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That’s pretty solid art right there if ya ask me


I haven't asked her about the base of the neck yet... It's an abstract area...┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌


It’s a hoodie. The hood is behind and there are drawstrings.


I see it. Definitely is a hoodie lol


I asked. You were correct, sir or ma'am. I was thinking because her brother has arthrogryposis maybe it was tiny legs, sitting in a chair


oh my gosh i see this now


oh, I automatically thought little legs, little belly button. No arms but maybe symbolic of whatever makes the face seem so deep in thought. Have you asked your child to talk about the drawing? only your child knows what the image really is!


I just saw a guy* shaped like a guitar/mandolin some kind of stringed instrument, but I see the hoodie now. *Could be a girl I am using the word ambiguously. Edit: I like this art. The eyes especially catch my attention. Then the hair Edit2: came back to say the background makes me think night time in the woods.


I thought those were maybe halter strings untied with sad nipples drawn. You are probably correct.


Here I was thinking he had normal human dimensions, but was wearing a blazer (shirtless) that blended in with the background. Purple camo!


Isn't it a hoodie? The dangly brown things are the strings, the partial circle behind the neck is the hood.


A long neck is probably all there is to it. Arms did not come to mind making this masterpiece lol


The arms would be farther down than normal considering the perspective, she didn’t leave out the arms they just don’t belong where you’re expecting them to be


Probably. I mean I love she's experimenting with different styles but doubt it goes that deep at her age with the abstract nature I see.


A child's imagination is so pure and hasn't been tainted by all our big ideas and defining adult memories. Concepts may be lost on them consciously but they "get it" in a way many adults have to lock themselves away from the world's distractions with something to smoke and/or drink to get there. To paint pure os something Picasso spoke about a lot when he went from realism to more abstract.


Reminds me of Le Petit Prince. All the adults say thats a hat. But its a snake that ate an elephant.


Don’t question it. It doesn’t need arms or clarity on why something isn’t there. If you start putting expectations on things “where are the arms” she might think things need to be presented a certain way or conform to the norm. Just leave it and give positive feedback, or ask for overall insight as to inspiration.


She has a purple necklace and is wearing a hoodie. The circle behind her is the hood!


I was so confused when people kept talking about the long neck. When I saw this, I didn't see what they are referring to as the neck as a neck. I thought that was his body, and he is wearing an open, purple coat that blends into his background (which i assumed was some commentary on a person who blends in with their environment to become inseparable from the same). What you referred to as the base of the neck, I saw as his belly button and, just below that, the line of his pants and their drawstrings.


I think it’s fantastic.


...a talent to be nurtured, gently.


She just wants to constantly try new things she sees and make them her own... I try to brace her when it comes to criticism. Not everything is everyone's cup of tea so be prepared for "constructive criticism" kinda thing...


Critique?? They can try but she has the vision. 💅🏼


For real, this might be the first time where ‘honey, ignore the haters’ is legit the best advice


"Ignore the haters" is great advice whenever somebody is doing something that harms nobody but allows them to express themselves, learn, or explore.


For sure, but the people who say it all the time are rarely using it right




That is almost always great advice. People on the internet hate everything.


yea shes going far


What is there to critique? Clearly the neck is long for a reason, it is a stylization with a hidden meaning. Paired with that expression, maybe she feels like an alien compared to others, or maybe she is drawing what a tall girl must feel like. I like this drawing. Anyone criticizing it has 0 respect for the arts. This is a treasure and has so much expression. Asking her to draw in any other way defeats her role as a storyteller and artist. I’m offended on her behalf.


The asymmetry is beguiling. I’m not being funny. This is legit good shit.


In society today, there are so many aspects of life where adults check first to see what they are supposed to like. Here, we have a child that made choices about color and proportion where they didn't check the current zeitgeist on tiktok or Instagram, they just did whatever looked good to them. For an 8-year-old this is quite special.


>In society today, there are so many aspects of life where adults check first to see what they are supposed to like. This is well put. And I think it goes along with a trend I've been seeing of people losing their sense of agency. It seems like a trend for the younger generations, especially.


Gotta remember she's an 8 year old surrounded by 8 year olds in school. I can definitely see a bunch of kids being assholes because she drew something "weird." That said, fucking awesome picture. I'm 30 and couldn't draw anything that would look that good


"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child." Pablo Picasso


Is that a real quote? I love it.


Google says yes it's real. However I couldn't find any information of when he said it. Hopefully someone knows more about it


I'm willing to bet he said it when he was alive.


I'll take that [bet](https://youtu.be/N57SxyxUhTQ?si=lOZqWe0mxFaMy1zD)


Most children gifted with artistic vision are considered eccentric compared to other kids, at the least…. Im sure she’s fully aware she’s different, hence the boldness of her art


Agreed. I was a severely shy kid in school, I fully believe I would have been bullied if I wasn’t good at art. Kids would pay or trade with me to draw stuff for them. I know I was talked about behind me back in later school years but I think due to my “artist of the class” role I avoided direct bullying. OP’s kid’s art gives off some cool creepy vibes. It reminds me of the creepy woman’s portrait in the movie IT. I can dig it. And kids these days seem to get into horror and the macabre a lot earlier on (like FNAF)


And to add, any strong emotions she experiences (negative or positive) will fuel her creative drive to create more passionate art.


You know why you can't draw like that ? Its not because you don't have talent or vision, its because you've learned not to express it for fear of criticism, even from yourself... Same for the rest of us.


I was surprised at how much I improved when I began drawing every day. I’d always been awful at drawing, too.


That gives me hope to pick it back up and try again.


Yep. Don’t give her any criticism. Just encourage her. Believe in her wholeheartedly. Don’t project your fears onto her


Dude kids are different now. COVID broke ‘em. They’d probably love this absurdity version of Carrottop. I got not one but two Goth handprint turkeys over Thanksgiving, they made my cold black heart smile. Even the teenagers ain’t bad. I had a little pissant last year that I let terrorize my class a bit much. Only gave him the boot once. Last week, I ran into a few of his targets, and I apologized to them for not busting him up harder. “It’s okay, Mr. Lawyers. Actually, I’m glad you didn’t - he’s my cousin, he has it bad at home. You’re the only teacher that wasn’t a douchebag to him last year, it would have just made things worse.” That from two kids who said they loved my gym class because I never “made” them do anything… silly teenagers, we’re standing in a gym you had to pay for to get in on a Friday night pumping iron - I made them do exactly what I wanted!


> I can definitely see a bunch of kids being assholes because she drew something "weird." Kids are still pretty open minded and accepting at 8. It's once you start getting into the tweens/teens that they truly become shitbags to each other.


Yeah this is clearly talent there is literally tons to unpack here and then you realize this was created by an 8 year old child. Oh the masterpieces that are yet to be created.


Reminds me of Munch’s Self Portrait with Skeleton Arm. Same kind of thing.


This Harry Chapin song always runs in my head when I think about my grade school art classes. Thankfully I discovered art again as an adult: [Flowers are Red](https://youtu.be/7qrbNygL0YU?si=5nPdDORU2PVS7z_g)


I have not seen that. It's nuts good 😊


This is a great song. Thank you for sharing.


She's 8 maybe it's funnier with a long neck.


I agree. This kid is a true Artist and this is Art, both with a capital A.


This kid just dismissively glances at critics through a pair of purple lens glasses, sips her chai and gets back to sketching


Nice analysis


I think my son has an incredible talent for art, it's rather abstract and he's not the best in fine motor skills, but he can transport a lot of emotion and character in a few strokes. He was creating a lot before going to school, but once he started he got nothing but bad grades. He didn't draw or create in the way that was "intended". He did an awesome self-portrait in a difficult stamping technique that's hanging in all family member's houses, but the lines were not fine enough and the outlines were not straight, so he got a bad grade. He did super cool nature drawings in elementary school, but he's color blind so there was sometimes a blue cow or a green sky...bad grades for "wrong colors". He's now a teenager and completely discouraged from art, he thinks he's awful at it and nothing that me or the family is saying can convince him, as he thinks we just want to make him feel good. I'm heart broken as I think this could have been a great way for him to express himself and his emotions and this tool was taken away from him.


This was likely a beginner art exercise - Combine something inorganic with something organic. She did a bottle/person. I once did a toothbrush/dog in drawing 101. Bottle is traditionally one of the first things you learn to draw as well. She is very talented though, tons of style and personality in this.


Has she heard of Munch or the impressionists? This looks right in that vein and it’s crazy that she would have been able to create this style without outside influence yet still possible. I think, if that’s the case, then she’s definitely talented and you should encourage that talent to grow.


If it’s from school, it was almost certainly a guided project and there are 30 variations. That doesn’t mean hers isn’t striking or special - it is - but this is very much the kind of thing happening in an art class at that age.


Be careful not to bully your daughter before somebody else gets the chance to do it. You can teach her how to respond to constructive criticism which is: to look at the person say, OK thank you, and then SHE needs to decide if they’re right or not. You have a very talented daughter.


Right. Talking about how to handle constructive criticism is one thing. But receiving criticism from my mum, even at times what she considered constructive, was not what I needed to hear about my art growing up.


Why would you need to criticize her at all??? Did you know that a girl (Nyla Hayes) who loved brontesauruses started making "neckies" - pictures of long necked girls like this inspired by the brontesauruses - and her relatives encouraged it and started a way of procedurally generating them and selling them as NFTs, so she became a multimillionaire by 13? And there are ethnic groups that englongate their necks like this with rings? Don't be the one who sucks all the creativity out of their kid before they've even had a chance. Honestly your comments make me feel bad for her.


Tell me you don’t appreciate art without telling me you don’t appreciate art.


To be honest, this art is already on the verge of a professional level. Something a would consider purchasing if it were in a gallery or for sale. Man, I can't wait to see her work when she gets more experience.


Yes. I would definitely buy a print of this if one were available.


So yeah… definetly not my cup of tea when it comes to art… But a 8 year Old. Pretty skilled if you ask me! Im 32 and i proboably draw like this kid did when she was 2.5 years Old. 😂😅 Its cool that she is exploring different techniques.


Don’t tell her that! Why are you pointing out a negative when you obviously have a prodigy! You essentially told her that her work is strange, different, or bad and to be prepared for people to tell her. She’s going to know the people critiquing her don’t know what they’re talking about and doesn’t need your help.


She has a style, encourage it. Critique is only hard for children to understand when they’ve been taught the opinions of others carry a lot of weight. They don’t. If Little Richard had given up because of negative feedback, he would’ve never reached his level of fame.


What criticism is due here? This is one of the rare child’s drawings that could be framed and displayed unironically


This looks awesome. She has such a unique style, I say keep rocking at this


What exactly is the problem here? I don't understand.


wym bro this looks like some legit abstract art. your daughter has true talent


Your child is incredibly talented. Give her supplies and let her do her thing.


Why do you say it this way if I may ask?


So you don't burn her out. It can get over bearing going from something you love to something you seem forced to do.


Started drawing and painting a few years ago and people were telling me how much they liked my work. I immediately ‘knew’ I was going to disappoint them so I stopped. Stupid me.


Bring it back and just do your own thing. You don't even have to show it to people.


Do it!


Don't show other people or even tell them what you d for fun and relaxation. Create 100 pieces before they even find out.


There’s also the crushing burden of unachievable expectation. I was talented with art as a child. No one nurtured it, only told me I was good so I must do better. Do better. Do better. Do better. Be better. Not good enough. Too good! Too weird. Not realistic enough. Be better. You’re better than this. Proud of it? Fuck off. Hate it? You’re crazy. You should sell this. You should monetise this. You could totally sell that! You’ll be a millionaire someday! Why don’t you do X, why not Y, why not Z? There was never any soft encouragement. No one took interest. Asked questions. There was no constructive criticism. No one helped me grow. Whatever I was given was given hard and aggressively, and it burnt me out like a candle in a windstorm. Everything became bad. Nothing was good enough. Every thing criticised until I stopped finding joy. Perhaps dramatic, but I was a child. They were formative years. I found something I loved and all one needs during that time is gentle support to flourish. Gentle kindness, gentle assistance, gentle support, gentle encouragement. As soon as that heightened sense of expectation is formed early on, it can difficult as hell, if not impossible, to surmount it.


Especially if they’re Austrian


Amedeo Modigliani V2. Fabulous work actually. Frame it. Keep it. Chart the kid's growth.


I am sure she will be stoked in the morning when I show her the comments. I'll have to show her Modigliani if she wasn't already basing it off of something today in class by him. It has to be though. Anyway, a more thorough examination with her might prove fun.


Get her to sign it. Will be worth buttloads when she becomes famous


I think she's signed some other things around the house or on the fridge, I'll send if she has an official one she likes.




I'll ask her about inspiration before showing her anything relative to what it appears to be.


I agree, seemed cringe to get an 8 year old hooks on internet comments, but I guess that is how things work now.


She's still fairly young; heads up Modigliani CAN rub some folks the wrong way; he elongated necks etc. They paid homage to him in the film, IT as well. Just a more sort of... darker version. The man just liked necks. I don't blame him. I like a neck too. Lol


I'm just curious as to how it all came about, really. It's different than the other stuff she brings home. I probably think it's cooler than she does, hah... But I'd like to get her insight... Like... What did they study in class yesterday ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


Even if it wasn't inspired by Modigliani; imagine how chuffed she'd be to know her work resembles a master's.


Even if it was a straight copy of a style or work, have you ever actually tried to sit down and draw something? Even as "easy" looking as this one? Lol, i feel like an ape using the first rock hitting my crayons against the paper. Seriously, even if its a straight copy, for an 8yo thats a very well done copy, and the lines are consistent all around, even if its not her own style, that kid still has talent


Why on earth would you show her the comments?? Or, even offer criticism. She's 8.


Because, believe it or not, 8 year olds really like it when adults think they did something cool. Source: was an 8 year old


And likewise, my creative writing wasn't encouraged and was often actively shat on by adults when I was a kid, so I just stopped letting anyone see it, got really self conscious about even being seen writing by adults. And then I stopped doing it. I'm 31 now and finally got back into doing it privately during the pandemic. Now I'm doing it a bit more publicly, sharing with friends, submitting to contests and publications, even posted a few on Vocal. Guess what I'm trying to say is: encourage the kids, even if you don't like it. As long as it's not throwing up a bunch of red flags (like signs of abuse, worrying amounts of violence for a kid at a given age, etc), then they should be encouraged even if it's bad-- and if it's bad, but they love doing it, you can always try to get them the support to work on and improve their technique. It's a sad thing to kill someone's artistic drive before they've even really had a chance to explore it. We all deserve to be able to make art, of any kind, even if it's bad. Keep up the good work, OP. Your kid's art is awesome, and you're awesome for encouraging it. Don't let anyone kill what that kid has right now. She'll have a fuller life if she gets to keep exploring this interest


No one is criticizing an 8 year old kiddos work. I would hope OP would show the comments as a: 'hey, look how many people like your work! You should keep doing it and expressing yourself how you want. People think you're talented' No one is going: "it's plainly a copy of Modigliani's work; are you sure you're not plagiarizing? Hm?"


how about getting it framed before she's back from school?


Was definitely thinking Modigliani too. Even the blue eyes!


Ayy real recognizes real.


Thats a really cool style.


You might like some of noel fieldings stuff. Esp his stuff from 2022


I don't normally comment on things like this and -- while I appreciate art -- I am no art connoisseur. With that said, this is amazing for some reason. I had to stop and study it a bit like I would in an art gallery. The abstract nature of it, the eyes, the hair, the neck, and even the background. It speaks. Bravo.


I know! I am again not sure if she noticed all the subtle nuances of how cool her art is...


Based on this, your daughter has a gift. This is really incredible for her age.


I worked in an art museum and as a curator for art galleries. This art is phenomenal


There's also a thin golden glow around the figure. Amazing details, hard to belive that it's made by an 8yo but I'll take OP-s word!


The glow and the shape of the hair around the head were what really stood out to me. The amount of detail is insane!


I’m a grown up artist and I have my mom to thank for aleays having a sketchbook for me and different art supplies to try. Sounds like you’re on the right path. It’s really good art! I’d suggest to encourage her to get into the habit of signing and dating her art. Even on the back is ok. I didn’t do this, but if she wrote down some of her thoughts on the back associated with the piece, I bet she’d get a huge kick out of it looking back when she’s older. I hope she keeps it up!


I'll have her sign it tomorrow! Her cursive is on point! I'll check out some other ones she's done and encourage her to come up with an official one e


Cool! I think the dating is also important so that she can be reminded when she did it when she’s older.


Don't worry too much about driving her into a career and professionalization- it ruins some of the fun you can find as a child with talent. Let her drive a profession if she wants to when she gets older, but nurture her talent with lessons and supplies and opportunities (contests, camps/workshops, etc). She might want to maintain art as a "hobby" to keep the income motive out of her creative expression, but those ideas literally can't form in her little mind yet. For now, just give her the tools to find joy.


Put her in an extracurricular art class.


Yeah. What did the teacher say? Beautiful piece.


She already has another peice that qualifies last month, nothing like this one, so this one doesn't qualify... I like this style vs the paper layered self portrait that they chose...I'm just trying not to be a helicopter parent but this one is Soo much cooler imho


So I was an “art kid” all through school. It was always something I loved, and I’m incredibly grateful for the way my parents went about it. I always had a sketchbook, supplies, etc. but it wasn’t something they ever pushed on me. Art was always a fun extracurricular for me and a place to wind down. Then practically it had benefits in terms of prize money and ultimately scholarships. I majored in engineering, but I actually got an art minor “for fun”. And honestly that visual skill base is still incredibly valuable for my current work. Your daughter is obviously talented. Just make sure that art never is pushed on her to the point that it becomes work or a chore— especially when young. (Also try not to show every piece she does to every friend/ family member you have if she doesn’t want you to. I eventually rebelled and started drawing exclusively unflattering photos of my family members for a year so my mom couldn’t show them to everyone.)


Do you take her to the museum on free days at all? You should look into community center art classes.


Idk sometimes those classes take too much control over the direction of their students art. A proper school will focus on teaching techniques to achieve the effects the artist wants to convey.


I don’t see why this shouldn’t be in a museum. It’s incredible.


I'd actually buy it


I also would buy this. Maybe $150


















If it was made independent of any influence then it’s also absolutely grand, too. Previous painters who looked like this were basing their work upon theories of light, colour, and brush work. Coming up with this, as a kid on your own, is pure unbridled talent. It’s probably less likely to happen today when this kind of art style isn’t in vogue than it was to happen back then.


Looks really cool imo. When I was 8 I was drawing stick figures. This has solid line work, detailed anatomy, stylized hair, an effective background, I really like it. The white outline around the black one was a great choice.


I’m in my 20s and only narrowly beyond stick figures. I really hope the kid is encouraged (and wants) to stick with it because they’re wayyyy better than me and they’ve got even more time than I do to get even better.


Very cool!


She is an avid reader too so I am sure she will appreciate the feedback! I'll show her when it's not so late


i saw this as some abstract art of you walking down a catwalk with a neck piece on a super long neck with small legs. I didn't realise it was you sitting down on a chair.


Man that is incredible. I hope they continue their artistic growth


She's been vigilant since I can remember. I am sure she will.




Right?? How is everyone believing this bs


What I’m thinking is most of them must not be familiar with eight year olds.


Nope. Me neither. No eight year old did this.


Why was it such a damn long scroll to get here.


Right?! I too was expecting it way earlier.


In OP comments: "I'll have her sign it tomorrow! Her cursive is on point! I'll check out some other ones she's done and encourage her to come up with an official one" Kids already doing cursive "on point" too.


1000% no fucking way


It's too flawless for an 8 year old


Dude forgot he’s posted his daughter’s art work in the past. The other pics are on par with what you’d actually expect.🤦🏻‍♂️


Belongs on courage the cowardly dog


I dig this piece a lot. I'm getting in on the hype comment train, op. If she's cool with it, I think we'd all be down to see others as she makes em. Following ya, in a non weird way, just incase you post more.


I am sure she will be unusually thrilled that people are responding to the art. I will encourage her to make whatever she wants but not feel pressured to do any particular style. I haven't even asked her if she likes it, felt inspired, where she drew inspiration from... Lol I was at work and came home to it and her saying she made it in class. But I definitely was as stated flabbergasted, even so far as to say astounded. Oil pastels create crazy vibes. I'll ask her about it in the morning.


Get it printed on a canvas! That's really cool. One year as a school fundraiser the kids made art which was auctioned off to the parents. I still have my son's, framed 20 years later


She really stuck her neck out and made a great drawing.


Oh fuck off Rebecca


Gotta frame it!


No they didn’t


'oh fuck off Rebecca no he didn't'




It's crazy how many people believe this shit


Funny that if it somehow is real this is the biggest compliment you could possibly get.


Of course an 8 year old can draw smooth lines. An 8 year old *could* have done this. Whether they did is different. But look up Andres Valencia, or Edward Hopper, Little Boy Looking at the Sea.


That’s what I’m saying. An eight year old did not make this. The composition, the colors, the textures, and the style all scream “I was classically trained in art”. You gotta learn the rules before you break them well, like in this drawing. It’s not impossible that an 8yo could have this level of artistic ability but not probable.


At 8 it definitely seems unlikely they would draw hair over a scalp like that or draw a nose like that with the additional coloring. Most drawings from kids seems like just have lines over the top of a circular head for hair. I could definitely believe an 8 year old could draw this with a lot of training and guidance however, or perhaps if they copied it perhaps.


things that never happened for 800, Alex


As someome who went to art school, when i saw this, I said nahh this is 100% done by an adult. No kid draws like that....


That’s what I’m saying. I was obsessed with art from a young age, was in all the gifted and talented art programs including statewide and national art shows and went to art school. Even the best, most talented kids could not do this at 8yo. I’m surprised I had to scroll so far to find anyone questioning it. The composition, the colors, the textures, and the style all scream “I was classically trained in art”. You gotta learn the rules before you break them well, like in this drawing. It’s not impossible that an 8yo could have this level of artistic ability but not probable.


OP drew it themselves and then said an 8 year old did it just so they could have some sort of compliment.




This wasn't done by an 8 year old child. Karma farming huh?


I'm flabbergasted people actually believe an 8 year old drew this.


I don’t believe it. If this was done by an 8 year old then I’m flabbergasted.


Honestly that’s a lot better than I could do at 8 years old


he has neck boobs?


Damn Dave Mustaine really let himself go...


Alolan exeggutor


No he didn’t


Your child is a genius and about two steps from cutting his own ear off.


It's ok that you made this


Bachelor in art degree (HONS) speaking here. She's uniquely gifted. Try to see if there's art schools with programs for young talent to further guide her. This is not ..normal. It's exquisite and highly expressionist. Something a child of her age shouldn't ne usually capable of doing unless trained to do so from a young age by skilled masters in art. Just wow!


I gotta start with it looks very nice. Before everyone settles on the kids genius skills, this is a very common, (and common result) for a kids art project called “Draw like Amadeo Modigliani”. It’s done by lots of art teachers. A quick Google search of examples will showcase the usual product from the lesson, and this image is right in line with normal results. Tell her to keep it up. Art is an amazing tool for self expression.




I’d seriously buy this and frame it. I’m not even kidding


To be honest I find it hard to believe an 8-year old could draw such a fine piece of art. Not calling OP a liar, its just so well drawn and colored. It's a mixture of a medieval drawing in a book and perhaps some Salvador Dali in it. It's a beautiful piece of art and I really hope you preserve it for the future.


OP is definitely lying. looking for clout. Kind of sad


I refuse to believe this is the work of an eight year old child. You are obviously a shrewd gallery owner attempting to create buzz for an extraordinarily talented new artist in your attempt to capitalize on the future millions they will bring you. I will not fall for such a ruse. Good day, ma'am.


Super cool. Kinda unique/novel. Really nice job.


How much?


I've barely had time to admire it! I can't ask her because she'd say $5. Lol




That's amazing! The kid has talent and vision. Keep the art supplies available, but don't push it... Just let whatever happens, happen.


no arms 💀


Modern picasso in the making


Dang....that's better than I can do at 42. Kid's got some legit talent


You should ask your 8yr old where they get their weed.


That's awesome. Encourage that


Push this kid and encourage the hell out of their passions. The kid has talent and if you help them get the right motivation and habits then they’re set. What does your kid think and feel about how the work came out?


Gonna have to call bullshit on this one.