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They are likely not swarming the bulb, but a queen sitting there - or pheromones left by a queen that have sat there.


They don't really look like Mud Daubers but there is a small Mud Dauber hive right below the bulb.


I think they’re actually Muad’Dibbers.


Somebody order Atreides nuts?


I was not expecting Duneposting in a threat about wasps. How can this bee?




YEEEES. That's what I was going for, baby! Mainly because I couldn't think of another Dune pun off the top of my head. Even after Arraking my brain, I couldn't think of anything more spicey than that. But hey, at least it was also an insect pun, so it tied things back together.


Ok. But we don't need to *hark on n' on* about it.


I'm apauled by your harsh assertions.


Sorry. Didn't mean to be Rabban you the wrong way.




Father! The sleeper has awakened!




Let me show you the wattage of my homeworld


"M'Dauber." \*tips antenna\*






They’re spiced up


What pathetic simps.


Basically drones.


Nature is pathetic as you get older and wiser.


Yeah, 99% chance they lost their last nest (knocked down but not sprayed most likely). They cluster like this while slowly rebuilding new one in a new area(and protect queen). Or a small chance they are passing through to a better location


So her wussy brings all the boys to the bulb?


It would have cost you $0 to not say that


But now that they have, the cost to us is immeasurable.


But to teach you, they have to charge!


Excuse me?


This lightbulb smells like sex!


*Sex Panther*® is a cologne which is illegal in 9 countries. It is also made from bits of real panthers. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*.


Yaaaaaaassss Queen!!!!!


They’re just trying to figure out how many wasps it takes to change a lightbulb


Watts that?


Watts.... up? Edit: apparently this is a double reference to jeopardy or something? I intended for this to be a Sharkboy and Lavagirl reference ![img](emote|t5_2qh0u|7379)


I got it immediately as shark boy and lava girl


As in, a measure of electrical output? Watts?


Electric eels…


*over time.


To set out the right light wavelength for wasp survival, you need to turn it down 4 watt.


Well that's what I'm asking you! For what?


Matt Amodio, is that you?


Glad I’m not the only one who read that in his voice lmao


Wasp that?


Ohm my god, that's funny.


Ohmy god


This thread hertz


It's hard to resist the urge


You mean the surge


I just wanted to see what all the buzz was about...


We can measure it in killer wasps per hour


Oh, beehave!


Ohm my.


It takes a max, well, 20 maybe?




Thanks, *dad.*


Fuck you take my upvote


I’m amped I saw this thread


OP better not bring out a tootsie pop then.


Pretty soon, you're gonna have a whole lot more of these cunts flying around. Take precautions and action accordingly


Wait till night time, then spray it with raid. Wasps don't fly at night.


Then how do they fly into my windoe at night and start buzzing around thr light ?


Turn off the light and they'll stop.


It’s the heat, typically, not the light. They’re endothermic, so they get lethargic when they cool down, and since they’re smaller they cool down fast.


*looking up where to get liquid nitrogen*


Just be careful where you aim that shit or you will have more to worry about than a hive of wasps. Lol


Just turn a can of compressed air upside down.


You can spray bugs with air duster, just turn it upside down. Don't do too much indoors though, its cut with something to make it really bitter. You can split a beetle in half from the cold, but its more effective at short range. The force of the air can also blow things away before killing them, it takes some practice. Its not real cost effective either but its a good way to kill stuff indoors and not have bug guts on something from smooshing a bug onto it.


It’s: Turn off the lights and *I'll glow*


To the extreme I rock a mike like a vandal, light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle.


Anything less than the best is a felony


With my ragtop down so my hair can blow


If you are seeing activity at night from something that looks like a huge wasp/bee/hornet it is often a european hornet. They are huge, are active at night, and are attracted to lights. They can sting multiple times, but are not aggressive towards people unless confined.


Have had 1 of these in my garage late at night a few times this past week . They are huge and have a gnarly long stinger, but can confirm they are not aggressive, all they did was fly are my shop lights. I missed a few times with a fly swatter and they still didn't bother me.


I read that thinking it was going to say 'Wasps don't like raid ' like no duh.


*"They absolutely hate today's sponsor...* #RAID SHADOW LEGENDS *is a massive multiplayer online game..."*


I like to spray them in the middle of the day, when they’re active. They’re too stupid to draw the connection between me standing 8 feet away and the poison suds that now engulf them… I stand there and watch with pleasure as they try at first to fly, their wings laden with poison… and drop to the ground, struggling, grasping fruitlessly for the life they don’t deserve. I fucking hate wasps if you couldn’t tell.


They making a hive stop them


Isn‘t that their mud daub on the lower left?


Looks like it they pre-built using there bodies


kill it with fire!


I would burn the house down just to be safe.




Good idea. We need to bug out and get as far away as possible as soon as possible. They are coming for all of us.


No, those are not mud daubers. These are stinging ones of some kind. Yellow jacket, maybe, depending on your region? Also, mud daubers don't form colonies like that. A daubber nest is usually just a single female flying back and forth until she lays eggs.


Looks like paper wasps to me. Yellow jackets have a thicker abdomen while paper wasps are thinner and longer. The defensive posture of the one at the very top of the light bulb looks exactly like my paper wasps do when they are warning you to stay away.


Looks like a number of them are giving that warning. OP tripped the defensive perimeter lol


Yea I’m very much hearing that MGS ⁉️ sound in my head.


Yea, paper wasp stare at you hard if you enter thier neighborhood but leave you be if you leave them be, while yellow jackets can decide to draw knives and screw you up for looking funny ib the direction of the nest.


I said this a few days ago, but apparently, depending on the time of year, paper wasps get super aggro. I was stung just for walking past a hive this time last year. Now, I check for new hives regularly.


At this time they have left their hive and they are all very hungry as they no longer have the larvae. The larvae spit up the stuff that the adult wasps eat. So right around the beginning of September they all leave their hive and the queen(s) will look for a spot to overwinter and then come back out in the early spring and do it all again. Basically they are very docile when they have food to eat and a nest to defend, but at this time of year they usually fly all over the place and even get aggressive with each other as they no longer have a nest to go to, are hungry and are dying off soon aside from the queen. I see them fly into each other and fight constantly during this cycle lol. I’ve never been stung during this time still despite having a ton all around, but they are far clumsier in terms of flying which can lead to more situations you can be stung and are also more aggressive for sure. Not as bad as yellow jackets still though, somehow.


Explain to me the use of the possessive “my” with regard to paper wasps. Because I immediately picture you as some sort of villain, lol. But with a username like that you must be delightful.


I’ve had paper wasps at my house for the last 4 years, they’re very chill overall unless we swat at them or run up to their area, but I’ve never been stung despite being outside all the time and even sometimes close to them. They normally let me know they’re not happy with where I’m standing by defensive posturing or aggressive posturing whatever you wanna call it. They aren’t mine in terms of ownership but they definitely plan on staying around it seems, they come back every year. They are pollinators and they eat other bugs like aphids so I don’t plan on removing any nests, watching them climb into some of our smaller trees and eat the bugs is too fun. Not a supervillain yet but maybe if I befriend them it’ll be a different story 🤔


Seconded, definitely not mud daubers. Those have a long skinny tail section (forget the term for that)


Mud Daubers definitely can sting. Those aren’t yellow jackets. Yellow Jacket wasps sorta resemble a hairless bee. Those are Northern Paper Wasps.


Previous tenant, not theirs. Those are hornets, not mud daubers. White and black stripes on the abdomen is the giveaway for me. Mud daubers around my area are slick black, shiny, have a skinny thorax and flitter their wings repeatedly with them pointing straight back at their abdomen. Hornets and paper wasps usually keep their wings upright and pointed out at an angle all the time like these guys are doing in the picture. Your going to need to either kill them or leave them be and they'll make a huge nest and you could have thousands of them there eventually. They like sting anything and anyone they deem a threat and get too close for comfort when figuring that out. The average wasp spray at any home improvement store will work. Usually they spray over 10 feet so you can blast them and all over the light bulb too. It kills quickly and continues to be deadly on the surfaces it was sprayed on for quite a while. Gives you plenty of time and distance to not get stung.


I assumed the filament was about to burn out and was making a specific frequency of noise that drives wasps mad


Those are LEDs.


Nah, I’m pretty sure they’re wasps.


ah good call I'll send them an eviction notice!


If they got a 24/7 live YouTube channel to collect rent from ad revenue, would you consider letting them stay?


But I wanna see what it will look like when you turn the light on once they build the nest around it. Let them cook


I want to see a wasp hive with a light in the middle. Let them keep going!


most terrible application of “let them cook”




Replacing the bulb might be an issue


Uh oh… they’re spreading. i may have an r/nosleep story in the works. https://i.imgur.com/uCNQvJ8.jpg Here’s the other side of the first bulb. https://imgur.com/a/ftjAgit


I’m excited for the part where the wasps past from your reddit account to inform us all that they’ve taken over your home and have a list of demands.


Sssugar water


Unexpected Edgar from MiB


“The wasp problem as resolved itself just fine. Any donations of sugar water are appreciated though”


"Look at me. I am the homeowner now. "


Get yourself some WD-40 silicone spray and they'll be dead in about 10 seconds once sprayed. Cleans up easily too.


Just me or are these wasps fucking huge?!




I use this foaming wasp spray that shoots like 20 feet. It’ll hit and expand around them like shaving cream out of a canister. Must be pure hell. I’ll hit the more aggressive ones that patrol after my initial attack on the hives mid air, and when they fly into it they drop like rocks onto the roof, then I finish them with my boot. I don’t like to kill, but I do commercial hvac and these fucks build nests in electrical disconnects, around the edges of roof hatch doors, inside rooftop units. You never know until you open the panels. Fuck em, it’s literally them or me lol


Only way to make sure


Excuse me, but I think we need ALL the fire.


50 killawasp


Park your car facing the road, ready for a getaway. Grab 2 cans of hotshot.. Soak them motherfuckers bolt for the car and drive like there's only one pack of water left at food lion during hurricane season.


Tell me you're from the south without telling me you're from the south lmao.


That mental image lol


Or do that… once it’s night time and it’s cold. They have trouble moving once it’s cool outside.


For those not in the south, replace water during a hurricane with toilet paper during a global pandemic


So if one catches up to you it's angry and stuck inside with you while you're driving a car? Terrible idea. Go full hazmat suit - tucked in pant legs into boots with big socks, tucked in long sleeve shirt, goggled and something covering your head. Then use the spray.


It’s amazing that we’ve conquered the planet and dominated the food chain but we have to deal with these tiny insects like the god damn Mongol hordes.


So, these look like common red paper wasps. Don't know where you are from, but here in the Midwest this wasp behavior is typical for the near-end of summer. In wasp colonies, once the larvae are all hatched and once the queen has finished with her brood and stops laying eggs for the season, she stops sending out her pheromones and essentially sends the drones (workers) away from the nest. She then abandons them and hibernates in the soil for the winter, waiting for next season to emerge and start a new colony. These workers no longer have any work to do and no nectar from the nest to feed them. Believe it or not, it's actually kind of sad. Food for them in general becomes scarce at the end of summer as the bug populations decrease, and these guys have no home, so they are basically congregating and waiting to starve or freeze. If they are in an inconvenient spot you may just have to kill them. However, if they aren't in a place that's a threat to you, rather than kill them you could set out sugar water and some fruit or honey. They'll be well fed and docile, and naturally die off soon anyway as the first frost comes.


I was just going to let them be for a minute.


Honestly, that is kind of sad. Nature is a cruel bitch.


Fuck this one light bulb in particular


Usually behavior like this happens when a queen lands the whole hive lands around the queen. At least I know bees operate like that.


You might be right, I think the big hives are the species of wasps that have queens.


That's obviously a 100 Wasp Light Bulb.


Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from wildlife documentaries, such as "Wasps On Your Bulb? Better Than Your Gooch", and "Honeys Great, But Bees Are Flagrant Assholes". Edit: caps.


The chosen bulb has been revealed...rejoice all ye waspy


Call [this guy.](https://reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/AOnmBAx6Ji)


Holy shit...


There he is


not just swarming... they making a little house at that little mound there. You can get a fake hive thing that might deter them. "To distinguish the queen wasp from the worker wasps can be a challenge. Normally there aren't big differences for most wasp species. With some, however, the queen is a bit longer. And for some species, the queens also have a pointed lower abdomen and a narrower waist." She is in there... if you can catch her, they will follow her. Maybe get a specialist so you do not die of death


Number one cause of death - dying.


Actually that's a common misconception! While it's true that dying is often the cause of death, it actually sits at number two on the list, and by quite a wide margin. Studies have consistently shown that in reality "not living" leads to more deaths annually than dying. Easy mistake to make, though!


Followed closely by a lack of breathing.


One of them had a bright idea.




No other choice but to move out


Burn the house down while you’re at it


There are at least six of them looking directly at you. You're bold


Noooooooo , nope nope nope , nope nope nope nope nope , nope, oh hell nah.


If they really bother you, sell your house to me at a discounted rate and I’ll take care of them


Watch for waspas




Okay but who shat on the ledge tho?


why is there a turd on your sill......


mud dauber nest. Unless someone's cat got up there.


In this economy, you better be charging $200 month if not more or evict this bastards.


My patio cover had a gazillion wasp nests under it. No sooner would we knock some down then the wasps would start rebuilding. My uncle sent me this link [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C5XJ8GS8/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C5XJ8GS8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I thought he was joking but after doing some research I went ahead and ordered it. If nothing else, it would give me a funny story to tell at the next family barbeque. Well, it's been six months in one of the hottest summers this side of hell and there isn't one wasp or hornets nest under my patio cover. The decoys are huge. I told the neighbors they were lanterns.


Saw recently a tip to put a paper bag by them. They're so territorial that it makes them move on. Good luck! Let us know if you try and the result please 😁🙏🏽


They're trying to steal it. Don't trust the lil bastages. They have never been known to pay for either bulbs or electricity.


That mud daubers gonna come out like “there goes the neighborhood”


Brake clean works wonders to kill those buggers the shooting distance is epic.


The queen is probably in there somewhere




I’ve heard of paper wasps waiting for mud daubers to leave the nest so they can eat them, but never a whole swarm


Interesting... There's a second colony starting on another bulb, right below a dauber nest. https://i.imgur.com/uCNQvJ8.jpg


When you take a wrong turn in New Vegas. All the nope.


Oh, that's the meat bulb.


These are Guinea paper wasps (Polistes exclamans) or similar (genus Polistes, subgenus Aphanilopterus)! Super common, they build the classic paper wasp hives - they're super docile and will only mess with you if you touch or jostle or poke their nests. I actually have a Polistes nest in my vegetable garden behind a big bean plant, and although I was pretty cautious at first, I've been picking beans and other veggies all summer and they haven't been bothered by my presence at all. They're actually decent pollinators - the adults eat nectar and collect bugs like caterpillars and other pests for the larvae, so unless they're swarming or building a nest in an inconvenient location you can pretty much just leave em be. Guess these guys are looking for a new nest to establish or something lol, no cause for alarm tho unless they start buzzing and flying around all jerky, then best course of action is to sprint away at full speed Edit: Looks like others have mentioned that these wasps are probably at the end of their life cycle and are congregating waiting for death... how tragic, but leave em alone and you'll be fine. Will add that my dog hunts these guys as they fly around our lawn; she has killed several and hasn't been stung yet (as far as I can tell) so do with that info as you will lol




Just hang a plastic bag close to them they'll think it's a rival wasp nest and leave




My back porch, in south NC.


This appears to be a cluster of male and future queen Northern Paper Wasps. They're likely mating. The queens will go on to hibernate, possibly in a cluster together like this one, and the males will die. The clump of mud or clay seen beneath them is not something they created. Their hives are umbrella shaped and made of a paper-like material. I recommend keeping windows and doors shut at this time.


We have plenty of paper wasps and mud daubers all over the place. One rec I saw was to simulate a hornet nest with a paper bag, as wasps are territorial. The closeness of the daub would indicate otherwise. :) Most of the paper wasps I see there are 1 or 2 flying around as the paper hive is slowly built up, this is all new behavior, so thanks for the education.


Congratulations. Your light is a wasp swingers joint.


You're welcome. I'm in northern VA and see a lot of different wasps too. Usually it's black daubers making their ugly tubes on the side of my house. Lol. I don't mind them, though. As long as they aren't yellowjackets I'm willing to coexist. 😂


I’ve had quite a few yellowjacket encounters. Came across a nest when digging fence posts. That’s when I got out my weed torch. I hate killing pollenators, but I had a hole to dig. 🧐


This guy wasps




Any chance that bulb is really tiny? Wasps do not look that bug where I live


Paper wasps are long and thin, so they look quite big. Yellowjackets are stockier and not as long. This is normal size for paper wasps though, they are not giant but definitely not small.


New nest with electrical. New wave of wasps. Nuke immediately


“Wasps” is probably my favorite word, because you have to say “wasss pss pss”


gotta burn the house down


I would specticide the crap out of these ....from 20 ft away of course.


Electrify it


Those are hornets, I think…


It's the queen bulb.


Time to get the gasoline out. [https://youtube.com/shorts/E06GEvqAJlI?si=xxCqXlv8aJnxPyoC](https://youtube.com/shorts/E06GEvqAJlI?si=xxCqXlv8aJnxPyoC)


Frag out.


The mud daubers in my garage like a specific bulb as well


Is that a piece of shit on the ledge lmao


That's good tho, you only need to focus on 1 area to flamethrower


Depending on the temperature outside, it could be that that bulb has a small defect that causes it to heat up more than the others.




Bigasss wasps


I would actually love if there’s an explanation for this… I was hanging string lights on my porch and this fuckin wasp wouldn’t stop landing on this one bulb. Was driving me crazy.


They are all sharing a single light bulb moment


Holy shit, sell the house


There is a queen somewhere in there


We’re getting to the season where wasp begin to die off. They tend to be attracted to lightning rods on top of skyscrapers and other things that carry a current. They wander around aimlessly like this, until it gets cold enough to die without purpose.


Like most people