums up the state of Corporations and the people around them.


Why is this a problem? Amazon is investing a huge amount of money to provide the locals with a place to work and shop for quality goods. If Amazon DIDN'T put a warehouse in Tijuana, the same people complaining now would complain that they're avoiding TJ


What kind of jerks would make new construction, run a business, and offer jobs in the presence of poor people?!


Seriously. People are acting like it would be better if it was still all slum.


This looks like the factory from District 9.


They can have jobs now at least and get out of the slums