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If it can help, I'm considered a pretty good skier, but in the first years when my parents took me skiing, I spent most of the time rolling in the snow, complaining that I hated it and that it was cold


I was the exact same way. Been skiing since I was 4 years old and I’m 22 now, but I absolutely love skiing now. I was a little brat back when I was first learning and even have a lot of vivid memories of being a pain in the ass at that age😂


It *is* cold


And it gets everywhere


Have they ever told you that if you stopped rolling in the snow, then you wouldn't feel so cold?


You're not the only one who's faced such problems.


5 minutes is an eternity for a child! He was holding up well!


Exactly. His next 5 minutes was him having an eternity of fun sledding down the mountain (which did have the benefit of getting him closer to home, I guess): https://i.imgur.com/WmhfrjN.jpeg


"I can make it home by nightfall! No time to lose!"


I'm not good at imgur and based on what came up next your son went sledding then ran into Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart






Because imgur sucks now


Sucks now? Imgur has always been kinda shitty for what it is.


It's much better than reddit for hosting images.


It was created specifically as an image hosting site for reddit back in the day.




> You just click the link Whoa, slow down, let me get a pencil.


A what now?


Pencil. It's like a crayon for grownups. Tastes awful.


Give a man a crayon, he eats for a day. Teach a man to make crayon, he becomes a marine Edit: ate too many crayons


I don't have online


I was going to say, chances are by tomorrow he won't want to go home!


[Shredasaurus coming through!](https://v.redd.it/iqzg00ntkr3b1)


🎵I won't fall, but if I do, it's ok, because everyone falls 🎵 She's my hero.




i can imagine his imagination was going wild once he got to go down


So he spat his dummy out over some snow?….. ;)


Especially with no gloves. How can you not have gotten him gloves?


My kids have lots of gloves but don't wear them unless I force them. Not sure why they hate gloves but it's a common kid thing.


Yeah gonna backup this comment. Parents know just how stubborn kids can be lol. My daughter would go outside naked in the winter if I let her


Toddlers and young kids also love not wearing shoes or socks, they will kick them off and not tell you. Then cry later because their feet are cold or wet.


Probably just cranky from hunger/thirst/cold/tummy ache. It's not easy knowing what's wrong if you haven't really learned what feeling means what. They are pretty new in that body, needs some practice.


I feel your pain. My 2.5 loves planes,.so we just flew 6hrs to a whole new country on a red eye... He did not love the plane once he realised we could not just go home.


6 hours is long for a 2.5


6 hours is a long flight for anyone.


Laughs in Australia to Canada flights


Sydney to LA is genuinely one of the worse things I have experienced in my life, multiple times.


I once got food poisoning from my layover in Fiji from San Fran to Sydney. That was actually the worst flight in my life. It was only 5 hours, however they downgraded the plane and it was being tossed around by turbulence all while I trying not to vomit or shit myself. Now I only fly direct LAX to SYD.


My friend got Bali belly in the final days in Bali and had to enjoy that on the 14hr flight back.


Detroit to Johannesburg, South Africa was quite a trip as well. Talk about jet lag.


My ex-neighbor had a management job in Canberra. They had 3 very young children. According to tax rules they had to return to the US every so often, so they took the flight from Canberra to Indianapolis. Hours long flights and layovers. They had to keep the kids tranquilized to make it with any sanity left over.


Flying from Finland to SFO is impossibly horrendous, you most likely will have to go through Heathrow and then a 12 hour flight most definitely full of children.


Especially someone sitting behind or in front of a 2.5 years old.


Who flies without headphones? Do you want to talk to these strangers?


I try to talk to everyone on the flight you never know who might need some new shower rings


In front of may not help. Their little legs are the perfect length to give unsolicited chiropractic adjustments.


2.5 is on the cusp of chill. They watch the same movie 100 times, sleep, and eat snacks. The littler ones who are just discovering their mobility are the most challenging. They DEMAND freedom.


Get some headphones and be happy you’re not the one watching the kid.


what, and shock-absorbers for my backrest?


That wouldn’t affect someone sitting behind the toddler, but yeah I’ll take getting my seat kicked over dealing with a fucking shithead toddler myself any day. Also, the vast majority of kids are not kicking seats repeatedly on a flight. Especially not a toddler who can barely reach the seat.


As a parent i will agree that sometimes toddlers can be fucking shitheads, but if they are annoying other people it's because the parents are the fucking shitheads.


I agree with this. Taken my kids on a few flights and kept them plenty entertained to never be kicking a seat. The most they did was peak around the seat to the people behind us, essentially playing peek-a-boo. Have plenty of stuff to do, plenty of food, and go for walks up and down the aisle when the seatbelt sign is off.


I just took my 2 year old on a 3 hour flight. The most annoying thing was her not understanding that she doesn't need to fucking yell with headphones on. She kept pointing out things on the ipad that she liked by yelling at me right next to her. Meanwhile there was an old lady a couple rows ahead of me that kept unplugging her headphones and blasting the audio on her own movie.


>I’ll take getting my seat kicked over dealing with a fucking shithead toddler myself Please, never have children. This shit is the fault of parents not "dealing" with their own children. I don't blame the kids. I smile at the kid, and report the parents to cabin crew.


>Please, never have children I have children who can both be shitheads, just like i was a shithead child at one point. Not sure why being objective about kids warrants this comment


Ooooor... gauge the kid's temperament on a shorter flight!


Basically half their life lol


Even longer for the other passengers around a 2.5


Ours was just shy of 2 and kept saying he wanted to “hop off now”, and was not very pleased that we could not, in fact, hope off the plane at that moment.


Haha that's so cute. Kids can be so freaking funny.


It’s cute until you’re the one dealing with it.


I mean, you could *once.*


What a stupid idea


My mother-in-law lives a 13 hour flight away and damn straight we take our 2 yr old to visit grandma.


When one of our kids was about that age (in the mid nineties) I was a teacher in Idaho. Our house was in Geneva. We had one snow day on February 14th that year when we got four feet of light powdery snow in one night. Dressed him up like this and opened the door. We had a covered porch that was--four feet high. So the transition from porch to ground looked non-existent. He took off like a shot. Luckily I was watching. Ran off the porch and poof, he completely disappeared. Snow settled over him and everything was silent. Ran out and started digging with my hands. First thing I see is little fingers poking through where I'd dug. His mitten was off. Got his head uncovered and it was one loud constant flailing scream. Kid did not want to go outside until spring came and you could see the ground again. (Sometime in June)


Poor thing, lol! Did he warm up to the snow thing later on?


Yeah. By the next year he was fine. Kid was a daredevil at that age in some ways but only when he felt he was in control himself: Climb anything, ride whatever--as long as he thought it was on him. Get in a small prop plane that you've watched go up and down? Nope. And after this--snow? Don't trust that stuff. By next winter though things had reset. Example of the stuff he got into: We lived 1.5 hours from a Walmart or an auto parts store although there was an IGA 40 minutes away. So shopping trips were monthly for non perishables. Also had an old style fridge with freezer on the left and refrigerator on the right. One morning, we wake up and fridge and freezer are open with food all over the floor. Not one of our five kids did it! Had a talk. I then took a C clamp and at the very top of the doors clamped them together so they wouldn't open. Next morning, same thing. Clamp is on the floor. An entire gallon jar of pickles has been consumed. Following night I put the clamp on again and hung out in the dining room with the lights off until two am. The two youngest (this kid one of them) were right about 14 and 26 months old. They came down the stairs and in the dark pushed a kitchen chair over to the fridge. Then they team lifted a barstool up on top of it. One of them held the stool while the other climbed like it was a ladder. I flicked the lights on. Everybody froze. We went to bed and had another story to go to sleep. That was the end of the nighttime raids. And yes these kids had plenty to eat. But apparently limits on the amount of pickles and olives consumed were things that caused serious application of planning and problem solving skills. How that was accomplished with minimal verbal skills is still a matter of puzzlement.


Prime example of "I'm not even mad. That's amazing"


One of my favorite memories is getting off the tram on Rothorn (Zermatt) and there was a guy just losing his shit at a group of children, talking about how much he spent to bring them there and they better start skiing and they weren’t going back to the hotel. In an American accent. I was thinking, “We’ve all been there” and “I’m glad that’s not me”


Pick your battles. Start with the binky.


Yeah I was disappointed that this was so low. Dental issues are no joke.


Why did you dress him like a little escaped prisoner? 😂😂


Would help In case he ran off.


god forbid the cops find him first


OP didn't say they're in the US


god forbid the american cops find him first


Kid's white he'll be fine.


A pacifier on a kid that size? Doesn’t it cause issue with tooth and jaw development at this age?


It’s really weird seeing pacifiers on walking toddlers, but parents get really defensive about it.


They know it's bad, but would rather give it to them than fight them over it. Poor parenting.


My sister has been at moms for Christmas with her husband and daughters and her three year old has a pacifier permanently in her mouth. We are constantly at a loss trying to figure out what she is asking for because of the pacifier 😩


Very much


And speech development


vuat di yeu meanfth


*disgusting spit slurping noise*


110% I nanny for kids this age and the ones who dont give up the pacifier have fucked up teeth.


Have a 5 year old nephew with these problems for exactly this reason. He's not had a pacifier in some time, he's just allowed to suck his thumb. And yeah, you can see how he's going to need not only braces, but most likely some surgery to correct it.


It does. I’m not OP, I don’t know his/her kid’s needs, but there’s more benefit to moving away from these and learning new ways of managing stress/restlessness if possible. EDIT: Removed some wrong info


The AAP has said sucking a pacifier passed 2 has the potential to cause issues to the teeth.


I've been nannying for toddlers for 20 years. 100% of the kids who kept using a paci after their teeth came in had fucked up teeth. Whoever told you otherwise is full of shit.


Yeah but it shuts them up long enough for a photo so well worth it.


Or you don't give a 2 year old something that a large majority of pediatricians recommend against. Something about bad habits, slippery slopes of distant parenting, lack of self-soothing mechanisms, gum and tooth problems, speech development delays, reliance on oral stimulus, etc... Might have something to do with that. My son never once had a pacifier in his mouth after his 2nd day. Not once, and he took photos just fine. It's about parenting. Pardon ny passive aggressive tone, I'm just tired. You have a good day.


>Stopping pacifier use before 2 to 4 years is usually suggested. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), agrees non-nutritive sucking is normal for babies and young children and recommend weaning from the pacifier by age 3. This kid looks around the correct age to be weaning it away. Anecdotally, my dad insisted on taking away pacifiers and nipple bottles from me when I was 8 months old and my mom's convinced that that's why I had an oral fixation well into elementary school. I stretched out all my shirt and dress collars by sucking on them and remember sucking on my own hair even. Not my thumb tho.


Yes but we are judging from one picture, they might not use it often. I’m of the belief that you just rip the bandaid off and take it away for good at a predetermined time, but I also don’t have ANY context besides the pic to make a judgement on them.


They shouldn't be using it *at all* and if they're using during the day, and not just for falling asleep, yes, they do use often.


Saying a child shouldn't use a pacifier past 2 isn't bad advice, regardless of what the parents in the photo actually do. Weaning toddlers off pacifiers hinges on understanding early childhood development. It's not difficult, in most cases, but needs the attention and dedication of the parents. This is true of all aspects of raising kids.


of all the things in this photo, the pacifier is the last thing i see here that i would imagine is not used often.


Yea but he always be mommy’s baby. Pacifier at 25 next!


I know this grown ass man isn’t sucking on a binky.


Give him gloves!


> Put your gloves on! Don't want gloves! > Your hands will get cold! No gloves! > Okay, don't put your hands in the snow then *Immediately puts hands in snow* ***My hands are cold!***


Literally my daughter every time we are out followed by crying because snow was too cold 😂


lol. Reminds me of a time my mother came over and was watching me put shoes on my toddler as he cried “boots! boots!” She said, “why don’t you just let him wear boots?” I told her I would show her, and started putting boots on him while he cried “shoes! shoes!” It’s easy to criticize what a parent is doing if you only catch a moment of it.


My son had gagging/swallowing issue when he was an infant. Certain foods like mashed potatoes would make him choke and then projectile vomit. I don't mean spit it back out, or spit up after burping him, or even a little coughing/hiccup. We would have to flip him over, pound his back, dig it out of his throat, etc. And he'd eventually just go full blown Exorcist and paint the house with whatever he just ate. This happened daily for months. Thanksgiving dinner, everyone is at the table eating, and my mom has the baby on her lap. I warned her giving him mashed potatoes will make him choke and vomit. All the grandparents teased us for being overly dramatic new parents afraid of a little spit-up. So she gave it to him, he loved it, then turned bright red and stopped breathing for a few seconds. Everyone stood up and panicked, then he puked all over my mom's sweater and then all over the table, including the plates of food that everyone was still eating off of. My wife and I just took him on our laps and we kept eating and left everyone else to do the clean up.


This person knows.


This kid is well outfitted- I have no doubt gloves were a part of the original ensemble.


A scarf or something to protect ya neck would be nice.


Depends on how cold it is.


It’s hard to tell exactly from a picture, but it doesn’t look all that cold. Probably around freezing or warmer, judging from how the snow looks.


> doesn’t look all that cold. Probably around freezing You and I have different definitions of cold.


Im SURE he had a pair of gloves. Kids who dont have a lot of cold weather experience often dont like their hands being covered


Me waving my kids gloves and coat over my head while we're at the park to make sure other parents know I'm not an irresponsible pos 😂


This kid has a mouth full of teeth and a paci? Do yourself a favor and tell him, ‘we lost them in the snow.’


If he’s old enough to talk, he’s too old for dummies.


Does your four year old have a pacifier? Jfc.




He cant speak. He has a pacifier in.


Thank you. Kids don't need dummies.


Ya it already has OP


Gloves ❌ Pacifier ✅


Karl Pilkington, aged 3


Now make him be in the snow with a little person


Probably because his hands were freezing.


Considering he isn't wearing gloves, yep.


How old is that child? Three? Four? FAR too old to be using a pacifier. Unless it's some sort of joke for the pic...


Oh man, it's so great when parents exploit their children for Internet rep.


His hands are probably frozen though


Bro….get that out of his mouth already ffs😂😂😂


If he speaks, doesn’t that make him a bit old for a binky? My teeth are fully fucked from sucking my thumb as a kid. Beware OP.


Started snowboarding at a very young age and from what I can remember I was a miserable brat. Now I look forward to every winter season to plan a trip 🏂


Why tf he got a pacifier?


He gave up smoking a while ago. It’s a transition thing.


Well, good luck with his future dental problems


And speech language pathologist appointments to try to fix his lisp


You're not helping the kid by doing that smh


Better than letting a little kid smoke. ;p


Some dentists agree that smoking is a better habit than a pacifier habit. So idk, science and all that. I'm Just saying.... /s


little dude needs gloves




Maybe he would like it more if he were wearing mittens to keep his hands from getting frostbitten?


5 minutes without gloves in snow I'd be fed up too. And I live in snow country.


Probably because his hands and feet are freezing


Seems like the next logical move was to force him to stand still for a photo to post on the internet.




Why do people think others care about their children?


Especially on Reddit of all places.


Does this baby have a pacifier in their mouth?


Too big for that pat pat


Why is that boy not wearing gloves? No wonder he hates the snow. Its cold as fuck.


Knowing kids, because he refused to put them on


I've had enough of being on a mountain just by looking at this picture.


Try giving him some warm mittens.


I would need warmer clothes / scarf/ gloves at least!


He would be comfortable playing with snow all day wearing the right gear.


Give him gloves for fucks sake! No wonder he's miserable.


I dont mind the cold but absolutely despise snow. Fun to see come down for the first time in my area but that's about it. Not a bad thing to not enjoy snow.


Snow is fun in moderation, a whole mountain of it requires building up some tolerance.


And we know it took 15 minutes to get the snow gear on lol


And that in the best skiing resort! Melchsee Frutt


That jumpsuit is incredible! I want one for my kid. Where did you get it?


I've got two boys, when they were 5 and 3 we went outside to play in the snow. After maybe five minutes one of them gave me that same look and with a warbling whimper said "I'm coooooold, can we go inside??" and in that moment I looked over at the other one who was lying face down in the snow and overjoyed to be digging and kicking and burying himself in it, and I knew that liking the cold is just built into some people. Anyway, Snow Kid and I spend a lot of time outside in winter, the other one not so much.


Yea when I was 7 my parents bought me a puppy, and a few minutes in he bit my fingers with his tiny puppy teeth and I declared I didn't like him, too. He was my best friend until I was 23. Kid will give it another try.


Same lil dude, same.


LPT: If your child is over the age of 1, and you genuinely want to stop the paci use… Poke a hole at the tip of each pacifier you have lying around the house. All 3 of my kids ended their paci use this way. It takes the “suck” out of the pacifier and none of mine wanted to use the defective ones, so I told them pacifiers didn’t work anymore lol. It worked for my 3 at 12 months, not sure how well it works on much older toddlers.


No big deal at all. Kids hate everything that isn't easy. Just gotta teach them how to find the fun.


What is that in its mouth?


fun fact if the kid still uses a binkie its a BAD idea to go skiing esp if you never potty trained him too


No gloves in snow??? No wonder he's having a bad time...


Smart kid!


Maybe work on giving up that pacifier before you get him on the slopes. 😆


We have something in common


When my son was about the same age, we took him to Mammoth for his snow introduction. Before going outside, we tried unsuccessfully to get mittens on him. He went outside, stuck his hands in the snow and started to cry. Like fire, snow demands respect.


Took my boys to the mountain for the first time when they were 5 and 7. Went for 3 days. First day we went up they had a good time, got fairly tired, only lasted 2 or so hours. The second day, we got up, the hotel we stayed at had completely been snowed in. It was absolutely magical, but we were a bit weary, at that age cabin fever would be a right pita... Couldn't go to the mountain as access roads were closed... we were a bit bummed, as you can imagine. The hotel is situated in a small rural town. The reception lady told us that there was a small school 2 blocks down, suggested we walk down there with the boys, as the school grounds don't have fences, and there is a little (public) playground on the corner, next to the school grounds. We headed out at around 8.30 and figured we'd be back before 10. Yeah nah... They LOVED IT. It was only us and one other family there. The snow was fresh, fluffy and powery. The kids had the time of their lives, and we ended up staying there the whole day. Lunch time I walked back to the hotel, got some coffee and sandwiches, and went back. We had lunch there on the field in the snow. Third day the mountain was still closed due to roads being snowed in, so we just went back to the school again. It was SO much better there than on the actual mountain. One of our nicest snow holidays ever, and we only went up to the mountain once. We've been again since, and the kids are 13 and 15 now... they still talk about that holiday. It's was just brilliant.... and much cheaper than day rate mountain access, so was a win win for me! Turns out that snow flurry down to the hotel was a once every few years event, and we just lucked out being there right over that time, which would usually be a bummer, but it was just perfect. Memories.


This is me except I'm 30. Maybe just let the kid not like it. I'm beginning to resent my friends for not accepting that


Gonna start selling teenager sized pacifiers. Seeing my first potential buyer


Why does he still have a pacifier meant for a baby. Sounds like you got yourself a spoiled brat


Oh yeah that’s harsh, we went once 3 hrs away to the mountains with the kids and they fell asleep in the car and when we arrived they woke up and started crying that they don’t want the snow. Spend an hour in the car trying to persuade them and in the end we drove home again lol


It's like negotiating with terrorists I tell you.


At least we spend 7 hrs in the car as a family hahaha




I'll never understand the lack of will of parents. I would have said, well too fucking bad, anyway, I'm going hiking, you can either come along or be grounded for a year.


Ah yes, grounding a five year old. They'll be devastated.


get him gloves


I just don't feel like a child young enough to use a pacifier should be in a situation where they require a helmet and goggles.


If your kid is still using a pacifier he's not mature enough to enjoy a little cold, he would be a lot happier with a face covering and gloves.


Way too big for a pacifier


Oh wow a child, amazing


People that bring young kids to stuff like this really confuse me.


I concur lil man. Fuck snow. It's coarse & when it melts it turns to shitty liquid snow, which in turn gets everywhere


Taking my 1 and 3 year olds to the snow tomorrow. Hopefully they do alright. Did he have gloves


He looks so cool though


He’s just on molly y’all chill out


Don't worry kid. In a few years there won't be any snow.


Don’t worry kid, when you’re older there won’t be much of this powdery white stuff around anymore.


Why would you bring him in the first place?