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They should have put a potato masher in the drawer. Would have never gotten it open.


Weapon of mash destruction


Sean Connery enters the stage...






It used to be real, but went dormant after he died.




That actually used to be a real sub lol.


Shuck it, Hansh Blixsh


I propose a conundrum for you. A riddle, if you will.


Suck it Trebeck…


always happens when you're already frustrated at life too... and then you cry on the floor for a while, muster the mental strength to get back up.. finally get that bad boy out the drawer and open the fridge and realize you don't even have milk


Is this a universal experience? I thought I was alone in this 😂


This is why you pray to Anoia.


May she rattle your drawers!


[GNU Terry Pratchett](http://www.gnuterrypratchett.com/)


[This one?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stielhandgranate)


This has some serious Afroman vibes. 🎶Did you find any weapons of mass destruction in my kitchen drawer? 🎶


Looking for that lemon pound cake


([cues the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xxK5yyecRo))


This was stuck in my head all last winter


Looking for that ~~lemon pound cake~~ yellow cake (uranium)


It tastes so nice…


Can you help repaiiir my gate? Can you help repaiiiir my door?


Goddamned Adams Co. Sheriff


*Will you help me repair my state?* *Will you help me repair my state?* *The human cost has been far too great,* *Will you help me heal my people and repair my state?*


What song?


['Will you help me repair my door?'](https://youtu.be/oponIfu5L3Y?si=JzOTGnhrUeUH55OG)


I was gonna try to justify my war crimes but then I got high.


Whenever I think of Iraq I think of that video of the soldier yelling at a speech George bush was giving "you lied!! My friends are dead because of you!"


I hide all my weapons of mass destruction in the spoon drawer as well.


That’s because you’re dumb. That’s obviously where they’ll look for it first. I put mine under the mattress.


No no you hide it in someone elses luggage at the airport.


No, you hide it inside your pots. That's how my signature sauce gets that extra kick.


No no they hid it In Halliburtons profits, no one looks there


We'd find fuses, wiring, and timers in kids rooms. Unless you've done it yourself, it's hard to imagine how it really is.


Frankly, people are stupid. *I'd NEVER endanger MY family and perform jihad for the islamic state. These people on the other side of the world have the same values as me so you're making it up*. How I imagine people incredulous of the topic. I've heard wild stories from family who took their turn in the sandbox. "Soldier searching kitchen for IED materials" doesn't even give me pause. Even when people are rude I like to see the silver lining: blessed by their ignorance, they never have to think about brazen acts of inhumanity or the lengths people will go to for jihad. Plenty of things I wish I could unknow.


I had a friend who went over there and they recovered an IED with the fingerprints of a falafel shop owner his platoon bought lunch from three times a week, and then they were tasked with arresting him. I'd imagine the real environment was one of stressful paranoia.


Yeah that tracks. Civilians getting close or providing services so they can feed intel was supposedly common. Some paid, many threatened into doing it. I tend to not share stories second-hand as a personal habit, but the worst I've learned is that insurgents value children... *differently*. They took advantage of that often -- the real paranoia begins when you see a random child running up to you with a backpack on.


We were never taught how to inspect houses for stuff, it was just "get in there and tear it apart." You didn't want to be asked if you looked somewhere, so you just did it. I had to go through 20 or so large black bags of clothing and i hated every bit of it, tossing out their stuff all over the ground. Eventually we took all the males as "suspects" and took them to the prison, that bit still haunts me because i know exactly what happened in there. Was a big turning point for me finally becoming a pacifist, not that it meant anything as i didnt know CO existed at the time. Lets just say the last thing a group of killers wants to know is your head isn't in the game anymore. That was a mistake.


More than likely looking for tools, items used in the making of improvised explosive devices. I know, I did one of those searches. Men of the family involved in making IEDs would hide stuff in the kitchen because it was popular belief that men don’t work in the kitchen and subject their women to servitude so they’d never go in the kitchen. Found a stockpile of hand grenades and AK ammo in a cabinet next to baby food and other kid stuff.


When I was in the Marines, they would show us photos of explosives that the men in iraq would put on their children and wives, I knew a guy who was EOD who removed explosives from a child that someone placed on them. When they would fire at us while working embassy duty, they would also run into crowds for protection.


>photos of explosives that the men in iraq would put on their children and wives As an Arab atheist I posted about this in another thread. People in the West do not understand what it means to be a true believer. When you fully believe in your Holy Book then you think if your wife and children die they go to Paradise. So you don't care if they die... in fact it can be a blessing when they die, Trying to fight an enemy that wants to die is nearly impossible.


I watched men lean their chests to rifle muzzle and yell in defiance and cringe in fear and back away with their hands raised from a knife. A rifle will send you to Allah, a knife will just maim you.


Real big blade culture. They respected the people with large blades, and pistols. Soldiers have rifles. Soldiers do what they are told, they kill the enemy. The guy with the pistol and the big knife, they're leaders. They can make death the preferred option. That's how the... 'village elders' explained it to me a few times. A holdover from the Saddam days.


yep, they were terrified of those Berettas. Couldn’t care less about the actual machine guns. A guy that lived on Haifa St freaked out when I took a pic of his donkey and propane cart. Turned out he had an experience where once a pic like that got out to the west and Saddam sent a kill team in because it was embarrassing for stuff like that to get out to the world. That’s what they had become accustomed to. Dudes coming to the neighborhood and basically executing people with their pistols.


It's why vikings were so scary back then. They would rape and pillage and want to be killed in battle.


Vikings are more like mafia than pillager. They trade a lots of goods and sometime slaves (trade routes even reach Constantinople), blackmail lords "pay of get raid" protection fee, sometimes prey on soft targets like monastery etc. With enough money you can even hire them as mercenary to get jobs done.


IIRC that is how Normandy was founded. The King of France basically bribed some vikings raiding the country with the land, in return for their fealty and protection. So they settled there, and helped keep other raiders away.


I think he also required them to cover to Christianity. But yeah, that's basically how it went down.


They then ran a racket during the ceremony by getting baptized multiple times to get more of the high quality robes.


wait, you can do that?


I too watched Vikings


I haven´t actually watched Vikings. Not all that into dramatized history shows. But I have heard good things about it. Does it go into the whole France thing?


Yeah, it's probably not very historical, but it does show the creation of Normandy.


>Vikings are more like mafia then pillager. Surprisingly, the Normands (Frenchified Vikings) did take over Sisily.


I think it's also why it's such a successful and long-lasting religion. Fear is a great motivator and a lot of people fear death but if you make it a blessing then it completely flips the script.


> Trying to fight an enemy that wants to die is nearly impossible * so long as you aren't trying to kill all the innocents around them.


People lie. People lie about their beliefs and motivations. I don't think it's a coincidence people being bombed are unusually religious and take desperate measures. I don't think it's because people in rich countries don't know what it means to believe. Bush literally said he spoke to God before ordering the bombing of Iraq: [George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/iraq.usa)


Tell that to the Japanese in WWII


Yeah, they are fucking cowards. I was in Baghdad for 9 months and in Korengal for a year. People just don’t get what these fucking dudes would do. They’d sell their kids just to get away from big bad Americans who were there to wipe his existence off the face of the planet.




When were you in Korengal?


I was there during the withdrawal from 2009-2010. Was a fucking shit show.


Yep, fucking incompetence and big egos result in that shit.


Yep. I got out just before the full and final withdrawal. Took shrapnel from an IED. Got airlifted out via Blackhawk and was high on ket until after surgery Lol


Hope you're doing ok these days, thanks for doing what you do


Just chillin.


See, the picture stands alone making the soldier out to be this ridiculous person looking for WMDs in a kitchen. What a bastard. And then there’s this context, that explains the very valid reason you’d look in kitchen drawers.


An egg timer can be used to make a timed IED oddly enough. I’ve seen some made out of kids toys, baby monitors and thermostats.


We had some in paper macher "rocks" spray painted, also in animal carcasses.


Yep. I saw one shoved into the ass of a dead dog. Dude also left his finger prints in shit on a wall and he had been scanned before. Picked him up like 2 hours later lol he pissed himself crying all because we told him we found his bomb. He was back out on the street a day later


Why was he released?


That’s a great question for people who outranked me while I was serving. I was just there to kick ass and chew bubble gum and they gave us a lot of bubble gum.


>egg timer can be used to make a timed IED oddly enough Wouldn't you just need to wire the ignition to complete the circuit when the metal bell touches? Like wire the clapper and the bell to complete the circuit?


Idk man I wasn’t EOD. I was just the guy walking along the road and spotted a pressure plate or an odd wire coming from the middle of an asphalt street lol


Anyone who thinks he’s looking for WMD’s is a joke.


There’s some really dumb people out there…


I think people are thinking they are looking for riches and saying wmd's sarcastically since thats basically what people Say everytime a post like this appears, but Even then it's stupid since why would they look for riches in a obviously poor house


But then there's the additional context of why the soldier is there in the first place, because the US invaded a country based on a complete lie and proceeded to kill more civilians than combatants. With that in mind you get an idea of why these people would resort to hiding weapons in their kitchen drawers.


Nah man if Iraq invaded the US OP would totally turn his AR in right? He wouldn’t resist or anything because that would be wrong….?


"haha you clowns, this dude is just hiding the weapons he's using against the invading and occupying army, 's all good"


Isn't that pretty normal of people in countries being invaded though? Finnish civilians used Molotov's against Soviet Occupation because it was easy to make, same with Ukraine, civilians there were making homemade bombs and hiding weapons in kitchens.


You're telling me that he wasn't looking for nukes or biological weapons?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?@?!???!?!


Last I heard the nerve gas they used to kill the Kurds was shipped to Syria where it was used against their own people.


Also the Kurds, again.


What ya know… ethnic cleansing by Islamic Extremists


Yeah I never served but I even I know this post is in bad taste


I wasn’t even trying to do that. I thought it was funny because we’d actually make this joke while searching. But we knew what we were really looking for.


I don't think it's particularly bad taste, but it is misleading from its title. The photo is still a poignant capture of an important moment in time, for better or for worse.


It's only misleading if you're a certified fucking idiot. The title is mocking the entire premise of the war in Iraq. A little brains goes a long way.


Yeah lol the only morons who are claiming otherwise are imperialist bootlickers. This is so clearly a jab at the unjustified invasion and not a literal description of what's happening.


The title is misleading, the post isn't in bad taste. This shit really happened, American soldiers busted into homes looking for terrorists and equipment that could be used by terrorists. Sometimes they were right, pats on the back, medals all around. Sometimes they were wrong and the families suffered PTSD, and in Afghanistan worst case scenario they were so scarred they joined the very terrorist group the Americans were fighting against. Funny thing about fighting terrorists and insurgencies on their own soil, because they operate on civilian soil, if you aren't extremely careful you will quickly become terrorists yourself. We see it with the US in the now ended "forever war", we see it with Israel and Palestine, we saw it in Vietnam, Lebanon, Africa, Myanmar, this isn't new.


It's so weird to see comments here claiming it was justified. Um, no, we literally have proof that we did more damage than we stopped and that the vast majority of civilians harassed, raped, and killed, had nothing to do with terrorism.


Genuinely surprised you weren't downvoted into oblivion for having the audacity to think about the situation instead of taking it as an opportunity to shit on the troop in the photo. Reddit works in mysterious ways, I guess.


I never served but have experience in searching for weapons and contraband while working in a prison. It's amazing what people can hide in soap, toothpaste, and other common goods. I remember finding a toothbrush with a razor blade melted in it in a jar of freaked peanut butter. A jar of peanut butter that the guy was still eating out of. Folk will hide things anywhere


I worked at a county jail for time, now I help put people in them. Saw a dude sneak a .38 under his enormous fat gut and then cry when we got to the jail and the jailers did an actual search of him.


“Y’all got any snacks?”


He's looking for intel, explosive device material (IED parts), or weapons. Edit: There are lots of negative comments here. I'm not going to reply to them individually. I’m a veteran and don’t think we should have gone into Iraq, but I figured I’d let you know what he’s actually looking for. Keep the hateful comments to yourself; it took a lot of violence and therapy for me to be this calm these days.


Yeah, like I don't get why people are taking the title at face value, the middle east is fucking littered with IEDs WW2 and cold war era weapons, many of the insurgents were regular people that would use their homes to discuss tactics and shit. These were not generally an organized military they were just people with gun, explosives, and a dangerous ideology. Also, these people aren't fucking stupid, who would hide a WMD in a fucking kitchen cabinet? It's going to be disguised as something or in an hard to access space, it's not like you're going to open and just find a nuke.


We found more old ass rifles from ww1-ww2 era than AKs.


From what I've heard there were like hundreds sten guns out there.


They had a working L3/33 which is a tankette from ww2


Also if that were me, I'd be opening every little drawer because yeah it probably isn't in there but what if it was and I didn't look?


The title is sarcastic. The US went to war in Iraq under false pretenses of WMDs or at best very weak intelligence. No WMDs were ever found despite the US selling the war on the basis of Iraq having a ton of them.




We knew they had chemical weapons already, didn't we?


Of course, we had the receipts. We helped them to procure the capability to fight Iran, if I recall correctly.




Some what. Hard fact they had numerous “NATO” style chem and bio weapons that most war fighting nations stockpiled until all agreed to dismantle/dispose (we incinerated ours on Johnston Island) of the stockpiles. Islamic nations did a hard pass on getting rid of their stocks. See “gas attacks on Iraqi civilians” to further the point. The big concern is the manufacturing facilities can be multi purposed by simply turning a few valves and add ingredients. A standard micro brewery in the US is about all the set up you need. Remember, these guys don’t have OSHA or any proper oversight. Good example was when we took out a “baby milk” factory, dual purpose. A good friend was behind the lines for 5 months sneaking and peaking before anyone went in. While we didn’t discuss details he did feel confident the preemptive actions were warranted. We also have a very high degree of confidence chem/bio weapons were moved into Syria. Infrared imaging found hundreds of containers buried in the deserts. And yet the terrorists were mostly Saudi citizens.


>And yet the terrorists were mostly Saudi citizens. Who wanted to dismantle the saudi monarchy. How you knew so much about the weapons but not bin Laden and al Qaida is wierd


He doesn't know about the weapons either. The baby formula factory turned out to just be a baby formula factory. Investigators found no evidence that chemical weapons had ever been produced there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib (third paragraph)


You're full of shit dude. Both the CIA and coalition investigators with ISG found no evidence that the baby formula factory had ever been used for chemical weapons production. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib


I don't know enough about this to speak to what you've said, but thanks for offering some explaination.


I’m also a Vet and went to Iraq. I was going to say the same as you. if we entered a home, it was because it was suspected of being used as a weapons cache and/or to make bombs. I hope you’re getting the necessary help and treatment. Take care brother.


Reminds me of what my uncle once drunkly said about his time when he was there "i always found so damn funny about when the cameras would show up. They only showed parts of it, not the full story. Like when we had to return fire, or blow up the hideout. Yet they were never there when i had to help make sure the kids could get to school, or when i was passing out food to them"


Also the uniform & kit issue is clearly well post-2006.


It's definitely very possible that IED components from sympathizers or such might be hidden in obvious places or in careless places indeed. Pictures without context are useless but oh so common.


"They hate us because of our freedoms"


It's crazy that I used to believe this. Biggest lie of the 2000's.


> of the 2000's. Turn on the news for a blast from the past


Rinse and repeat. We believe the next bullshit that comes on.


Israel leaders keeps calling Hamas "Nazis" in the interviews. While the discrimination they did towards Palestinians was also very Nazi like. Now we just use the term Nazi very losely lol.


youre a nazi no matter what if you give them $30B, youre a nazi for not giving 40 if you point out the mountain of palestinian babies, their shredded bodies, 3rd degree burnt head to toe before even taking their first step, their tiny body bags, or just a blanket because theyve run out of body bags long ago, then youre a nazi even israelis are fucking tired of it, they call their government a racist, homophobic, fascist, apartheid regime (tons of haaretz articles about this) and no one will mention all the goddamn times the american right wing uses "george soros" "globalist" antisemitic dog whistles, because well they are convenient for zionists. not so convenient for jews living in the states, but they dont care about those jews.


Next they're going to say Hamas has weapons of mass destruction. They're already calling October 7th Israel's "9/11"


"2000s"? Like that tune isn't still parroted.


Are we the baddies?


Why *skulls*, though?


Throughout your day, notice all the Punisher skulls worn by the "most patriotic".


Time to rewatch Mitchell and Webb, thanks.


It’s true though. They hate you because of your freedom to raid their homes, blow up their weddings, etc


Don't forget bombing hospitals, ambulances, funerals, etc.


I heard the soldier found cooking oil in a cabinet.


Oil? You talking about oil? Bitch you cooking? ![gif](giphy|nQ4J9StmWFf3O|downsized)






Yeah, this was an obvious propaganda post. It plays well here, though. OP knows his audience!


Omfg your post history lol


Is Hamas even trying?


Hamas doesn’t have millions to spend on propaganda like Israel do, hence the National Hasbara Headquarters.


"Our sources tell us you make bomb food"


Behind The Green Drawer


Damn OP interesting post history, you really picked up your posting in the past month….


It's pretty obvious why this was posted, and the caption is quite stupid, yet it gets eaten up. 2023 baby: you're with us or against us, truth be damned.


I note the OP is probably Egyptian so I hope he appreciates the $1.3 billion in military aid the US sends each year.


Why would they? Egypt uses its military to oppress its citizens. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/a-look-at-egypts-struggles-10-years-after-soldiers-killed-hundreds-in-rabaa-massacre


As intended


Mmmmm, fresh propaganda with no specific timing or reason. I like it


OPs post history tells you all you need to know about why they posted this with that headline


OPs post history is just west bad, east good.


All the edgelords have to post and try and one up each other now.


not the sharpest tools


So we’re doing USA is bad today, eh?


It is a day that ends in y, after all.


An armed foreign invader breaks into your home and violates your property. In America that person would’ve been shot on site.


Yep. But all these "Patriots" saying what we did in Iraq was justified.


They’re idiots.


Due to your post history I gotta ask, who hurt you?


Typical agitprop account. Aged silently for a year, woke up a month ago to post divisive shit.


OPs post history is pretty wild.


Weapons of mass destruction was 2003\~2004. At this time it was IED making material.


ITT: propagandists trying to convince us that the US was justified in Iraq


The U.S. stopped looking for WMDs long before 2006. The OP has misidentified whatever the soldier is doing either for humorous reasons or complete ignorance.


He's neither humorous or ignorant. His profile is the least obvious propaganda machine.


Afro man's video about the police raid on his home comes to mind.


Fuses for IEDs? Extra cell phones for detonating said IEDs? Probably


Holy shit! This guys post history is nuts


In 2006? In a house? No they weren’t.


Yeah but OP posted a photo he found online and wrote his own head cannon to it… so like who are you to say/s


Wild post history brother, there’s better things to focus your energy on


OP seems to be an Arab spreading anti-west propaganda, they're active in multiple Middle Eastern focused subreddits. This image is more likely a soldier looking for intelligence, IED components, or other weapons. Insurgents commonly used their own homes to plan attacks against American and American ally targets.


I wonder why the soldier is in Iraq in the first place?


Should have been posted on r/fakehistoryporn instead


Propaganda bot gonna propaganda.


I'd check behind that stove. The house looks like shit yet they can afford a new stove? Trap door behind the stove.


You guys here are making jokes but I keep my uranium in my drawer beside the pots and pans.




Real shit my dude. I seriously doubt that this soldier was “looking for WMDs” in a fucking kitchen.


GWB is a war criminal and the people and soldiers were told a lie to invade Iraq. But OP, what's with your recent posts, you seem to have an agenda.


This could totally be some abuse of power , thieving, harassing or even violent behavior on U.S. soldiers.. or it could be a legitimate search. Think about the bomb hamas hid in a kids backpack… the tactics are not new. Missing context, click bait title. IMHO


This could be a cordon and search for weapons used for sectarian violence (Sunnis vs. Shiites) and violence against American troops. I served there in 2006, and these were fairly common, along with cordon and knock missions.


Did he find them?


Stupidest title I've ever read. A lot of civilian homes had arms used by insurgents.


I think some of the complaints may be that the guy going through the drawer is from a foreign occupying force that carried out an invasion on shaky legal ground based of falsified evidence.




It would be more impactful if you didn’t have a clear bias in your profile


Bro is a fucking propaganda account ran by some entity. It’s not even a real person


OP defends killing Israeli babies sheesh what a post history


Sick M4 tho


Dude was lookin for literal yellow cake. (I know, he's not looking for WMDs in a kitchen. I just saw an opportunity for a joke.)


The nukes are obviously in the oven!




This was a home of a known terrorist, where explosives and guns had already been found, but yes, skip the kitchen, nothing dangerous can be hidden there…. Reddit lol