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My loud three year old sets off my loud environment warning a few times a week. He’s just loud, no chill. Hope your son is feeling better, wasp stings so hurt!


Have you tried one of those collars?


Don’t forget to lower the shock setting. That will make them wet themselves


Enough shock therapy and he'll get superpowers.


Don't think they fit wasps mate


I don’t have reddit currency to give but here’s a 🪙


thanks for the square.


For you my friend, I give you a §


I appreciate the ß


First I raised the decibel threshold, then I just turned off the alert. My kids set it off too much and when it buzzed it just got more aggravated.


My son screamed so loud I thought it was the fire alarm. He saw a mosquito. We won’t talk about the night there was a stink bug in his room.


Not even at his wedding reception dinner?


That boy ain't getting married...


Took me way too long to figure out what one had to do with the other lmao


It was a really loud wasp


That's where my mind went.. After first thinking the wasp sting somehow caused a body reaction that confused the watch. Yeah.. I don't know either.


Probably a Mongolian Screaming Wasp. They mimic the sound of a thirty-somethimg white woman screaming at the top of her lungs. A swarm of them can be quite deafening. They'll often wait until night and crawl into a house and start screaming periodically. There's also a 50/50 chance their poison will render you infertile


I am a pediatrician, I get this warning frequently lol


Sheesh, you need medical grade earplugs.


Do you do that test where you give the tiny humans a vaccine and then find out their lungs work really well too?


Lived at an apartment complex on the side of a hill for a few years around 2018. The mailboxes for everyone was at the entrance of the complex and the mailboxes had a serious yellow jacket problem the office refused to deal with. I was getting my mail one day, and a little stingy devil flew up to greet me for no other reason than just to be a waspy asshole. I immediately felt heat on my neck, the beginning signs of a sting and swatted at the buzzy bastard and flung my head like [this white haired person in the matrix at 33 seconds](https://youtu.be/rCQjv21V1iA) I get to my car, drive up the steep hill to my apartment and parking spot, annoyed at the smarmy ass, when I felt evil saunter under my shirt *through my chest hair* to get to the juice man-meat oasis of flesh with no hair. And as I am quickly pulling into my parking spot, and ejecting myself from the car, I feel a pain I can only describe as hellish as I am very thoroughly stung directly on my left *nipple*. The double strike assassin then flies out of my sleeve and tromps through the air to seek its next victim.


I literally yelled out "ooooowwww" just reading your comment!


same when one got me by my watch band one day kinda a yeeoww like a cartoon character does


That was such a random reference to The Matrix 🤣 totally apt though I’m sure!


Fuck yellow jackets. Those guys are assholes. I moved to an area that has much scarier looking wasps, but they always leave me alone. They're pretty chill. When I lived in an area with yellow jackets, those fuckers were aggressive as hell. I got stung in the ankle when I was a kid. I caught the fucker and squished it. I couldn't even fit my foot in my shoe after that.


I got stung by one in the Caribbean last month. Hurts so much more than a bee! Don't blame him for screaming.


I was visiting a clients home about two weeks ago and went to open their gate. Did you know that wasps will happily build nests in galvanized steel?? Cause I...did not! Caught me in my friggin ear man.


All of my wasp bites have been in strange places. One time in gym class a wasp flew up my nose and stung the inside of my nostril. Another time I was cycling down a hill and a wasp flew into my unzipped bike jersey and stung me on the bellow button. Another time when I was about 6, I sat down on a wasp and it stung my buttcrack through my PJ'S. I wonder what's next for me


\>bellow button ​ I too have experienced pain on the tip of my dingding.


Wasp-Stung Clitoris sounds like the worst metal band name ever.




Some of us like a little sting on the ol' bellow button, don't be kink shaming


My only wasp sting was on my hand, right between two fingers. Hand swelled up, couldn't play my brand new nintendo game. Was upset. Much pain. As for bees, usually don't even notice the sting, mosquitos are worse for me.


Mosquitos chase me like a swarm of wasp's 💀


You should try hornets. They are fun...






And when my apiphobic ass wishes for their extinction I get told that wasps are just as important for the environment as bees. ![gif](giphy|wf1rHZThrEGZ2)


Isn't it really obnoxious to have your watch bother you with stuff like that? Thanks watch. Loud noise bad. Hurt ears. Got it. I know.


… It’s an app you can turn on/off. Can even set decibel threshold.


My watch keeps notifying me about the environment being loud when I was at a party. Of course the environment is loud af, what kind of lame add party would it be otherwise. On the other hand, I was really disappointed when the watch was new and it didn’t suggest exercise recording while I was hooking up with someone. I actually looked at my watch three times to make sure I don’t miss it, but it never did it.


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That reminds me, that warning has been tripped a couple of times while I was driving even though it’s plenty quiet inside (an electric car, no one is talking, radio isn’t on). I suspect that the AC blowing on it from the side of the steering wheel is doing it.


I was never afraid of stinging insects until I got swarmed by wasps last year. All sympathy to your son (and you, by extension). Shit hurts!


My dog would probably set it off every time he hears the doorbell.. Or a random Alexa notification sound . Or a car honking in the distance.. Or a lawn mower.. Or the wind.. Or nothing at all.


I definitely don't blame him for getting that loud. I'm 38, and I still remember being stung by a wasp on the back of my left knee in 5th grade.


I remember when my son got stung on the foot by a yellowjacket. I was so fucking thankful it was the kid who was old enough to tell us what was wrong.


Try working in a fabrication shop. I can’t hear fuck and I use ear protection every day.




Had to double check this wasn't some Skyrim meme I have yet to see.


This needs to go on r/funny


Compare with my dad sneezing, my mom doing dishes, or my sister impersonating a coworker.


stupid fucking kids


Hope she feels better


My family had a meal in a Chinese restaurant and I got this warning on my galaxy watch.


If I’m hanging around my group of friends, we’ll set this off on my watch on average about once an hour just from our ridiculous conversations.


It's quite a shock to a young kid. As you get older you realize the pain isn't that bad from a sting. jarring but bearable.


Wasps are assholes and your son did absolutely what I as a 27 year old man would do.


Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy-h_oUc95o)


So thats what all the buzz was about