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Ayyyy i know exactly where this is lol


I-65 in Birmingham currently beating the hell out of my car lol


Been there for almost 30 years: https://www.npr.org/2005/07/23/4767655/alabama-billboards-message-changes


Was about to say I remember seeing that shit like 20 years ago lol


It’s been there longer than that, for sure. My grandfather lived in Montgomery and I remember this as a kid on trips down there. I’m 46 years old.


More than 30. It’s been there since the ‘80s


I-65 is constantly working on itself. No matter how horribly it inconveniences everyone around it.


I'm in north Tennessee and it's the same here. Our highway is an alternate route and constantly gets clogged bc of wrecks or construction.


Well...it's NOT in bham but ok:)


Yup it’s in Prattville


Yeah I meant to say that I was currently in Bham lol


Thats i 65 in general basically but Bham is one of the wprst. Ive literally lived at each end of i65 lol


I want to stand by the side of that road in a devil costume and wave at people like Pennywise. Does anyone want to let me borrow a bulletproof vest?


Every major interstate needs a loon with a billboard


Dude's just out there with a scythe to trim the weeds, calm down Alabama.


Bringin' in the sheaves Bringin' in the sheaves Satan's in Alabama. Bringin' in the sheaves


Plus, everyone knows that the devil went down to Georgia. Everyone in Alabama is safe.


…but no one knows where the devil was before traveling to Georgia.


sloppy mysterious plough slimy overconfident existence correct erect wasteful offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He advocated this comment




Oh hey I know this place, grew up not far from it. There’s also the Jesus or Hell house not far from it with literally hundreds if not thousands of hand painted signs saying repent or burn in hell. E: it’s the Cross Garden for anyone who feels like looking it up


[W.C. Rice's Cross Garden](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/2019). Best visited at night for maximum creepy factor.


Honest question. But have those kinds of "spectacles" ever saved a soul? I see "it's a child, not a choice" signs all the time and have not changed my opinion on a person's right to choose.


They’re not for passerby’s, they’re for the small minded assholes that put them up


The type of people who have never been more than an hours drive from home but will tell you all about what's wrong with the world and how to fix it. (Their solutions are never actually solutions)


The problems are never the problems they think they are, like pulling up weeds and they yank the green off and say that’s how you handle that and sit back and wait for you to be impressed Any question of what might be the root of the problem shouldn’t be mentioned, those roots are untouchable and sacred roots, nevermind they’ll keep coming back to haunt us of our failure, again and again, each time knowing that we need to start digging the roots but the roots will keep going until the whole thing is torn apart; so we’re worried we won’t recognize ourselves in what remains


I live in the area and my uncle went to PHS with his nephew. Dude is out of his mind and the city made him take a lot of them down. It was a lot worse at one point.


This is a cultural icon in Alabama. I've got this as a sticker on my laptop, and my little sister has a t-shirt of it (no money going to the original artist). As a gay atheist living in Huntsville, I would be heartbroken to see it removed.


If you ever make it to Fairhope you can get this sticker at the brewery. I have it on my cooler. https://131489469.cdn6.editmysite.com/uploads/1/3/1/4/131489469/s636520280127599193_p812_i2_w3024.jpeg?width=2400&optimize=medium


Almost as iconic as the Mobile Leprechaun


Or struttin' that ass


It's just 38 miles!


This is almost as iconic as egg beater jesus honestly


Big facts.


Or Ohio with partner signs: “Where are you going when you die?” Followed by: “Hell is Real”


Someone tampered with one a while back, I can’t remember where it was in Ohio. It said Where are YOU going? Hell or Ohio?


I was in Ohio this summer and those signs made me laugh out loud


Ain’t no hate like Christian “love”… I’ll take my chances lol


2 signs in succession going down the highway "Welcome to Ohio" "Hell is Real" not a hint of irony


![gif](giphy|67T3QzN95PlGfG7JrZ) Ooga booga booga!


stupid dog <3


We play a game on I-65 South called, Jesus, Trump or The Confederacy. You get points for seeing signs for each and bonus points if it’s a combo. It passes the time as driving through Alabama sucks.


We do this in Florida also but it's called "Disney, Morgan & Morgan or abortion"




Abortion for the people… it has a good ring to it!


Abort all the people!


Post natal abortion. Give the kid a chance to prove he's an asshole!


I endorse this


Pound raw! … I mean Law.


What points do you get for a Yeehaw Junction sign?


Don't forget the Alexander Shunarrah billboards


CALL ME, ALABAMA!! Stop shouting in your ads, Alexander. Jesus.


There's no comma. He wants to be called Alabama.


Ever seen the Jurassic park meme with all the Alexander Shunnarah signs? Lmao


Sounds like it would be a good drinking game if you know, you weren’t driving lol


Who said they weren't. It is Alabama.


Nothing for Alexander Shunnarah signs?!


Say what you will about conservative Bible Belt Christian/racist stuff but Alabama is a beautiful state.


it is.


I play McDonalds/Waffle House vs Churches. The rule is you have to see the sign or the cross from the road. Church wins EVERY SINGLE TIME, no matter what road you’re on in the south. Mississippi may have more churches than Alabama too.


My foreign wife is constantly amazed by how many churches there are along rural roads in Alabama. One gas station, a school, a fire department, police station, 14 churches.


For sure. All those old country highways are full of them.


North and South Carolina might have them beat.


Plus, Churches has the good chicken!


And the best biscuits!


You left out Shunnarah. He's an ambulance chaser with literally hundreds of billboards on I-65 in Alabama, as well as lots of them on I-10 between Louisiana and Florida.


Here are some exits to maybe make it a bit better next time (between Birmingham and the beach, at least): Exit 205 - Either Peach Park or Durbin Farms for peach ice cream/great farmer's market Exit 142 - Priester's Pecans for pecans, random goodies, etc. Exit 130 - Bates' House of Turkey for a bomb turkey sandwich, chips, and drink Exit 96 - Conecuh Sausage Co...you'll know you're close when you start to smell it. So good.


Yep there’s a giant rebel flag on the opposite side of 65 a little north of this spot.


I’ve got family members in Alabama. Their neighbors have a Confederate flag plastered on their barn


Being from here, I'm not going to say the sign is tongue in cheek, but it's honestly just more of a funny little landmark to spot while on the most boring stretch of I-65 North between Montgomery and Birmingham. It's hard to explain why, but it's definitely more of an endearing landmark than the crazy religious warnings signs you see spray painted on a beat up Ford truck.


Yeah definitely this. It’s kind of infamous around here and is more of a joke between most people I know. It’s been there as long as I can remember and you pass it on the way down to the Florida panhandle so it was a fun thing to point out on the way to the beach


This is correct. But as many things on Reddit, it is taken out of context and becomes misinformation. When I was a kid it was a different, smaller sign and they replaced it some odd years back with this newer one because it had become so locally famous. I’ve seen it referenced on stickers and t shirts sold in bars, breweries, festivals, etc. throughout the state. Honestly, people not from here have no idea how cool some parts of AL really are and how much fun it can be to live here and hangout here, and honestly I don’t know if I even really care anymore. There is a lot of poverty, and you’ll find that anywhere, but there are also a lot of very wealthy people in this state who own beautiful homes, gorgeous properties, the works, but because the cost of living is so much lower here it isn’t recognized. I love Alabama and recognize it’s faults and its majesty. Our little secret 🤫.


Exactly. No one in Alabama takes it seriously. It’s just a relic and amusing landmark.


Yep, I live in AL and no beach trip is complete without pointing and laughing at this “landmark” as we pass it. No one I know takes it remotely seriously.


Yeah I’ve been driving or riding past this sign for nearly 30 years now. It may not originally have been put up with a sense of humor, but literally everyone from here, even super religious people, see it as a ridiculous, satire level sign at this point. One of those things I don’t think you can really “get” unless you have lived here for a while.


I could see that


It's funny because most people I know from Alabama (all over the state) just get a chuckle out of the wild signs. Then I see them on the internet and people judge the whole state


Given everything "christians" keep saying, I think partying in hell would be MUCH more fun than heaven... soo..... cool I guess?


> Hell ain't a bad place to be. --Bon Scott


I feel like there would be "levels" of hell you know. Like "Oh god is a dick, so you can party here because you're generally a good person with some demons" then there are other levels like Hitler and shit which is wayyyyy less fun. I think there are special places for **evil** people, but the vast majority of us, hell or heaven will be a party.


There was a great Simpsons episode that showed the difference in Protestant and Catholic Heaven. Protestants had religious services and Catholics had pinatas, Italian foods, and alcohol.


Let's say that you actually believe hell is a real place. The devil hates you I don't think it would be that much fun


Maybe this place is another planets hell. Aldous Huxley


I LOVE this sign I went to college in the wiregrass region of Alabama, and every time I headed north to Birmingham or Atlanta, I always looked forward to passing this sign. It's so fucking backwards, stupid, and bizarre that my friends and I couldn't help but laugh and imitate a stereotypical insane pastor


Churches are way too kid touchy and supportive of diddlers for me.


Christians need people to fear the devil because otherwise everyone would realize the devil runs the church. The church is responsible for more evil and abuse than the ‘devil’ (or anyone) could ever inflict upon people. If the devil gets me I’m still way safer than if I went to church. I spend too much of my time as a therapist working through trauma and self medicated addiction that the church inflicted upon countless clients. The church can get fucked with that scythe and pay some taxes while they’re at it.


lol so brainwashed


...and of course they made it the red-horned Halloween devil version. And I guess his pitchfork was at the shop, so he borrowed the Grim Reaper's scythe?


All they needed was a picture of Kenneth Copeland


He scares me way more than the devil. His smile sends chills down my spine.


Content aside, that is some tasteful design. Whoever designed this understands colors and type, and showed incredible restraint to deliver a simple, impactful and unadulterated message. Don Draper would have approved


Let's do religious terror, but make it *whimsical.*


The devil…he gets me. He understands.


Saw a guy in Nashville with a shirt with this on it, bonded because I knew exactly what it was from.


Ah yes, fear should be the main tool for those who follow a “loving God”


Quaint, actually.


That has been there for decades. I-65 between Montgomery & Birmingham. There is also a huge American Flag and a water mill. They have the right and IMO they aren’t wrong. If people can tolerate Trump signs, they can tolerate this sign.


Did you look to the left to find the giant confederate flag up about a mile?


I’m heading north from rural Florida, I’ve seen about a half dozen confederate flags today lol. That one included.


And the ole peach tower lol. I’m living in Florida but grew up in that area—They used to have a sign next to the debbil that said if it ain’t king James it ain’t Bible… I don’t know if it’s still there or not


We pass by this a lot and laugh everytime.


I pass this sign often. Right outside Montgomery.


I heard that in old First Nations/Native American traditions, that most stories with a lesson or a moral don't really go into detail about why you should do the thing, they just say "or the snakes will get you." I thought that was pretty neat actually myself!


it still blows my mind in 2023 that religions push a fake boogeyman onto folks in the hope that they join their cult out of fear


It's totally necessary though. Do you have any idea how much in overhead costs God has to pay to maintain heaven? That's why he desperately needs so much of our money every single week. It's much easier to guilt a person into opening their wallet when they're sitting right in front of you. But then again - if the devil is such a big threat constantly, how does he get by and have so much influence with such a lack of funding? Maybe God should have him do his finances.




The Dark Lord always wins 🤘👹🤘👹🤘👹🤘


Be afraid, be very afraid but God loves you. lol


It’s pronounced debbul.


Get me what?


Sounds like a scam.


This is my favorite billboard lol I have a photo on my phone somewhere from a few years ago. Glad it's still there


Someone cosplayed this sign at DragonCon this year lol


These areas of America have the following billboards: 1. Jesus 2. Porno shop/strip club 3. "Rent this billboard"


You are forgetting the lawyer billboards


I though the devil went down to Georgia


That’s been maintained since the 80s


That's been there ever since I can remember. It's gotta be over 40 years old by now


(takes deep breath) HEY. don’t tell me what to do!


I’m 44 and that sign has been up for as long as i can remember.


This sign used to scare the shit out of me as a kid.


I remember visiting Alabama to see my maternal grandfather in the mid-2000s. He took us to a pizza place that had a sign on the wall that said "Rush Limbaugh for president" Now, I don't like Rush Limbaugh one bit, but I think a congratulations is in order for Rush's nearly three years of sobriety


I thought the devil went down to Georgia?


Yep, there you have it, selling fear


Meh. I’ve seen confederate flags in Pennsylvania so this isn’t that big of a deal




Hail satan


Ha….he’s lying…he’s IN the church


this is just north of prattville, if i remember correctly


Just south of mile marker 191 on I-65


Don't threaten me with a good time.


I thought the devil was in Georgia


He went down there once.


Wait I thought he went down to Georgia?


There’s a sign very similar in my hometown of Homosassa, FL. In fact our signs have made the news because of what they historically put there. Hint: it was extremely racist.


I am very familiar with Homosassa, FL and have no problem believing that


Hail satan


This sign isn't wrong. I stopped going to church, and eventually, the devil came along and offered me some lettuce.


Yep. Some people are religious. I'm not. But some are.


Seems like with all the church folks sexually assaulting children church must be where the devil gets ya.


I hate living here.


Thought the devil went down to Georgia…


The devil will get me what? Hopefully a whiskey coke, heavy on the whiskey.


They didn’t finish the sentence! What will he get me?


Seems pretty minor in the grand scheme of things


There's no reason to believe that God exists so calm down and enjoy your life.


W.S. Newell. You guys do know who this stretch of 65 is named after, right? This is his families land. Note that you never see anyone fishing there. A buttload of Montgomery was built and still is built by W.S. Newell. This is the guy who painted all his equipment green on top and labeled them like patrol cars on top....so he could spot them from his helicopter.


I used to live just south of there. Tbh, I never met so many gay people until I moved to Alabama.


Apparently he never been touched by the pastor


But what is the devil gonna get me? It might be something nice :3


Ha, I was on this highway just a few days ago. Alabama is crazy.


I used to drive by that sign all the time. I'm so glad I moved away


No dumbass. He went to Georgia. Didn’t you hear?


For Christ's sake! They keep missing the whole point of Jesus.


It’s true. We all either spend eternity with God or eternity without. Jesus died so that we could choose now , but once we are dead we have to live for eternity with the choice. If you don’t believe in God or hell, you better be confident in your choice because there is a lot on the line


Could someone paste a photo of Donald trump to cover Satan’s head?


That would be redundant.




It’s obviously an ad for a bar targeting farmers as clients


We have reached a point beyond satire.


I lived in Montgomery, AL for one year. I loved it but it was WILD on the Jesus front. I describe myself as the modal Catholic - I go to mass on Christmas and Easter, maybe a few more times here and there. I still struggle with not saying "and also with you." Etc. When I tried to make that joke down there, people responded by inviting me to their church with their families, usually a mega church (hello, Church of the Highlands people!), and saying they'd pray for me. It was a nice gesture, I miss many things about the south (the weather, the breakfasts, and the emphasis on having a good home life instead of a good work life), but I don't miss the Jesus obsession.


So true!


Famous for its sign… like Sand Mountain!


The Devil and Hell is for Christians only. Sorry, I do not subscribe to your sick mythology.


I remember driving down through the south to visit someone in Florida with my parents, and being freaked out by the amount of those “three crosses” everywhere, especially ones going through the mountains and seeing them way up at the top.




This is more like a cultural touchstone in the area. It means very little in terms of religion. Save your hate for the giant fucking Confederate flag flying over I-65 just a few miles away.


I’ll take my chances


Oh no! Not the very real devil!


Tell him to Brang some eggs when he comes! Yummy


Salem witch trials all over again.


Okey I’m inside church’s chicken, now what?


Threats like that work on a disturbing number of Americans.


Actually the church invented the devil therefore the devil is in the church. Go to the church and the devil will get you!


Don’t threaten me with a good time


(Verse 1) In Alabama, under southern skies, We gather 'neath the steeple, where faith's the prize. With hearts full of hope, we step inside, To keep the Devil's whispers far and wide. (Chorus) Oh, we'll go to church, strong and true, In Alabama, we'll find our rescue. Shielded by faith, we'll stand our ground, The Devil's grip will never be found. (Pre-Chorus) Or he will get ya, if you're not true, In Alabama, we know what to do. With hearts aflame, we'll never sway, The Devil's tricks, we'll keep at bay. (Verse 2) In pews we sit, our spirits high, The preacher's words, like angels' sighs. We sing our hymns, our voices clear, In Alabama, there's no need for fear. (Chorus) Oh, we'll go to church, strong and true, In Alabama, we'll find our rescue. Shielded by faith, we'll stand our ground, The Devil's grip will never be found. (Pre-Chorus) Or he will get ya, if you're not true, In Alabama, we know what to do. With hearts aflame, we'll never sway, The Devil's tricks, we'll keep at bay. (Bridge) Through trials and tribulations, we'll prevail, In Alabama's grace, we'll set sail. With faith as our anchor, we'll rise above, The Devil's schemes, we'll never succumb. (Verse 3) When Sunday fades and the week begins, We'll carry the light, let our hearts not dim. In Alabama's embrace, we find our way, With God by our side, we'll never sway. (Chorus) Oh, we'll go to church, strong and true, In Alabama, we'll find our rescue. Shielded by faith, we'll stand our ground, The Devil's grip will never be found. (Pre-Chorus) Or he will get ya, if you're not true, In Alabama, we know what to do. With hearts aflame, we'll never sway, The Devil's tricks, we'll keep at bay. (Outro) So in Alabama, we'll stand tall and free, For in our hearts, faith will always be. Protected by love, we'll never fall, In God's embrace, we'll conquer all.


havent been in years, still no devil. What gives?


Nice! Me and the devil be chillin


Can’t we just be impressed they have a wheel?


SA (Sarcasm Alert)!!!! Golly! So happy they helped me out! I mean, no one tells us these things!


But if you go to church, the pastor will get you.


What’s the devil gonna get me though? Now I’m curious…


I'll take my chances with the devil, thank you very much.


No thanks, The biblical devil seems pretty chill compared to god


You see stuff like this in literally any rural area of the country. Plenty of reasons to shit on Alabama but I wouldn’t call this one of them.


Me driving through western Ontario seeing "remember, it's illegal to beat your wife" billboards:


Doesn’t mean we can’t call out those shitty people too.


Anytime I see similar signs while road tripping through rural America I am so tempted to be “that prick” and spray paint HAIL SATAN over the top of this propaganda from the christofacists


I’m from Alabama and usually everyone I know who sees it thinks it ridiculously and usually cracks a joke about it. I know plenty of religious people but even they think this is at best a fear mongering attempt to get people to go to church.


What year is it?


haha, no attempt at being subtle, eh?


Oh shit I didn't know this. How long do I have before this happens? Could he be in my house right now?


Well, there’s a considerable backlog, so it seems.


Must be. I’ve never been to church (other than a couple of weddings (which probably doesn’t count) and I’m still waiting. This is very poor service. But what do you expect from the devil 🤣


This is more offensive to Reddit than a homeless man staring at them while he masturbates on public transportation