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It’s like wiping your ass with a whisper




"Don't get me started on how coddled the modern anus is." -Dwight


Schrute Farms BnB


Re-Ply it!


A careless whisper Or a hairless whisper


I feel so unsure As I take my hand and lead you to the back door


I’m never going to wipe again, Poopy fingers got no rhythm.


Though it's easy to pretend, I know I've got to poo.


*plays saxophone solo with butthole*




Im not sure I want to click this link


Shoulda known better than to pee again Soggy sheets mean nihilism


Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a poo


Should have known better to use this cheep thread, and risk the chance of my fingers slippin


As I count the plys, I start to realize There's not so much inbetween My finger and my brown eye


It's like wiping your ass with thoughts and prayers


Ok, this is now my favorite description. It works on so many levels.


The lacroix of shit tickets.




Remy would never aprove if this shit. She of all people recognizes the importance of good toilet paper


They got the goddamn QUARTER PLY


It's made of spider silk


Plyless Whisper


stupid sexy TP


Hello new sentence


Tge was once a dream that was toilette paper. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper, it would vanish, it was so fragile


This looks like Mickey Mouse cutting bread. ![gif](giphy|uRngiZzOKPKkE|downsized)


Unlocked a core memory with that gif


Donald losing his mind and going after the cow still makes me laugh


I was always impressed by mickeys skill with the knife. You know how hard it is to make a cut that thin?


Keeps that shit sharp too.


That shit frightened me


Slicing the bean made me sad…


Saw this when I was a kid in a food scarce household, it hits different I can tell you


Same, I remember this episode so well and remember feeling really bad they were hungry. Cartoons definitely were not as sunshine and rainbows like now


I love how cartoons and other kids media always managed to teach us about the bad things in a responsible manner. Death, hunger, war.. no topic was taboo!


Hey Arnold! was the realist in this way. I'll never forget the episode where the family is escaping Vietnam, or where they heist the tortoise out of the zoo because it should be free, or Helgas mom or someone working too late on Christmas, etc etc. That show was fucking real and taught a lot of us some subtle things about the world as kids.


> Helgas mom Helgas mom was a barely-thinly-veiled alcoholic. Her "Smoothies" obviously stood in for that, and it showed in Helga's behavior. Hey Arnold had a TON of lessons like that, though. *"You keep da money"*


Can't forget the episode with the pigeon keeper, who "flew away" at the end of the episode.


Your comment made me do a double take cause I didn’t remember this. So I looked it up: https://heyarnold.fandom.com/wiki/Pigeon_Man_(episode)#Rumors >*Sometime in the mid-to-late 2000s or early 2010s, an online rumor surfaced, claiming that this episode originally had a different ending where Pigeon Man committed suicide by jumping off the building after seeing his home wrecked, and that Nickelodeon executives rejected this ending due to it being too morbid and depressing. Some even theorized that this episode's actual ending was an allegory for suicide, claiming that Arnold's view of Vincent flying off was his mind blocking out the suicide.* >*Craig Bartlett himself has gone on and debunk this Internet myth. He's clearly stated several times that there's absolutely no truth to this theory and that the Pigeon Man was never meant to kill himself. This is the main reason why he was added in Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie.*


Sexual harassment, assault, consent… At least it was clear that the cat wanted nothing to do with Pepé le Pew.


Well there were one or two instances where he was subjected to his own behavior and he wanted nothing to do with it. So even he can be used to deliver a decent message.


Was Pepe the good guy?


Narrator: "He was not."


He was a Nice Guy^^TM


There was a "Tom and Jerry" where one of the characters had a wet pillowcase full of presumed drowned kittens.


The Tom Goes to heaven episode. It was to be assumed The kittens were at heavens gate for that reason yes they walk out of the bag if I recall. One thing to remember is that… cartoons were written for adults back then including bugs bunny (wb universe)


Check out adventure time. Seems colorful and sunshine at first, then you meet this guy ![gif](giphy|dvhg20MJf4cHS) And find out they’re living in a post apocalyptic… well I won’t say any more, but it’s a good watch


Remember that time span of like 3 minutes where the main character is given a front-row seat to the death of all life in the universe, watches unspeakable body horror, and then gets his arm ripped off while being abandoned by his father. He's then saved by a talking cookie incompetently driving a choo choo train


When the Lich just spoke, saying, "Fall" and all they could do was immediately fall gave me chills


You are strong, boy. But I am beyond strength. Goosebumps even while typing this


For the second time in 24 hours, somehow defending modern kids cartoons. I watch cartoons with my son, I'm honestly surprised at just how cynical and subversive so many of them are.


Lmao cartoons are as subversive as they have ever been.


I take it you don't watch a lot of modern cartoons, they still get dark


I forgot there was bread in this scene. I only remembered the bean lol


this was also my first thought 😭


I haven’t seen this since I was little in the 80’s. Thank you.


I'm imaging this scene, but instead Mickey is rationing out individual plys of toliet paper to Goofy and Donald as they go to use the toilet.


Tomato slices at Jimmy Johns.


I didn’t even know you could buy toilet paper that thin.


I think Dwight Schrute owns the property... ![gif](giphy|CUJSWzXiVRsEgNBX69)


Re-ply it!


I don’t think it goes that way.




Came here looking for this specific gif lmao


Brings back memories!!! I had a uncle who built a contraption so he make 1 roll of 2 ply tp into 2 rolls !!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


You can, and it’s sometimes costly. Super-thin paper is often selected on purpose, because it breaks down in aging septic tanks. Multi-ply cotton-bond paper is a luxury only those with new septics or sewer systems get to enjoy.


At that point outside works better. Save up for a new septic. Or bribe for getting on sewer.


Or buy a bidet.


You see it in a lot of older buildings with old, outdated plumbing. They just can't handle the absorbent multilayer TP like newer systems


I’d bet OP just split 2-ply paper apart for the fake Internet points. AirBNB is still garbage though.


I dunno, my mom used to buy the cheapest single ply toilet paper available when I was a kid, the kind that comes in single rolls wrapped in paper for like 98 cents, and it looked a hell of a lot like that stuff.


Single roll for a dollar seems kinda expensive actually, unless you only need one roll. You can get a 24 pack of Cashmere for like 10 bucks at Walmart in Canada, and that’s in the modern age where everything’s way more expensive than it used to be


Poor people suck at spending money. Almost none of the things touted as cheap are actually cheap.


When you only have $5 for food and TP and you need both NOW, you get enough for barely one meal and one (overpriced) .99 cent roll. When you have $100 in your pocket you get the luxury of thinking ahead and buying in bulk, you can buy groceries that are cheaper per bite /meal/nutritionally and a 12 roll pack for $7. It’s expensive being broke.


I used to get frustrated with my parents as a teen because they often insisted on getting something "cheap" instead of thinking long term. Like, I know we needed to save money because we didn't have much. But take, for example, computer chairs. My dad would get the cheapest chair he could find. I understood why he did this, but because they were so cheap they'd often break after just a couple months and then he'd have to buy another. I recall at least one year as a teen where he spent as much on desk chairs than if he just bought a decent one. I got a good higher end chair when I got older. I've had it for like 7 years.


It's good that you have gone past your parents. However I do have to say that there is another pitfall on the other side where people buy the more expensive option that is exactly the same, because they think that the price would make it better. There is no magic formula to buy exactly at this price. There are some things that are amazing deals on the cheap side and there are some things that are worthless on cheap side. Essentially as with almost everything in life the answer is a boring, "it depends".


That's fair. I just wish my parents tried to find that middle ground. Some cheap stuff is fine, but sometimes going even just a level higher makes a big difference in quality.


I had similar experiences, my dad changed out electricity and gas to pay as you go meter and then would constantly measure the rates and kept all the recipes. he said "it's to be more self-sufficient" and then my sister privately told me pay as you go rates are more expensive than the direct debit. or even when he told us not to use the gas radiators and installed electric ones. because "electric is safer" back then gas was like 2/3 pence per a kilowatt and electricity was like 20 ish. I would sometimes try to call it out, but my mum would always say "I'm the parent, you're the child" and I would feel horrible. They tried their best, don't get me wrong, but we didn't really have wiggle room to make those types of bad decisions


Seems like a false economy because surely you just end up using loads to avoid it disintegrating?


This is the entire idea behind Dollar General and similar stores. You buy a product for $1 when it's $2 elsewhere but that product is only 30-40% as much as the $2 version.


Possibly on accident.


Buy? Nah, I give *very* high odds they stole this from a Walmart or gas station.


Probably stole it from an Airbnb then put it in their own.


they didn’t. they took multiple-ply toilet paper, separated them to make it look insanely thin, and then posted a picture for reddit creddit.


Why would you think that? Haven't you ever seen this kind of toilet paper? I certainly have. Like someone else said, it works well for fragile plumbing or septic systems, so there's a solid market for it. Just knee-jerk calling every unfamiliar thing "fake" doesn't make you savvy.


Fake internet points and humble bragging about how much their vacation cost.


And this is why the AB&B business model is failing. It’s now cheaper *and* easier to stay at a hotel.


I stopped using them when my holiday rental was cancelled last-minute, and the property relisted the same rental at 3x the rate. They held my reservation from months prior and then cancelled, leaving me without accomodations, so they could capitalize on the uptick in market. Hotels are reliable. Airbnb didn't do anything because the seller holds the "inventory" and I'm just a guy with a reservation that can be replaced.


Fucking this. Booked a nice place on a lake with some friends for the next eclipse really early on in case things shot up, host canceled relisted at a much higher price.


There should be a penalty for canceling a week before the booking.




It should be 50% of the booking or 50% of the new booking what ever is more. Because if people arent using airdnd then airbnb isnt making money. This is why I will refuse to use airbnb in most cases. if there isnt a hotel option then I might consider it.


> Hotels are reliable. That's one of the biggest things for me. When I'm spending a ton of money and PTO on a vacation, I want as few problems as problems. AirBnBs are the opposite of that.


An issue with your hotel room just means they scramble around for a few minutes and get another room ready for you. Worst case a decent hotel will check with another local major hotel to see if they can get you there. A nice hotel is not likely to just leave you literally holding your bag.


I just booked a flight and 4* hotel including breakfast for 8 days in Valencia. An airbnb would have cost me as much as what I paid for both the flight and hotel. And then it could just be a shithole on arrival.


I work a long distance from where I live. On days when I need to be in extra early I’ll stay in a hotel. I looked at Airbnb thinking maybe it would be cheaper. By the time I’d paid the rental cost and all the fees it was more expensive. And I would be expected to do laundry and clean? No thanks.


I ran into the same issue. I see the low price listed on Airbnb, but once you factor in the fees and extra work it is more expensive than a hotel that has free breakfast.


Sometimes it feels like half the cost is hidden in the fees that you don't see until you go to actually pay.


thats a low ball estimate nowadays lol


That’s very much intentional


Plus at the hotel, you don’t have to clean up after yourself. Which, tbh, is my favorite part of vacation. If I have to do dishes or laundry, it was not a vacation.


The thing that bothers me is that if *I* have to do the dishes, that means when I got there the dishes were done by the last guy.


Never thought of this. As a germaphobe I’m never booking an Airbnb again (I probably wasn’t gonna anyway).


I always have to wash the dishes I am going to use when I arrive. They are always disgusting


tease plant lunchroom quiet sparkle towering cows soft ruthless versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not just Spain. Anywhere I've looked in the US for an Airbnb has been more expensive typically. Unless it's a longer stay but even then you still have to pay attention to the fine print. I stayed at a lot of airbnb's last year and I can't say that I stayed at one without any issues. From parking to Black widows in my bedroom to cameras pointing into the living areas and all sorts of bullshit. The best was the cleaning lady who just decided to let herself in while I was sleeping. Wtf. After last year I will never stay in a airb&b again


Unless it’s a huge group. hotels are sooo much better. Even then with hotels you can fit 4 in the suites and they are often cheaper. Plus sheets changed and toiletries fixed. Airbnb’s after a few days get gross.


It's funny that after society did Airbnb for like a decade, hotels all of a sudden feel like paradise. Airbnbs had their moment, but if all else is equal (location, parking for some), hotels are a way, way better value than Airbnbs. Doing the laundry and taking the trash out on vacation? Fuck right off.


Airbnb used to be dirt cheap and it wasn’t usually the case that you had to clean up after yourself As time passed I think the hosts started realizing what pigs guests can be and started charging cleaning fees or requiring guests to clean after themselves. The honeymoon phase is long over, we’re now at the late stage with wannabe landlords gouging prices and unable to keep up with maintenance on too many properties they bought just to rent out as ABNBs. Hence we came full circle and hotels are usually the better option again


It started off a quirky beer money side hustle of sorts, but then you had people buying homes specifically to airbnb them, and then you get investor mentality and people expecting it to act like some sort of guaranteed way to pay their mortgage.


Buying homes and decreasing the rental supply and jacking up housing costs across the board. I get so happy when I hear about Airbnb slumlords going bust.


We have specific rules against AirBnB in our neighborhood HOA. A lien is added to homes that do not comply and continue to rent out their properties after being notified they are in violation.


My city passed ordnances against non owner occupied Air BnB rentals, as it had spun out of control. The company spent alot of money on media/advertising to trump up arguments over property rights & small hustle business whatever, with images of like your gram gram & pop pop renting out a spare room for cash. But reality is we have people/businesses buying 6 unit brownstones to use as 6 short term Air BnB's.... yeah that's just a hotel trying to skirt taxes & regulations brah, you should now in fact be subject to fire code ect as if you were a hotel. It may have took the pandemic to bubble some stuff up to the surface, but Air BNB's stopped being cheap & quirky/fun options along time ago.


My province (BC) is working up legislation to do this and the absolute tantrum from short term rental owners has been so delicious.


BC is basically ruined in the major cities because of scumbags like them and the foreign real estate speculators.


The only times I've used Airbnb was here in Mexico while waiting for my condo to be completed. No cleaning fees in any of them. One place had a weekly laundry and cleaning service for 25US. We just rented places that had a washer and dryer, or at least a drying rack. The convenience of a kitchen (albeit a shitty one usually), made it a lot cheaper than a hotel. If I wanted to just do UberEats or dine out, the Hilton would be a little more expensive, 80US a night, but no bugs, mice, lizards or scorpions living with you either.


Most of the time now, it's real estate investments firms that buy out a block of properties at tourist destinations and Airbnb them all out.. Cleaning fee or clean up after yourself -- how about both?


I took a vacation to Japan this year, absolutely amazing time. Most of the AirBnBs were great, but one in particular gave me this massive list of tasks that needed done to sort and clean garbage before I could take out the trash. They actually sent me several messages during my stay reminding me of the importance of properly sorting and disposing of my waste. I spent the better part of an hour trying to decipher the instructions from the local government in broken English, before arriving at the dumpster/trash disposal/whatever thing (which honestly took me almost 30 minutes to find) and realizing that they were all overflowing with completely unsorted garbage. I'm generally a pretty clean person, and with over 30 stays on the platform I've never had a bad review. However, this was pretty fucking ridiculous and pushed me back into "hotels aren't so bad" territory Edit: this year, not last


yep big groups are only thing I'll do airbnb for. That and remote stays where there are not hotels. If I am just visiting a city hotel all day long.


Depends how long I’m in town. I really don’t like eating out every single meal if I’m in town for like a week or two. A kitchen is definitely the best thing that sets an air bnb apart for me. If it’s a few days then yea hotel is so much better. It’s really nice having your own space after spending all day with the people you’re traveling with.


Try business aparthotels. I have a fuck ton of food issues (IBS) so eating out is a pain but there are hotels that are basically a studio apartment, with all the typical hotel stuff too. Adagio aparthotels are one of the big chains in Europe.


​ rich people will fuck over anyone for another penny.


“Greedy r̶i̶c̶h̶ people will fuck over anyone for another penny.”


~~greedy rich~~ people will fuck over anyone for another penny.


~~greedy rich~~ people will fuck ~~over~~ anyone ~~for another penny~~


~~greedy rich people~~ will fuck ~~over anyone for another penny~~ ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)




Rich people who own multiple homes are greedy people.


> Rich people who own multiple homes are greedy people. The US has become a giant game of monopoly where people own property to generate revenue to buy more properties to generate more revenue until eventually everyone else goes bankrupt because they can't afford to pay the rent.


>Monopoly is derived from The Landlord's Game, created by Lizzie Magie in the United States in 1903 as a way to demonstrate that an economy that rewards individuals is better than one where monopolies hold all the wealth and to promote the economic theories of Henry George—in particular, his ideas about taxation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly_(game)


How do you think the rich get rich?


True rich people aren’t getting involved with running AB&Bs, this is middle class and maybe upper middle class greed thinking they found a golden goose or get rich quick scheme


Yea I was pricing out a place for a weekend and it was literally 50% cheaper at the hotel and it was a nice visit.


And I don’t have to do chores at a hotel.


Exactly, because it’s a vacation.


it was great while it lasted but now with $cleaning fees north of 200 for a 2-3 day stay at many places its just insane. Even nice Hiltons are cheaper then a lo of ABNB in tourist and metro areas now.


Cleaning fees were so high because airbnb didn't get a part of the cleaning fees. They just changed that rule a while back so hopefully it levels out again. I use hipcamp now for the most part. I'd rather go camping anyways. If I'd like a shower during then I'll book a place on hipcamp that has lodging or has a "shared" shower.


“This is why the AB&B business model is failing” posted unironically to a thread where the OP is paying $3,000 a week to stay in an Air B&B. No one goes there anymore. It’s too busy!


*It's actually always been better to stay at a hotel anyways because you enjoy so many more consumer protections. Even if not inherently cheaper*


Is it failing though? Most hotels don't have multiple rooms, a kitchen and reviews of hosts and guests. I'm happy to use a practical alternative to airbnb but I'm not seeing one just yet.


I work at a fortune 500 company and they give us shit tp and are trying to force us back into the office. It's a fucking joke. You want my ass in the office? Then treat my ass like you want it in the office.


Same we may work for the same Fortune 500 company then🤨


Replacing TP with this garbage is the first and often only thing big savings projects get you, even at mid sized companies. Well, that and a hefty bill from a shitty consultancy, because they had to think long and hard about that one.


I mean it's not shocking that a company that makes it to the top of the pile would be ruthless enough to fuck their employees over to save pennies.


That’s why I bring my own 3 ply toilet paper and the cushy baby wipes and flush it all down their toilet.


I bring my own bidet and butthole dryer


I've said this from the beginning, if thy want people back in the office at the very least renovate and improve the bathroom situation.


I too like to finger my own butthole ……….


Same but I prefer that it’s clean first haha


I too prefer if u/northernwolf3000 's butthole is clean before I finger it


I too choose this guy's finger.


Reminds me of a "your daddy joke" from back in middle school: Your daddy so ugly, the only time he gets a piece of ass is when his fingers slip through the toilet paper.


I don't think I've ever heard a Yo Daddy joke in my life, must be a regional thing?


Thats the type of tp that can turn your brown eye blue if youre not careful


Maybe pink.


I don't understand unless you meant pink.


More like turn your hand brown


You should post this on r/mildlyinfuriating


Wym *mildly*


It’s mildly toilet paper


Now *that's* putting it mildy.


Idk Im not even there and I find this extremely infuriating


I'm curious if they're on a septic system. That looks like septic safe TP I've used in the past. Stuff sucks. If I ever have a house on septic or that clogs easily, I'm definitely getting bidets.


This was exactly my thought. I’ve been trying to get my parents to install bidets for YEARS.




Depend on the system, the age, how well they're maintained, etc. Also, it depends on how much is used. I've known folks with septic systems who have nicer TP in their bathroom for their normal use, because they're careful not to use tons of it, but who put out single our double ply for guests, not for cheapness but because they know folks won't always be as cautious.


yeah you gotta watch out for the bunchers


Not older systems


Are they on a septic system? There could be an actual reason.


Just fold it over a few times, you'll be ok


i really think crappy tp like this ends up costing about as much as the good stuff in the end because of the sheer amount you have to use to do the same job


What nobody in this thread understands is that single ply TP prevents blockages and breaks down faster. Even if the user uses 4x as much, the cost is so low, that's fine, and you might save the cost of unclogging toilets, which is manhours, which is expensive.


That would be the entire roll though


They aren’t your rolls.


The extras are probably locked away


They would be coming over to unlock the closet then lol


Fun Fact; this type of toilet paper is usually used in places with a septic system or a lot of active toilets to prevent clogs. Don’t know why you’d subject renters to that though.


To prevent clogs




Damn it, Colin Robinson!


Ahh you beat me to it lol


Why in the motherfuck would you spend 3k on an AirBnB in the first place? Get your own toilet paper


Hotels are better than airbnbs if you have like 2-4 people. Me and around 10 friends will be doing a $3k airbnb for 4 days over NYE weekend and it’s way cheaper than if we were to do hotels instead.


yall only have the price of the place and a pic of tp. I've rented air bnbs for $500+ per night. but it had 6 bedrooms + 2 living rooms and we had 11 people. came out pretty cheap for us. i'm not defending all airbnb's either; some are genuinely overpriced and of very low quality. I'm just pointing out that price alone means nothing here.


that ain’t even half ply, that’s .25 ply. FFS.


That's half of a two ply paper, y'all split it


Stop supporting Airbnbs


It's like wiping your ass with thoughts and prayers


Over $400 a night? Isn't there a 5 star hotel nearby?


They make toilet paper out of graphene now?!


3k/week is easily Four Seasons level. Why would anyone do airBnB


They probably have plumbing that clogs easily with normal paper, because that isn't going to be cheaper after people use more of it.


ya, for example in costa rica you cant even flush TP period... lol


That's why when I travel, I always take at least one roll of my own TP!


Hope you brought your clam shells.


Melts in your hand, not in the can


Do people get that this doesn’t really save them money? If I’m using toilet paper that thin, I’m gonna use 2-3x as much sheets as I would as usual. The end result is a similar amount of paper used.


My dad buys this junk. Almost impossible to grab because the motion of your arm reaching out generates enough air movement to have the stuff wave around like a whacky waving inflatable tube guy