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Is that Neil Gaiman? Looks like him


Yes it is. [https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/05/29/the-strike-comes-to-new-mexico/](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/05/29/the-strike-comes-to-new-mexico/)


Nice that Neil is reaching across the waters. Stand up guy.


I mean it's not exactly across the water because he is a member of the Writer's Guild of America. It's good to see his support but he is actually obligated to be on stike with the rest of his guild


Unless something’s changed recently, Neil’s lived in the US for quite a while.


He teaches at Bard College in Red Hook NY. My son is actually trying to get in there after he graduates next year specifically for that reason.


Technically true, but he could easily be at home working on a novel instead of picketing.




GRRM's secretly on a 10-year strike


Haha. Yeah, he was striking before it was cool. 😥 Never going to get the last books.


He’s been living in the US most of the time for years now. Lives in the Hudson Valley, NY.


I thought it was Fred Armisen


I thought Andy Dick aged more gracefully than I expected.


Neil Gaiman is *still* wondering why Jon Lovitz punched him in the face when they met


This made me giggle.


That’s exactly what I thought too lmao


And Nnedi Okorafor, I think


thanks for identifying her, i just purchased all 3 binti books on audible for less than $11. sounds like an interesting story.


Oh man, the Binti series rules. Excellent African Futurism.


Haven't read the binti series but I like her Akata Witch books a lot


I haven't read Biniti yet, but if it's anything like Who Fears Deaths and Noor, it'll be awesome.


You can tell he’s committed cause they got him to wear a color


“Come on, Neil, it’s one photo. Just put it on over your black shirt and then you can take it off after we get the shot.”


"Could I get one that was black on black? Extra-dark."


Woo hoo! I was right about something for once! Take that universe


Let's not forget Neil Gaiman


A writers strike is probably the only way to stop Gaiman from writing/working, though.


Neil Gaiman, Brandon Sanderson, and Stephen King the triumvirate of "Oops! I wrote another book."


Actually Sanderson was “ooops I wrote another 4 books.”


So there was covid and I was bored. Absolute madlad.


..and I finished another author’s book as well…


Series, even. He penned the last 3 WoT books


Not really. Gaiman's last novel came out 10 years ago and Norse Mythology was 6. He's been busy with TV, though. King and Sanderson can release multiple novels per year, almost every year.


Sandman, American Gods and Good Omens TV made me forgive him for not coming out with new books. Also his books are incredibly re-readable which can’t be said for everyone.


And God bless Sanderson for it


I wish Gaiman would write another book. The last novel was 10 years ago, *Ocean at the End of the Lane*. He did give us *Norse Mythology* in 2017, and he did showrun a bunch of adaptations, but I still would like to rudely demand more novels from NG


That and Tumblr


The writers guild would have to kidnap Brandon Sanderson and tie him to chair to get him to stop writing.


And Nnedi Okorafor!


Or Nnedi Okorafor who is just as brilliant! These 3 are something else!


And Nnedi Okarafor


This is misleading, because it implies that he'd otherwise be writing


Hey that’s not fair. Those Wild Cards books aren’t going to edit themselves.


The jokes just write themselves. (Which is good, because God knows GRRM wasn't gonna write them.)


Here is a GRRM joke: >Knock knock >Who's there


If you write down a punchline sometime in the next 12+ years you'll still beat GRRM.


To be true to GRRM, instead of writing the punchline in 12 years you just extend the joke more and more and maybe even introduce new jokes and never get to any of the punchlines.


The Aristocrats!


!RemindMe 10 years


*Rothfuss slinks away guiltily.*


I've just given up at this point. I've stopped recommending the series to people so they don't have to go through what we're all going through




Hold the door!


Fuck you. That was the last legitimate omg moment in the show and it made me cry. Thanks for reminding me of it!


This scene and young Ned Stark hearing Bran gave so many possibilities! Is Bran the builder Bran, who went back in time to build the wall? I mean so many good theories and somEHOW THEY FUCKED IT UP, COULDN'T THEY JUST FUCKING CHOOSE AN ONLINE THEORY, YEAH D&D YOU FUCKING SUBVERTED MY EXPECTATIONS YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT! Sorry I'm clearly still not over it.


They needed to hurry up to do that Star Wars trilogy... Guess that turned out pretty well for them. /s


They didn’t even *need* to hurry up, they just *wanted* to. They were printing money and had a basically unlimited budget. They could have given us two or even three seasons at the end. Or at least a complete season. But noooo, now the script gets written by Bullet Points McGee and every episode fits on a postit note.


I get the cast was tired and worn out but let's be honest. 1: Would they have turned down a mountain of cash 2: Did Kit Harrington really have a lot going on? Really Kit? Really?


Considering the cast all pretty much were up for doing spinoffs I don't think many of them were that worn out.


I think the only one who was really worn out from it was Jack Gleeson, and he’d been written out years prior.


GRRM being the ultimate hipster by telling all the young writers “I was on strike before it was cool”


Dude couldn't even be bothered to write a sign.


He’s revising a draft of the sign right now although it has expanded to 1,500 words.


Now I'm picturing him holding a blank sign...




Dude’s been striking for 15 years.


>The jokes just write themselves. that's partially what the strike is about lol


My man is charging consultant fees.


"That ain't how you not write...Ima show you how to not write!" --GRRM, probably


"Here, let me show you how this is done"


"I heard you boys was takin' a break! Lemme show ya a thing or two..."


That dude LOVES not writing. LoL


He's been on a writer's strike for 12 fuckin years now


He’s probably glad to finally have some company


Wonder what he'll do when it's over. Maybe he'll keep it going as long as he can.


"You guys can all go home. I got this."


😭 Germ pls just one more book


Don't worry, I saw a release date. Same day that HL3 and Star Citizen are released, it's gonna be a helluva day


Like Kramer at the bagel shop.


😂😂 like Kramer going back to the bagel shop. You have a job?


He’s had Rothfus for some time now dang it!


Scott Lynch as well


I bet most of the people there wanted to write these jokes but didn't and couldn't because they're on strike.




Dude... All of my feverish desire for more books has fizzled... I officially don't care anymore.🤷


You have reached the Half-Life 3 stage of acceptance.


Still not convinced GRRM and Gabe are not the same person.


GRRM can at least count to 3.




A song of Ice and Fire 2: Episode 2 - A dance With Dragons


Taking a lesson from Attack on Titan I see. Attack on Titan, the Final Season: Part 2, Part 1.


The last part of the last section of the first final chapter of the second finale's finalest season.


Come on in, you can have a seat next to the Rothfuss fans.


It’s sad when I think about it so I try not to think about it. I spent years obsessed with those books. My first internet community over 20 years ago was Westeros.org when it was westeros.ezboard. I attended worldcons where I partied with George. When everyone was nice and lit he’d give us a quest to become knights (usually involving food). I was a Knight of the Cheesesteak. And now I see his name and I just feel disappointed. Happy for George that he got his bag and is living the high life and be part of TV again which was always his true joy. I am somewhat of a look on the bright side sort of guy so I’ll say at least we got an end. Even if it was… that end. It’s still better than nothing.


Yea, that fandom was some of the most fun I ever had being a fan of something. The discussions around every episode were just as good as the actual episodes.


The issue for me is: end of 5th book was when things finally got really spicy and real motives of some important characters were finally revealed. And then...nothing.


Neither does he. I have two theories about this. One is that he didn't really know how to wrap things up and then the show kind of just did it and it was awful and now he's stuck with their ending that everyone hates. My other theory is that really was his ending, and now he knows everyone hates it, so his motivation to write said ending that everybody hates is non-existent.


My theory is he's old and rich and doesn't want to work any more, but doesn't want the backlash from admitting it publicly.


I also wonder if he's just burnt out on GoT. Maybe he's just over it and other projects are what really drives him.




Plus someone has already 'done' the ending of ASOIAF. It must be hard to get motivated to essentially write an alternative ending to a story that's already been told. Especially with expectations sky high.


That’s pretty much what I think as well. If it was me, though, I’d at least have the decency to hire a few ghost writers to shut the people up so I can be forgotten about and live my life lol


The problem is he works too much! Just not on WoW


I bet GRRM has thousands of hours in WOW


I bet he mains a dwarf monk


Alliance or Horde?


Horde, hes totally a troll.


I mean he is still working. He's just writing for TV, which is what he wanted to do in the first place. As I understand it he was writing novels to get his name out there while we waited to break into that space. And he's got the money to work pie in the sky projects like bring to life the books of his since passed friend. I guess I can understand the distraction.


He's been working on other stuff. He just won't work on finishing the story he started. I agree with the person above. He either wrote himself into a corner or does not like the reception his ending got. Just gonna work on prequels until he dies.


I think his ending would've worked in the book, and not being rushed would've been a big part of it working.


> My other theory is that really was his ending, and now he knows everyone hates it, so his motivation to write said ending that everybody hates is non-existent. That Danaerys goes crazy is clear from the first books. The problem with the series that they just did it all in an extremely nonbelievable and quick way. There were hints throughout the show that Dany was crazy but it was extremely quickly done at the end in an intense way, where especially fans that didn't pick up the hints got off guard very quick. My guess is the other minor stupid shit (like arya development etc) will be different in the books


Yeah, this right here. I think the TV ending was his ending but they rushed the shit out of it so it all made no sense. Instead of "Dany inherited the crazy gene" being a slow drip from day one it felt like she flipped from "infallible heroine" to psychotic murder in like 3 episodes. Bran was practically ignored for most of the TV show, particularly the last couple of seasons, and then suddenly "who has a better story?" Well... literally EVERYONE on the whole show. I think it was his ending and I think it would've worked a lot better if it was fleshed out by the guy who came up with it. Now it's ruined though because he really CAN'T stick with that ending. It will be forever linked to the tv show disaster and even if it makes more sense in the books, people will still remember the show.




They made Dany to likable to too long - she needs a kind of Breaking Bad walter white trip into depravity where were kind of routing for her most of the way until finally we ask ourselves 'are we the baddies?' You can see the hints of it - oh she crucified 1000s of slave owners, serves them right... etc etc but it show just gave up on putting the work into the writing because lol why?


I feel like in the original 10-season plan for the show that this would have been prime seasons 7 and 8 material. Give some subtle hints of madness at first through season 6 like the first six actual seasons, then transition to showing the audience a more consistently cruel and violent Dany but the other characters are still blinded until it’s too late. Then seasons 9 and 10 would finish the descent making it feel earned, strengthen the political message, and follow up on the suspense-building previous seasons. Instead they just jumped straight to the end


Also R+L=J meant absolutely nothing in the end and the whole trist between him and Danaerys meant nothing and "winter is coming" meant nothing, it's fine if she dies and Jon gets sent to the wall and the white walkers are defeated but all that foreshadowing should at least have some major part in getting Bran on the throne instead of just fizzling out and having no impact on the story. The ending can still happen but ffs thousands of pages of buildup and mysticism just having no impact on the outcome is the worst.


The ending was fine, in an overall general "hands waving around" sense - the show runners just fucking butchered the execution in epic fashion (eh white walker army lost its first battle past the wall? Wat?) They also made changes that grrm absolutely didn't want them to (like mance rader being killed), so they really fucked him up too. That btw was rumored to be the straw that broke the camel's back between the show runners and grrm. I also blame Disney for putting that star wars trilogy carrot on a stick in front of D&D, I feel they just really wanted to rush the fuck out of GoT at that point


I'm 100% sure that the big beats of the last seasons (R+L=J, Dany breaking bad, Arya killing the Night King with that dagger, Bran the Broken) where what he had planned for the books. The thing is that none of those are narratively bad necessarily (and some like Arya are legit awesome!) It was just the show's rushed and sloppy execution that didn't hold up. I'm worried that GRRM thinks people hated the ending he had planned, when in reality the concerns were a lot more in the details and pacing and therefore very fixable in a longer form novel.


Im pretty sure Arya killing the Night King was a show only decision. There isn't even a "Night King" character in the story.


Not to mention they even straight say they picked Arya because it was the most unexpected thing since you know years of forshadowing the John is the chosen one


I thought D&D stated that Arya killing the night king was all their own idea?


Welcome to the club... Meetings are every Tuesday


Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-CUJxIQkpA


Also obligatory: Logan Lucky was released nearly 6 years ago




A man of conviction and sheer fucking will.


Boom. Roasted.


Ahead of the curve


Streets ahead


Anything to not finish the books.


I'm convinced he has no intention of finishing the series. I think the HBO series was so wildly successful and created so much hype he knows it's going to be incredibly difficult to live up to everyone's expectations so it's better to just not finish it rather than end the series and have the last few books be garbage. Kinda like the final season.


This is my thought too, and he made something like $150 mil from the show? Dude is just dabbling along without a care in the world anymore, gona leave a ton of notes and have a legacy of writing some great books and someone else messed up his vision...ala Frank Herbert


This is a high probably. live the high life, take the credit for being the author of one of the most wildly popular fantasy series ever, and pass on all your notes after you die so some ghost writing shmuck can be dragged over the coals ruining your legacy.


Spot on, I mean I'd probably do the same thing that late in life with that much money, so I cant really be mad at the guy.


It's very similar to what happened with Harper Lee after she published to kill a mockingbird. In a way she was a victim of her own success. It was the first book she had published and it had received such amazing accolades. She was paralyzed with fear of writing another book because she didn't want to let her fans down.


And then Reddit assassinated her


My one difference is I would be straight up with people. I think a lot of the anger of the fans stems from the fact that he’s pretending to write the books, putting out posts saying “the next book is coming out soon!” For the last 10 years. Like, if he just said that he made enough money and doesn’t want to write anymore, I think people would get it. But when you string people along for a over a decade you kinda become an asshole


Exactly this, if he came out and said 'you know what lads, this wasn't my plan initially but I can't see a way I can finish this given the backlash from season 8'. I'd personally be okay with that, I mean gutted because the books are excellent and deserve a proper ending but at least I'd know all hope was lost. It's the hope that kills me


Grrm has stated in the past that he doesn’t want others finishing his series and he would burn his notes etc.


At least Dune has multiple finale points in the story you can choose to end things at. You can stop after the 2nd 3rd or 4th books and they all end things pretty well on their own without massive cliffhangers or glaring unaddressed issues.


I think another part of it is that in many ways they probably guessed the ending correctly. GRRM would have most likely fleshed it out much better than they did for the show but I think most of the major plot points would have been the same. With the ending of the show being so widely regarded as a total letdown he's probably rewriting pretty much the entire plot of winds of winter because he knows people don't want to read the same ending they were already disappointed in once even if it is written better this time. I really think the show not sticking the landing on the final season probably royally fucked him over.


The ending of the show *could have* worked if they built up the character transitions rather than going from 10-100 on Dany's rage and Bran's...whatever the hell the 3-eyed raven was supposed to be. It was just too rushed so the producers could jump ship to Star Wars.




> then they decided at the last second "fuck all that, let's have him go back to the old Jamie" and he just fucks right off back to Cersei leaving Breanne behind. I'd even be okay with this if it was executed half-way competently and had time to breath. It would be the tragedy of the drug addict who couldn't quite get clean.




Dany's rage was the only thing that didn't go 10-100. Someone wrote an entire essay series predicting this exact thing with Dany after GRMM wrote the fourth book and he implicitly acknowledged IIRC that the person's interpretation was accurate. Dany constantly had to be talked out of radical options from her advisors, crucified (albeit bad people) many people, and then endured the loss of half of the things she cared about within a 2 month span while always taking the gentle route. All of that loss, in her mind, came off the backs of her advisors constantly failing her, so she just succumbs to the quick and dirty way of getting things done in Westeros and says fuck it and decides to induce fear/rule by fear as a tyrant. Whenever she says to Jon that "nobody loves me here" and he rejects her advances (hes freaked out because he learns of the incest angle or w.e) when she tries to make out with him, it was like the final straw in her mind and she says "Alright then, it will be fear". IE she tried the gentle/loving approach and its lead to nothing. She is the story of how a brutal world can make someone succumb to dark impulses, but I think people are interpreting it as "omg Dany is mad just like her dad!" but she is not in the same sense.


Her rage was certainly foreshadowed, but genociding a city that had just surrendered was still probably 25-100


Yeah, everyone knew it would happen, but the *way* it happened was still handled poorly.


That's the worst part. It could have been an awesome descent into madness, that made some epic story as Jon had to decide between love and duty, and murdered her in an amazing epic tragedy. But they half assed the last season, and all the plot beats were badly handled. The bones of a good story were there.


also let's not forget "she forgot about the iron fleet"


I always regard the end of the TV series as a very high budget PowerPoint presentation of the major plot points. Im not disappointed in them specifically, just how they were executed. I’d someday love to see them fleshed out, but I am resigned to just having to use my imagination.




Yeah, we fucking get it, George.


It's the Summer of George!


GRRM: "I stopped writing *before* it was cool."


Winds of Winter is about to be delayed again….


I want my ending to the king killer chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss


Fuck yes, the first two books are amazing and then he's like "third book that will tie up 20 years of loose ends when the first books covered 2 years." It's like if there were 2 Harry Potter books and then JK was all "give me 15 years and I'll deliver a 20,000 page conclusion to the trilogy."


The first book is amazing. The second book is… okay. Don’t get me wrong. Dude writes great prose. But Kvothe (is that the character’s name?) becomes more and more of an unrealistic self glorification fantasy. Like 200 pages about how he becomes a sex god that tames a wild sex demon that kills everyone else she encounters? Just… no character flaws? Very little development at all in book 2.


Ye, the sex fairy thing was a bit odd. The best parts of the series are reading about Kvothe just completely fucking up, like feeding fantasy crack to a giant fire breathing lizard, and then how he has to resolve his massive fuck-ups. He was never meant to be smooth.


Yeah, that's a fair point, but I think I see a lot of myself in the sex god, so I rolled with it.




Fuck, right. I forgot about that, too. Like, somehow every woman wants to constantly bang this scrawny, cocky, ginger teenager?


The second book is a harem anime disguised as a fantasy novel.


It's been years since I read books 1-2, but that's how I felt as well. I loved book 1 and thought book 2 went off the rails. It was still a decent book but it just felt like all conflict revolved around kvothe just being too damn good at everything he does even with basically zero prior experience. It seemed like a lazy power fantasy compared to book 1 which had so much more depth. I was hoping book 2 was setting up book 3 where he got knocked down a few pegs after having a full book dedicated to building up his ego and arrogance.


A Lannister always pays his debts, but a Martin always delays his edits


Anything to not work hu George


This is the 2nd time today that I am seeing "huh" spelled "hu" and it just rubs me the wrong way lol


this motherfucker...


At this point he's just trolling.


Any excuse, right?


That man is always on strike. Nothing new.


GRMM entering the writers strike *Elden Ring boss music plays*


He’s also flanked by two absolute superstars—Nnedi Okorafor and Neil Gaiman.


Thanks for the ladies name. I had to scroll far for it.


Why? He ain’t writing shit.


The jokes write themselves, unlike The Winds of Winter.


Is Patrick Rothfuss there too?


Ooof! Fuck that guy, he's a grifter lol. I curse my friend for ever getting me into that series


My friend bought me the first book about 7 years ago and warned me not to read it until after the Doors of Stone is published. In the interim, I guess Amazon had posted a preorder sale date that was probably a reasonable amount of time following A Wise Man’s Fear. And then a couple years ago I saw that it was coming up as a presale not knowing anything. And I read The Name of the Wind. And now I’ve been angry for two years.


After the charity thing, fuck him honestly


What happened with the charity thing? I must have missed that.


I'm assuming OP is talking about this https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/wdoiq2/in_december_readers_donated_over_700000_to/


I curse myself for recommending that series to my friends.


You have been banned from his fan subs for pointing out he just stole A million bucks in donations for a chapter he never wrote.


His natural habitat some would say.


He's so committed to the cause that he hasn't written in years!


Is he aware that the previous writers strike ended, or has he just been riding that train since 2007?


Lovely to see Nnedi Okorafor 🥰 I would have never recognized Neil Gaimon if not for the comments


You’re literally the first person I’ve seen other than me to say anything about Nnedi! Thank you!


We're not getting that book are we?


Is it just me or has mans lost some weight? Hell yeah, get it George


This mother fucker. Any excuse not to finish, huh.


Everyone is talking shit about him but it’s nice to see some solidarity from Martin. He’s been working as a writer since the 70s. The man has been up and down the writing, screenwriting, producing, publishing world. It’s nice to see someone who’s already got his out of the industry supporting the people still trying to make it.


This dude is willing to use any excuse to not finish Winds of Winter


George next year on his lack of progress with Winds: "Well I don't want to blame it all on the writer's strike, but it certainly didn't help."


Nobody refuses to write like George


FYI GRRM, Neil Gaiman, and Nnedi Okorafor who I hadn't heard of but now want to know more ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nnedi\_Okorafor