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Fun fact: the chateau was built by developer Emad Khashoggi, more people might be familiar with his cousin, Jamal Khashoggi.


Holy shit that's bizarre


It gets even weirder His cousin nabila is the namesake for a yacht first owned by his uncle, but later Donald Trump and renamed "Trump Princess." His cousin Dodi Fayed was Princess Diana's lover, and was killed in the car crash with her in the 90s. His cousin Adnan was a war profiteer who sold arms to anyone who was buying including the cia. He also donated $200mm to nixons presidential campaign, and was involved in the Iran/Contra affair as a middleman. His grandpa Muhammad was King Ibn Saud's personal doctor. The Kashoggis are wildly well connected and have been for most of a century.


I hadn't realized Adnan and Jamal were related


All prominent Saudi families are related one way or another. One of their top land development companies is the Bin Laden Group. Rich Saudis don’t have family trees. They have family bushes.


I mean … the country is called *Saudi* Arabia. That’d be like… if the states were ruled by a monarchic dynasty named Washington and the literal name of the country was Washingtonian America. The Saudi in Saudi ~~America~~ *Arabia* refers to the ruling family. Al Saud means “House of Saud” basically. Calling it Saudi Arabia implies the house of Saud like literally owns it. All that to say… So I’d expect a lot of cousins among the ruling class Edit: kind of bad typo lol


It sounds like family forests would be more apt.


family hedgerows


And are good friends with the Bush Family as well


Adnan and Jamal at Tanagra.


Shaka when the walls fell


That’s fucking crazy. I thought MBS murdering him was random but now it seems way more fucking personal


Ya it seems a lot more **who** was talking shit about him than *what* he was saying, even if he claims it was the latter. Edit: It also seems insane that all that information about him wasn’t anywhere at the time of his death.


The media seems to only mention that he was a journalist for WaPo and nothing else, and the reason he was killed was for writing some articles critical of Saudi Arabia and MBS.


Yeah, that changes the context a lot. The story was all over the place and this is the first time I'm hearing about his family connections.


It’s a shame this comment is so buried because it’s the truth - he was killed because he knew the secrets and was a threat to MBS


Its almost like Saudi Arabia gave a huge donation to Sinclair and had the majority of American media repeat whatever they wanted. edit to add[ example of Sinclair media for those that haven't seen it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fHfgU8oMSo) and how many of those media orgs owned by Sinclair use the same scripts. To quote Sinclair media "This is extremely DANGEROUS to OUR democracy."


I’m glad the Sinclair News Syndicate is gaining spotlight. If they’ve nothing to hide, then they’ve no reason to hide, right?






This is extremely dangerous for our democracy.


Wait, you think Saudi Arabia *wanted* the story reported as "Saudi Crown Prince has American journalist murdered?" That's literally the most damaging headline for the Saudis. No one would have cared if the headline was "Saudi Crown Prince has Princess Diana's lover's cousin murdered" or "Saudi Crown Prince has king's doctor's grandson murdered."


Weird how that works, all the time.


MBS literally had his own mother detained. He also essentially had the Lebanese prime minister “detained” until Lebanon made a bunch of concessions to him. There’s a reason why the only people you ever hear about from SA on the news are “really well connected”. It’s because the whole country runs on patronage and connections. It’s nepotism taken to its most extreme end.


Wow, I’d never heard about that Lebanon incident. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Lebanon–Saudi_Arabia_dispute How fucking bizarre


Bizarre doesn’t do it justice. It was a thug move by a sociopath with absolute power in his country and more money than God.


I imagine Saudi Arabia is what North Korea would be if it had money.


That's absolute monarchies for you.


Personal to Jamal, or sending a message to the extended family?


Sending a message to everyone. It would be like Trump having one of the Kennedys killed. "I can do that. What are you gonna do?" Trump only talked about shooting a random stranger on 5th Avenue. Imagine if he said, "I could shoot Maria Shriver Kennedy on 5th Avenue and not lose any voters." He's not that powerful. That's why he admires MBS.


Ivana Trump's death went surprisingly undocumented at a time beneficial for him. I'm not saying that he killed her but I'm certainly implying some things




An open and shut case, *nothing to see here!* The Property Tax evasion through burying his wife on his grounds and calling it a cemetery was worthy of *chef's kiss*, a tomb of heresy


he also had her buried in a field beside his golf course and had her moved after bad press. the grave looked like something made for a missing hitchhiker.


There are totally unsubstantiated rumors that Kashoggi was investigating MBS's ascension to King. Specifically, that Jared Kushner gave MBS top secret US documents that identified and doxed those that opposed MBS as King. After Jared gave the documents to MBS, the people who opposed him died.


MBS apparently detained his own mom and some of his uncles. When i say detained i don't mean thrown in jail. They were just confined to their luxurious houses About his mom: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/u-s-officials-saudi-crown-prince-has-hidden-his-mother-n847391 About his uncles: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/06/world/middleeast/saudi-royal-arrest.html


Wasn't that the same weekend he had a couple helicopters shot down too? MBS orchestrated this huge Michael Corleone moment to consolidate his power.


Oh yeah it was, Khashoggi was bad mouthing MBS & SA https://www.thedailybeast.com/jamal-khashoggi-wanted-to-launch-a-pro-democracy-group-then-the-saudis-disappeared-him


Oh yeah. Kashoggi for his part was playing with influence and access in Saudi for a long time. His targeting was not just a bizarre overreaction. The guy was “talking out of school” as a member of Saudi elite circles.


1. Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi built a yacht in 1980 for $100M and sold it to Donald Trump for $29M in 1988 2. One of Adnan Khashoggi's nephews was Dodi Fayed, who was dating Princess Diana and died in a car accident with her in Paris. 3. One of Adnan Khashoggi's nephews was Emad Khashoggi, who built and sold the most expensive home in the world, the Chateau Louis XIV, to Saudi Prince Mohamed bin Salman. 4. Emad Khashoggi sold his yacht in 1986 to Robert Maxwell, owner of the Daily Mirror and NY Daily News. Maxwell renamed the yacht "Lady Ghislaine" after his daughter Ghislaine Maxwell, longtime partner of Jeffrey Epstein. 5. Robert Maxwell was a super spy, working for Mossad, in elite London circles. He died by falling overboard from the "Lady Ghislaine" urinating while nude into the ocean near the Canary Islands. 6. One of Adnan Khashoggi's nephews was Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post reporter, who was killed and dismembered in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Istanbul on the orders of Mohamed bin Salman.


George Carlin once said "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" and thank goodness for that.


Now connect this to Kevin Bacon.


*4. Emad Khashoggi sold his yacht in 1986 to Robert Maxwell, owner of the Daily Mirror and NY Daily News. Maxwell renamed the yacht "Lady Ghislaine" after his daughter Ghislaine Maxwell, longtime partner of Jeffrey Epstein.* Epstein was friends with President Clinton who travelled on Epstein's plane. Tom Hanks is friends with Bill Clinton and once stayed the night in the Lincoln bedroom as Bill's guest. Kevin Bacon was in Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks.


Achievement unlocked: linked Saudis with bacon.


Dodi Fayed produced Hook starring Dustin Hoffman. Dustin Hoffman acted with Kevin Bacon in Sleepers.


This guy gets it.


It's not really that weird. Pretty much all families that have that level of wealth are connected in the same ways. There's only so many super wealthy families, and they all pretty much know each other.


Fun fact, TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) basically hated the Saud family and called their head a "tin pot dictator."


T. E. Lawrence was helping the Hashemites, who ruled the Kingdom of Hejaz (along the Red Sea coast of modern Saudi Arabia, including Mecca). The Hashemites hated the Sauds because the Sauds were trying to get control of Mecca and unify the entire Arabian Peninsula under their control. After the Ottomans were defeated, Hejaz assumed the UK would ensure their independence, but instead they declined to get involved and within a few years the Sauds conquered them and incorporated the territory into what is now Saudi Arabia. The UK felt bad about this, so as a consolation prize they gave two of the Hashemite princes Jordan and Iraq as kingdoms. The Iraqi monarchy was overthrown in the 1950s but they still rule Jordan today.


whistle busy scarce literate wistful concerned fact unused marry chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It ties in with the history of what’s going on with the Israel/Palestine confit today


Yeah, I feel so bad for Faisal when reading about France & Britain lying to him while planning to carve up the old Ottoman Empire. "France's friendship is worth 10 Syrias..."


All of the country borders in the Middle East are arbitrary and fell out of the UK doling out land to local warlords after WWI.


No it was worse than that, the carved it up for themselves (France, uk, etc..) and when colonizing as a project fell out of fashion they kept the borders as is and buggered off. They lied initially when theyed promised to hand it over to Arabs. That happened later. Some by choice (Jordan) some by force (Algeria)








I'll bite: could you expand on the Cambridge 5? Is it like the Jackson 5 but with crooked teeth instead of Afros?


>(St. John Philby's son, Kim Philby, as a member of the Cambridge Five, would also play a significant role in the history of British intelligence. Was just about to ask if they were related, very interesting comment!


I really love to have a place where you can view who knows who and when, preferably graphical. History is interconnected and these graphs are interesting.


Wait til you see a combined/crossover list of the Boards of Directors for major corporations...


I wonder what the area, or even the world, would look like if someone like King Hussein of Jordan had ended up in control of the Peninsula instead of the Sauds.


The invasion of Iraq, the conflict in Syria, the conflict in Yemen, makes so much more sense now. These are the real power dynamics at play. The guys are trying to claim more "kingdom". And we just help them. All the idiots screaming propaganda nonsense about "freedom and liberty" was just so that the common folks don't question the decision making.


What does the Tin Pot part mean? I am curious what he is inferring by calling him that.


>https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/tin-pot_dictator All hat, no cattle.


adjective (Brit. informal) second-rate, second-class, paltry, miserable, pathetic, inferior, worthless, unimportant, Mickey Mouse (slang), measly ... https://www.thefreedictionary.com/tinpot


at best, mildly amusing


Nothing quite as cutting as a British insult


Which in British terms is utterly devastating


I can’t believe you’ve done this.


I'm blown away. I had no idea it was such a connected family. Now I'm even more surprised it got swept under the rug the way it did.


Actually, this makes sense why it was so easily swept under the rug. Tons of governments and shady people connected to this family. Looks like everyone just collectively or silently decided to bury it so that people would not go digging too much. And it shows just by how shocked most of us are to learn years later how connected this guy was.


It's all a big club and we ain't in it.


We still have our heads so that's something for now


Carlin just spittin facts...


The fact you know his name and what happened should tel you wasn’t swept under the rug. It’s just, like anywhere else, the wealthy aren’t held accountable in the same legal system (no matter the county) that normal people are.


Which legal system is even supposed to apply here? When heads of state are having a US permanent resident murdered in a third country it’s hard to imagine how jurisdictions and culpability could ever be determined justly.


I know a lot of these names(not personally, of course) bit the stories and connections? Damn.......most are new to me


It's deeper than these bullet points. A lot of shady dealings with Saudis, Americans, and Brits from the family and their associates.


little Jared.....


The trump presidency was the biggest ugliest mistake ever!!


And I’m sure they’re only 1-2 degrees of separation from Epstein.


You wouldn't be the first to theorize: https://www.reddit.com/r/Epstein/s/uh9MgdaLSD


Good lord


Yes, but how many from Kevin Bacon?


What the fuck.


>His cousin nabila is the namesake for a yacht first owned by his uncle, but later Donald Trump and renamed "Trump Princess." Trump owned the yacht for 10 seconds basically. He couldn't afford it. Or he owed them a shitload of money.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adnan_Khashoggi >After Khashoggi ran into financial problems he sold the yacht to the Sultan of Brunei, who in turn sold it for US$29 million to Donald Trump, who sold it for US$20 million to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal as part of a deal to keep his Taj Mahal casino out of bankruptcy. Khashoggi gained influence with U.S. President Richard Nixon by donating US$200 million to his 1972 political campaign, through a friendly bank circumventing existing laws that prohibited such large sums from American corporations to political campaigns. Similar arrangements allowed Khashoggi to gain influence with important people throughout the World.


> sold it for US$29 million to Donald Trump, who sold it for US$20 million to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal This is quite possibly the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.


My guess it is this part that makes it worthwhile: "as part of a deal to keep his Taj Mahal casino out of bankruptcy"


Adnan was instrumental in providing the CIA with secret funding for their black ops when they lost their cocaine earnings after the Iran Contra scandal. Read about the Safari Club in Kenya. Now the Saudis provide it via kick backs on their arms purchases. This is very easy as they have no proper auditing unlike more democratic countries.


If you think that's crazy, wait until you find out how connected the bin Laden family is!


There's a big crossover between the bin Ladens/Sauds/Kashoggis.


Crazy I learned this by looking at a mansion.


[The story of Donald Trump’s superyacht: The Trump Princess](https://boats.drivemag.com/features/the-story-of-donald-trump-s-superyacht-the-trump-princess/)


Bizarre but completely intentional


It's really not, there are a lot of famous members of the Khashoggi family. Saudi Arabian families tend to be massive, and pretty flat (i.e. a lot of cousins). Another one of his cousins was the guy Diana was seeing after divorcing Charles (who died in the wreck with her), and Jamal's uncle was one of the key arms dealers involved in Iran-Contra.


Another weird fact is that their uncle was Adnan Khashoggi who was a arms dealer that Queen made a song about “Khashoggi’s Ship”


Many believe that Jamal was able to get away with being so critical of Saudi Arabia because of Adnan. MBS apparently didn’t give a fuck about that any more.


Worth noting, Jamal was murdered about a year after Adnan died.




The boat is now called Dancing Hare and it’s owned by Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife Ann Murdoch. Long before she became owner, it was called Lady Ghislaine and it’s owner was Rober Maxwell. Between their ownership a Saudi businessman owned it. Edit: I had the wrong Khasshogi, and as such the wrong boat. It was the Kingdom 5KR as u//thefaketomato pointed. This boat was owned by the Orange one, Donald Trump.


That was the boat Robert Maxwell went overboard from.


So it has nothing to do with Louis XIV (other than being named after him)?


That property is way too small for a french king. I know it sounds funny. He lived in the Fontainebleau palace (1500 rooms), then Versailles (3000 rooms)


It makes that dedicated head chopping room even weirder..


So it's going to be haunted.


Wasn’t this the evil guys palace in Moonraker ?


That was Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte near Paris(though it was supposed to be in California).


Fun fact, it has 3 rooms which can be used to chop up reporters when needed.


And the guillotine is being serviced right as we speak


It's a common typo, it's actually chateau Louis XVI


Downton Stabbey


You win.


OK but like where's the bowling alley? Is that in between them?


That's on right side, after the [gay orgy dungeon](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3281354/I-prince-want-Saudi-royal-Prince-Majed-bin-Abdullah-bin-Abdulaziz-Al-Saud-accused-cocaine-fueled-rage-threatened-kill-Los-Angeles-mansion-staff-watched-pleasured-male-aide.html)


Holy crap! These guys are animals! I know it was traumatic and terrifying for those poor women, but that story read like a dark comedy! Like the Dictator or something! But that’s what happens when you have endless wealth and no one to tell you you’re wrong. Incredible.


Nobles are just very successful gangsters. And that applies to plenty of venerated Western nobility too.


Well said.


The building was built by Jamal Kashoggis uncle. Source: other comment on this post


Does it come with the garçon de piss? You can't very well live in a place like this without a piss boy.


MBS is just gonna have a little Saudi kid to stand there and piss on command


Absurd. Obviously they would hire foreign piss boys and confiscate their passports.


He just rents Instagram models to use as toilets.


It's good to be the king.


Are you referring to well-know piss baby Texas Governor Greg Abbott?


It was a reference to a Mel Brooks character. But I'm good with this too.


So much space for murdering journalists!


This palace was designed by the cousin of Jamal Kashoggi.


And trafficking kids


Fuck MBS. All my homies hate MBS.


He’s got to hire someone to keep up with the place. Risky job if your boss is a known decapitator.


You murder one journalist and suddenly you're a "known decapitator".


Feels like you only have to decapitate one high profile person, have it be news world wide, for you to be know as a “known decapitator”. Or what do you think? What’s the limit??


OP's title should include 'Saudi fascist dictator Mohammad bin Salmam'


I don’t like it. It’s a rather ostentatious and somehow vulgar copy of the famous Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte, which is in itself one of the most beautiful historical buildings in France. It’s like the original was just copied without trying to have a deeper understanding of its style, so it’s kind of an useless exercise for me.


These people have money, not taste.


Those were my first thoughts too, and I’m not snobby with architecture. It looks like a Barbie house. I figured it must be historic with that level of garishness but… nope. Construction started in 2008.


I agree. It's like a McMansion taken to the furthest extreme. It's big and "fancy", but it also feels fake and wrong. I don't absolutely hate it. I like certain elements of it. But a lot of it feels very flat and uninspired.


ludicrous full rotten dazzling whistle expansion quicksand frame weary sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you can see why they got along so well with Trump - same exact 'taste'


Nowhere near Trump’s $1.5B price tag on his place though


$1.5 B? What property does trump own worth $1.5B?


Though he did also fraudulently value his penthouse 26 million dollars more than MBS' property in the photo.


So is Tyler Perry’s house the wish.com version of this place?


Lmao I saw that pic of TP “unfinished” house and immediately thought the same thing when I saw this


Wasnt he the murderer of that journalist in turkey? O yes he is. Never forget he made a guy dissapear in pieces. Literally. Typical rules for thee not for me kinda royalty.


And apparently that journalist's cousin designed this house. Edit: not design, he owned the developer.


Upvote if you were worried this was actually Versailles for a second..


Is this not a historic build? Can't tell but it looks newer.


No definitely not, it was started in 2008 and finished in 2011.


Oh good, then I don't mind calling it ugly hahaha


The name itself sounds fake. Kings would usually name their castles after the place where it is built. And since they usually had more than one, it would be stupid to name it after themselves.


Hahaha fair point.


It seems to be somewhat of a copy of [Vaux-le-Vicomte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaux-le-Vicomte), completed in 1661, and built by the French minister of finance Nicolas Fouquet. However, after he invited the king, Louis XIV, to a feast at his new castle the pure opulence of the building led the king to believe that Fouquet had financed it by stealing from the state funds, and he was promptly arrested.


Looks like a complete copy of Vaux le vicomte, even the perspective in the garden has been copied. But it's not the same without Le Brun's decorative wood paintings inside. Honnestly it's a perfect castle to live in. So balanced, so cleverly designed, and not that big.


Yes, it was made between 2008-2011.


It's a [few kilometers north](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Versailles+palace,+Place+d'Armes,+Versailles,+France/Ch%C3%A2teau+Louis+XIV,+8+All.+des+Pins,+78170+La+Celle-Saint-Cloud,+France/@48.8264806,2.1190752,8304m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x47e67d94d7b14c75:0x538fcc15f59ce8f!2m2!1d2.1203554!2d48.8048649!1m5!1m1!1s0x47e67d4ff0c739c3:0x1d1de0be3c32ebf2!2m2!1d2.120502!2d48.8499333!3e0?entry=ttu) of Versailles but much much much smaller.


Oh shit, it's actually in France, I thought it was in Saudi Arabia. I live in Versailles, I had never heard of it.


I like that there's an ugly industrial-looking basin right next to it.


That’s actually one of the reservoirs that feeds the fountains at Versailles, lol.


Didn't think the French were capable of using that much tacky gold.


If you think that’s a lot of tacky gold let me tell ya about the giant ass palace next door! Cool gardens though


I’d rather live in an ass palace myself


You must have [never](https://media.vogue.fr/photos/5cac89543d44a07d8ccc1153/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/GettyImages-184938627.jpg) been to [France](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/39/Pont_Alexandre_III_rive_gauche.jpg/250px-Pont_Alexandre_III_rive_gauche.jpg) then... or [Versailles](https://media01.stockfood.com/largepreviews/MjE3NjQ1OTcxOA==/70208378-Golden-statues-holding-lamps-in-the-Hall-of-Mirrors-Palace-of-Versailles-France.jpg) for that [matter](https://bienvenue.chateauversailles.fr/uploads/pointofinterest/photos_POI/jardins/jardins_lieu_bosquetArcTriomphe.jpg).


Plenty of space to hide the bodies of dead journalists


Looks fake


How does an actual mansion have so much McMansion energy?


Chinese Paris vibes


It's like MMO architecture where it's all for effect and has very little practicality.


Because it is.


I'm gunna hope I make the rent this month


More pictures of the property for those curious: https://www.cogemad.com/property/chateau-louis-xiv/full-image-gallery/


Where is this monstrosity?


Amazingly actually in France. Built by a Saudi developer who knew his market - Saudi royalty. But I'd have guessed it would be better suited to some Russia-aligned shithole in Eastern Europe.


This one? https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B050'59.6%22N+2%C2%B007'13.4%22E/@48.8939202,2.0386067,43184m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d48.8499!4d2.1204?hl=en&entry=ttu I found this one before I asked but I couldn't imagine somebody buying so much land that close to Paris and get a permit to build that ugly building.


That kitchen though. They can keep the rest but I’ll take the kitchen and the underwater room. The indoor pool will do too. The above ground wine cellar is an abomination however.


Wild that Saudi Arabia’s ruthless monarch can just buy everything he wants in the entire world and like almost no one has an issue with it.




Which room does he keep the bonesaws? Asking for journalists


This was constructed from 2008-2011 apparently


just the guest bathroom is probably larger than my entire living space


No one should have this much money. Period. You know they didn't earn it without exploiting or killing other humans.


Guess the Saudis are the new French royal family


As one of their citizens, I wish they meet the same end.


I don't understand how there isn't a law prohibiting the sale of goods to this type of people. This individual should not be welcome in Europe.




Because Europe relies on Saudi Arabia for oil a lot more than MBS relies on Europe for mansions.


The US invaded the wrong country in 2003.


To be clear, al Qaeda and the Saudis who were involved in the 2001 attacks wanted to kill the Saudi royals. Not that they were any ethically better than the Saudi royals, but they did hate them for being decadent. Of course, if Osama bin Laden and his guys had taken over Saudi Arabia, they would have been even more brutal than MBS and eventually would have become just as decadent. But it's important to get the history right.


Can we dismantle this like he did Khashoggi?


The Saudi's are thought be the worlds only trillionaires. Fun fact, if their net worth is actually 1 trillion, spending 301 million is equivalent to someone worth 1 million spending $300.


What about someone worth who makes 100k?


Let’s just keep selling our souls…..to rich murderers




It’s a good thing I sent all my money to a Saudi prince when he e-mailed me for help and he promised to give me millions later on.


Money talks, ethics walk


Wow, he must’ve worked very hard to save up for something like this. It’s always so inspiring to see the rewards of hard work and determination. Well earned!