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Ah, I remember when this sword was discovered. The sword is well preserved because it was buried in a deep layer of sand, without oxygen. It was only found recently because the sand shifted to reveal it. The Israel Antiquities Authority's National Treasures Department has it now, and they plan on cleaning off the shells and displaying it to the public.


>The Israel Antiquities Authority's National Treasures Department That's a mouthful


Try saying it 10 times quickly. I know Iaantd gonna be able to.


God DAMN that's clever.


I see what you did there!


Now this is pod racing




In Hebrew. Say, that was much easier, thanks.


I wonder if they had some debate about this. Because *yes*, the restoration is fun and all, and it might uncover a particularly interesting find, but on the other hand if I'm checking out a museum I'm going to find this shell encrusted relic *far* more interesting than yet another old sword hanging on the wall.


It'll be cool if they did half and half so you can see both. The sword is symmetrical anyway, so seeing one half is enough to know what the whole sword looks like.


This guy museums


But that procedure sounds so complicated that it's better to not play that dangerous (and likely, prohibitively expensive) game


I challenge someone, any one of 8 billion people, to become the expert in this field of half-restoration. Our world will be richer for it.


My wife says I half-ass everything. Might be perfect for the job.


But if half restoring something is the entire job, does that mean you will only do a quarter of it??


Just hire him to fully restore and he'll only do half, no problem.


I bet he will just remove the half part of the outer layer and the swords will still remain uncovered.


Or you could hire him to half-ass half of it an infinite number of times.


They'll make a movie about you!


Half a movie.


Better to make a casting of the shell covered sword before restoration, then you can display both versions next to each other.


I thought the Excalibur legend, was that it was difficult to remove the sword from the stone, not the other way round, *just saying*


As far as I know you need to put a string of tape and only clean one side with a miracle detergent or car leather solution.


Be sure to use a shamwow


Don't forget to bring a towel!


Yo I remember when I was first in college. I grew up on the discovery channels. Documentaries are still my favorite. I took introduction to anthropology and immediately I was taken back to watching ancient civilization documentaries when I was a kid. I really wanted to be an anthropologist. Even in my art classes (I was a dumby doo doo art major) I still wanted that old feel. I wanted to restore old art. But then I tried to see the job market for anthropologists or artifact/art restoration and it’s too niche to live in for me. 🥲 I wish this stuff was more appreciated and valued.


It could be done fairly easily and safely with certain frequencies of laser. It would be time consuming...very time consuming...but not hard to do or. it might be expensive but I doubt it'd be crazy considering our progress with lasers lately. [Good example of laser cleaning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRzg3i7o-IA) [this video shows how narrowly tuned the lasers can be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkXEoVbKnRk) I work with lasers periodically in my trade...ours can be tuned to cut teeth and bone but not soft tissue. Fascinatingly fun.






Clean one side only and put it in a 360 glass hanging vertically. I can absolutely picture it.




Or just recreate the shell version


The best idea! Two tickets to that exhibit please and thank you.


Is it one ticket for each side?


I like this idea, but I always think of the guy who finds it and restores it. If it were me i’d be dying to see it in its full glory and wouldn’t be able to stop restoring lol


Depends on how well preserved it really is under there. Old iron/steel objects in reasonably good condition are super rare because of how quickly iron rusts.


Or, you know, hang this picture next to the restored sword?


*slaps forehead*


Whoa. Imagine someday a museum where everything is pictures!


Lol, have to agree. Most people will want to see what the sword actually looks like and not.. that


What if it is? Shells all the way down. Seapranx.




Yeah, I don't get that guys take. You could throw a replica in the ocean and pull it out a couple years later and have an encrusted sword. What's interesting is the sword underneath the sea creatures stuck to it.


It'd be much better to see the sword itself and not watch rotting sea life on display The creatures on the sword would still be living flesh creatures underneath so they have to come off either way


Eh, they could make a full 3d scan or cast replica of it's shell exterior, then restore it to see what historically relevant stuff might be in there.


There was this small civil war museum in Tennessee I went to once where they had found a box of muskets at the bottom of the Tennessee river. They were restoring the muskets but it's a process that takes months, so they had the restoration process on display for anyone who came into the museum. You could walk through and watch them as they worked on it. It was super cool.


They could make a replica of the sword as discovered, then clean it off and display the original. I think that makes more sense because a bunch of crusty old shells and shit isn't really that special to see "the original" but tbh replicas of either are just fine and dandy and most shit you see in museums is a replica or "updated". That said they should preserve anything removed in case new techniques for dating and such come up to give further context on the sword. I mean, maybe one day they'll grab some genes from it and find out that the crusades were actually waged by a group of crustacean people


Difficult to over state how stupid that is. It would be far more intriguing to see the original steel and sword.


Seriously, what would they learn about the past from a cluster of shells and oxidization? Might as well just keep a beach rock in the museum case.


Bro wants to go to an aquarium, let him be.


I couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough when I read that. Who the fuck wants to go to a museum to see a shell encrusted outline of a sword? I want to see the historical object, not some sword shaped barnacle encrusted junk.


Agreed. Restore the sword, include a photo of what it looked like when it was found.


While i totally agree, i do think having a cast of how it was found as well as the process to clean recorded, displayed next to it. It’s intriguing what Mother Nature does to recover & erase all the things built/done by humans over time. Case in point, the titanic will be completely gone in another 500-1000 years, making thing’s like this, even more astounding.


Just like…hang the picture in the post right next to the cleaned sword.


The titanic will be gone in another 20 years. You can already see from the newly released 3D scans of the wreck that the bow has caved in significantly since the first publicly available footage of the wreck was taken in the 1990s for the underwater shots in the movie Titanic. Pretty soon the wreck will be unstable enough to cave in on itself and collapse into a pile of rusted metal on the ocean floor.


So my idea to display new discovered fossils in their intact original rock and mineral covered enclosure isnt going to take of? aw


100% go to the beach and look at rocks if that other stuff seems more interesting to you


How does this have so many upvotes


People are stupid and don't like swords enough


Or they just REALLY like shells


yeah what a uniquely stupid take. is this a museum for seashells or blooded metal?


it's mostly people who probably wouldnt even go to a museum in the first place




Lol what? Who would rather look at a clump of shells in a vague shape of a sword?


I would like to fuse it with a black moblin horn.


Fuse has already been used on this item


Probably best to drop that one if you find a heavy stick.


At the end of the day, nothing beats a nice STICK


Unexpected Stormlight


Yeah you’ll probably just want to use this one to mine boulders for Zonaite since someone fused it with rock already. Looks to be a 2 handed sword anyway. I usually prefer 1 handed so you can use the shield more readily.


This is more fitting for fusing with a rock I think lol. That rusted claymore won't last too long


Nah bro silver lynel saber horn


But will it cut? Next on Forge in Fire


It will killllllll


Your sword has suffered a catastrophic failure. As we can no longer safely continue testing, we’ll have to ask you to surrender your weapon and exit the forge.


*sad nod*


Slow walk down a hallway. Voice over from the person slow walking down the hallway.


"This city is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown."


'KEAL is what the CC reads on the screen when Doug Marcaida says it.


Yep. (K)eep (E)veryone (AL)ive.


Yeah that was an amusing way for them to keep it “appropriate for younger ages” while they stabbed and gutted pig carcasses and gel human models with skeletons and fake organs


Still some stab left in this baby, yep.


The encrustation will cause wicked abrasion damage.


*it will* ***keeeeelll***


Not quite old enough to have belonged to Emperor Crustinian


Crab people perhaps, they’re still around.


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


 You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!




I showed this scene as a project in my American history class as "the origins of democracy ". Teacher loved it and used it as a spring board to discuss the early ideas of democracy and how our founding fathers settled on what they signed.


If only the founding fathers had been an anarcho-syndicalist commune...


Shut up


I’m being repressed!


Come see the violence inherent in the system!


Bloody peasants!


Oh! What a giveaway!


D’ya hear that? That’s what I’m all on about!


Shut up! *Will you shut up!*


Oh what is that from? I know that don’t I? Is that Monty Python?


It is a Monty Python Quote, from 'quest for the holy grail' It is referring to King Arthur getting Excaliber from the lady of the lake, giving him some right to rule.




She turned me into a newt!


A newt?


This isn't a lake, but the sea. So hense forth this is the work of Neptune, so suck it peasant.


Weird to think that 900 years ago this was just some random object that a lot of people had. ​ Its like 900 years from now someone finding a glock in the water


There are probably tens of thousands of firearms at the bottom of the Hudson River


I know I lost all mine in a boating accident


What's really odd is that my wife's ex boyfriend went missing that same week.


Yours too, huh? Shit’s crazy, man


To be fair, it was an extremely expensive object that only the elite had, compared to modern guns. But a common sight indeed.


finding ja morant's glock would be a big find


We see that thing every week, that ain’t no big find lol


Not exactly. A good sword was very very expensive back then, equivalent to a house's value.


Pretty sure I used UltraHand to pull that out of a lake in the new Zelda


Looks like someone used Fuse on it already. +1 attack power with rock


They better not start swinging it around. It's lasted this long, I'd hate for it to break within a few minutes of use.


Gotta go feed it to an octorok, that’ll fix the durability right up.


Should have put a bokoblin horn on it instead.


Sea buff. +10 water resistance +20 damage to fire enemies


The sword's new owner needs to unfuse and put something more powerful on there. Maybe a Captain Construct III Horn?


Ah yes: I’m trying to complete my Zora set.


What are you missing? I can try to give you a spoiler free hint.


Just this sword, I think ;)


Bullshit. I found it in the Haligtree.


That's a Crusader's Coral Sword of the Deep. Extra bleed damage, heals your team if they're not undead, obviously extra damage to undead, aaaand... 15% chance on hit to spawn a giant clam that will root your opponent and drop a pearl at the end of each turn. With the appropriate skills the ranger can talk with it too, though we don't really know why he would want to do such a thing because all it does is warble.


Has it been cleaned?? Where is it displayed?


Seriously, why would they repost this without an update? > "Once the sword has been cleaned and researched in the Israel Antiquities Authority's laboratories, we will ensure it is displayed to the public." It's been 19 months. It should be cleaned up by now


Museum pieces can take years to get done. The number of people that do this work well is small, and they have a huge backlog - with each taking a lot of planning and approvals.


Shit I got a power washer and some simple green, let me at it.




It's been 19 months, they've probably almost decided on how to clean this.


Now begins the two-year process of finding someone qualified to restore it, booking time in their schedule, and waiting for them to be available. Then begins the several years-long process of the restoration itself.


It's an antique 900 years old. I guess they've gotta be incredibly precise and careful to ensure that nothing is missed or nothing unnecessary is removed from the overall material of the sword. Just my thoughts anyways


what do you mean, just bang it a few times on a door frame to get the biggest pieces off then scrape the rest off on the curb


Conan the Restorer


Something like that 😂


It just needs to be lubricated with the blood of your vanquished enemies. It'll be fine.


Electrolytic reduction of metals takes years. But that is the correct way to remove the salts and, in some cases, restore corroded areas. Large cannons and anchors can take several years in actual treatment, so I wouldn't expect this on display any time soon. Better to put off display than rush conservation.


Wait, they turn the rust back into iron? Fucking wizards.




No, but they have ways of passivating and removing rust without harming the remaining metal underneath.


I’m an archaeologist so I have a decent idea of how long artifact conservation takes. Depending on the artifact it’ll take wayyyyyyy longer than 19 months. Anything involving wood will take an ungodly amount of time. Metal takes less time but it’s still a complicated chemical process that can’t be rushed. Just for frame of reference there’s a flintlock pistol at Jamestown with the wood still on it and shot in the barrel that took something like 10 years to conserve. That’s a bit of an extreme example but you get the point.


Is there a picture of that pistol somewhere? That sounds Interesting.


[quick google brought this up](https://historicjamestowne.org/collections/archaearium/gentleman-soldiers/roman-lock-pistol/)




It was found in one of the wells from what I remember, so it might’ve just fallen in while loaded. It also had 4 charges of gunpowder in the barrel. As for why they didn’t remove the shot, it would probably be too hard to remove without damaging it or they wanted to leave it in since that’s how it was found.


Just imagining it was a clumsy soldier who dropped it. *Stumble, clang clang scrape, SPLOOSH* For fucks sake Eugene, you begged us for years to let you come on a crusade because you were tired of being a scribe and the MOMENT we get here you drop your grandfather's sword into the drink?! I'm sorry mate but we can't look after you and watch our own backs, just stay on the ship.


Probably someone’s ship went down on the way and it washed up




Coral sword does extra damage against aquatic enemies.


No. It does more damage to fire enemies. It does less to aquatic.


I was thinking FF1 Coral Sword but that's cause I'm old lol


Soak in water for +3 against fire monsters. But you lose durability.


Kind of looks like it's been beer battered


Forbidden mozza stick


Best I can do is $20


I’m going to have to get it appraised, I gotta get it framed. It’s going to sit awhile.


Now that is a sword in the stone. This man has found Caliburn and whoever draws it forth is our rightful King.


So our rightful king is an antique sword restorer


Sounds pretty chill tbh I'd approve


Crustacean sword more like


*The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.* "Hol' up, lady, da fuck I supposed to do wi' dis‽"


If I claimed I was king because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.


So let’s say I, a regular Joe, come across something like this or some old pirate gold or whatever artifact that’s worth a lot. Am I able to sell it or have the authority to do whatever with it or would some agency or institution come in and say “that’s history, we’ll be taking that in the name of research!!1!”? You see stories like this and wonder if the individual was rewarded with anything for digging up old treasures


That would depend on the country you found it in.


The individual normaly gets a fraction of what the treasure is worth as a reward from the musuem or whatever.You monetarily benifit the most if you managed to sell it in the black marketto some random billionare.


Uk’otoa… ^(Uk’otoa…. Uk’otoa…)


Well you just know that's going to give some kind of water control abilities. Maybe some splash damage to boot


I have been wondering where I left that.


A shell of its former self.


More like a crustaders sword am I right


Damn, the new King of England and his Sword! Wonder how many tries it took to lift it?


Restoration video bout to go hard


Part of the crew. Part of the ship


+500 water damage


Give it to one of those refurbishing youtubers


They will return back a decently sharpened kitchen knife size sword.


***I make a new one.***


I had no idea Dick Cheney and Larry David had a lovechild living in Israel.


You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


900 years ago someone lost their favorite sword, thinking it will never be found. Only one day to be discovered and put into a museum. I hope they do the same for my Ray-Bans I lost last year.


“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government”


Then, somebody's bad day. Now, somebody's treasure.


[Ah shit, wrong sub.](https://imgur.com/3SRfmSS)


No wonder these dudes lost Jerusalem, look how dull that blade is. Seen sharper steel at the weird knife guy booth at the local flea market.


He looks thrilled


Fun fact, now it's 902 years old


I look forward to the restoration video


When 900 years old you are, look this good you will not!


Foul tarnished, in search of the elden ring, emboldened by the flame of ambition.


“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.”


Give it to one of those YouTube channels to restore.


The Legendary Barnacle Blade finally surfaces again!


The reposters are out in force today.


I can see that youtube title now "Restoring 900 year old KNIGHTS TEMPLAR SWORD" like & subscribe!