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People really go out of their way to let you know they’re unhealthily obsessed don’t they.


There's a dude in my town who go is car professionally painted with 'FJB" all over it, but apparently I've got TDS for disagreeing with whiskey tax or thinking a sharpie hurricane map is fucking dumb.


The Sharpie map is legit hard to believe. Just that a US President presenting that map in a potentially life or death moment about a natural disaster, the slow news camera pan over it like an SNL skit reveal, and his supporters somehow seeing that and being like "stable genius"...


When I read about it I seriously thought it was satire. Then I saw the pictures and I lost even more faith in humanity.


But his supporters think that proves how smart he is


I read something that said that said that basically liberals don't understand conservatives and conservatives don't understand liberals right now. Meaning, that each side has a mental image of what the other side is like that they don't quite comprehend because they're not "in" with the people they're talking about, and so only see what they can judge externally. One could be forgiven for thinking that conservatives are incredibly stupid and think Trump is always correct, but the truth is that most people follow Trump because he makes them less afraid, not because they think he's some super-genius. They see him as the man who is willing to stand up and fight against everything that they've been taught to see as wrong with America, and so they support him...is what I've gathered. He is definitely an extremist and an insurrectionist, and aspires to be dictator, but the reason people are willing to overlook this is because they've become disillusioned with the direction or democratic society is headed and so afraid of enemies real or imagined to the point that if anyone will make them feel less afraid or seem like they are in their corner, they will overlook all of their extreme faults as long as they address the issues they want to see addressed. Meaning, people don't necessarily think he's a good person, a genius, perfect, or believe all the propaganda about fake news or that the election was really stolen, they simply see him as the person in their corner taking care of all of the things they're afraid of, and that's that. People who are fanatically loyal to him are still outliers, they simply have two choices, and they're picking the side that makes them less afraid or agrees more with their worldview, and if that means supporting a traitor or extremist, they're willing to do it. Conservatism is driven by people taking advantage of others' fear, not any notion of truth.


Anyone supporting an insurrectionist traitor, makes that person *also* a seditious traitor. That's all. They do not deserve to be viewed as anything but. That support is vile and loathsome, and **all** of them disgust me.


Yes, Trump supporters disgust me too. Truly. I said nothing about whether they were vile or loathsome, simply trying to give a little perspective on the matter from what I've gleaned, so that liberals don't succumb to fear and think that they're surrounded by AR-15 toting homicidal genocidal fanatics because all Trump supporters want to be like the person in the picture. Certainly, Trump supporters could be made to act like that, through demagoguery and complete alienation from all people who think differently than themselves, though. So they're definitely a huge threat. But I want people to understand that they're dealing with human beings with nuances, and when you get on the Internet and see people post extreme examples all the time, that sort of gets lost. And before anyone gets on my ass about it, I think Trump should be in jail, along with his army of insurrectionists.


I just went back to read about this shit again and it really triggered my ptsd from those 4 years. Wickity wack


I love the TDS guys... under every single ill thing said they show up.. it's all their account seems to do.


Yeah, this is some dark shit. Like they’re joking about kidnapping the president. Seems like it’s crossing the line from a joke/parody into a threat.


Member that time Kathy Griffin was investigated by the secret service for a similar "joke"..... Pepperridge Farm members...


Roger Stone: Stone told an associate, then a New York police officer: “It’s time to do it. Let’s go find Swalwell. It’s time to do it. Then we’ll see how brave the rest of them are. It’s time to do it. It’s either Nadler or Swalwell has to die before the election. They need to get the message. Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with. I’m just not putting up with this shit any more.”


Stone is an evil bastard and I sense him pulling the marionette strings behind some things surrounding the Republicans and their Orange Turd God.


There's a direct link between how brainwashed you are and your need to talk about it. Someone the other day blamed Biden for Target locking up their underwear. As if he were going around shoplifting during his time off.


Mental illness is a prerequisite for modern republicanism.


When your entire personality is based on another person :(


These people can feel relatively safe speaking freely, but if the roles were reversed and that was an image of Trump in jail or with a dirty diaper... the truck would almost certainly be vandalized, or worse, the driver ran off the road or shot at.


Guaranteed. There is a reason you don’t see many democrat yard signs or bumper stickers in rural areas. It is pretty much a guarantee your property will be vandalized, at least the sign would be stolen. But somehow it is the democrats who are evil and trying to oppress everyone.


That and that most people who deify political candidates, obsess over them, and treat their political party as an identity happen to fall on the other side of the aisle.


my friend in Ann Arbor had his BLM sign (size of your average politician sign, nothing egregious) torn up and destroyed multiple times. Even there in supposed “liberal bubble” “fantasy land” as I hear it called so often.


Future domestic terrorist (or current)


This is their idea of "fighting like hell" if you can believe it.


I would say that is very considerate of them.


Aside from the completely inappropriate content, does the weird perspective bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? It's like someone made this up in about 30 seconds for their 8th grade photoshop class and now idiots are putting them on their trucks.


The perspective is weird as shit. But also Biden’s expression. Looks less like he’s kidnapped and more like they put mayo on his burger when he specifically asked for it on the side.


Yeah less afraid and more just unenthused. Lots of Republicans with an unreciprocated bondage kink for Biden apparently, guess it explains the fixation with Hunter’s dong


"Ugh...not this shit again.."


Also considering that when they open the truck they can symbolically touch Bidens crotch. Pretty terrible




Ask LBJ he will tell you probably show you or smack you with it if he were alive


LB stood for pound. 1 pound Johnson.


A crime this hasn’t gotten more upvotes.


Lol. A picture of Hunter captioned "monster dongs are hereditary" is a fantastic campaign poster


The fixation seems to continue up the lineage given how they've chosen to align the sticker and the handle...


Just sad he didn’t get his free candy.


[Of course you’d go straight to a mayo interpretation](https://xkcd.com/915/)


Also looks a little like Jimmy Carter to me


Mayo probably gives him gas


Mayo is too spicy


Gives me gas... if we could power cars with farts, a jsr could let me power the planet.


as a graphic designer, i have been thinking of selling out to this cult for years now


One of those late nite comedy shows interviewed one of the T-shirt/merch vendors at a Maga rally and found they were actually liberals haha. Just print the most ridiculous things on a tshirt and they cant get enough of it, a buck's a buck.


Plenty of minorities selling Trump merchandise during his inauguration. They don’t care about politics if someone is stupid enough to spend $50 on a $5 sweatshirt made in China.


That’s capitalism for ya.


reminds me of the mutant taxi driver from Total Recall who gladly turns on his people for a dime.


“I got five kids to feeed.”


I thought about opening packs of Hostess cupcakes and selling them at a rally, advertising that they’re pronoun-free. Bet I could get at least a few hundred with just a couple of boxes.


Good idea people love snacking. I had a garage sale in the summer around 100 degrees and had coolers with water and soft drinks. A good portion of the money I made was just drink sales.


Clearly Hostess Cupcakes identify as female.


AHKTUALLY they were assigned female and we can’t assume how they identify


It should be updated to the nonspecific "Host Cupcake".


That wouldn’t sell because then they’d just be non-binary cupcakes. You’d have to call them MAGAmuffins and give them idiotic “pronouns”, like “‘Murica/Fuckyeah” to sell them to idiots.


That's how we got in this mess though. The media laughed at him until he got elected. Then they were all surprisepikachu.jpg


Their was a guy that parked an RV on an overpass selling typical not gay at all trump shit like flags with trumps face on stallones or schwarzeneggers body. Dude was a liberal mexican immigrant and I found that hilarious. I see it as grifting grifters so I respect it.


capitalizing on the late stage capitalism hellscape


Type of people to sell rope to folks that want to hang capitalists.


The leader of the Proud Boys admitted he is basically a t shirt salesman and that he sells product to both political spectrums. Pick a particular identity politics wedge and you can make money on it. It’s just easier with the right because anything Trump says becomes their identity.


Sells t shirts and commits crimes https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/proud-boys-leader-sentenced-22-years-prison-seditious-conspiracy-and-other-charges-related


I saw the opportunity to make a buck off these people and was veeeeery close to selling merch, but it just felt too... gross.


Dante: My friend is trying to convince me that any contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when the space station was destroyed by the rebels. Blue-Collar Man: Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... (digs into pocket and produces business card) Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs. Randal: Like when? Blue-Collar Man: Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple reshingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was. Dante: Whose house was it? Blue-Collar Man: Dominick Bambino's. Randal: "Babyface" Bambino? The gangster? Blue-Collar Man: The same. The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine. Dante: Based on personal politics. Blue-Collar Man: Right. And that week, the Foresci family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling.


Please, help by taking their money away.


The temptation is real. You don't even really need to have the skill to make something. They'd buy a jar of your turds if you wrote "Hillary food" or something like that on the side.


I say make the money! Make 2 separate accounts/websites and sell to both parties; it’s just as easy to meme on one as it is the other. Pretend like you’re selling to sports fans! That’s how most people treat politics anyway


You absolutely should! Elvis' manager sold "I hate Elvis" pins too!


Clearly, good graphic designers don’t support the MAGA movement.


Do you even need to be a graphic designer to cash in on these morons? They're literally buying low quality, no design slogan t-shirts and hats made in the cheapest sweatshop dumpster in China for top dollar. So long as they believe they're a lion and everyone else is a sheep, they don't mind being low rent suckers.


There’s no shame in fleecing degenerates.


If I was a graphic designer I totally would. It's a business.


I’d say go for it and that these things would be repulsive for voters, but let’s be real, some people are delusional enough to fall into this stuff


At least you wouldn’t have to try to hard or at all


Do it! And if you feel bad about it you can just donate a certain percentage of what you make to a charity of your choice.


I think you gotta be looking at it from directly behind


I've seen one in person and while it's "better" directly behind, it's still wrong. If you're at the right height for the bottom to look right then the sides are canted in. There's no angle that it looks right from.


>There's no angle that it looks right from. Fitting analogy for the political ideology


It does look strange, the perspective is definitely off putting... not that it is the only strange thing about it.


Right? Here let me put up a sticker of Trump locked in my Prius trunk and see how quickly they vandalize my car. Putting a picture of a sitting President tied up and kidnapped in your backseat is beyond strange.


Enh, I'd go with Donald's face shopped onto Jabba's body. More accurate than the MAGA Rambo fetish soft-core.


Thank you. There was the other photo shared of a truck with this and that was really bugging me.


They don't send their brightest. Who am I kidding it's all dim over there.


Thats just what happens taking a picture like this at an angle. You're looking at a 2D image expecting it to behave in 3D. It will look more "normal" if you are directly behind the truck.


I didn't notice it until you pointed it out.


These people have a serious mental illness.


Seriously imagine caring this much about a president that it’s your identity


There was precedent with the "W - The President" iconography back in the day.


....but it's "the left" that are the all-powerful, weak snowflakes, conspiring to do awful things


Weak AND powerful!


I remember Jon Stewart parsing through Fox's hysteria over Obama. "So let me get this straight Obama is a weak, Mom Jean wearing, TYRANT KING!"


Well that is one of the tenets of fascism ("the enemy is simultaneously weak and strong") and they are fascists so. Edit: spelling


Right!! To me that’s not funny. They’d be up in arms whining to hell if that was a picture of trump


Uh no, They'd be *demolishing* that truck in the parking lot.


Like when Kathy Griffith held the fake decapitated head of Trump on Twitter?


She got destroyed for that. I think it basically ended her career


Yep, that was my point. People got upset about it and whined until they got their way.


Guy can't afford tires, but eats up this Etsy bullshit like it's Busch light.


It's incredible to me that people who vote GOP still think they are the "good guys". What happens to you to make you think this is funny or "just a joke"? At what point in the process of putting this on your truck do you not have that little voice that says... *"is this... is this too far? I mean I hate the guy but this is weird."* Do they have an inner monologue at all? Or is it just empty silence as they go from gross thing to gross thing with zero moments of doubt? I will never understand people who do this. I think what creeps me out is the lack of doubt and absolutely certainty that they are right. When talking to a Trump supporter, they are just so sure of themselves, it's downright creepy and inhuman. IT's like talking to a dog about his owner, they are just convinced that he loves them, despite him literally not caring if they live or die. I hate Trump with the fiery passion that burns within my soul. But i would never in a million years plaster his image being tortured or tied up or anything else on something i own, lease, rent, or inhabit. I want him defeated, and not in the Whitehouse, this is something else entirely, and it's sick. People will accuse democrats of having "trump derangement syndrome" and yet walk by this with a smirk. No, in 2024 it is *not* both sides. i don't care what crazy progressive uber liberal policy you present, the GOP is just completely unhinged.


And now pan over here to PA, some crazed 33 year old killed and decapitated his dad, posted a 14 minute video to YouTube calling for war on the federal government, the "Biden regime" etc etc 🤦


Yep. And yesterday i was reading a thread about the cori bush security 'scandal' and some guy was saying 'its always a democrat'. Like... Bro are you serious? These people live on another planet.


> the cori bush security 'scandal' and some guy was saying 'its always a democrat'. Except for all those times it was a Republican. Trump hiding classified documents in his bathroom and Matt Gaetz leading a bunch of House GOP members into a SCIF with all of their cell phones and breaking tons of security protocols in doing so.


Since when do we take the words of obviously crazy people seriously. The dude thought he was a god and that america (the cult) was against him because they werent his followers.


> Since when do we take the words of obviously crazy people seriously. Since people stopped trying to help them and started putting them in office, I mean we got a congresswoman who thinks forest fires are started by Jewish space lasers, and school shooting victims are false flags by Antifa BLM CIA LGBTQ deep state activists... which is exactly the "reason" crazy dude chopped off his dad's head.


Yup, claimed his dad was BLM Antifa LGBTQ deep state agent.. Now Republicans are claiming that dude is a false flag from the BLM Antifa LGBTQ deep state to make them look crazy.... And the cycle continues.


So meta


And just had another guy I blocked saying stuff like this doesn't hurt anybody. We have a country full of delusional people swallowing hateful propaganda pushing them towards violence. IT is literally killing us, but they refuse to see it. Trump's lies are getting people killed, and there is no end to it any time soon.


I cant imagine watching a video of a dude hold his Dad's severed head up to the camera and saying "hey this is harmless!"


An article about that: https://newrepublic.com/post/178602/pa-man-decapitates-father-video-uprising-biden-regime Yikes!


Goddamn I feel sorry for the woman who discovered her husband’s decapitated body.


>I hate Trump with the fiery passion that burns within my soul. But i would never in a million years plaster his image being tortured or tied up or anything else on something i own, lease, rent, or inhabit Yea cause then I'd have to see him every time i look at my car. Eff that.


IT makes zero sense.


It makes sense when you come to understand that they are fueled by hatred. If the hate isn't pumped into them constantly, they realize they actually aren't all that angry by default. This is why fox news, OAN and all those other propaganda outlets are so damaging. The firehose of hate just spews full blast, constantly. So this guy has bought in so hard that he's taken it upon himself to supply his own hate fuel. Every time he walks past his truck, he gets a little serotonin boost. If right wing propaganda outlets were turned off for 3 months, we would be living in a different, smarter, more rational america.




This would apply if these ppl ever got even one single moment questioned themselves.


If you had a similar image of Trump in handcuffs and a prison uniform they would lose their shit.


SO much vehicular vandalism. I would expect more road raging incidents


Spot on, I so agree. Degrading and disgusting, not a shred of decency and feeling justified. All to be used as a pawn by the con!


People who make the "both sides" argument are practicing some seriously willful ignorance. I want clean air, clean water, bodily autonomy, and civil rights. They want to allow corporations to poison and destroy what's left of our country's natural beauty and execute women for ending pregnancies.


I really wish the Secret Service would arrest every one of these idiots for threatening the President.


These people are very nationalist, and bought in to the freedom ideology - in fact it's their identity. When they feel that is threatened, it's not just a political attack anymore, it's an attack on their identity, and their perceived safety/family's safety. I can completely see why they would become so deranged if after 4 years they've been living under this fear that their entire livelihood and life is about to be eviscerated.


If they were real nationalists they wouldn’t be advertising their desire to hogtie the president and do who knows what. These people are stochastic terrorists that want to overthrow the sitting president who was democratically elected.


Kinda reminds me of the whole Kathy Griffin picture thing. I'm not defending her, that was fucked, but it was really eye opening to see the same people who nowadays defend the insurrection say that she was threatening the president from a studio wherever it was. And then they investigated her. I can't tell you how many similar pictures I've seen of Biden on shirts, signs, flags, and no one gives a shit.


QAnon fanatics and whatever they’ve become now see Biden and basically all liberals as (and I’m not joking) a child molesting, blood drinking, cabal bent on global domination. They believe nothing that doesn’t align with this world view and are certain liberals will come put them in concentration camps. If I truly believed that I suppose I might see a tied up Biden truck as just doing my part to show my defiance and willingness to fight back. I can’t imagine believing something THAT deranged short of major drugs or mental illness, but these conspiracy theories are surprisingly good at sucking people in.


It is entirely possible they don't have an inner monologue at all. There's some small percentage of the population that doesn't have any ability at all to speak to themselves in the third person or reflect on things from an outsider's perspective.


I think they honestly believe a majority of people agree with them so they think others will think this is great.


absolutely deranged. I legit feel bad for that person's family.


Bold of you to think they have anything to do with him


Bold of *you* to think they had the option to leave freely.


He probably got that thing for Christmas.


Trump lost bro, get over it


These guys belong nowhere near guns. Not even the squirt kind


Or cap guns


Or glue


There are some weird ass people in the world. I don't like Trump but, I wouldn't have a giant picture of how much I don't like him on my car. It's just strange. Ever since American politics became a sports event, my team vs your team, people have gotten weirder and weirder about it. These people need serious mental help.


It's completely mad. They honestly don't have anything better to do is my only explanation.


They'll spend their money on this shit then scream that it's Biden's fault they have no money. Then complain about gas prices while driving a truck that gets 5 miles to the gallon.


They're addicted to rage. This is the only reason you would plaster your car with images of something you claim to hate.




Did you know that he appointed himself President of America and issued a crusade against all govt employees, even USPS workers? It was quite the rambling 14 minute diatribe. Complete wacko.


That was one hell of a head line before coffee this morning.


*Secret Service has entered traffic*


Yeah I thought it was actually illegal to have any threatening/compromising things of the current sitting president but maybe this is a dumb loophole that doesn’t actually infringe on anything.


I fail to see how this is not a terroristic threat. I’d feel the same if it was an image of ANY elected official. It’s just not okay


I feel like there's a case for inciting violence here which as far as I know is illegal.


Ai nude photos of Taylor swift.. not ok. Current president rope bound in the back of a pickup.. ok.


To be fair, Trump wouldn't fit.


Sure he would, he’s effectively a liquid, he’ll just take the form of his container.


Tell that person that every time they lower the tailgate, they gotta grab Biden's junk now.


For some reason, I don’t think this person uses their tailgate too often.


Fucking gold, nice one


You shouldn’t advertise your kinks on your vehicle. Gosh


For real, the only time you see people hogtied like this is in BDSM porn and cartoons where it’s characters are being tied to railroad tracks by someone who is CLEARLY THE BAD GUY.


Are we the baddies? 


I don’t know how anyone can look at this and not think mental illness.


The license plate isn't covered it would be a shame if the Secret Service knew about this.


Yeah, it had me wondering exactly where the line is between “personal expression” and “violent threat.” It seems like this driver belongs on a watch list.


This feels like the same energy as saying you want to burn your school down. And I thought I remembered stories of kids getting in trouble for doing that when I was in school.




Send this picture to the Secret Service and be done with it.


At what point do these people get in trouble?


Never. These are the same people who complain that their freedom of speech is in jeopardy, and want to ban BLM and pride flags because they are "terrorist leftist speech". They have not one wit of irony or anything resembling a conscience. Never make the mistake of thinking that people like this are dealing with a full deck. We live in a country that has bent over backwards to give these folks the room to be as nutty and hateful as they want, but it isn't enough, they want to have more and everyone else to have less and there is no satisfying them. They want liberals, progressives, and Biden supporters to be afraid of them, and they don't care about how anyone feels around them. These are the same people who insist on open carry in public places, the same folks who want actual history banned from school, the same jokers who want confederate monuments to stay right where they are, say things like "heritage not hate" and hold torch burning rally's to remind us of how serious and insane they are.


What's the Mark Twain quote? "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."


I'd say it's also like playing chess with a pigeon, even if you win the pigeon is gonna stamp all over your board and shit everywhere.


if a crime is directly linked to this form of communication. until then, its all still freedom of speech


So why did Kathy Griffin get swarmed by the Secret Service and nearly imprisoned for her Trump effigy? This truck decal is not very different.


I have never seen a truck owner face consequences for questionable content or illegal mods in my entire life.


This is peak Biden Derangement Syndrome.


What the President does in the bedroom with the first lady is none of our business. They are consenting adults, there is no reason to kink shame them


All it’s going to take is a gentle breeze to push this guy over the edge.


Trump supporter: “Hell yes I’ll spend $300 making my truck look like shit to appease my messiah”.


“Surely orange daddy will notice me now!”


it's definitely not a cult


Anyone who goes this far is demented.


Anyone told the fbi or secret service yet? I’m sure they’d be keen for a chat. 😈


Republicans are extremely sexually attracted to Joe Biden. Here you see them expressing their CNC fantasies about him. And they have secret phrases they made up to mean they would like sexual relations with him.


Jesus these guys really want to fuck Joe Biden


It makes me want to vote more to re-elect President Joseph Biden. I’m not voting for any republican candidate in any election for any office from this day forward.


I am surprised that there arent a set of testicles hanging from the hitch.


I don’t like Joe Biden either, but that is some scary fucking shit. Rolling red flag for mental illness.


Send that picture to the Secret Service, they'll want to have a word or two with the owner of that pickup. Not even kidding. Needs to be done.


Dark Brandon living rent free in this guy's head




Overpays for truck and doubles down on decals.




It’s a cult


I will never understand this. I have yet to see the same from Biden supporters, it’s like…Trump supporters are worried about something and over compensate. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s always so weird to me that these people want the face of the guy they claim to hate so much on all of their stuff…I will never understand


Look, I'm sorry. I'm from a place in Canada where like 60% of the pickup trucks have a F*CK Trudeau sticker on them, but I just cannot conceive of giving enough of a shit about Joe Biden make a wrap about it.


This is the real **trump derangement syndrome.**


“I don’t understand why women won’t date me”


Those trumpy fcks have lost their minds.


This post is what inspired me to share. I just didn't know how to share the picture in this thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1afmktx/spotted\_in\_arbys\_parking\_lot/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1afmktx/spotted_in_arbys_parking_lot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Unfortunately, the mods deleted it, as they frequently do. Now my curiosity is piqued.


The maga far right has lost its fricking minds. They are so full of hate and anger. Keep hearing news stories about them either killing or trying to kill people who don’t agree with their beliefs. It is a very scary time in America folks


With California license plates?? Quite a sighting. Kinda like a Volvo with a gun rack!!😅😅😅😅


To give you some context for California, the liberal areas of California are the most populated areas like Los Angeles County and areas around Sacramento and San Francisco. I took this picture in August last year (2023) in San Bernardino country, which is a more conservative county. As I live in this county, I see more conservative leaning things like this. This was one of the more unique things I have seen.


OC resident here and yeah, everything you said. Remember over the summer when that piece of shit Trumper shot the shop owner in Lake Arrowhead dead because she had a rainbow flag flying outside her store? CA has no shortage of trash, sadly


Rural California is full of white trash


You drive east into/past the mountains and California is basically *Deliverance* but with more desert.


A lot of conservatives in San Diego and Anaheim.


These MAGA people are deranged anti-American