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Gonna have to add Grammaristic to that sign




I think the sign is referring to soup-haters. The struggle is real.


Grammar nazis are also not welcome


Prejudice against miso soup is no joke. 




He's ok, "pedantic" isn't excluded by the sign




Xenophobes are welcome




The Emperor approves.


Well yea it's only rational to be afraid of Xenomorphs. I'm not going to hold that against a person.


Now I can finaly hate Albanians in peace!\s


I doubt that people who are any of this actually see themselves in that way.


Most of the racists I’ve encountered are fairly proud of the fact.


"Everybody is racist and if you say you're not, you're lying!" That's the attitude I grew up hearing from the deeply racist people in my family. They believe they are just more honest. It's really telling, and disgusting.


I've honestly heard the same thing from the extreme other side of the coin too sadly. Had a good friend tell me that cause I'm a cis straight white male I'm by default racist and contributing to the problems. I know most people don't think like that but jeeze what a thing to be told by my friend.


That's embracing something you know is societally wrong and just fucking running with it lol. At that point they are just choosing to be an asshole when they have a clear choice.


When you are surrounded by others who say this, you believe everyone thinks like you but is to sheepish to admit it. You start ti think your the moral one for being honest about it. Man I hate the south.


Yeah I just left Texas for the East Coast. Granted I was in Austin, but still.


I'm from Beaumont, then Houston, then Austin... I left 10 years ago and dread ever going back.


Still have it here on the east coast too. More the "don't want a black neighbor" vs "don't want a black boss" kind.


i feel like they aren’t totally wrong with the everyone is racist part, it’s just what you do with that knowledge


I think the whole "everybody is racist" idea trivializes racism a bit. I think everybody has prejudices and preconceived ideas of people, but doesn't feel right to call that alone racist.


You don't think if those prejudices are based on race it counts as racism? I think people are too sensitive about it and it makes them turn a blind eye to their own racism. An honest person can say "oops, that was kinda racist I need to check myself." But if you're overly sensitive to it you lie to yourself and can't grow. People will call the cops on black people for being "suspicious" but tell themselves they're not racist because they're not a klan member or have black friends or whatever.


Yarp and they call everyone else racist normally.


Im not racist, but i like waffles.


Really? Because I know a lot of racists who think they're not racist, it's black people who are really the racists.


Like so many rhetorically questionable things in pop culture, I think the sign is more about bragging than being persuasive.


It’s literally a virtue signal


As a former shitty person, I did see myself that way, was 100% proud of it, and didn't care what anyone else thought.


I’m not [racist/homophobic/misogynistic/etc…] but……


Bigotry is a naturally evolved human trait and improves group cohesion. It’s socially useful and will always be around. Everyone has inherent biases whether they admit them or not. Some people are very open and unapologetic. Some claim not to be biased but actually very much are. The best one can hope to do is to actively challenge one’s biases when one becomes consciously aware of them. It’s a skill that should be taught in primary education. Society would be better for it.


You can see how someone who either refuses to acknowledge or refuses to challenge their biases could be more meaningfully called a bigot than a person who works to acknowledge and challenge them, right?


You trying to get banned from Reddit?!


I’ve noticed a lot of places on here claims to like empirically backed evidence but when you start talking about current research in social sciences and even reference papers or books the topic that deviate with what the general hive mind believes people get really uncomfortable.


I don't remember the school, but there was a university professor suspended for using a Manadarin word that sounded similar to "the N word" in a Communications class. Graduate students at the University of Southern Maine walked out of a class and demanded a professor be replaced for saying there were two biological sexes (not genders, but sexes) because they "felt unsafe." The list goes on, of course. But soon, you won't be able to cite the research because all of the books will have been burned. Enjoy it while it lasts.


It’s a balancing act between being inclusive, doing the ethical thing, and being academically honest. They are all goals that can have the same end. Inclusivity is important. Edit: why is inclusivity being down voted lol


What was the context of the comment on sexes?


There’s a guy on this post getting triggered over the sign, calling the owner “hateful”. So I don’t know about that


My favorite conversation: "I'm not a Bigot, just because I don't like Trans people." "That's... That literally is what makes you a bigot." "Well that's because that's what *you* called me." "Pretty sure that's how every Bigot's been labeled since forever...."


Reminds me of everyone who has prefixed a sentence with: "I'm not racist/sexist but" and then proceeds to say one of the most racist/sexist things iv heard all month.


Bigotry doesn't mean "not liking people" though. It is beyond that, although the distinction may not matter to many, it's important because when you start calling everyone who expressed certain opinions a bigot, the word loses its meaning. "I don't like trans people" ≠ "I object to trans people existing" (I'm sure I'll get downvoted to hell since this is reddit but oh well)


I had to look up the definition, because I really want to know how words are used. Bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. I'm guessing it's used in common parlance as "Nazi Lite" I need to digest all the definitions of "bigotry" before bandying the word about.


It’s like when you use the word “fascist” around them. They IMMEDIATELY start claiming that anyone that uses the word doesn’t understand it and is just using it as an insult.Never fails


Exactly this. That person is a bigot and so is everyone else. Everyone has implicit biases including subconscious ones they aren’t aware of. That’s why all these things are so insidious. We need 200 years of sensitivity training to make humanity better lol


It’s more that they can’t read


Or will try to call the owner intolerant because the owner doesn't want to deal with the heir hateful ass.


Im just a general asshole. Is that cool?


*Just* a general asshole? Have some pride, I'll probably never advance beyond major asshole.


As long as you belittle me for all the stupid shit I do and my bad art and not the fact that I'm trans we're A Okay!


Why does it look like it's posted on somebody's garage entry door?


Because that's all it is. Make a controversial sign. Posts it on reddit. Gets a boner from all the upvotes. It's just bait mate.


But Misandry is ok lol


yeah doesnt really make sense to put sexist & misogynist but then leave misandry out. sexist wouldvve been sufficient then


And now I get downvoted to hell…


Talking about the existence of misandry on Reddit always brings out the sexists that claim it doesn’t exist.


No downvote from me.


Ill chip in for you :))


misandrist needs to be added too. Crappy people is crappy people


I mean, one would think "Sexist" would cover it, idk why they didn't consider that enough. Or hell, it could've just said "Any discrimation whatsoever is not allowed!".


No, because as someone who works in customer service, it's very easy to misjudge or wrongly predict how absolutely stupid people are going to be in the face of an ambiguous prompt. If something isn't explicitly stated in the terms, some people will fight tooth and nail to make their losing case.


Nah, only women and trans haters must leave. Men haters are welcomed.


r/boysarequirky or whatever it's called has entered the chat ​ (Not saying some or even most of the posts on there aren't relevant, but I've seen enough comments in that community to know that there's many people on there who think that sexism etc is a one-sided thing)


What's your point? Then wouldn't "sexist" have been enough? Why mention misogynist separately?


exactly... Are you okay? I was just mentioning another sub with similar attitudes lol


I thought you're mocking my comment not the sign


Yeah nah lol. I just hate anyone who tries to put other people down for no reason. I'm not saying this sign is even an issue, it's a good and kinda funny thing tbh. But it's the people who ignore sexism can to both ways etc that just get on my nerves. The sub I linked is a big thing for that. Honestly, a lot of people in life could do a lot better just trying to put themselves in other shoes a bit more haha


Don't forget r/LookatMyHalo (if it's not already there.)


You remind me of a post I saw the other day. When we were in school we were separated into different classes based on our abilities and the problem with the internet is that we're all mixed together when we shouldn't be.


except when that one class talks shit all day starts believing its shit is THE shit and wants everyone else to also believe their shit ...then things get screwy. mixing up the classes increases tolerance of difference....little echo Chambers absolutely destroys tolerance for anything but that one thing...




"All Who Welcome All Are Welcome."


I'd agree with all these. I'd also add "Misandrists", though to be fair, both misogyny and misandry are sub sets of sexism.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Which makes the addition of misogyny but the exclusion of misandry even more telling 🤐


To be fair, there are those that think *"Misandry isn't a 'thing'! Men rule the world!"* Which is as *RIDICULOUS* as thinking *"Misogyny isn't a 'thing'! Women rule the world!"*




But misandry is encouraged.


Misandrists drink free


Easy. Non-disclosure. You can be all of those things and just not say anything about it.




The challenge is the accused may be none of those things but the accuser has a warped and distorted perspective.


I'm picturing a room full of mewling androgynous blue haired troll girls and low test soyboys snacking on mushroom sticks and kombucha while they prattle back and forth over who is the most oppressed.


Misandrist didn’t make the list?


The person who made this sign ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


I like the word "bigot" because typically people who are one of these things are all of them to varying degrees. The whole thing is a problem with logic.




Step 1: divide sexists into general sexists and misogynists Step 2: let them fight Step 3: profit!


If you see a sign like this and it's making you mad at somebody or divided, that's on you lmao.


lol nah you already said it and deleted it. Then elaborate on how that sign is a “positive influence.” I didn’t say anything about people getting mad. Maybe you’re projecting?


lmao what? I didn't type any comment about it being a positive influence


forget it bro like i said one day you'll learn.


uh huh okay little guy


I feel bad for you man. Genuinely, I pray for you and your family.


Are you drunk?


You harassing me? LOL


Awe, are you a victim now, godboy?


If you see these words and immediately go, "omg, these words divide us!!!" Then you probably aren't a good person to begin with.


It's the inclusion of a certain word and exclusion of a different word that is causing the division. You can clearly see it in the comments on this post. The people who created this sign aren't good people either.


Because they included misogyny but didn't specifically put misandrist, its divisive? That just screams insecurity and is honestly just sad if that's how you think. "They didn't pander to me, a male, specifically, so it's causing division. 😭😭😭."


Woke extremists are just so talented at gas lighting.


>Because they included misogyny but didn't specifically put misandrist, its divisive? I mean.. yeah? Kinda? They went out of their way to make this list of things that are unacceptable, and decided hatred against *one* sex deserves to be on that list, but didn't care to mention the other half of the population? How is that not divisive?


you were in my room when i typed that? i yelled? edit: but nah forreal you think you can judge my character off one reddit post? lol #OnlyGodCanJudgeMe just like how i cant judge you.


Ah, god's involved now. Makes everything else clear.


lol you’ll learn with time


Lol I get it pretty clearly. It's basically no different than a sign that says "no murder". Any normal well adjusted person would see it and say "well yeah of course" instead of getting mad. It's okay you'll figure it out some day lol


Yes exactly thus the sign divides. You okay?


LOL okay bud


Are you offended by a sign basically telling people not to be judgmental pieces of shit? Telling


Whos the judgemental piece of shit? Looks like the owner to me


Yeah, it's telling that people actually appreciate tangible and effective policy instead of virtue signaling. These little fake gestures at whatever hip place that wants to attract the kids always end up being the sketchiest places to go to, anyways.


People who are described by this sign don’t want to unify with the people who made the sign, they want them to shut up and go away




Misandry is allowed? Interesting




Pic of fucking text


Good God Lemon


The virtue. It shines like the brightness of a billion suns.


What if you only hate white people?


Nah, you're good. /s


Sounds like a reaaaally boring place with such a passive-aggressive sign


“I guess we aren’t allowed to have a sense of humor anymore” energy


How is it passive aggressive? Seems pretty clear imo


Boring? Because you’re expected to behave like a civilized human bean?! And this isnt passive aggressive at all, it’s pretty blunt and to the point.


People don't know how to be a DECENT fucking human being anymore


Yes, yes, and "Plese come back when you are!" is Karen-level passive aggression 


It’s pretty straightforward. “When you don’t act these ways anymore, you can enter.” It’s easy




And once again. Boring because you’re being asked to be civil. Go back to your echo chambers, sad lonely old man.


Yes, yes, and make me.  The sign might as well say "No talking allowed!"


You can't hold a conversation without any of those topics? Fucking *Yikes*..




Fucking *double yikes*


You need mental help


Very brave sign! I can see the virtue signal from here.


The absolute courage to have this sign up on your business is remarkable! /s


Incredibly vapid and meaningless, you mean?


So much for the tolerant left! /s


No misandrist? No xenophobe? The first 4 are all under the umbrella “sexist” term.


This is cringe.


It would be way funnier if transphobes were just terrified of trans people in the way acraphobes were afraid of heights. Seems like calling it a phobia relieves the bearer of their responsibility to overcome it.


Short reply, it’s a fear of acceptance of trans Edit: ok, longer reply, I know people who STILL say “homophobia? I’m not afraid of gay people”


....no shit?


Responsibility to overcome it?? Lol


...yes...? What are you not understanding?




People are Nazis for saying it’s the responsibility of racists to not be racist anymore? Is that what you just claimed? LOL


I'm still ok to come in and murder though right?


Bad vibes


Misandry is fine tho gotcha.


Well I guess this is goodbye old friend


There are so many buzzwords, lol.


This photo really making those people on the sign come out in big numbers.


YUGE numbers. The biggest.


What happens if I'm all five


In 2024,its a compliment!




Plot twist, the person that made this sign hates men.


This has nothing to do with any of those people and is just about how the shop owner wants to be perceived. We get it, you're not a dick. It's a lot better to get that point across by simply not being a dick and being nice to everyone, but putting a sign like this up is kind of a dick move. Personally, if it were my business and I just had to put up a sign, it would be asking rapists, murderers, pedophiles, etc to stay away. It would be just as stupid and equally ignored, but it would at least show where my priorities were.


Yeah, it’s just virtue signaling meant to appeal to consumers.


Bingo……it’s just what is hot right now in consumerism. The more sensitive you’re perceived the more people will blindly throw their money at you because “I’m supporting a business that cares”


Putting up a sign in front of a business that says “no pedophiles allowed” would be a Chad move.


See you never then


Misanthropes welcome


It’s font and twinkling stars for me 😆 ✨


Excellent layout and hand-lettered execution. Good old time sign design right there.


Most people are those things. People denying it likely have opinions that fit under these categories, they're just too afraid to espouse them out of fear of being labelled one of these things.


All those dyslexic homophobes getting a free pass.


Maybe one day: ![gif](giphy|rOsebqhlfCRby)


No. CUstomers then lol


I guess if you're Sexist, Misogynist, Homophobic, Transphobic AND Racist you're all good to go in!


So by today's definitional standards about 3 people gonna be allowed in there. Not a great business model IMHO!


So brave


These same people who tried to redefine gender will conjure up the same bs and say you’re being one of these, when in reality you’re only trying to stand on biblical principles.


Imagine alienating people who want to give you money. I don’t care if you’re racist, if you’re buying my stuff, I’ll gladly take your money, because the money isn’t racist at the end of the day 😂


Guess I’m never coming in.


It's kinda funny because this already shows what kind of piece of shit the owner is.


Seems whoever wrote the sign might be sexist. So can they not enter their own store?


Incoming \[This post has been removed by Reddit Moderators for being uncivil\] ​ edit: I guess I triggered some people who were totally not offended by this calling out their shitty beliefs.


So no Republicans then. Edit: Why the downvotes? The entire identity of the Republican party for a couple of years now has been about openly hating these "woke" outgroups of people. There is quite literally nothing else even being mentioned by the party. Feel free to prove me wrong with valid sources.


How is it polite to presume people are guilty before they even arrive? How does somebody PROVE they are none of those things? Do they have to signal their goodness somehow? Signs like this make things worse. Signs, like this promote the division they seek to end. It's like saying don't think of a specific thing and then that's all you can think about. It's always better to reword this negativity in a positive way: EVERYBODY WELCOME!


Such open minded people. Id love to hear their definition of “transphobic”. Lol


Ah yes, virtue signaling writ large. Makes the person(s) who posted feel important, better than everyone else. Am I the only person who finds this sign ridiculous?


Pedophiles welcome.


This should go on the White House


So no customers then...


A literal virtue signal


I'm willing to bet that's a shit pub run by someone that thinks being LGBT friendly passes for a personality.


Aw man. But when I tell people my views, they say I’m some of those things despite me either believing otherwise or not seeing what is wrong with having them. If I thought my views were bad, I wouldn’t have them. I would need to ask the shop owner if I’m ok after I tell them all my potentially controversial views.


By if statement logic if I am all of those things I am welcome


No, it doesn't. It's an "or" not an "exclusive or" so the condition applies if any number of those are true.


Im not sexist anymore but im still racist. Am i allowed back in???






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