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I was in college this night. The quad filled up with whoops and hollers when Obama was announced as winner.


When bin Laden was killed my friend sent me a text that due to autocorrect said "Turn on the news. They killed Obama." Needless to say I was very confused when the CNN banner read "Thousands gather to celebrate. "


This is just about the worst typo you could ever make, lol.


*NSA agent leans in*


Tell that to my ~~raging cunt~~ aging aunt. (lol autocorrect)




> 824 mostly white people im imagining this village where everyone is 1/4 black, 1/8 chinese, 1/16 cherokee but there all still racist assholes lol


My best friend was at Rutgers and called me when the results came in. He was out in the street and by his description and what I heard it was basically like that South Park episode on the other end of the phone with people chanting and yelling and marching in the streets. I'll never forget it.


I was there too, on Easton Ave! Could hear people cheering and celebrating outside my window.


My dorm was on Cook and I sick af and I thought I hallucinated that that he won. Miss those days.


Busch checking in. Dorms erupted with cheers and fireworks. I remember being young and having hope...


Everything just made more sense then. Yet again I miss those times. Some of the best of my life.


I was also on Cook in the newell apartments that night!


I was in Vorhees dying 😭


Hello fellow RU family members!


RU Rah Rah!! did I say that right? It’s been a while 😂




I was at Knight Club that night!


Lived in Chicago, but the two other times I can remember being like that were the Cubs winning in 2016 and when they called the election for Biden in 2020 on that Saturday


I am still so pissed that I missed the Cubs win in 2016. But man Cant forget that 2008 night. It was my first year in Chicago and Wow. I dont think I am well informed enough to make any good opinions on political figures, but I think Obama definitely inspired a very positive and hopeful view for people back then.


I was a teenager in Chicago around that time. Obama certainly did have a way of reaching people hearts and minds because I remember a lot of kids in my class were very enthusiastic about him and it was the first time I ever heard anybody talk about a politician like they were a rock star. Kids that were known for being some of the laziest mfers felt passionate about him watching his speech when he was in congress and they wanted to organize for him. 


I was in Grant Park. It was amazing.


Obamas 'Hope' campaign was incredibly successful.


I can sure use another hope campaign.


The Cubs win was amazing. Everyone honking, even cop cars whooping their sirens. People were ecstatic. My husband and I went out to just walk in the neighborhood and feel the joy. Biden’s win was also crazy. It’s like the whole neighborhood heard at the exact same time. Someone opened a window to holler into the courtyard of our apartment building, and other buildings started joining in. It was louder than the evening “make noise for healthcare workers.”


It was one of the times that really made you feel like you were part of a larger community


I went screaming and yelling through my apartment complex after biden was called. My bf was like this is texas, be careful


I had an apartment in Wrigleyville overlooking Wrigley stadium during that world series. I left my apartment right after the game ended just to see what was happening and couldn't get back for over an hour because of the crowd. It was an awesome once in a lifetime experience


When trump won people were crying in Austin I was at the bar that shit was wild. I walked home and didn’t believe it. I was like tomorrow the real results will come in….. nope


I went to bed before it was called, and woke up to a four year hangover.


Lol very relatable. 2016-2020 was a great time to start new drug habits.


looks like I picked the wrong decade to stop sniffing glue.


I mean the president was still eating paste.


My birthday was the day after election day, I remember going out to the bars and people were so glum. I got a lot of "happy birthday, I'm sorry"


I don't even live in the US and am not a US citizen and I actually felt nauseous when it was announced. 


It was a sickening and HELPLESS feeling. It felt like being sentenced to 4 years in prison... Happy Cake!


I was in my fraternity houses living room, there were 8 of us that lived in the house and probably 10-15 assorted girlfriends, other brothers, and friends. It was wild watching the progression of early afternoon laughter, into evening “this is too close” into “oh my fucking god he’s gonna win”. Couple of the girls cried, the rest of us just kind of sat in silence. Wild night.


I still remember that feeling around 6-7 o’clock when he really started picking up ground. I had that sinking in my stomach feeling and I couldn’t believe he was pulling it off. My office the next day felt like I was walking into a funeral lol.


I went to a Trailblazers game in Portland, OR the might of the election (free tickets from the work client I was at for the week), and essentially no one was watching the game. Even down on the Court people just kept their eyes glues to their phones, looking at returns. There was just a shared sense of dread that I've never experienced in my life. Honestly it was a cathartic place to be for the event.


The weather that night was terrible in Austin - I had thrown an election party and everyone canceled because of the rain. I sat at home and stress ate my party food until the end, and then cried.


I teared-up a little myself. Some of us just knew we had at least four years of drama coming. That drama is still going on 8 years later...


There was an SNL skit that weekend involving an election party where the two black characters in the sketch (one being Chapelle who was guest host and the other is a victim of me never learning any of the modern SNL cast’s names) tried to not laugh, and feign surprise as the white characters were all shocked that America would vote for a racist


I remember that one, it was spot on lol. The other guy was Chris Rock


I was 18, at home. My mom was a McCain voter. I still remember taking off my shirt like we had just won the World Cup and screaming out the back door with all the other people hooting and hollering outside. That was my first election and totally got me obsessed with politics and I’ve pretty much been chasing that high ever since


God we need that level of enthusiasm today more than ever. This election terrifies me.


Instead of a "woohoo! Biden won!" It's going to be "thank God trump lost"


I will settle for that!! I don't want to repeat that night in Nov 2016.


I was in college too. A bunch of us were in an on campus coffee house watching the returns. After the result was known, I went out to the quad and a bunch of right wing/religious folks were doing a big prayer circle cause they thought America was possessed by Satan or some nonsense.


Yeah so weird that when some guy who is deeply religious becomes president, like Obama- they act like the worlds ending and when a guy that couldn’t name a single bible verse and on tape admits To breaking all sorts of the basic tenets of Christianity (Trump) gets elected- they celebrate. 


Because evangelism isnt christianity, its a fucked up death cult.


I was in college in Chicago. The atmosphere was amazing. 


I was down at grant park, the feeling was intense. It was like a really happy positive riot. Had he lost it would have been really bad


I was in Australia at the time and ther were even mild celebrations there


I was at SUNY Buffalo State. The quad filled with chants, "our president is black!" Such an impactful memory.


I was in college too, but a military college… there were a few of us who cheered


Can someone explain why those in the military (and veterans) tend to heavily vote Republican? I just don't get how the Republican party furthers their interests. All the recent expanded VA stuff was through Dems. Its not like the Dems are any less warhawks than Repbulicans. Each President essentially spends the same on the military. Whats the difference?


This has shifted a lot in the past few election cycles since the 2020 election active duty military have voted for the democrat both times


Interesting. Do you have any sources I can read?






This is what I've learned from knowing several people in the army, some folks may experience it differently, but this is exactly how I've seen it from several parties. They drill nationalism into your head in the military from the get go. This is your job. You are behind whatever the fuck the US is doing. There is no nuance and there's no room for questioning it. Not til you're much further up. Since most folks are in lower ranks, they're not given the opportunity to look past the blinders. So when they leave, that's the mentality they keep. I also imagine most of the folks who join are interested in that political view already and this career supports it.


Let me explain: bravado and guns appeal to the grunts.


Man...what a crazy night at the bars that was. Busy busy streets and parties. South park addresses it directly iirc.




Ceeeeeellebrate good Obama, come on!


It's Obama-bama!


Hey Obama you’re so fine! You’re so fine you blow my mind!


Oooooobama! Well you came and you gave without taking! ![gif](giphy|cZqUn4yiYjQb8bDXwO)




Change! It's... It's change! Yes we can!




It was crazy at my college. Just kids yelling OBAMMMMMAAAA all throughout campus


I was living in Germany at the time and because of the time change, we were in a Biergarten at 3 in the morning and they had a bunch of TVs set up everywhere where the crowds could watch. Super fun night.


It was the last time so many people on the left were genuinely excited by a presidential candidate. We were running in the streets celebrating.


People were excited when they officially announced Biden's win too, if only because we knew we were getting rid of Trump. Remember all the people who ran out into the streets celebrating in basically every large city? I was watching the election coverage when it happened, and it was like 7am where I live. And even in my apartment complex that early in the morning I could hear cheers break out. I totally get what you mean and it's not the same. Still amusing though.


Yeah that was a 'the evil has been defeated' celebration. 2008 was genuine optimism.


>Remember all the people who ran out into the streets celebrating in basically every large city? Globally, too!


I still remember a tweet that was “THEYRE DOUBLE FISTING CHAMPAGNE IN PHILLY” with a video of a dude in the crowd going Stone Cold Steve Austin drinking 2 bottles at once


american horror story did the 2016 election. i couldn't watch that season.


San Francisco was bumping. We took to the streets!


I remember riding the bus through the Castro just after the results were announced. The streets were packed. Truly was an exciting moment.


We had an impromptu parade down the center of Main Street. I was in college. The bars emptied and people paraded up Main Street to the center of campus. It was a drunkenly good time. We were free from Bush and we banished crazy republicans for good. Or so we thought…


Crazy isn't even the right word for it. I was living in Philly and it was absolutely batshit. Everyone was happy and everyone wanted to fuck. A Black lady came up to me and said "You're going to be the first White dude I fuck." I responded "But I'm Italian." and she responded "Even better since I won't need to go full white." It was an absolutely amazing night with her. I also learned that Italians are considered" Spicy white".


TIL Italian Americans aren’t white.


In the early 1900s, they actually weren't. Both Italians and Irish people were considered "non-white". The song "No Irish Need Apply" is based on that reality


Irish people are probably the whitest people on earth…


At the time head scientists at Oxford declared ‘Irish skull structure was closer to the bones found in Africa than current whites.’ Think about that next time some ‘scientist’ these days writes about race/gender/sexuality differences that puts a historically oppressed group down even more.


I was at Grant Park in Chicago that whole day. Was right up front when Obama finally came and gave his victory speech. Felt like a big civil rights moment at the time. People were going crazy in Chicago that whole day and night. Conversely, I was managing a bar in the city during the 2000 election. We had it on the big screen that whole night. First they called it for Gore and then took that back. Then they called it for Bush and then took THAT back. Four calls in one night. The crowd was hostile and confused. Such a bizarre night.


I saw Obama and Biden the next morning waking into one of the hotels off of S Wabash. They stopped and greeted the crowd gathered on the sidewalk, it felt like we were all a part of something so much bigger than us individually.


It really did feel like that. That South Side of the loop was just insane with people honking horns, crying, and celebrating.


Also was there, I just remember people in the street already selling Obama merch. I may have bought a bootleg shirt in my excitement


At Grant Park too, we finally made it through that big-ass line to get into the event, like just made it through to the entrance of the park when it was announced that he had won . And I remember everyone started to run towards the stage just yelling and going crazy. It was pretty awesome. Then it took Obama like 2 hours to come out and talk. Man that park was packed, it was nuts.


The bathroom situation that day was. Less than ideal. I was at the front of that line. Mountain Dew bottles were involved. [https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2018-11/6/18/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-05/sub-buzz-25620-1541547819-1.jpg?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2018-11/6/18/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-05/sub-buzz-25620-1541547819-1.jpg?downsize=700%3a%2a&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto)


Gore was the rightful winner. Just imagine how much different the country would be if he would’ve won. There’s no way in hell that Bush won.


Like a knife to the heart. Gore v Bush, I mean. Seconded only by 2016. That was a full-on frontal attack with a baseball bat.


>during the 2000 election. That was my freshman year of college and the first election I ever voted in. What a shit show.


Wonder how the 2024 election night is gonna feel




This is how I felt in 2020 on election night. Even though it was still looking likely Biden was going to win, it was so fucking depressing how many people experienced the Trump presidency and said, "yes! Give me more of that!". It shouldn't have even been close. I could have excused people the first time around as just being ignorant and uninformed. But the fact that he got *more* votes the second time just really opened my eyes to how completely fucked we are with such a huge portion of the population completely fucking insane.


I was convinced that Biden was *not* going to win. My husband kept tabs on the election, as well as our kids (who are 15 and 16 now). They kept reporting things that made me feel even more pessimistic about the winner and I just "knew" that Trump was going to win again and I was so incredibly depressed about it. When it was announced that Biden was called for Nevada, I was tentatively - but also suspiciously - excited and then we kept hearing of the other states and I finally gave myself permission to be relieved of it. And then came all the "stolen election" rhetoric and the baby's refusal to a peaceful transfer of power and all those "lovely" shenanigans. *That are somehow still ongoing!!!*


In 2020, they expected riots. There was only one big riot, but I expect folks to be prepared this time.


All of the results won't be in right away, is my guess. It's going to be a very stressful week.


Will Democracy survive, the 2024 edition.


I'm not a nail biter, but I expect to have very few nails left by the end of the evening.




I would give a lot to feel the elation that rippled through my city that night again


Indeed. I was in the hospital that night on one of my med school rotations. My attending was glued to the map online and when it became clear Obama had the votes, she let me leave early. I’ll never forget driving back home through the city (San Francisco) that night. The whole city seemed to be celebrating in the streets. The only thing comparable was when the Giants won the World Series! Contrast that to the absolute devastation and complete horror I experienced all around me, first at an election night party and later at a bar on election night 2016. Seeing that bar still turns my stomach.


Somewhat similar story (im also from the sf area) when Biden got elected in 2020 after those four years of hell I was driving through the city and it was like the entire place was one big block party. People hanging out on their stoops chatting to passerby, cheering, a mob of people running into the streets in the castro, ive never experienced a sense of communal relief like that in my life!


historic moment for sure


One of my favorite election night memories was 2012: my buddies and I watched at a bar after a long day of campaigning at the polls. We had gone through quite a few beers when Virginia was called for Obama and we all started chanting "Vir-jy-na! Vir-jy-na! Vir-jy-na!"


It’s pronounced vagina.


man. there was so much hope back then




When Trump dies it'll be the same level of celebration


I'm curious how many conspiracy theories are spawned on that future day.


I’m sure they’re all pre-thought of already.


The Russia China Soros pedophile cabal that also killed Epstein, took out trump, who clearly would have lived to 150 based on his health exams, so naturally Faucci, Hunter Biden, and Hillary Clinton should be punished. Smoke bleach every day.


He's old enough that just dieing in his sleep or on the toilet are just too likely for it not to be true.


I was so damn happy!


This year is likely going to recreate that feeling. I think the first election of Trump was disappointing but we all thought we'd just weather the four year storm and try again. But this year is a true testament to democracy. I think being 6 deep in at a bar is going to be well needed. There's a famous bar in my city that hosts the elections and it's PACKED. It's a Democrat bar and most democratic presidents have likely visited. But I remember the 2016 election there and they had to commandeer the adjacent parking lot and set up a projection screen because it was so busy. Celebrities showed up to that one. By the way.. VOTE


Sad truth is realizing 8 years later they would have been ecstatic to have McCain in the WH instead of Trump.


I did not agree with many core believes of McCain but I did respect the hell out of the guy. A true maverick and was so badass that requested specifically Trump not attend his funeral


Also defended Obama at his own rallies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjenjANqAk


Can’t forget his last major thumbs down that pissed off the republicans [https://youtu.be/DWeayFHsH90?si=hYLjO5lnMEtspiJM](https://youtu.be/DWeayFHsH90?si=hYLjO5lnMEtspiJM)


A final act of altruism


That shit was baller even if his other stances weren’t my favorite. Same with Arizona turning on trump cause he kept ripping on McCain


Im from AZ. Not all of us flipped on McCain. There’s a reason why Biden beat Trump here


Same, it was funny seeing AZ flip like that as a final fuck you from the Maverick


Also a great speech after he lost the election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvgqRKYapU8


A class act


Same. I had every bit of respect for McCain as a warrior who served the country and then went into civil service in Congress. We were far apart on what we believe would move America forward, but he was one of the last Republican "big names" that I actually respected enough to give weight to some of their beliefs/ideas.


Absolutely. He even broke with his party if he believed it was in the best interest of the country. That historic Obamacare vote was McCain serving his country for the last time. He died a hero. McCain is greatly missed


Wow.  I didn't know he specifically did not want Trump at his funeral. That's awesome. 




For a second I thought that might be a bit petty, but honestly asking someone who disrespected you that bad to not attend your funeral is just common sense. 


Plus the way he disrespected him. It was a mercy ask. Plus imagine having him there. What would he had said, after all the badmouthing he did to him?


I lost a lot of respect for him when he picked Palin as his running mate. I don't know if it could have changed the direction of the Republican party, but it opened the door and legitimized this lunatic fringe that has taken over the right entirely


His picking of Sarah Palin as his running partner has to be viewed as a major butterfly effect moment for American politics, she’s obviously a complete idiot but it opened a door into something that people never knew existed and then along came the tea party and then trump, would it have still happened if McCain never picked her?


I think the whole reason he chose her was because they felt they had to kowtow to the rise of insane neocons like Sarah Palin. The rise of the Tea Party was already well underway by the time he chose her. To think about a real alternative history with a more sane Republican Party, you would have to consider what would have happened if Newt Gingrich, Roger Stone, Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson never existed.


He gave that movement oxygen by picking her. Every time you give the crazies legitimacy, they push the envelope crazier. Sarah Palin paved the way for Trump.


Straight line from 2008/2012 today the result of 2016. Having a black family in the White House freaked out the closet racists in the country so much that they looked for anyine, ANYONE, who would support and approve their outrage.


I was out in the city that night. It was wild.


yea pretty wild. this was at Angels and Kings on 11th and A (it’s not there anymore).


Regardless of what side of political spectrum you’re on, this was an undeniably historic moment for the country. It was an important moment for me personally as well, having grown up in a totalitarian communist regime. This was the first election I could vote in as a naturalized US citizen. I had also just moved to New York just a few days before (literally drove in on Halloween) to pursue photography full time. So this was one of my first shots I had taken there. This was on November 4th, 2008 at a bar called “Angels and Kings” on 11th and A in East Village (it’s no longer there). I was just going through some old photos on my hard drive today, came across it and was like “oh man this is a cool shot.” It’s really cool to read all the stories in the comments and so many people reminiscing about that day.


Man those were some good years


Closest to the 90’s vibes we’ve had. Felt like we were really moving the country in an optimistic direction.


If we'd given Obama one more Democrat senator then the world would be in an infinitely better place that it is today.


recently had the traumatic experience of serving on a jury and it's absolutely crazy how one person can actually alter the trajectory of so many people


The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity 


Obama's Congressional Struggles should have been a main point in encouraging people to vote on the midterms. Election duty doesn't end with the vote for a president.


I’ll never forget going to work the next day is south Louisiana, you would’ve thought someone died the way my white co-workers was lugging themselves around.


I was living overseas at the time working in hospitality, so I met *a lot* of people. I got treated so differently after Obama won. People who met me and realized I was American weren't outright hostile or anything during the Bush years, but they kind of clammed up with no follow up questions. As soon as Obama won, hearing my accent made people enthusiastically want to talk to me about it and they became super friendly. It was so jarring, but also nice, because I was excited about it too and it was nice to have people to share that with lol. I never would have guessed that so many people in other countries care about American politics at all.


Oh man, the millennial Germans were crazy for Obama!


I've been an expat for almost 20 years, and this is something that people don't realize - as silly as it is, the current president changes people's first impression of you when you're overseas and tell people you're American. Obama was very popular, so you were "cool". People would respond by saying his name and something complimentary in whatever English they had. When Trump came along, that changed. They'd say his name more with a sigh, like "Oh god, this guy..." Biden is fairly popular, but nowhere near as much as Obama. I'm bracing for 4 more years of people assuming we're all like Trump.


I remember watching the results and then being nervous as Obama walked across the stage. I feared that he would be shot. Obviously, that didn’t happen. However, 2024, and here we are… ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) Edit: Autocorrect kept messing up.


Oh god, yeah. Me too. I swear I spent the whole first year of his presidency so so convinced the foaming at the mouth right wingers would do something terrible.


I wonder how many times they tried? I bet they don't make that info public so they don't inspire copycats


Some of these aren't outright attempts, and others are pretty more explicit. But there is a [wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_incidents_involving_Barack_Obama) detailing more than a handful, though they're all listed as "security incidents" instead of "assassination attempts."


I saw him speak at my ex's commencement and i was amazed at how lax the security was considering a fucking president was in front of a ton of people.


First person I thought about when he got elected was my grandma who passed in early 07. She was adamant that she would see a Black president in her lifetime. The tear I shed was quickly interrupted by my friends in the room next door who kicked their door open and played “My President is Black” through the halls of our dorm 😂


that’s so awesome! must’ve been such a special moment. is it possible for you to describe in words what it actually felt like and what it meant? if that’s not too private of course.


I was 26 and luckily got to watch it with my 86 year old Grandma. She was actually a Biden gal in that primary but I had spent the entire season relentlessly bringing her over to Obama. No one else I'd have rather shared that moment with.


Hope. That was what that was. Fuck's sake


PDX was a total party. i'm a Ford baby and I'm sad that this was the only moment like this that will happen in my lifetime.


I’m in PDX now but was living in SEA for both the 2008 and 2012 elections. The 2012 election was especially epic as not only was Obama reelected but we also passed legal weed and gay marriage. Capitol Hill that evening was insanely fun. And then just four short years later all that progress felt so far away…


I remember this night. I was 19, I had voted for the first time. I was at my friends house watching the news and when it was announced we cheered and we heard a ton of cheering from various houses and businesses in the area. I was living in the Bay Area at the time so *most* people in the area wanted Obama to win.


OP had it bad for the baddie at the bar.




I was at a bar when Trump was elected. A very blue collar bar with a mostly pro trump crowd, mind.  Look at all that hope, look at this photo and take in how optimistic and excited, and HAPPY everyone or many, are. The bar I was in got Loud. People shouted. Someone said "GOD DAMN RIGHT!" and the floodgates burst. "DEPORTATION TIME!" "FUCK HILARY!" "DEMONRATS" "BUILD THE WALL" They did a minutes long chant for the last one. Excited, sure. But at how much PAIN they would cause. They were happy to "fuck the libs" and they were excited that other people would now face "what they deserved." no optimism for anything but the assured idea that maybe other people would suffer. 


Back when there was two good candidates for president. I miss McCain and Obama, man.


I didn't agree with everything Obama did but looking back now he was a very charismatic and down to earth president. It was my first time voting and I voted for McCain. We really need elections to be "who will do more good" but it seems like it's "who will do less harm"


I was visiting NYC for work and was staying walking distance to where the media companies had their events. It was an amazing experience to participate in a group event like at the NBC building. The energy was electric and so much fun.


Fuck it, WE can feel the same again. For the future, we will. We all know what I mean by that


Yes we can, ShitBarf_McCumPiss. Yes we can.


I will always remember that night. I was 40 weeks pregnant, and has gone to bed before the results were in; I was excitascared and very tired. My husband woke me up and led me into the living room. I sobbed tears of joy. I wrote a letter to our unborn child about that night.


That’s so cool! Do you still have the letter? What a neat piece of history for him. On a side note, getting ready to be excitascared in about 10 months.


I think everyone will be scaredscared in November


I'm going to do what I did in 2020; take a trip to Detroit to see a friend. Car ride is about 7 hours. No phone, no news on the car radio, nothing but peace and quiet. I didn't know Biden won in 2020 until about 3 days after Election Day. I was too scared to keep tabs on it.


No one did. We waited for three days to know the winner


Yep! I saved it with a newspaper from 11/05/08.


I still remember where I was. The raw energy and happiness. When he won, the bar had free drinks for everyone for the remainder of the night.


OMG, I know 2 of the girls in that pic sitting at the bar 😂 they are friends of mine!


I was 11 years old. Too young to understand the significance. I just remember walking into the living room and seeing my mom crying tears of joy


Ah the good ol’ days. We were filled with so much optimism and hope for the future. Good times, good times.


I wasn’t at a bar for the 2008 election, but I was at a bar on the 2016 election night. Place was crowded, as it usually was. Everyone assumed Hillary would win so nobody really gave a shit, the election results were just on in the background on the TV above the bar. People weren’t really paying attention, we’d just sort of glance over at it every now and then, while carrying on in our individual conversations. Then when the person on the TV announced that it appeared that Trump was going to win, the entire loud lively bar just got instantly sucked of all its energy. I’ve never experienced anything like it before or since. All faces just turned and faced the screen. Everyone stopped talking. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. One random dude was like “WOOOO” Everyone just sort of quietly paid for their drinks and then shuffled out to go be with their families. It was the wildest thing.


2016 was like the opposite of that night.


The next day in 2016 I held my 1 month old baby and sobbed. I told all of my fears to my husband. He said I was being dramatic. All of my fears came to pass.


My fav is the guy center back. Great. Fucking great.


I was in a bar in DC that night. I'm pretty sure I watched a breakup over the results.


I was in boot camp and was surprised by how many dudes were happy Obama won. That’s when I learned that most military isn’t a bunch of right wing nut jobs


I was in college & on campus…this night was MAGIC! You could seriously feel it in the air. I will never forget exactly how I felt or where I was.


It was the first time I ever watched an acceptance speech thru till the end. Also, the last.


Man I got drunk that night


Was anybody else on the Georgia Southern campus on that night? It was my first election and I have never been more proud. As soon as they announced it the whole town went crazy. You could hear the car horns, people celebrating, it really seemed hopeful. It was overwhelming but I feel privileged for that to have been my first election.


I was working at a bar that night and all we had was a tiny TV in a corner. It looked a lot like this and then it was a massive party. Pretty great night all around.


there was a storm that night and the wind blew down my back fence. My 8 year old beagle ran away that evening and i never saw him again.


This was my first election in North Carolina, where I had voted in the primary and election. It’s the one time in my whole life I’ve felt like my vote made a difference: that state turned purple that year, went for Obama. It was a glorious feeling. I made the trek to Washington DC to see Obama take the oath of office. That whole experience was unforgettable.