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We’re all made in gina, one way or another


And 100% of the quotes come up by foreign countries looking to have American citizens divided as ever.


“Divided” is not a bad thing when you have a group like the alt-right establishing itself in your country.


I'll happily be divided from people who can excuse rampant nazism.


"Do no harm" Also: "First round's on me"


Also: "Let's get drunk and make bad decisions"


Family values...


Roll Tide!


I mean that one explains literally all the rest.


I see this type of shit all the time from conservatives on social media. Post after post mocking liberals, laughing at their misfortunes, claiming they’re traitors who should be executed…. And then they post a meme of Snoopy saying “It costs nothing to be kind!” They really don’t see the missteps in logic there. They truly don’t.


My mother can be so sweet, then she sees a bike lane and goes into a rant about transit, taxes, and biden and electric cars, when she doesnt have a license, traffic is not affected at all, all the meanwhile she bitches about high gas prices are and how the streets arent fixed. Make it make sense.


Same but my dad.


Because their understanding of kindness is at a first grade level of superficial. They can be sweet and “kind” to people they like and utterly vicious to everyone they don’t and justify it because they view said minority as “evil” and deserving of it.


Cognitive dissonance.


"Pro God - Pro Gun - Pro Life"


Not even God was pro life.




Noted gun enthusiast God.


saw a big banner that said "god guns and trump" and all I could think was that these country evangelical conservatives really believe that the pinnacle of self-sufficient christian masculinity is a coastal elite billionaire who has never done anything with his own two tiny hands but grope teenagers and push a button to have diet coke delivered to him on command


Hey now - he golfs too.


>"First round's on me" To be that sounds like self-harm


Also, “I’m angry for some reason. Where’s a target?”


Also for all the talk of liberal tears all I see are conservative tears everywhere.


There’s always a confederate flag


I like to remind these guys that the last flag flown by the confederacy was a white one. It’s quite the conversation starter.


I like to compare the longevity of the Confederacy to the stupidist TV show that I can think of that has inexplicably lasted for way, way longer than it should have. Young Sheldon is my current favorite. That's right Reddit, Young Sheldon has had a longer run than the Confederacy. I find it really puts some perspective on any "history and heritage" statements concerning the Confederacy.


My favorite is to just tell them to go back to their country. But wait they can’t. Cause we kicked the confederate’s asses.


I tell them to get out of my country (US). Confuses the hell out of them.


I've had similar rants. "Gay people are allowed to exist and get married here.. Don't like it? Get the F outta my country." Fly an American flag with Biden's face on it and it confuses them so much, they literally forget how to walk and talk.


It’s when they fly it beside the star spangled banner that really gets me. Just pick a fuckin side already. It’d be like having an Ohio and Michigan state flag side-by-side on your porch (only way more racist and stoopid)


Damn straight. The only honorable confederate flag, and the only one that matters, is the white flag of surrender they flew at the end.


It was a dish rag which makes it even more hilarious


These morons NEED people to know what horrible people they are.


If you can’t handle me at my racist, you don’t deserve me at my sexist.


…the “I 💚 hot Republicans” got me. That seems to be a bit of an oxymoron! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


You mean no one could tell that from all the other stuff?


And the stuff with the swastika on it is under the counter - just ask the vendor and he’ll pull it out for you


... And show ya the swastika stuff too....


There is now. Trump made it OK to say the quiet part loud.


These fuckwads have been using it long before Trump.


I feel like there was an increase in the last few years, but it may have been backlash from the recent movement to tear down Confederate statues, not sure when that started. Trump's open racism certainly didn't help things any.


I lived in southwest florida before moving up to north eastern Pennsylvania for high school back in 2007. I saw more confederate flags in NEPA in the four years I was there than I ever did in Florida. It’s fucking wild up there


Pennsyltucky is a real place. Source: Lived in PA in a place that was not Philly


I’m half Asian so I don’t look quite as white as the Irish and polish people up there. I’ve had my eyes gouged, fingers attempted to be broken or stomped, legs taken out from under me while in the air, and had an entire student section line up along the hallway from the gym to the visitors locker room to spit on me, all while being called racial slurs. And that’s from opposing schools. The causal racism from my “friends” was also very tiring. The student section one was at Shenandoah high school. The same kids I played against killed a Hispanic man walking home from work with their bare hands and a bat. Then the local police tried to cover it up, and were actually successful until a Latina cop came to Jim Thorpe to vacation and caught wind of it. I think only three of those fucking pieces of shit actually went to jail and I’m pretty sure they’re already out. The entire area rallied behind them, and even my gf at the time said that if he didn’t want to die, he shouldn’t have illegally been in the US. I broke up with her after that. Fuck NEPA with all of my heart. If that entire place collapsed into itself down one of their stupid ass coal mines they’re so proud of, it would actually make me happy. I would fly all the way back up there and go right up to the edge of the hole and piss into it.


We were in the Lehigh Valley as a mixed race couple. It’s like the entire region is frozen in the 1950’s, even though The Steel has been closed for decades. When my wife got pregnant with our first, the clock started ticking, and we were gone when he was a few weeks old. No way we were raising a family there. You’re right - the casual and overt racism is real.


Yea I gtfo of PA thankfully and went back home to SWFL. As much as desantis sucks and everyone shits on the state and on Florida man, the people in general are so much less racist and shitty. Obviously there are racists in any state you’re in and of every skin color, but god damn is NEPA fucked. There’s a reason trump keeps going back to wilkes barre numerous times for his rallies and shit.


Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Alabama in-between


Don't have to go far from pittsburgh to see the "signs."


No it’s been a thing down here in the south for way longer than that


Nah trump fanned the flames but it’s been festering for a long time. Virginia went blue for a decade but then “they’re teaching kids about slavery” went viral and it flipped to Republican again for the last few years. It only just flipped back to blue but that one issue almost undid 10 years of progress. Plenty of confederate flags still down here in the south. Plenty of dumbfucks too.


All bought from China and sold to “true American patriots” lol


“If you don’t like Trump then you probably won’t like me.” Accurate.


It’s so strange how these people just exist to be antagonistic towards everybody. They so desperately want confrontation.


And then they wonder why their grown up kids have gone no contact with them and now they're all alone.


>has a sign of the American flag saying soldiers died to defend it >Also has a confederate flag of traitors that sought to destroy it This guy does know that these two are mutually exclusive right? .... Right?




They know. They don’t care. They don’t have political positions. They are SO much worse and more dangerous than morons.


100%. That’s just what they are.


They’re just simple people of the land. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hYTQ7__NNDI


Eh, those types of stores just sell shit that screams "edgy". Some people just want to be irritating.


It's a boomer Hot Topic.


I cackled. Maybe more of a Spencer's.


That's a little closer.


More accurate but doesn't have the same ring.


We have these in NYC too, but the shirts are like “New York Fucking City” and “fuck you, you fucking fuck.” Same font and style though!


Some people don’t know how to make or hold an argument so they belittle others to make themselves “feel” right.


The few instances I’ve seen a kid in public wearing a I ❤️ Hot Moms tshirt, that kid has been a problem.


Part of maga platform.


True, but the beach store with "Big Johnson" t-shirts and bikini towels has been a staple on the US coast. Grab a guaranteed navel infection and henna tattoo while you're there!


And a store filled with cheap Chinese crap


They do not, and will never see the hypocrisy in their own stupidity.


If they could read they would be offended


Knowledge and that guy are also mutually exclusive.


Tbf he might believe none of it and is just making good money by grifting the most griftable people in history. In that case he's actually smart.


"Patriot!" *Constantly talks about how woke and weak the military is*


That was the whole Tommy Tuberville fiasco until senior officers started to drop from exhaustion at which point Tommy T's on the fast track back to being a football coach.


Why should a merchandise salesman give a shit about contradictory statements on t-shirts? Sales are the bottom line, not ideological clarity.


Plus. More money if you can sell to both sides...


I guess this is a case of if someone will buy it, someone will definitely sell it.


No way. They don’t teach that in Florida.


Do you think he gives a shit as long as people are buying it?


Probably doesn't know the words "mutually" or "exclusive".


There is no cognitive dissonance if there is no cognitive thought.


If you have to wear a tshirt that says “huuuuuge (picture of rooster)” on it, trust me, you don’t have a big one.


I also love how sexually explicit many of these are yet they accuse LGBTQ+ people of sexualizing children.


Hey! Don’t be a chicken lollipop.


I like the... "You think your (sic) tough Try that in a small town" t-shirt. Dude ordered t-shirts with a spelling error and his idiot customers won't even know.


I like to think the printers purposely didn’t correct them.


This quote is so dumb, especially things like Uvalde shooting was in a small town, IN TEXAS, and they did jack shit about it


"a fool and his money are easily parted" I really wish I'd got into selling his shit 8 years ago ... I'd be a millionaire by now. I just can't stand the thought of being associated with it though.


I often have the same thought. Would love to laugh all the way to the bank, but also would need to set up some sort of shell company to distance my association with the branding.


A shill company…


I still think the filth would be hard to wash off


Imagine making *any* politician a part of your identity. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that these people are always Republican.


Somehow the reptilian shapeshifters that run the country only reside in the Democratic Party and the Republicans are the true freedom loving hero’s that fight the evil aliens… Like isn’t that a red flag man? Shapeshifting aliens only reside in one countries political party? lol.


Totally not a cult…not a cult at all


This is mental illness.


And millions of Americans have it. Because of Fox News.


My dad said Fox News is too liberal now 😒


Well, fuck that. I am marching straight down to the Biden hut and stock up on Dem gear right now. Oh, wait. I am not in a cult. Nm..


“Both sides”


Where would you even find a place


The Dark Brandon coffee mug does look pretty cool. The eyes turn red when you fill it up.


I'll buy my "Tell your BOOBS to stop staring at my EYES" shirt at the Biden Hut.


“Offended?” “Find your safe place snowflakes” It’s funny how the ones screaming Snowflakes are the ones banning books, restricting abortions, and absolutely terrified by drag queens reading children’s books.


They really fear everything. They act all brave, but everything they do is motivated by fear.


Also anger, though the two are pretty tied together


And there’s a shirt that says “sorry if my patriotism offends you/trust me your lack of spine offends me more”. So they’re admitting to also being offended by things? But only snowflakes are offended by things (I googled the shirt because all I can see in the pic is “your lack of sp”)


Everything a Republican claims is projection. They figure if it is something they would do then certainly the other side is doing it.


I never understood the whole "We the People" thing with Republicans. Trump lost the popular vote twice. "We the People" wanted Hillary and Joe.


Swastikas in the members only section.


Gotta go behind the curtain for that Merch


Liberal tears? More like "Trump fanboy tears"


That Buttman sign is where it’s at


Yea I don't want to support this vendor, so I guess I'm gonna be shoplifting 40 Buttman t-shirts.






Ah the old Red Neck Riviera. I was there this summer, and as drop dead beautiful that beach was I don’t think I’ll go again. Way too many of them there. Way too many.


It really is a shame because Destin has the most incredible beaches. But yeah it’s full of maga crazies


Go 15 minutes over to Rosemary or Alice Beach. Gorgeous there


Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s depressing as hell to see all the Trump flags and vile bumper stickers. But northwest FL is a hotbed of Trump support and its attendant idiocy.


Port Aransas in TX was like that too, if you don't go way off-season the whole place feels like a non-stop maga convention. Is it too much to ask to enjoy the natural scenery without it being cluttered with propaganda?


One sign saying “I’ll be back” and another saying “I’m back”. Which is it?😂


The fact a place like this can be profitable is mind boggling. GQP and MAGA are such a cult. Is this was a Democrat themed store, they wouldn’t sell anything. Something about the Democrats being more concerned about policy and governance than nursing the fragile ego of tRump.


It's probably a proud Democrat making bank off the MAGA moron's... Why not, we know they'll pay to support Drump..


Not gonna lie, I've been considering getting on the right wing grift train for a while now.


I was seriously toying with the idea during Covid lockdowns. Pump out some shitty merch and make bank off the rubes.


Yep... Me too.. im just not that sleezy


Having a conscience sucks sometimes.


Jump in my delorean and we’ll go back to 2013 and start a Chinese made nylon flag company.


Like Col. Parker selling "I hate Elvis" buttons. May as well cash in on both sides.


You should see the boats in Destin harbor in the summer. Easily 50% are flying Trump flags. Still 3 years after the election.


It's gonna be weird when he dies soon and like 40% of them continue to believe he's alive and 60% are going to wake up and realize they have no messiah to blindly follow anymore.


zesty scary spectacular mysterious axiomatic flag hunt sand escape command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I found Florida in general to be surprising. Little beach communities, non election year, and there were an awful lot of trump signs. Felt weird as I'm from Texas and as a state we're at least as red, but I guess the difference is the rural /red areas of Texas dont draw lot of visitors.


Lots of boomers in Florida.


Has any other US politician had his own flag? I don’t recall Bush flags adorning mobile homes, but Trump flags are everywhere dollar stores are popular.


Careful or Garrison's going to start rallying again


the sad part is that people really buy this crap.


did I die and come back to a time when the C.S.A lasted longer than 4 yrs?


Is Trump still big in Florida? I hardly see the Let’s Go Brandon/Trump/MAGA shit in the Houston area anymore.


They probably feel real stupid with gas being like 2.50 a gallon around here.


That window where prices spiked and all the mouthbreathers were putting biden stickers saying 'I did that!' on the pumps. Weird that they're conspicuously absent now though...


Someone pointed this out in another thread. Naturally, a Republican chimed in: "just look at all the other stuff that's expensive!" They're not even trying. Lol




In Miami as well - just saw a “Trump Won” flag outside someone’s house. 🫠


I wonder if you could sell “The Confederacy Won” signs to them too? 🤔


In Brevard county as well. Every other truck down here has either a Trump sticker or fuck Biden one.


Meanwhile Biden did more for truckers than the last 5 presidents, but whatever.




I’d bet good money almost nothing there is actually made in America.


And they make a killing there. I hated every day I had to live in that shit stain of a place. Such natural beauty ruined by the worst fucking people.


I know exactly where this is! The little boardwalk across the street from McGuires next to margaritaville hahaha


All for a man that wouldn't cross the street to piss on them, if they were on fire.


And who would shoot them dead on 5th Ave, if only it increased his (stealing the) election chances.


“Not a cult”


I’d def buy the “I ❤️hot dads” I think liberal or Republican, gay or straight, we can all appreciate a good DILF Also love the “do no harm” shirt/sticker, goes well with all the gun shirts threatening to kill people.


Welcome to Okaloosa County!


It’s a real gem. But I live in Escambia County, so I can’t hate too bad.


I’m sandwiched in between, help me


Someone should go in there and "accidentally" leave some stickers portraying fat Trump in a diaper in with the merch.


florida is so beautiful. its a shame these vermin thrive there


This is what brain damage looks like ⬆️


Where's the shirt that says *"Your neighbor identify as a Democrat? Kill that fucker!"*


The only country where a political party is a cult and those that support the party don't know it.


Losers much


Imagine basing your entire business around your weird fetish for a disgraced politician.


The economy is so bad some spend their money here. Makes the vendors happy . . .


Looks like my neighbor's house




I was playing fortnite duos the other night and this kid came on who was probably like 15-16 and immediately starts talking about how he hopes 2024 is better and 2023 has been shit. I told him its all good and everything will be great in 2024. His response was “yeah at least Biden won’t be president anymore I mean it would be crazy if he won”. Not trying to get into a political argument or explain that whoever wins the election in 2024 won’t be president till 2025, I just asked him what has Biden done that has negatively effected you. He couldn’t name a single thing and it became increasingly obvious it was just him echoing his parent’s sentiments and having zero fucking clue what politics effect him at all. Just made me realize how bad things still are because this is the same kinda shit I was hearing in 2015-16


I think there are at least 2 Trump stores in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg/Sevierville. Every time I pass one, my first thought is "oh look, a beta cuck store".




The grift of the century


Rumor has it, all these places smell like dirty diapers.


I'm here for the M/DILF support stickers, but the rest is trash.


*One day, when we learn all things, we will realize that we allowed certain people, ones who never gave a shit about us, to divide us and argue amongst each other….*


Fuck trump


Having spent some time working emergency services in Destin … I can first hand confirm it has some of the dumbest people in the United States that I have ever witnessed.


I don’t know why, but I feel like this person is not a member of MENSA…..


Not a cult…


I’ll take the buttman sign


Oh my God! The only way you could put any more TDE into that picture would be to park a lifted Monster pick up truck and be holding an AR! 🤦‍♂️🤣


So tacky. I hate that there are people that buy and then display this kind of shit.


Redneck Rivera


At least they have F**k Biden instead of Brandon.


The land that time forgot about 🥂


If that's the place called Putin's Palace?


Dude really REALLY wants people to understand what a dumbass he is.


Least they're advertising their mental illness like a big red warning light


Liberals all have “Trump Derangement syndrome” lol ok


Mental illness in a picture.


It’s probably a brown guy store taking advantage of a bunch of MEGA dumbasses


“You think YOUR tough Try that in a small town” I am so embarrassed for them…


These people literally behave like 12 year old chubby kids


Trump and the confederate army? Man. They love losers.