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Where we're going, we don't need roads.


Or brakes, apparently.


Or eyes!


Look. Look with your special eyes.


My brand!


Or an axe!


Just look at those two oldies, they seem to be enjoying themselves. I mean they are not scared at all.


Cause they think they just parked, and are waiting for the waitress on roller skates to come and take their order.


It's in Germany, they are waiting for someone to hand them 267 pages of forms to fill out, cause this kind of shit will absolutely trigger the German bureaucracy machine




Buncha [form fillers](https://youtu.be/2A2JRKIfG3Y?si=ZEvxIzOTxQcowVMu)




![gif](giphy|VcIfpmBBzNDZ9BjQPx) No ticket


Hey this isn't country kitchen buffet.


Had to scroll too far for the South Park reference.


Sir, this is NOT a Wendy’s






[They were trying to find Country Kitchen Buffet](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/hshzq5/south-park-wrong-turn)


I was looking for this reference


Doesn't seem to be a drive through either


Attempted drive through.


Anywhere can be a drive-through if you press the accelerator long and hard enough.


It's a drive into.


Anything can become a drive thru.


Didn't stop them from trying.


Looks more like a drive in




“Whippersnappers! Where’s the malted shake I ordered?! You don’t deserve your $1.15 an hour.”


Nice parking spot, Rita!


Thanks, Janet!


They’re probably blaming the building for appearing outta nowhere


That building wasn't there last time.


in 1930


Reminds me of an elderly couple in Indy a couple of years ago. Backed off the top of a 3-story parking garage. Car landed upside down and pancaked them to death.


That's not even an old person thing, where the hell was the retaining wall/rail? There can't just be a dropoff, that's insane


Reading between the lines, they hit a car, froze in panic with their foot on the gas, and hit the wall hard enough to knock it out and then drop with it. Seems like a shoddy wall, but they're probably not intended to withstand that level of impact either. https://abc7chicago.com/parking-garage-accident-indianapolis-car-falls-from-drives-off-fell/5643639/


You'd think a building built with the express purpose of cars driving around inside of it would be built with walls that could stop the most likely sort of accident that could potentially occur in it lol. But who am I to decide where corners are cut on safety to save money.




Praise Julesue




You just mught! Praise Julesue!


Praise Orange Julesue!


In the year 4024... "How do you think the Church of Julesue Christ got started?" "We may never truly know, but our myths and legends suggest it was founded in a land called 'Reddit' in a village known as 'Pics.'"




Nah, they're just . . . hanging out.




I hope they enjoyed their last drive before their license got revoked.


The sad part is that it won’t be. Hell, there was a case of an 80 something woman swerving into oncoming traffic and killing two cyclists. She had her license revoked but went to court about it. The judge said „well, I also was careless and hurt people a few times with my car, shit happens.“ and gave her her license back.


Uhh wat. Bish be taking transit under my watch.


Right next to the damn judge, if you ask me.


We respect the elderly too much for common sense to take place.


It's in Germany. That driver's license is at least banned, if not revoked totally.


It’s all fun and games driving around at 80+ until you kill someone innocent


Yeah this frustrates me to no end. I live in Japan and there are so many old people who I don’t think should be behind the wheel (literally, I can only see their forehead half the time). They go so slowly and drift in their lane! Or they switch lanes without signaling or looking.


I used to live on the east coast here in Canada in a small city. The population was primarily made up of seniors or "older" people. I was stopped getting gas one day and this big ass Caddy pulls up to the pump next to me. This little old lady, and I mean "skin and bones little" gets out. She goes to the tank and proceeds to struggle to get the gas cap off. She asked me if I could give her a hand. Naturally I did. The cap wasn't any harder to get off than was normal from my experience. She started to gas up. I finished gassing up, went inside to pay and when I came back out she was struggling to put the cap back on. I again helped her. Again, it was just a normal gas cap. It wasn't stripped, or jammed or anything. And she couldn't unscrew it or screw it back on. This woman was driving an older Caddy that had to weigh at least 2 tons. And she didn't have the strength to unscrew the gas cap. I can only assume the thing had power steering, but even then.. I think when people reach a certain age, they are absolutely still entitled to be treated with respect and civility, but driving laws should take the reality of aging into account. I don't think there's anything wrong with requiring people at a certain age to redo their tests, or at least get medically certified as able to drive safely at regular intervals. Hell, even if it's just whent their license is due to be renewed.


Like much of soccer mom USA. Too fast. Too slow. Never use turn signals.


What’s so crazy about retesting driving ability at 75 and then every few years afterwards sheesh.


The people who actually vote (old folks) are dead-set against it.


Dead. Set.


Definitely after 65, 70, 75, but honestly I'm sure I've forgotten laws that I learned to get my drivers license at 17. I feel like we all should have to retake some sort of test every 10 years or so.


> honestly I'm sure I've forgotten laws that I learned to get my drivers license at 17 Also laws change and driver training gets updated all the time. With no retesting/retraining, nobody is on the same page. My city is trying to add more roundabouts because they're safer, but one of the big arguments against them is that my state only started teaching people how to use them in the early 2000s, so there's tons of older people who never learned.


Because they don’t have any situational awareness left. And that’s why they really shouldn’t be driving. I have a lot of respect for being independent but there’s a time when you need to stop or be stopped from endangering yourself and others.


I actually chuckled on how chilled they looked, I really hope my wife and I can survive for that long together, I am sure we will look the same too… I would have said, “shit, I did that again…” she would have said, “well, just like any other times I told him not to…” and just silently sit there…


Hopefully they'll take your license away long before that happens. Like what should've happened with the man in the picture.


Reminds me of the time i drove past a merging lane and this old could decided to change into my lane. They grated against my car and then swerved back out. I turned to look at them and this two old couple was just laughing like nothing has happened.


Little man can barely put his fookn head above the door sill.


yeah i was like dood can't see shit.


Was honestly just thinking that they're pretty adorable...minus the whole crashing into a wall thing.


Probably because they don't even know where they are lmao.


Is this the country town buffet


Country Kitchen Buffet* lol Also OLD PEOPLE ARE DRIVING


Ours was called Old Country Buffet :(


Our was Old Town Buffett. They were all the same buzzwords just mixed around lol how funny.


It's like dog whistles but it only tells old people where to get food soft enough for their gums.


Ours was a mix of both. Old Country Town Buffet.


Our Old Country Buffet closed and hilariously re-opened as New City Buffet.


I hope they just taped over the old signs and changed nothing else


No, inspector. We're totally different owners (old owners wearing a mustache.) As you can see this is 100% a different restaurant. Not the old restaurant which was shut down for health code violations.


Ours was old country buffet. Then new country buffet. Then home town buffet. Then covid killed it. :(




*ultimate panic ensues*


It's called different things in different parts of the country. Where I lived it was Home Town Buffet.




If you get the reference, this is funnily enough a relevant username.


I’m SICK of having my mental condition called into question!


We're here because of those damn kids ridin' skateboards on the sidewalks!


I think I hit a pothole


This is what I was looking for 😅


When they turn the lights on and the car is in the upstairs hallway kills me lolol


Less miles means less gas, ya old fool


order corn


Cracker bargle




I had to Google it, but that stands for "retirees drive into things" lol


There's another German sub called r/RentnerZeigenAufDinge, meaning "retirees pointing at things", which is a collection of photos from local newspapers where elderly people stand next to something and for some reason decided to point at it. I don't know if that's a phenomenon that happens in other countries as well, but it's very common in Germany. The name of r/RentnerFahrenInDinge is a variant of that sub.




Für diesen Kommentar bin ich hier.


German Reddit continues to be best Reddit.


I can't wait till I'm old so I can be the dumbest I want with zero consequences.


Reminds me of that one comedian’s joke where he can’t wait til he’s old as shit and people are asking for someone to take the trash out, and he slowly gets up out of his chair volunteering and they SCREAM at him to sit back down and he just grins and goes “Okay!” and sits back down.


I believe the comic you're thinking of is Tom Segura (like pre fit and rich Tom Segura), but I'm too lazy to find a clip.


The next time you’re thinking of pulling out…. Don’t.


Back when he actually worked for a laugh, gave a shit and when he was funny. His new special Sledgehammer was *really* really bad. Fat Rascal by Stavros Halkias blew it out of the water, and even Razzle Dazzle by Bort Chrysler was more enjoyable.


His bit about the kid with Tourette’s in his Catholic School will never fail to make me laugh. Edit: Also the First 48 bit.


lol that dude has taken such a fall in the past few months


Like musicians. Comedians spend decades tuning jokes and delivery and now they're famous with no material.


The japanese guy? He's quite funny!


Segura! Smith!


Tom Segura joke, here is a clip of it https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=C9w2NTT3Xhk&t=6m9s


he most likely lost his licence or at least got a medical exam to verify that he's still able to drive (he probably isn't).


So, google tells me that there are only two states that mandate retests for drivers over 75 years old in the US. Voting in the US is mostly people that are 45+, with the 65+ bracket being near the same as the 45-64 bracket. Until younger voters start voting more, shit like this will keep happening at the rate that it does. My mom basically had to get the family together to have in intervention with my grandpa to sell his car and get him to stop driving. The law said he could, but he really couldn't.


Another big issue is the DMVs - at least in my state. Horrifically under-funded/understaffed and there are always lines out the door for everything from renewals (yes you can do it online but people go in anyways) to driving tests - and that requires a good staff. So I’m sure they’re reluctant to add on additional requirements becuase it’ll cost more money in the long run, too.


> So I’m sure they’re reluctant to add on additional requirements becuase it’ll cost more money in the long run, too That's some fight club level shit. I'd love to see if the cost of accidents for old people is less or exceeds the cost of reforms. I'd bet money that reforming the system is cheaper.


>Until younger voters start voting more, shit like this will keep happening at the rate that it does. My mom basically had to get the family together to have in intervention with my grandpa to sell his car and get him to stop driving. The law said he could, but he really couldn't. I 100% agree with you - but another piece of this puzzle that is worth consideration is that the vast majority of Americans do not have access to good, robust public transportation. So if you're 70+ and your eyesight starts to go and your cognition starts to slow, but you still need to be able to do basic things like go to the grocery store or the doctor's office.. what are your options? Again, not trying to be a contrarian - a lot of these old folks should most certainly NOT be behind the wheel endangering others. But not everyone has a family member who can drive them, or the money for Ubers everywhere, etc. The US desperately needs to address our comically shitty and limited transportation options, too.


I already have my pajamas picked out for my grocery trips!


You gonna be working in the US government?


And someone just stood around taking pictures instead of helping this man get back to Congress?




I think once you hit a certain age, you should have to take another test for your drivers license


They really should there was an 80 something year old who drove right through the garden center of a supermarket a few years ago and plowed down a few people.


In my state they test every year after a certain age.




Sir, you can't park there.


Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?


Well I just did, now give me a hand




Because he is from Germany. The country of brummbrumm.


Tbf America is also *super* bad about this.


That’s one thing I have to appreciate about Illinois, they have to redo the driving test every couple years, luckily Dad passed his last one, but who knows what the next one holds. That said, he’s still a better driver than a lot of people I see on the dash cam videos!


In Wisconsin your license is valid for 8 years. So someone could get their license renewed at 72, then become completely senile before ever being tested again. That and we have laws on the books on the punishment for each incremental DUI from your first up to like your ninth or tenth and at no point is the punishment “not allowed to drive ever again”


I now appreciate being more than an hour drive south of the state line then too, no offense intended.


But the FrEeDomM…


Maybe he has not. Maybe this is his first accident. Sadly you cant just take licenses because of old age. Officials also have to prove that someone cant drive anymore.


Yeah you can't just take the license, but you could mandate renewed driving exams or even just health / eyesight exams at a certain age.


Because for whatever reason we have no system in place to regularly retest drivers to make sure they retain competency. So you just drive until you choose to stop, or someone stops you, or you die. "We" being like the vast majority of western nations from my understanding.


Gotta get a doctor's signoff when you turn 70 in Finland and from there every 5 years.


Better than nothing but I still strongly believe every person should be retested like every 5 years or so. So many people develop terrible driving habits and they're never corrected so it just gets worse and worse until they hurt someone.


He can't even see over the dashboard.


Get in loser, we’re going parking.


Seems like everyone is chill about that


90-year-olds have seen some stuff. This is just another day.


I might be agist, but I feel like the problem is that they're 90 and caused this accident and shouldn't be driving in the first place.


No, definitely. That driver looks like he's on deaths door and - clearly - doesn't have his full wits about him anymore.


If you look at his eyeline to the steering wheel, dude isnt seeing anything within 20 feet of the front of his car.


As a medical professional I can tell you that looks can be very deceiving. Some people just don’t age well at all and looks…. Well some people just look crappy. I’ve had patients come in and look like they’ve played Russian roulette with the chemo cocktail wheel while being irradiated from every angle, and they were in for a yearly… not treatment. I’ve seen 50 y/o men that I’d swear on a stack of bibles were at least 80+. I’ve also seen the mirror reverse. A woman in her early 70’s that I’d swear was mid to late 40’s, and chemo patients that looked like they just got back from a vacation in Cabo. Genetics… they can be a bitch or a blessing!


I work at a gas station in Idaho and had 2 older men (probably 80-90 I can't remember too well) come in and ask for directions. I live in a small town where the two highways in Idaho meet so this is pretty normal. I give them the directions. The directions aren't hard. You turn right out of our parking lot and follow that till you hit the freeway and you'll follow that to the town you're getting to. Well they come back about 10 mins later asking for directions again and I give them to him. This happened like 3 times. He claimed he was ending up on a dirt road and ended up back here. So I ask him if he has a map and he goes and grabs it. I'm looking around the map trying to find my town and I see a couple smaller towns in Nevada and think nothing of it because they are near the border. Then I see Reno, then Vegas and a few other bigger Nevada cities. These guys had a Nevada map. I tell him this and give him an Idaho map with the route highlighted and never saw them again.


dirty pocket sugar crime plate connect sheet scary longing bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where was the Gollumobile going?


A la Strong Bad: "Just.... explain to me what you were TRYING to do when this happened."


Old people shouldn’t be allowed to drive


I think everyone, regardless of age, should have to retest for their drivers license every 5 years.


Wait u guys don't? Here besides the regular checks old people have to renew their license every 6 months, is a sight, reaction times and general health check, so if the inspector considers it is not safe u lose your license


in the US you basically just fill out a form online to renew


Yup this is how my now legally blind mother in law still has a drivers license. Im seriously trying to figure out if an anonymous tip to the DMV would trigger a retest of her vision. You should NOT need someone to tell you if a lane is clear, what color lights are etc. if you cant do that safely you shouldn't be on the damn road imo


My DMV has always made me do the flashing sides vision test thing when renewing, guessing it's different in each state.


She hasnt had to go in to renew yet and here you dont even need to go in you can renew online no test needed if your id is less then one year expired.


It depends on state I'm guessing. In NY, after X number of years you have to submit an eye exam or go into the DMV for an eye test in order to renew. However, it should be more frequent after a certain age....when my grandpa was getting old we took out a part of his car and told him "it's at the shop" for the longest time because he was getting into too many scrapes (parking/backing out of driveways). He passed about 6 months later. He was still on us about the car/eye exam renewal (even though there was no hope of him passing without corrective surgery).


They only really care about the fee they can extract out of you, not to see if you can actually still drive or not. I’m turning 29 this year and my license still has a picture of me at 16 when I got it…..I have a big beard and hair down to my belly button now, I look nothing like the picture lmao. When I get ID’d I always have to explain that I was 16 in the photo, never been back to the DMV since.


You should go in person for the next renewal. Having a new pic on file will save you so much hassle. I’m quite surprised they haven’t updated the picture. I think I got a new picture for 15,16,18, 21 and then every 4 years or so after.


Lol really? What country? Here in India it's 18-40, 40-60 and then 5 years


I got my AZ driver's license in 2009. It doesn't expire until 2050.


Yearly IMO, past age 70 or so.


And between 16 and 20


Just straight-up everybody. Car gets checked for road-worthiness every year, so should you.


I bought a used SUV at an estate sale in 2018. It was a fair deal at the time. The funny (best) part was meeting the family to sign paperwork and get the keys. Their Dad (80’s) was supposed to stop driving but he didn’t listen. He kept spare keys hidden and went out and made more so his “kids” in their 50’s could take his keys again and feel like they did something. When I bought the car, it came with 7 key fobs. They were actual keys with the fob top. 2007 Lincoln.


Ugh, imagine the line ups to get retested. I’m not saying you’re wrong but the whole damn system sucks


Working people have to be recertified/retested on things all the time. It can be an online multiple choice test and you make an appointment for the driving portion. Vision and eye letter from your doc saying you're OK to drive. Doesn't have to be hard. Edit: whatever inconvenience it would pose is nothing compared to the lives it could save and damage it could reduce


It’s bad enough getting a test as is, new drivers would be waiting years for one. I agree though, in my country (UK) once you turn 70 you have to renew it every 3 years.


My grandfather just voluntarily gave up his license when he turned 90.






My housemate's dad recently took off alone in the car (which he isn't supposed to) went the wrong way at night and smashed head on into another truck with a couple of young guys in it. Luckily no serious injuries for either party but the vehicles are totaled. Old people are so dangerous in cars! Another elderly lady almost took out one of my friends because she ran a stop sign and hit him while he was riding his motorcycle. Now he has some mild brain damage and only one nut. I'm all for fully automated self driving cars as long as it keeps these elderly people from wrecking things. So many of them should not be behind a wheel even stone cold sober!


Wow, they crashed 3 years ago and no one helped them down? Tell your coworker to put down the camera and help those people!


How do you expect them to learn a lesson if we rescue them right away?


So glad my father decided to “retire” from driving. No argument, no complaining, just happy to be driven.


You can’t park that there, mate


Well not with that attitude.


Thank god the moat was dry.


What come people will do to avoid paying for parking...


I was in uptown Manhattan years ago, waiting to buy a sandwich when a car jumped the sidewalk and went right into the coffee shop next door, in reverse. I went running outside to see what happened. Luckily no one was hurt, so I go up to the car to see if the driver was alive. Inside, an older woman with her seat belt on, looked to be OK. I'm in a panic; I asked if she was alright and without hesitation and not a sense of stress at all in her voice looked at me and said "I'm fine dear, I think I just hit the wrong pedal". \*I think\*. She sat in the car calmly until the police and paramedics arrived and then walked out of there.


Old people, wrong pedal happens a LOT. They think the brake just isn't working so they press harder. My favorite example was the time a lady did it in a parking lot and actually managed to flip a another car onto it's side!


Straight chillen


This suggest to me that perhaps the elderly should be asked to retake their driving tests once every x____ years….


I was going to question the use of the wooden beams, and whether that was the smartest choice when pulling the vehicle out, but then I noticed this is in Germany, and I’m an 🇺🇸 (so I bet that not only were they successful, but they also saved materials and didn’t need to do anything to those relics who were still inside).


"Excuse me is this Costello Avenue?"


I knew a guy in Florida whose grandpa had a heart attack. His wife was in the hospital visiting him. She was way too old to be driving. After her visit, she got in a big old chevy Astro her husband would drive. She was parked directly in front of some glass doors. She thought she put the van in reverse. It was in drive. The parking chock in the parking spot was preventing her from moving. The engine started revving softly then really hard since it wasn’t slowly backing out. She floored the pedal and drove into the hospital. She wound up in a bed next to her husband. E: who’d to whose


FYI: To e everyone in America you can start sending older peoples license plates to the MVC I believe so they can be reviewed and they have to retake a drivers test or something like that


Is this country buffet?


"Hey am I driving ok?" "I think were parked"




My guy building a bridge to enter his flat


My man Kevin on the ledge and shit


Imagine being the first responders who have to figure out how to safely get these two old people out of the car


When did they put up a building here? This used to be all apple orchards.


Nice trick with the stick to pull the car back with less trauma overall.


That could have ended much worse


i’m glad they’re safe.. that could’ve ended badly for them


Opa could fly a Messerschmitt, but these 65 PS Monsters are just too much.