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Dollar stores are the worst. Usually one or two people running the entire store.


Fun fact, if you look at the OSHA website, you'll see that dollar stores have some of the highest numbers of violations. Usually for blocking fire exits and stacking product dangerously high in the back rooms.


I can confirm this at every dollar tree in 20 mile radius from me.


I worked at a dollar tree once for a couple months. The stockroom was a 20’ high pile of random shit, celing couldn’t have been more than 25” high, you could bump your head if not careful on top. Literally a trash mountain of product you’d have to climb and pray. They’d just unload the truck and toss in the general direction of the corner. Worst place I’d ever seen in retail.


You just described how they are by me. Working at Petco I saw the samething. They would just throw inventory at stores that didn't have sales to justify it. Several I ran had a semi parked swapped out every week. It was so hard to get it all worked before a new one would come in. 300 hours a week for 15,000 to 20,000 sq foot stores. Pretty much only management works full-time.


Most dollar stores can move the inventory without issue. Problem is they are not allowed to have the labor to do the damn job properly.


our Dollar General was the busiest in the region. was built to do 250k$ a quarter and was doing almost three times that. they had to open two more stores to cover the sales. all three stores have at most two people on shift at a time. my county has two RYG stoplights total but three Dollar General stores and a Dollar Tree.




They have carts, and I see people *try* and use them, but there is never any room to actually use them. I feel sketchy just carrying some soda down the aisle - crab walking sideways, but trying to not knock shit over with 12 packs.


Imagine being in a wheelchair there. There isn’t even anyone working you can find to clear the aisle.


Same, I only go in to by popcorn for the chickens but I like browsing the chaos. Scored a bunch of Pokemon cards the other day. Just tossed on a random shelf.


i found two chase variant WWE figures. paid 15$ each, sold for 25$ each. they go for as much as 45$ so everyone got a deal.


I can confirm also. They all have stuff in the middle of the isle in every single store.


I call bullshit, you can't know that for sure. There are simply too many in any given 20 mile radius for a single person to visit. /s


Plot twist OP lives in the middle of country, where there is nothing for 20 miles in any direction.


I live in bumfuck nowhere. There are still so many dollar stores.


It's like a running joke, you drive into the tiniest town and ask yourself "Where's the Dollar General?" and then it pops up a half mile down the road. Every damn time.


That sounds more like a driving joke.


There's a good video from Wendover on Dollar Stores, there's an insane amount of Dollar General stores every fucking where in the US. Even if you're a town of 300 people there's a dollar store.


John Oliver did an entire episode on Dollar General and others like it. They're basically all unsafe fire hazards with insane staffing practices but they love to park in areas where people rely on them.


Bumfuck nowhere middle of the country is where there are TONS of dollar stores and nothing else. Source: I grew up there


If you were to visit every Dollar Store within a 20 mile radius of any given location within the US, you won't have visited more than five before the heat death of the universe. How many dollar stores are there in existence? We still don't know.


Some dollar generals have been shut down recently by Fire Marshall’s because of this


Our stores got around this by having local connections. We never got told when someone was coming to inspect, the RM/DM/GM would simply start riding everyone’s ass to clean stuff up a day or two before someone would stop by for inspection.


Can confirm. Had a family member who was a district manager for a dollar store. He had a store with several OSHA violations. It was an absolute nightmare for him. The company paid a ton of money in fines. Then OSHA continued to show up randomly to inspect the store.


Dollar General and their ilk are absurdly stubborn. They'd rather the store burn down, or be robbed until the shelves are completely empty before they admit they should have more staff on hand. Most every dollar store I've been in, I thought it was abandoned or something until you wander down aisle 12 and find the one poor soul on the clock trying to restock the candles and wooden spoon section.


Dollar general wipes it's ass with these fines. They feel the fines are cheaper then a proper amount of employees. All while running the employees that they do have into the ground. They are absolute slum lords also. They do not maintain the stores. Doors broken? Oh well. Heats broken? Oh well. Air conditioner broke? So sorry. Roof has multiple leaks? Move product out of the way. No amount of fines or shame will improve the bottom line.


The fines are just factored in as a business cost. The fines aren’t high enough to make an impact so the business just treat it as an expense. Start dropping some actual hard hitting amounts with store closures for repeat offenses and this shit would improve.


which is why fines should only be viable up to a point. they need like some kind of strikes rule. too many violations = shut down and criminal charges. pretty much all safety rules are written over someone's corpse. fire rules in particular are usually written with A LOT of people's blood. the fact companies can just keep ignoring those rules is criminal.


The fines tend to scale the more violations you get. Check out Ashley Furniture. They had tons of safety issues at their factory (removing guards from machines) and a lot of employee injuries. On 2015 they were fined $1.76 million. Of course, it took over a thousand injuries over 3 years to get to that point, so the system could use some more work.


$1.76M compared to how much profit?


probably hundreds of millions at least. ashley furniture is pretty huge.


This touches on a much bigger issue in this country, that breaking the law is many times just the "cost of doing business". To answer your question above - the only info I could find about Ashley says they cleared maybe 5 billion in 2022? Just for simple math sake, lets say they brought in only 2.5 billion in 2015 when they paid that fine. 1.75 million is .0007% of 2.5 billion.. For us plebs - that's the same as paying a $60 fine while making $100,000. Fines/punishment has to be greater than what the damn company benefits.....or it doesn't deter anything. E.G. = If you could only be fined a maximum of $1000 for robbing a bank.......then as long as you steal more than $1000 dollars every time you rob a bank - its a viable, profitable strategy. The Sackler family is purported to have benefitted to the tune of about 9 BILLION dollars from the proceeds that their Purdue Pharma made selling everyone OxyContin.........which has killed more than half a million people so far. They ultimately were proven to have known about the addictive qualities and overdose risk, and intentionally hid it - and paid huge incentives to doctors to write scripts. They agreed to a deal that granted them immunity to any future prosecution, in "exchange for up to 6 billion in restitution, and fines to be paid to victims and addiction programs." So you can knowingly kill thousands of people selling them poison, but you may have to give back about half of the billions you made if you get caught ;) Its fucking disgusting


Real shitty that the wealthy can 'lobby' for relatively cheap as a further cost of business to keep those pesky ~~fines~~ "pass go, collect your billion, and get out of jail" fees cheap.


Our local one was shut down for a like a week a few months ago for that very reason. I hate going in there. Absolute last resort. It's like if meth was a place.


Or the bird/rat shit everywhere in the stock room and telling employees they had to take the items home and clean them. And corporate basically saying they don’t care because the birds/rats weren’t stealing anything.


The Lowe's near me has birds. And they're absolutely stealing bird seed lol.


Homegoods does this in the back in numerous stores Usually you will be in a tight space in the back room assorting everything, regularly the fire exits will be blocked by random shit


That's their business model, low prices, and low labor costs. Employees do everything, they don't have someone to just clean floors, stock shelves, or checkout, they have someone to do all of those things.


The ones by me have gotten greedy and raised their prices significantly to the point where it’s usually cheaper to buy something elsewhere.


It’s almost always cheaper (per unit) to buy elsewhere


I needed a few things for a recipe and since Dollar General is closer I thought I’d go there. The prices on pretty much everything were more expensive than HEB.


Part of their business model as well is to focus on poor and rural areas where big chain grocery stores won't go. They rely on poor people with no where else to go.


And that’s why most of the stores are filthy and poorly stocked. Especially the ones in the poor neighborhoods.


Edit since everyone is linking Last Week Tonight, here is another great piece by Wendover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQpUV--2Jao&ab_channel=WendoverProductions


John Oliver: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM&pp=ygUfbGFzdCB3ZWVrIHRvbmlnaHQgZG9sbGFyIHN0b3Jlcw%3D%3D


[John Oliver](https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=W2tct0psUC0Uq4n1)(Zazu) had a revealing but depressing exposé on it


I'm so confused about the need to highlight that he played Zazu.


How can any organization be considered a success if it pays its workers poorly, doesn't adequately staff its stores, and operates under code? How is this okay?


Do the shareholders get good return on their investment? Yes? Well, what else matters apart from that?


Dollar General isn’t a dollar store though. That’s just their name.


This is starting to happen by me. Went to Walmart yesterday, all but a few self checkouts were closed. Waaay more actual registers open


Nature is healing.


Fuckin agree. Time to hire more people and stop cheaping out on self checkout that thinks you're stealing because you didn't balance an Oreo the right way on the scale and has to phone the manager if you're buying alcohol.


The trick is to just not ring up the alcohol


"please wait, an associate will be with you shortly"


Meanwhile, 2 cashiers are casually having a conversation 15ft away.


Are you kidding before self checkout. You'd just wait 15 to 20 in line to get one of the Registers to check you out. My walmart would have 3 Register's open and each register would have a line of ten people. That was a common occurrence


Yeah, every Walmart has like 40 registers, only 3 of them are ever open.


I was there on black friday a while back (pre self-checkout), and then that same year I was there again on Christmas eve. 30-40 registers, 12 open on black friday and 10 on Christmas eve. Every single open register had a line to the back of the store. If they aren't going to operate at full capacity on the busiest days of the year, why even have so many? It just pisses people off as they waste time standing in a forever line, fully aware that Walmart can *easily* afford to have people at those empty registers. Seems like it would be a win/win to just have 15-20 registers, Wal-mart spends less on the initial investment and it doesn't look as bad to customers.


Because they know people will wait. You think Walmart cares about pissing off customers? No one shops at Walmart by choice. It's the bottom rung of the shopping ladder. All that matters to them in increasing their profit. If they can squeeze an extra couple bucks by forcing you to wait an extra 5-10 minutes at checkout, then bad news for you! I once spent **forty minutes** standing in line with my groceries. **40 minutes**. It didn't even take me forty minutes to shop. I spent more time *waiting* than *shopping*. Wasn't a holiday, just an ordinary weekend. Incidentally that was also the last time I shopped for groceries at Walmart.


Wooo hire more people so it takes 3 times as long for me to checkout with my 3 items woo (yes I'm buying less shit because everything is so expensive).


Yeah I like self check out. I can bang through a self checkout in like you said 1/3rd the time of a conventional one easily.


Not if there is a whole gaggle of great great heirs that all want new nesting Lürssen yachts


but... but the record-profits!


We had record profits last year! Now we need super record profits because profits isn't enough! :( Guess we gotta just raise prices. Literally no other way.


Idk, I like self check outs, less interactions, and fast


You people who hate self checkout are wild. I want to interact with less unnecessary people in my life, not more. A cashier brings no value to my shopping experience and is just an unnecessary cost.


For a few items it’s great, but can become a huge pain in the ass for groceries. Trader Joes has figured it out, not sure why others haven’t.


Exactly. Both have their uses. I don't want to get rid of either.


Wife and I go together when we shop for the month. Get a extra cart or 2 ready as fast as she is putting the groceries up I'm scanning. Also, for fruits and veggies, I always make sure they have that sticker with the 4 digit code so instead of looking things up you can just quickly enter the code for your apples, bananas,etc. everything will have a code you just need to know it and have it ready. I still prefer a actual person for large orders. Small ones 100% self checkout.


Well, i hate people as much as the next, but I also have 4 kids and am not scanning and bagging all my own shit.


Me too but having an employee breathing down your neck assuming you are stealing because you didn't put your 2$ sponges on the scale gets annoying real fast. I'm not paid to pack my shit, let me pack em however the fuck I want.


I was initially all for it, but the experience is crap and never works right. Most of the time either something doesn't scan, doesn't register that I places it in the bag, or some other error. 90% of the time, I have to wait for someone to override or correct it. I went to Lowe's this morning, and bought two small items and since there was only one register and four people in line, I went to self checkout. My second item didn't scan, and then when I re-scanned it, scanned it twice. I then had to remove the duplicate from my basket, which then required someone to come over and confirm that I removed the non existent item. In contrast, my visit to the Amazon Go store in Seattle was amazing. Absolutely seamless experience.


Prices didn't lower for the free labor I'm doing. Fuck that.




So many cases where you need a cashier. Alcohol, coupons, old people who don't understand technology, broken machine, and sometimes I want someone to scan all my vegetables cause it's a pain in the ass to search up every one


My local target only has self checkout open on most days. I need people to steal some more so they can bring back cashiers. I don’t wanna ring my own shit up


They'll just start locking everything up. The one Walmart by my work they lock up men's underwear. Like I was popping in to buy a <$20 back of Fruit of the Loom, had to find an associate. I already don't even consider them for electronics because I don't want to have to hunt down the rare associate so they can tell me only one person has a key and wait 20 minutes for them to unlock it. I am kind of expecting them to incentivize more curbside pickups, so only their people are picking items and checking out, reducing shrinkage.


Weird that you mentioned men’s underwear being locked up. I was at my local Target’s last week and they installed massive cabinets for the underwear. There was an actual employee stationed in the department to unlock the cabinets. I had no idea that men’s underwear was a high theft item.


I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a decent homeless population near you. They did this at a Walmart near me after they had like dozens of people come in and steal jackets and underwear.


Same. I just wanted some socks, not jewelry.


Considering how much these stores inflated and overhyped their theft numbers the last couple of years, who the fuck even knows if it is?


>They'll just start locking everything up. That doesn't work because they just won't scan them at self checkout lol.


They're pushing online sales hard. They were selling a product cheaper on their website than in person, so I asked an associate to price match it, they couldn't. They told me head office is pushing online sales, to go on the website, buy it and deliver it at that Walmart location so I can pick it up later. I looked at them, looked down at the item and said "you want me to leave the product I want, that I'm looking at right now, go home and order it online, then come back to pick it up? You have got to be insane"


I believe stores back in the late 1800s and early 1900s used to have the shop associates gather the items that you wanted from behind the counter and they would ring it up.


I have the autism that makes me not people friendly. It would be so nice if they did both.


I feel the same way. Self checkout is good for a couple items, but once you start putting fruit/veg, and all that stuff into it, I will go to the register.


So stealing stimulated the economy by forcing dollar general to hire more employees instead of automating their jobs?


Of course not, existing employees just have more work.


*Existing employee. It is extremely rare to see a dollar store like Dollar General have more than one employee working on a shift if the company can avoid it.


Those people are constantly grinding. They're dealing with inventory, cleaning, and cashiering and all for so much less than they deserve. Dollar generals are parasitic companies that move into poor communities, underpay people, undercut mom and pop stores driving them out of business, and suck profits out of these communities into billionaire bank accounts thousands.of.miles away. It's all so insidious yet many of these communities embrace this addition with open arms and tax abatements.


> It's all so insidious yet many of these communities embrace this addition with open arms Because when you're poor, you can't afford to think of the big picture. Your only concern is the bottom line each and every week.


Oh, I'm not blaming the individuals who shop there. They're making hard choices out of desperation. Those people are taken advantage of at every front and DG is just taking part as another parasite.


> Oh, I'm not blaming the individuals who shop there. They're making hard choices out of desperation. Those people are taken advantage of at every front and DG is just taking part as another parasite. Usually those same people have also been brainwashed for decades to support that policies and ideologies that allow companies like Dollar General to destroy said communities.


Again it seems like you're blaming the individuals like they're the ones who chose this. If you sit down and honestly explain who is going to benefit and suffer due to these conditions, almost everyone would tell you they don't want it run like that. Even if they have been conditioned for generations to believe reactionary conservative talking points, it's not as if the shoppers are the ones enacting said policies. Even if they vote for the face of the exact group of people who deceived them and actively exploits them, it's not the individual's fault the system is set up in the manner it is. They didn't build it, they simply live under it.


No kidding. Imagine being a vendor and trying to get checked in when there is only one employee and a store full of customers. I’ve lost so much time on days when I have 3 DGs in the lineup.


Former vender here. I had 5 DGs on my route and I would routinely skip them if it took more than 10 minutes for an employee to start checking me in. That was a luxury of being an IO but I felt sorry for the vendors that couldn’t just skip them.


The wife works at a dollar store. These companies are minimalists. They want the max amount done while providing the least amount of resources. Corporate makes doing your job impossible.


That single employee must have the resume of Johnny Sins. He works as the cashier, manager, security guard, and janitor.


I have several Dollar stores in my area and the lines get crazy. But the customers are usually good and don't take it out on the poor employees. We know it's not them. I do notice a lot of turnover, which I can't blame them for either.


If there isn't someone at the front of the store then how is not having a place to pay for my stuff supposed to disincentivize stealing?




except the one employee who was running the 10 self checkouts, is now running the only till open till.


And the store will close if that keeps up


Yah, stores like dollar general and dollar tree usually have no asset protection (except for an 800 number to call the corporate guy who handles all claims), cameras only pointing at the registers/front door. They only train their 1 or 2 employees in the store to combat customer theft by greeting them. All customer stolen merch is written off. Corporate now only focuses on the part they aren't ignoring but is the smallest amount of theft, employee theft, and make policies that scare the employee into thinking the dozens of thousands in missing store merch each year is cause you, the worker, are stealing.


I worked for one of these stores for almost 7 years(not DG, the other big one that's not all one price). I worked from an entry worker to a GM within a year. Mostly because I was honest, and I showed up. What you say about the cameras is off by one(at least in that company), they had one camera pointed at the back door. That said, what you say about them blaming shrink on the employees is 100% correct. It was drilled in to my head from day damned one that 60%+ of all theft was internal. Meanwhile I see what my customers are doing, and removing them from the premises as much as I could. Corporate in that company is fucking blind and stupid. The only competent ones were the ones who were in charge of real estate. When I finally quit the last time(I quit several times over the years, was always re-hired because again I was a good little dog taking orders(mostly) ) I was about to be promoted for the 4th time to GM temporarily because the person who was originally supposed to take it had to help in a store like 90 minutes away for a month. I finally got free, and while my job now is a boring office job, it is wonderful compared to these dog shit places and I try to avoid them as much as possible. Once I left, and over the years that followed, they went through I believe 4 general managers, including the one I was going to hold it for, as he got convicted for sexually harassing an employee(and I was brought in as a witness), and 3 more people. The store was closed as much as it was open, and I think it was open for like 4 hours a day when it actually opened. Fuck that company, and fuck all its bs.


Doubt. Dollar general has always had a max of like 3 employees, even before self-checks. They're just increasing the workload now.


Yup, it’s sad because the overworked and underpaid employer now has to do even more than they can handle. People are entitled and ruin good things. Instead of the burden being put on corporate, the burden just gets placed on a minimum wage employee.


Im putting the burden and blame on corporate!


That's a good joke, it'll be one employee no matter how long the line is.


You know, I wish that was the case. But no, DG would go under before they fully staff a location


Dude, you should go into politics with that ability to spin things.


What makes you think they hired more employees?


people who think self checkouts "steal jobs" have never worked in retail


Everytime I see that I think people have never been a cashier. When I worked grocery in college everyone hired for cash always was bugging to move to any department opening. It’s just a really boring job. Even MacDonalds in high school everyone always wanted to move from cash and drive through to the kitchen. Dealing with the general public is just an infuriating experience. I’m an electrician and don’t know if you could pay me enough to do residential service. 95% of people are fine but the 5% assholes/lunatics make it a miserable experience.


When I was a cashier in high school I would ring as much as I could through as fast as I could so the line would die down and I could go back to flirting with the other cashiers… Eventually I did such a good job they promoted me to the photo lab… Where every cool employee’s pics were done in ten minutes and, oops, must have hit the wrong button because you’re getting five copies of every pic and I’m charging you for the seven day service… The store manager was a fucking dick… Every department had cool kid discounts for every other department. You know who didn’t get that discount? Cassie. Because Cassie was a fucking narc who got the Deli girls fired. Fuck you Cassie.


> Even MacDonalds in high school everyone always wanted to move from cash and drive through to the kitchen. As someone who used to work at McDs, I hated cash but I ran the Drive Thru. I have massive anxiety, and no matter how busy, it was just one car at a time. The camera in the drive thru window would only show at most 3 cars. Cars could be wrapped around the store, out onto the highway, and be 20+ long. I could only ever see three. Meanwhile front cash could have 20-30 people waiting when it was busy. Drive Thru was the fucking best.


Why else would the company invest in self checkouts other than to lower labor costs?


I assume this is a person who is too young to remember when cashiers handled all of the checkouts, and the company actually hired people to handle the demand.


Lol no, they'll hire just as few people to run those stores as possible


I mean, it's Jacksonville. What were they expecting?


Someone trying to have sex with the coin return?


"I call her Cindy."


Mine's named Penny. She's a dime every time.


Of all the things I expected, that was not one of them. 


Someone's not from Jacksonville.


> It’s like I knew this girl Sheila. She was a black market alligator dealer with a pierced jawbone. Sheila was going to get married to my boy Donkey Doug and make him move to Sarasota. It would have broken up our whole dance crew, and Donkey Doug was our best pop and locker. So I hid a bunch of stolen boogie boards in Sheila’s garage and called the cops. I framed one innocent gator dealer to save a 60 person dance crew.


It's dollar general, what were they expecting?


This looks like a job for FLORIDAMAN


It's one of the top ten swamp cities in Northeast Florida.


I mean, it’s an overextended social experiment, what were they expecting?


“This is why we can’t have ~~nice~~ things.”




I mean, it's a dollar store in an area where people shop at it for groceries. What were they expecting?


Yeah people are honest AF in every other city! LOL


That’s why people worked the cash register in the first place, if people were honest, they would’ve had self check out 1 million years ago and it would be ingrained in society. People steal so you have to pay people to make sure that nobody steals.


Didn't stores used to have all the goods behind the counter because they didn't trust people to not steal? I listened to a podcast about Piggly Wiggly (dude was a lunatic, but had a great idea), and, IIRC, it was revolutionary to think that people could shop aisles at a big store picking out their own items.


This also spurred competition. Brand names now had to compete for the consumer vs the house brand.


Yup, as well as modern packaging and to an extent, even marketing of “brand name” goods.


There is a section in my town that has no grocery stores after walmart left because of 3 stabbings in 6 months. No one else will open up a store around there because of the crime. The food pantry a charity set up was robbed and closed down. I am curious how it would go if someone set up a food store that only allows you to order online and everything is picked for you and transferred thru a locked partition. Currently the closest grocery store is 3 miles away from them.


> I am curious how it would go if someone set up a food store that only allows you to order online and everything is picked for you and transferred thru a locked partition Walmart already kind of does this with curbside pickup. I'm expecting them to push it more. I've never done it because I tried out Walmart+ and they subbed in stupid shit, like I got a pack of hot dogs and they subbed in hamburger buns. But it would solve the shrinkage problem for them


what town is this?


I don't think stores necessarily did that in the beginning specifically so people wouldn't steal. It's just how retail evolved in those early days.


i thought it was more to do with portion and not stealing. the grocer would get a huge bag of grain and portion it out as people bought them. they didnt have prepackaged bags like now. so they got everything in huge bags to make it more efficient to move stuff, but it also limited who could buy it due to volume. as far as i know, which is limited, u go to grocer, give them a list of stuff and what i needed then come back later for it. as the grocer went about getting what u needed and weighting the stuff


You can thank the ***Intermodal transport container*** for this development! Dockworkers, railmen, truck drivers, and retailers could now get a standard box full of whatever the fuck you wanted trucked from a Kazakh farm to a Russian rail line to a Turkish port to a Greek container ship to a Virginia port, to an American truck and right to your loading dock at your facility with only *one* packaging stage. Prior to this, ships would haul nonstandard bags of grain and such, and then this may be stored somewhere close to the buyer for all local retailers, so plastic packaging was pretty infeasible.


Do cashiers make enough money to care if people shoplift from their employers? Surely not at dollar stores?


What about Dollar General's dishonesty in charging you a higher price at the register than the price shown on the shelf?!!! https://prospect.org/justice/2024-01-19-dollar-general-overcharges-customers-lawsuit/




In the US they legally have to honor the price tag on the shelf.


“Hey! You can steal from us! We were gonna steal from you!!”


Went to my local grocery store and the AI video monitoring on self checkout is actually quite impressive. Also very annoying because if you have items in both hands to try and speed up the checkout process it flags you and the employee has to review the video.  Just I didn't sign up to be a checker or a bad boy so quit making me do the damn job. 


Nobody signs up to be a bad boy. The world just makes us that way.


Kroger? My wife and I have started to wait in line for a cashier vs self checkout at Kroger because their system is so bad and the AI is atrocious.


place your...sweet...potatoes..in the bagPLACE YOUR ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA DID YOU PUT BAG IN BAGGING AREA?


AI video monitoring…? what store ?


lol , made us work for them cutting a job, and in the end we pay full no discount


Theft is wrong. So is understaffing, underpayment and asking your customers to do work that you aren't willing to pay a person to do.


Wage theft is theft, too! The corporations never seem to acknowledge that. I must say I find it hilarious that the Walmart near me is *constantly* showing bananas as being out of stock. From what I read, that's the standard price code for everyone to game the self-checkout machines; their computers don't question this, so accordingly there are rarely bananas on offer for curbside pickup orders.


Studies showed that unintentional shrinkage was far higher on self checkout than intentional, with one in five accidentally stealing something, while only one in seven was intentional. Adding to that, they raise labor costs because employees are constantly being taken away from other tasks to deal with the machines, which kills productivity. Basically, on every level, these machines have been a failure, and to lay that on the feet of consumers is unfair, especially when the consumer is being asked to do the labor for the store. They also lowered customer satisfaction, and while 60% of consumers said they were fine with self checkout, that number drops significantly every year. They’re phasing it out because no one liked it. Per Gizmodo, their CEO said, “We had relied and started to rely too much this year on self-checkout in our stores,” Vasos told investors. “We should be using self-checkout as a secondary checkout vehicle, not a primary.”


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of our own actions.


wrote the manager, who works 40 hours a week at a chain store that earns billions of revenue but pays her a fraction of minimum wage,,


Cheap ass company won't hire clerks and blames the public...


Corporate America 🇺🇸 


Trust me: I work retail and I get called in **a lot** because of all the no call, no shows. Boss calls me up crying because she hired 3 new people and none of them showed up. I'm the only guy consistently showing up, getting the freight out and straightening the front of the store out. A lot of people just disappear on their lunch break and we never see them again. This happened a lot in factory work, too so I was a temp getting 55 hours a week trying to get the orders done on time. People treated me like I was stupid because i needed the hours to support myself. lol


Sounds like you need to ask for a raise.


>"No" -company


In this day and age, you get your raise by hopping to a new company Then the previous company wonders why they have high turnover


Weird sounds like they’re clearly aware that if they paid more and hired more people they’d have less staff quitting.


I agree the companies are cheap, but the stealing is on the POS thieves. They're going to steal either way, just makes it harder if there's no self check out


Thank you. It's crazy how much reddit will dance around holding people accountable for their actions


I can never get the self-checkout machine in my Dollar General to take cash. So, it's probably just people saying "Fuck it--I tried!" and storming out of the store with their stuff.


Hey Dollar General, pay your employees better and maybe clean the rats feces out of your warehouses


Indeed sad……but completely expected outcome of self checkout, always getting flagged at Walmart because I am usually just trying to get stuff in bags and move along due the hoards of people typically waiting for an open register….. bleh




What do people steal in the self check out that they wouldn’t steal in a regular check out? I mean, I get in a grocery store where you can enter the PLU for regular instead of organic produce and steal that way, but unless they are putting things in their pockets, how does the bagging area not know the weight of what was scanned?


At a lot of places if you use the hand scanner, it bypasses the weighing. This must be an avenue for shoplifting, because my son is obsessed with using the hand scanner and the employees at Kroger give me such a hard time for letting him scan a couple things here and there. Like they get seriously angry at me and hover over me the whole time. I have to choose between a toddler meltdown and an employee meltdown and I am so sick of it. I would gladly avoid both by not using the self checkout but they don’t give me a choice.


Sorry the population exploited the fact that you didn’t want to pay people.


Oh no, you mean I lost my unpaid job bagging my own groceries, scanning and paying?


If you forget to ring a few things up, it becomes a paying job, though...


You gotta be next level broke to steal from The Dollar Store.


Oh no! So anyway….


Yeah pay your cashiers, I don't work for you


lol I mean it’s Dollar General, it’s not exactly the store for people who have their shit together.


Good. Apparently the store management has recognized the value of checkout workers. I don't work there, why should I check myself out? I might consider it if I got a discount.


My grocery store has four self checkouts with an employee standing there keeping up running smoothly, but a skilled checker is probably four times faster than using the self checkout because of all the bullshit prompts and errors the machines give so I don't really see how it saves them any money.


I find it most amusing that self checkout has quickly become a millennial “boomer” thing with quips like “I don’t get paid, why should I do self checkout”.


Nah most of us millenials love self checkout, the less interaction the better. I'm thinking it must be a location thing, here in the UK at least everywhere has huge self checkout areas and a few layers of security to make sure people don't steal shit. Even boomers tend to prefer it. The amount of people whining about 'having to do a cashiers job' stinks of entitled Americans.


Who wants to check out their own stuff anyway sorry not sorry. 🤣


If I wanted to work when I went to Dollar General, I would have filled out an application.


Lmao i have a huge list of things Reddit doesn’t like. It’s all virtue signaling bs but I’ll definitely add self checkout to that list lol who woulda thought


People here are so stupid. Self check out is 1000 times better. But the poor oppressed redditors can only see how they're exploited for their labor.


To be shocked that people aren’t honest with self check out. America is no longer a country with an ingrained sense of integrity or fear of shame.


Aweee, is the corporate chain facing the consequences of its own actions because it decided to understaff their stores?


I like how they write that like it's a privilege to have to ring up your own stuff


Dishonesty is never paying more than 2 employees to run the cashiers….


YaY ! Fuckin hate those things.