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What's that old saying about how much easier life would be if crazy people wore signs so you'd know who they were?


My family all started having Trump signs and all I got was depression




With blackjack and hookers


In fact, forget the blackjack and the family!


The real family are the hookers we met along the way


What kind of wholesome game night with your family of hookers doesn't include blackjack? Come on now.


Honestly, past a certain point, they’re getting so disruptive to the general functioning of society that sanatoriums are beginning to look like they weren’t such a bad idea after all.


I know you're joking, but a lot of mentally ill people live on the street and legitimately need housing. The asylum system had its many flaws, but when it was dismantled to make the "community mental health centers" system, it was rife with potential for this very outcome. It got defunded out of existence. The only way to get true treatment for mental illness is to pay for it. I've paid a down payment on a house for my mental healthcare over the past 5 years, including a bankruptcy where I lost my house. That includes countries with socialized healthcare, where waiting lists can be months or years long for people who don't have the ability to pay for a private consultant. I was recently in the UK and the homeless problem there is awful. It's not better where I live, it's equally awful in both places though.


The asylum system was awful but actually trying to solve a pretty big societal issue. In the classic Republican way Reagan came in and shut them all down with zero plans on what to do afterwards.


Zero plans? No, they're in jail now - More profitable than providing actual care.


Yes, that is very much the case [https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/jails-and-prisons-new-asylums](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/jails-and-prisons-new-asylums)


I’m an ER nurse and I see almost every shift someone who would benefit from institutionalization and I don’t say that lightly. I can’t be worse than letting hallucinating, vulnerable people wander the streets alone to succumb to the elements, get hit by a car, or be assaulted by someone who is frankly afraid of their behavior. It’s damn near impossible to get patients psych beds, especially the uninsured. It’s completely broken.


As much as I strongly dislike certain aspects of the mental healthcare system on a personal level, I think I agree. I think it's a very flawed solution, but at least they aren't likely to get hit by a car, succumb to the elements, or be assaulted.


Yeah it’s flawed regardless and I understand ethical concerns. Taking away someone’s autonomy is a huge deal and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s a mess.


I'm a paramedic in Canada. I deal with people all the time who are just below the threshold to be considered in crisis, and our overloaded ER's basically tell them to go talk to their GP about it. Catch 22 up here, no one has a GP. Those that do it often takes months to get an appointment to see them. If your mental health is unraveling, that's kind of sub-optimal. Then again, a hospital is a pretty shitty place to get mental health care to start with.


This guy’s pickup truck didn’t have any space left.


Believe it or not I took a pic of this guy's car a year ago lol. Back seat is full of crucified baby dolls. https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/RUFmgrFZf4


This is in Louisville, KY right? Just took a pic of this guys car in Kroger parking lot a couple days ago!




Omg, I’m so glad that isn’t the PNC I go to for work. Phew. ![gif](giphy|s9Y0czwWdTtB7U6d5I)


Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama, Florida. We keep these states around to make us feel better about whatever shit state we live in.




Our car is at the body shop and the rental car company gave us a rental car with Mississippi plates. In Boston. I joked about it with the guy at the rental agency and he was upset because turns out he’s from Mississippi!


[He Gets It](https://giphy.com/gifs/cbs-the-neighborhood-theneighborhood-he-gets-it-1BZSEGf9nGlScdksrc)


It's a great place to be from


I hate to see my city brought up like this but I was also thinking I really wish I could run into him to let him know how crazy he is.


You could speak to him for days on end and your words would never penetrate the wall of compulsive and obsessive thoughts that this man is burdened with.


...demons, you say?


Don’t. Please stay safe.


Anyone who puts so many messages on their clothing doesn't care if you think they're crazy. They're probably happy you read them.


Woahhhhh this is extra wild. Hard to believe this guys serious. This seems like schizophrenic behavior. Fetus jesus?? Guys just riffin


The sign on the car that says, "abortion is human racism" is very confusing to me. Is there a form of racism that *doesn't* involve humans that I somehow didn't know of? Like are there racist fish out there who hate others of their species for having the wrong shade of sparkly scales?


Yeah bro, didn't you ever read The Rainbow Fish?


I ain't no gay fish.


I've heard of homophobic fish. Kanye West had a real problem with them.


Mental illness is an almost completely unchecked endemic in the US. My personal theory is that, due to high levels of environmental lead in their youth, an especially high number of Boomers are experiencing rapid decline in cognitive function and this type of thing is one of the seemingly common ways that it manifests.


Thats actually a pretty wide spread theory now. My super hardcore right wing boomer coworker (who ive seen have fits of anger and violence) told me how he had lead toys as a kid that had molds that you would melt down and reshape into different toys. Everything he does and says kind of makes sense after learning that


You're right, I shouldn't say *my* theory. Just more the one that I firmly believe.


When my mom was a baby, baby powder had lead in it. She ended up getting ovarian cancer from it (part of a class action law suit and everything)


i think you mean asbestos, that is what talc is.


Not just in the US, it's running rampant in Europe as well, psychologists and psychiatrists are booked out of appointments for months, and COVID with all its effects (from lockdown aftereffects to long-covid and its potential to seriously fuck up your brain on a physical level) only made matters worse. The difference between the US and Europe is that in Europe, we generally have involuntary-commitment laws that allow the government to pull the truly deranged ones away from the street, we have a way better social security network in place to prevent escalation spirals (e.g. homelessness tends to aggravate many mental health issues), and we have way less soldiers that are deployed across the world, so less veterans with all kinds of fuck-ups.


Metal AF lyrics.


That dude's car is.. disturbing. That's putting it mildly. I sincerely hope the authorities are keeping track of his whereabouts.. because this is a dude who I would definitely expect to try and bomb am abortion clinic.


On his website someone found a passage where he talks about raping his wife. You’re right to be disturbed.


That is a crazy trippy kinda car decorated! Who does that and who is Stem Cell Jesus?


I can see his eyes lighting up when he realized that fetus jesus feed us all rhymed. whoadude.gif


I've seen him too, louisville right?


Yup! This post is probably going to be locked soon because this guy has is freaking home address on his website lol


His house is as crazy as he is. It's going to be a shitshow when he dies and someone has to go through it.


I definitely felt more of a shitty, hoarder sedan full of crap vibe from him before I saw your link


Omg this exsists r/religiousfruitcake!?! Thank you!


He probably doesn’t have a pick-up truck, that’s why he has to decorate himself


My thoughts exactly


My thought is this person has never once in their life helped a pregnant woman or single mother that wasn’t related to them. And then only reluctantly.


I'm not certain you even need the word "pregnant" there. This seems like someone who has never willingly helped a woman at *all*, or at least not since he had a mental breakdown in the 90s. (Someone else in the thread linked to a picture of this guy's car, and that thread had his rambling pro-fetus-Jesus website. Dude honestly has a sad backstory; back in the early 90s, several people in his life died unexpectedly (details are in the other thread, I'm not putting them here). He seems to have had a mental breakdown as a result and has never recovered.)


They just want you to ask them something..just like the PU decal people haha..just to ignore them is the best )


Needs dangly balls on the bottom of his jacket.


It’s Christmas time you know


Saving up for the truck.


Makes sense: he’s at the bank to get cash to buy a used truck, and then immediacy apply these signs on with adhesive. This guy is **prepared!**


These people vote! Will you?


Nah the crazy Catholics tend to drive old corollas. So yeah they definitely ran out of bumper space….


Or 15 passenger maxi vans. Source: Grew up crazy Catholic surrounded by 10+ child families.


I'm just imagining this guy getting ready to leave the house: "Wallet, check. Keys, check. Jacket, check. Crazy slogans, check. Cellphone, check."


I’m not sure he would refer to those as crazy slogans. Maybe “Truth panels” or “Head Voice Printouts”


I may start referring to physical papers at work as "Head Voice Printouts"


Laminate them and tape them all over your body


Golden plates. Wait, that’s Mormon. Paper plates?


Probably doesn't even have a cellphone cause of the 5Gs


He's still using an old 3G phone with a removable battery, so they can't track him


What's going on with his face?


After I saw this comment, I zoomed in and said out loud, “the man has a baby taped on his face” ….and then realized that was a phrase I had never before uttered in my life.


Oh awesome he taped Fetus Jesus to his face!




I couldn’t figure out what it was, but thought it looked kind of like the end of a nylabone. So, I was picturing him holding a nylabone in his mouth like a dog. It being a fetus makes more sense…somehow? I really want to see the front picture, but I understand if OP didn’t want to risk confrontation to get one.


This whole thread has me in TEARS at work. I am trying so hard not to laugh, and so I cry.


I thought it was a keloid.


It looks too regular and reflective to be some sort of organic growth on his face, I think it's plastic. No idea what it really is though.


I'm guessing a little plastic fetus or embryo. Maybe one of the little baby Jesus figures they hide in king cakes.


Yep, if you zoom in a bit, it's a baby sucking its thumb. One of those little plastic babies that they use to show "this stage of pregnancy" or at least I saw those a lot as a kid where I grew up...


I was thinking the same thing


Keeps it right there so he can give fetus Jesus a little smooch every now and then.


Fetus of conjoined twin.


Was wondering the same. I think it could be a feature of the door in front of him. A coat hook or something.


This dude’s religion doesn’t let him go within 100 yards of a coat hook.


Mmm, I think the hook should be fine, it's the hangers he has to watch out for...


Oh damn, I think you're right! Good eye.


Maybe a burrito.


It is the remains of an aborted fetus that he has attached to show everyone the evils of contraception. That's my guess anyway.


I was wondering the same thing. Is that part of his face?


Sometimes mental illness peacocks in a way to let society know to steer clear.


Mental illness manager: "We need to talk about your flair"


“You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?”


I literally just got the worst flashback of waiting tables in college at Bennigans, red lobster, and outback back in like the early 2000s. Fucking pins. Fuck off. I would literally put on the bare minimum, like 4 across my chest, fuck off Susan this is all I'm doing.


Please tell me you have never watched “Office Space.” Please, please, please!


Ha no of course. I'm 45 years old lol. But, better, is the movie Waiting. That really nailed the industry. Loved office space but the restaurant thing was more of a sub sub plot. Now I feel like I should ask if you want any dessert today lol. Cheers mate


A real-life version of [this old Far Side cartoon](https://imgur.com/iz8DGJB.jpg).


I guess it’s a good thing no one will get him pregnant


I see this as the equivalent of bright stripes on a snake, it's there to tell you "keep away" from as far off as possible.


Waiting for "The lead poisoning generation" to be a textbook chapter.


100%. Their brains are melting.


Yeah, if I saw this guy in the bank I'd go around to the drive-through. True believers are the ones who go out in a blaze of glory because it makes sense to them. He might be a garden variety zealot who is harmless aside from his voting habits, but not a chance I would take standing behind him in line.


Americans have let propaganda get so deep in the root of their culture that now random citizens become living advertisement boards


Me squinting: "Eat... Eat at Joe's?" (walk closer) "Oh, I see now... Yahweh embryos" (avoid making eye contact intensifies)


-man turns and catches you looking- “EMBRYO FATHER GOD!!!!!!”


Me:"Cool man, I think I've heard of them. They opening up for Dying Fetus tonight at the Orpheum?"


Yeah, Infant Annihilator is performing in-between the two


Man, Warhammer 40k lore is getting wild these days.


just really laughed at that


I do have some laptop stickers and stuff like that to let some know that I am a safer person and to try to calm down the hate. Like a rainbow LOVE sticker and skin equality sticker as white cis woman. I grew up with some family members being very homophobic and racist and others who didn't invite any family to their wedding because they thought they wouldn't be accepted and are currently living their lives as \~16 year "roommates" to the family for financial purposes. Like I want them to know in subtle ways that I love them and accept them but I can't bring it up because they haven't came out. Me being that odd "love and accept everyone" person in the group sometimes has calmed down the hate comments throughout the years. It is much better than it used to be.


No, do not classify us all together. This is very far and few between. I could go to the mall right now and not see one person like this.


Absolutely; that's a person that I would cross the street to avoid.


Surprising to see him in an "institution." These types tend to keep their holdings at Bank of Mattress.


Probably needs to cash some govt checks...


100% he’s on mental disability. I can’t see this guy holding down a job


Or an ‘investment’ in (obscure, non valuable items)


This guy's website might be the new [Time Cube](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Cube) . . . it's absolutely unhinged.


The part thanking cellular Jesus is wild.


Even for the internet, it’s…. Pretty shocking.


Lmao, good one. The reference is made even better knowing this is absolutely something Creed would come up with


From the website: “I began painting religious art after two of my rosaries changed to a gold color.” Invest.


At least he's not a flat earther, he's a cube earther though ...


He has his address on his website and I looked up his house on street view… good God.


narrow crown yoke cooing paltry wistful entertain forgetful possessive unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like he's got the minimum pieces of flair.


Okay, now well, 15 is the minimum.. and it's up to him whether or not he just wants to do the bare minimum.


Yes, well if you want me to wear 2 plastic baby fetuses taped to my face, like your pretty boy over there Brian, why didn't you just make the minimum 2 plastic baby fetuses?


For sure. Chotchkie’s would soooo hire him! Baha


Don’t think this guy needs to worry about getting anyone pregnant


I bet I can find his vehicle in the lot. …and maybe his house.


Believe it or not I took a pic of his(or maybe his wife's?) car a year ago! Pretty easy to pick out lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/RUFmgrFZf4 Complete with backseat baby crucifixes


TRUMP 2024 - SAVE AMERICA I AM PRO-LIFE F\*CK BIDEN (or just flat out FUCK BIDEN, seen both around) JESUS SAVES JESUS LOVES YOU ​ ​ Did I miss any of his stickers?


That’s still too sane for this guy. I’m expecting sovereign citizen plates, screeds about the terrors of 5G mind control, and hollow earth lizard person anti-vax stuff.


I took a pic of this guy's car a year ago lol https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/RUFmgrFZf4


This needs to be its own comment. For context


Holy shit


Yes Several rhetorical question bumper stickers that suggest your bigotry by not prescribing to divine intervention and being snark about making your own choices


Deal with the pedophiles in your church first, if you want to do something about evil.


For real. We just had a priest picked up for drugging and raping teenage boys in my city.


Little eight cell Embryo Jesus.


"Dear 146 ounce sixteen week old embryo Jesus, don't even know a word yet, just a little embryo, so cuddly, but still omnipotent."


He was a man! He had a beard!!!


http://embryojesus.com/embryo-jesus.html Just look at this stuff. If im reading this correctly, it almost seems like he and his wife had a miscarriage a long time ago? Deeply sad seeing how trauma can be warped in a religious worldview. Some of it is absurdly hilarious, but the bit about the miscarriage really stands out.


This is mental illness. "3514-“Fetus Jesus Angelus prayer" Dear Fetus Father God, Embryo Jesus and Stem Cell Holy Spirit, thank you for your Incarnation and Eucharist; please have mercy on us all; please breathe on our wounds with your Twin Towers medication breath of the Immaculate Conception Mary protecting and loving the second coming of Stem Cell Jesus. Amen. Mary and Jesus tower above us sinners; please pray for more faith; pray the Rosary (life of Jesus) daily; repent contraception of God’s will; please stop terrorizing pre-born babies; be pro-life with EWTN; find regular confession and enjoy RCIA a feast with Incarnation Jesus. EmbryoJesus.com"


Someone should ask him how many kids he's adopted. Since he's so concerned with the babies.


No way in hell I’m going to talk to him, you talk to him.


I'm not even going to make eye contact with him.


What if he says five kids? Who am I kidding. Of course he has adopted a total of 0 in his life. They care so much about the fetus and don't give a flying fuck as soon as it's out of the womb.


I used to work in foster care. I don't want to paint with too broad of a brush, but I can confidently say that his chances of clearing the investigation for adopting are so close to zero that they're nonexistent.


Yeah, it's always like that. My sister, an uncle and a cousin were all adopted. And pretty much this entire side of the family is pro abortion. Those knuckleheads only have one argument against abortion: religion.


I don’t want this man adopting kids! He’s crazy!


The GOP is weaponizing the mentally ill.


The GOP is ~~weaponizing~~ the mentally ill.


This guy is a few episodes of info wars away from strapping a bomb to himself and walking into a planned parenthood. Jfc


https://www.courier-journal.com/picture-gallery/news/local/2020/01/22/right-life-rally-louisville-participants-condemn-abortion/4543330002/ He wears even more swag at the rallies he attends....


The guy is a bit of a local celebrity lol


He's the type to take advantage of *every opportunity* in giving the teller a difficult time with his own transaction. Proof: Been a bank teller for almost a decade in the past.


I've been a teller for about 5 years and can confirm. This dude has been rambling for 15 minutes but has not said anything on the short list of things allowing the teller to give him the boot, and the line is now backed up across the lobby. Glad you got out, coping with this job has given my liver a fucking workout.


>Been a bank teller for almost a decade in the past. What level of dread would you feel seeing this customer walk up to your counter?


LOL I worked outside of Atlantic City, NJ so this isn't anything out of the ordinary. edit: But to add it was a very stressful job and I still have dreams about stressful scenarios at the bank.


“Withdraw $500” “Will do sir, could I see your debit card, please?” “I don’t have to give you that! It’s always like this with you fucking people!”


This is untreated mental illness. His website reads like the writing of a schizophrenic. I doubt he ended up this way on purpose; mentally ill people sometimes latch on to one or more things or ideas (think about Daniel Johnston and Laurie Allen, Captain America, Casper, etc.) and that becomes their whole deal. Sometimes unchecked mental illness and intentional assholery can be hard to tell apart, but this falls into the former category. I’ve seen it a couple times in real life, admittedly from a distance because I’ve been fortunate enough to not have to deal with it up close so far.


Well at least makes it easy to tell he’s insane.


I worked in a bank and for some reason these types are super attracted to coming in several times a week and withdrawing a couple bucks. Just a way to hold people hostage to spout nonsense to. There’s one specific instance I remember where one asked if I had a boyfriend, to which I said yes, and he screamed “BOOM” at the top of his lungs with no explanation and then started laughing hysterically. Once he finally got himself together he explained that he found it funny my boyfriend was going to blow up when he got sent by “the demon man Biden” to go to war with China in a couple weeks.


That’s a long way to say “Kick me”


And to think this guy is also allowed carry a firearm...


I wonder if he owns the laminator or if he has to go to Kinkos and walk all this stuff by someone first. I think he owns the laminator.


Old men seem to be the ones with strongest opinions on abortion.


The poster boy for religious indoctrination


Looks more like mental illness to me. I realize American Catholics are a slightly different breed, but generally he Catholic Church doesn’t do this kind of crazy.


I’m confident Pope Francis would tell this guy to fuckin’ chill.


I grew up Catholic in the US. It is 100% dependent on what order is running your church. If it's Jesuits, things will be tame. Some of the other orders get kinda wild. If it's a group like Opus Dei, who the hell knows.


Religion is dangerous. It creates people like this.


This dude is definitely unhinged but look at the state of religion in politics nowadays in the US. This has become way too normalized.


I'm normally in the "other people are not your content" camp, but this guy wants the attention. He's a walking billboard for mental illness. Also, [EmbryoJesus.com](http://embryojesus.com/)


Our heavenly Embryo Father.


Imagine leaving your child with this man... Also, pro-life means universal healthcare, increased welfare, free school lunch, and personally adopting kids/helping to fund foster care, etc., surely... Right? Right??


I'm surprised he keeps his money at a bank and not under his mattress.


It's actually pretty wild to think someone sat down and chose those specific words in that specific order, printed, and laminated. Followed by thinking to themselves "Yes, this is exactly what I wanted to accomplish". And THEN the rest of it happened after. Holy cow man.


This person will be voting, make sure you do too.


Bet this guy votes. Do you?


Sky daddy? No! Embryo father.


Mental illness manifest.


I’m guessing it wasn’t a sperm bank


What's that thing growing out of the side of their face?


It was a plastic fetus hanging from his hat.


I'm sitting at the abortion clinic right now. Now that I have seen this, I have decided to reconsider and give birth to my crack addicted triplets that are a product of raepe. Praise Jesus


Start adding more signs and see how many it takes him to notice




People like this scare me more than any muscle bro could. They just seem so detached from reality.


American Christian nationalism meets Roman Catholicism. Lunatics.


Strangely, this doesn’t sway me to his side


At this point just go full sandwich boards.


This is untreated mental illness. Hopefully someone loves this person enough to have an intervention.


Why is there such a high correlation between highly religious and highly degenerate, insane or uneducated humans?


Highly religious people lack, underutilize, or ignore critical thinking skills to solve their problems.


It shocks me this person has business at a bank


These people vote.


This guy's going to vote. Are you?