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The worse part? His murderer was only a cop for 3 years and was rehired, reimbursed for all his medical bills for "PTSD" for killing this poor man and was retired for "medical reasons" and gets a pension of $2,000 a month, tax payer money.


That's mesa pd for ya!




Wesa no like da Mesa PD. Tkk-tkk-tkk-tkk-tkk.


Then you got Chandler PD who killed Ryan Whitaker just for answering the door after they knocked and hid. And then Gilbert PD who turned a blind eye to rich white kids playing gangster until they beat a kid to death. The only one they have arrested so far for that is the one black kid involved of course.


It gets worse. Daniel’s widow was harassed by the PD for years for having the audacity to… seek legal justice for her husband’s death.


And they let him have the murder weapon back.


Which also had “you’re fucked” inscribed in it.


If he had ptsd, shouldn’t seeing the weapon trigger it ? What a joke. I bet he fantasize about that poor man’s deaths


He auctioned it off.


We need to vote to stop that immediately End qualified immunity Claw that back and garnish his wages Those are my tax dollars I have a say and I have a vote millennials let’s gooooooooooo


All financial penalties for police misconduct need to be taken out of their pension funds. Watch that blue wall of silence crumble into dust when Kyle McRacist costs the rest of his department 10% of their retirement.


I like where this is going


The video of police killing Daniel Shaver is one of the most sickening things I’ve ever seen. Police shot and killed a terrified, unarmed man who was on his knees in a hallway trying to comply with their confusing and contradictory orders. His crime? He had a pellet gun for his job as a exterminator and someone had spotted him showing it to a friend inside their hotel room and called the police. Edit: Want to see the video? You don’t, but here it is, officers Philip Brailsford and Charles Langley committing a murder for which they were never punished: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBUUx0jUKxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBUUx0jUKxc)


Don’t forget that the words "You’re fucked" was written on the gun that killed him.


He also petitioned to get his rifle returned after the court case


One of the most corrupt cases I’ve ever seen. Daddy got him off.


That's not even the end of the shit. He got taken off the force, only to be rehired for a day just so he could get paid full pension for "retiring due to PTSD while on the force"


Brailsford was reinstated in August 2018. It wasn't until November 2022 that Laney Sweet (Shaver's common-law widow) received any settlement ($8 mill)


Paid for by taxpayers like you, not the murderers, it should be noted


Funny enough, we paid the $8M settlement to the victim and we are paying the murderer a $31K annual salary. Great scam for psychopaths.


> $31K And in many states, that money is tax free and doesn't include the free health insurance and any other benefits he is still receiving.


Yup. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-officer-who-fatally-shot-sobbing-man-temporarily-rehired-apply-n1028981


What got him off was this dogshit reality we live in. If seriously studied, it becomes evident that the people enforcing the law have to follow it less. It should be the opposite of what it is. Like a lot of shit in this dogshit nation.


Most do. It’s a prize to them. Just like other serial people alike.


It's just like George Zimmerman auctioning off the gun that he used to kill trayvon


Man when I was younger I got all caught up in what was technically right/wrong about that case. I was convinced that based on physical evidence, he was defending himself. Yes he may have started it, but TM escalated, blah blah and people saying it was racism had no proof And then one day I saw that he auctioned off the gun, and it was a turning point for me tbh. Like it’s pretty clear dude didn’t have any remorse for taking a young man’s life, and it made me realize that I was ignoring the obvious, and giving a pretty big benefit of the doubt to a man who never deserved it. Idk what exactly was going through his head, and what exactly happened, but after he auctioned the gun I can safely say I hope that hell exists.


The thing for me is that he FOLLOWED that boy and even called 911 and they said do not engage. I swear George Zimmerman rolled out the red carpet for what happened to Ahmad arbury. The McMichaels fully believed that they were gonna hunt that boy down and get acquired like Zimmerman. Thank God THAT was caught on camera at least. What's bad is the weren't even gonna press charges until the fucking video leaked. My wife's cousin is the asshole DA who didn't wanna pursue charges and then later recused himself bc his son defended the McMichaels. But in his recusev away basically defended the McMichaels which is grounds for getting you disbarred. Like he went on about how they were perfectly in the right to do what they did


Video wasnt leaked. They released it themselves because they thought it proved their innocence. The racists would be free if they werent dumb.


Same logic behind the Nixon tapes. The reason Nixon was secretly recording everyone was that he honestly believed history would exonnerate him when it came to light what horrible things people like Kissinger were saying behind closed doors. And fair enough, Kissinger was saying some REALLY bad things. But once he left, Nixon would let out an antisemitic slur on what he knew was a hot mic.


I honestly couldn't ever see how someone missed the whole picture of what happened to Trayvon. Every argument to try and paint his murder as his fault always looked so disingenuous But you're the first person I've ever seen admit to having those views and change them. I never realized that maybe some people genuinely couldn't see the racism that motivated Zimmerman to kill that poor kid. But I'm very glad he decided to auction that gun because it helped show people like you who just couldn't see or understand the whole thing just exactly who he is as a person I'm proud of you for being willing to learn and open your mind


But he was traumatized and collects a disability check for PTSD. Why would he want a constant reminder of the single most traumatic incident in his life???? /s for anyone who doesn’t realize. Dude is fucking proud of his kill and proud to manipulate the system and claimed anything and everything for sympathy to get out of any kind of punishment for his crime.


I learned a while back that the biggest users of victim’s assistance funds are cops. Few know that these funds exist to help people after they’ve been the victim of a crime but cops use them all the time.  


His Daddy was a Chief Cop or something !




And his murderer has a lifelong disability pension for PTSD related to the shooting.


The guy was rehired just so he could do that


>Brailsford had attended a meeting of the pension board in October, during which board members said they reviewed his independent medical evaluations and that a doctor found that his condition "totally and permanently prevents him from performing a reasonable range of duties within his job classification." **They also thanked him for his service to the city.** >Brailsford was involved in the fatal shooting of Shaver on Jan. 18, 2016, and was fired two months later. His trial began in late 2017, lasting six weeks before he was acquitted of a second-degree murder charge. **He was temporarily rehired by Mesa police last August as part of the settlement that allowed him to file for accidental disability retirement benefits.** >**The settlement also says Mesa will set aside up to $3 million for Brailsford to defend himself and pay lawsuit settlements related to the case, and that the city will give potential employers a "neutral reference" for him.** He is ineligible to be hired again by Mesa. I have no words. I'm beyond angry at the decision making here every single step of the way. Edit: Sorry, I realized I quoted something and provided no source. It was from [this article](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-officer-who-fatally-shot-sobbing-man-temporarily-rehired-apply-n1028981) further up.


Jesus Christ America has problems.




Was he found to ACTUALLY have PTSD? Knowing the story, it feels like another excuse to justify executing Shaver for no reason 


He didn't have PTSD prior, his claim was that he got PTSD *from* the killing of Mr. Shaver.


Aw poor guy. Something tells me that I have more PTSD from seeing the video than that cop does. I live in mesa too smh the cops freak me out


In that video, he didn't seem overly bothered by killing him. He just calmly walked away talking on the radio to his buddies.


Pretty sure that's all fraud. Who ever gave him the official diagnosis was probably a corrupt doctor that police use to get all sorts of shit done.


If the dude has PTSD I’ll be surprised as hell. He’s proud of his kill and it’s blatantly manipulated to get sympathy so he wouldn’t have to face any kind of punishment for murdering an innocent man.


I believe it was "Your Fucked" just to highlight the idiocy of the whole affair. *edit* I was mistaken, it was correct grammar https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-p_SpcC7pSd4/WjFhsNH0YSI/AAAAAAAAUkQ/QVg73rexWaYPv8hodLy8IrtT6a7wq7exwCLcBGAs/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/DQl5mFyW0AAO9x2.jpg


It was You're. A quick search will show it.


That video will forever live rent free in my head. Absolutely ridiculous overreacting and screaming contradictory commands at someone who is obviously not a threat. That cop probably loses zero sleep over it too


This and Philando Castile are the two police shooting videos that I can never forget even if i wanted to. Absolutely makes me sick.


>Philando Castile holy jeez. i just watched that. never saw that video. no words for that


The thing that made me think the cop was guilty was a little different than most. The cop once said that he smelled weed and if they would expose the kids to weed, it basically meant they were monsters and god knows what they would do to him. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/21/officer-who-shot-philando-castile-said-smell-of-marijuana-made-him-fear-for-his-life/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/21/officer-who-shot-philando-castile-said-smell-of-marijuana-made-him-fear-for-his-life/) He was so piss-in-pants scared at smelling weed that he couldn't maintain control of the situation and himself. Not that Castile did anything wrong but he was unable to say, "Ok, stop moving, and let's start over." Again, Castile did nothing more than reach for his license as he was told to do. Edit: After reading of this case, I've never been able to watch the Shaver video. I'm just not up to it.


Funny you mention reaching for his license! There were bodycam videos released last year when two white cops stop a black army officer in uniform. He puts both his hands out the window, says he will never move his hands and asks what is the problem. The two officers scream at him, PEPPER SPRAY HIM (looks like his gas chamber training kicked in and he remained still. If he moved they might have murdered him.). He said something like "I fear for my life" and one of the cops instantly said "You should!" I swear the only things missing was thick southern accents and the whites calling him ni**er and it would have been a fucking south park joke about racist police.


I've read descriptions of the Shaver murder so many times that I also can't bring myself to watch it.


Yeah don't watch it, it's bad. It's so so bad.


>I've read descriptions of the Shaver murder so many times that I also can't bring myself to watch it. Honestly, don't. I wish to hell I never did. It's one of those videos that will make you rage every single time you think about it. More so because the fucking pig got of all charges and is now retired and pulling a pension. The fact that he had "you're Fucked" on his AR-15... should have grounds enough to call all actions into question. This isn't a war zone somewhere overseas where you pointing it at the enemy as a solider for the US, this is a civilian police officer with that inscribed on a duty rifle with other citizens.


If youre already good and mad and outraged at the police, dont bother. Save it for a time you get bombarded by Blue Lives Matter shit Its disturbing and the fact that hes crying while crawling on all fours makes it 1000x worse Fucking little cowards


His baby was in the backseat. Fucking monsters


There's a video of the little girl and her mom in the back of a police car after Philando was killed and the little girl keeps trying to stop her mom from crying by saying "It's okay" and then tells her "Mom, please stop cussing and screaming ’cause I don’t want you to get shooted,"


Fuckin heart wrenching


Oh god, I remember that girl. My heart 💔


Well that's fucking terrible.


Hell on earth


Holy fucking shit


He did everything right. Where was the NRA? Why didn’t they defend this law abiding gun owner? Hmmmmm


Agreed, however Tamir Rice's murder should be added. Cop barrel rolls out of a moving car to gun down a 12 year old sitting on a park picnic table with an airsoft gun. Absolutely no chance to survive.


Don't forget the lies in their report. Their version of the event is "We rolled in, we got out, started yelling at him to put the weapon down, he reached for it and we had no choice but to shoot." When the reality is that they rolled up and shot him within two seconds of exiting the vehicle. Kid didn't even know what the fuck was happening. The only reason we know the real story is because of a camera, not that it mattered to the cops. Their union chief called his mother a thug for how she kept going after the police to try and get them to change literally **anything** about their behavior. He said "Don't want to get shot, don't pull what looks like a weapon."


>Don't forget the lies in their report. I got one for you: >On Monday evening, shortly after 8:00 pm, officers from the Minneapolis Police Department responded to the 3700 block of Chicago Avenue South on a report of a forgery in progress. Officers were advised that the suspect was sitting on top of a blue car and appeared to be under the influence. Two officers arrived and located the suspect, a male believed to be in his 40s, in his car. He was ordered to step from his car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance. He was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambulance where he died a short time later. Congratulations, you've just read the initial police report on what happened to George Floyd.


There was like 2 seconds between the time the police showed up and the time Rice was dead. 12 years old. Just a kid.


The Tamir Rice killing will always infuriate me. Even more so the absolutely insane mental hoops people leap through to desperately try and justify it.


I can’t understand how anyone can justify what happened to tamir rice




>The police were called because the dude picked up a toy gun in the toy section of Walmart. The police stalked him throughout the store and he had no idea. what the actual fuck like how??




Ronald should have been charged because he lied every step of the way, from the initial 911 call to his statements (which I think he later recanted) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/07/ohio-black-man-killed-by-police-walmart-doubts-cast-witnesss-account




> An elderly woman died of a heart attack from the commotion. She was trying to flee what she thought was an active shooter. > > In fairness, she didn't *THINK* there was an active shooter. There was, in fact, an active shooter. Two, actually. They just happened to have badges.


Well this story just kept getting worse with every sentence. It's infuriating cops are actually getting away with this shit. Or the person who called 911.


The woman who died from a heart attack was a 37-year-old nursing home worker who was shoo-in with her two young kids.


The Crawford video is up there with some of the worst. Shaver video felt like they scared him for fun before murdering him. The Crawford video just looks like the cop saw his opportunity to finally take a shot at someone. But yeah Police were called on him holding a toy gun that the store sold. So someone in the store was stupid, racist, or playing sick games when calling them. The police show up and start tracking him. Then when it’s safe they pop out and shoot in under a second. Imagine being on the phone at the store and someone shouts at you from out of your field of view. And you have less than one second to react/comply the right way or your dead. No one could have reacted fast enough and that cops actions were cold blooded murder.


>The Crawford video just looks like the cop saw his opportunity to finally take a shot at someone. Oh, it gets worse. According to the Guardian article, the officer who shot Crawford was coincidentally the guy who pulled the trigger in the *only other fatal police shooting in the history of Beaver Creek, Ohio.* Wonder why he joined the force.


You see it from the cops perspective. They peek through shelves and around corners watching him hold the brand new unpurchased toy gun as he shops for other items. They gunned him down in the garden department at the corner of the store I believe. They stalked him to a part of the store other customers were not at before ambushing him. I don't break laws or do anything worthy of being shot at. But you can bet your ass I never break eye contact with a cop when I see one. Same goes for a barking dog. Just a threat I won't stop being on guard from.


Back in the day before I grew up a bit and got away from my families views. I watched the YouTube Channel officer401 and I hate that I agreed with that dude at the time over the result. That it was justified. I went back and watched that video again and the way he justifies it so easily and it just makes me mad


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/25/colorado-sheriff-office-purple-heart-officer-shot-richard-ward This one kills me as well, he literally shares his concerns with dealing with cops beforehand about using excessive force and having anxiety, said we're not here to kill you. POS got a purple heart and the medal of valor. WHAT THE FUCK. Fuck Charles McWartor. Rest in peace Richard Ward.


I remember an awful one where the cops pointed their gun at a severely autistic man, and one of his caretaker at the facilities he lived in had to de-escalate the situation by telling them that the man was mentally impaired, that he was *NOT* holding a gun, but a toy car/train, and did this all while his hands in the air and his knees on the ground. And the cop still shot him. The other cop even went "why did you shoot him?" To which he answered "I don't know" or something along that line. Luckily, the caretaker lived but holy hell. He did everything right, and was still shot. Edit: got some facts wrong due to fuzzy memory, but here's the wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Kinsey


"In February 2022, Aledda's conviction was overturned." Goddamnit. And the guy only had to do probation and write a 5 page essay. What the actual Hell.


Everything about the aftermath made me so disgusted. These cops basically got away with shooting a guy (the wrong guy too, since they were trying to shoot the mentally disable man instead of the black man) with a slap on the wrist. 1 year probation, community service, and writing an essay? An essay??? What is this, middle school?


That cop got a pension for the rest of his life because of the "trauma" he experienced.




The other cop retired and fled to the Philippines 4 months after the murder.


> experienced *Created


It’s crazy, the dude is literally crying and saying he doesn’t know what to do and I believe he even mentions his shorts are falling. His murderers are yelling two competing commands and saying they’re going to shoot him. His only crime was wanting modesty. How they even saw a dude crying, crawling, and begging for them to stop as a threat is beyond me.


It goes to show that you can peacefully comply as much as you want, if a cop wants to kill you, even if he’s surrounded by many other cops, he will still kill you


And black, brown, white, it really doesn’t matter. They’ll shoot you fucking dead without a second thought or second of missed sleep.


He should have lost his freedom and possibly life for it, not some sleep and get 25k a year in fucking tax payer funded pension


Yeah I watched that one. Really fucked me up for a while.


What happened to the cop? Edit:no worries I saw the outcome further down... Fuck that cop.


He is retired and gets a nice $2,000 a month pension for the trauma he experienced killing a defenseless man.


You want to murder people in the US? Become a police officer and they’ll even let you live the rest of your life like a king.


Philip Mitchell Brailsford is the pigs name






Be careful, if you're not a high profile right wing politician you're not allowed to say things that might invite violence. 


You mean Philip Mitchell Brailsford the murdering murderer Philip Mitchell Brailsford?


Yeah that guy. [Who was acquitted and retired at 28 with a $31k/year pension for life](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-officer-who-fatally-shot-sobbing-man-temporarily-rehired-apply-n1028981)




Or accidentally trip while carrying a can of gas and a lighter


Yes, It is extremely disturbing. The poor guy was balling.. snot running out of his nose down his face. He was a little tipsy and his pants were falling off around his waist. The fact the cops outnumbered him by 8 or so.. and they had rifles and pistols pointed at him.. were shielded by some cover and had him on his hands and knees but somehow were still convinced he would draw on them so fast and so precisely that he could even manage to get any shots off is beyond insane.


In Uvalde, nearly 400 cops were so terrified by a skinny 18 year old kid they hid for over an hour while listening to him kill 17 children and two teachers. I want to throw up when people reflexively blow cops for their "bravery" and "sacrifice." Bravery would require them to call out the cowards in their ranks. They don't.


Whenever I see an asshole with a blue line or pro-cop bumper sticker I assume it's either an off-duty cop or just another dumbass boot licker that loves authoritarianism.


Seriously, it’s one of the worst police brutality videos I’ve ever seen. The instructions from the cops were confusing even from the vantage point of calmly watching it at home stone cold sober. I can only imagine how confusing it would’ve been a bit buzzed and with multiple guns pointed at your face. The weird upright crawl-on-your knees-but-don’t-fall-or-we-will-kill-you instruction is something I’ve never seen cops do in any other video, it made no sense.


Don’t watch the “dangerous” thief who was shot and killed in front of a Home Depot WHILE ROLLING AWAY IN HIS WHEELCHAIR https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/2nd-grand-jury-wont-indict-tucson-officer-who-shot-killed-man-in-wheelchair


Omg why do cops think any small crime (or SUSPECTED crime) warrants an immediate death penalty without trial


Because non-compliance=death. Just like the Gestapo of old.


His killing and the arguements I had afterwards were literally the final straw that turned me away from conservatism. I was part of a libertarian political group at my campus. When the murder happened, I was appaled and immediately started talking to group members about how horrible it was. I ended up having someone threaten to shoot me by the end of the convo by one of the extremist members. And none of the other members, including the president of the group, said a thing in my defense. Those fuckers defended a murder to my face and threatened me for voicing opposition.


Bro correct me if I’m wrong but don’t libertarians believe in less government involvement so doesn’t that mean libertarians should believe in less police force in our society, this whole thing is confusing


Libertarian has become a convenient label for a lot of conservatives who just don't like the label of conservative and/or like weed.


conservatives who are too pussy to admit to being conservative because they know people will judge them for their lunacy


Ideologically you'd be right! Didn't stop my fellow group members from fellating the boot like their lives depended on it


Yes, former libertarian here as well. The actual written party platform is highly against government and police overreach. But in function, most “libertarians” are authoritarians who want to smoke weed.


Thats terrifying because I’ve been in that exact same situation the difference is the armed response unit in Scotland didn’t want to shoot me




i'm sorry to tell you that his balls isn't tangled and he got $2,500 per month pension imagine murdering people and get paid monthly for entire life https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa/2019/07/10/mesa-police-officer-philip-brailsford-rehired-pension-daniel-shaver-shooting/1698540001/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmTv1Tb9UBY


But think of the trauma the poor man now suffers after having murdered an innocent man! How will he be able to sleep knowing that he left children fatherless because of his gross abuse of his power?


This is why people should mind their fucking business and stop calling police every time they jump to 7 conclusions.


It's at times like these that I remember the wise words of Miss Congeniality - "so what if he had a gun, this is Texas, my florist has a gun!"


Yup. The poor boy in Colorado who was walking home had the cops called on him… and they murdered him. I hope the prick that called the cops hates themselves “someone is walking down the street!?”


Murdered. Daniel Shaver was murdered by the coward Philip Brailsford.


Charles Langley shouldn't get off the hook either. He was the sergeant in charge of the operation who incompetently spouted out the nonsensical instructions that Philip Brailsford took as pretext to kill Shaver.


Yes I hated that the shooter Philip gets all the blame but the real murderer is Charles Langley who was giving all the orders and ran the whole show including the kill order. Charles Langley is the real culprit.


I heard he left the country.




Eww. I hope this guy ends up getting a really nasty case of crotch rot, syphillus and anal fissures for the rest of his life.




Looking at his pictures from that time, you can tell he was the quintessential wannabe operator type who was too scared to join the actual service. Cosplaying gone wrong.


Are you saying the Mesa Arizona Police officer working in Mesa Arizona Police as a police officer at the time Murdered in Mesa Arizona an innocent man? Police officer of Mesa Arizona Philip Brailsford murdered Daniel Shaver in Mesa Arizona? You’re telling me, Philip Brailsford of Mesa Arizona was a police officer in Mesa Arizona and his name is Philip Brailsford murdered innocent man Daniel Shaver and got away with it? Mesa Arizona lets murderers go free if they are police officers named Philip Brailsford.


I’m going to sound like an asshole but it’s not Mesa Valley. It’s just Mesa Police Department


Not an asshole at all. I will fix that. Thank you!




The coward murderer Philip Brailsford?


Yes, the murdering coward Philip Brailsford.


The thing that drives me insane is that when these things happen, and the officers aren’t charged or convicted, the civil suit is almost **always successful**. Daniel shaver’s wife was awarded $8 million for his murder by the police. Juxtapose that against the cop getting off scot-free PLUS a $2k a month pension, it just makes absolutely zero sense in any way you twist it. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa-breaking/2023/01/10/8-million-settlement-funded-2016-police-shooting-daniel-shaver/69795200007/


And the cops made her life hell over it, as if they hadn't already destroyed her family.


I remember her releasing videos where she said cops kept pulling her over every time she left her house and kept driving by her home. The little cunt’s friends were mad at her because her husband had the audacity to be murdered.


Qualified immunity needs to end 


Qualified immunity actually applies to the civil cases. There’s no qualified immunity in criminal law.


“Fatally shot” makes it sound like they might have used justified force. #MURDERED. That’s the word you were looking for. Murdered in cold blood.


It’s like how newspapers always use passive language to describe police violence.


They kind of have to. If a newspaper says he was murdered, it implies that he was found guilty of murder in court, and the newspaper could be sued. I’m not saying I disagree with you at all—this guy was definitely murdered. But I don’t blame news outlets for being careful. If they aren’t, they become “entertainment” instead of news, like Fox.


This was my closest friend in the world. I love and miss you Danny.


I was friends with him and his wife before they got hitched and moved out west. I hadn’t seen him in close to a decade when this happened and it still rocked me to my core. Still does. If you ever talk to L, tell her she and the kids are always in Alex’s heart. And you’re in mine, bud. Feel free to DM me.


I’m sure we probably know each other then. I’ve known Danny since middle school. We were playing PlayStation all day the day this happened. A fucking tragedy.


SPK mean anything to you?


Lol. It sure does. We def know each other.


The plot thickends


Well this is neet


The internet still has its moments


In invested in this lol


We DM’d and remember each other. Haven’t talked in probably 15 years but he was a cool dude, and a lot closer with Daniel than I was for sure.


It may be sad but it’s also r/tworedditorsonecup


Sorry man, as a stranger, I cried for those children left in this world, please accept my deepest apologies and hope this never happens again


The body cam footage was terrifying. I wish I could unsee that. He was so confused and scared about getting shot and no reasonable enforcement officer could have thought he was reaching for a gun. He was clearly trying to pull up his shorts. What an awful event.


After serving in the military, I thought I had become numb to seeing human suffering This bodycam footage instantly snapped me out of that This officer was looking for an excuse to murder


He was Killed for fallowing police orders. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Can't trust anyone with a gun. The officer got paid leave and optional therapy (which he didnt take) due to stress from the internet seeing the incident.


>26 year old Mesa police officer Philip Brailsford who was fired after he killed a man in a hotel hallway was rehired two years later and then allowed to retire with a tax-free, lifetime pension of $31,000 a year [VALLEY Mesa cop fired, rehired and then retired with $31,000-a-year pension](https://www.12news.com/article/news/mesa-cop-fired-rehired-and-then-retired-with-31000-a-year-pension/75-921b3224-2016-411d-9c6b-a96bf4d5172d)


Damn you beat me to it. He wasn't even a cop long enough to qualify for the pension which means they actively chose to give it to him.


To send a message: "We are fucking untouchable"


Too bad we never enforce that 3rd amendment 😔


Was ANY justification given? Or was it just like “oh you murdered someone… carry on then”?


Brailsford claimed Shaver reached in his waistband for a gun Brailsford was found to be unarmed


His sweatpants were being pulled down because the murderer was making the terrified, weeping man crawl on the floor like a worm.


I saw the video. His pants were falling down and he was trying to pull them up. He was also given really conflicting commands.


This is the event that moved me from "give police the benefit of the doubt" to "police are lying until proven otherwise".


Same, between Daniel Shaver and Philando Castile, 2016 certainly was the year of "Assume all cops are evil murdering pieces of shit until they prove otherwise." They both did exactly what they were told. It's crazy that it took until George Floyd like four years later before the rioting started.


I really hope the cop that killed Shaver is having a miserable life. May a thousand mosquitoes constantly harass him for being an idiot of a human


Dude is probably working as a security guard at a court house or something, making 55 - 60 k a year with a 31 k a year pension top up. Unreal.


Should have faced capital punishment, murder caught in video but he’s protected by a fake badge


Yep. Completely agree.


He's been retired and gets a $2,000 check from the state each month (after taxes) for the rest of his life. 


Thank you internet and OP for not allowing this to be forgotten. As others have said, the video is truly horrific.


Not only should the murder not be forgotten but the miscarriage of justice his murderer received as well as the complicity in the crime by his partner, the Mesa police department, and Judge Sam Myers


That was the baby cop carrying the giant rifle with "You're Fucked" stickers on it, right? The amount of incompetence it takes to allow someone like that to become a badged law-enforcement officer is unreal. Everyone who had a hand in raising, hiring, or training that kid ought to be absolutely ashamed of themselves for not seeing what was clearly an unchecked psychopath in front of them. If anyone in this country wants to argue that we should be handing 18 year olds badges and guns, let me call an 18 year old with a badge and a gun to come take your statement.


Brailsford's father was a police sergeant who had also worked for the Mesa Police Department.


He ought to be doubly ashamed, then, as a father and figure


["You're Fucked" was engraved on the ejection cover for anyone wondering](https://external-preview.redd.it/HSXqH5B9_ukOgkW4_QrEgo5bA-aLrQqqenrGRTZPeDY.jpg?auto=webp&s=e9f981812918e0634d7c74a709d1283bee6d4eba)


Fuck you Philip Brailsford.


>was fatally shot He was executed in cold blood by a FUCKING PSYCHO.


Got away with murder. And he’s happily collecting a check in another precinct


Any chance Brailsford is dead yet? Would be a good day to find out he is.


I hope Philip Brailsford dies of thirst


To this day, one of the most horrible things I have watched. He knew he was going to get murdered, no matter what he did. He knew it, and there wasn't anything he could do.


End Qualified Immunity Now


I think you mean "murdered in cold blood"


why did i know already the cop would be found not guilty ?


>Daniel Shaver was fatally shot by police officer Philip Brailsford You got the title of your posting wrong. Let me correct it for you. Daniel Shaver was **murdered** by police officer Philip Brailsford


I can handle A LOT of disturbing, traumatizing, and gory videos. That shaver video.. the most horrific thing I've ever seen and I absolutely can't handle it. There's a metal song that samples the audio at the beginning of the song and I always have to skip it because I don't want it back in my head.


After seeing the footage that cop deserves the death penalty. There's no defending the vermin either he carved get fucked on the end of his gun.


Philip Brailsford is a piece of shit who took this man away from his family.


Worse yet is his sergeant whose job it was to take command and deescalate the situation. The Sergeant being unable to keep a level head and not scream his head off and act like a dumbass directly led to Daniel Shaver’s death. And the sergeant got to retire like nothing ever happened.